h "egtr.Qevistbý wm 14k. for- est Vietors lundeY. mi.. aàa MM. W1llW,&,Iitcht ana los om t tooSt Mrsad 15 M .CbeidOr wOtOred i$ c at ORtO Mr sMdlMe. A '. U Roer tr toeluetOtwIl~st weeks Ij.tïi '11V#liUceL- M.O. Jartt fd, is lakeas ddâ tCoul ma ita immr e etaiMr. dM. eaiéd Laite. it was bae- v- Ur, Mos.Uraeoge granaxa- etee-aid Pihib- a $..,et *u IîwilhMr . MdMm c&IitercJs.lior aW Ite"-bon" iund" a e m is Éu.omnu >W, near thie liegshed. lie t ne and stiu sure do li,, %ecrcted, taie Proectt ed bait * wu aelmost a lts- Wa q c.lerJia e q t Y« r.a*e W*UMegeflvis- taS buer in, MO*iJSe 'g i w r oe er elJnf tbl axid b"' aihmgmUleabtYoungg of Le 'g t x a't 21 lixiW; L e mos-are ,l4iM thir grad- k. and tlet,,b5e t ihgtS la5 , Moirs. 4eèu1ifo ÂesD W«n ~~~~~~~ ,l>1TSSSii Oe 0 ru Mra. F. O. WilkeuItg5 were Stht tbey dnul A st yvi calere WeduesdeY ave- h. t914 te taceei btht thieemral i iantIty ao0o0,ooo0 0 R0 a lpi OD tJey seofzd then w..s al aibis postessJoun. Aie tua! O F0 MRN 4TK Iýrited" e-bile mule t '»~00 ,,êo4~o. 4, men o Dlsaon4 Lake Lbey wented h intu do go, Mm, Katairyn Ptte"ol. W91i Dlebold losSomOt pattted oui thai andS itýuilsd Mr. euS hira. Ibeani UUD4OUb!rdY lieha.» I tin lo etBunday! w1th icflative .lenkrl' licause the lu- et Wheug. t e-es niéefy scouteS . Gyadina- 5rederick of Round Leitý 18 cS.iL:a#(0V Ilch«ue- greu4sos. e-h arri.veS $ tie hjae of Mr. uMd M oftm, o D"ltidLx . Q, M l 11 t !OIi1M - aI' fterflDOSe-es oui tle.reaives f Vteoti o! oonbIfs fe-df o 1155or 7 onnineund r IL ê k*epatistereva of -Ilsfur h* eoooo to and B> otO" s MotoeA ud cI ted "1*1a C 49 os Vba Bées.or Obi-A Dsteieteirnioofttbaià tà Ié . the wflter tenupertuves.xn woeteb à 00tm0ft» I&XO (lO'fomd tl*t petiter ncdtI.o~t f eleCu Ruoétl o! A SU1 potg la eecompnfled be, wnter 8me- wle oneeeuvtty o of *evm senTe. ~~ * sppst T»ate, sf14 wlters. i LoùiwDîiStance SeryiC* Gri acqr.aunted with the moneyý andw time saving "station-tQ-sttlon"> long-. distance telephone servibe. .tw 1Jn4r ~satioo-babon iate th charge for a * message is made where a ' connection is estabhished with anyone at the called station. r. i If you are willing to, talk with anyrune1, who answers the telephone on the prem- a ises of the distant telephone subscriber, justeilbyriunberifyo>ukno'w it,orby name of sdbscrlher or firt if You 4o not, and tell the opertor you will talk to m<yone who answers. <~. This service is quicker and about than pr %JMINQIS MU LL WflOXE ~1AftY - Y. f WaM.K, -s v#menII ~ t of e at O a~ .iee- trs receivUd 1*0115, ,, $&*jioofthe"'f m etlu Reiet s-oel ps* sI ~ ~ etI 'tn et Aie-l'rI4ei a65h On. o< tai- ib4tire" Mis. O' Noth Ashuez d eune. Br ce~~lt iii54* 1 e ~O~s* ~s.e hurt r.w ésoet 0erions hObi *t letyee eesastP 44rk, oh te-o bru siriaislad Po"Isu ier oe f 4IIS-OD o Jhotét* 4qrs"Iâo i ee Uch=OU av l if - 0é- 1wtor- îr Chtcao *0spxtal tody. 40a. # whtte10 J'renk 8 el15, 3006. QSIIO bi 'aav- "tt of (u..ý0 céi ena.. Cbio, a sa eStlcon. or dayis' IOIOWbE ii.vui ro« tract«, .osner eandSriei -oaf thie IDtrouble çf=9 euS j a»asde,.or amast PrI tomoli. lS. pOe a ewreaeheê licok, 1 " > the, t' b9< e And seteriche'e br plPuess t p eteve LAefi*e. Meiis vrrYsa1 d heertlhome le 4 , gimi thprot ïth b#v Chicai», ht jÇ««j uuaiar »i06E euS pIO "Wied o#ý$ct0i's for taxes e-is aek ChicgtYao fo * ~ ilepfag fr5tie. hl d but .1 à riew. ai t4 ike hât machine a second efaM Utaie or 'udge 3Seds SUel»d, uw'IuotlliS cIb ater ehdie abs eel AISAttoriie--, Coolte. rspirqêMIiiUtb» t oor place. He. recet*ted ,ptt- ' t b er setteet, jeu, *b-lia ietr.