Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 13 Jul 1922, p. 3

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Lske Vils Maràmors Pedoe8on, r anmye an4 J"c Defeat . a Ofai !bits cau&ht Pederslon, B9caLd zluey Broday -viien Je Grand Dlrsattempted -te Mayr the 14k.8 flaclan but lout la 1P t14045 Semeto! 20 go 7. if musa lame01 Xthi 1e Lake ffI U m snan d ail.a * the 8"' MaDing the tOfo!Grad t kusfo ~erlrthi"± The Lae Villa outfi Iumped on- Vaoderson fon an eilht-rtan lsd in th ii. lintain, Lter the, Grands 1I4d raled to eonnect viLhh2Xta pé.- lot for Anytklag Wrthy Of îcount- or. They followed wltb a àries of wallops untîl Padersou gave va>' ta Bale Ramsey, wbo also Épund a vam-receptehm, aud. aler the Bale iad weatiiered a few etormy sessions. Joyce caae in frojn tihe outlleid la ses the lu t athe avat ai*5. N. b4d tle t one au- ifat., hta alxtaegl-rn IladVas tSo rach ta overcaMo. There vas morne hea'>' hutiflg an ail idee, ithe Grands sharns honora villa the Lake Villa claz on the ex- tra'bas. bite althougb the>' colleot- ed but 7 bits Ot of 37 trips ta the Plaie. Thie. af the. seven bits ver. for extra baues, one b>' Orein for a homer, and anouiier a trIpple. Farmers Swing Neavy. Vive extra bue bits vere colect- ed b>' the laie Villa farmers In 48 tri" tta the Plate, the Win aidlng bàthhtea=rn lthe avat departrnent by carrylug ithe bail aut of igut WUIt a huskry sWing. neforti vere started lmrnediately <ier the. ame ta arrange a tvllgbt atraggle on the naval station dia- mo.nd 'whicb viii probabl>' taie pae. vithin the near future, if, the aresamis go thraugi. The. !s'adu offerno alibi for their deteat, TbmSy Darling saî* lag: "We got Ucked gaad"' GRANIU- AB M BA PO 1 Wombm, s .. 3 0032 0 WIlson. if .......4 O 0 0 2 o Oom. Sb........4 2 0 9 4 i = . gc .......4 21 0 30 Z e, rt-p .......4 0013 1 Paterson. P... 000 10 0 Umier. Sbh......4 1 1 2 3 0 tilmy,p.rf . 01 1 thie .n.......241 1i32 0 Tqtai...b....... 5Ir, 6 2. 2 tp' h..... i 2621 . 5 2 i11l PvidwaPh . .... 4 3321 1~tais.........4 82017S1.7 .......f ....-A SIWLUUU Score b>' lnnngs: 1 1k vu"L _S 20 4 1 P2 x-,-20 uu£mOIO .... li1iO21 1l-1 Suuimar>': 2Baseon bal-Of Dav idsci,,2; off Pedereon, 6; ORfRaâ- *«>. 2; off Joyce, 1. * it b> pttoh- ops-b>' Kingsley', Erueri. Wômbles. Eoe bi ht-KIer»5, Wamblen, 2: iv,2,to-base bita-4Brnke, 2; O mr,1; Bradley'. Three-hase blt-pillifant, ID-.m, Bradey. Uame rWi5-IAguIIa, orem. Staien 10».: Wombules. Time: 2:3'. Um- pire, SmIth.. * LAX£ VILLA lins. Brtiett visiied Antioch friendO ae day iasl veok.* )£lu Missgy Ker retnrned Saturdu>' -ros Emmsath vbee zhle bau.bem spending the pat fev vileka vihber ster. Unr. Litchtord. Mlr~ek. of EvanEtOn l'13P6ndiug tlewith ber siter, lira. aisa. pester bas a new "BabY Ovet!- )Ira.. Jacob King vbo bas ben ver>' Ili at ber home on the . W. Lohillil farm bas beau rernoved to the home of ber aiter, and brother-in-law. Dr and liia. Beebe of Antiach. lins, sd lira. 1e Koaitra and f ar- Il>' spent Sunday with frienda at lIen- OR. Ulr. pattersùn, frora central Illinois lavl.attin ber danghter lira. Hubert N01000so, Mes. lelac snd lirs. Tweed Met ber lai Chicago lait Thur0da>'. Wilia5ieula sa peding' a fe'w -veauvwitil relatives la Solon mlai. Mri. aud lira.J. G. Pouten of Round Lake ver. the guests of friends bere on Monda. . B. Rhodes