'se Bg 2 WAUK---WkY,, Coronr's Jury BIan Wauke- gan MIan for K#UIng of Boy, 13. 8tates Atty. A. V. Smith declaed IËUdY thet grand Jury action vii b. failun aganst John J. Caliahan, o! the Callahau Dalry compapy, Wcukegsn, vhose big truek, drIven by Calihan. ncsedlta'ctii. rer of anuatonmobile. containlng soven passengers, on Baron roal. one ile notheest o! Graysiake, late 2rursday alternoon, und linogt t- stsntIy klle Raymond Rgg. agel M w vio vas bole from thu me. cxine. 8tte's Attorney Bnilt fflday minr- ln& causeil to be imue a Warrant bellore Justice ,COUIson cburgtn Mr, Callahan wth mnslwagtur. The warrant vas served fiat att- ernoon. 'lhe bond vas fiel et $6,M»6 The case vas continuel for Wu daiys. At the Inquet the coroner'» Jury. recommended fiat Callaban bu beld o avaIt, grand Jury action. Caliaban testifled that atbcugh bu e &btheautomocbile thli nacine topped no suddenly abuati of 11MB he u sunable 10 stop, sud fiere- fs'. vwucompelel etien iD go Int. the ditoit or tie te.car. States.Atorney Smith. Who con- ductl the. Invetiation et Strang'A mouge.. vtth Corner J. IL Taylor '.«t Llliaryvill lu charge. declarel bu wouil uvuar out a warrant for -Cailukun foday before Justice H. C. Coulsun bu that a huarng prcb- .h11 voulI dtbu heid.untU aflur the funerai cf the boy. RaymndOl vasthe oalY son Of Mr,. and lMnsJ. G. R4 f 004oo Bver . aiguBe, Who -as geins url4 ba topped 10 Permit a Mm lwiug a tum te s b" vga je raisbrt4gs.ilu f*4etroci, tgIL pfom ilifli i, rahl womè" 1at* 11.and ab** t- ta abWw>Wu*Orgue. Tile othurs ln the car Who - oapotvilti mlnor brtuses ere, Ms'. &M a" Rgg~parents eo!tho due bey, li. amil lra. A. V. Leabo, "d 0011, Vicior, cf 3827 Veut Et4 avene Cbuag Mdan lis. 'oteCUtI Johnson. 4108 IA» street,,Chicago. Wltaueeu daulrdel L m*hkwus travelIng brwOl 3 sea" seUSe £Z~W=ý4 * tuu* UND. ito, WeU Mmoltagt1 Utme. iiii ftot un et the1 ttgkVU deOUBIO& he as vas mirO ý 't rfl et the automile. 1 Te boy WM leire lu Lbe ouest,1 âmSr b bat, gud al m beedinSi ai SMg autlt lHe vas tfuSil W tibushoe oc Dr. Blialéor by Walon .Md J. MBOn, fa-rens tesidng nui" the smoun f lhe accident, vbich 1 ccUrul nes' the- reidence o! Car-1 Hlai.Detic.1 Thse o0cupants of the Riag auto-1 mobile vere ou tilefr ay fr011' Obhicago to Fox Aie, , here fbuY1 bal plannel W sPeil af ew laya Tii.e moneet'(juryCoansf7ted or the foliowing orayaleke -ntEr i- ne*t R. Moone, foremin . H1r- fiel, w. Kablen. J. E. mcDonald"; 0. Hock andl L. J. Lodel 'm. K. H4fr1i of W.UCO a, En- lise-dwhn FonSuMpter Was Flrod Upn., H. X. MarriS. f WauoSnda,Qrag Army Man, lieu attenaitl evury One of the 44 neuuIOuS bell lr a'Li c=uty by the Boidiena' and Sailor assocliation, and be vas "JObnaY On tue spot" Thrday t Graysae to keep is record unbroken. *Conmade Harris