.......... eeIlrtin,18? * li $82.20 Rarry StrattsW. J. Sta ins , Ta gumflid lad sou.Vernie, 3XK induisge tgctIoil........ 10.00 minutes nt precedlx »weeti«g rail ~ O.L. ieoo. o........10.00 sud upon mou" aet urv45 ics do3 ltei,* 10.00 app"reed WgguÇ. dol.The fliowlag Ptition wao lre. ~ !Nettiou ....10.00 seild 01C..Oon. do .........10.00 To tise HonoXg e OebMt fSumes. I ~U LEeel.do ........1000 vueèt ,en e t 1",64,la the ~W. . u.joting notices a taOftilloa spec -;ï men eOf0780 L o.Losentltrta ballots ................... 2.50 isumby cmnilati*iil8 rePrOM i.o te- 1,"Ot. 01.e........ningPoli lOW4 itpkgk. etc.. 18 miles .......6,30 fuir petitioner tu a*silimtor d 1>eesfied Shieds Twp. Il. S. boua sun et -tis.*--ewe0(j" $, reut nt poitng place... 800 Wald,x.ieMd, isate.et l oatr, t i ; 79.30 v 5ý 0 vdt1tt.î O.erfield rd -14bs Couty U 1ilo,.810351 HM. Prior 1fswie, id Ieýd» t 3,,dge Of Eletion ........10.06 sisd rilIaqe% ,s, Ce1 vs-1* I W. Ea Brand. do ...........10.00 SoMe two .755&*5 0<thialote ~sls T. . Plerson, de ........... 00 Pný w itiu a..di&UtsI 10*u bgt th A._E. Pror, baildiagS bave béeâen teYovd lor.tW clie f-EletloU ..........1000 res,, as ut aItiai. t e uthle aig tien. W. BranSd, do......:.::.10.004u>! t tse131 auesseeuI4t aW limai Ale Bely, do... *...... ....1U0>11at a li t wa ngesd for »11 W.J. Obe. posting notices Of! -asi *m d a" .rpp sdthse'total .lcto................. 12.5, tt terM lwi aelit sMe t 347, B. M. Prier, posttug specimeil w14c11 bas boseM» PeuV r pettton- ballots...........2.0 et. 1Tour WeUiofte r posents that do returm-lug poi 'books, titis ta *d an v5 's~giisd etc.. 13 miles.ý............ 6.0 berewitis mts, ffl ÈtDAMtaxrecelpi. do reut cf poling place 8.00 TYour pogtOle turtbbr'. sab«" that - there-ar& n M.etgisakqtalb s. i $79.30 iste te - Dy -the fuberai epenses Ufld Deerfieid 4th thse coite et adlnnl*trvM ansd- r.- Martin Ringdshl, spectfully aboyatsabt:ýb2-.lIjbit*por. Jiudge o etlection .........10.00tlion of.*Ud erroneous utan, upold 'William B. Sayards, do..1000 should be retintded.iw Ton« ptior Rlenty K. Coale, de.... ;.... 1000 furtiser shows tbat the -lust vs.iation Elizabeth Itche, 00of said lot. conu6red ~wtt other:va. Clenis of iectlon......... 10.00cant lots la salit locality. $boum tnot ICmmett Mereucy, do....... 1000 exceed $Z6.00;,, Hlelen Stagg, do ... ........1000 ýet1iOuertherelore prayu iluat yeu Marinu ilgdahl, psilug no- jwil causie the equtable rerüud te be lices of electionu.......... - 2.50. made to thls petitioner. as su ene- do posting sPecimeii Ous asseesment. ballots .................. 2.50 Respectfully sbnttted. do returnlug poli bocks,- R. W. jI2WRCHILL., etc.. 13 miules............ 6.0 .4dmininstrator de holils non. George Koon. reut of poing Dated April 15, 1ibn place.................... 