Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 27 Jul 1922, p. 8

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un.order t ktt pni-chau . 9~CT lINNO.fany, learning the reason, PhIOn MiO~ eRYiney,, )toldmtht, policean the arrestIçIER m TI *e- Take Amfmunitiofl,J -Ùls,Satety Razofs and :. W O efEquipment tdleago police believe theY ~rondd îthe gang of band-t t.-at braké to otht store ownedC h !'c>tlflhIyShtridanà ,e , ymarsiug and top a y~frevoivâS. tft~jjptIofl but mthisg let 'n, Kgcked Up et&a Albant wgs pickehie name nandlbr road at 9 o'Clack Saturd . , &Mtr police had found a gun Shum. Albert Helmnkamp was <pieed up a short time latèr, 4cryi7ng a gun. Ib. search wae cantlnued SundaY 64 roauted in the arret of Victor 6#4way. H-elrkamp wau given a à1jug thts morning before Police iktrate Gale and l- ".rd ovtr ta e grand jury on a larctny charge. kd releaeed on 51,34>0 bond A, seari-e&long tUe Nortwe.- Wr emet of the Oakwocd c oe ýj r~vaed tbree gose and a .smWi MuitîtV of ammunltion ii h14 jr*. wbici poliece blieve ta b. *à ut o ae tieoehhers. A hleter *- Loet raxor vert also -p. *of thr 7IÎO postive motive of tht robbe- sas Ween scured- by the police wt- sae Jetn unabt ta slve the reasta ho, rbbers entereti the store andi boc nothlng but the revolvers and sssnunWoin. Other wares. which roi- di.uplayed on thet ouiter vert mit tocheti. 1 oIte Chiot George tichardt vas ýt ti<s Hfbrth Chicago police stationý i4M~ eariy naturday mornlng and' WM at 2 oclock vilth b light man. tbey iusted by thtestore, but notit- JO* othlog usmual. there belng no bt, »« thor Indcation of trouble. - t rebbvy vas diecovrtd Satur- 4y *misng vhen tht store vas b$m>fd for business. and then se- M*tôeSote Utpolice. Schardt, be- [l-">'s <t tht gang oai bandits hld In We tanl rassuntil they eaw the W4420 tbiietandi tht Iilitman pas@ eiâer vay home. Tisty thon wtnt flttht work af roaking into the 4!* wMSiut foi rat being detect.d. *tbmsauto ldSpose of tht boot to OLfl asssod tht dttection of the OW mon tisat vert placed under «té 1 y were ail 'North Chicago 'PôUeo Chief George Ochardt ./ tisir addrems.. attemptel ce dipoe ofe râing ltIsthepolicea&- a goufi. 8. A. Savage, vie W rank iReur. The AU) 10 LX!AM NUw 1 IN JUSTICE CuRTf A&n echo [r-om etN- a5tt ratte througli justice lHervey COul-..on'e Surt last Baturdui wLth tht apisear- suce of Dr. Lmsa Fry. of Chicago. U' start civil proceedltsgs againsi . oui, Ter pimal'. fLAke Gei>eVa, for d4W'- agestsald tub-, doue ta l.i.3 car throgh an automobile accident West af .~aeui fridui nighit. Fry J. saidte te t who drolet nto Motoreycie Policeman Hanna morF than ». ',ear aga. inflictings injuries Ifiat casned ishiedeath. Fry Rants $300 fa: th., danisIts to lits car' go ho told the court. c-i cas that Terracinfli drove straiglit Intu hlm andi the impact caused conjide-rablA damnage and, tva vonien in th,, reilr seat wette eiight- ly iujx1r0d. Fry a!so charges tisat lhe Lçef.endant vas driving his car iîthout -lcenet- SINGERS FN TIIF IN HIOME FEN~E Ruled that if Chas. G.,-Carkn VolatedLawJ\ Crimîinal case Shoutd Be Flied. The Waueonda *"epite" fonce caue 3Mn" ywua pitly eettled vison Jug. Clxire C. 2dwards dismiened the mandamus angle ot the case. whlch wao started by State AttOrnOl'.,. V. ýWth and ln which Chario fG. Carlson and WillIam Whit mam to show cause why theyt ehouliàn4 be cited for contempt of court