Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 17 Aug 1922, p. 1

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b TYYJ murII oet WAUKEGANWUL III 1BvD 22 LYVIULA THILMYU ALM=Sr17,192Z. Coatuy Treasuvlrtarto Co- leoiofs W nda' tle ConstawoS IMw. Couaty Treasutrer Roy W. Btacher ?usa .anaouncod hIlleb"s tart- .4 liclletIon etdemwin~ut per- aornai porpoity iges &Md 1111Uft- lm athe. délnquents- rdqpoxdim II- medlately a constable viii be sent alter them to colleaI' 1h. tax,.te' wliich wiII lie added the constable tee». "lu mont Instanes lthe coutabie tees ,li doublethe personal tui," delared Deputy Connty Tre#aMuer Ira- B. Pearsal. Wtiec tic cotistable Io reqtiired Wtnhmke the coIecýn lita tees -wil ho coiiecte et théaime Uni. -it vis expl'uned. Ths lo the Orst lime that Uic county tresrer lias Ovr doided te tako snob drastic stops but se .i c<mlaint hbacorne te lM about persona viahurhe ,opeil boasted that they v.ntJd try' te ovule paymont o!fielsi perionAl tix tat h. 10.19 j l.Iidte - malts the. coloeetioe oi ses. ad N fiat il the. deilauga re Cern- edte pay enstffa tee" ther ho morte proxtai mamlt *40et In f tnmê Altbeagl, jOlg P. L P1bO o« Moadai tale* aphat t" McFW lu * -iUUgbetof Ritmsa Wliw 'ae or -Mlgb1and Park 't«» eFr- est oWietm Ste tw pu ietesesMd etierthe Iodoe rawl ta aot M -, co lx n gthe et ie tLmdW5d 4i*el Ar- tu Os 9 b$OCIIO40l0019e& lAs a. = 2, po isi »55< «f tAi - lxong be iso boftse la âgé mlilsmajor »ete .lic t m ouIbo. th t-a -3 I ~ ~yz W I)~N kTI¶R ENT% annuaitreumion of the G. today was oieo h otatiddof ty. nitilgtthe old Urne camP tie was held. NgUrIy one hundr.'d veter- Ruling Today Sustaining ans o! the civil war registered.* ,A an indication of boy the raxiki Them in This Point. 1 o9fUie aid soidiera are tbinning o6ht, there are nov only tbree lve charter- Jixdge P. U Perians la the COWiLY o! the G. A. R- ln Lake cu t-Wim- court btonday banud 4OWfl Sad4801i10U keffl, Libertyville and Waucon4a in the case of a nimber ot Eilalid At the annuai election o!totie iOf!l Park and Laàe Porqst obJectera 1M the Lak6 Couty tioflderanad Sailor' the 3 per cent Increso fi Uber Association, held at <rayalake this taxea for 1921, and ho .siistaiMd ed18 mornhnt., the foIio'wing officers were 0 objocetori. Ijo als0ilianded dovi hie ciionen: rlng- In a'number 0! other Mattef ra r.iWent-John Swanabrough, of!411 involving the vaiidity of the $1lOOU,- WfiUkefaa1. 000 couitXrmail bond iasue, and, FIat Vice Preeident-H-. L. Burdick,a other apecial inittera. - 4 of Ares. The ruiing on the »~ per .cent tn- Second Vice Preideit - AndreW 1 creaao mens that the. objectora ini White, of (riyilke.d Lake PFolat and ighland. Park es- Tird'te Prsaldet-O. 3r, Church- a cape the paymnent of the increaae ai i11, et LibertYville.X made by the taxing b&Uies, and ee-Tesuer8 L. Greenloif, of 0 Treaurer Roy W, Bracher wiiili e Watukeg-2.d able to collect only the amnount or - the taiea exclusive o! tlie 30 per iiL !lh1 I cent increase. ÀA1PIflW LNK Corporation Connaei Arthur Buik-t ley and ther attorneya repreaenting the taxing bodies et the ivo citiai A1TEIP S SPUED il and the couuty, have announced that they will appeal the case te the Su- i E w premfe court.1 As apeciai counaîel Buikley, for1 Treasurer Bracher. coiiceded that 9IeTeoJr tai le of!