800 State o!fllnoIE4 Couty et Lakp, as: -Î930.IL. W. Churchfli being tiet 4eu1 790sworu, enIi ds oaktis elyja, tisahoéisu Der'citd th rsd the abcier petttios by hieis si>, Carl Grant. 8$10.00 arbed sud kuows te content tise!. Judge o! Election ............. c,.asd that thse ame laei lubis W. G. Searlos, do.......... 1000 stance and lu fsct, J. . Adrtih, do..........1l)000. x. W. CIIURCHILL 1,uia .Adrich, SubScribed sud aWoru to hefore me Clrkof iecio .... 10.00 tbleIS 1h day cul Aprfi, A.. D. 192t. Clara Fey Stauger, do . 10.00 1,EW L.. END481 S..8. Stanger, do........... 10.00 Cek ,W. i. 01.ee, -posting uoticesSpeierBr5o mvdtatis of elmion . ... 2.0 loliion ho zeterred to0tiseBEromots Carl Grant. bostîng speclmeu IAssesments Cominttee. Motion car baUlos..............e, .... 2.50 ries Unougmauuly. do returnins: poil books, iat.Ge.2ohtoOler<t etc., 13 miles ............. 6."0 the Vrcdt Court. subnltted tise toi. do li................ 15lwngrprt: Ebehol District No. 105, rent Rîg"OHlan-.d Park., H., .Marcis 23, 12 cf polllng place........... 80 o ieHonorable- Board o! Supervt5 Î794- omors (Ut ae Ceunty: 37.5Gentlemen: Deerfioid 6111 l beg leave te ubmlit to Xour -hon- 8. AK St. Peter, orable body %ny report as Prollation Judge 01 lecticu.......0.40 Officer of Lake Couty linpW iMe A. B. 1Hill, do..-........... 10.00 MY rep« rtun dae o Otoelilt. B rry cfhier. do ..........10.00 1 have tlnvestlgate4 ilie cases 0frns jti J. Gémiiner. hre wt r0aia'ffne. Clrk eof lection ........ h. m ed ' otath' at wpr o»aegd. ing IL Bst.ube, do .......... 10.00 #<n ae n4ngfavrbl ipOi 1 SWalter - <%...do............10.00 gîng ~ng a hieod >dltlert "d,0P ~W J 9uee~,pffling iuttces u.OebyfesSpnoWsÔ. of electioe ... ....... sie, a a~do coe 5 11 &'SA . Peter, postiug speci- -and sent home t10 ieismotIon. 1 iee.1rn- men ballots ............... 350ci mince thàt Seclias ieen .Pffehended do r tturnlnpoli books, , ce:torged Wltli su offense sahicis ho 2sd e, 13, miles ............ 630 cmmntte.ipr i olu eig appre- RB. IL1dwards, reut or poIl- beuded here.an in aw lu cestody leg place ................. 80 lun Wiaste- Three cases were ru. -fd'rred te Me lu wbich parole wss de- $79.30, uîed. ReupectfaliY Submittted. eerfieid 7th.ERETSGÂL J J BauidProbation Officer. Judge of Electhu ........10.00 Superviser BairstOw mored tisaI the To o~d............ 10.00 report be sccePted sud Placed ou. fite. George Bnci, do........<... 10.00 Motion-,carnieS unanimougly. biary Deoley, Tlie !olodwiuw* communcatiou was CVr et lectlon ......... 10.00 preasuteit: Ai m ffy, do ........... 1040 SIte Association ef Supervisîrs, Ceun W", s'à, do ............. 