for alloged violation of a court ordér re- strmlulng them tram obtructng a Whitman le the highway commis- 4sosser et Wauconda and ha tore dawn the ftnce. Carlson, who ls .owner of the proposty, put up an-1 ofisor fonce, it was charged atter the court ordered that the road ehould not be ohtructed. In dismissing the mandamue pro- ceodinge Judge Edwards ruled that if Carlson violated the law thte plain- tiffe ehould have taken action againet hlm on a charge of dieorderly con duet. MANSLAUÇIITER IS CHJARGiE. TUT LAKE For two years lHighla.nd Pirk ha'MA U'E flot ecen a thid report ta blot itS ZURICHI MAN ACES police records. Early Frlday nightt Mies Frr3nCps paralta and Miss Bl1anchd SBarcys. opera singers at States Attorney Smith to Make Isavinia, reta"flud 'rom the concerts ta ttv ;- ruarters It 323 Elîn place. Investigation that Might and Ï." sd s burglar. Mjiss Paralta rnPisnS tec 13witctîeýd 0o.1the lgiti.eached foBrn rio enec a1 _e, Iver linlier dresser-anOd the tieit fled. Clliei Nlarouley of Higis 1'Te office of the tates attorney landi Park detatled an oficer t of Lak county yull make a thor- wateh their reàidetice. ough Investigation of tht automobile tragedy near Lake Zurich In vhich u~msîrIEtivard Miler, 21-year-old son of Henry Milles, met hie tieath, accord- Co P > LAN Iug ta an Elgin report. 2 ,.STK 1 . It evidtnce shows that"àlham vas drivlng hie automobile reckles. ly or et au unusually fut rate of Springfield.î, 1 iy 21--Tlst North grandt jury ta hring an indictruentt Short a0û;4-opmY 01Wakeanfor mauslaughter vwhen It nitots la filed a petition viltht lnthe e IMSCom- September," tht report quote him merte oos n iieeitaday askisig for as saying. $gt»hrity ta issue andi sell $75000 Miler dled Tuesday lu St. Joseph's pr6forrtd stock. hospital, Elgin, as a result of i- Jurine staineti traman accident veet of Lake Zurich. Juno 30. Oscar MX x x 0OX 0X 0x x Palhem, a friend of bis, vas cou-ý e 'u 405PtNDKNT lau te Cmonly îionovu as Sxso.der," accord- 0x O e ý5~iaY'vqpld Aeaper lIn Ing ta theteatostmny of the fater Là I.lctUiIY. hofore Coroner EugentsIM. Norton. u.t.ex@X COUO ?XNofKane cotnty. Theocoob.ees Jury aaniet that 'the state's attorney ef Lakse coaty muke a thoraugh inve.- tigation of, the accident In thelr ver- pendlig nov lu circuit court. One oftise tva ov fwacing weeuo WZAT ER N!)wass rrosed for psueLc..tor nS4 loe"aid ta baye béen' drMug rck Umy b eoecase la tisat of an 4lezd %eedr or iarau dovu l>alues j W *ilittbeegil lu Norths Chlqgo and I>1 sffIj~j jurtd her serioüs1y. tl itt .ic e , rO lenefî fi-ui t focid tion cey for tisedIilIwith coij gl gwThe trouble may be with thefood, but tis s 15rarely true, ne every mothe knows, for thse cole coueçen when the utmnost Icare lu feedin is being observe&i mieral trouble is -weakness of -the stomach caus et ly- a spinai basse derangeinent which reduces the size ,oçf the spinal neriveoapeig and in"ce the spinal U«cvves leading 1tlestomacli.When the çhiroprac- ter rnkes the deicate adjuatent ne-esary ln such caes thse chilti usually shows signe of àmprovvement et once In cages ofcromc coic in bilren the child losefleas ii becomes rundawu andti rritable. Sucis cases in chilien are lubile uniess relief je obtained. un TcmIEDFOR six Nofm. dlsr<pracic di f£oi- oui- bay. We dot- toe situs er £for xmontis-a d60»0 icet gattng voms. At seven munitia cid ab@ ve4gWni butthrei 05, f154 