A 'Vap 'SI t,., Lke County NýîtiouaI Ban jLIBERTYVILLE, 1 IOIS j We cali for your f amily iaundry-dresscs, waisti, leus mkka. shirts. undcrwear, lingerie, stociigs, romipei knickers, towels. cikdren's tiiings. table and bled Inen--ever tbing that neetis wasbing.- Werelieve YOU of fhe annoyance andi expense of havà a laundress about'the h<*e-save you Ail he fusa ai stcam andi bother of wash day. 3 We do ail of your wasing. wtb fieb. rainsoft wal and mlti.white soa of testeti purity; we rinse. bli march and dry your clothes. ;4 Then we iron your fiat work, withot friction or wea tpo ouriimproveti flat work ironer. and we IRQ ,xw wemg apparel on aur woclerfu! steameateti presses, wii the uine pnce and expicting care your favorite laundresa wou use. <41 The; Seaaon's Harvest In the "*Spring of Youth' the farsîghted sow tboiek fuljy. Through '"Life's Sununer- they tdii and save, ."'0 vision of their fulture. When 'Auumn" cornes the harvest ià juat what dei have made it. j; Then, in "Winter's Twiight" weil earned, iest is. thre watd of their foresight and thtift. Rend ym futur mnYom bk.o Opu. m accomntm dut s*mng Natioald "liY. MAXIt hem. of Esp.éWIia hteottoU'r le Îp; J> lit. and IMs. . J. Wright and daugh- Mrt. &M md lre . . ayre. Sr. of ter motorsd to Racine snuday. Chicago ape u d* at the home of MWhes leh aid RateCarrol is-hlduhs~ ' .eb' -'-- Ited friende l in o le O . li. r.,sand M"r. V* tten snd family M BOX(ON PAGE FM ofChicago ,Fioed Idry cayi Mzlt.a" mIir.W. W. Carroll weresand otiier U e . rltve at * Wikga viators $="dY. week lir. and lis. .'W. Brava vate The flext tre ~ g0 teW rMeds a inlwaukee guumy. C. T.' U. *W a tthe.home of ___________ liuasAuwn yatt orCicakgo la vis Tuesday fitD09o*te glit tb, at two iltat the, home of ber brother, 1.L l Ow0oex J U J A le as its wr.akest S N 0 à OfBae e WukaVlouid lak.Do otthat weak I lat s~sywlh ile othr l emid froi t 7t le-'green f romn Mary Rader. Jc fktlme al. lir. (harsftaction $s«e W. * ,Jr. it ifed Thursday sand Nlday *MillLber- Cbiroprs.ct.c. scienx>t that' trll, rind.makee çeoile »U d iÉppy. bu t~vUefreua.need not bo OL, Irsctic adiuats li-a Herbert C. Lask of Waukegan the caise Ô0f t, Ya io your spent Wedzesday wltb ber miat, lits, ow pe Dna r.tr J. H. M. N. Uliahm. Hesi lits d d. ike »sd dmaàahtî. James iOed at the miW i EliSabeth, are isilng relaies ln the 1 iln hmasrice station,iP rR'O E 3 0 estern states. 1 has returnuê weeks'vacuj -' Mia Ver Hiasehll -vjted i fisand ltmow-k. arneps againj OA A AE Mis Vm EU»blivojledet héi Yrank Kanb«db can nowigela O DYtT haine of lir. and lin. J. N. Bernard breathîg apeil. ScFrOn rFa amnes the pait two i weFre'nk«s,,p mgl ILH N. Géels et Beàfflvllle spent Saî __________________ AttOrneY LYell 1H. _oi iud tdly nlght san~d aywthMand home rlday from ai'buines trIP to-lira. W. Transets. 19s. Gei M and(o BIllilngs. Montan&. tile mate. VWho b"4, -been gu". t sai the Tranten o , Ievrldýs Mir. anmdlira. F. A. Befltley of Ans- rtre ol e eea as tin. apelit Samda.y atthe home of Mr .ure witith lia t.otheir htur'in jnd lira. Henry iaxîa. Be saonvlfle..i Mir. and lira. E. W. Buterfield ai Mrs. J. H. Stelunen'and granddaugl'i tended thbe fuiterai of Andrew Oisen ter Mss Dorothy. of Chicago. rirent In Wukean Mnda. le firai paoil t ts week with Mrq. In Wukegn Moday'J. B. Maffluffl.m ". Stehm'n is th- A aweet surpriae. Undeniably sweet 1wlfe of Proesor ftehmen, lor moi-e to everY womnan la a box 0< our freah, ihal 40 years prnclpa of the L.ogan confections, C. Gotti & Co. Ih 1Square School Chilcago. Mr. and lira.. C. A. Kmigge, MiBsMil- Mlke Wof, who riéSides nea u; iif drd Evilaiz.or ani Bernard Dethorn l<md Lake, reports a= imuauai occur- sprnti Suniiay In Waukegan.' rence. Near blis reelmece la an apple iree wfllch hsî t o$W00 quota of fruit- MLmaJuia Wynn of Evansion is but before the apjiles vmaured tbey ailU gi up, oud mariwitiia me s aendizug a few weeke at Uhe home of i f elloif. New UIt sgipl iree feels it lier cousin, Mn., C. K. Knigge. 