01 l c ater ou I rat hri las glnte amu brobp. sas auei la bStore. vOn Dle mli boe.d." ~» I - I i I -. I - E - I - I -- $yA .60, 00 ier ftu f toMiu uly 8U, 1922. 0f, limai idean sd mort- r 'it7 liumber- o! lusttoimaia led, paualU oltimiues briliWitt loess -- ayabore di. arerege. tu WmdAgso BeBou. Ir. Ugbtroot sué vite t s ts IsJ. Wooll«> s*th of Myrtie air**tlfor $0700.00 *" S ave back trust <doMforf $14W.00.À -à~tsst L..Ioîbeansd vile boiegis thse liIggG. NéIsos place o00lertis - ie- stsrm t beveet f01017 etrug »l dNouth avenue forlu"t- e&Wa IM 5. 00, trust deet back foi-1 C4sience C. Ciav!ard sudwvile booglt a 44-foot lot ou senîbveet Cor"Asis sudMyrtie treets troi k C, M. Gonisam for indcated $10,000.00. Si-v id F. Buoou beugist tisnee lots os nortis aide Cummînge avenusebD- tveen Jicitstn sud Lincoln treets fer ndlicated $300Ô.0. Jullus Anderson sud ReYmond J. lionegard bougit tise Albert licDer- motl lot on est aide Cbapel etreet Inel nortis of Washington s-c o iadlnated $1500.00. Jonathaen .Wainv-lgist heugut lthe Wb&pieâ Place on South aide Water' stneet- beiveen Geneaee ast Çeumti'« aireets from saISon unitenisei f or ladlcatei $9500.00, subject tu ennumi- 12mer J. re ougbitihe Mari' T. Rowsu place on southerli aite <Grand aenUue ustI mest cf Asis street foi- lndlcatedSlOO.00. Waren Hot bougisitisaeJ. 0. dC S. E. Lamibert dBaeounmest side MrtlStreet mmtisof Senths avenue fer lndicated 8100000. Peter Lun ans i vifs ougit thse J. N. Mackenzie place on eat ide Washigton P a r k for Idicate $M50.00 and gave trust deat bani for $20M0.0, - CaroWYn B. Thesisabengit tise Wm. T. Stevart place on soutis aide Stew- art avenue for indlcatcd *10.00. In North Chicage Cyclone Fence Ce. boogit $.SU4 acres lu N % soc. 4 Shiels betve ell I. & ~N. W. R'. sud tlise . J. & Ea lis. Co. nI-oui ly 27, 1192L te a. J. & E. Ry. Co. for - ludlcatcd H. P. Hopuner sud vife te fi-e- i50.0. ercue Millag, lot 4 sub. a! lot 6 thi Laite Forfft James and Georgius ippenini Club suis. Fox Lake, Wl> lhoraigeo ouait lWt17 oé .sî& O 10 . ta*p $,.&0. itm John Griffth fon udeu« MArY T. Revus sud iuabandte1 $M0.00, tf34M«s J. Green, N 2/3 lot 37 asits. -Robert A. Gsrinrbeagisi lie Maxi'te Northeet atd. Waukegan. Wl) N. smnuel place on soutleess cerner S1.0, t * 2.00. Sbondasroat sud WeatManI- r - NSl mi .sAud vifs te J. C. anue for $4,50.00. PlisSas et W. lo 30 bloci 2 MailW's lu liHWM00 Fi-suitMai' lougisi mule. Mffi 'iMae.Wl) 10.00, tamp ho. Wn. C. Beotiplace osn orbweit$100. c@sne'Railvansd Pitfrie, avenue -,A"61 Hachbant.isand vile 10te l- orî $M090. dan lest Silver Back Fox Ceo, N ip aJlasm4 Parts abet inte lotDUS ansut10 sec.16 Botn rvy.. bit t de Fate Tolt RCplan..WD WM.00. wucerly aide Lincoln avenue sortis 1188f selu Cisauconi'te Han' Wlck- 0 da r avenuie for Indicatl lIdes. B W 'pari lot 59, Higisvood. ,We4>' K.Hr buitlb u-lesd 800.00. Xbgi'y 1. rapebut thS e HUM, i 2K1la= shysef ssaaty on ou te oi Loii. " t ta WDLttop aïd ~1d~0.Wiadgav ~ b51 5 , 'sec 1Deeréeld tvp., W) KpeldMy acm e on at*l'S .L.moi rc !Is aB3 sud vifte ouait U .soit and. ta . . 