$25,000 for roadsataidTedr oI Wa ywt,1 bridg0e vii Irregular. Judge.Perasi, Kflocked ýî à a 1 Bstatned the. Objectera tu t je pint., oTro Gtawy The Judge overruledth betr1 HeTi 8 -Wy on their cim=that the, $4,M~O ta%' levy for miaScelaneoug. purpoaes vas1 Thoodore yogi. . W&d*vorth. andi illag&L He aise ruflW agaimât bel recentiY Of ZMon CitY. cffshed lot.o objectra on the. coonty tax îevy et, a mttorcycle and ide-car late Sat- $4.000 for îmintepknce of tte Aid urday ,aftorxiom i aorth -or Scott# Boude y~t yet approed by the cornlers on theO UMilvu rd sate:' hurtlli tus tre occupmai ti tte Thé court lheld tbattba$0005 » groiin, aoerdingte Shesi Bise. tao verrxed le bEctr s la i'o. * ~ vn ky5 , 1* tri Om M d M , f ~ i p l Sf ook r c un a ler b tt u gt b< t1ttbAhai r mise beI, i the.motorcycle a-Iý Thr e l, t4a31" Chai l'h oust i~ Abe_ i.s~~saicpl ni St ci Terrer reigned lb lt niglit. Stroe j sxiBowbirdal" prqie& on lhe aeeond I1*or, and fiîtteied out lB j jualina. Ail vas ne aitchung huon n" and vit i t bý A gicit, the kt"< way frin oct oftktth fors 01 ion bar,.tl and. deala out death.' of -"atu3s . d-W" discretVy 6i60d Ine eSam's Mail Pm aunk 1 te he OOr teeti chattered -loge tlàt ail the bridgê F iouse. and lie la 9"t iimp wreck today, teiiov priiooner. Jack Coolt. et' FOI la hie dath cou 30t etier -priomier vw tbe bomixig e!tute t bis eyea. suadm *a t a»d txrnod ap h tiatI lMtt POUs 1LO hamit bil= fer U But geuluw bade te-AiyrihLA'Uc tub. udlix gj4lafoi, don* 0ix e p w a 5mi t m ie-box sOos f iet'a»&*. as the. Ares çun rseeeethe sled ordft 09 Juge C W» F i OO&tio]U. vas ie »of Imi1vo-ssii. tiff resu)t !hoe ihe i Persmil ed., ataT bieI h.viiitAs aregS o!ltheklW d oer I bqgxudllo yrladtbd.The I~j1 cloe Up bisi bou» e~gn . lie "Off lu t ath lveylie stmawyftist 1 5 M . h tin(»d 0t < I 1fthie-Pmn, - lii 1101 eSPl c h4fslxo a aisd1 eis i3 he morchWU a miiso. m tul ID iflx uke a vetbave sone aid bis beautitfuly u s on ay I f eeligthe vitale Eus- <onaining a MiqI kiteM wlt- Re~ci s"ont steve, cabinet, slik, chairsetc-,~ ~ l S Mai teieu cees oftUixerty- viavoted &ut pvlse inthe.truck dl fAILI~~T VICVille meAiea coistup isbop et 10:30 v ein ft the PUS"i. Wlbon & -Ohm 'ufl T 'lm ind mpthe sin ete piropmie 1611VFr the hast dscoiaid car Bala' IUO F l ,B A " OertYviw went tre eo" n loofOidBrus, took the capital prisoi ad Hlexi * = -,Z >d Viàe. M o!etand LibrW xM a r vded seutond. our psepl o bobthe d"y off ai" resled Otto Metulr xxaagod te driveai aftr he abr ad lmiemnt r xi t. 0parade iawvustermed i is Undr 9014 on ~, Crminal~ xi;tter a car, but tie-eofttrapuOilokd or Chargos ~n< Aotk ~ the hef ar *i MOiin theuecareent mailh But i Wva adandy 0-1-l. John sire andcher IJack. H. got lo1t lO Hodge vas the hlgget frog li the pud- for thie vonst ooklug car. le Novok mi loin I..Petrsdi,~Lsb Blff.