Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 24 Aug 1922, p. 11

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ýdernmÈent Report States ~S~A UyntrstuniNowa servie. Janet t soiuds very different froin Berlin, Aug. 19.--Gormau<econ- the. ot repeated but &beluteiY un- 4uunid ýtbe met ot 149,496 hors es finde assertions that the Germen Estimated Attenglance 400; i Aa" 1S dot& In V91, accordlng worbeWiss dianer tibie la beng8Exsrvloe Men and Fam- to -$itiatics lssised y tihe goxera- wfl p*«ve4 wftb 150, c- Il id ment. Tbeeefigures do net inoitsde &Tbese wsog oonepllons are due ilie aat Round Lake. r psirate laugbtedln. Dstrict8 s- e tio folle igneis tisat tormtbelr 'pocaîîy notule ,for the conump- opinions atioue tise Gernisafo« t 'ion of dogt' het are Sazôny and supiy trio baiMac a look A4t the CONTEST PfRIZES AWARDED silOeta. meninof the. Botel Adieunandvisa - tme acto tel a plin but WIU ROTOT get te rendthe ruOIn The Amenlean Legican piCuic and bfart-breaklng story about the Gfer- slgU e tary on Germen Cc /lltlous. tisat of the Womten> Auxiilary te 0 Mu peope's pli<ht%*ut Ibe Vor- iuch tatohei.detrlment of c r pon h ego a.b oltySu- werts, comnseuting,- pouJI. "At8 couatrY." day at Roun4 14» aand Il vau a bg euces", Lq4:-,being between 300 and 400 ilu katndnce. The dey vas apt' in swlmming, Q~J~j7 W ~ hIC I boatlnaand vartilon atletic con-c SEEI G AM RIC fIR I ýe»ti, Abasket Itbeheon vasserv- *,ai noom, the ecoklng belng done (THE BIG NORTHWEST>*tuiners and prises , ere as. ollove. 100 yd, dasb.mrisn, Leanard. Hul!, ris in Yellowstone. red, yeiiaw, biue and plait. Ékebter- aalgs eod aciTlns lua1861> the tlnf ltdiais Commsionrace carries bap, elabora*a4j' car-ee began ths distribution Of!11441nf Yel- and tretted. visicis. cw box satlonery. loveanePar waerslu eceit earsnui dr. mrge b ~ hui aii0 . *dasis, votnen. lirà. L. taveonsPar watrs.In ecet, yarsrundry.mere, ototh& ill of 25lbn. floue; se-oaju, %irs. tîsere Îliesbeu au annual distribution whie formation. white lrbatts er et otetle ae * Aggregatlug iundredg af thousande of tortnu an their edges. Tben terraàWet oi eltwar, Irout a tse t a ot of tbe lakes and enguif ties. Tbey torDs a autoniss 10 daahby.12t G Avery tnderwood, sweater; Roberý attresnat tuv1hch fisis ean trl, are lug spectacle. Oison, bail and bat. nov stocked wth one or m<>la varie- Pulpit, Jupiter, Cleopatra, and fHi' 60 yd. dash, girls, 16 ta 21. elai.s, ips. Approxltnately 10,000,006% young men ternaces. Orange Spriug, the Siman viite organdis(res; Kath- * h have beea places! la parkr waters. Whiste Eleisat. Angel Terrace, and rynSelapi lpes Tiieme comprise gayllng and ltocy thse Devile Kitcisen are thse tuet li- n- l iai, pir l, 2 ndunen Mauntain vlzttliu- black saeited or pontat attractions. Lberty Cap, a Anna Oison, dot; Margaret Crump, ,pRqive tsaut; ralnbow. L.ocls> .Le=, on=ont-tke 'aiaft, vas peniiaps pair knickers. lake. easerna brook and Von Behr, or once embodled lu a terrace; because BSa.e race, boys. 14 and under. I %mrvn rout. Il *as aofiharder rock-lke matpriai, tise Carence Raltslng. tennis shoes; Rob f 'Pnactlcably al Mie wateWs' vthin erosin whlch vased away 'tu sur- ert Oison, blousie. -u i0any distance of the Park bots and roundlng formation bas le! t It stand- Tu- o!ver, men. Brad West's palmpuare képt fairly weil stokei! sud log. A simlar but amaler shorft neartamltik. aÂL e are even better supplIèd oWlng by la known as thse flants Tlimb. tato macet o. Ms en thaïr being Ips vslted b> angiers. Thse general panorama'at Mammotli ard ]Uull, electr.c toaster, llanci' ei latneI a paradîse for tise lu-the Park. Tise stésmIng, tlnted er- tOacan, alippers. fexpert angier. Ament ani' et a lin- Hot Springs lsane of thsemnotsrrking Sc*rcmn enr ul *Utred stresms eau be successtfuly vhlp- race. a"d Fort Yelovstone nearby; to lgk RE.misThoard Hit. b ped hy an adept. ville an amateur can thse long palisadeul sucarprneut of sop git;reoys maus booel. l ct 'il, lake traut near thecolutet of Yel. Mount Everts ta thse eat; th* dam rcby.tni esl lim ~~~~~basebal io;CaeceRbig la. c1one Lake. Nolicense la equlred. bating presence of Bunsen Peak te aise, hoe; lrec ai Mars~o1i ls Vlbatne tise sout, is.vtiste Gardiner Canyon Sha, race, ladies, Goldie Alyea.t aric sprint nYllwtn and tise distant elevatlaus of thse Park. Mount Wasburn group; the, Nigged Tperotatr, J. ace, en n, lk a 4~At X)4mmetis )t fSprings. lu