10.00 ty C0euiisaiopr, CburtY and WSu. J. Obee, posting notices 2M Probate Cloreikoasd County Erani. specîmen Auditeru, postins Springfield. DL., lune 6..1922. biqlti1........... ........ 2.50 To the "ItOer*ble Cligiasan d Menu -do returulus pli book,. bers eftishe County Board.. etc.,13 miles .. .......... 6.,30 TIsW86tis AXnnl Convention ouftt Citycf Hgislnd arkreutcf~ State Association ef Supervisera, Conn pollînÉg. place...........8.00 ty CeuMlesiouers. Couty aud PmC Dseriel ~ 171.30 bats Clerks sud VoUt4.Aud1tors, wili 0terfiei Sth- be heM at IOsuvnileonuXgnt 1, 2 aj U .vetter, ; ea0is Cenut u astited tu four 501< lusdge et ElectIeuf....... 0-00 gâtes.. ;Tisree Supervisors or Cmn 'ereA. HuUter, do ....... 10 miasllonernuS dthse Ceunil'Clerk, aný 1Luu Is L < .-do . 10.00 lun te Coutleç ehicis bave a Pro 1(aud L Huterbaie Ceri Or 'CSuuilAuditor, tise Clerd.o. BHet?, .... oow!.te ho addet By direction eft tb Cle IL b l o ......... 100. Assoition I urgeutiy requeit you ti IL.E, etter, do ...1.1...... 1.9 apontdelegatee te attend. . JObee, .posting notlces et Per detaili in!osuistlouregslrdlusg th élei................. 2.50 prou*=,ns coAsuit the Coqnty Cleri Q Ut..Vetter, poting spec-ni > Dfeg frpm which tise oxpenses of th, ~ H. Warrn, reîulà;* &re IOaeCiscougy. WIU yeu thse" Ed-nrdBlues usuberCc. aet r t fo t hM ,otuont lpayble t ~îîgrc........... 8.0 LeW 4. Reade., 'Proourerit, tht - roquét th" ao. us naltise-warret t SueMorPaddiocukmoTent h Iliportat ub>:cta upu before lth tisé Bo, S sud Bridge commnite oC0IY.?ont 0! éOf1tiutis âtte*IlUib at'aesnd .nspowered te ave-tlsorogily dscusseit; aise ne* MI tI»S r f erSson aIt155 Rosit vois lests wte4%Iw~ r o before liseCoutl &#Pporel by tise State lhway De, ilOtal 'Conrb«Wtlà. _'Ulg. cogutie omletu u d enter lto cotact tisAl bave be rPren.4husrt ô fer saId von wieu approved bY said W6 know isIL OISçoaaAu 3ud 4.be MiivyDepst=ent and thu.t sail ceijutes that bive pt bèeA repreen Ro.4 si Bri e o itee ho .su- ed,.we ».pe.wMii1b>4 peue 4sW't tk tisoiseil sundemiAwerçd te «mtîract Cegnailsthis year. Toi, cnimts etensteh e Orb»m Oui jrýevlgitefOrte Mi- t bliq- oppitwtit 10 et l egw4ctetér aôguaýnted titiste prdleet' Ay. sud NsY vote being had Su, have to ýMeet . 0tIa.11tit - dýesmù1»v asceCfto-kse .ttelot'se ar hue fe11Owiut1 0 , lie et of DUvIli-e ringn Attêv lg ys. s stareeeptionfor 'Us Maa 8 Maytau. Mo~li, 4yev 18 Ivr ma! xn4. bVeD'i;Wb 4~. ,- ie«tf5~fIle&7 , o, . t '4 ua l er lept ur41 5 mitia18~ 44 .y !ln xt 10 'Io -f the de 0.u ud. SupeM, &iore Cas. Co. *64 fo Ee 4 *a>TelephO0C. os~ 11 re's lprébeny h* 011 Co.. g asdoL- 1 lâg wI 4ort t .tie" saiuul 011 o., I1104q»oe le jwtslh » V -1% . sService C. lh u 4 betb ggt. cash *,--- am t. P.Ry.feg 0 offce box relt......