~ Jh" t vorked for weeks te Wus clone secondi ai azttlquWasted 0Of Wol ai ri arousontutm for titis particular affaIr. -ta and I~4t heing ieid lnxi is own Marjy Boune aid Viola W.llair er. t limeliodaYta intla a asesi » gsW borhood, ho vason hand given irai riae foi-the largest oxrd t tim Moda tePut18au fflar tatrotegive apersoxial volcan. ta carriod In a todrInhlcar. I l. $i aide In. justie neryCouBnlnhiana.d everyone. C.0. LWieelok. ($pported by ah afldavit, ifgoces-k, cort. 1, a oiuiinstance he laun-omnty faim advisor and lis asisisant, ssry) that they stav4 8 &5 30 Da> - der bonda o! $600 put op by JoeMiBo Blanche Ob&n, aise did their sonsera l'A tht car. Thoy *ej4e.*Jy or olasky. bire xI msklng the iiay a happy one. took particular netes Of ti. Varthe t OnM ndyiornighl d w- <sPE"y Bron. provided the groiudo. and Chicago streints «M V~iOSd& poie e 0appea bêIfleJiietd tbleir ev dince pavlon ihd ocier Belexiaid IAbbylusi&t -m CiOn non aicharge of Passinig quipmeaut liape and %San shape. text ith ioie Mtirprise. but e--" a bad cheqk enii&aV&lPrilSo, 15, Gordns laY. a Membor o! the e««u-. tiraifor thei>best de e'î*ted foAit i¶th ?i man. IR. ftiled to put lu an &P-ti Uv. omrittoo 0etlie Pani lBureui, flovora. Aid Mary IRquse et04 f Duarance. Satxinday Statua Aller- ma"ii semr lchahMan o the -commit- Weallver. laiarded tint forthe a Dey A. V. Smitihua atter.ii tut tee oinAr5igefleitz fpr tue pieuite, het dewratedi fiat liti eIxll#lfn. lmi la iaigied on i petty lu- vwu the bualet maiId seven eoties. (Yep, tuerea tue iecret of the urgeaiw ccir ciarge but ils atlarnOi and Aid if cmi hotruttuly ssde-tuat it "crovd" lni a ioïïîng car.)> w>«M xtatve.uxmble te eue VwS tbihr tt~ thtrfgvntepc obr-Bs.$i e toli e M.nie vausoh a suecoas. Ho aeemeii te mci and ooffl ite Pàis la a ogee M[ore thana vOek'agO AttY. .a- h' every place mat viexi îeded. Hec!f Indoor baWvtth Ithe 1flarrl eL K.Stearna. via vas implcaledvWu "Otter" foi aU the varions con- The horaoshffe pItchflg taisa*iient vih Lm t h. peurl lardony tets, etc., and tue .progrum as outilied vwa one af the c ete eéhts Of-the day. cihrg, asarrIgn i before jus- by hlm voit tiroiigi vithout a iitch- Leo Fenlon and Charles Bratke v450 chaogeoulsn md auid ovil te tue Wble iflwvasâit and a souti -simd the viniora of the prizo offored ibr tue grand jury for tie Octo! er i.1- vte t ondut x u h~~Frl ueuaitflpte Oi At * ut lme Peeroi va aulx- anl d&y loxing. e 170i0 vuaippy andti isi vIl ptei agantise fx poeto- ha v e Ileemn Lu qibetrot lie béat' Thei.beauttg~littlie ate ilt te plffc 0f theie is Agr-- Stat Attorney Simth grunletihii l= zini sEe t1dho bot vIxida. cuiltual Association. JullusBrt oxie- ore wevoeute mîke an ml- andlan t 1>d5t 'avalable ver. W DM loba Trautver. inners of tnra ce, iiO.At liat tlm h-ehreal- une, Wl lihdlOds took adv"age2ôt prlS e0fered. texon-nmoa o1 tue -ene liI li hoda oulbb. or-the opportuity for a plungo lni tie Va=:l Buresau. fed to il teerbond s, ol efr- DY a o telaits. otber evot for vbj,%îpries vere feitd I Petrso was ne reay Té lAertIUeBand, under -lie Qfji*,vith tue vlinners, foflova for a Ieaifg. direction o! Bsndinater Chas. D. »ôW-aé ri#e(14 te 16 yeer)-rvixig Nothing was done on lhe mattet' hoilae, vwu on -and vith a flili, Shold ,OItu yeslerday morning. No Continux- arurnentat'lon, aid coxtrtbutoultetaho Gl' races <simq age)-M»&d inde a graxilea by CoUlsofi and gaiety o! tue