- deer«d lieuSlS e brutfas. pr; Aejr RdEath thesp yeer. Cge. Ioavp ta fle aan amendeS llland sana ls oe-a e w cottage QDu Mi * tght taie cae s fait aIl nd hie ro iver tw-o miles -et 'or Ca", cliente woulit pav their taxes unde; MmireIon lias Iteen visittuuethex t.lI~ and lier huehind heS driven ont trom - Clilaosae-lit Ruelle. - The perty hall 1 LPU ream ndUSwere on their eway- back f- m sTOPUT to tie cottege-.tIftT E I Wituuses B OZrt tha:utomobilef BY ~'en~ epproached tie i. rftd crosulng et VAIC' -airRutla e-hq> ays.e aiee- drfl'tg Th'pLakte (00n ,'air board., o op 3.<broUa, of taie Lilisrle De- 01 longtlel-.14e Sers his vicwfe- ! 'tiri t! i~Pln IIi 'epa tmout t ioe-, -hez te B8fOl*O the tr0k *Atit tbu lse btained taieconsent et taetc -ubhstr'Kcted by a a MtOrl Oofe ~wdtianty. have arrfngitl for bis wît»,ýMs. tte o 4l--ft .ie WiiIa. . 1 1 1 a aPel ltte' ilaw lo be held ngon- »gv itracos ecu-li > i 414 ýot ise e a riltW th e pectlc. - ti>tb the ir eAt LbcrtyvlIt hrthl nttitae r. !o-e t!.M-li"aie eeer3 pte»~br>" 8 ccardIllS 0% John 0. Ml-s. ïsioUtn. -el U pitO 'la q~&t drl'w semra taietrac a wiv't0u Lbrirvilie. e-lialecsecrets", »Vbircela VryeOi~v-le i d nd a limmettaie agine 1115 .' A.- -"t.of 1200o as been prQvded. la lChI d&*bgoleritee se - à- the c4riý #hlqb w.&. taravu 14111Y fO en ,1- 'bçivpthe. open clanseZS» lase, o.bore. .Anl' - ~tf - - - e-Inai *111f li awerded -In tën pris" ltàee Am-rqeuSor eteg, W m îtae tsmie et ci ui Ion littirs of four pige frOiD theO M ol eSse g.0alRs 0t f *bereckedtaêr"asU baIletoS arrw. Tae lirsI prize e-lU amenât______________ lia-lt se-me-led ýa a bousesovor one to 4#0ý WIZ taie tentai prise le, $6. he 1 uedred test 'sus-. As ae. nseed it PsA)jg.!6r 4taie promotiî0* pa- M'R 6Amx-ue Om wq PI55oence Tibof 0!-tW e. If, of thie puise. -~0415. irucar; DyW. d; n*0 i~,~Ae-,em àaw Tr edsu Si a eues- uavs - ised DV91W ChMes Breederi' .esogla- So lis-t,U.-14 à-pesed.gsa, t " (ou harde niait baieu-. ____Arc _________ fa SemaI et ' 1 i"t' show ledessaieS, 89Gt SSoË a18me- 50w 1tute but '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~h Mi.711eMrne i- w'b. aeleseSrod thé t' boiS 11 Norti OmbenS eutue.ÇhI buIC .Pltlir e$5 tee e, ftrom il.ieiIfemS.nn y jobirsaito!îo-nue,Ç rela taie '1U e uW IW eMeS nue"$a. 1tl ffaî o cuny:» Wllei 4> Pt spButerfSct OUS e-O U-lm e t be-aiC. r. e, o.ep Q 1 0 choV.X& 'Tng * fr4ik inntter of ~' R~eAU11. by £ ut79"md:r , 1*0;, U.4-.- traIn u lb. JollkA ... wASM., logI le wu<q l a-Slô "the - la t t rctb >1 M , 108 7E wWov ear le Ê tei1s -he 4tautI*cr. CHO I U*'ls hà lust atbe oé ba o moeo B inse - . She Ideies (ho alwew r *l ed t s ;q td4 . "e iâ ~ ov0* r .. taibe e - a m et e ye ïm @111g wa te ettu ~hMlus ;-Ito tlmcego. ' -  _. undt - ~Auguet1* Anguet 1-î *.s..a#~.~epoo. ugustti0-' o'tifion VeiS e-Osa Erlatoa Augtist -S )eu J" plu" orby.J e< cas-.. . . Edmea s-ot t"keilB -its a'DotiaaOmhdy semm.ea" ut W*kom vigeeS T. L.&WI MurewIA$ tW>iarAuguet 6. X*!à4 % JO obîre cm5'- OurchSl r,4u &ht,r of C "t~Wed 41' h ~ lmTZ4J, Ni zàata lim s ù. IL 1?. 7: 30 - - ofWe preechere- *MS Se(ýtter, "a 'bMfd ter, Rectos-c 0£ Mfle-elr.m fef-t (b. Il »I. z1 se *a-Ë" Ual.laud . e oeelrtlim d!aWtoe gs proposeS,d tii. t a,& 0aosl,4es weoken a*wtS -e.- h m oea eu"M.eaitt Gages le4 * 55 i qa ltt.ç -if ý IL H.De- -- W. lete rites ae c rw Recto? ObRv. ~' .T-oresud Tube A i tor 1o H. C.ý DOWPEJ LJJ ,M E -SILLA'W hi wkh a6 hpd ol thé country"& bgmt bores wmf appègr. sPUQ Inox HJUXP ST EEP L ECIM A$f RAC E -san VM4 wM 0 n e u ou u c W.are-"c ite ar. w1o uoduooparts. fvaÇt UefU o mdfr a of Î19014 Norh hia oap ko cei<.i Ath0 by (ai the 0o streef taiSe> e-tilt empe Tile 5 ilo- b Whi thie 1 friend let1 ne il deuwp up si Mri. pissai Noioh OU. Youn court platie liho bue au most om. HEJ lte -etf mme aiter that tuer coin( le Ous] be i ttat sult and aTt t "El teca çvoI ( 'El p r.sf l- Or'L a- p w ~- - e e