41. iloLide mâli &"A»for« 9,0000E.-utocs Wl10.00, wiam ties snd vite bougt thes$te*16.00. Li R= 4 "Iar l W'4Ue- J. -G & S.IL .mbert te Warme Se Deerl4 5t veat of Ravania f;;Hock1. E 111.5 t. lot. 3 sud 4 blocS l$oeted S5000.00 sud' gare bacX 14 Suaderli4'à let Sdd. Waukega]1, uuià deMefr 1"M0.00- Wl) *10.00, stimp $6.00 in Round Lake. Oea. B. "-emAg ,July 25. 1Bg2. a6iogt 13 lota In buk. 2 Roalng Bra. (Y. A. Howard lanud vife te Gro- Bubdn. heom riando A. Hoarai-tfor in- B: lteang Lois. 4 te 16 sud part dlcated $160000. - lot 25»RIacS 2 Roslng Bro.eb. . In Bton C. N. Richards andi vite Round Lake. Deeds $20. stsmp $1.50. bougis part et S E 14 sec. 189Osat W. H. Miller and vile ta Henri' sadst et o Kenesha Brancis of Mit- Scisiegel Lot 18 Miler's Suis. * a iqas5.sef rossi 5s.m W. G. Voliva for ('iooited Lakte, W l) $10. stamp Soc. nbtfiil conlderation sud gave bacS Italie !Mutka sud vIfe tg A. F. trust <100< for*60.0 Puole oL.is 13 anti 14 and 14 Block Sheridan Rond Slver Blackt Fox 1 Nixous South Jackson St. Suis. Co. bongistishe Derbyi'p>'paty ou Waukegan. W. D). $10, staulp 83. mest aide Noth Sheridan rffl Jul Beitisa Weire and busisand et ai sote of! tien fi-tanAmel Ilacithartis le Adams Gregaizeveki Lot on NI' for $23,450.00- . cor. 141h sud Commonwealth Ave. in Lake Vila Townshp J. G. & S. Nerth C(hicago. W D) $10, stami- E. Lambsert hougt thse Wsrren Hoa e2.60. 66 ocres lis sec. 25 Laite Villa for F. C. Birovn andi vile te W. T. $10,00000.LaFaee - Hairover Lotsu 47, 48, 49 sud 50 In Cuba L'aeý Manile bqught Bravn'a SuS. on S. - Buttrici SI. tise . J. Lagarseleele 159 açes 14 Wiaulegan, W. D. $800. S E 14 sec. 26 for 891,.ô00OOasd E. J. isd . Ri'. Ce. ta Cyclone gave baci trust demi for $16000.00. Pence Ce. 2.88 acres lu N 1-2 Sec. 4 Shiselds 'rip. i l>' tyo! Nath '090 0 9***0 g # 0o 0 Chcago, W D $10, stamp $6.50. o RAI PJAT m M v-* FaYe Pernlu¶1to Mahel Bnnie Lot 0 Sy A. K. OW 0 0*10stamu$6.50. to . G. NelIai- et ai Lots 2, 38, - july 20, 192.su. d *W lu Pair Otie ns u. Loait H. A. Harusicu sud vile te Coui-ad Zurich. W. I1.