enUisted. in CO. B, 10th Mus. l ntry, tbreu laya affer, Fort Suinptei' vas ftred upoIn- He .served tbron"ghoul the ver in the same , egfmneft lu vbIch the laU Alex. Hunten. vetenen tobacco msnu- facturer cf waukegen, servel. The Wauconde man ecale Thurs: .day- the&t Mr. Hnter, vas lu Co. Il am&. very one cf liaI compciiy vent .clganniuiit. one Urne vien tiiey WeKe *gtng in Virginia, sanie of thie ,Wosoraged e bale cf te- :bo&adthe mumbers of tis con> cigars to soPPi. &u ho serred 4u i1 wuvasIhled bY a taWWI*Ascon after ne turnilngtrrn lve«0a. bl e . ztx&iu 77, B 1lah. infén M. C. $1Wlstro, 7, F 14, la- Ililinos; L.i. Bluff. lOI~ i .Ii i 6 . i. Pope, 74, A 8, CavarY, 1New aiidted. Yrn; LIbenfyvMel. A._ e Gage 78, F 37, lnhu±try, Thç 4M hAnnuetaIRetinlot>the Ie oa; 2124 NevaAve., OChlg. Theclos] Lake Oouty Slliera' and Sallon' Jom PRuakn, 80, M 31, Infunir?; tbnougb I àmodaitor o!Lake conty vil! go iat»e; Gralie. .necSsa&ry dcvnin ibstory as O0jeo! th. mos. R, D. klw, r.76, C 55, Bad, uevrout soccesaful tb. ogansation ever IlininOs;Dovuere GOce.. roclcondi held desiht the faët that tue nom- John MSttisXd, 80, D 5, Cavciny; limol coi ber cf CiluWcr velerans lu et- love;- Waniegan. Chicago M, tendance v»a aluer titan apon 111f on BsBis. 78, A 2, Atlery; route teW ffuviau occasio. Sevensi thon- Ohio; North (hoMgo. Lk. cooli sinI vistIos ftte ald 5h. a- E. iR. Leis. 8, F 8, Cavalry': Mlvlwa nlous suzOltasY Organfiutile 0the- Illinois; Chicago, 21, te cli Grand A='y ad the Amoricun Le- John liayna-d. th, Cavalny; Il. ROlnan, gou posta of the oouty, the latter huaois; chI4cgo. Aitioci;t bulnSg boste, assistai[ lu every vay, Dennis Nelson. 76, H 163, tufan- weukee aN tu maie tue vetornu comorlable. tny; IuIt4is; Liberfyvilie. cage - tre The L'egon certIenly providul uxeýel- HermancoWheuler. go, z 163, lu- Deei-lleld, lent ententainm>eit. fentry; nilmls; IAbertyville. 2a Wail Tne Civil Wan veterans vho reg-î Thomas gtrang, 77, C 2, 4rtLllonry; 0aUt f0fiÀ latened et beadtiuarterp dung lbheIllinois -,WailsvwontiL Ietour th d"ui'were: 0. 2E. ChurEliAil.76, E 10. juàai- etfé III Elverti p. Baftlet. Cepi.. A 17, try; Vermot. lAbertyy . Ille. -ceSImb g Ca lr;Ilinois; Springfild. 0. .J. Delly, 74, f) 9, Cavalry; Wb"ung H.C.aveiry; bteta llinois; Dovuers Grave. West oe Il.ioDs DavIggdie. C . f taff) John E. Balard, F- 37, lafAutry; rave. 1!h Edwin Potier. 79, B 96. ln!untry;Ilios' Àeyf«,»U ek Ilinos; Wauiega4n. B. A. Butin,80,( 9, infanfrl-mile, Lien F. G. Wlortli, 83, D 96, Infintry; Indiana; Wiitkegmii.1 Prairie VI Illinos. wauegsn. I. H. Hloveli, 80, P 37, Infantny; tien ncnt Guo. W. Mutoon, 80, F 8, Cavai- Illinois; ChICM0. . rafromi ry; Illnis; Laie Foreet. Jerry Sbea, 76, F 147, -infcuf'ry. er ie S. P. Greni05f,75, 1 17, Cavalry; uIllui; Wuiegmn. 