Fxed Hmef ~UMBES T SENTEWE Waukegan. &lie 16. aâ &11w day &go etr hho at be- coq" Int iCtdthb< lId rinakiàd ~îilime ctt hé oii$rd :,a, more cbail'sIldf, :111ttagkeoa t.brtY sentence *ithotit aur arcumnent the DusaI lime yo" catch me drunk i yenOn 17ly ii let p» oft thts lime$.,"l t. Thé polios tnok hlm -%:bIR -wr. Ibis afteruOim aut. OhM «Tyrrei toast Eddie &t theéeu 'et - of l- *sce ai and sîtcIt vt 1. de? 111e Ifiucebe0 f liqUor.' McOi«i. "1rm overcome with t1heIèat," hé bold Amt. Chief Tyrreil ',th YTes,'canned beat', I guena" 11 off icr repîleti. O'Connor was takea t th1e Police station. uhere police Magitrats wiuter Taylor pi~ceded to give hlm *tItrty daYs la lait. O'Connor dîdunot * tiish tbe idea very -ehc. Ie la - giveixcredit for having decovereti t4ii 11canneti heat" Packs an awft L-. 1LATEST FAD. On TE E 'Wankegan's beach ha becOme an Idest &pot for sotthlng eme be- _idati hostingL behilg andi Prom- -- bt"in. i vau.coniverteti -Ibis m I~~» nto a bair dresng estab- nietýtflta" as a remuit, Proves Popaiar place. 'Beveral ladies came to thé beaeh aile? >waehlg titér baIr " ant ln -tu Uit a front park 'next ta - tb&Itl &pier snd. ahOdk Iboir iôete s U1the wlude. off the labo driedthMItn. Th-. Iis metbod they belleve 10 e, quieerand ti st&.ItorY I l éyé vay, and ilt dsIte Job much btter tImtah1e customlry elect.rlc t an. Te Sun% raysa siiMIa 11eb bsroghti mb laeis e cesm,Sabut] jtý»tou ot ot linger on te 4vportiOn o 1the beach toticitétibY <nb sson tod&Y. ~SIêQP PLI.OWS RALI.YiNG tqafaui It*Mu wib lwT»çeA atO& le, - 1W TftIl~SCOLLID9 weire peïobgliln.Iuréti, b0th -ou- ïý,4dtwo mail j*,xa vora bady ~~~p 1ae .eftrana t110- iq6- c~ cordIng ta -te- q1iY~SiENAN IObIT OFF iaeu oit',eavyveight box- *4bsiP-oE vii ot line4it DII *n ia titusbout Kt ,MIcbi' e 14tu n 'bor day, Gou-er ureu T. MOCfM téeéttDaY. Ait; apon an opinion ieudred hi à otte attorney générai, the gov- ý w deçiveréthe'11.eucoter voulti té be in; éxîbtiloli, but a Prise - s - tucb lu violation of 1)10 te o! »iiAJIa- WaubogsxIiAItg. 16. Natkl- tret rayetivitIt der- wilts ablothé Artern la bathOti In liisullgt, bt s-lldly throbbiag vlbanwgbt lite -hou t'sanu pistes dowu bebluti thé Northwest- em ttracka , lu lngloont. Florence wiqioeé, retty, as -bésuty Scies -Vti te coloreti element on the 'Goïd Coast," les lun1the coualY Constable rue, accodn; t0 bis r - eport,' founti the goati cocon lu 15e IaM Fai Us lit a promineurt 1 m n". ludignantly sbevas temsiet ln 1the sponge aqud car 0 Justice Herrrey Caulson, wbo - rw-ootked ber mait e yes with a gi)ô boud, vhlch berbenkebmn , Bnoe t pkoSure. 81e vas de gq3~tdto tue Mous 0f Green until bée1"g nx wéek. 'eetébO low Worm. .4 s-lnlér à mt~l Zlribuu xk,pinl - c erti ets of r 'etelle glw- nsli eil tu e, bcbr oh. %pin;ew lig $wlc b jee < B bci- Itteti la - - torcé- - iOriltOt exjl*t wbP lîfia,, r+pwt*s titIthbeJpadod.Ie a t) ûedurable as sceWil New Stairs fft 'Intafte d n E REPAIP4T THE HFlOH $CHOL. liitenSive alterallons &nd Improv e. meula are beiag crlt Ixuhai1 thé, Nortb -schol anid - ohe choo ouýen lu S*PttiebogI11 baIIMýWt if[ 1,14is t, due Io thé ta thiat t boardt. this ,ear decidét Ilat lte se wl as lu sucit a déplorau e steltai maniy chaumés *tive a#30o.1 lutely ueccssary if It vas '10 1e cdu-1 tinieti- as a school. --, 6 pbint ba ien t hobd Whicbh of the toileta andth 1e tolets bave been avitched. around n a t the- 1it girls have the front portion sudte boys the rear portion of te building,, whoreas before il vas thc reverae. A new terrasa floor ls bing put ln 11011 tolLets. Cisc roon, -lite kitchen andt 1*1 large ball'ways are AUl bing redecoratéti. At the Central séhool a number ai improvemeutsa aso are going ou as all clans rooma anti balls are belng retiecoratot; thé woodiork lu ail tbe roottis ls alo beug revsrniâ!ed. At the West sehool t1e rear stair- case andth 1e offic are being re- tiecrateti anti a. nov shiagle roof la becng placeti on lte éat aide. Ail lb.woodwork oun1the outalde of thé oe i 1gb echool buiinla bs h- ing répainteti-andi rooius tbat ver. nover decoraletiame now belug iea- ratoti. Theé-baltusys ani, oors anti alo thé main eorrlior amre bing <,alntéd. Thus it -Je »@nsa tat- bena Uil u worh Io compltthc i.e chools vlil,! ho i lisea shape for tbe resumption o atuBy ln SeDtem»er. Expected t It* ~ugk~ttonj Tircreli that tablieheti lu mpetwlthpt it la_ belieu'4 héwsshot t"eO*itwb#oý ,,i4ili - ê45wïmtm if (41 ea"te tapofte. ye4vApV ý?I07 lqs4 ber to Oe 511 *jtiie 811e requestetithe, t Y. eN. Kennedy, t1» *4w et e. ia- the nigt i. -,mnd -lyor*it*ÎUW -~ ~ Igbn~ rIp t M oe itiboot ba 'u Yeu. I- ý"liasI kqt t i. in, ef#4p.thé étilbu tip ta 'now nôthlug bu -cométtý- *itea Âcoon wlsht t1e olie hem te 4 go - n-aY ty> evéry #atfé utêla me Ïv-ao. visb 10 c lie* nô 1 *t, sndavu heeft- ti tj -Kirk .park. allowiar 111cm té, egti- Ilsh their camps thera Wa ega ubtoidie Who> .hîavw travélled , about te ootnte - ' - lou-I lu their pralge of-ltae tffo camps ubloit They bave founutia whené. They say It rtillulree It- tne Inveatmneut oni the part of a communlty and 11e benefiti 'ù maaty. Autolts reciprocata bi boy- lng supplies ln !1the clles vlttri 11111 hoaitaiity tg off ére t im. Therc are 0111r ase, ilt J, pQnt' cd eiut. vbicb, vitb a Ule ehyt. woulti suPppî a btter Bsi'te i#n KIrk park, an4 itlà1* sxpet<lAI by net year one et theeplacet vil have beeft matie mb. anIdemi camp te vhich Wankegan au proutily sOuti auto t tBanals; véMé tbey cmi pltcb -choir camps, Coék- thier matis andi eleep, wilIe paté- mg, througlx thé ciii. Hunditis of auWlObllée, bea*ag- camping, ot#l, pass tbrougb Wbe kegan- weeklyi ud a- largo- sab*r for 111cm uschineo doiib4'sà wOUId, Ptop bere ic tb.ere vap a tcrota camp. ~CI-»Bé t»mAir. If uy tue, -*êllias ,t-L.UWé Experlence t, the oné pmptu bUt rusteti,,souk It In sweet 011 for a ay oM jler-everybWdy lËôuotinualty bùy., or twn a ndl thearuhb wlîlî freo" Ing it.Bon Tranceript. ADVANCUi IïN1YCOMB COIL 1<OOK-UPS WiUT i c1cesidr 1the bét * mIt inaM1 n e Ia arun 10k-pfor thé severage 11r- ui4$- filstand Ont abOa@é yocr sou tla dest4F,Ib . baatil.i flu la ,b qeay, comb or. duo latéral 80 any péople 11.vri.dii cutioutât. fiey«cdndlt et cooue- ty Pet0fret, or oè»0SlIJbJ' tl4 ,but traétilniuca.uesas espiaiticd