e jugtalkd ther. Amno the .i. h wlt rmd IUfIZiSI ew iu the Cubtya= i L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t surhaçUi1. eit per et ofihike stock- in tba .. f * ae t he ep m tenk bai bin mut o f 14 te Publi Oetv. iC Ot-aî ltfltm *boIut a tm gn"mi48M iSogng o t ofýNYtèr I%*te 38.51 P *NItCCthebM f tt u5aPtifI tut cf iii. totZ1'&t goonn"4Me- ýOw d.-Uytt*e unybodtt pssjfjeaa t t im s-tat..0? pte a wi wozhm emP« =# $085-8pr eeaiaidt t- an 1n4 arti mout .ilspîm m.»ioB, le kunire bVktUOfl 17WIo 1CS.14 lDer cent e 0fo mm m 82 p vent MXC ofI* be iigw îce-dea tehe f oîrt h. tleatck ïoe u s- ~~~~~~~~'" w.,of 4 # ' ryth*t bmg ii o1i* ý« point vryauéwt " toît = c - .0y e outu t îl omtu n m &d it I ~i7 OnIph MM la mlitptfflMiQt4 0Md iOmr*radecescrs, ory p-th .74hifPe MW t Bes~4s »c= to alInt tbt lbout o.f te ycent cOfmqS«and m2 bt.8-Paa bY ~ heOiC4Ut fr bf to rlayora theb.- slee of4et-» o-eu ýe* poînv Off KéCoay. in htwclca the cn alt i e o! Wortb, Cooks *siu e ai fhow ztstnpOoMuIt msidong the r elvesthe omVantdlien iecs -~ cosctv thu rapety cfflicloun y and in. propèsornf pjt. The ca- t bùe y, U. B=çu b st»ingin =sidmflo!0 stociboers 1. poheltir"O %et'_he________ for_________________ tbc- erveid href nabtnsaspk f IOM ZEK ou M. a mwhtw ha TarThecoinuulty of WthCook- foufnto ifs population.f a0, e ois, t ci uSg bcaas. Se mi17ft nd films hes« - eZl, taelxy twniidend cohecks tp dsbbfg.* lore bkhof yteuitanoirnin pr opotionwlipopueation. he ra-o - etiorofsix inliabutnCO.plmainlla 1«Vrp Sdl 11:n f~us oe, tkc itaiy erl I canouut. fer goûtaeraII, i~ bciiyrda wooa~ ec.,abou~ Bila ave eco i ad rel undt, lias n o 2f ôo a« . veri' elgteen' people. astck OM " N T gNherIne ltytlree c lw , n FROU A« Rhi' afarie comaiiyIn te i l e >Wgrph hav e eami' &= e ri fil s, akn betfter' oflsmao peou ao!nesiLaket 1 g td h e t e darkt roopU b ri i *18 t r t isa oua sfôckho der f or~c MMWre bIngu.Ifta! tii hntcf mtr. te ry 0ree aann, vome nti cldi #'tls u tt fap~r m. ad ~ al ti. appr.,tii an g.maslil ust hnonedot Ofa iitttepbô *h"ee r à4 Îoe&ATest arber o! chritOetOWfl odvi- an lages i the blcericOy e-Bdiai j ZZZ theklioOi'y wieetertol 135* wltanteiand Ouflc.t prtive »Xp.Ure htf&be hava eauteakfabeGM lOInA terdlae ,* kd** ugkg br,4lwJ!lws,vl-iliaMd mm Èkary 1>eyo., Leq~veve.ý liaerber ilcue 1,in iat. 1lilailla. ~aan. itMlr. »d UMis. Water Reid Fnldy et tofiX ï. »EWa b e5 lmyS'atfit --u**,alter a ib 11ol4.l>mk- liRais. *6 ûrdai b.mdMs.L :OIf« " d W. auEM.mI&VIo~lr bhave refUSai tram a motQr tnp et O0ar Ltke, wIE,. et>,o tiite som a m>* XX-$4', sut M . J,*lWrgtiand e=fn- pea e Wa' a mM~ I ma tot ~,, - - L . D.IheiIbo9, Ur. ad l65iùunU kpetraooi, Alepeilto la i8ielè ob mne3y, Takn Iu tnwa ou Iè ie.m ostat. e . -r . If ubey va" ruebite st. Cthéflue bas ly ain ital, Keaile, Whoer.If là reporte& tti>w- flat ho la dflng. th arai ÀaQmie-StA se te ne MO 0peS r".. - usany la- om 'uuplau'od b> JaumsJ. Davbs tu A beudcraftt dam viii e couf - Ub.rtyflhle Loua-thineft'enOr rae veekrp. fTS'WI vin emt f perego nope; Om baa Uwwqb lm fmuupta4,e. Tiho m55 ill p taltt twoive tus amabe. nios» iiata eni«te idm wri te ~A OINTY FAIR. Thle Jir gamêLlisl esk 4iff ema*Ijty hi' ailmamnsof la- locosk$ ft aie 0f file 0m soan lu*nedupci forXald twi * patlirln#t 07 PrasiasMdt te-, joarïfeyed te tbo# ;boitteOrfU- A. Put- do*h a-f GraSs la S*tindat te a unlo& end pwclie.