21 ne Illnol; Weiuan.John Strock, 7%, H 153.,lu! autru-; vine.tv)e J. T. Vinneilge. 84, B 17,.- lnfntry; Illnois; WleukeS911. Ilu y Indiana; Wsokegan. PeryM arrTis, 80, H 8, Ccvainy; dr Jo. Baven. 76, H 154 Infantey; Illiis. NVegal.t.y-ul ve Nev Yorý; Waukegafl. A. D. -Webb, 77.,iH 163, Infantr y; John R. Bracier. 87, G 5t1m. Cev- Illiuolu Wmueganm'A alny; Missour; Weukegan. William Tsompeon, 79, D let, m fai Val Tront,, 81, B 96th Infantry; Kenucky; Evanston. Illinois; Waoiean M. L. Reirer, 76, navy; Elvans- l «i. M. Douglas. 84, DB *. lutnan- 7 t14on.fnty 'UT; DILula; Lake Villa.' Bilas Nichois. 4 4ýlfn'; Jacob Vnlerpoo, 74, H 69, ln- 0h10; WSikfiga. fantry- Nev .Torkl; Wilukegan. John Mead, 90, F 65, Infantry; A. Î. 'f*tfe-,0 C96, In!entny: illiactu; Gruyalake. 11Llnobs* Grayslake. George, Hoover, 76. K 153 Inc- Oe M i.1'ti.78, I 62, lnfan- fetry; lilubts;, Highland Parkr. Pee I try- IUllup;. Wamucde- I. R. 'Wllis, 78, B 106.,lin- Atkir J. ýT. pistrel, 82, B 96. Infetry;, _t4iJite0; i.~ lwaukee, WU.G a iuol, OÏyBake 3. Pon age55, 78, 1 147, Iufsn- H. tU tI5iek, 83. F '37, Infan- lry- IMIluole;Weukegan.Per atny; Ilijille; -Area. <IaflU ahun 8.li ava ainst1 Chles$u i M, 82, P 37,' Infantryl, ry; »oWu; Orsysiake. te i liluofs;Ilauevile.J. B. Troniball, 75, Ji 22, Cav- and otU Homen Baley. 74, IL.1E-3. fufan- airy; New Yok; Waunde. We<>fl. t ry; Illinos, Baldwin, la. Robert Monter. 77, 121h Iufsntry; eral larn David I4gltner, 80, Lst, ArfIl- Illinois; Richimond. a lu ieny; Wlseoiuelu; Bristol. Wls. , R -J.HMol!. 8t, B 10, Infatry * kow y R. F Rhrmnan, 78,I 1 18, Infa.n- Whsponain; ,Weokqffi. lu Gm dtry; New Yorkl; Bristol, Wls. , nr-#X Doremius, 77, D l", ln~- er ucîtid > W. M. Bontetl, 80.'G 61, Tfantry: faatry; IÇdlw Toril; Lbertyvile. - o' çn - llnos;; M«Rlenry. petés' liOWter, 8S, G 96, iufahtry; for $1,91 >' Edgar Icomuery, 76, B 62, la- Ilinois; 4b = 1 Bul.limo fsntry; hi$nolu; Atiocc.. 3dm éttaubrou ,79, G 96. In- that Ilu ElvFArd BSmous. 79, Chl. Mec.' !ântr,; fMine*; Wauoegn. bave fail Y -Bat.; Iliuols; Rogers Park. j Peter SlaB 8, F 57,.ýinfanîr? fihe coi t- J. . Vley. 91, îfb U. S. Cev- Iltis, olA;- ulof a ry; 2028 narris st.. Chicago. (otnee-aeTbree) ty te il Mot;o-Club, in Weekly afn regs Dver Best Couse tfng o! Mimvuke e aentue LibertyiL bauadeile for aioaSt select a te. Tlh. ewekly report 0f dilions lunf1i late eOf11- itemns di , h le lotir CI > m- t1so huit îfy. :ee avenue, C. .. r- o. loseil threugli 4brtvIe gd Laie Villa 04 tbrcgh tiinougb treft ctie Mil- avenue forthOnlt O! Ci- ugh Nileu, Glenvlew and v est ou.O0a04 avenue ikegan W o UO%#Ourth utile> Lake Villa th.,ea tih On to Antlocb c*pflüqtinu unI !»