r2D, 1922. fiICMiO QWLS E1SSUD UP THE IIIERTY ViLLE TEAM Crew Froni 819 CIy Take liard Fougt Gunfi From the Local Town The Ola ii (la n ransChicago Sun- day arteriwofl. blinked a couple af limes andi then (ev dut vltb aur hall gaine tl tuokfid under their vinge. Score 7 taLu5 lneldentalY~ the one and ouI>' RudY> stffeS a ociiébaci' tbat t si-ly astan- JuqbéS the popuWae, but hé plcieti a Umm day, for thé boys bebind i hm ywre vemk ln lthe detenulVe, eud mare maoin theé alfeuse, ami vbat shauld bave .beaun aother ehln l bis cap vas .cropa an is door knah. Rudy bas beén ±hreatening ail season aI gel back on théensound and the old super feit réady .Sanda>', 50 be stepped la and .ptched mrighty credtlable bail for sec- en anid Iva-thirds Inningsa llWlng but fIve bitsanam striklng ont eight. Thé team ecould give hlm aniy one rEin twakon. andi that helped ta maie tbeé gla bard, as did thé fact Ibat aur premier umpire, Maloy. missied Ivo put-outs at thé plate. Omlth led off vitb a single ta loft; (laie> vith the i-éd hair strui out and Ceg singled ta léft. Frausen .cme lu f rom center ta trap thé mnI- mer off second, and vhilé haoverlag round thé keystane Scbeuer tvo-baiéd ta thé spot visere Bill sbould bave S bes. seoring tva. Bll then fanned andi Oetaél groundled to Jae. hilIz singleti lua ur hall, afttr ln> viiffeti; morris svung bard ait Irée and est davu; Joe Drfler walked and Rtta farced hM. Rudy set them dovn lu arder ln thé second and ve got aur tii-st marier lu tiat round. Franzen startéti it vith s single; Bender truck out and Bil swiped second; Bck pushéti thé man- ager lunvisen Ceg mlsaéd bis coller; Rudy dunspét a single hack of inst ;asnd Ibère vere tva on. but Boehm and Pia ftailéd ta dlirer. Neither aide scared futiser unti thé glatis. vien thé Ovîs recélvéd a fre score. Tin>' misseti Gég's drive anti Body' messeS nO Scbeter' hut, put- tua ou M nobody ot; BiH strisCk out. ad vheu Oetzel drove ane dovu ta short in>' madep-nfics pla>' ta ise plate, goit"ine bi isanesily. but it koiseSsaléot tub, and hi sa cilled tt. «ganv lifted ta Jaé and Kano I D1MOND LAKE DEFEATED AREA ô TO 1 SUNDAY Boys on the Lake Proved Teo Strong for Unlveruty Town Crew The Area base bal tesam tramped la Diamond Lake Sunday inunaueffort to trim th ehoYs at that place, but faund It rather taugh ptcklng. The gaine ended ln a score of 6 te 1. Area helng thse bard tlisers. This vas their sec- ond attempt to valk aver the Diausond Lake tearn, but the Ares boys nov a&- mit they viiihave te PiaY bal to de- feat thse boys of the lake shore tovu. The ýArea team started Ukeé a wblrl- wind, but were etoppéd by the boy doing duty on the mound. ln the liraItva alaiga seven men vere on bases., only one scoding. Wltls the baga illed a fait grounder vas handled by the Dlammnd Lake tvlrler. but hé egged aàule vide ta borne plate. snd everycue knavs Ibère are tvao pLayers SMB guessing vhy tbey gave Area that score. In thé sixth aur triend Mx. Tarbîli vas juled out vitis a lime arm, Mr. King then d.alug thé deUvering. but is offerlngs vere nalhlng ta aluak of. Next. Sandtay, JuIy 33Z, the Damand Lake tesm