bas a new ueo Speed .Wr on the cerent road bas been delayed by fallure ta get gnavel ou time. Conaeiiueflty the wvan vill nOt be cornpleted as woon as anticlps.ted. Th,. cMning Monthe are fuîlt t over', ARLINGTON I MIOTEL * GOODI flowlng for Laie Vill. On july29 the 14. Àeies Al cety viii hld their aanuaIbaisas' =udlescream social, &Mdh<,e to bavotei.ABndaiBandn for- munie. (:n July 30, the annual tawnsbip Ouf1lmy 8011001 Couveltion, ih comprises AuttocI, Miburu, Melk«ar&MaIÀ9tek.VIIIachurcheu, vill bu boit! bere. Pte" brng your pic-1 W*i' d4lçjanmd the taies *111 serve1 Cote.. A- good pregram la asured, wttb a«e. O'Brien of Buit Benton M. ]I. churcéi as principal speaker. Then 0f Course, We cap nelt forget onr Lake1 Villa DaY, Auguat Il and.12, two bigt daYpa çtbts thInga of which you wili beimore laer.1 Mfr. and Mri. McCClosky started earlyt On MondaY mornIng for their former home ln Pennaylvania. for a couple of veek -iit vith their parents. Theyt are rnaking the trip by auto In Coin. PaRy of frienda. lMr. and Mmra Connur,t of Menomine., Wlsc. on next Sundai mornlng aur services vilI ha In charge of a -n tram Garrett Bblical InatU- tais, and an the Bunda>' follovtng, Mr. Hewitt, superntendent o! Rural church wrk la Lake onty vill preach. It1 fa boped that a goadfly number yl avail!themiselves af thre opportunIty1 of hearing these speakers. There wUl be no evenlng services for these twva Sonda>',..1 Grek. Fails to Make De fons in Heaing of AuautWlth Deaqly Wempan.": jobs Paffla. ObecagGreai, vui ~~a, t al~ylCharlotte HaIMM u, *aa.zghmudRichard B b= % csnsqkginat Papp i vesr egving ou te Wausgu oa Juil> 2 Vui strucib>' aotter car and RB dubed Ja tirte dtei ai the aide a! BL the road. >cg The impact cauaad h t ta tartie A andi Hargea Ues near the point af!TA deati l in. heAilesHome hoapital. P Lake Foreat. iit a abrokeii hai. J. licCo>', Chicago, a meraber of the Part>' In the EHarran marde- clared tirt the Pappas radar vas Paulflgcars hat strusg ang ila a Une On their va>' ta Chcago. There 1) vas a car ten test ta the iront and 8 the. rear a! the. Rairnsautomobile, L go h. told. Pappis, -vba -vasdxiv- M lut. Ignored thus and tiled ta puis C theM, going: at a fait rate oi apèee D, PO testllnouy siaved. Jusi as he svpet hi he oraed bta the - arran car aid drava hit lto the. ditcb, caus- las the accident that mai cot Rich- L 'ard Harrobislite.. PaPPAs, sa- lcCo>' sald, ddn't' stop, but ruxhed ahead until otUU motor- lits caught up ih bim sun! madle him ratura ta the scene of the accu- dent. Staie's Attorney' A. V. Smith han- dled the case for the. state aid Wil!-L liamn Weias appeared for PaPpas. ATTACK TA-X LEVY l IT IS VAGUEf Independents Fight CitY Ad- m1inisbation in County Court Case. One aigle aofiithe x ight In tue tCOtnliy court, vhich bas heen up Lfor more thai a week, and vas tresumed Wednesday, la tiret vhichl invoves the, legalit>' oi the.Zion -tax levy ondlnancç,. Marshallipillc& Ca., the Nation- al Office Supply Co, the Mercantile campai>' operatea by Raaè aid a number o! Individuai Indepencrent itaxpayens u ian bave failecita psy their 1921 taxes ibis spring, suad Ifon sata hi Roy W. Bracher, -cuüty' treasurer, and t in. ta this sets tut the Izdependents abject on tue braad taternelt ihat theii nsl the. tax lev>' rdinance arenot spe~ difiic. This la the negular uit>' lai 1ev>, vhlch bas been made aven>' year la lMe rasnen, accordlngta oAtt>'. Theo. Iiorhy, crperation caunsl. w'vIs la gitingte bject,ionl th. Caant>' otat, and ihh iiid9=e un as $manas tat P,-Ôilorbia t I Va Frest admis Ris » - *bjeotlasus are dtspeesio! Came Ptayed hi Strong Wnd at the Fair'rounsL t $uniday Beveen guazo i duat-laden vlnd, thse borneteain too ow e ay frOm the Waupkegan K. C. buach Bundai afternoonb>' a score et b la 7. The dust vas tierce, sud t needed but sigt effort te, Imagine YOU vere spendlng a bllstuii abbMeh o9 thse burnlng desert. TO mai e i llusion more complets amd ta Increase the. desert atmaosphere, Ovade Jahnaau vas smoking Camoam *F at Morris gave a ver>' lire U» mparsoouora the. pyramide. 1lÀbertrytlle trled out a aew pitohen Who loôked pretty godA UV lathe fuis round. OnI>' thirtsec mmnfaceA hlm ln the fiai faur rounds, sud the, Man ta gsi on vas the big ianp viien Rudy rissed is bot ô» ala the third. In the meaUtime -the home cravd b.d garnered moen mariera. 3. Bar- fier vas sae .to Siartitthe second round vben Coite droPPad bis lofe-, vent to second onu a passed bal sud ecored on Rtta's aiumls. Budy vas saie sud Ernme cmunted ounDui'. errar. Carl' ton and Art Pransn popped oui, and Laoiays, vas, uslenau&second error b>' Durei, RudY scoing. Boehm eudefi the raund viIi a sinike-out. hi the fourth Rudy got a 1f. an Me- Connesb oot. Bnc heat oui a per- fect bunt. Art Franzen andi Lacisie contrihuted singles aid Budy sud Carl- ton registerud; Boehm wvasisae vhen licConnell dropped las line drive. Vtz came aeroes iii a neat sacrifice sud Tîn>' scaresi on another errar t thIrd. Ta stant the fifth MeGanu valked and Coylé eaenlflced, Rudy ta Marris; Daiziel fouled ta catcher; Hayes gai a lait one an the Mliper inge and MMeeinauaalked, ftllig the bases; licCormuel drave one davn biveen ihird snd ehort and h vent by Rittu, but Tin>' via vas doing a nice Job a! backing up, fielded the drive; but with a force play ai every coaner tiiere vas nobody covering snd thse druive vent forabut.lieaI aA Barqt foio'gd'1 wl ti a triete t ieet. rsau Iuen puI uis ur ev t-iner a&dMaler wAdt pitcbinc ta a rua b. settiled down smd 'Wée « e- OsaI alu ta sev«i" 'aitns ,eifc Ide ta 0 id vý TiI3id the fr~0.T aoehm, a .4i 003 ltta. Sh ....4 1 1 1 2 0 SbteI-- 4 2 1 3 2 àVranseuec 4 1 3 8 0 O 1- ayp.-0..2 O2 O 4 0 W.1'-ause, -21.. -01 0 O00000 Tta----- 9 12 27 10 5 WÂUK2IGAN K. C. ABR RMH0OÀA0 MeConaeil. 3hSb..--5 1 1 1 1'2 >umat,m5 ---0--S 1 i2 2 2 larret, if ...- ---- 5 0 1 0 0 O ,izt& .-.-..-0.5O0 T1 1O toGasu. rf -..---.--4 22 3 1 1i Celo 2 ------ý---4 1 0 5 i11 >aisel,lb~-..-- 1 1 5 1 1 Haye, ib1 0 8 3 0 Mclianaman. p .- 1 0 1 2 0 Totais_ . ... ... 7 724 12 7 .bertyvile -.0.3-0 4 1 o 0 -à. K. C.Is -...- O00 4 3 0 0O - Three base bis: 1)slziel, lictaul. Hame rosi: R. l)orfler. Sacrifice Ria: CoiYie, Putzgersid, Carlton, Lackaye. Rit b>' Pitcher: Dalaiel, Hayes. struci oui: B>' McMuxÉ Iln 7; b>' Lackaye 6; by F ranien 1. . Bas. on Balle: Off Lackaye 2. 0o NOTES 0F THE FRAV Art Iranzen led ithe teans vith three uits. Lackaye didn't alla- the jsemnbla=Oc if a bit in the tirai four rounds. 