Li- L AK 1E C ( TYVIL DWFPENDENT Lake 00 omQucm - INDE.PNT ty's Big Weely aoeWeekgia «Cou md WAUKEGAN WEKYSUN' VOLUME XaX-NMMER 30.t LIU4V LE R ILINIS, THURMAY. JULY 27; 1922. 4, MURVOATO ron.tab4e William Bock and Obt Krantz tbared with Flshing mrith Explosives. Cantabie William Bock. of Haif Day, and William Krnaz vire ar- resteti ist Wnday atteraom by Gaule Wartien Henny Keru citslged vth - violation of titi ganteand llait lave. Bond of $1000 vire givu by eaci of the. mn the. ame aft»taron bi- fare Justice Hrvey Coulsan pouding titeir hearlng Monday a! tennoon. Bock snd Kranz, accordlng ta the etateinni o! Kerna, vire ualng expla- sivs la a creet near Halt Day ta oh etb n July 4. The fermner on Whto" land thîy were uslng te ex- A plosives saw tbem and notlfied the ganwandeu. Bock denies titat lie vas noule. ex- plosives. He clma tiat he and Krant lied gone ta, the creek on the mornlng a! July 4 and bad beard sev- erai charges of explosives bfori ite arriveil tiere ta fiait. Tva men vire seen laavlng te creek viten he Lot titree. so h. dlaims. About tits tinte tte over of the porperty came run- nlhg ta itene thei explosion bai. beau and accuaed Ebek andi Kranz of uslng tI#s, xplôsiva, accordiz taBock. Ap A nimum fine of 8M000 snd tva yaasre in tie paltentlayla inte pen- alty for vlolating the. gante and fiai lua aa a ttis nature. Constabie William Bock and Ott0 Kraats, botof Hait Day, vers bound ove? ta te grad jury on bonts of $1,00 by Justice Charles BL Maoan for aleoged violation of tha gante andI sIhâ laws. Charges ad bean pne- fei by Gam. Warden Hasry No dotasse vas put in for the ttwo defoladans by Atorney James G. Aàuxben orf vtaues v ere on L ( ha st"te.Ciris V011, a Io .À Kuts cb»da os 0f thoéo««k hmmodltei ltos~ ha kueni. (ha expso. HaelStai. tat Bodk st S tith k vwlà ia iA* Poie li bis banda and. thatKrxats 04004 a UMie fartiter dowvu te im oee baSs la tha vater vibIL atpI~* oas tdoi Wall tu slgit ex «M *00 tise Scitroeder boys.vito bali.g. viitth bllala the direction of thé, creait uett0eyboenrdthe axPioaiM Severai demi.liait vera lmatg0o tis suriaces ofthe. creek, lie t«esift 'rTeobaroder boys clammedth ta tey both ordersi. tise tva MA o1 tise Mmu.Tbir testimoay carrobo- rated tha statemeats jpste -by Vos'. Boak andKxantz botitcamhi vosty tisat on Juy 4, thse date ot tIse alagedillegal ftiilg. they bad gossi ta tait on the ichrader tari. As tiuey vere apwroachlug they leurul an axplosion. Whou thy arrved at thse vater edge titey sav tva min iiuriedly laavlng th place. Sîveral liait vers swtmntlng near the surface of thei vater. ant vere seîmbngly near deati. A short tii». ltir Vasa sud(h. t*a Sebrader boys appsared ant order.d (hemi th ie prffpeniy, and titey compli. vit ibhis <!îmand, na titey sixted. Bth men7 are out on bonda. ][ fiReD$900 FOR 6iAMLINti IN. LAKE FORES Bdward RoseI. 17 oit Oakiand avenue, Laite Foffil wbo clat-ec he vas fia mare gult *a a quar- titte of associatis 4i- recelât oral >e in is mohos's grage, today Qofdguilty ta a charge of gain- gla the cougtl court. and vas !lued $100 andi Sste by -ndge De Wolfe. Rtose tld tite court titat be and sîverai otitirs ver. ghottng crapw but titat he vas fit runiug a ga=- bling den but vas mmrly thon tu Baethat nfI rougit bousc" uould be sta«ted. 