go ta thse Var Greunds ln =* ~ ST I . l IPPLED iRANS FAIL TO iNJUR ÂNTJÙCUS BIXBY Cig eites 77.., ame GOODI Une xp e.tedft BetterHeavier1 Longer Wering 30x3/41092 NoTax added on Sale NWow s et " i h e au e a r W 1/2 ½ iesweni ognedthe $10.90 pnice 4 UCtoday bettera that Mark wmd greater USCO-aU USCtsnrovd i uauy Inportantwa-ys For instane, a thicker tread-with a stinrhOM on the road--thicker side v-ail addinsg arengdi an.d lifetO thie lte.P Andthpele la$10.90-uiîl thre 22axh mIISTOIyucianufacurer. Men ha"e always Iooked to USCO for the biggesçt tire moley's a-ofth on tdmi mar-ket. Thé-v always get a bsie tire Moncey's Wvorth thanf they cxbcct . Erwin Scores Onty Run of the 8 Uls5 .d 3 lr Gamfe.in Second Inning; a N. Iii 9-13221,7 i. Voigt FairIyEffective. thsé Âberdem S (otland) ree pres, 9 13 29 25 824 27 24b 6 9 With but fev of their regular men 22 17 7 10 27 30 8 11 20 16 ini the lineup, thse Grand BWilards 13 22 24 i»a 3 8 23 19 Il 20 made a veak attempt ta combat wiii> 26 18 15 24 $1 27 6 10) 23 18 Antlach lait Sunday and tak a 10 10 15 28 »> 9 13 26 23 1 51 ta 1 licklng tramn Bixby. 26 22 11-15 80 26 2 6 18 17 Joyce, MeLeau and Mller were thél 5 9 18 il 10 15 32 27 cg 141 only ones that have ylayed vith the - Black vins eue pushers la prevous gaines. Galt a.-~Ts dffl tseens thé hest. bai played la one or tva, and Ervin, b-Unu 1é.I antilated 20-16,1 who managed ta send out a double 12le, 21.,tiW S 42. 2723. 12-19, 23-16 tbat Mônted thé only riun far the 1619 22418.se4Black baqn't Pa jl teans, bas acted as a suub during thé gont thé bse44idvtters. prevlaus contesta. Mostotfa the é c-Ând 'Wllt* asm601toahetp llack players vere off vlh thé Great esbét ln Lakee tean lit Clilcaga. ltlxby vas rlght, llovlug the Problins No. M. y Wo saslor clan only 6 bita In 28 tripe tolab ",, BW.JWod the bat. Bixby paised one and ai- lowed soane ta get an baie an error. but as a whole burléd a gond gamé. Voglit of thé Grandi didn't issue a paus, but vas toucbédl for 8 bits, vhlch counted. Burille van-led Bi- rl by a bit in théeit vben he sent a lner tii center that vent fôr a triple. but Mctean vent out and Burinle remained at thé bot corner. A gond crovd sav thé gante. Th'e a r- Grand's defeat of thé Antiacis téam Proved a magnet la the second tnd rpturn gante. GRAND BIILLIARIDS. All R H PO A E 1Blak-4 12 171921 23 K31. Keath, if. ......... 4 1) 0 3 () 0 White414 20 28 30 32 K,15 Burilie. 3b....... 4 f)2 5 1i 2 Black ta play' and vin. Gll, as ........... 3 t0 2 4 t0 MeLean, lb ........ 4 O O 5 0 Prabiéns Na. 296. flY W. J. Wood. Miller, Ilf........... 4 0o O2 O1 Joyce,.ecf.... ......3 O 1 O 1 1 Erwin 2b ......... 31 10()1 ()1& Volght. 1) .......... 3 O 2 1i() t Gai-son, ce.......... 30 2 62 1 F 28 1 6 27 9 5 ANTIOCH. AB R H PoI A E Moa, 2b,........6004 1 Hook. L., lb ... 4 112iZ0 () I EC Malieniro, If. «...4 1 1 O0 HookEas..... 4 li 1121 Blxy, p. ..........4 2 1 0 3 EInelds. C..........3 01 91 0 Hick. 3h ........... 4 1 1 0 2 0 fliack-417 1820 28 Ka112 1326. Navar, i-I. ........ 