1 hasnent tfuIfIhd Ma mission, and la lILILACTOR. n, an in fuit IýJeoeua,-wtheuipromise Peu -the joy of smoking a Misa Luelile Stoli of Lincoln, 111., l fa ful i Cop. go igr re ht y pendez her vacation wlih bier alter, S ia n itw lira. Ben J. Simen, and fignily. mmr. J. B. IiaoGuàtln lionday enter talned et di#nuer. an sd lira. Chas aisfY You beyond mnble Mi"asMary Gamma Of Nvsnstonla J. Dcku' bc lé* ttbat afternoon on 1l1ltng at the homne of lier gr&Udpar- a monti'n vâatiea tri: go the western You Winl ike its favor-4-ts oi, nsa, Ur. and lira. S. P. Evilalzor. atutes. p1l er at it. tickey weilt te Ues.YnwIliekfi Sortliand, Oregm..,by w1w of Wvlnnise" Barke?»s Superfine F'Iavmnon-, aad wl tE. C. en the retUrn tfhe reasenthat à leaves m aicohlic, inake haking almpiy dek1ip th., .m a'Uinpe lAi Sait Lake fe-ts clous. For sale at ail grocery stoerses.e pina. Mir.. nd Mni. Paul Dr&per a" dbabYy s'rnukeaned"y jlUte bualest men Tfte price la Iow andthe quality ter orBleoeington, . ..are l5MUU5 uthe: in the United Stats, ab partet Xen 4#- htgh. home of lira. Draper'ssaiter, lira. W. tucky. Lent iturdW l ie mniaaded a Suy a box today. lue B.sebold. carl5 0f .Irsnd neW oids. the cars lira Mary Bader sand Ur. snd lira. hebug sent bere drit froiDetroit. %iliam Zoelilier left Suaday evenlng 'I'biis wek ho delïtred fflsëer to Une for a t wO week' vomttloi tri p ut Be- ut ut- OiGni u fii I Wi ar. t.'nut. Wisconsin. ..t.hsda: O=SCheihsi E"Mr,,. C. Spring bas returne od ms litu&adb. r; 13st'; f roin Battie Creek, Michigan, wbere Itouring car. W. IL MÔrash, tourinS itil aie waz cnfled on accouint of thjgattn ýcar- Robert Rouge, Area, sedan.- eand of hér tep-mother. 'PMIt 7ltilL. touring car. R1DEI~ENU~NT -- -UNLY$1 Tetm b btn way of Wàal*-the oMd h 1sis "P. éumd. (l"iseitm> -w v~u ai asuredi a sahitary .ervxce wbo.e higstanud- fbmftw a! ui axuonigOveprmdy. MI..Sme #Wb lIS#êst 67<-R You Cin Build Now I =h TaYOU Wil Thi Fàali w1 "eae ini good 86ape to take care of youa ur-Plan Seivce IsAn Yoûà ijir I.Tne, Wil Soon Be Here. Go Vàrs Now. We Seil Stave and Tik - -~ Libertyve ~u~r Lumber - ~mi Co. 5s-EN ALL S'un DOORS DUTCH CARN I VAL Give Yourself- A Treat Plenty of Gwies of- Skill FUN GALORE. Lob ofPriËes Y~~ùr T7i cimer 0f ait sut drs *l:we lh la fc 'in,-ikilli." trom 5gtOer itenuts but - xofa-iit eplufd t lovelln-safor tUey are 39 or e tOU, inrfiy-thî.- . famhiy Of cheer.np-sud-be you- r finai0àI àdvaht'-p , la other Word$, we wiII $av* yoe Evr &ueavant 4metliat tbe ~fo~swlb. ou.1fq- FRIDAY NIGHT Âugut 4, 1922 On The 'M E. Ghurch Lawn TG(L(m arATE (IF .7 . VOUirrTA, 1 WILL PUBLIC AUCTI 333 Acre Farip And 10 Town Lots t Tuesday, August 29, 1922 - A1: 30 P. ML, Meprmises. S$tuâted a4acent t». tle Viflage of Volo. Illinois, five nul«e eatfMdFkwy,. anti five miles west of Round Lake, flioos. «the M'vyrueent roati, andth d eRanti cernent roacL - 'iii fan le se" inproved and inl a high state of cuitiVatios. li , Inspection invite& AbeadW MpWae to livce, ant a good imvestrnent. iÉýU A-a-, 1w y tt - -w _ Il At .Abou Jàf Silk Petticoats, extra size Each - - - $4 Jersey Silk Petticoats $ Each - IFine White Satine Petticoats W.. W CARROLL & SONS'COMP' No niatter liow or whire yousjq"d yamwva- caiot4 yM shoaid carryoyur L007ni nm fian other dmancaat Travelers (liqiie are the moot oe'rS*icSt< They aret mued m cither lare or saial demmei- natioos. anti tey may becasheti aywhere. anytim. Yaur igature is your idenihatar ad saf e- Let titis Banmk give'-you Travelers Cheques for your noney. Chas. D PrÊoct« d Insurance of ail kind»s Phmn 154-M U~T