-.; - li, fxei&a ;go 1veut on.',uV4l1% norfi- ýeMile tuttil User Buffalo ion noruli bruem Mleste k stil9, iveet t e-bal! 3n north io bye nieibirugb vlew, mien veut oeemile. tii une Mlle hote he Ax nm tuer., eant 015. aid cne- es comixig buck ho Route ,e miles ucuti eofhLent,.- Detoors tram "hM tg 1 lle. Detours are e clnt veather miEl pausblo In ather. Mifer Sues Mrjjïy D. n et ai tb CIe V,%tUb to Grant TWP. FaÏfi. Mlhr !ist MFrl* fued soit Monrat D. Ai1mâ. Obarging te de!endant a"bl'bs vfe, iers tunned **fer a deeti S parties as otSfg for e- rg Ian, cud tliureby piecei dupon the.NO 6 acre tract as the Peter àMe farn t lownsIhP.. un * vbch Mfi- W t Akîta seveWu yecrs ago ract. MUIir 4" asuu 10 sihici, hae »#, la due ithe contract4 $tdeimiarea lanauch asufth e fenuants %lied lunrafsting ts efeMa O! itraet thet tkj baye no ty Wo give thse diwaus uMe Jo hn Eveuson, of Highland Park, aliegel to have avindl e afrieul ont of $27 on au insurancebel, madle a settlement vith Clarence Ocestaku. wbo umors, ont.tii.com- plaint, Re bail friemilse ofis ap- userbefore Justice Couluon is aft- e rnoon, vho tatul that be vas vill- lut W maie tlii ilgth" 'wltbbis friend il court proceedings against hhn venu hafled- The litIge atreel uverythng. vould bu ail rlgbl If ae seetlemeut wasjaite Lîbertyvilit Wo*ýanOets Reief on, lnh.rttnoe Tax in $150,000:_Estate. lira. VîrgiLWA 0. Aines, vliow of Dr. Win, Vau S uen mAmes. of Llber- tyville, Bturd&Y wOI an important point lu ber pettoa for relie! fron peyig a large amonat o!fIniientance lax vbli coin. ué p for içalUg lu tie Coutny court before Judgé P. U. Pensonas v,bo g&Xted lhe pI;ayer of the petitioner.- Dr.Aà 4wie $oue lime cgc et BL ýW Lok ý 1 hupboenlX, Aria..sud hie laýr$ëesthaf i, Me h40nde« a large feMu orlk of LfberlyvlIe. vas subjecttfo a lrg lu rlaiO&5 Ta. vltiov wu 2ausepilltfl a b-euitnc u Q. eth ree sha vblch ab* objoteli ocm il- *Otnh iefa the foe se v- a 1f0ua M, ibAt u a. r liu4« berts -esa W.L W. J. Smith, e0iteot ( Daly Sun am -l bertyr eut. laat FWlly v-wu8*f ber or the Commerue inlois, formerly thse Comislsion.. Th1e appointluent v*» Emeli, mdl filetheaé-z the CouMaluiL Tie sevets rnmbra, b« uh the- sevet posttiW .4 by fie -gover=-r The Comolerde CÊmm body belore v~s-e mett'e>- re mlaieg, important Positlbis faut a Position (m4ir1 cothsllered aucestàis bit ant =i nio t s-efd minisiration otrçleu in M The. commisulé.9 *W* ou. vel tu Chlecagit the !ollovlng v*ekI lsi Frani Smith 0f Dvwge lime la chairmalot tisa The aupitmen$bt thua Important PceItIusf 'vognlten lcit0o given to La.e uIwjý Tua tvo, 0f erer te Iiaes Laie . The menttbtIm",y Ieoi orel LaI» ouity i li. n.ai& i* u. i -'-p A. i L~KE VOLUME 'XXX.