4 1 1 1 0 0 Whl-30»111Il27 32sO3 19 21. - - -- - - Wblté tu play and vin. 35 10 8 27 9 31 04T0 Tax mitud Status* Rubb.r I ased.Masgtalé tesfltWYPLIbrVIéere t héy vIE neepot Soreabds in.ng....h0es1Na. 270 B>'W. J.0--d.1 LIBERTVVLEIL LBRYVILLE, ILL RYLK, 11. ama sot a Ilfe lu thé seventh uhén a h é f eaut ganés.Antlocb -....4 2 0 1 2 0O X-O U. S. - tudys spitter ou thé third strike broie Thse Diamiil akdle Juniors played Summar>': Struck out-by Bixby 8;*T Way fi-cm BUCI. stale second anS vas thée(limer junior club t i DInd ISb>' Volgis 5. Staien bae-KéathUm. e m cSoyn trying the aimé Ihina0on Lake snd uwS b>'a Score Of 18 ta 4. 2. Three.hasé ht--Burili. Tva-base- h115, Budy makIins the pla i>'aofl. Score of res-Dtainand Lake guis. bta-Ervin, EcRoc, Bixby, FeUici. lnh« ti ve rn h r n mI cWa kW obm gaOmith s groiuder la deeP DAMOND LAE ASR K O E 1Rit b>'pitch r-PeUicl. B a se an saricer>'s laIntervat- iattend Stie 8Rday Bàichoat Ln A k9rt. but missed bis-Anini ti-et; 0@4,lb - .. ..6 3 1 1 0 balls.-off Btxby 1; aff VoigisI 2. TiséUr ose> laid eedowouaan h«-" Bi . Kme f e ---~ >-2 bourg. las:sertaé, espectaily ta aul Inliretetirv utmn" ,oz sale onu& fleeg 'chiace;Gog E. Weiakopt. p E)2 1 TeO _____________m. r.MdM I W Wf «da mueSug offSsee snlthi M .lli WloX. s , ic 2I0a .0S v4t 0er .o e.qf. Ge. l.tB . ise m C«w-& pZ _41 00i ICHttt02 Liho XW ê 27, forE Weiaaattulat sa nCaévatUt~M Wikp... . ..... O 4 a vilS, pi; Bill endeS il b>' gi-nu-B.Rmimci.. O20 luntch ill h ermA eutlco S~l> ew u5><1Iet'mt tShu a igat.LKnehf-.--.--U---4 O 0 2O ise OU bhvitievtSis i iA. Wezkopt, lb.-4--------il- i0 lira1MmTau> Aroaléantidangite- af ,be gagne. oet.seîv-st outBt, at 'nbi bt:E aot. BnuhStuyater-n. k.3f31 87Ka. O* O BSO 50SO )"J lliris; OMalley drove oneé iObrUi Rongue- ht-51 21 22 28 Kas224. 0A E A ~, ~gas va cal uhf Mrna Sacrifice ile: L. Kanoé. liraStelng ei- 0011thé poil ek White ta play sud» 5Mai t i. - c - roi ndop ozeWpeg; Mie sine in io aes a1gtorep. F_ Ka-ne. lth relatives and fgriends in Chicago. Jwu0ll hi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ B mahs41lhmrckoi"f- tMmE uiiElt lr. J. W. MoGeeé a"55 bb>'Mai-y Solution ta PrOblém No. 282. B>' [M Wnlin Alt Md Unan sd mniaaîii ni . OMalv I thé BiiQ9optsaB>' Welsiopf. 4. Katberine. rilurned home Saturda>' j. Wite. Ms luMM'ie'maoStaWU lts. aBuIasc *du'11[110ieti uSthse ÂI SRRH 0 E frian ise ispital. Eli-1 lK34 igsoi a ot 4 Rtab gâ K jA- trieS ta cumiiMonpoo. ass 0o1i0O1i L.B. Gitlraacléed business lu wbiste--2 23 K 6.bo-la iOtOOB ~ w& lu &nemxn&a x -- rtsti w'If 0.. ..4O O1 Tolédo, Oblo, thé latier part aitlait White ta pliay andi dusv. Da oviaslu illg 'rue next rive miaules vers a1pen lu Welkeilng. zf ..- --- 4 O0 O v eek z2 2 23M 19 6.10 0 o15 15 18 fév dys ia>utisafrSa I so L .Ja<" n's Resort at Deep ILake the excisae of mach béateS a sgtaKe Dorflen. lb c..........