occasion. otmiuge. ,nelther lie tate or lie attornel eY niAieanmd Daitioid Lake a 10»Qyard aih: lot, Walter Sirn- Joi, the delendafit asketi foronue. teaistl,10h of viich. iiiboo isa bring mou*s; lit, ardon Rcoai. peterson bas beeti one of tichelia . ýi ~ ~ te ~is' adda-. Grogan, ef big figures ecur rcedni ere niteied fortueeicilocoxit*é,e. bore reenty- o va promineit perioM~ed M per achedflio and the Plie eatfng contet. at;tgli<eno in lh& liqiior trial liat clOsed iimxe'se t«Mea o«axas o itr- '0lItbi $ad Ch9as. usoe»t. ifs ftererresort, and. lter !Olov 0w * h'I tA t fla dol iVmobooý-w, a e. c< lai, isaeu e4 tue Iveothiler crinfl l ~arges. villperet. toc, uta ite8le 09 To p'g;s ta,Do*Qdl<îoiru k3% out ogeUt stre stock of enat or t XO"cxnsdIaul stu fr- r00paceGileo'»& 'I i id t U qï U; ei -enceusait oet icleny va" zmers, lu a cSteviti the f0Oý= . t BileS. Thp cort aitm d the oliJecior »«bh« PerrY vu WI)X <frat la t te Mé$1f00fl gx lony for HgxMe ad >0 backvurds. S»ip ýemitIej: p-ark forcoiBru 9 iainlaliili gut for lie fun dslc.amdrprd ~r.M. A. Crs.i velU4415iaSfi ne a ise ale luhp e a ., Pice W and sasCttrut nimber of! ivdsiýn [me in -thel efa Sý4a . QU'ce, on. o ffl m te Mn. laye Rimpe vastm-IraI bu le paka, aboieu 4fst4 t e 1. 19 Mlit- rricci ladie' rsoe liai Park f6 IdgYis- e Driving coitegg*: lit, jin, jo lu. The countylamhU5tvii nV h lier; 2d , R. .,»T ; & dl 3M A. C. abie to le la > p'ida 5 hk te beglxi 0e. A.selilng deeinue= prgetTabout 6h fxi fine fallang'illc d lors coce ib tlu pOT ar t AtPoeU914 àumuai vas give tbè, puisfor &0x.of their IiXO5 vilhhaU6mot inotpsd rgptfaiily 1 :.Towner vas lin tue» prot 1ITh"e ih cent, wih O t Apleihtd sons ego bas bee I i l ort souks P M& Md dauhters ig -tuecourts decsIaoxInlxitue Dprlng the att A"i ugtlm0 matter. toxnobil s ver. . bQad a 'piThetact tu t th .. ,ilàw viii go te eo undredi ii -w .trlly ihe Supreme -ourt vIt bave.i1 ls U nes. boarlug on lie coile tIç o f,o! t e re- A J. Glover. ottûO_ýc U e'aD&U rj'- e o! tue taies boomse if 1the ann deliverej tuepuc i dra Suprexpe court slxetild revoae tue tue ccaion - n aislxCou ty ooixrli te,objectea p*e! tuke tlthe i iiitien coule liin M& pi>tute potIoii tiked ho tii. anad toid reuumng te the 80 P«r cent tue saune lem farta. 1V -p asii x tiey 414 in a roet rulin. îe faimEL sxttie W. P. dli are W from, aomevee ureas talkod., But ho dldi ewbi abdut R A JO armng. Thers f»iltuai E Q O Mr. Weiss liAi- by John [odgc. for about #21 «y0 W" - A large numiber cf contractera fo bothat iblig *6 b9hou fLi> aug apiaio o ln artynlie li vt» -Il v=a agood art echlathei fplicto feproplas suhjoct aI liat n p!.tiaofrtepooe At xight lie ci0 t a construction O!fan lt-foot cernent nil fhurnisi tuehé tsti.r*exoad on -lelvidere treet. This lonty f air, gv h xlitloi improvemnt vixichinlatoe eo zt«r he lae.-lrom tue Waakegan city limite te Tlie pienic irjatu te a point 4.61 miles ventSlcnect- nkht wit a t tue Ray fng vlth lie preeent cornent rad Bran. Davflliol. ,aplexidJdor-teVole aI Milwaukee, vill ho ihetrevu y Miaox'a madetehus allf i tLa eipeeed, as 'filimiftab)le" or 'auXeM , bida viil h.oapenot aI Sprigfield 'Thispleut. iA t sec6sa. andi on Auguat 18 by tue alite *higi- uixova yulatIle Worgld- Fay depirtrnt. 