50tim va expeeteti ber te 4«e. Ti e oheu 0<of cbirgrtice piail aiiuatmnetandudina 'pair gave h a trial vis o a ur vonder the chilti 1- gan ta recver. Today "he la -wel. -Cisirpractte asei aurhsiy-Mr. ami .M.W. L. Marquis, Cbii-rctlc Re~ search Bureau statoest NO. 1336w. oErrwC STARTED tovard iealtis la merehi' a satter o!f tlephoflhig 2Ufor iin appointiselit. - ?J.ILRE - Crretin c DeoriflaNervote mi, Ciirosso iO Olat. 1 lossiIte 5 ad 4teS8. Stindlf puH oflSas Iy Appoltsnlt. suite 1041-.Ngweuie Motel LintaTyvtL il-t' L-- JUDD PROMOTED TO WAUKEIiN TELWDRONE MfiR. j i trhain ivd nWaadsack -aI manager af se Ilîlinois Beli Tel- ephone conspany. Evereti A. Judd has accepteti- an, offer to go ta Waulcegan visere he wii lie nanag cx- o! Lake PForet iHgisland Park. anti Waukegan tetritor'. Nr. Judd viil ot mate his tamlly ta Walls egan imme4attly as It le bard -o. finti agrepiblt iving quartera on istont noticeltbes. OeoegtL.Wil- bux-n. present wire chie! un charge o! tise mantenance tiepartment. viii succesti Mr. Judds as manager a! Woodetoek. Mr. Juddisis-Ib- local anager oftise excisanges above named. ansi takes tise pace of Ted ilullaek. visa idiedti tvamenthe ago, and wui hati been local mansÉer siice tise pro motion o! Charles T. Fard' ta dis trlct manager. 'QIJEN 0f TUE WEST16TOcBESOLD r AT AUCTION SOON Tht 'Quten of tht West," once s ~gq spot where filmy govueti matiens g rompeti an tht greenvard la the moanligisi, anti visse farmer ovueri, vre frequenti>' un tht toile of the ,cil W1. f. - t fvu,. C .nc.- s IIIAXI#M A. Herman, a!* 6134 Evans avenue,. Chicago, ovsser o! tise plae t Liice tise tiaye when "Neti" Bates and i vite tisaitise peronal praperi>' ai tht "Quten o! the West" -a ta be solti ai public auction Jul>' 3i. Tht "Prap- eti"' Incluties 60' betiraajn outilte, nture. ont o! tht Hermans, a uephew of Bate,has taktn action againsi tht latter, cisargiss* hlm vith tht thtft O! properti' from tht emort. Bate lean Oncle a! tht Hermans. Mrs. Bates ais e a eeking ta place hlm uÛder s peace baud. The "Quton o! the West' aPPZ- tntly ba setateti a famInil>rov th-at tbreateus IW keep the Bates anti len' mu la cout a long iUe. hl ou lband Juiy 1, 192 ....NoueCash on band l»ent80 m22.- 00 0>BJ 9 astrte notes Con hand ltI ent aI nbaud _ tly il.1921.......-------- ....500 00 -u 3. iL..... ..50040 r0 ida ou bazd jîiy 1, 1921.-'2700 00,Bnd n ad oe t, 1922. 2500 00 Appc rbtaî.* ............. .... $3200 00> Total.----------. ---..----- $3200 40 DISTRICT PUND-RgCIIPTS ISTRCT NO. es 69 70 Balance July 1, 1921................--------------------------1.26 î101.07 70.14 DtUïbutiofotrusteffl ----------- .. ..............117» 1464.44 rdJtlttae-.. . ..-.-..-....... ......... ..$3--8----- --- 1043.61 1587.01*4 . ....... puons... .452.00 245.00 Trnsterad uon-high co luis..-.. . lIetIaM &ce't monty advaniced ae't scenery. ........... Ceoed acct chemitry breakage ---.--.-------.--..--..- Totals.---- ....... ... ....................... .............------.... 184.74 1314.58 248".45 DISTRICT FUNO-EXPENDITURES DSTRICT NO. 68 6de 7 Sûhool Board and business office .. ....... ..........$ ..........8-l 1.00 .00 125.07 .Salry aoftachers. -.--- ------------.----- ..- ..... ... ---- - $500.00 859.50 1475000 Teacliers' pension fund .- --- ------- ......... . .... ........ .$1 8&00 Ttxtbouts and stationery . -------......... ... - . ....... 