--- 2 7 0 Mm. Géorge Kuhauipt anti ira Jas. 24 27 27 31 31 26 26 17, 27 31 Mr anS Mms.W. WilbstOf hcg oA!C Hhc vlSntsn.at ie illR 3h lb 1 i2 4 1Stemarnsd Saugiter. bSahustherta roblonsUNo.nd83m.B>' A SmihOn- Raided SaturlyNtht office at * 0, ulmnoophAre od cléareti a-vYa>' n ing, IDSc p. . O19 (veré Chicago passengérs Manda>'. urda>'t Prbl Noo28. Bb y Dry Sud. miishé e eu ltrotting ta céner field. Eddy ct - -------- O0O0O0O0 lir. E. J. LundSandnon, Albert Fi-éé Lancé. M«S Clam SNA[son returnét borné irbil Pranin 100k ni>théevWhite lsan'aMGs 0 h----- . I4oof Chicago apént liaI veek vith Mrir. Baci-10 Ka 6 18. lgt P-id>' vepag!mier peuln sudé- a e>'geted Bill vith a Tarbili, -s-------.3 O 0 OLlnds sisier, Mr. H. F. Laur'. WIite-26 Es 1 il. tva veeks ln Boston. - *ma-ny passesta thse hip vers buraglé taMcenerscorlng mass,anti R. Raosie, cf -------- ---- 2 (a O O1 Albert LunS andt Ivafiénda ofChi- White ta play andtin. JohlieRder af Obicag onMilx. andi made SaI-Sa-y nigst b>' Clanis Oison Gog vas 0ont.pitcher ta tirnt, Tegmeyer. 3hb ..-.-1 0O0O0 0cago spent lait veicamping ou Uittle il 7 18 14 Z6 22 6 2 1 6 lim. 2e-rmsKalege of Deerfili ve rhtesdér at Jobn Jscao s iMort At Ritta andi FraB"in struci ont la aur Stolon bss: HilDamfer, Eddy.Silvér Lake.- gmnts OC Mr. anSdlins.Hersas Kuis- DéeP laievisile meMbeuor Ofa84e'- sali; Kmsamei-> played fox anti svuug Stnliéonls: B>' Tmbiil 5. Chailes Richarsd and Mise D>asy Solution ta Probléin No. 284, B>' tank Sunda>'. Attornsey A. V. Batith's dry i3quad. il ~lSpilS orhi.thrt stih ad it b>' Pitchér. WUlCOx.Richards autoeS ta Milvauiee Frlutay. L. vair. Henry' Brasps>of Chicago spent vers vatchlng from a nerby spot, W reachéd fiet; Carlton vas sailéon an Bai-n. ta Mr. and ira. Louis Van Blak-7 10 K 17. théeve enS vIth Mr. anti lre. Wnl. hiSdtie fom vlev. MÂN TEsotadDud ce oePatten. Saturda>' marning, a Saugiter. W ste--3 19 K 8. Borisampi. so sontrm lahou wth hiai for a triple ta leit conter, aeoiing tv U tVCE ote n ayaedin iey ht eplyadwn i.ad e.E .Rdrad oslqo rma.lko h iadi Boéils valiéd, but duoS ai second an At thée îAtich baie bail pari Sun- 13 9 10 14 9 5 17 22 8, anti Mn. and lir M. R Wells vére -hé anti Jackson véné bath arrenteS. a dandy thrav hi' Kan. 46CAIM 99 day afternoon tise Grand Billiards of (Thé aboyé piobléins tram Jenses W wegan viaitatis Saturtia>'evesslng. MI liésofaithé dry enad iad benumy.4~ We~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~O bed ie isti- iSisirhllo! NWaukegan playeS thé Antlacis hall Foi-ced Checleersa anev lbok visieh Miss Viola Wells vaa a Chicago vis- tippeS aff that no liquor vas being i ry~ u*q W e h ld t vs os in tdal it é boitU lfEOfI II tea m . T h é5 scorev-as 10 t l n fav ar every player sisoulti b avé. ) i n M n a ' o i e l f u d i o - s l v r t é b r b t ts - l a ' phrt asrrseS al;LfiIrzaar ou Juli' 27. AU kiae tieafancy DéKalb, wv-eres aie vill attend sain- I 5cagSta és-einii secn ngla sanig oii-h.anl;utta aie- -articles vili héoen sale. L A KE V IL LA 0umer sehcol. of ailes 1v-hile .hé raiders vers seoute n a d vheu hé caunuléS Frank lliig, -ho recenti>' vai Mm. Tans Sulvan v-as qulte 111 5ey-*o o o ogooooee*..oe g Moiris Wtleox andi a frienieutachgbi.Té>thnsle D..F.BJ1 iifleS Jas 10 ebtgaae e tilatr evn ra aste atwe.thé eé euS vnustMi-. anti lir. E. irandi thé baIlle. IgdS on Fraxen'ssini orn t Mr. nd Mr. Chares Ho-OIsonE.antMartnacksonenv-èrer arraingOionian Jackon wYe arr tv ius ali Ubu i-mE5itv-o years of a Ivénti' year sentencé Bai- ta