'When thte fellows got luto a tlght I threw them oui, sud gus titats why one or tbem got me, into ibis. Aitaougit hi pleaded guilty he deciaret hi couldll't undeiî stand why h. vas ttie ÔniY ono whl vas pîncitot. Judge persoa Inform- e at hlm that tse court - bat notiting ta do witit anything îxc£pt th8 case in lixpd sud thirifore coldn't tin i l bae just becansa a lot a ot t S people @greu't aster amret. But t auge alato tÔi lm tiat unliaslle toilt lla smOvmd tiàt h. auld plead "utlty',,titi:court vouit nol -8C~.~i.a plea. Rata asgten util Titursday ti rais te tlBe or tg to Jan. HoepDm up &.amoappearaude a titi19 it vanteti ta gli btiln tnoam"ertrou ABOUrTmTwbTImE O' YAR. Wai.svoetbs big annual icle ivll ÀQa is. hfl Sou6dyT.he peo- couty fih«y 0 n tinda are *Ma~gg 4eparationfor Couty 4l:hcyDeprtnet(hi bstploerhedait atiougit Stwropedin Af1iltl f titis la (hein l4ti annuai gatitîring. Dady SdliooL.andi. 'rT.evenenabla permli vin ha 75 years ait next rein. Ti nauai Pcle A iaatiag of coony, tovnship attractions sud sains mare viii hae hlgitvay ot alssanutprapariyav- svin. ons Thturai.ay for thse Purposetofac- Father ffley and is People Invit qUilngtvaw cornersala iiers snd ail (hase tram Wauikiss and vlcntt Green Éay road ifor rasi rlght of ta attend. ) vay vas aniy uccesful as ta oui on ai tho cornets. o Thse officers ef Dady scitool. locatid TWO BOYS DRO'WN c on oui corner, made a proptaition or s 84,000 as the seling pries ai a piese BOAT UP STS o! scitool landi, comprnang leas titan thEI one-fourth t 0fan acre, vitici High-a *iy Commissoner WWilam Taylor fl deatetregard as exorbitant. PlO U A I Acrjgte couity offciais ttis- meons oni ai tire. tiinga; ibat if Walter Modrow and Edward Z they vaut te gît action they may o bave te abandon titi Impravemnt at Weidnick of Chicago, Are Bedimite, aor te vn Belded, otor spdeay thei amn Victims ei ual Drownl untIl a botter figure for teland cana be nîgotiatit. Tva Cilcago boys met titeir diath 10 by drovning and iline campanions C Caunty andi achool ofliciaIs contend vers regceel front a inilar tata N tuai vuh thse contpletlon o e iim1- wienti(he boat i icit they vire i pravemeniattat corner ZilI b. dan- rowing capelait on Diamant Laite 8 serous as a scitool site, ai bath roadea Sunday aftua, a ndt hrew titi occa- it are subjectet ta hiavy auto travel. patein (h. 'aster. l Thiy point out titat It vili b.c nlY _Water Modrov, 18 years ait, o! a short tinte iii filling stations, 3746 Msarn street, and Bdvand Weid- ti eenticti6nery stores, or atiter sitapa rickt, 18 yeara aid. 0f 3904 N. Moart vin be locateddopposite (he scitool erea h ed andt hi retresitment stands vould bec tet re(.dm. Ë a constant temptation ta pupils ta Titi party etf bye bad made the trIp (1 cross titi triet, vhicb voult remîlt tramnChicago ta tite lai for a v8ek' r. lu accidenta. end Part. la titi alternvon lbye of P T. Artur Simpson today declare ln (he reda bouta mdv ie ofn yibat titi location ai thei scitool titene l iili. a ml - ould udouhtedly prove very dn.shore. One cf teinembers started geno,. h la sggiset an*tuerociting tihe oat, according ta Mai, 0 géons It a sggetsd hattheshal Diets,.and It capiset. titrovIng schol b relcatd ad tht i te latho i tie ater. Tire, o! (hi dsari' another site iii acquined eltbir parti' vire able ta dling taetie bat- l'y purchase on condeinnatian. tom a!ttie upturnit boat vite Mati. S Couti' blgtvaY OMÇçia I--n d nov andI Weldridit suait almosti m-n thtint ilaxit tain ta ask the(hitgivay mediaiely, and fallitet corne to (hi Sdepartent ta pay as mucit /1r a surface agala. A party of frienta,0 Smail strlp a! iglt-ot-va.y as a uev nearb', rusit o titi aid cf tite vic-b ochool building vouit cent. urne mnd afttr a strugggii vire ahie )t ta drav (hemmi ttem hbast. 