*1- Itraus and vifs, lot 6 bleck 3 Apple- bes's cub., Banlisgton, Wl) 840000. B R a. ). W11benr~sd vifs te Lea. inisIIiKIAKK . Fugua, lot 4 block 1 Lyondale suis., Waukegsn, Wl) 410'00, stamp $1.50. awm C. C. Sueesa n sd *Ite ta H. L. - - Poter, tract a! land lu S E 2/t S E C U f u '£ sec. 17 Wauiegas. Tvp., Wl) *1.00, staaip 18.50. -E a t lot fiâIl.l*sub.patN B 14 sec. 31,- autguTvp.. Wl $10.00, scamP Mike Oriandi e!flllghwood, sai l 81-60. vlolatar o! tie liquorO lava, an court JeaSI&'T. Meisel sud leishanti te recordassov, vas anas-es Frida>' at Julette U. Tesenut, brt lots 3 sud 4 1Higbih 1sdJ.te ats nu biock $6, Iiiliiaid Park. WD $10.00. Jati. At a bearing. giron hlm Ibhis At- stamip 00,~~- ternoon before Justice Henvey CenI C. aUs*al ffl -*vifsto W. IL so[ eau cvu asnnd loen te thee ares Diedriobs 55.4 vtelot 3S qW a ju'5ry ou s $2,00o bond. Clar liteaê,L4%- %e v VII,, Wl) OrlandI sduutted tbath½ie naideh ï16000. siBl0 UIi8110' fatm4 ieer aud vine. Tise Ia.ditsi -, -* S ,* te im lmieclau1cdbu te _n& '* rWw e EsatÀd tialie v INet PýarSWD ttnia ler fqr bis Mi gpý >p. - Vig&wu*te t logrli PWOlaU« HnllngClu, lt9bloS 4, -lft # No;okan-b. o ~ Mre TM> Zzu ar Md vif te James B« &tld Yom, tract oflad lu sec. t6,1*w.,Wl) $900O0. M. W1. minte sud vite te marie Z. Cissitesn. E M '% lot 21 block 14 I)f4O5'05"b1., North Cbge., Wu) $Io."0. d$mu p. 1 G. A Tntsdei snd vifs te idiev L.uManda W ,iW 24 Caffln'$ssuis. on OSiserite J, » IW M 90.00. W. B. lugvlft *d ansi ite te Jean M. Proerckati, lot m0i Pmasant Hill suis. on L4»g5 jAe. Wl)$425.00. - -Jul, '2%1lut John Griffithan vMe te ebastiau Itrieumat, M $0 ilot, 88 Cousti' Cle*~cau 40. ',o Fprest. Wl> 11000, tnp*.0 P. J. Hopkilng sudVigeoeAltisiiti Cor-ocran sd vite, lot 9 <ex. E 60 fM) blocS 7 Elsaigr Aid. ~gisltd Park, WD *100.. Edsiard I. Holmberg a"sUd V ea iW. R. Sisytis aetiLlot &8 eurt'N ortis Bide tui., Waukepgma, Wl0.00. E. a. Law=, -dite et lai. t Autou 9feps. Md vite, W go IL lu100 fI. W 188 ft. 8 % bi«ei 8, Nortieee Ad& Waakegan. Wl) 10.00, tamp .itdy le, 1922. Converse Mai-bis sud vifte WJohn Priciteti Lot 19 Bledk 8 Fox'iter- Bprlugs, Wl), $19 Miute Sawnsch and busan"dte ProsPero Degraila a gant 0f 5W 1-4 Sec. 24 i.iiertyvilie "p.. Wl). $10. stamp $2. EBfle Bittergeld te P. J. Brocisi- mass ansi vite Part Lot 1 Butler's Suis. - Lbertyvillie. WD, $10, tamp so. Effe L. Butterfild eid lcena Nel- san Part Lot 1I Butetîs Rnis. LIS- ertyvulle. Wl). $10. X. J. Steineri aud vite Le May A. ýlIeadlng N 1-2 Lot 13 Blockt 4 Wenns Atit. Highland Park. Wl). $10.' stamp 84. .iuly 26, 1922. Hlmn. Ltnu. Hirm Ce. ta John Him sud vile. 6 lts lu Village o! Laie Zurich. Wl) $1000.00. Aber MeDermait sud vite te [Julina Andersen et ai., lot 43 Lyous' Fair Lioanda asu. Waniegan, WI) $1000, starn» 150o. Esther Burieniselin sud bneband t0 J. G. Walnvrigbt. 26 fi. N front on Water St. béiveen Genesee and Counti' Ste., Wankegan. Wl) 1100o, stalag $8.50. Jobs Griffith sud wvue te James Tisompson et ai,. lot 17 Rose Tenrace suis. Laite Faoet, Wl)$1000. tamp $5.00. Mary Moi-mss te Helen Maeit 9.ma buabani. lot 6 Plilifant & Mci'- téCeers N. Bultrici t S. aub.,Wan- kegagn. Wl 150.09,. 