N -- '7, 1927- ver Vour, .#ý* Tb.. obek. book wsd uigtied for' your= U~ jene.It ealsyocn $0 p0o0lut SUlt11*48W.Itlou[t the risk aud ,IýmmvéS- jonce Of ca.ryi3it ft.1 You carry the check book Let us carry the money Lake- County NationalBatk LI 8-SE R T Y VI L I E, IL L iid i s -timn 1you WM IThîs Pal We are in.oodSape to talýe =»rofyou IsAlYou Duoire »àrs$w. We sel Stave sdTI Lumiber .MLUZS MOIlS I Dr. md lits. E. 12. Saiith ~eNrd * teopla Lobagrh,"at MRiiia lait Sunday nlght. ýJwlirs. Lulu liattocks lias returned dl h~~ orne, atter a vIsIt ln Chica.go witb * ~ Misa Blanche iCirbaU. 1ý1t. IWanuof EpcsIluterewut tiPle Dr. L. IE. Golding vIli leave tomai- ___________________________________________________row for Blitga, Mont., ta look after Dia wiamwaga Cicgo fjwý»ýja W . u* Wyn and, bis tfamln that vicinity. Dia s llsr va a Chcao in i <i.y oa .m m'Mre = r ed toi1 r. ad lir. Harry Taylor vere t»Igr home t in Wi StaIf>fllf Suuaday gues t the home of lMr. and and sm P*rait sinth ati nt-vo vee tke S fl ofMir. ndi riWalter Taylor in Waukegan. last T1 1ar ir, .M.r.stei- and M r. Oharles Bleppet vent $ý P. Ugsy rnnI tleNanci' ris- Miss Romse MdtaW " Sledto a aub-an by auto Sonda, yendvis- ýOdaY l beo.Grand E*pld, IC** u 50ut fi ted Mlr. and lira. 1ied SeMiey. of bi. ~I* uratkRobin- nd ia L HWbitnsT itéd i. day cancer Ouir Ice.crussela ms.de lut rlght to faha 414 FM " Md ntetplease an exaotng appetit. Tri'mon lu CioagolaitWiMa~sad at-f today. C. floW 4 o., Confectioery. Wlthid Ubttb speut & I erlni Pmd twt* Ïbas a' Miss Ada lfer. ,»Iyed et the ut i!eek atlte IHOoXbouse - o'"e"'mnid #auMeo0fces of the. NoutbShore Line t a II 4 -4 th c~auseie Highwood'is speïong a $W*we Up4 *111. Chares bsG.ne "ar arut Adrisor C. E. WheeloeM Ilut ML * LuwrýXL,.. (lire y7001 itUuA,*, muie deal by Sundsy retured I ra= a twe veeka' . MarlnrIt une 1tea4>ns Il »"«aifbat- vacationi, Sa"la &gi ln the hineas p. feuM ta attend the. Ceta -j terus charge& .t-le Univers- the par. But.soffice«. nion plcflC &t ieicPark,.linlai Battery, tuer. la a Battery tf fteMsi ok sua, ~ ~ ~ US ouLbrDy 8Rfor every car. l~Vl5Battery The degie 4aitéMteWo- *on M Abo lie Satin. -t. ors viii go ta A*tWoh Fridai nutt-a [tsfnt» "rs .Matindu: -' conter the ritet of the organisation Oit Wc e Sum perfl iia P a s i. m d l re J e o R lr. an ti a clam of n e v am bers. t lrs.Robert LIéyuM. eM Vn fOWha ilttt M. At aiu soTV .*ý Chielcame $uÉ 1 Qelautomobile hmiS enR Van Pev r eturnudhff Marâie Englebnecbt aent Isat Budaq y 14 sw44 tM 4 t tho hom ebo n f rom Ibieners.vitie ly i mideve, 1In; At the.-home d0f îmer, Mrs C. W. rie t uustr, re.~sIi aletas Ma w.a. 8p~au4 duiber. Ouri tecréanla lamade luxt rigb t t ten lldrof Eat 12.1.1of! gd«14r, OWmie rleiting Pleane an exacting eppetite. Try some W" hejui; f isp Sela t h 4=5 t V s Mra sisterS, tddsy C. Gatti & Co.. Confectonerý. the Mises Delt U* *WOpraMareli,an ,,oth .Men dyl lintwek, other relativeu ln tiliatYYlfi. Mr. and lira. Van±'atten of Chic=fgo and LM Walter, Jolly and son. -ere.lisre flnday visittng at the home 1,o Chieago. are spendiug a Jay Morse laelItMtlig-t affairseat of the latter's mother, irk..Mi& Car, tf the' tertoan Relier borne. tbe court halsé' t5 care of thein them home for & s"ort vIsit. Spem"fln l erY 111 at the Pires- and lira. Morae. 