4 SEROUSLYCoroner J. L. Taylor ,of Lbtiny- r- ~ville, vas summouet and rusited ta e RIU L L imnLaite with a umtrbt n- FROM POFQ I?0 6w unbl er i(ibe fay assisten L9 riofte bfinit toee r - stat tat one of titi bayasigd hein or George Mesiges. UR ewpoye o!tihe fount. but txs vas fount ta be 1un- e Webter duicktfai», nier litke Villa, tiiii by Taylor. 18 liesin t heLaki (louty Qaierai hb»-Leis (hon an heur latin Marsaia d pilai lu a viry critical ecdltatri %tata vuM a rescue Party, vire- ai polouilag tOitWloii (hat rt ~g~shelaite vîit ,grapplins id tram aamtUlng hati-ha iià getIooks, 'ailSno succesa. They cou, te He bua beau io orserinai ap but haut. their searcit ailtroug thtitc vasis re - wmeý im#Aly libvc sr- tigt1 Ltd I»novû t4ii the o'lçtat»J i' 0ci*plun rTe bodes t ut .youug mentver. nattendent.. MS a *t=onla ra e ropMe «M.Wsek. Fui ditails viii1 uas citicél and ll9# iq.pi lmte e4ed, b mgtî geum ltino ibis4 fh ii recovere' su fTt ~bie Waukegan Lodge to Send Band, MarolitngCUbanid c Kundreds of Mmbers. ri Illit Of Wankegano. Laiteconaty ar. Planning toa nake MBka' day Et ~ thi Laite Caunti' tair at Libentyvme lec bis year thei blggest event eft thit kmd ever attempted. Titis vill accur t on rhui-sdaY, negartid as the big day' of the tain.i The esetablistment of BiMa'day je c auev fiaturi titis ysar and fan thtt reason. it la planiti to umike ht a day i bhat vIli estailihthe Bika lodge as apaver in ttie communti'. Sîvîrai bundred thtit thousanu1 nimbera o! Waukigan lotigi are Planning ta attend lu a bodY. 'rT.' 2 s'ill te ieaded hy th. nav 111ka' baud and marcbing club -ia (heir glitteing uvw uniforms. . t Highlaind Park lotge --a la iex- Dictedtot sent a big dalegation and c an. Invitation la ta bu omt ta Bika- lotges ail aiong titi '1004h ore tram r Chicago to Milva-ukea, lICIchsve. The.1 Niorth Shoecne in.bas eauap- a *o0acbid and tas agreadtet put on i aUtIolent addltlonsi carsto a bodu the traffie. la titis vag tise Bits'g lotige wilI bave ta ",put«Oin"titi tain niticit promises ta hibge rn d bet- t t titan iast yean. DEPUTY AS~1 SB1ZED ASDOT Among a large'atimber of arnisis madi oves- the week-end bi' thi dry equat, Bd Fichier, vollage trustee cf Fox Lke uind assemsr fan titat township, was takin on a targe a! selllng Ilquor. t lie charged that b. peddld it Ioer the oounier tram a batile, wilh vas ttOn off bis tip and vas only Party fllviten tite officers se ized it. Otiters taken ovin the week-end agalnst vitonuItnmilsen filet ln counti' court totiay byi Staii's Attoney Smith yen:e William Emig, vIs nana Paxhiad botelStai %x Lake, Citarget vltlî sali of liquor. . ; John and Barbara Stolkit and Josepht Gabricit. Wou.uteentit and Cammaaveaith. NortC Mcago, citangedthutiîavblg-à-111 t l'hein possesgi4on. Bt Newhury. vitarumaetite Iron Wonkens club ai Round tditî. cbarg- et v itit selllag lkwvlt, . Ail gave bond t«i' P,,000 eaçb. FAWS IN LKI CO. RAY PUT UN ON CITY HUNIERS. - edRoa. han'y action on the. location and mnstruction of',% concreta igiswa jorugh Lait ecouty frmIndiana aie, stnniing att(he ouat linao!o lhicago HeighJata oLait. Forot. -matg mta Laite couniy at Bar- ugtan andi comîug iast to 4&eit Poreat. l in taInannonneemient ne-, 2eived today b harlinnes E. Rssall. -nti'supéfintendant aofitigitvay thdt a tianfeuenciiha hen calie hi' thi stati itlghvay itipartmint, ai te Tigen naom, RateI Sitirman, Chti- =go, at 9 a.m. July 27. Titis la a atate