-4IMBER 34. id i 19e 41%. t but Soc 35c eret slaga» oemlllyý Zlc llý MU* 24,, 194 hfcals toepLmngs;edM onday Lake V~ia lob. CSûwty TrMaurer Ray W. Brmeber urdaY received a flter frè ie Xte, highway deperimu.t Imdmttng it Lake <fofnty vil! ibeh« upý athe connty refund uhOney due on le two sections 0 etIoviderermail iat the centY mut laut year unm Volo to Gray8lake under theu ntraCt Of Pachen Brothiers, and Icilas wi l go to Springfield nert modae ofInd out the cause. The Jnformatlon cornes as a boit mm a clPar sky becanse, the stu.te ad flot inddcated that the Belvi- ere work badl fot ben accepteil rthat the relunil vould nfot be roptly forthcornng. Charles iM. hIbuell. eountysu erfntendent Of! hlghwaYs, declaruil Ddy that the state bas neve- ln- Icated the vork had nfot been se- epted and fnasmnch as the state m taken the maintenance of the .4d over It wssfa.turally sup- O&ed that it haif been acceptef. The Job vas beld up for some Ime last year util the county andl tate hail straightened out the. cou- ractors extra bill for apProximate- y$45.000 for extra freighL' etc.. )t the coun;tY allowed about $5,000 )n this andl that matter bail been -The state even approveil the ýlans for the ioaI vest of! Laie filla. wbich la to be bouit out if the Belvidere road refond andi te county therefore naturally sup- Poed that the. Belyldere vork bail been accepted, "DL t.Russell de. ckared. "as the app>roval of tboe plas vol inîlcte, that ever- bhingwuu . Ila l themooey the oufnty lu expectiug out of the'Balvldere roati "etaudfthat lla tebuel dAu 00 etrootlng the lob -W 0f .iE flB au thie Grad avD1 #60004 "The eeay bus 4 rqOWVeê *Mo, 10 lstt euui4 nQy 121 ColUty 1Oumt gô *1 tbl lte* Vil.Wesi ahi Ghmucdice nuie job. tunti! moite lafortbcosuJnt, ,hôcounty superWtledusit 1t= abîè te seceny rreuson vhytht BeJvidere road job'hba cbt bbe acoepted unles fIt Ina aMînbr mat ter of ee.lu np the o014 "Il clou bue rlgu 'of vay et - 'Utneve to whicb that village, 8*0»çmush Objeotbeanue It la Ils main wateî tIi-ly. Sp*. R.uusell, BEmi Fice, chair m"a of the rocil andl bridge com nlttee, andi W: J. Stratton. nmme oft litcommittee, Wini go la Bprinh f.11 Monday to finI Out Juif viii the eBividere lob hau not beený ac cepteti and If pouublu tn get tlb refond ut once o tiet the Grant aveueulob cmn be let et the d"c ,set.-for openlng bila, vhil i. la AI] Sgust 28. It viii take about $116,000 to à the Lake Villa job and from $24,00m to $34.000 for thu Griand avenu OMlVS i11TYSBRfi Myra Fi8herof Graysiake, PmE sents Relie Used by Great Grandparent. At the close Of the 44th Annuel r union of the. Laie CountY Solide' andi Seilors asqoffatlon, beld Graysiuke. Thuradu3', Miss MYI Fluber, Uitie daughter of 1Mr. ai Mné. William Fisher, eft tvillas presenteti a bettered bugle, blui vltii age, vhlcb bcd been blovit 1 ber greatgrpidfather, John Roge, et the battie of Gutt4burg, to Edwa: p. Bartlett, co-mader of the £ partmeflt of lunijjýs, G. A. -R. Depertmnent