1 in the f oarth h. sud Morris han- lied ail tiuree batterS. The play on Bitta In the fi!t uh a freak, hait IlrnO vas huciua the vind and the gals ag " ard. i. oiler and Tlny houh feu Off on tlielr hattlug in $uuulaYs garas. getting oniy Qne bit each In four il", up. .Next Guonda Ytbe OvIs train CbIfica willi came ber. for a garae, and Man- ager Bill assures usé that the>' are naOt fie lclnd tiret sleep lu the day time. LAKE BLUFF WOMNN AT CAMP R1EEIN(I Misa Mary Taggart, superintendellt a! the. luagard Ret home ai Lake Biunef, la a farnillar figure at the, oampraetInuu graunda ai Desplalnes. Mui Tagpi't wua the flrat MetilOdlsl lm ounres<rmjfl mago, tiiroe deéýveosa*4lualitile dtlu 'Chi cae,'il hn, rontbw5 tent Pseu 114v~~~ the «sauet rk Pl Md zmiet- ..'g. U.UMJ. WOOD "dl b. addn.aa. od, 202 Clay% av& Gssm s lW 10 and 181. Prom the Mancieuter Cite News, England. 914 '9f9- 19 26 5 9 7 11 2217 $4 U 2>35 30 7 2S521 3127 1115 1019 '1 »a 8 10 911 8 12 m522 17 id, W14a 2723 3228 272e3 15619 o10. $18 1 5 2 7 1116 2816 2 2824 23 19 24 20- a lere.White vins. :::ua stongga.. 914 171 19 111 913 3 7 2217 $»; 24 » 7 21 18 14 1216 i1 1 117 1.n 0 27 18 13 22 7 11 26522 à 9 *OS, 4 8 14 7 1620 15 19 2714 8.? 2824 8 12 11 18 "3 16 19 na1* 2 7 7 3 19 21 1219 10 *1 S 2419 1110 24 16 7 21.31Ui711 19 15 1019 22318 1215» 2217 1619 -White vina a-Ti5 lWdlheak, 2-6 best; 29 25, 7 10, 17 la,,#14. 25 21 drave. Prabiesu ils. 2". B>' J. White. 1 il ProblauaNe . 2"4.By LU Vair. whte-lIl 9xKS. Wbita ta play' auf vin. solution td mroblem NO. 279. By the late Rt. Holding. Blaek-8 10 K 29. White-23 Ka i125. White ta pl"ansd vin. 2 $0 29 25 21 25 27324 16 18 10 165 go21 2631 1015 24 28 22 18' 22 26 25 $2-12114 2327 là522 6 10 31 27 1823 1 6 81il 22 18 16 20 w*Inn Solution ta Prablem No. 280. Dy' tue laie R. Holding. Ijiaci-Ka il 16 30. Wbie-22 Kas 829. Muk ita pla.' sd 'vin. 30 25 17 13a 13 9 3810 10 17 22 17 15 18 Il 7 18 14 21 6 25621 B Win& a-ý17-I4, 15-10, B vins. Solution ta Problei N o. 281. Bi the laie R. Holding. Black-19 Ka 13 21. Wblite-27 29 K 2. White toayi> and drav. 2 7a 711'*. Il15 27 18 29 25 13 17 17 22 19 23 21 17 Dravu a-2 6 13 17 29 SPIl3130 6 10 30 25 10 15 19 23 27 18 26 22. B ins. b-6 9c 17 22 9 14 19 28. Bvwiu c-4.10 17 14. B vins. 1WIL140T BEAÉI Wllmot von an extra innîng garne as three men cro*d*d the sacke for Atlocb Sunday hi Scre of 6 to 5. Tii. scor, vas ied tu -tie sevenili innlug, i ln ail. Wiimot- added tire. ta their score in the teuti and An- tioch crovded the PatIli, erossing ivice. Tii. third au.cme vben three tennants were ready>'ta cnunt for the home tearn. vas the third oui oi thrteen gamea -A"toch hai LAKE VILLA DAYS PRIUAY AND SATU RlAyit AuII. 11.1k The Lake Vlia TO'vsshlpCarmer- Oli -Association bas IUkIaWYiOd tua dates for Lake VilI 2#I a "ida 'aui satnrdlay, AUgUit IiAi Tv li» fwn .e-td. ..t E -new low mark of $10.90 for the 30x 31hsize "Usco" IVreated something of a sene. ..O*Nm. Naturafly, the firit hx9.peIfI1-eremark was on the "wonder- fui pg'ice Evera àore to, the point are thie coin- ment of today. People are getting more used to the $10,90 price-but the "Usco" esalue Io st«l a cause for wonder. With dwasund of $ 10.90 "Uscae" rasa. nln~~y eves>'localty bas had a chance toc up on the auxpriusg <irevalue. Let aU tise. "Usco" Tires now servlng thefrowfers 80 well re. mind vSoc _J-ý WhaftverIf re of _ "Usco," bu' goade.. 