hand issue Route No. 2? and titi purpose ai, the con- feinci je te lecati ithenoat. Iu ait. counti tise location prababli' wili bo stnaigit iast tram Lakte Zuricis tao, ! SDay. Snpt. Citas.Russe ll représent Lakte count' at (he continence *"d binre prahably I' viiaisa te la ai- tane members o! the Lakte canti' oat anS bridge committie. Tiisla ouieaifttiemit Important raad projeets la the caunty wasit wi providi a continuons isard coati antoat stralght asrmes the soutltini part o!ftt eaunty. Foliavîng a decisica upan thei ix- act location of titi road thei bigit- wai' tîpartmeat vilI stant wcnklng on plansanad spicificatlans for titi >urpose of calling ton hidi at as ian'y a date as possible hecause titi state le tesiraus cf ccmpletlng titi Impravîmiat vitthont tîlay. WIFE 'MATE TTIIEN MATELEA VUS lIER Frankt Fitzgerald. Lake Forest, changet yhi' ie if e, Mary, vitit sitantonmiuit and non-support, vas nileaset on $1000 baud Saturtai' mon- lag hi' Justice Renvoi' Coulaca and itis trial set a weeit abeat. Fizgeratdvii souk .to havi the marniage dedanSe Illigal, accondlng ta bis attorney, Jamea- Welcb, cn titi grounds titat titi manriage toak place tees titan a yian attin tir di- varde tram ber finit husitand. ANTIOCII SUED FOR $2,151.58 DEBT Titi Public Service Company Fridsa' filed suit lu Circuit court agalnst thi Village ef Autiocit for $2,671.68, cdaim- Ing tat amaunt ls due te plaintiff TheîsusaIolfan tii pus-pose o! obtain- iag judgmentiamd thetomtpsty claia titi village oves tem ibat amenaitfor furnitig ligtl- and pover. George White, aged 38,realdlnglN on the Dr. Âmes farm, four miles I nortit of Llbertyville, vas -found i bed In a dylng condition at 5 O'clock jd~EI Fiday moanng by bis vif.. wbo u> vas ard R s awakened by his groans. Site caîleil Commission Had #ou Dr. J.eL. Taylor atiLUbertyvllle but to Appint 1m, by th ti Ure he arrIved Mr. White had exired. Deatit, according ta the judige Claire Edvardo Ss(W coraner's inquest was due ta organ- sued a judginent of oqUt le heart disease. tram whlch b. had ?akJ aaa oocd bee% a sufferer for a number of Frank Jn Sblas toit i yer.btgreeed fo . ltry two thers, Jack Dunn and service on 8bi account at the out- Burgess, were clted by BtaI break of tbr world war. torney A. V. Smaltb quo ' Nir. Whie vus n usual beaitit proceedings ta show, by Wb*i Tb.uiudan d <Md not compllalfl of tbey were acting as moae feetiin«111 vhm he rtired tiat ulht.traffic enforcîment afiera. When the quo warranta *NI vas takîn Duan and BarO& IR FUSE RETU N operating but Gabala reot" OFÇ»ye eS toraey Martin C. Docker ti CEA~I~C the ouater praceedings. -i Suu. Docker appeared thias l stated to thei court tligt < BAtK RCORS fot acting as a ec BO X RU RDS a motorcycle pollcema. ijýbt> Iy was acting as an «M5f the township blghway cosg .auuge Edwards Denies Motion ta- carry out bis duties as MU *of Attorneys for the missioner. GoerorJudge rul:d however tlt Atty Eugne M Run ardetWau- police pavera or as -a deput Âtty. ugiue . Runyrd. and iberefore anass kegan, appeared linttie LaiteCOUnUy 1dm couîd Dat act as iunj Circut court S=tura ternoonai and etrdaldietc befoire Judge ie C. Bdwrards en- n nee ugete g tened a motion on boitait 0f thint Attorney Docker ladieahad, Trust & Bavings bank of Kankake, inay carry up -titi matter tbe Grant Park Trait & Savings bas flot filed any nae th bank. and thei Grant Park Trust coin- viile theti ttri njM pany, af Grant Park, for the returfi quit operationa. Justc ta thei banks