1. A. Watrousansd vite te QUe-. Dendlng sud Vite, lot 25 bloS - iOr,- ris suis. Waukegan, WI) $100, samp 50c. RAILRORD PCOUT Rtaiirod Earminge -.vepteeented 4y froeit endwà ger -rates--are COI4tAOLLIED by the Interotate Ce., erce 'commission Wageè.. -over 605b of a roadt'e xPenses-are CONTROLL- E bi heotUnited 81*tes Raitrood Labor Board. Prices of materiais are CONTROLLEO by conditions in other Industries.. The Commission has, ast 534% as the maximum net Oper- ating Inconie, out of which to a py lnteffies cost cSi m- provementa and Dividen*lb-with no guaIrantes of any part of this per ccnt. With Earnings and Expenses and Net Ineoss, OUTI C TH ÉIR CONTROL. the effort$ of rallroad sxéetJvm (Ms. ject te the additionai restrictive controi of vrtoeis stll are necesariiy liiited te the eperatine Pr*Iehi 0f afftI& ing efficient servico under advesrcosjil@oe Chicago,. Milwaukee & St. Paul , isro PUJGET SOUND ELEC1rRIFIË0 i i lien àdwm mto tea* bel-a-tê pk' isi"h thseLI le« Mfiers were Miss h ~ r cfJoiet va.. IW#A*UL. The music M MEORUSUNE Bd- r. 4d xm,.bave r Itog$ys, Appear Before Ilii- Bo se ov tdna tedorIIbti,âep1 .arva n* ComnwSceCommis- ChiagoMr. and JÉ. à have gone dSiowad Protesi. - o wto lr.Mason, C'harles Rtussell, suppprltendent sMd exlsectotehue ne abou w Th petition of the' Northi Shore of Higisyysof Lakeite ay c weeks.i.Me and the. Lakte Shsore Transpor- companied by Henni Eger- Lew Mr-. snd M& iGuJWXwp and Grand- tation compani' ta operate moter bus Hendee. WIII 04Qbe and otiier Lake ma Brooks" a SMd&y îîslîlng lin« ffbewei W»ç5lMilef Cotnty good rmade boosters atteA hie e.i~ ia, 4ive beup =u jit case bu- ed-ameetinglia Cbifflgq Tbutir& M'i'.C '1 t Baiurday and fore tise Blts B eo Commis- before tise State Hlgbvay Cmnila- ugday ' set a2ietWarrenvile.Mcln ICiag. Niffincewus pre- sion ai wbleb thse extension of vu,- Eddie Uis te Hait Day Oeened On Wednesds>' sud Thur8dai' lions tate &Id roade lu tis ldis- li sud a lady11-by attorneys repreeeonting botis cam- trict was up for contideqatlon. Mis ans ad1 ldyPaiii-Tise attoreilys vele giron Tbe meeting was belli ln thse friend are îîk ih her uni Augusat ptb lte fie wrlten . Sberman botel wau lai-gel>' attended. motiser. brie£@ and agreementa. Au additin.- îc}*onry counti' bati a large dele- Mr. aud Ms .: LOckhead re- ai teu dars ver. givon te .511e an- gallon ail of wisom Imte 1 bages tumred te tfie - aers te thse. bearing thse number er routes in je P. ..ubtitute car- Zion City' badi a defleg* proett vicistbey vere psrtieularly Inter. rier Ça Riit« o 2. aItisbe hearinga lus Chicago te tustifi' eated anld for viiitie>' weie EuiWkf s e View bus. tbat the reuldento of tisat eity vere boostIng. Laite county's elegat Imm îl aBer unaiterabi>' otl)oged te karInatise bad nparticular obJeet-sin mad -¶be Wbité Co. Unload- buts"esfron M etUiseln.e am$ethere witb thse exception of barI4 ~tise qI±bO y and viii be pointiiig out test t vas a relligIous Sixte Higbvay Commission apPrave MUse>nlu lte commence city and tisaI the plan la se 015tise certain extensions te Include route-wXok 0tilo. @ýMlwaukee ave. people segreated sa.