'A nutber Of uation vili do. Tht vi ho an imitraclora apiilied iltoth office of anfluai affair and le viii ho Charles E. Russell, counly ollper- Improved opon * intendent o! higiivaastoday for - plana, and applicationse are aise lii 1iPIlIIA b. -ing recoivet ah tue district office PECULh i lgin and the ai - . spriflgfild. ON -ANDRICE PUTU 199. Fr-ank Bealey, victoriio streel,É9DAf North Chicago, -. as. driving $ 0 E~ ç u~ a branti nev 1, ioau, vialie viclfirâo! a dent Suntiy -- nigit on ghif4ear Win- Tony Ric>, Cresmlery Cornera, val turop Harbor. r machine, put ximdsr a 1500 peaco bond, 4l vas tovlag a &net juat as t4roe monîla bby Justice Hierffe lie Northi0Cwva atempt- QeUIaan monday afternSu f or très flg, te pais$ tbb, linobroke and ehlng10 i»Albert NMiet, se hg th1e lord abot; rneab hnt fng loto theIla et l e dan, lice aid Ililr have a seft-trl ýwhIci iauli- iAOAeL.1 t llcd at Creaxiry Cornera. A 11111i vas huuleii to a garage arguipeul ar*se 50111 lime age an' fer repeîrs. -T Èè Uecr la MIRer chargestuat lUce'go lâte151 , niuii, " om -and tioReatxedle kuI mhlm a- or &y t' àe kx te na r,. xLfor A ZgsIMalx<4" 01 n T h e o v a a d e - t o u t t h rogue *64 c 'Ib=a.f the fth bs rOyelO va taudins- t ia dtu""!tu rn. v& tiiIe d #g be f l. tVagie- vu"lge t'à on vm hich lie motereTOlS-Wv itmfl ndthWl l at-À"S%~11j seyerla - foet Voste. b*kd f aT axnd 8"e4 on. Johnb HM ack, wvOIas iiOi? i he Iii p, som ithe i a 0 t=a lie vreckate axd=m bai.W bis lBinetsud vent. f'Ioïutli o! te apeedtis car. ?hevé o l m -l fartuer on, J btalt Ut We' .651 to! Wadwevon t tue>' eMaO ala the i ýtruok Vage- MM$-tl- iitop ad aaok struck hlm, biaukWg Sbil unCdo"leuu.thnte ahenllffvas caited. Voglo Aditîci tu Sienlif Green'tuat he usal eexi dfnknl i ienosia. diPaulW a"ofraWh KnOW Hlm Tber Boaston, Mass, Aug. -18-Tho iti. pli oô M. A. C."- has raced i heartoyf Mon ai far distant as luii- nowi Vie pathele nOot e ieUtle girl, vho viii vet a MaxWor$.00te gave ber dehtnlddoxi ffly fIn povertY. iha brouelt &an gr f roin a gene?- oui Westernm? Who offers hoerlvi> iiousand ltet o! oi e. .1 eau gi",you' mether $2.000 andi give yon a .gi-undt i ol.,'wrltoi P UIi Glasalia, Ar, IIn.: lu a' letton te ,,M. A. C.",-throush the AdvOtihlei. "And 1 am net tua tau or net tee lit endi hope 1 cani dli the bill." But lt appeurs'". A. C." viii not be Comapeiied tb make her ' sacrIfIle aller ail. Lait nigit her fate, a- 11daicarpeiiter sud chantfeurici-eps- eth eborder vlth iMs vite sd heur aigif cidren, remOyIlg bY lis joui-- uer the need t o lesioitobi.- 1Wbo In QIaaqp? NobWd nl Aiea t o ld give inforlitloli i e te bis Ides!!- 1ty. Tie bellotla tat hoéiieISa*tic!!'- 1 toua ntime. or tlýIÜM8aêu . beê -Id ~lii tue e st e n . gir t * w u =si la net lated lu.tue phonO iireclei-y. leu, aMd -il la-t auferig to Sc oompletol>' over, an underueâtu. agnd te rut» A coult. pull herio ýEg MMt. liss bile aidd 1.0k iloi lieux'4Oý ,on o!r ii eut. viii MW suit ci C&t4 cie ati' ceg, and tue rigit ba Fi L. IsYlor *'Sa injureit mandaS Tuhe dy -a n I atuOh~ i 'J 1k miel akunfsi 'e &nd' ~

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