1verbg1ebcua i a Ysdoit. so.. Uclk 3s1u neÇ"lra "' Ps Where rom M SueC. B mu . m -&-.URTVVILLKFLRYIL, ILL. RYAW l. D4~a. ,dy xa l iVOk. P. M. Llghtnitnp Mltio *** * **** e.eo om~ chool last S3U.4sgmoi "t'hà, * AL DA~P AT gardlng ithe vorA" a4«Osff*or i- 000000000006009009 Play at the conuty-Iair limi.ut*i. t1,Inga bas devaoped & tclma« 14, V«7 The feoond "Vair Booster Miei !nies yomag peopansd w emr wWicb vas held ai Hertie a pavilon ce uban pieaoaed * _"athlafriulmmia la"t '"*'dy oVepiug vas- saueer It Lut ne trya&M ha" piSo, e .par. grand success Tiiere ver. frot t ona U ttçIrtl5 to three lwudred Peole prasent, tlis js htdýCOý shows that the Promoters at ihehead The Hait Day 'Bafl Te=in wslloped or It anM ver>' paijlar and eMltgiat the Long Grave Craulcitea athle nen, andrun tin lua a reai buisuese- tulle Of 13 ta 6 (Waa't lU?) lait Sa- liii manner, therefor aur caunty fair day. Next Sunday they are goin tla tua ean romies a hea reordtackle thre Wheeling boys Ou tihe Cook breaker ai everybody in gaýn0 ta We diamond. This promis«a tao eue of there and vile there don't forget to the most apirited gaina, so 4oxt fSr, Patranize the tent otý the Washburn et to attend. Cangregational church af Ha!! Day for Word vas just reoelvel hi C. J. your meis, hlhet le Gran ad Muoan thatMl. X .M. EHhbard,<liee Soit Drinks. We viii give yon serv- MM&s Addle Ilatoa) daughIer af J. -B. Ice and qualit>'and at popular p ie8Bastan pased avay at ber home at so arrange ta make Our tant your lçS Long Mont, Coiarudo, the eusme h0ing quartera vile at, hofair, a etrale or apo)piex>. The. Piay and drill given hi St On account o! a part of the choir be- Mars s amohiM 1Schiioli remcnt lng avay, tuer. vil! he na practice on Centre vas varthy of praioe, The i'riday evenlng ai this veek. chiidren did splendidly aud the. play , Sun*lay echool se usuai at-10:30 A. vas mos iinpressîve. There ver, a M., and, church services ai 8 P. M. lot of gon aad s, after wbicli every- body danoed the llght fantftia the rest of the evenlng. The Ladies Aid of the Hall Day Church served asupper O S R TJ C on the lawa acroes the raad frora iho pavillon, vhich turnad out to be an UL N ON I Ideal plaire.They venu exceedingiy B IT E '« velI Patronlzed and vlsh te uhaula everyone for their help sud support.i lira. Robert Dawson, vho lives,0on A temporary lnjiinction nestraining the avenue north o! the corners, bhi ie sale. of linuor for anc >year unsier sold hie place to Ctie!f ltzfaurrls o! penalty of, beavy fin. snd lmrpuioli- Chicago. ment for coùtempt o! caurt, - vas la- Early last Monoay morulua ReV. sued by Federal Judge George T. Kelthahn together with Aive Bunday Page in Chicago yesterday, againat lichool pupils left fon Dixan. Ill., toat-ut.hicHause that Jack Buuît, a ros4- tend the. annual convention sud en- houa. nlear Wheeliug ver>' popilar canprnent o! Broday school voriers. vith Waukegan autoista. SîrilarluI- They made the trip In Mr. Keithabu'a junctIon ver. iosued againat several Lizzle Ford. We vleh thora good luck other resorta and cales. and a pleasant tlwe. Mns. . G. Hutchings and ber Sunday THEi INDUPUNURNT always putq achlool clama vlslted the Hall Day LibertyVilII. fret N mem At VU1TXNÂ5T 0 AmslsI t t y offilae ln Faa iloua.-1 te 8:3 540 NOW[ [TEK TLANXi~CUSI Ps SI DAY Il- L - -- - - , i la ý i

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