ls-, ani lir. CharesJHa-tMi.E. B. iai-ln o! Aeudil b __ .toien t théiata Cs, utsilfe. r udraICailspaclil, tetter. Weduesday mornng, a lile la spentllng a fév- da>'s vitS bei-nièce Mx. 5and Mxs.Henri'Stelllag .psunda> aun bfJIutce Asmst 11 s Thé score: vealthYi'tieatré av-uer of KénashaL, Saugiter. uCicg.danghters, Fréta anti Esther o ong000Ha-r>'ho'Suave ouySmithfor 2 llTlL LBThVscoe AB R H O A E i -ll net stand trial agabu on Ibis lim. Ensma BartIétt and Miss Alie Mr. and lira. Canson anS Alfred Car- Geé v-re guésa-tI thé R- . and00sc.Saé tauy miht ___________ L113Ei2Rcarg.VJLLgEE. B Béden au- Smith lit Wéduéstia>' marilg for au son spent SunSa> la Chica. George Smith borne FriSai'. Sa>'fileS Informations against thés Behmgéa, ...f... __o-4 0 i0 O 3 2uounred énss StndE.istexe itpB.oghué -s. rhey lira. Richards sud Muas Belle Rîis- MrantiMmlira lliam Ratier anti lueaunty court. D .LTY Miitealb - ... . 5ii9Oiuénbn a s-ogtiéoéhlm expet 1ahé gone about six veeki. ai-Si veut ta Ai-s- lei nit iaiantiMmlira. LesSchultz of Palatins spent _________ln_________Nom-*_ MorsJ. ---- B-----Ier,12h.9 û 1 ih v-Iansmîa rothécagb aneTsfHcor'Céeén'Socety i'vlUipent tise day thème vIth fr-ets. SEnday i'-h Mr. and lina. William ---------_-----------_____:_1111______t 1.Drftt 3h ........ 4 O22O a onbtd allramost seusa- bolS Ils annuaI smser salé ai uséful i ra. Sophia Hall of Enlivoatila Bai--5.ne n ru»y Ri-tauz3b cf-i' 13o 32 0O h oit a -heh ir vncu -at aeyatce hnd>.Jl20. thé guesit o!hér sistér, lira.B. M. Sher- Walter andi ASClph Meyer matai-éd ........eu22dérltil nw h i ln ofs adfny ril s thursd - Ruldoacuon snm i-t .. i cf O aan1)ic h 4p dit u th e ai thé Hickory chu mbS. ser ervéti voodS. hil e w ek. la R chellé and eti 1011 thé véei end Bedr f .- - --OjO 0 O 0i-nuS hilbaSb een v-i-dutof from 4:30 until al are served. Mimés Ruby PaleS anS <Gertrude v-th thisis ltés-. iMm.Pearl Ronsé, AR IN Ca-nitan, c rf 3..21 0010 oum >'oicé vas thé ming téstl lira. John Clark entertainéti ber Bis- Wenusas bavé retumuietifromisDeKals, Mrn. sudm. George Proti' anti R. alIt-r cf------ - .4.... i10 i0 i mn>'pgaie at h ain erlins. Hitteil, antiaan untt ram v-héethé>' attendedsSaumer schs<>a. Isou of Gi-asé>LaLeéMntiMr. anti lra. O EFR D R. orer pf......... 5 83 27112 onyThé iSprêm or i iSring Cicr Sndyanti Mondai', lra. WIII Ficher A" Mlre. Sciacno, A. R, Raoier have goné ou a mattaitp ~HO 27 12 5 'rh SuWaad couterntain -bave as lhier giesti liseur brothémi ta Michigan ta vîsit relative fortv-a o0wLS e A.B R H 0 A E Lang back fei- a tiw triai isél the éd sèves-aI relatives tram Evanslan thé vite anti childi-én trainWiicoiiiin, veeks. Ca N smbtis. c -----.....5 2 1 1 0 0 confession could Ùot he uséS as past veek. Plans are héla.5 madéfiraashort ses- aire. j. H. Rouge and ebiltiren are Case>'. it...... .51 E vdnc.Jtg ele élrsPété Peténson anti son, Enar, v-re sien of prohably ton 55yo of a nommer sedn ei ék aWsosu Ceg,2 2-------- ------_4 3 1 5 1 2 tsat v-thaut thé confession théré la Chicaga pasaingéra liandaY. achool af religions éducation toi- tise lira. Au"uilWirtz anti taughiter. o dMe l 0 S _h... ..3h02 