Loob bOOB y be il riht,, probai iw*~iyte~ou~8040eyabout ti tfrd rOD ofkwora eounty OX- latb hff ,show rI# b AU th Ith a e to MreMe, rl W.sterield ebra.thea a~ the ê8tv <~UJ~'tdi he ealtaus, ~ 'at Mâ hlewd its ow oisad ad at a$snttabls.jM ms.ou' evtu th of a jpn l-flE Ç ArVrakFlîm c esefl fths .r Toy ald. In nagAbe lëttmv4the t*omnN ytýéllS the Woputy it (CANNOT HAVE TTIEM )r emalnaurofireM flt GFTB-OOD,ÀND.-FMDYeven though it t byy. Fm" o ,wrdced tnth or Myerai month8 hence. Liooks a jf -MBack Ra*k tflt., sof the couniý ,oard are dl said of Brown and ffleoffebyyMr. i obnanfl vlth John ffey allow- blim to Aefy theïm as they've never R. -h wPOr s eh.amoZ (g t ~iigdeie ~~>~oe.'Cpyou imagineLo taiowè by J"ck Pabody. was Shiýri« Qs C* Oérk ffe -dee or -thers, výhen tkfSscn d-hr lcs is qWe, t4k4 Jdieirhbooke home with theM anti John Rerte won fouith ,wtthber Gay çmunty tg> go bùy new oneta, that they WOUW *le of thie social leader. prosenit li cetred8whefi TREJY got readyl wetei.Atdlrw K, the Joh jeinped upon mn g hpMr. TtIYwokn't the Avésun H. Ntbladls.the Wbat'a the fdiéen ee.between theuand QOtto V. Lein, te a j, L- zt iýafter J1, PO$dbletbtatBrOWh RM 8011e->es isibeth enanti st gjiàae. nd antsto cover una>d doçmt prp>pose to give min iss Vlrzlnlats-ugb. .a chance at h) j' rùu his booba until hes~ ~ a~Ib ,tpwn -for, be bliiudty fod the eommftttee the. kt .~'a pIaxlngteMe' immiediately andm _ ttob1*dacoxmoded'byý waiting ovèr even aI -Mo kwhibih d =nshave sud- 'V ~ai: niu -r<usve Ah svrt oU e h 0qitrts Ai rAqult O!t t3cex*ayropd roent' blat e ea tï at, t1~~prar.q. ý, - W" _ot areiteflt ~eti ~oetb4'gave i t elher outrig9h't'. b ter 1>hewxeuthere are so -many ffl ýe infr faay of ougu ~~k~roh Jè e ber w a tu.nser li sv i.wB taissmed in a loeron Mis latuer te tis Poice ad lotter ta b. undea Ou*ta odet Tloalms i 'Q.' Mor (I(.ep I"te<r "natbs ). -flits- aiAus n rup ,~ t ~a~ls kt 7 s.m ~ ~ii40,'X10b&m -.i* N4?C WlM~u ut ait mi»Meqr te*irs ,s'WUisdy ~'dgSvIn'the judre du asuro. 75 aIt7 MWie -Va i wif~ I~,>éof - * lu-A1f owfa 5 ,a 4 s~ -- ,Ilâmp des.vI lé1see As ~g5Ild iser bnd mdflcIs 'rs.leala i~#,PÀIW~P nIhaÊl * ~ r, -. TE 's tIUB4tka c tgig eIarSOO gaiasutudttheitieAM&jw Mr. sd M Ms.C. G>GrIây loft t ~da' MMoac d b u b fc a ?hbzougb an, arrangement madtL1¶ tu$ o a trip toi TaiovutonOa= ,but byn a cr a e by Réf. "'1Iàm P. Weiss, the SunPi~ Odnt-sad SaeLake Olt itab. hurt ïVie nlc.Dr. w» cr aclied shine i3bdvi4lon at Third Lake iý .sdother p iac the tstei t So. aqptouhlu. ta. rocelve .26o,000 Young bats. tou Tbiser e ttO b. gene about two -,fl »w theteras Auburon a idod- be shipiied In bore Wedesdy- ¶ wonovauounbl. o. M'dh ;teslnmd ttodtto tSUe gake for tragsorie v - To he ishformen' wîî« The Cause of diza sas aln tho-peoat the crapeing etthe cessent rosd $Mud Ing te watrs. Te s 1en, i c Mts&. the b-r6praOUC dea la the Noth ohé»eUn», at CreOaurY &06411 emolilgearO8ly a carioaa of 9c-ases.ajtmaut t earrect ths eng tb*t weàdgdsYmraag, sMd bOth voe ait contipljg Younlgbasa raîIlng je IL. Lot uo p oipvu t. uou e o mmbtsain, auouû no arotind t" 'or , three lnchesl. e1 o eat.Dr. j.. H edin, Chiro- wu bva XIjured. Aller stihiflithe fer th j.5 Dnel. e 1 e 1tO. -t Jgtoeltthe >Azbu rn on inxth and Daniei.bTedGold lia t i euliOflepoie. This solnMutid a Chexles Stesle vWiMnM. sa" Mn. Williasa Zoolinernd oit *" st*ved ito LibertyvMllabi J. comios e i parties 5UflOTvl5lfg the Umm Mary Badu er i goard from N Bord umad repaira made. Thse vonIi da,, ttins thse basa ln tnoir &atwe vO8«a v0U120p tt ~-Micecar vas taxou (o thse [too nov aW Tlhe restocking le for Witcae>.mkü . £à~ 40r I OrUfd ê at aine.. the bé.eqet 9f -he rsîdents of the liWg 4*0.5v9tis C» t. PaI 14090"e. Bunsihe0bdvls0fl hbch was s* Md . oueUX la aamta IOb tbs U. L SeS . eu*lsctor o- (b. Norths .en1 d ua e inie lauIi 1ý» * gObieMo. Sbhre LAnO, Witb a i n -tie Liber j'. i ~ k. $1 1K -a i id qual 4hve ,vrl offcred. More O~~atap t~ prices of ^$v. Aiust 4, UI2Z Touring'Car $ 1950 Sidau--.78 - R~oua#at.v - .1*50 c~..- îus Koq4hte~ LOsqlQ, ~A~e>O S pissà f. .. .>f.t*.a.TaK he Noter Twu wo b.isn w . a «C 1am"*-t eie you ýîzàçjk.to bave were wq- Thec fact tbat w. cafr Univ md a u Ul i Md P out s glongway wtoani gur- antoeng saausfwAciont6 om-o Libettyvilie Battery & Electrie Service Station te Mffly amd 14, iconmte hi etPsrý, i F41 L~<. 5J' kakken 2 stemas st"re the Sm use- Tqé 4 - I --Umm-. T.l