11 2.80 50.74 478.42 Intestt os teachers' orders ....... .... .........$ ------ ..... _ 19.19 3.58 lntorept on anticipation warrants ...... - ............... Salai-y of janitors ................... -...... ................$808.20> 34.62 1400.00 Puel, jigit, power, vater and supplies ....-.. .. .......... ... 4.....56.66 1660.67 Rop8irs and replacemenit and insuranco-.--........... ................ 494.40 46.96 1890.65 LibXrlaros anti promotion of health .......-.- .............. $ .... 12.60 318.49 AuMithption warrants paid -.. ...........-........... ....... Water main extension -.. -....-........$........ .... Grouns buildings and alterations ..........--....... ........... $ .. 258.33 NW eqsiipmeut .........-................ .... ....................... $ 106.29 98,75 Principal of bonds ..............................................................$ Interet on bonds ý. ......... .....$ ..... -............ ,,..--- - I Tuttiqn of transferrred pupils.-------- ................................$ Balance on hanti June 30, 1922 --. . ...... ........ ... .......... 772.81 366.47 3888.27 Totale ........................................... ........ . .-.. $84874 1314.53 24356.65 Subscribeti andi seorn ta befare me this 121h day of JulY, 1922. FRIANK J. WRIGHT, NotarY Public. DEFENDANTS IN Notie l . ___n o inttrested tIsat the Preai Bu-ard a! Trustees of tht SLANDR CÂSE L Lib)ertyville, Ccunty oake - LOSE BY DEFAUL ýtIrg of the villgem t1 $2,OOO Damage Suit Against lyng. v tr' ding the l Stanley and Mary GaWIe lan coret concrts> pave. New Up for Judoment. o- cnres obie B>' failure t perlu Circuit cgets guintrectinPrlu court bonde>' ta anever charest c foc concretgtus, curstrcc they bai landereti Mrs. aclan. z-anforecn ote ul wni. a"a, Staunley anti Mary Ga*Ie, MIl 0i consrucing and, connetin Nekth bOlsigo, vert rultd ta 8e la sins, coaut" vailve ma defanit andi judgment villho tuti-e tsih banin. vifis aU noce against thtm at tht Octoboer tSrm timauces. andt othervise lm a! court. roadw-.>or sait! Kilvauk Mra. Wozulak, through ber attor. fi-o tht sosth Village lin ney', Max Pi-zyborskl, charged tisat nothvmlige mlts (excex tht Gavîtu, lu tht preseuce a! ber parall te and tvo (2) feei )huobd acused eb er a! beving heen a!oite outherly rail or th intimate wlth John 81(8k, and tlat Nortis Sboreand Mlvani thoy alzo eatacktd tht parontage of te a Sune parmill ta nad t' the plaatirs son, John, age0d 18 nertiserli' o!tise nortberly mountW-ise charged tisatthe» .Chicago. Norths Shortami statemnents verla maie fot ýon1y l in cad at mia taeIl the prosnte dofiber ltushamsd but s"v- ta gai Io (t) font Ub ea-s other persona. seutierwy ril ef tise Chl Mrs..Wozuimk Ilanukiug iasags to k.. &B St.Peul R&ila.>'Cu the extent et$200>'for aleged ta In- line pajle te a&i tvo (2) der.. eOrly 0orlise nrtlsoily ima o B t hu e setefeniants fleti to ge, Milvasit & W. Pal -gppear iu court Monda> default0 ao- Company) Md Sailiateraoci fles vas tahumagaittflou. aveesrodýanéoe mai producti trou tise roadvaY ket Avesnue ta the ide lie ÀNtIOCILPAPER filu the office of the VE tifise o ilagcefor the sa3 RECLL TOR F avlug applied to heCun, of the caste or said iiprOl WALT TAYLOR cr gt eeftada Police magistrats Walter Taylor tht final 4eai-ing Ierom cames in far a Uile pufflcty WIn-.e on the th day' a! AugUSt,ý iintkoch Ps-os, uger t he .odins ."20 aitishe hour a! 10 o'alock t Years Ago lu Aattiocl." ýsean