2 3 0 ins écen vidence te haiS tLang tqs. Kttlé but anti daugitéri, Ruth eiltiren af aur cansmunity. We ai-o Editis, rlIeS ai tiséH. C. W.lieyer O dM aS5 c AMA Bill. s _--- -----.O.... 42 for thé mordper andtireht hé v-lIt be Helen anti Iréne, mataredtetaWaukegau ablét e erthse-isaivahoeMna'véng Oetzel. lis..... - ....4 0 8 i0O0 rléaséd imnidiatel>'. Satondai altèmnoots. young wamen 'shoarei-étrinedétifor tue liMm, Louise Handy la spendlag lise54NOT OMalley. If -- --4 1 OIi n O cnstody ai Undér Shriff JaB s-lr. John Dupre spent aver SunSa>' v-aik, at -i a. oprto,1.wé -t e-nee ie .F 4 OT O N -Kanec cvey P40091t O We ilnR ye Mass, p...........--i- 2 O---O pis Rnk, bang arnîvéti in Kénoaba v-ith relatives anS t-lents la Evan8tan iih v'pesnt l e aévS oi.'AJE A ,ILW'AUEAE TalaIs 7 7 27 12 4tiis evéning, ton laIe ta he takén Mr. anti lis, John Clark entértalneti proabl>' hé frein Jul>' 81 10 Aug. 10.Th eiésatseGW.Cu thé2 4M-t Snlins. w ton.of aI hurcs111aeéka. __t__LngLake__________ Tobétarl ---- o o- -22-5 hefore Judgé Beldeti. Hé v-lbIh h ie follov-ug Sudai': Mr. antilr.Nd usd> i- éita vM-hvégnmaLn ai -èets> néné ll 020 hecut ji eeunlil .Frank--Clark, M.an rs rv- tI ho ladirécta ofrualchr b aveé te cage ertv-a w Rms-sePHOEes 0v-Is ..........._2 0 0 0 i 2 2 o7 kepî in wa coukofit>' jaadil . Artbo- urk i.temam¶,..BSS:::.ai11uUere hate 0 Tv-a hase bits: scheOer,, liass. le aisébottisé ti geéHste e-aBueLi.o'cîack. lin. Hevitt les ver>' latersiat- Three basé it: R.Bi- rlIen. oeo h is egetli. mwo rc ae ng speaker and wve isçpe for a vérY _____________________________ Sacrii-îce bits: Sciséuéi, Bilt. Otzel, -- 1t5gýups~ -uyggiatnant. Tersé v-lU hono ses-- Rits. Carlton 2. aMiiiiijiiY K3E~ ILvc uts vnng. et& u-sv- Stoenbaes: Gg, Mass, i h.Uî. ~Woai e ungBiieS On théeco- J, R Ti H /AN A fIRCTUS-Wsiugo.osnySs çlîzgnaîd.Prauzn. R >ass AUTYN cX-té ioaS, anth i th lgv-y te i'éstéior BAaI AETT..WAUZEG,&N, Sînuci ot: B> Mes 9; b>' Baifie4JI K Y~ ier ulbhéflishédtiz h1wvék antidihnAocometant Md Bine on blle: OffMassM., ff Bi>i-I TIAI open te theé public lna aMontis. A PesteugS Pelaicll' .> Ba8; o b>'a-ne: ffMss5 ofDoThé Foiesters, alter mstaritng Mr. ani ir Jes-e ern__ iea ytir fier 2. ~~A ses ot sud at Round Laie fieldtiier streaia!fv-lus, li maie a éd Mr-. anti lis. Geoarge IMitchsell How- entne enm Net una> té ea gestaWat-v-s héCaséaitie ospaémntjoi- elLa-hé Villa next Suntia>'ariRaeu d MissediWtb Kerr, al a 2- - A Y vhI gh oai.u»4rflya anti tieA -uPr ie. Thse game Iimmeti a number af prety tain os-r, L co 9unda -a egan eati it s ete t ta i « te scisedulei ganse be een té afternoon foi- lie purpose f obat- Ci hicag o, an d lr. sS d IM -s. R> ay Kerr,_______________________________a-gé~~ _____go_______ vand hépeiv-lIarkn tneai' future, ganisations diblng tlier recenl Chai-hea Raibasigiso!fRlgbiastiPark 0Il COOé :4ém ha-vin payedboohllit e ngansés. Thé ccstést v-lll ffer a omli osqfiendeS ire MUOUdag Sa FOR ALI f4 the news f Lake CountY, mnd a-n hé kégn téans vilI go theré for a- garni esters anduS a l nt otisér t léson u ms Kti p. Se m b g t ye - BO S S ILrTtc.. Du 1L J. Dmc L- -iý