- rors rim là s4a - A8IA lrt~...41~ pa. repsLil Osloo . .I l'o leeIig Govrn - Shore Oa Mo0, b rai ~TelepliO idu ~0. P.Buttertiokt -90 ,-$r4ce Co.,;1k O £,4Mýfvw ya o. Farm 8f0t54 f Sberf?' q.euee 8.r is~1 ye]Ires, extraCt..,.,.. 7.75 foIO1. leu, dxdOit Co. a0ý O ~ -* VoÇter, 2 sttings og.. Pàld te Couifty Treasrer .. o Sepati Co., Xre. 0 .D fis:M Q.,ýlurridge, 600 BtmtrWfT. . Bjuboîibed a wora t 8 e lt e G ~. Gtti &co., corn cob 1435 .5m this eth day o£ Juue, X 'D. 19*1 gýC,,urr:dge & Son, Z2elSi XIEW A. lumtic U- tjrees .........-.4 Cu'U' eer.- etage stampu ....... ----- 1-44 St4ot f Lnose. L&k@ Comt$a W R*y Smith, soles sud 5eh0' W ),Rtzww ý,Irlim . .. ............... * 0111,C o " 0f RU EUS trti shore GagsCo. .LIff-- 6. 0111Cobr WM . CM goTelephonl o., toils.... 4. j .-' Ù UTY t&OM' 1 'Herrel. car lare .~Z... 1.00 eb-01h sro!Jàoue, i19 A,; Lyon, repairing cha'r5-.-. 12.50 I of Zheler J. ,Green, ýtbisI4-o«r ROi. ubleService Co.,IligbtV and dred sixty-oùè and4 68/10 3oqlm ?o »ower -..-------.----8012 evceee eeeste lune1 » . Lake Co. Farm Buteau, seed iteX W. B4RR Iýotes............ - 1.50 Cmty Tresurgr. 1M, C, Burridge & 50.tlwr By IRA 2IL PEARSALL. . ..................... 50 Deputy, - American Express Ce., $ca.p.- .42 LEW A. HnDRU, .loFW Stone 2360 lbs. h5 3 . 10 Couaty Clerk. Iae1siFeuce C . stock gato 10.85 Supervisor Murphy mùvé'd tutbe - %sc eted Mfg. Co., liMé soOP reort b. referrid'te t4u CeImott - ' O8.ner -. .......... i os settiement mus 0isherit. MUoL ryvtiie indepeflit. pirint-, caried ùàIwnI .lg report blanke 50 Supervser Eo&rtoWmo.yedta Ja»eGodenberg. 3 do.bom 150 jouer uawtilmorrqïw totglg, in"r W. I. Cole, soiele thegýj Kl $1 t 10 oclock. )iitiog eazrled,,, b%*ues repaire .. -Z. SS Waukegm, iL l. ui 13, 1923. 2 gor _&Litchtieid, pîtunhifg * BO&M met Peuat to, adjourumoetu>psr 18 tise télowins meinhers peet SdprrlessAusiwe.Vtew, Efovi Total receipts .- 1 13urke, Cr..n. rapo, Efinger, Z£u4rTotgl ExpeudiLt1rea s -.I5 Kelly, Eltachner, maether, Mart$ae. Bglance carried f orwad -- Mamsi, Msagi, Murpisy, lipOul. PHLO lwBIJRtE. 1ooIs, hýNgber, Obe., CoftQùIý P4.Stpitiiden dockI4 lugdahl, S*.mson, Hsrry trut. Superviser K rscbner mov*4 la th~e toti, W. J. Stration, Thonppon, VerSq rr t ie referred te the oàty TaMe and Webb. M . î4#MKj;ui Comzittee. Motion carrlc4. f Absot Superviser 1L. Hred Bu &isrRrry S3trattoa.. CbbWi lntes .o!rcedizn m"eIjng r ri4i the tIi.ectionCoimmlUse, laub and upon murolo t I upertisor *v- umttuieItlýe foliowiug report. proved as reOd. *t&t, et Illinois, Coutiyof 4e. as: Lew A. Rendes, County Cler, sut,- SOpref Spervisera, lune Torm,.11.9I mltted the foHlowlng report., W. CÏ4tarman and Geentee OC the. Stste of XlIlIol, Couaty of Lake.. : o«sd of Supervisera: L i,1,Lw. A. Uendee, Couaty Crlerk =s4 "Tour Commttes u Electiona aClerit of. the CoUýty Court iu snd fer wosO& -recoumeud that thse dvidinS. 