thereaiter as tise bus. The article rends:'fWalter Taylor, coui-t will permit. AU Permi George WaIIs, Chailes ÂAlvtrs andi nay file abjections in enidc John Didama, vho vont ta Io ii saiti day anti mey eppeer i B. C., lasi spring to, vorIs fer a golul ing and make their deienie, mlning cosupany. have returuet. ThéY niance pros-Ides for tht * reprttht hemine vau nef aDay- eaussment lu ton e lug investmont, but ntverthelese tht>' monte, vith annelInter enjayeti tht trfif Try ime - 'Thse Of e!aI siVer tont P r fpi date o! iiess-rtcles's first appearance Dated Lihertyvillt, MI., J vas uly 4,198. - OTTO B wsJuge24 an ti sstrt sait Persan aiapoitd ta il took te anp ita Cana ca. ttUre assesselt. lo!k te gtdrushor-anaa, C h i min-_______ onf ote dru, fotelle.Chcagttin- Fehrunray sdse turells Te e m n H NEEDN later vlth lust &bout as xiuch masi9>' ibartyvilie ftrll' st5tes tisat. ha hati ane of theat "Hughes beards," parteti ln thse cen- ter, ansi sitie buma that straggieo dava ta bis coUar-bond. Thgt vas vay back vite .jutige isatia villowy fo anda ibit the heasu vel untier tise 200 pousýd mak. FOR RIS ýROTIER BUT IN VAINI Tise transfusion of avtt a plut of blooti tram onebrother ta another praveti unavailing la tht case of Ital-- ert Wisan, whost deth lu a Chicago isospital vas notetilue vfflug. Il develapa that aurgeon» tiecitiet yesîerday morning that It vas pffsSi- ble tisat Mn. Whaft's 'chances foi- rt- caver>' vert better If a transfuion of blootivert matie anti tht>'notuftid hie brother Altx- Tht ltter isurrleti ta Chicago anti hareti his bodiy foe tise orteia. Tht>' dxtv forth tise e- ciuired amount of! dxiiid tas-o a tinie tht sick man atemeti to gain treurtis but later a relapse Cakne anti the sud vas flot long ta falîow. Alex Whan iode>' vas nasOro sPrY as a rtsult o! tht qurriendier of go mutis blooti but ht vas game as ht taIt Usat he bai endeas-oredti o give o!fbîieteoavsa-thie brother. Puntral ofi Rest Wisan vill be ai 2:.30, Wednsai, fram 222 Sherai Place, hurila le Osiooti. Thtlkit vill have charge. Mn. Ganter viSI oMeiate, NO ail ade, Tire and Tube VULCANIZiING Radiator, REPMIRING IMMEDIA-TE SERVICE Ail Work Guarissteed 1H. C. DOWDEN Lb rtyY li* Garage - S» e et tw.i ed..- ~160 et, m coic"! p tnat 41 o4sýos.-.- 2104 es ot0dbu thldfom 2ÂportiOliOdbut withheld f rom isritsmly1,121 .. 14e, i8U.1Cs .. ....12S& Io - ....»SIU, 19Tt2L2. ...... . - S SI ....... ... .7- - ------ 10.470TO 907 -8881 14816 131.40 5105.51 51106 128.86 1188.01 4 » 80 1632.84 6288.78 6248-11 124.0OS 1950.16 glIM15 72 785 '1 74 74 110 10.00 10.00 14.u1 5.00 10.00 22&.u 1205.00 2400.00 1680.00 1030.00 1120-00 10618.5 ,10.00 1.00 6.00 810 t4.72 13229 8.82 8290 0.75 521*4 .112 7.43 f» tt 18.0 12.04 190.60 10.00 8.00 Imm1 65.93 80.95 28471 118-28 6.59 2911* 19.10 179.00 172.41, .18 1109.14 1110.8 12.75 120.93 228.55 7.75 1288.45,1 '40.80 2179 112.33 389.50 183 lwo.0 6500 -ý.Dqe2m*0 11962 164.4 322.v 5.3 61.9 1.98.5 l532.84 6238.78 6243.11 1264.09 1950.16 61971.64 rICE poR gu ~ ySAL-e lisez SPort MOe! W&I~I AlUN ouring car; ouea udeos Supçr4ix essons 'W NT -'-DSe Sea andi ont Ford tourlng car- Cars it andi- - can te bcught veyresam&bbo. If'"-8. ago~~e aion tum0e Inquirt at UAbertylel paeo ORBl j.S--room hauge, i1Ij!Os .prtmntetr i State oaIMWnt; gsi andi eletrit i1 Dee-1 2,.ISore le C111- hait black from Lake Zurich. .*WtiIr On AE-0-l.PM, vith haus nt co)n- 0ai Fd IiMan . 