~ mucis as gos- tveniy-twp. vhib stbe .»Q"j W EoKBu-Tislrcasai. Sccommodate ible. Tisai'potnied out tisat tbe pervisors - . pr 1 > ly ilothe -xerl iug ;nauwnaigd'bsDt giron Iliaperipnssian for. ron bts vereOn favor of. compeuien. thlie busses te i-un terougis. This road roube ast fremlAite ]gr-,d*" a ~u Brockman and Tbe commission IndIcated tisat tbe Zurich Ibrougis Prairie View and Mii. Npp stt/ oiay evenîng at complainte Of Zion would nal b. Haif Day tavard Laits itoreac. I tise Dan oà cie he omne in Apta- given ver serions attention wvi le referred ta as tbe Beill Une Road kllc. tise matter ia .decided finale. Tisere conflecting up Botofl iLake Zu. Me l.M s%â f i bertyvilie iswasn Indication wbether both nom- rich is îthie road comlng from sfending thse week titi Mr. andmm.ponles viii gel a certif icatd te op- C'ook couni4'. no ppstn G. Steery - erate or visetiser juet one viii gel; There ha% been noopo .n4ý . G. MaeibOrwusa Waukegan bus thse coveteti permission. thià roat iroin Lakte dounti' resýiIlnesCetlrUOOdAY. dpnte. Tbh.eisurcb seroliôtext Sunda> as1000000000000000o0, Laike county regidents were anme- failove: SUMUdaioboSol at 10 a. m.; A NT I OC H6 visati nterested lu thse dscuson preacbingirlet 11a.M. and 7:31) -necc o brought up -about a road sumng pm~. ÂI ie. eo«dWhIinvited.O firn Barrington op thiongis Mc A number et Prffle iVew people Mr. and Mrm. J. EIies of Abuquerque. Henry county lu Harvard. thissente vwent to.tie tIre at, -EWI Day Monda New Mexico, are tise guesate c Mr, ani off a smaîl piece of. Cu"a lown njlgit. --Mii. Paul Guentiser aud family. ahii,. Laite'County, but does naon - Mrs. C. T. Nuite snd Theodoru vis Mr. Guenther of Chicago spent ove rern Ibis ceunty particularly. lied Modyeveungvitis Mr. and Mrs. Sunday witis hie familir bers. .FankTuBe>' .4 feniiy. Mr. and Mra. William Bkavis andi ,o006,o00 o000 o000000 Prairie Viii a bisai place just two cbildren ofChicagospent several LAKEZURIH .6now-. Ton car iods of materlal. con_ days tise puat veek viti tise former' * LAI ZURIH ~ assting of steel.oelpetntsd feed. are mother, Mr-. Margaret D-avs. 000000000000000000 on ths e UvÀ*. f_". taking off ni Tise Silver Lakte Base Bail team ebas. T. Ford. of Wïukegan. district tr'duB 65 sd 6 doea' von-y Guside. playe4 Lise Antiocis teaim aI Antiocli manager for tise lliiols ell,1 Telepisone Mi-s. Chariots '$'ansd daugiter Sunday afterneon. Tise Antînois teain Comnpany, was lu Laie Zurich in tise lu- are spendîn usé m. lthv Mr. sud was tise vinner in wbat vas said t0 tere to d onsyTusa.