0,1LAkç county, 911ios. do e rwlth aub i. betwreeu Preclucte 4 ad 4 of Wau- biit the fllowlng report pf erý aeaut b.changedas, !oùiw: ereosipte sund expeu4tures of nuy omfce Ktnngaithee ltersentiofl'a', fo te ai 7!to n"in;j»Ue 3, 192 Cia't àgtteet" 4 tbe Probâte Pees ................ 2168.50 $8».10»1~ 1Miscellaneous Fees. 132I J 0626.93 t4341.64- . ..........148.1 327.3 $1:4 Eupendtures' 1 s . ..-*..1500.00 Clens Rie .....9414.24 eOffice Expenuem..- ......3.. 7.40 305.4 -Balance due Cocuty ......- - ..- -.-.--------------- --7 041.83 Respectfuliy. submiitted, State 0! 13inois, County ol taise, as: e LoyrA. Hendee. Coouty Clark aud C Cleni aftie Cauity Court*tii and fer L said ouuty, being dut>' swOrna. Sep<ses and says that tb, firegolns report 1a true and correct ta tise be*t .of bis knoviedge sud -belef. .. . . 1w A- EDRE Subscribed as auJO before mep tluialltisdal'of, une A. D. 1312. f Seal> B. T. D1NN,- - Notar Public, o ~upnvior aunon ore Iat the - repert ho e ordte thse Icounuttee f .. Sttièen vthte Coiinty Cleri. 8 Montion c=ndeS Mni. Ge. White, Mr. Whbelock, Mn. Peterson,, M. WUI» orck., r. Hor- ace Vase s4Ud Mi Pranis-Burke ai!. drugeithlie bo&rd lu regard te teli eradication ortlubencuboolu lu cattie «nder tbe AreA Pla n laie Couni>'. raïS sUked thse Board for an appropria- timof a sum sufffetent te empboy a Voernarlto Ob arnyout th# Plan. teupevrvise BedirSge moreS fo noter thse .untter te tise, Couty Fair and ftiinels' Instguo'ComnAltttee "d Stb't fnance -Couttee for' lurestigatîon p eprt tossorru.Mqlucannled. V Jouu, spuumit*d tishoUavlati S i-olilInohs, taise cOunt>.sas: rchasnusi Gentiemen of tise ém* d-o*uevIos 1 ilo But-,, w 1 bo eusto - uni. tise folIoli* ototemeIn this necétptgsasit ezpedltul'e as Superin- tendeuil 'etlise LoÇ C'uty'Faim for r, se fwM en; ersp>u(IciÎ.1, 10 e, 1 1.74I Ir.1,0 Aprii 'MIMA >. ...e. - 15.07 i C. 1- ty iutte........... 1.0 -w:Iob ite-.-- ------- ~ V T Heilua.~ elvu...... 1.0 Viréx. ïu'le, aris er. thecce eatsleg tits > eof clayton Stetfft t it-nterseitloivilUh Lake Micik, Respecttiuryîiiifd Supervlaor Webb moreS that tise re- port h e ept u nadopted. motion carried. eqpervlrsor MoCullotigs, OhAirMan ofth 1eLais Cousti Gonaioptl tuStl*--odidfto,.aboittd théb followlng report: Itatef 1184*. outmt !Lois, 8as Board o0 v ai"s lneTersé.1922. Mir. Chisarpsot sS (lutlescio!the' Bloardit o! p"alotk. Irtur (lçmlitte ou tlase Cuti H ios ptal Anditing Wepld *bes-leaVe b report istb âW lugre e*tined the books antd ecuts oftise Supesint-ed eut and tti resurraaS Hepitel aud f luS tisa- eUme correct sndthat since leat report tis items of recOlpi sud diburseidpit are as tOlOva* f~ . IÇlLI~ VOtChtarman. onh isstç410. Mrs. ae'~" - 4, Dorolishy DAmoUr * .40.