~twiiie thevisin U *th; M.i-lin, tt7 K eseu ta M si y'ui cbot or Qi1.k P4ogmdfr* ýhonI - Cci K. '4~~~ Wh eaixculliy e4 tii ~~ eo b*oèp e.atOn sd ~~ récoireaa O;Yý Iýn" Couaty BSuDeria- Yort zMïéeSchool-WiUIam -L. co »Cbub1IOOS8imipen. Thue S t*ddav. i i4W a t1tu 'the. u»1U8 to enter ai.*ut Suhool 4Wa* L.. ul, o tittory WinI bave o ý'te#tano-pMbrIbo Board Qut . Bwton 8OdOI - Ihw4 's e4tt tacftbat distr$ct. Bala.. a rinl7-19w eci u Beh"ot - d tkat the sehoola la tho - doo tt = =tot Utae theallies are gr0Wi _ ';oÊ aSd at the 111gb"omeos0 *abt th11 e e ogo wheii alcnoJoef Kea~ ~ *W t?1e Uthe d.h èqmOM. L*Ixand utt«r.d 1r~*A Iw ~ S1OI-LIICM eux. mxy 'LI Boré, ouata! Br.e4. OO00-0m tSL.4Nol- Bllsworth POtukÙ.- bôro yK"" tK INCtiUA MAlieux»k. Jrlie J eaL pxeu J8 A taci. AutIatle 4. -Walter Befrwer or Albena Peternet. the- ~A2.'*" ll >a Aên Qater Sl - Chauncey Tu M~1 llugt a. M.7Pikaleà11. TOy arIeornk P. uoilyJtzer. CU Aatatà VCh - 4iÏBeoe -- EdwaLrd A. ov, Central tUVIIooi, NorUi uCIiagO- îg«.AsrPoene. gd ~ .Jigiey.-Hlen A. J»à2Ik« e Lke chooI - Jeman ll .P", 7a4ksne ste. F1074-ewis Bavard Utb M sy IL Weigo.roi <~AjlEW5k. BoUi 8'r11&W. ý _cutg Ohom _ .- Blanche Boerg-T lysF1lto4Ambme tMAZ5ý'. he, Mybell. A. Keler, Ntti IL. bc LwLan K photi4. 4Asuit Cr itonovileStihool - Frances A. pob ttiOn, violet KBa5Ow"rt ieluWeed.wa ^j peul laeunnThoeoû ider - - BeaW4tt 4cheooi Donald À. Dix- "a. ~ie m. .ZUUh. Ban atudi e086I"etrkge G. Trimble.,. nou 0-Lep .ivige'lrla 8hidt, flutterhld Achool - Evelyn C. -mi u*,,ias. im GokB1 0130B11- AptiW* Soool-Verno Gla. E j~jcb ChQI-MI'tU 4. 4ooea.Cocu Somol M ari P. Bueshlng. ke 01"Qiy V. Barthe!, TberISB14Y. Walm - aSaol - Norma IL "0 .tÇ01t~ilt~sq. Uns G. Itaweli .mai, iat, Amie 106Margaret a=d 5 * ~ Duan Bernlce L. Fobridl4 $Joaepb D 'aaysl oro là K. ]&rleyetieuiméci hles B.Ah b*va.ÀCha at A shOI Eih Lk pê -the Morte. taues V èP.1*Bohuts * Esgqtse !q . I r.tene V. Ketttehilt. 04e ma ~jO~i, 300J. .Kreti, - llogt lm, *lâRuI3 3.WooUer. Nol Biheoo ool gat.et K. àm- Tbi »"as0BndIttj. »Mter. BeaXy B. raot -- b Iteth M.àtaHepbuL, UOnl J. lleliita pidlp, TheOfl. ut4 . oenot 111;ëff- John G. Kelly, P mari~ . te Duc. ichrd-W NM 14.% Pet Jireati. bar w. Corth*.eSar .»ha,î-i ~,ptren eI h A«4- HU10ia. trtk Bciil -- Carouise di Kre1tut. ati.b.lnu2 Buea 0. «»auD~. gDo~Ur tU#.