* Mr% FtarrsiÊ tabi sA#dfaunli'. have been tise beat gantesofthtie ye-ar Tbe Misses Bunice Reaeand Lu- mie. W. INISmbe «aiChicago le spend- Mr. sud isa. Hembrot aud faml>y cile Marti ssii apending the we lutg a fev dAys Vlle ber parents. Mr. Of Cisoteit. Wie.. motored down and wte ueur coatsin, Ireue Erct suad lire. .J. Ritaentbaler, and client tise past eek wvus tise at4's T. Fisher ef qilcage snd Arhur i~U' parente, lMr. sud Mis. Gideon Tbayer. FihrofGene oasuet6udyad other friends.-2 'bey viii agent Flubr o Grenelov, aent ond>' everal days also vith relatltres al Mil- vitis tise erman Preismnfamli'. 0*0 00 0- 00d 0 0 0 0oo0e0vaukee ontiervay borne. 1 Mm .Frances Pi-oi nud lMr. sud a G RAT SL'A KE ' *9 lira. Maryl Hegeman toit We<nesday Otw ,Gs" atteudel tis a fnerai Of ôinlt veek for a riaii vlbMr. andi Ur. Gua,s»iasrla Chcago Monday. S0S0 0 0 6 il*06000 00 M illett at Lake Muai, Wl. I ra. Mrs. PIblUp Young efteitaised ber IMiss Rin luo pt of Waukegasulis Millett wu formerly Miss Fitalie Deni- tlinte, Muis. Poble ad dauguetr, Mirs. visiting hber 1aut, 31<1 MdWagner. *ei Kunde. sud cisltrcu 5and sou, Mr. snd Rai' Groovendr a& gister, N KBr. mi. James Stearnsa snd daugister, in. P. Buker sud bitto daubite; ic. speut snnd&.,y -t Esfi ~Rthser, spent oveit Suuday wvhs Mr. over dth e eeend. -- l4ke Ca q ner ~sd Mrs. X4= n uChicago.1 J. Jentcks. sud 4LUISngarer of Cihii -Mr. sud Mii. H"d Barge art. thse Tise Ladies' Aid bazasi- beld t taIus' cage qant Sanday pare vutriends, P70041505e, ýo 4 &ýb"y. visciswaa 'IL E. cisurci Tilrsdsy vas a decideti Tise Lutheran crch isof Barngiislin¶Jum UU 1 5'j1succesu.bote fianciall'sed social>y. wyll bodeal oiisrices Richsss ard " of E2isigô -peu 10the IRoy. qpd Mii: W. C. Clevortli Mn- bave invited thse lambeiis tselca eeaitaitise W. -Oodr.y home. . , tored tràm'lova ilut veek sud agent nisureis to attuend. MMI Mi, ltiUml aPPo 0!C41inae i secyral days vitis Âstloei friends. Rer. 'ric bseisi gaùe eleonueoleguest aeft 50 IllKapple hbie 'CIevortis vas pastox et thse Methotdist Thèbagba SaÙeDete th i- y' ris. Tenon la entetainlng lier sle- 1cisaein luAutiocisabbut 17 ye&rg ago. cals sud q.tenu irom Elgin Sut: YItei,MUs.,. L. Pari-anti, iSunner. 4jzw wMvi» a sX# 5. Ob l a ilStis reassted lu aite Zurich vluuing , I ova. 5dteblnAgat1tO. coorsi !