« Laie s iday .------ -- lt.o agU gdas' 0ir. st. nlabe O. 0.ehu L., I . S. Wlot ..... 08 Mr..'Kich- Niagas t~l eskrsnce Ca. 31.1 Roeyal 1sia~Cq3_1s Nusilrfkt oi s C. - 37 1 Aâte =Âeoas. & ~ 15A bq iii~IdkgiseC.55 $4075~ tg Bille 1. 1~i t? Jllxprdsa >Vlstole........ OUI Leq., ~e~eraê éMoaple. -, ---sSOU -- -v-i K .Misa à, igeaS ae 'C . o.d ttu ta se. 'A4ene30uuuse- e8 nu - . . ..... 12ue00 Mu-e, ris, pnurgt sgs... 304.20 DUflies Bell elePisole Ce,, *.nsJot=uOçi.genorlvg 100 Ke>stOt9 fiiting Ceý.. u erm l "0 _e _ 4.00 Mre. Kellner. geoai vagea 22S."0 A. tenu5edy. heutx gsep.1. yahita202.08 -CWKOIA(o., pnerlictuia 14270 87.00 usa exosa ...........-424.00 Oecn.tudis A a. peraid SereL u tagioou sd uLcty efnigeri rCe.. 30e. I. msckey. gent. wageu..,150-00 loi0. ». ickey, relu burs & 1 .0 Mxi Reers, general vaBSs300-00 J.3.Menrbhut, prOvIsiou.- 18,0 Dn it. E.&Motu, sestiosetio 7.0 lrgoeli cveugh A CD., prO- W. .MeLaughuiuiA o. goBetai expeie .- .----- 1-i N50 ohm Vry & me. va "meeva ÙIbetPick & . eqlmeui 81. e 0,er ida sud grou A. ý 'Stoei o eiip ann 4. A librd o & W lg t sre. 2 5 2.rt A. 2*110& Coe pso'lOna 9. - Pasisel Ceel Ca., ieat - 7 uht si ers1.,xoitieand è_ IiL Xt«eoft& Co.. qlpm't' 9246, ilain & koirc2, emaes206a BI t AMM A ceun prs, ge . onnee 196.99 Sl#15rd 011 Co, hane 8. g&at 120»0 eftie. oe 4-0N XSdgerw'ou Co.,, e#rnes - Ca. Sot ' -A euiron, provilu 13 Wnerood i eCd, Sa. o. W»egan DIII>' Neys, ge- y e erolKpeiise....---M >Wauisegsn Tire A Bttery , ervice .general expou-li 1ljesO . Watreuu. hardw*re %ecgd#pin~t ..89.1 tt Waauu Wisolesale Gracen>' 5Ce., pu"ra«enuse 45. irrint w*Pser, gen. vage- 225.0 . lomptl oauik, general Mire. Piffai'>, refond On ser- viceaeemit ~ 8 5 e s Caunty Baller> so- rice, guss(51 18. I. 50 40 I. >0 t' le >0 10 80 80 10 16 0< 9< 5< 00 0f 0< il Il 81 80 41 81 81 ai anS ai!opte&. ~e~bna? rote' bhbatil obvS IbetitQ* MOnilVis&to riedil .li iWBovu. Cratu.Crau ~~~~Elcster, icie.H M'~OdlhW5,Nabm aieesi0,Ciarm u 04 1of tis HetitibHopitusal AnSIfi u à4*u t10 euSi*t foprvisors mtiOnen: eur llosp1tai-Comàdtteeý for t*18 u iewe-tO repot tisai ,b. '~ 34o. e-evu8 je mal ou.. Ibo 1 h~tseuIa s eee t*1tSi1tie'li I tb.t<4 , V~~b1W5sda~j*i1 ertaseSvil Mu e b At t- sýix1wvtiMi uten Iwel 1k t br baudbefçe 'etwbËaneelu rdg biatplssV re ,etnye at ouy im. Ia ccdLtp -iWvltu lgbtye n for sure lebbrit vX«a YWInat1&tluui tl itt& - intuMr, utenIv. wodl ebv Bridge ld CL f oÀe" > c il st Mysoffe wcttf li. C7onnt et L l' Office t(lsy St>'e l . s noradcýbeord etp ana- Beeid-be1 »td e Rs, aSoc. IatloBsuet: Ale ot u fe AY oimeT%- 1-154 Anlmut 4134.1. .. sut tie frosey te irite us. Bro"WakmaSv1. Arie1.1 1 . Aleeb eetfully ubsi' Cohol . Sut skiaiwa s fo D tAiseCouay, * Bin 2. etRtbay. 