-C. asamu.»Mt' Cuffd, . ITbu lte 41Iduela J. Du»agi.' àtssunï lt P-98". -L ex- ~ .14 Rau l UaOoq arc . eeu Ub& dït*. uthILWt W. vu lelieÇlmh iesait ile *5*75 M. 5oe t il4g. YSy , â»9 Tho- ~~04 rw», 'uoo*iiih&J lait oce- o t ifge.w #go $d ulr omVcipn tr W. von P M Mito. Osandiboo. BeiysdI 24 A *~n.7'M gau14t sae, ».ret 51101 Luke Vlla 8c--the- NMatiréboo Freeman.£0$e- 14Bines, ol i Soeel. I« ade EeynM anr Dla luhx âaU Arean Sehonttt NNLIM#ÀkZ lehâ@s. Aise chool. &ke rjVill Ceea st.Ne, £ Nrmas ÂaiO FOr t 14110.chOOi-J.UarietJ4 MhCM.Sbra rk VM i , aE n,, t lu ncp eft zWag er. Bi a BO e oollMi la te. o nd L . cm»- ' nIan0100l 4R~undrsêtOc.M4w5v4 J.d ]L -0"" &1*01 Irbb 8b Nkne; Yga L tBauer ollareX. LEi=lkAl5 3. AftMi d chool ..WsMan. ot . loread, AIma M.eNDe m eu. Madde -Ior MM .Schoool-.Durley . in. ShWO Mery wer r IC, I lf«de Rond Lke t huS 4 omd, DrtILM.4~a ,l# dBuelll, RounhdChLa» r. ~_ut V. Woaaeh ah r - rigm »m. HBavar Je . 81110.G 4' UiokQea. lyse, Htavood bool . 0611 evin F DpbQie. WIoiINeumann ]te.! 0. Wrmet5. Mra. KM.ARmDon«.ilmAb"h M.arg sebH. oi. Trts IL x>l Vieora W. MelilN orth Prairle 1 Ol»6ir Ktm. aigiem a tst~, Alla.E. SnfIth,14eNorthbvrdO. 8*0.a I-en M. lnt*L. - MrJole 14chlevelNdort nS 1 Long" o$i co oe Hrh- S*0.t HhwodOeom, Cili, 4: Lusitu..Mablo E. Hans. 86W0Ptis0 M,1 e w1 Maant. .M. WCOmei'shClli. 7e L«" l JhaeiOurse BliL a tarett Boe ILMttb. 5. Noms. ScitOoL Aena Onw oaM ol hrist Usy, Atludounditchol. GLacsero 8cabl-5iiB A. R. ., LnIyStlrlla iArcher -Sb sty. .Bu-1ateLS te l pupia S maklg 1O or*u&- iolK±hlieE.Wl5.agXaley.eNoruthl epa *vezget old iool - a rusS I , B tA84 e ivslalati.ti aa À;» i.Dal Ieatb.Uti. uW?~caooDrsiL 1yý Tu» &.tsiekseblu 'h Tlmrsbola .SAn. p-VnOontti. upi ielve lndbtley Scol vert A Rven, eltr . BIW4. eThe 1Iscerin: udeil apeand Iatce . #e&Wa.îlS.elg t rae - grae,. ams 10 t îblalt -1_.P1 er.Lq@5 . *b4 0ft ea a tnor oeM Scage ti. ç Ir?. ruc lig xys 0.l vthlante n tbaee te to k0ty*bot the Oue roaI 4141 11rwn1100O Wces tes i,14 L3-Ub-'-Ages U fQio hfl-*Wr ' .ý hpeor j»Ê9 Ltob1d -m-U 1,a 1a tluý,»O".