lu ddt mtge tb. resulfà thy h"Mid a récent article; - - lmýly becanse tbey*l-61kilow The blggestl"Vanait*e4o titistype boirt6d oprate I tielY'¶sope- ,î (rxlatiicele Ibat tbby tabti up meraté eat requi" à Utttepra!o. very lttie a"ace coipard teetclAio ie, juttas-other types 'et sel, do ers. Afren oue idargst te operate but t1e PItnCiples of m&U Ibis type tem they are asselee as an type are thb, saut. 1 of tuner itnt by s variation o olie To'tan. lu a ,lation proceétas yeu mau lune Ilanymi?.eto im 200 tollows: Tarn on l'our filament méoterg up le uver 25,00. This brlngs riteostats ta the pioper tiegrée yon rlthýIb reacà of everry vvc PlAeethé tl.kier2coil ceiw «,apt <h a"0iitnday vitete ltt aaiaten . sri aa 11e piMM7. o4»l brsiiaslig. eauuercial, Nav.aottoor ibrté lnce front lbe trageatiautic or fortiguWith as seooudary. Thésoebary coltin deticlon anti twa tépa 91 audio fre- »attlouary on& mre priluary aud queacyr amPlil*tion you eau ce». tiébler are moyable, through au Mians tu. Europç or Japan. Tbis -angle -ef 90 degreee,> Put your griti CIt coursne moulue-MiaitYODe-an eoiy e conener about lYà l<egrea, then telegmerlsgais l nff"a Rotelephgia. va'y bot primary sad sa dbry an thméttlant -y tation poirerfal condensera l 0ué( »'yter tobe li "04b i spraentulte r45cb Ilch dis-.Ascliale.,1t ltdeesillot mesclîe ténues. vîitit entor. tuba tubeata The drawlng a5heurlatat a -a111eroper .billaneri, yabw ticiller bouqy eomb *set ltb îll e baeb cim- 0011- yUlprobally lieas-e lbe re, cuIio, au top. etamie treq!encyverseL T, bl 4 otia blumraie suuiilltca Iin, éble' gld ela.cos i tlhs pileg t10 iheh l 11 astén. d.o." rnratbugcondenacra éd. ltu lthesu f ie fp rent cols. for thé pt "àg ati eesiiry. Thu Ater yeg #I-)Içkbd up ag tation, rusi 0f Ii, circlmtuIth 1e ouven- whéber« i (~C. W tele. lions! beock-up anti- abouai- un e- Dbm'4tîli nl 4uwio*w>c* quire fartbilr explanailten.seri n ai M rld-eesr foi lTe reeson for te variable tri orlt tpiItY. 40PqOpnS' é cadeuser s that tubés of the aime- t#ffli pre 811 hýw*uiý i maire, 1h51 las ebit< chaI'sx-p'U 201 tir Al.- requlre tid(iient cap",ae ' itl or gril condeluser asut taî 1111 iguai.s'Oit -tenti 11e variable condeniser bail titis h la ul-UsI 14 - -0 effecteti. SM Tre aropely operate titeaé--wuleit-tas t.54 laeneeesury te bave a votulNT cou- tg t"4ub1t t4 i ro t doenser for bath prta"d and see. BAU*éudaàù= 51*tI oudar. -Titislehef. >ue regela-aie ecntiua4 d' liaiese ansdii unlperenèe ta )Sliilnttd. stla spoosîie t10 Ipue roi xiiff - lu, «, out. serai awtoleaiyty 1eý -rite rystal 48tetoc'* hilig al eY tir4ýifaIkr wiit nsuaaiyScou- uuau béas, e soo "any,5ydii - * ei t o nt noable plateo!t the cut elbut If. yeur-, mu. ett e _ tuMxuue inlslegbrmoms e fruaiIl, etem an d 11-st"oa la; bialu the ttiune or the s-ra- v lub4Sic* e in Igmfthâàcnt rkeôstI aottoDur ei 8 Othle xteclar. SometubsI,.&eup cear .vru niicai filament ceette eo t k t aiq fftut nglle, thi trça fiamet bpesial. rhI- la f800 ~~~ft~Jcrystal net,4gir te - t ,aémfou. r . raili <n mee 4t',viý Péputn hie ~ 3 Pacha0 *Lsoe:1 itq of aur ~4e~Igba..