- Pilerqa vte pusset Mn. sud lim. lii.e maiL. Mis. tufo -webb .* faulli', -Mm . a Mis. e# and U *Mn,Usuly Mm' ar8. Web wud Mnm.L. mE 8.0*Ad t=UrI, ï t" st lr. a ut M . LI ecu's Ii eut~ ~ &U fasliiI akaat a isé*1. mu ~ *r lis&uti 0taa mut i et nut KecboxM. Jmut Mnd 141e P. Prrster mot an»? et GAd MI Mr.ao Mrt it. *»* Mm e t Mel smî:awl oct4 Mr,.ms., L Padoc andi Gaus. a-le. w M At kcabete.niad Mm'r ta srve'An trh Mdtw ai 'n Pt akil b0m aen e 1"tabzJU , 04 e~ut 1Q» y$M t bmc e yen0 taile Othi tMd18- - il sub ei ! M1 Opora ti Ofipa' vic pes4l IKI ! [g company lOvi NIT lYitL Hom i~y, M èruet XMrs. .Deseniléry one o!fihe aidait and bout kuao règ!àits of Liiarf Y- b vile, dweLif ebe ae an Northl MI- valfle. ave*e.t flyva occMonday I diseut mi idèiif f0 old age. f Anela la nMAilBtiley vw- bora' lnNe eTri afate Mardi 1, 1843, ande vas file <lugiter of Mr. and MMsp Ifalpil BUikiey. ille vas one o!fa a n-0 1Y of eleven ebhidraen, fîve of, vhomd survive ber. i Bil emaevîltil ler parents tt LIber- t tyville in 1850, audh-s alde-i finucl in l tba illage since bila finie. Mardli 4, 1874. ahe vas marred tw ' mimner W. DUseubSri. vlio died Marcilî 4, 1916. To till uion -ere liera ivo cilildroçn, Bruce A. Duaenbery and MMe. L.aura A. Moare, Whoasurevè bthelr mnotter. $ho aa l eaves four brotilaiS -Wsllacej Coliimila C., C"Malisu a Horace Buiklfy-ail f o! vilii -de hae; aima me siater, lie. 8, J. Ista- ret.t, of! Mi6sll)or0 mass. The fustl viii le ileld aethfe hM6 Il Fridu yaternoat2 dloek, standard1 cime. Burial miii b. ln La&keBide cin etery. NE AIRLm'EILk ivt« L I'0S1V p a$ over mlX onr t U oi t fIeout rb goli samut, t.anui nigbt on said rai'd ot batiag vuks building on soutiiea fcorner). ?rtavol - eut fa fsm tfourcornrs Rasutuialeoft.Go to flue end of smid 1raa andl tara rigttraelngnevit gsadsd mail Inte ~ o 1ie4ilae &9Lek Vil. Thle reverse direction for Chicigo.,Wau[e- gan md Grayulake. y«;. Anflacilcontinue wveaitutb Hml fafthe fttfour ceassis (rao" àlUig -filesdge of Lon aug .1.,,f94 rnbauif, S te uead ai rouad Mdtara rigichote- iate raad (et; eu4,t e MO;s roa di, a nov brick schûomai),- Saolov State rond lae n»ti#ocil. Tbe reversa directio for Clicago, GvaYs- Sale and Waukiegm. AiU o!fthe above corners are Well =srked vif h defour signa. OF CmUT JI Thie oufalde val! o!fithé count jeu vas repaired lult Tniday b brick iflasons. Tiare la no - t rut o the fereport flatf fie 'Wall vs dama-goalby Joe PaO&se- go805- an effort f0 break lufo la>110set If couid be wth ifs master, i is dQams tîme for violation -o!fà proihhtory law. sienf Greein sei file wall ha-s beeu cracked for Som finie on aroat o! seepage fr0i j . roo fRED BW>RPM WEM u State's Aftorney àA.'V. Smitilladry ,=m arrested Fret' Dori, a ofIO andiàmo Pèt r'Wxbt, ofTenth stfefl, an cliatUa f s l$lag Inhm estiai liquor. Sâtet dray ir sgisf. .E are "repeafere.11 Tisai'- voie a tp filedunfy jail but gave bond fi *$3,êOO eaci lit file Oaman t ai JuSW lrenvoi'C. Coulson, çstai sat vo va-t Ficilter. af F6 x i'*. $a-vo *4#s anlaigUeal .111flp" or t -i MorclU a-ad enhred a pIes et -00 au&ivo baud for ,90 -flipit0r.la lartjp wluk ue Chins. it atthle naîne oetX115, mulain gBIt, uno neeul liaton ou,# et the e a*peroot milllonsié,. asfr$etfll&a «uttg fer t ýoted bnwm fflsia tmu sbo rift Mffl'e.ae, 01,au OAwd" l~ref0#04 t. e rt»~e oi temine VI. la roqpenuMe for tbo' amiet inaI vfh a duipiate*a A Om nreliroeetflaiaî e 0. 