suit u da.moia I a elaiSne â& Offiiai tb«u7 ~ ti. bord o suervlorl. t r alsotr ecorda.,H teW4= neela meeln* (~>Sdy at- cese and a Li.el ittê ~w, ofloliia hete~sea~OE, tensla cet wl lin tê,t~atil~. I~~ui te1ý caap!9De al . Brva. Vf" aaplt~. tatam Uic ec W5O _i Martinl»ed tou at~ vie hlt5e hil - a osée $79Pof ~ wére t ~ lie ureWderoe sanie >4i~ ~~~~~o£ &ù big ooat Cn- ueVal tMarg tO a-l tuLwt j jK tek bad clet'Sd h M up. a $7e rlurand btt heubla lainceL a CE 41 . antI wl -meeting MéoUd' gyth# àgt"[C serrend h esion, tendsoard MPO¶1a7. Wl1içtll te n e!"a te comuut cka 'iC. rn bmti ~iflU a el i4 p at t enden~t btercolin' -cbaa d ai c la nd h aAt O n»a WfÀer t tdu1rn d . W he - a Wil ledb1 11 iCaIi o9ité a iiflltt unt m I If - 0"q &nYd5meber ork. thë 5a, fua a tUa O ' SUPelIVSOr MaiCàtn déearW, th,, s ru bmthaterWwnth nedb ec Br Sp«'on oic Màape' tt u CjkLeégi -Xo htte fe conhuctatt lth cmiht-e w40 uale G] t. D 54m anlmoy crean e On $9 orther be- *tt 6"'cue h.qisi tatpaeity a gîve u a heAS a meil4b.r ot ter i» hoapte ofa li otrchanehe a-cmmtc wn e.e ha t d tu"e ve Il b a nd bo oka b e i4 theomaa la pI-'thé, Bout uredeved tah e ilsdeboard MSupervIs31 tous to ."i» (Ie ord ine>labra inalaled lie aIs menth IàrWtheed up.IWt LY~~ u hpor -th spaad i er e date dîslsé Irr4 ýaguiSl I4ay IliTthe book!vs wI n my beok5the utlis netbe uetllei ttt. r tei ade bother hane Iont 1hupeithtseriser Vlaer 'e Sce a b ankrin would t hent ,ln 'ae laUic ,et e uIltffl d ee l 1Wemlne I amnfl:b ýIthe e U0 aoobac-te re te Witshlo a- tiebnkreords SS.i dhotam ,cm1tteta bean ei ceai s emeagea al due iae lI ail1' re hda are ]0 %Qi afie a.4! a lefe broc Brow UMYmqe f1.a ec iebut emfor mche.1 taertet yitaigte u. a bl de toii eL 4mbiy te cm -n g t i cilate iie a alatd aie m. ieappretl. ws ive a i a , i rorth hsPW L 'tht h beterchage lé ac-CO]uptever1 lit to n sesd: tii.é and t urnd oeé r 4 ith'ok ke fa~a oile S cnMestle p un-,ý bout . esevatons ac o, is etlre d liiae Mw Mea.,"Ibmt k a ' R eenay lid w talli- o k ?$orta corpreio a ent , -oa d me- s tn i te a sixbe tol his 'm e s.Lo p Lug i J[9ýIlEvntullywhynot owl tobe l .died nt h a my rec- JJI h boad exlaitd L* blin were te dslose machiilàrhit e a> n .4 'hanbr and rouk't stnd i takig awytmy emly e rray ana rBud ofi at thecbx mkor, V.' i 1 - 4i>. emtinatod *Ouit frt & vasw frtà 16 toa4Ëtftru ApetIitnla noirbeu I se. &If maofthie f ers viant tue' *pro"am9l tite hourd ut »0#-tm*mr al .> , s ta th e r a w d b "ta r 114 tas>'~~~ 1roecttn f e autue-~~ V -. tan oflite mefui d - ià~ITEM wv uambeltciIim4iiilti. mous t ltea4 Tlea ,r Ruae lssi: fI uof tc-Warren,.Township rook I! aït madjaeen alcl hiVén-b thf reprfflatatJvei who conerd )ti lte' Waukeggn Clxamber, et Ataortlt, KalisaS Globe COM- Jnmecc-U"ed Ceinmltteu. t a ni ents on J. R. MorriS-- cent, Meeting la Wautegan fla bhat the situation relative t the" -James Doyle Lawsuit. paving ef Grand avenue titrough thIs to.wnghlp la Iu a confuued and' The bially Sun recentl .y prlntOd thi ntormed condition. Hfolto M lt * glLtehe" pe-efil eture direct adylce appear futIle,'as l= e i iiuge 10 h e t. aos ee n Ileai ne anawer wac bail te a lttlersmat t$ou fercie» >:h'chadbas eeti lu for- you by Lbe Waukegan Chambet é for msandytaraIte bas oat ed rl Coïermecce commttee, and yen statd tu*aich, . an ie as h"Gohbe" tln U ýyour inablhlti' te appearM ais es i'the thsn ass,*IeI"I ng. , t Ofe tcomment on thé "felly" et 50 Wea- elal ntgmd.