1.1 fO a flsb4pg trip Waflt ta take q trip to the lake nu RoWptai, In Chicago. vhe'e la nortberft Wieonast They i-xxeeî reion? Cali Sny, phone 306. A new atairez Wodaeaday moruing, ta be gane about two iveeks. higli epeed bue at your service. Taxi- cab calta ans-wered day ar nlgbt. 83tf lSe créailamade juist rlght tuIf tyou are going fobuild or rmake i rn utan agtî i ran exactlflg appetite. Tri' 011e any repairait "Iib , -o your mu reast Ms rn utadduh ,Ms C. ott & oý,ConectoneY.to et ur rie onthelumerail Mary, and Ms. . W. Colby andi son, C. lott &Go. Colecaonrl.ta et ur uce onthelumeî Johl ttWedneaday lor a atay or miii work. R2e serves you best who sv .a"p# Poter andmiweecbildren gives you quality. W. P. Franzen. Ji.,evral w epka lu Marquette, Mlcb. netOn spelft the Pat fev daye Lumber. 1-t. Mi. nd Mie e. Pftkltsi1i andi the S. P. Evilsizor bomne on Wrigbt Dr. C. R. GalloWay family ieft last Yau are Invited to jipen(1,1abor I ay Sunday for an automobie trip tbrougb et the Central r*hOr tnioll picole lit Wisconsin,. lova. lMinnesota and Michi- aud lira. George H. Cooper andi Eetric Pak Wa«Iegan. Bige raP gan. Tbey wviilbe gone several weeks. granddaugbter, Barbera - Jane ehool, base el * and other f ree Harry lieyers. assistant cashier af n. wer. Waukegan visitons lest attractions. a. ieon afteinaau end the Piret National banik, Io back et hie Y.evenling. GOOD Iltt4C. 3, 3 desk afteî a trip ta Clevelnd. Oio. and lira. Wordon Wells of Elgin,. M to u rty'Nele -of Walter Tbe Hupmobie vill rentier yen morc siuday withîtheir parents, Mi. A. Lightbody, Wbo4 la in Europe on elle- comnplote satisfaction than yau bave MrM Eldgar Wells, on Newberry cial uw* ork ttt-ý beCkag Tribune, ever knovnbefore et a price iat le le. avereceired, Word troluhi- that lie laver thali that of otber automobiles an #lr 2alBle !Ape asedn e d*ne lain erltin, on loflite close. Se It et the R.. lMoter and, areireBrisitldn tfe Appe-'S bis vaynt-o VsIkf"on. gland. vbene Ce., Agenci'. it. r. lire, C. Sprla& Tbey arrived ie bu irem.ain fait e k rg efr _____________ ay vi atorettrnilig ta hie edqaierq lu Perie., 'a amryAaotandi daurbier. Te egin I U f heW.MS Dae'o!Iiy, Sereck, of Evanaton. herguarmé,lgo te w*9L sU lt veekyj7-ýLtitLbertYrlle rela- T. U. VUiih bel,4 &t thb ome Of Mr- U en4 fniendl. John Williams on, Mmpe avenue, next Tueaday attergo. »Muiit 22. The san &n kîUtit0<Chisago, ad Misameeting vii beM # a-* olciock (atbud- adalirey 5andlMra. Mary' lic &MdtIte>. Suibject <b t tudi'. 'Pfoh- ntek ot lagisside culéIe on Liber- bitlon and it Lava." AiUl ledjewÉare lf ientis Mondai.' invtted, espectlly mot-lbers. lieinaer C. M.Fuili viabes Io LI1Jare u"rg', ta ho present. e neigliboam d fXL riendi who 30 A clibe aea ms f eevW ges IDln Cy esiai ta n.xtingoialiig the ait casmbut esPeclallY vben St bai- ft bier borne SiLlda>. pens et Bredford'i Barber SbOD- En- irr Heger. Miss (irace Ulfers of jo good ieigai vlle Yeu watt. We a- daud Park andi Mi"s Ada itelfer avritPH-ONrdEBa 306 Raffseil Byera lotie a bOat trip brSbop. 