- of GQ04l et DepaimoAt -otAgriil iesduy, -ltkt m L Daty e;7r In ap#lrE v the mrouta Wb"* la »d Mnay b bldu S a 0"itt ,bUoi tntaotaml ot. mon14to Wja .lh ~ M&. Tlu 14n~o*00 n'a o uale -Wma ~i ibn of Waabtgtk t"~ manet I illa tàome* -»&Y «;ànrua& . l TM& "n i tati outtet itrtaixWAubuuw4t mauch gas fl 'f$b* 4, e hravlg dht -a ci -at W&i atsthe 70* el S et *mm4 thhd- llig. oe Tb* gtrAmb lut met1 0- t hbeu sWn ii. one and'te vii Und gglot et- -, ë thA.e14- bl ti wf e noe& Tiieetoro. a.be esih tvotaitb.lui- posibleto e, M~v ote 9".tvo lis- cass a «a niefor tour lit 0teon ne to ovboitbguAtethle Lient&4 Gnfaf Kaisu=alb ave -w tho tUmm*$ 'et 1 -- o<l.uty Oum atla ismeiug bat pt oftcr isut a*j-f ewAt set b. sb.qleate a> Fu tté set_6 Qi baidi tbous uuteee b. uner hiCumO ut-i Lat .(3etl sIt4alicr ans-a priSO4. aeordlit t111wetate lu- ' votgtuii Loqar Toc $or"ta HeIe 750te. 1 vas elgiti Re la- "nteS anto 1crn Quoe altht, anti 0f fourse X accoieteS' R.treated man trides, bouglit Imc calge sad Ibam »S uuhaleet:ray ;Ife , 3i ut Y lotO t, for lits 1de I ur hen. e sot day ho causeand abowbd xau>' ana t int 2"fo auto p lml 7hese I3$r<*IIU Am W e.o sCvept This. weetV.5êUhi Uetrealbi ota=o'«'ti fflSay barge". fi va r.etvi Ire.tims to tiUr.M4 K are »au, >olers4lait aI uUa.1J * ftlced te Nid -;"~ ,m. idl Km terruxl 1R*4~oNt 'Y-. ~br~~#an*d Ms w -r at a mssrot, ut u L~ la à aualbout eProl for-a4 MOW' lm Tb#»zo 15C * qe'S-à ~smFIeM, Noewea WgmTeg' 1 -3 the militaWl' pueS 6At *~~~~o auls n ve# .omia n d fvus Varymo* owae e« mo&~boie, bois péfl tlào0» la«,. At Tour elke S A me 1 tuqio.- Ie*la ls ta effar, c W sow M- brettf . 'Ao1=Ç e tee'-Um oou~fes . tle weme gm44wi'è eolupAata*aIt rena.oC aise..rmbteuiO fr i trubrove, b1a6,m i v»d Aile rangeaAte4" A am4len'# n mer ome li lh~ nS Atts li ta 'aie k ith o1lm 8luu 4-.Stts r-M W' fr *u At45C t wotae~ ~ ~ ~~dum hatU.sq tt ialt 1k tà 20C Ct000ai ___ ttol tAgirons frot nt<d Sac*hlaceIRa#fPf*id I oa'lit iL. ises la titi lotbut tut agig iesli »eILOb tres to te le fi 1-4a »Clrprca iàteb * daugitoi taSe4oble ileé. or lS Pewee der for Infants in the large 2lNe airte. Faiay"I ah nt eor .t"abue i"afial oaa- i t i u = 4 D i $ O a * 4 s y u p e i y WonuWts !Wash WhIte ols e1 luybouse vlt1 hot allog 69C.sa 1 elle, Igita oi tas 6"eUloa.bot Vnljat 49c petticel4 viitt e, omtidre boucle.About oUa-al t rilalet WMOWO ng" and tie Pttc*"wte iuts i segltopeS bottons.' loue are rida onl>'69C te W uu l M" Ou Ieea bo l* , ur 1% n 4 6 la t oi nu Ualba 1o* ~.I ai raal hlalaStav45 rbtm « te Sietarila. ~atuaWM tsa Ail~~~~~~t tia t kt ro boc.a FRLP~ I~or ts and Dross Weor -c.1 es Itro ar 109 0 P aM -lte l M.MF 1- »CMIý ' ' : amolèb, ý Channel