îwe. lag -tb lau. The 11.15 refera tte case LhtIaI it r eay lias, been aser- e o f, . RMorrI eoft>eerftcld. ye-ei ed and w uc are et -a loua e 10.»Ier- 'at&Ïeý9Ddyle f Llbertyville, and la 41 stand , wi' t4ora aiiânid ta .ny de-, a&v lay la>.callti& foc lIlda, epec>bil7-0 V e ny years people bave liest plans11 bavtbeel a aproeff and thtei.watfed net te go te lawut t lui baT tünds anc avallable. .4110 eattention. ilmrslaait exwi>i Orand avenge. wbd -no Psab l0K,*lMa lewgult vin de te the peU. la voiT couo sortsf puchlu $ "a ve Tels' y5T524Q gnjI-P was prao noy nl.aal ls it fibmer lent a mule te a e ghlI Spis lt doubtedui viS prreaft. ffêa n.! ýgeAtterwarda bWdta rlilétI TaroeTwnship asaIennls saittbosê thce*Mu» ta get lu baci. Tiie M151b« faither veut. fi-oasgelng tt uiC- OU: i*brut suit afleult tiatahUceu ly seau Ilirougi theiceatly vintér g44 c iuW 9beém, replevlnad. 1t lKtc, ing, as nneusetftthe eoiatt h» sg gg n ahlie eai-taycrca1O ai.! febd have beea Pis"ldte'b" OÔOJlthePrIaciPalsIvtw turne m&ataainGrand arcane. TitiavilI tbe .qMitnai ceaftet UicmW, h l* têa adirect iiavdsbw Wvhtustus>re býeua4&tour ltrnes and RPPi"A*e ~ are cailed tOw $r? - or tek la no pédiig. li.alt t« t nece.iy taleLatVantean s.Z jd84 e obave h»arithe offC#bau tItI 15>0*1i-Stesta *alnsl tu- otr t plalt fl a 4 . uei a délai. 1 gà tbe-mule lie as 4usdd'Worrosi 2AtjcuOar ]mueties vIl!bo, B(l g t 4 c 1kvad.!the lawyersanar0a9 the lvi>. l't fi,ébai e!OI te uittaenm>cr o ita l. Weil.~'. tbt 0*m bct. bett>d, nce aha'"" . t era,& »4Its 0Shoot lia Le Ofl~ttte gt 4IU Uted t taies a t-al 'ýofa tii 5U1a and, otr ,t r e a Un Si-at m oua tu lilenteSI dayAllM iSllS j5tmît.. - » Sd d A aftci-SOO0. fumtI aIer la i B r Zo & t i' Lie lve. lilas llnée rlete or p * i g B i aini pSa-. acaem pea l ng à mulrk- ake.! lic l a r WO . SathW2 oa c an b t j kysa rem mm to ' ltei' aUSI, lithr tcsm atr, t c - jffl oZ i-. a tt&c i b cmiii 'h att l -DaIl 'ID»,»eIng atty '2ks nwdga' and tma e ahal er 'iJM 5tedhtglb win& i'lergrnd aso W. 0e $e i " tez- sou. mIn-- . Ia Neti' liurra l aeadllget e-i- w IouIttb a4couu islii Th Lie ur ci aWitE fl eurivii Cucagebreatiemso oknt tOU&hhoh tI k Tous btlxâ anA le. Jowel. n ~ Pack as eefie gs ec " ltan for à ,V ; tmu et C lgo avt ol i oa eek VIA [ge tF e dscpuîu lge >id t Late ZrIch ad h e& wt ue Uw conva 1 seue inaa- wgp u a allte!t nnt4 N ott y 30f Cke y isvtpeday vthlerta -i e Li. Ti gr if ~ ~ ~ n li.B y. 5e -Ltu h m*-Tun n WsiteoMr . frléiMm . cohn t vii-bavnandolted tii thei eMo>lddliaI OWI geats l tn . «ttarY al e, fibC of45 1 tliergI,,ai tte ae11 e dk bliue If IS Io 'a i , Iu15 gultt p-ivle oticle 451Vvit - v fi . i> Waead relatives. Xe i r i'.~ucn ilLfl a rd o ue'né ret balt irs. WIlli n ad T hraw 5t1 lCO 10 gfoa o 10-i 4) e xoean , Ve dbbA din . n d" M e Wlia, iler nligig t " laie e ar w be 0> asedtk0t P 7 altOl a.c>'5 e u f wa> dauft~ i t r dbk J'pm pi y »'. eraU - 'f:t ai fret lie a tate lisai rw vep». o e Ps a np iteen aucit " t IoITTDhSSyeI lit. uBown, asl( ,ch. 1 . 'U . Prakes dau t her oii-a>. tiuj ,a r R i P d ok, w o la iii tcaIt L;poemîl- ge mu te te m - 'r. iaica7,i-o a Citer ent mjr thelt% elallyai a rb.eIPTOê » titd eltivea& tlg sitOt '~ lie Lem k o jateg e tut1o 0>6 , theagm»t the er1001-. Th.Maeesacceb10 'gaetumuO ldnwtm y!4 «a a short tIsshielarand 1ASTEFUI40 duhtofSti. . a-tfl - th id If ra e 1 hme» ff*eor sniuhr. tOc donc"a. Orhtra and! Wca-aaday .vcnneg. imIcf*bOus Iea SOL LBUR8AT tISV li mOF.YMJAE un K apela *rsns lthe e Mbride b5 . -dbtj lea oseteM a »"e llbreio- Seyv la ieI tour liitaof NOV i'i~Iy ivo' uxi I cup14tl ui~ 01 le. e "Il ariflg ~ lU M.J. I. SON Laest Style iLadies' mens- and -Cu-idren's Slues At - 'I M. mla ~.partin farine on hi bai Ib tilti et Nc t1>lio tarin are a todai' aveu tact 1 duels lie kt a fahI te V ceai." or. the a te m. mode bu at colt»> suppî ment, ta.m Dpp't. Store tU~rèiûeed Or v Refuided '545 Ner* UIw~oe Ave. '1' ~ oui do. Tii bd 31, lacim 4o, qid tA îe 4m' t ui Data bay-e luara son, seryt frane terra ceed. the Jo> terds ahi0' tice sent> Mi mure trudi praci Unît' toua the Les'.v At ln Il S BIer w tex-vi the, indu test te1. rail