1t Chicago ta Milvaukeeli -aY The tire departmeilt was callei Out LOCAl DAY. RATM alt, T 5arlttandi fanili titi Stilday afteiioonwhen the reoÎdtuce i~i . Malatt i~t of Mie C. M. Tuler vsdsor' nw u a s Fuit « FPW asume.gr aund Mie. Mtyers antid du tr, tr.I e=aniho Dorotliy Meyer. Of Kencsita. wlo- 5~ReeusSnibbrvsbut=-n ti niétieani rlatve bee lstbruasiand thbe eparke set rire te; the- - - ed fréndsand rlaties lir,, a lier hoe.. Qte a hale wan ballited Say-ta the rootbut soide from atetileate Uhiss licCormick. vbo le emploi'- litt-ledamae resulteti. ThW 1049 la teofietM t-be St. peul rail- covereti by Ineursace. ChUlri Sxwse u pai uChicagO, la epe.pding vas the bei- Of the. occasion.su beat a.vacation vith relatives ln Lib- th!filre.depatm1ent ta the »L1>bglth o lUe. hlie tru4t-i'garden bose. Ka"ts*M ud unihi'returnet tig«UeIVg7ma»,an ltnno-LIN COLI LTh tiro&"Ot.0 a IL" htit.of thét eirC A UC T 10ME5 .' li a'mdpaiso V 0,-Ied'theai bore f0 ra mnhs1i LI h av e b ee n i n Ib is b um in *as < r e t' l a d . 18 t r ib u t e t-o e d e d . p lo v e r s . o r -h . 0 y fl, s ur mv m t-m ot b r i g e ru i nier fragrase a"d beewattt r faction. butMr lnthbe ýt e ttin takn o lý" r«-brme- oruee, for t-ber are l. Plye mt Vge - G. it QUICK EPAIRSERVIC NewptLadWr Ford Magnets Re-Chared :PUBL IC.AUCTIO 333; Acre,:Farml,. 4,d10 >Town Lots ; T~oeàyAagst29, 1922; ~- s ýtg w *v f Y *'Iflinos,ù&C ý»d fv'e îw ý of 1t:itiid edce fZ;uuy-.t che tr. JO-b .hatluYy Unless You ýStart You W on'tArrie Tour income lias thv ues-tu pay y«- terday's b&s; te Meet tudY's uppu.twm* md t. asake ruatlyfor tofsrýwsii F« te d .~tusae a ch eehmaccomà t aý ejinveience; W tfor dithe Orn au.ýturs- b.ariagaccout im ussetiaL. Staft orne nov. DâtMibtte yourhme s» as aot te llt our future. -Chas. D-.Procto. hIsurance of ail kiuds >hn154M UIUTy THEo MNElNIETONY$, Youy4hmber aie lu oter words, we wilI aVe 7Yeu on th.ses. Every pk dan* h&*0 ~afforsI.op"o~ At AboutHKt SiIk Petticoats, extra size Each o Jersey S& kPetticoat# Each . - Fine White Satine Petticoats W,W CARROLL & -SONS' C(o phon.29 f Uboà~VUhý Court. Mir.0 limte 1 We cali for your f amily Iaundy-drue. waiat, blUnes Piy £ Ddda. hirs.ujKlewes flere. mitoup TetEDCT Mr.. knikesiads.chlire sthmgs, table aM nd blnes-c--veY- and M 2 Wreiee you f the annoyace umd expeSe ft fbavins -m a amârcas aOut the hbue-save yS 'ai le fun MOn stem nancxd.bo r c f W"s dY- %Dent We dîp a o f ymurwasn. witb fmeh. rainsof t "t«e ti1e, d aid w hit~be .oa of tested PusitY, we nase, lih e rot- &t na y y«Vd &tyvie Then we àm yoorflat wotk' withot friction or wear, »dl upon aur unpe~ed flat work ironer. and we4$« tire al <mr wearmig apparei on aur %woderful steaeated preses, wilh lHai the sa=iepice aud exacting care your favorite laundrlsa woed Hiand WW vos* f» luit 4r u Mf- wus, 'j»lt ba« vmofaà ee ~ve7 e~ ouor sarcda antary service wiàse bhit tau rys fflONE 338-J LIBERTYV4