3< 7 I& je*t are limite axIisreb àsubinii tl lm L 1bchcol, vis iedegrue et lIto PA.retis ru., cv»5ay B Id.. Li . 0My < MSiLCit o aIe. mnta r1.i atue. e u.n o *te"-b-roîersasluiet 'yuc doe BouSn o . H & 1*nil -lu!: e& SwelaUls of sio"ArsudieDla ~etent RadupIlameftai pnal e-&rge«n ta RweShM ission Ho.- au4sii - , oucty URogttal*, Qimba. Net>. AMditoial 4eigt poid for ag- piai frteor« on sm * resalaibe 010sud 1821 d-MsaLot4inOit my olu hopitai at ore IiQae.3286.* iuo. Coloira4ountil the ont- War ex 7-..... - 99 -Miai of thse WoM War. e--Unhted States Naval Serv ce frou> ..~ -......... 1917 te 1919. Gsumany f-Atcqve practice 1! edicîne end Fin" Et. RS -. $106J.5 urgery lu Wa'2Wuiiaf rom 1919 ThIss estimaI. .t1 X.. 2.1 toprecent dats.. --9 g-A total of tourteour years lu st- sisi w .,16 I e practice f m ndiclue sua d sur- . q 7 Te aoveent-nae;ne L,. 19te nespectruluy submItted. t Th aboe ett.nle nS lnirnetu OsCHAS. LIEDERl. à74. c e lla, 'un of11 l a am ,for S te .A prli 20.,1I 2.= ~ ~t '~~ '>~ To Wbém IHMai Conceru: J lirebyces.iry ite o~e~ Tisàto 0cerWtb~tat tDr. Ciur'el'~ 1 hoereCoî..yth fzfl- i eLielier grsiuatsd from the Unlversicy gospectfuUly submntted. - f Nebraska. Collegte o et McSce. lu CH"S. E. RUSSELL, 1906.4H o 12cuuaaiy nlroug fstu. C o uity lupI. of ll bveys. cane 3 ee olu mYbi b r e di-9 0 Oriter !favorýo Pafclien rotluers Ionrluat exceptionaly favorable opporun- Esntin wîaté i I. ities lu $the nov. Te o Wicati CIle ahero y hoi Dr. Lieber La tlioroghy veliable. de- t add te mw lis. *rrant for léte a m fpen abl, a <o i cxccuL.ve. sd -119 Z of rorly-eute .guaded N;nety.four suid r Wiser ctticient serviee lu any posit.orà t0 110 pir le payesent et the. eutruute t hm *due .-In accordale t t htie * Ver>' tr ly yaurs, toregus atemaent, sud Charge lise oIvNG S. CUTTER. De S'S euilte thse Couay BoaS Bond Isue Th, Ceunty Court ot Lincon Counaf. il FaiS. 1- Hugo, Colo. Apnii 17, 122. )( GEORGE . UA1RTOW,Cit-s.To Wisom IL Mer Coseeru A pa w u' K eBCn 2ii- 1 desre te receasmesid Dr. c hres - * E. À. RROWM.Liebmr ofWa e il, liois Ion ai'- o~ ~ " Roitsu ridge Comnitteo. appointaient 10 tise Position et CounY. M liay. Physitsa 'or Lake Comtyi lin s . tji CHA. XIBBIUý. y affuantsce viita iiconer 1 49ýuty Salut. o e! s. the perlod wvi o le rsideit bere sud upenv lsoi 1Egeliser move, tisaI thelueailln ie reslai pratice etf bis pro klostivnate bu etnonaiPylcaimnSSrgp . u I y àAiee Na>' vote belng had' Super- ns maen ager af tis ieber Boopit ad Mt vis r M seosrs nsoto n u a x erieS y b>' pla . tanut i r le »m e irat piea- » tieà ollovlni rote: ura le îestify te tise soteseddvork pr. 14 IrIS0111 r*lng AYe are.SuPervisorafou-meS b>' hlm ha otis eapaettes. O >*ustn.