3 . eibg. ot snov. $1m0. _______________________ ,Y.SIkes. Grîylb*. IIM. 29-St Le sudi TEAM FOR SA 1 -Wtlght -160l..lba. ______________ a l'art- each; sioharntasandti vszuj MPOR RENT-Two pleasaUt furnish it eight Wolff, Ubertyvilît. Phono 25," osns, Uurtt.mnd four dollas. TaIÈ- s-taU&d phoose let"vile 3SU. -t ris andi_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cernent WANTUD-Young li4, pleaasSnMr- WANTECD-OirIl for gOMeselbOise.- t-rein- -. ecnltY. sales ability and, iride az-\ ork - wagts $18 a vook. 'API iet tracingquantsace. psetrably vitiptm eith adecWmskfgfl- 27-t sos, hile, oýtareps=t t u(ti~ouier ot bigI _______________ tch hsa- clns phonogrep!ss &M radio outll. plos and No capital noe.uary. and -ramucs"FR ENT-A Buqusiov et 7 moace appur. iseangd. <)nly otesat nljig ,andbath. Inqgire coner Braiad ring the voeker nooti reply. "tdreis M. p. D.. andS Jackso Avis.St avenue cgr as-ondednt- .30-lt to tise ______________.TMMTN PICONOGRAPH OWN- M a line PO S1A=EOR TR.ADE.-A MLYUi ers. If ySu *ppvioletego" iti ) tcm.DiSuenLake =pai- vi' ot taire boter e m o 0 r ic ~ Shop . ,. 59-tfordo.-' Piroomthesm UimPtvVe milrS-asI the tole by aua "aOmauha .- 2) font FOR SBILL-SOa *nbn; >' theMadephoa-O-DeuâYM#," lbotten 1 f the tiSus for a rond stemi: cbp; tel.- aSdcoste lesm -_futi or MOUO>' hrais:«npisse LàbEltyviUl e - 29-2t rotunded. S$mgdU oMee lver Or --n.1 lt- M li., - A.w... Oarviaà. lWu1 ,aljimg meobne sase.nAuseu. My' te al n%* Mr muaiklagmàlao.1 bave anwti- mrworiag cl00 ta toms. C. Y. eOhica- tiSe, as O >111PEZCESOR Fi iros (ive- W. fui-niaisdoosm Ai barivar. bereof, Zim n Instilns & Industris j aint un Glin uVoliva). Depi. 4. ZionlL"1 & (lIeUt piosi31or 49 . fl2 ueot of OR SAXE-Yaung cu ent , Ze- . .,eeh sean core rGreeI hV EPhono 929 Y-1 - Wkly 2t+. NoI Sa" ENvO.1.1Tre tor a" tva bOUM PI poy, ued £Or dmmmoetbg. sxied*1 wioeotfflU if taken t omn". Bu. va&àn go 0ew. 1. L. (Isi T. M. Co0. P»Mt 445 Wauikigfl. it homa, on. of thi e st la AM.; bo vater b"a" &U ilmodem enlp?- MeUMft±L mu eb pqunt; lhac 11k. rnt IT.r. xHurO1n<& Pliass194j 'ÂrOI6 lL9 Courtd or asu-. . of the Try a"iat Ad." nivo~IDp<~r.kwUm - exring c before______ e heAr- - 1 Id ordi- taon ii inftai. 1 2 BI~DAYSe Horse ShoyV Steeplechase 11hch20 «d of - Üe, eumtry's beatliusswifl I BilGaines mm' ~1EImm IhENT J UNIÇI JU N K! We arte Bick in the Market And ready' to buy Ail kbn& of junk, paer, 3crap iro an metal. We.Mabuy old autofopats. We have afullUne ofeuto pauonhand for ail mdiks of autos. Noth iChicajo Scrp t]WS Meal Co ..... mie2258.11 ia . mk mý t' GAS CC Waokeg lamore se sDeMory 0, lsoavy "se dssriag the aldoclar. st tbe 16 beçif«r r, wtilm, WUo0 Legisiati the tlmr0m* tailles eti ably bW th utlity a&me ~ t pr ffl ply f«oe* Md 24b luit .thIt bolter cool dalfly. lasaddl# the rairo lies coupo Thse «k e! ivng 1 treieislyj rlatosrom muins îi reaed ila Sthrough a tlpn becon plant Jo shown by 3 . Baktr, pany. Wh( Chicalroio Accodis service CC dsy suppi: ."0cr 1 allgbtly la kegan pu Blot Mach W&Y but avithol question Situation ScIIw 1 1 This> e l zeaPotiil vas Bled office hi pan>- lu OC Wu" .p >emrs t tosaer I streets , Ibis-i dot fier of 1 acreos t Il laus negottattu * n Mr U. et lcoTes mllion d ('onside tsi about rate o! une maraud 1- - -11 fi une v 1 liffl 1 - - . , l FRANKLIN B., KERN, Tr-U-r. HOT. 1

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