> te 5 ' Ms-. Waldnuusu was a Cbtcago osiu- sie.a pro ro Il.t MW-.:We&ver'sud daugisten. Char-1 *b.p~s vr yerp lote; re ieiiig l Waitesu ~' Misa Doris Sweet spent Lust vek Severd fi-menbre sded tise Sun- Mi-.sudMii Jaes Dinod sd sn Chicsgo iritnds -day - Scisool<convetion st Lske Villa' seet thse eek end witb f-rends a Wlu M ,i UseThmsoine M sL Thrus fna ttro No,«hemt5 ldfri-t.. .is&W la ise 'mman tmisa t iur- ,iMr udMi. Frnk.Woodi &peuat oves Miése Julia-P«g agent tise week enld au la Grant 1Park. Smiywo<ire&Ute ait vlS 1j viu"- Mr and r. .J. es. " 50<1 %uady.area wvs r iait vibeiaîives lun l Sndq Mi-..aa"M MM.J.. C. Waboboe ?tu -coi' tiseUniversity city.- Mrs. baies vl isd e.1ui Wln ii CS»V orvapsi» lu, lis br in., wnhMr-'W 'a. Xomwilur r daS.. liseUsaI of Pg vill&eute Ocrvei o!Veparlco lu..batberôtWuiegau are enlnyil k int-s'ea 5l dayMtheApt - 'Mplteoiper son. Robert Wmant. cisItened a t ai tieJ' , ~ at Buff*le. N. Y., 5=' berdangbteSMr AturU.pehote smre -service. e pa utis e euat. o t si »dMinsRuth PoU0eS. A dnerlotsseirsedot about Ivunty àM.J. W. Somer su" 114a4sof Lake Villa pegplb 4aeplanning abig relativesait the hboretMr- az W Mss r ; -rercaliera s eM, Widay. lime for laits e ta ays Auguat il Cari Zapel SOda>'. A=oug tisoca- Mm. V. B. Borge of lIag a aïSd 12. a ont se toi tlï6ma - I teisa M etofrelatives ibete-The lire-tai' ot 4*ugbtsio! Mu. sud Loi, lils M = iuan.Mia. J. i'Pe I1Mm ss. rI Bar-on sdcil maise Mms. Harold *vas baried lu tee Autiocis sudt Mr. sud Mm .Scisulti. ail of Chf- C =caof-ed ,i~e i e1eeyMedi o-nn.Tsi cr nMs agtro. o Ci' Round Lake Tisuradai'. ,many tfi-ende exteni siaibi'. Mi- su Me. aler loieyo! is- Xi1. sud ira. (Charles Esivards are Tise suuii iveet Home plcnic sud, cMao bëd tiser ftile sS., i>arold Wal- esfktaiing reiltveà front Loundon. union yul eb 'fidai Hickory teday, ' 1toi, crtiatualSmbdai' stenoon.Tise Tbursday. AugMet .3. lttW dizigiter cf Mi-. kai Mar. Oeonge 'The bosters or tise .Amies=L£, There viiibe, a 'W. C. T. U. meeting Weisreulserg, Betty Joue. w ISO 9" nviiigive a reai od t$ÏW tance at theeM. RK ch sTbursdaY 9evenlna. chrialened. tise ordlnantCe being adin- Tisryd,' August 10. <1004 time Everyoile initied. tiatered b! tMeoRev. Seboffle. uuslc. Fauci'prîte., vi»lu begiren. Mise Fiaonce Mumfoi-d e! Evaineton Mr-. sud Mns. Arthsur KIÇIecbai4m are1 Everyisody invited - ni-lt la vlitiug bar percnts, R.suad Mii. tise pri-ntiu.reieiso! a utile son-, bonsM . umei Tisurday . lii'27. m . -rod Vr ant MmrE.inund Prouty return- 0 0 00 0 0 for .*the. meon rV n Co in. se a oikin, ed Saturdai fi-rnm a fiue days' viil t MILLBURN 0 $peut severai dsys witshtsfamiili'ihem, Brooklyn, Wis. 1 _________0_0 0durng the pastt weit. riMs 000000 os o.*o.~q ,o00001y1a Van Duser sud fin.Ms 00 0 00 00,"000 0 01 r. sud lira. Morbead ensid cragb- Agnelin Peterson of Kenneba aPent o PRIRIEV1é ter, 31<1115Moorbeati, o! Déegaà, vigit- Sturde>' vitisAntiocis relatives. 