-B&l'I"OV. Enev Burie, Cflilu. Ho la Vrr>'proélienl la lisa pro'5- Ni CrapeEfingr, Eme, Etchler. Picke, sbon and et a Sellghitul parsonali IW*- fflffrlge, Hoilstelu. Hutteni, Kelly. eff, amid I am certain Ibat If appoint- ow kttr4mts tft taibe. ILstib, KUgman, bW& te tise position wvicli ho e e"a t WP1rjtuuugllNa-er;-, fboe, i e iii ree t-eredit 1nPIje il 40 O'lno. amuon. Ranry strttfi, W. ceuied. u1.'- Strattioi4 PThomseon. Vereco sud Ver>' respmectli Webb. 29. & P. 0. HÉDILUND, 94 Votlns Nay- None. Ceisy ulidgs. , upervisera Lasn' MonaisanMey-u. . Naval llesp:tai, G el L iet 50 or, Paddock bains absent sud net - - April 14,1922. ,2 vtIti. - Laie County B arSd cet Supervier. . 15 Superviso? Maetter MoreS tisaithue Waskegan, Ilinois. Vr:umSueCouuuittee b. saitisnotand, tieuttemen:'- ~71 empevrerud 10employ apeclal opuilam, 1Ibuse .kuovu Dr. Charfea Lisiser tfer if emed necesuaiT. te I*repsset the tise puat lire years. Duringt the vex- euty lu PaexObjeciLon Case =d ho hit cisarge &ome'fthe sunAhiI un-' SthMa thse &ttmmn fis ee o lsute4t.te droitbed hospItals 1located on tisesa » #f00.0. tlouJýLsad -1 bave., axenT confidenCe tu n Aye sud nisy rote bC.ui- had, Siu90r- I l Iya iositaita imt«e.1 A0 vtsor jfaetier's motion vws carrned-by J=IgtIse pxort0S o 1<4 fapgitt- ý4 lhefgu"g4vote: ,su e,. ie lbne glelisreWWtoiSd4telbn 61 Tise , IotiisgAye at SuS 5prvi'ser» trattena or liii biiity luta steir suit Auin. lnlrtOw, Brevut. Ceéu, CtxO. upetcln Q. 1 couiide-t luiie *'au e-7 »< Ritage!, Eget, MRiler. ai .511 a 1]R i srý- *Wouuuugestkieua. -a 3& drl4ge, fHo)ltelu. -uttc«,IWW ïi lumn i<te omt. 9l*man. Miurphy, MCntugt.NJI Qb~, ~'Counor, paitodois , issoi. . Ccàdt. (MC>' .- S: N Irry Stztttf. W. I. iStrith omiDr. Foiey aS'D B"nt nghfltdurSal Je ,d ,V0repes,. Wbb * -I-theBoard'on bebaif of tho LaïC Ceo-- 1Wb 1 obu gWsF: Noie. ~ty M4dic4 5ocil.- Laps4~ r ànon. lMonlan, be 9 Eupertrtbor er moreS t otthlie gow tbae #og ilnot rotin. mltef. emip10"bl sCeuniPW8..- ,M Th* Mowl ommimicatlons vine csÎ~<4;,:geern1 diseulus-at-1 3. le oV. a, o 44 e- 0i&kP.-. tonuou-ew.sud a veto on er. of i~ unt' .~îs en, m ~6i tae5l5~ fo'ie is'oontnealepIl- EP3PMAT le 102Z TOJUNE'.- 1 M11-,FOD1.-. : teIse !*$Mtn-iCSu~uiU pald te'PW b ~~Asoe . 4 , is:'eçbjr mutieapplCatttf or the, Nonthi tiore lair>', -lse oream ,0- ýW opeitBje!çut tssla â5 te p*um n eVeagis, gromeses. fi.71 f111'"I thse tac*= made > D.BtO.15 t W, . tor1e, htîîerî fxî k ..- 0.1 i atn ma un ofetséverstal eri'e>pt lkoomt --.--. 1o- -wo ed fi 'tJfîo m~<tCh-~.. ~ .s... ~ îes f4-;er, tise. DÔ*?d ot 1 e1 2I de Bit a " rp ta L u ie fW M ay ' e --, tiWo mostfour yese M rus vita t .WBck10d 2:.2 2.3 - t~ tt ael o!ai. bysic:uaaitd I1sfe.:ie ý- , eh.4,,.