'Uyan and tSlng n in t coniiectel vîiltile laV aUbe Jadge Daniel P. Trude,-t 187 C*nk tréef. Chicago. oilisl$O eifo rbm, Circuit Cntlhark 0. Broc&wai' a furda" s»g. Prldayj ho returned if, sct uy t h bhanalbond ln sncb aqt l In1914 Mr. Swrif.t, t it MLorton, v as oued by a negro eu- ploye nameed PYM oe. for dmI for linuries he sustatued w henl wu tirown tramn a horse. In th circuit court of l4ke county thle piaintff obtained judgmeit for $1,- 000. *The matter bas neyer been dispoeed of as for nome reason*a levi' coutil ot bc serve(. Bine. filet time the de! endant marrled Mr. Swift-and--the --udgmit and eziCu-, fion la on file court records against1 goIen Morton. Wben tihe exocutIani vas tabou outfOo! Circuit CIerb 1 iirockway's officee a !ew days ago if' vas mnade ou* ln the de!endtil's maîden naine. According to ilerif Green file foiiowing worda have Bine been rorged on the execuf Ion: "Otherwlse bnown naslirs. William ewftr' Actording tu iaw nu change eu b, made lununInstrumentl.of tuse kind except liv the dent isuina- 'îyan edaim ,he knows notbiug about mv f the alieged alteration was ma-de, and fiheiff Green was in- formed thaf Judge Trude liq an-as an a vacation. Another empioye ilu t he judge'e office deeiared thaf ehb' does Dlot know anyone lii the naine .1Of EYan whoio m empioyed lis Judge j rude. SI 3' I At 15o4 Formers of Lake Counity Invlted Admision to Fordson Exhibt FR££. PAJJL KENT Wftb W" ohm O QUICK REPAIR SERVICE Prompt'ioad Work Ford Magnets R .e-Charged Libertyville Auto R*Pair sh-up STAT NOWW 1LABOR-DAY WEEK LAKE (CUNJYPAIR automobie cnsea drapped t0a efiWO 0C~O~cSuiVy MW lqver level yuil. teissuing :! oi' LIITYVILL!, ILL 831 licensos for pamoger Aufomo- a, agg ~ ~ - ane4gd 154 for tracks -lait eek. Av.~e 1r, . a nu utrai ilabringa file total of, pasente j i. lois"~ car les for the ysa emn62m8 and trucks fa 90210, A total for bob Jh41[76. WINim, seffaay W.*. womN, Prmkhbme e15.550 ef 718,010. Il' 1. LUES ANU A-il T *At The AIIW AND RV? GOOI] Iran Cots... ....... -2S Matre es ....... PUP Tenta ......... ...... S Hammo....d....- ..... 1%Boois . . ......... Puiljte" s - - .......... .$ Breeches ......- . ........ -& . Nesnew ...... ..... .85 RU im*wea .... . 3 i v x o ........ts......... .. Jackçts .- . ...... KauiPants... 19 ig scrimeatof Caps,.lateit - &igsmuind the very besi ulity, for lMen Mud Youn Mu ays. raaiing f roe ISe $125,$1.5t, $Lis' Md i$2.75. We have the latest style Ïics a a pemal prce of...-'$. Ponce S"irt -- 4-25 AMl il Socksai &dy-.,75c Spart Shirts ai- AiJmltic ilinSuits aL.85c breis Troseai ..._$3.00 Sei Cases ai oy __1.54I sors swQvs Tbme .art Lion BfamidShees, specialy bu kfer boys ai ithe -or So *i m thrH~M&' Bag; W, 12, O ; . tes àt fma e.- 50 esi & ho Fite Sà ae ,5 Camin u and sec aur drcaa ùmo at only ..........$5.45 Woek SI.. - Our çç«Wia Fariner'dmaea-$4 Oak Leather Sh a L..$2.#S Cana" anOfficers field dmc YARD COM Percale, p*er Y4t Ž1i Giqha, per yiRd A'z Peiske. per yrd ...25e Fruit'cf thi. 1oxo6i.ycL..33ç. W. carry al kinda af notms Auilô I-msc 0&Iio» Dresa cudiius Ssbat .5 cbdi &niUniaê Suits-M.4 g3= Uberyvile Dpartmnt t thTeStreorIvryoy