of titeir records, ab- out of vitoue oo ialned by thei proseSotIon inthet .con. all1igi<1ta bave o O& atd aplracy casa agaloat goy eu in SaB.realgned under lire. --h by aubpoene, mLadwvich the oconal hvau ciarged tbMa0 for the. dofts daMsvers gotart justica e esopertng a 1 up et tii. tuniftatiou aolte trial -aMd in-a miielistow»bNihiiMdê taken to Chie«O bero tiiey Mare no ao*otlau anbveotag* in tite posesImofo! tty. Gai. iIIOa utMObile soh dage. Atty. Garfilid OWIaats.r rr'tiig mm P6th aftm" mmae- CI I à stIbéla refuetater ft thse over huit àoo us*etL f Zudaoue R"dva $UW sittiathMUP1 oai. tiaheeaUta ov viii ha u1ed ta toa tUtx to set ta hai thrcogtaiier smue" of lm. Wh=s ttie triol vo im»etpd( attoram afor ltg so vg~t lublilltuhley fortaitui matiien. bcg up the reotirofo! he snt . ia tu gsuumitt UP»othur eonds he- louglug ht i.t fleist.ý IN TU M, L Body of Switalski Coo)os te the Surface Tw» Weeks- After Fatal Swiffml Party. Titi body of Oswaid Svltaizkli 18. oi Chuicago, vs. f0and. hi' Sauer- min .Tayl-s Laitluit supday morning about 4 a. nt, tva v-eeka after h. bad met bis teatithi' dravniug. Titi body wva found ta ixactly thei ame spot it vas tlugbt ta htave gane Soya .in Coroner J. L. Taylor, a! Liberty- ville, vas natifit immediaiily and Untlertskrer Paul Ray remove thtit body' ta Libortyvilviteni a Cicago tindetaiter and relatives came sud se- campanlet h ta Citicago. Ybnng SiIalsi h at gcne ta 'ity- 1cr laite Juli' 9 vîti a party ef îlgitt fniendi. The boys renteS tva hoats and vent oc nt tatettilaite ta svIm. Ail o! (hem hathatiting suts os andt titi desenled the hoata and siantet svlmmJng sraund tse laite. A tigit vint carnlet ttiheoat la whicit ilitaluki had navet bnt. pasi bis reacit and shontly atter h. had toIdthteti ther youths titat hi dîda't need any heip te vent towu la fart' fiat et vater. Titi body nei'in came ta titi surface n- til yistendai'. Pelixe Bruts, lite guard St the Waukîgan beach. made sevirai trips' ta titi IaS lakita todive tor titi ycnngsier but ta fia avail. Tbe test -divers la tii cnti' vieeun- ployed a Intie suareth ythe !rantlc fatiter of titi vlctlm, but titi body bat evldently tien itîldtot the bat- tom hi' veeda. Dynamltlng vas tried -unsticcess- lulli' untIL.4topped hi' tthi gante va- dia. Coroner -Taylor expneseed titi bi- liii that thte iteavi'tiunter shoven on Satundai' batl dIalodged titi body f rom ttie battom of Ih rbas ottea dons so la sîmllan ta- Bstances. L_ vtas possible ta laite tite body' Tta Chicago, Imiately se I n- Lquist bad bien tilt seviral dass 9 a&otiti coroaer's jury finting a rvffdict o! deatithi' accidentaI drova- Ing. er.: -Us* is Pfor i H.Klne . tlek GbbiiadysK. lartoaii rtir W.avnt hldugif. Joes, tutex~~ virtnde. Portr Derih Pernl B in&r " Atiocit WlandK.Citnuè, Antiocit Nit 1 ». o, itoý Mltr.IL Wiai!Ooae. 111. Hdase!.eaenOocse.r11 MneSlth CU e DvikiiOli OM ëtLuis. Ryea, Chicog Bhanar HoGra, Zion. Hlardt aCroas., tichi C. Black Jatge Udvos'daiblis- gratet a mef0ta tw temporary i' ulutlait àsabO SicIaisaiof14k. BWOdtlu. o! FYnk Touag. t &L * guet Vonllch, Ylllge ,t ottîr tovu 02OfficaI Young, DeechaU*tha % ers bat abt4lne4thea *m janctietu&iutirw sale a! safith'itmà Md Judge Edvtids ~gSi 4h aala leave tanfle &MONs dantages and ta Dines.641 dtimthélbbill for vaf 'Atanniy Herren. it plaintiffs. ola tiathI toIt pensonsaffetit k ilt fhat titi, neeSat W*. denses until YeUng 804 Brotens fint pal. h* charged titat ltai 'aS sicuttetd iae9! couint aethelr sue.cOa A qKllk"