0 R M uet aitishe home of Y1 B. Bonner tise Carda received fram lMrm KuisauPt 00 0 0 0 6 ,6 00 0past ieek. an- sd Viola tise lautof tise week state Herinu liaelz e, ~Mss. D. M. Witle aoeompàuwe ber tisaitiey are bavnni a fine trp andI * on isueiese Monda Chicago visâtai- daugiter, Mise Bertha Wl-ite. foCiica- now are on their way to San Fran- o n ute ilnlaapei.. ed- ysIe i-mmin sseveral dffa. " claco. _____ Vicor aiir 4 aenda afewday ,Mrnsd Ars.C.E1an viaitng vite rc 'e s lu * va. Mes. ldwIn Denusan aj * Mms LAKE FOEST FEE Graudma Brockinu pagnt t-sMWW. & vna ent to osokviaBA nIT fER tiSys last vO<L isitlig at Paltiseýa« omsoisie Fidai'. 1.. TOBA OUSDR retumnng home Fiay i'ngit. '-Mme» Me Kayalit ida«giter, Mr. eud Mii. George Long ason505 essai, beuseiteeper it* J. A. Btrang. To hall lise invasion of Laktel'or- Of Chicago csied &I tise L. tL. isether left Saturdai' for a menth is'.-fit *at est'a exclusiv e batising iseacis everi' bose odeedi'aternon tl, Kanas. - , Sunday b h bousands or Cicagoanse. gumIel Glman agent lut wveult 1 ai thA unle onci psid n ar Mu.sn 1*.Frd rise M-.Scsol attended ~e - p nauce lutngtetabeIng a lee Mr.an M. re Prsa ad r.cenveccaon at Laite Villa8 * o! 25 cents for parking automobiles andsir. Mersas u alz vere callera 'W"b. adies'Aid Socle>'y trean oi reidents and $1 fo' 1505e Of "Out- aI tee Waterford fans Sundai' ove- socopsca tie ~ ?',dyadr. Mis niD4. lopes Rt erjýonaeAngut 4. _ ______ Mis Coeuie Iper, R Ir ae e Misa Nhillo Anes of ig~il- sud Plmemo. e»4«»r epent fivd= dMs cbye ells 2C -e aity. tM *6 Mer. sud, ls.a.eon.att;ndsd tis B'uy a Deeting' Bider A ARMER who ham e- e bo A- part 'of 'his life growing gramn who has figured out every sideof the prou its and lasses. of grain growng smye the brnder is the onemnachîne that ne4 POU"ijeanrre.at PlofW iith" bmsos à er for, he w" 1buy aDow,< after years of epreieinn kidof grn_ m- Deoeing wiU tàje"are of M b it httd bi4erofe-xoekow and'of Ô - a . mreut ta bib. db>' lI - '26" blom 39 Coffins & Doane GCo. Monuments and Mausoleums Down By TIhe Electric Station Phone 200-J. Libertyvi, Ilu Two new bouses on Feurtis treet tisat vi st.kep buil- by us of thse best materléahy 1"h e *Wr u4a'beele Ibo no0 abam &bout tissa. Nlfy-foet grahO lots. bads trooMd. o ilouses bave large living room. )itoben. t»o bed roc=isthxu â and bath on man floor. Two b.d roulas on second floor., rybe cemented abusaent Wmlet g@s.eleetrielti', cistes AMl te Pribe'0f eue $48W0 snd tise otiser $4.200. This place lias uu second floor sud bas ne buesent. Firat PaYmunt Il£*00% lÏ eas>'. Wili put luw urnac for $150. 00 extra. MCA N m WIRE PENCECo.'p6»n se.IJunTTy = Theodore M4. Duret. Prosident W. IL Smith, Viqe Pre"l F. W. Churolsili. Socrotary and Manager. TEEMM 81 SECURITY TITLE & TRUST C ADISTRACTS 0F TITLE-Uia O~W Capital: $125,00000 - WAUICEGAN:: .*