Commander Bartie vbo la stîli a practicing lawyer Springfield, ainounced that the bol voùld b pipaceti ln the collection van relicu o!f1the Stete I1isktorlcci iE ctjet the state caOltol. Serous of vetunans cof the Civil w> 80 of vhom eltendeti the reunlc tefldenly eresgedthe bigle, e nu ber o! tbem baving been in Comra Rogers' company and memm1 lin bcd beeded 1 Ifscci From oun stock of rare flaonir plants, andti ue valueti for th, attractive folbge. yed tUn select t fûneet speclmelm for a4y Puriee 1 us serve you, Llbdrty;vlle Flover s We are bere to demonstrate the b efits yon uns derIve trom (ÇbIroprac rut.f. rsuigffon of out mu là«»: ex L h *t*W J.0.Rerie u26A" fortune jinly, lir ", % requirel to pyabM hss «Mrl liai!or lishe lte, lb. IeMglmg 1 berltét haU. vie nef fulrt4t olgebar tise tus on ber 1.* tafa lime, Tise court. eld vlit ýý 'i Exalted - asotE t&Xtee liw1 te At-. PIculo Plans to, change tishee ItIfa fris Bt of fie activiltes to Rêneusis. = ilu u be Lake pavllon. cul grnde.TFis, itla hi teset ] seenis. bas beau decilol muore cuts> ulubg sthWor ventent cul net au far as the orfa. D'Vliilod 11 mnai spot ou Channel Lai.. dit4b. rmr . Exaiteil Rwfer 1(harles E. liajon o of lsAet o! the. Wcuiegan B. P. O. B. bloge *ISCk N»e " vi l confer vifi the * oonultte f ville. Vis., el the Elii's pIOColoasd fair plans - and SPmeerbat vire an 'invitation o Pnej idenUt flrtlvo 7 LWarren G. Harding te attend eibhen bhW' itaivib f tb . a ffa ira . D u e tW t h ft c t b M W 0 P rt10! bu Mnay lie lu hI. ellnty litirba I'fat rem liai lime, itlalubelleve thilat mre on Wi, reenl miglit bu obatnul.or'1 m ty Vair sema Wb. b. hemoea4, 10* visable, as the presîdent njghtf&a.-5 i *cept fiat l u 1 lion qulier htbn h.u lyB jf tthe invitati on lbattcend thse .plme e a wblch, fie Ellis coucedec alhh b.W u I teailng toc, luuch Of lii' executive. t, drtelV4404 * Eik's Day ai the fuir lu to tbuh mlbtt*0 a&gaie sUoceus. viien lhe entire las' in tunnel aven te t#e lolge, an luna rXace vian blI>h Hibl»ark PunidilWàu- >té'"55bie kejan lotiges put laie charge cor blU yeailpyper th L.progra ThFe Uka had fo>>tle c""lx tWaoiegv ill W play two oncert-.; tr Hilghland Perk las alen ongauls ____ a badaisd viii probahly taie a kit fpart lu the açtlvlhes. - te -P >- Obtaining the prusence of th- AnupM l >exucuttve -viii pffen an,' extra lu- bythie tRiva iducemeultO to, t B. P. 0. E. tW over %, ots P mnaie It a greeter day flan ever. th r o t Piaofer lhe pîcujo are halostisher lnaoeaà >. pnsIkul aleal b,. leth e mttees Lhbetty ville, oa appointel sud viilb.e ealy for an. 4- noi*zcement soineine neal veèk. LupJi* 8d ie sanie commUitets, -gr a portW4b&»'aIsae r. 'et tuem. viii pntlbabiy b ppte livt~ ' é. 10 assure fie suceuseof BksI7-i~ .1 aI; the Lake cotaf ain.