-'~ j Iglut, Sur Sr~ Ia~ti~e4f g throe regular tiSe sa4k.r~2Sc Igos o! Lus for yul No gà. êt Ptie or , C.a. .F Odds ami &d5 one lot of odds anti 'êb lu in O. on'a Quilted Jackets; vool $1104 over Sweaters, ant- Woo'surat~; for Fritiay oaly Women'sSilk -ýSpor sk4t 'Womenas ha»dt# Box 8ksport etita In a variêIï: t'poatly eol-w. ors *ud combiain;$tpa, *]1 faiy whil-bsD. U* leus than one-t 6 irt, i a vcry much untier- . ~ jpricetiat - 0BasofLeory Sb.ap9 aénbars laof rare IBoalt; "ucé; ton rcgular .sizq, bars IvorY ât P,43c Po.uedev e - - 4Tor agufer i ai 5e U U'JAS <oita - Ieri l1citl eupt broketm~t u e6é4 ity in *b uilte anti al lotu; r hcaba<hatpricé, c t aat c R soap; women v 1 *esicoma la 11118 Ibree bars ut "bRéIlhp- at 2 W.iOments1.'âpxon8 IIIvant cd styls, bïh i -e' lors;59 about haIt PricoAt 59 éW~'Soled Wovéne W~t*M> 1etba"e been ali~t1y fj~ ginta iltiyg. bttu » Wx 1[ tm;liBieu In Ian haift pric, 1 At. r Fr4 çIqy Oii~- t,.9,aén'e pur..-Ibremi 811k Hae. l * lu lsk at coe ; l In DSOa"', lace; r6daced, tg about $1 ", hait, ai -Chidren's -Lisie Hose Chmiiden'a Abie Hase l in lanixés, la blac, brown RUt white; vérY spécial; for TIrtiay Duly, fOt - lirNt-e~p fringe-aud huol-. et M«,i5lîslb vlete Chilren'. Organde One large rack of ChildrénWa Or- gandite aiesla white anti col- ors, la aises u14Pto14; valule 10 sss.Nov redanle4 $159 10 WoeonpgFm n atbttIr h&v*Jst jinrivet. 4 in tthé oelar st roied P40W ~Rock stYles - Ila tan, ah **,, ri k Wi~t r - 4 lu Pela Clt8s, I- c11Mn0'p w 1swooters lq Tex- s.;,"rduOêd . $1. 4w u in' iucott*on mohair andi etl 1 1 et~p' 25c Ws aplain and figuroti Cr"@e Nlgbt lowas: lis ail stzas; vcry upecial for . Plday, Womaens Kait Ve*t WomehWs luit Vesta. la flééli anti Whité. vlth baud andi bodice topé; lu &Il oize; véry specli U at 5 0e UO*~Uq .0.110.9 Ià~i4er. - - i mWom an M*YONLY, ta - ltir st tipeti *ffe* lthn àf t RlAtPbint0d. Waterproof Bibe for loftst; regutar $1.60 value; for ,eta. oiy59e MI ta ample'£ Utiion aBlte éfr C tdra u BisM 2 10 16; about hi rc W igterLao * 34 o 4; eed for yri. dag-te Chulns CO%118alis a t- du b,4 Mud ihaai; ila&it stus:ý-, dta o r dy 79e chMreis', C sec Cbi4. nd wie.. vrffl i Iùt b aboi knem..wath and ,top; S; ,iaah mpailo; et ul9r childrnlas Ctto r CRUt brokon lots, lunsisea from S! tii14. Wometa' rwtetuieti lechng &bout hait off. à !fi laa a4o t i?0îès itù& v~ celord; 'for Prl .day unly 39 1AT1 WO ', il;W.. ..e w Women's GI.,s-29c An 'aeorlulenl t f méas Chsm- osett (lors., lu values' 10 13$.00, réducéti for Friday only 9 129 Wen' ol and aosi'ms t 0f W u's als stri pot »il«t; tek'TtrPa cl- lars t*iuiined itIt 4dms0ol0r;. ww l'éduceo a ri- aýy -0 $1e Woulen's Corsets la vantt aisés and styles: Tory i4ueb raduet for Prisay, Women's-Bru* ieres Womean'e rAelu n ail s andi enod stylas; *#,Ory speclally priceti for lte one day e- ouly. ta -ia Ï(DteM 7n-~ Frday -Ontzy-rh 1'our Gftlce f My -W. ev ee Ili"aUr ef ' WesbDrues.and PU"&4 pI - 1 2J5enêra me : iledfor $3.O .1400 110 oeAt ;~o.Litût,1w sii ÂI 18O o i li ot -Ory r "07 styles i tisue astiliar= tiGtg aanssd Vo " -ia a et I.OQthere art Voiles, Dottad Bua. lliS. OM' O S anesad GQ1D hem&. Aits o *selot rom. ýý 'i i 1