tise sopes of Terraae Mountain ta thse Tre ieed acmn lrd k. bot waters Savîl> veata ar the dWtn ekao ie~est and Leonard Hull, 1,000 lb. àilshfctthe Pkho cer bvet adth isat e rg+d-glth 11211 bave bult up tier Snewy Ransge te thse nortî-aîî ta- te oo; l.'ackenanad J. iàobki, 1>lmtero!fviite terraces vlslcb tise etbcr farim a urrounding laudoi I candy. xxe-o nwtr clrfittit !o woeflbau!adcntat ae Honeymoan race, six couples, lIrs. ,,nwtr nerflttnao o oVru eut n otat R. E.. Tbomas, 2 rag z-igà and bi TO day 15111 give numenaus concerta as l'oiy race. men, Leonard Hull, E LU~weil as take part lu any demoustra- el; P . Sybraady. necktle. EU S ODU TO. tion tisat lsa iven betore tie stanfds.i Fat' wamen's race, E. Hoimstead, jTiie Highland Park lodge. asise av- v alut; E. Alysa. bettia toilet watue'« DD1I~DAM îug necenti> organizedabnlWi Watermelon race, boys 12 ta 16, Ri U AÀ -RNflRftI mr iasiei asabwnth tise aKtisryn Spelimn, rouler skates. mav uusessim. organisation lu thelr-prograin, Cac lril5.c se bata continuons musical pro- H-ammer and nette. vcmeu, Mrs. DURINi W N E .Shatoehm gram wvin Se ready for thse tair .Siatz n a patrons. Cracher race. men, 1. W. Black. PlnsMeel Imnsedlalsly follawing thc railieul, .3 tbe. candy; George Huteli ricnic andFr a nsJr lytiere viii be a number af fait,slk nom. Start of Extensive B. P. 0. winter proglarns wth tise Kiki spoh BOtraese C. Sybrandy. batht E. Actîvities. a. number of elaborae danccs rcep- Popuarity cotest. young ladies. tiens and entertatumeuts lu wvieics A. Mclilnzl., $5 gold plece. t ~ERES NTETAIMETS isecomuuntyvîibe învlted ta joîn. Pftze valz, PMr, sud Prs. harry Waukega's lodge bas ieen rather esO. doruant t lImes and bave, uat taken -l7e isea laycomtisiie Ou prisas Elulteil ituer Charies E. Manou ai as promînent a part lu caiünul .inssted Of Geneviave Morrow and thi ie waukega B. P. 0. E. lu of tbe actîrliles au tisey migt have doue. )eari West. Publcity., EvelYn Hat ls.ulon tht tthe picntc planned for tie Wth the mensberabip greathi' en- M. Retresbmelsts,3Marie Evans. t Elas et Round Lake Augut 31 viuloiage due t0etthe reccut drive forl I gQu commitiee. transportation, bebutiltise tari of tise proagranie 1000 mesubers tise pragranis viii be- , . . oert, and Jack Haft atisiet- activtles iunvisicisthse lodge vin corne mare numneraus and thse lodge its, H. j. Vogel; property, Rtaymnfd lotie part durlng tise fait acti inter assis more prominnut ibaliti ias C. Alden. eassons. À ptogroinzaf evests la be- been of late. Judges bMancel Talcott, Howard log outlbued no liaItihe vives. cbli-loliland. Frank Nolan. Wankegaii, dren and rElativea aftise B. P. 0. liEt TTU' flanfl sd Robert M. Schsweizerof Chii- inimbers WIithave sosathislnteam- . NKS L 7d dAM cr eeeLstrKea tdrest tises at toast once a niontu. D LSo~ epr ,sa liis Tise picule plans are Seing ropliy T IIE hrsaed lotoalispe and viin be put I R A K fA tinteNTDRY Yplans vin moiNeRthe TO ourlaS one of tise gayest possible and Tise stlng of proibtion vas fot DNÀ Inîeresaisg for everyone trans thse b> a nusher ef Wauksgaultes os'er c date util the omClistra plays thse tat nunsier vere fined for belng drunk B O lL 1 tew stratus of "Hme, Sveet Homse," aid dluordrely. nomns of tie n no * and everyone vends theIn way ta- ta tise precincs a! tise station and S SC N R C O -- ooste pan a . ~otiesnold affendera. Amaug tisase *eek lu vl5lcis a truck cwuthe u -Eddie OCoiner, 42, o! Water Zion-The cotractor began pour- boud and several promicsent speaker.s oreet, ans o! tise regulars. vas an- lai; cemeut on tise tirat block of ZIon Viii tour tise caunIYtatklisg 1teDefl- eted al :30 Satunday atlernaon an rnd Saturd-ay. It le tise intention bers o!f.the Ma' lodi la varient Water street. He rPeclues la a ceu, o Tisas. Hollngsbesd. foremnuta ckbintY centers sud teuisthen tise Con Dugan. boora nfrlend o Ed- Suld one-haî f a srisblocks at a ob:ect e!tishe pieute. Theise$ fs tra dies,. se police report, vas taken an Lime, sud tissu go baek and intis tise estis'c county are tq b, izviteci heur later ou Market street. Me tise oiser hait. Tise contractens su- ta the auting. tivee t 713 lti streat ad le 46 years opectaeuse elgisi cana of!snud and Fair Planse Are Made. -- old. - -- viava cesxa of gr*yel per day. Plana vinii ase le put tu ontier d(In- Lea O'Bten. , ne street. vas t »Wer conuectfin"are nov aimait lug tis eusi !ev days tor tise part fret uatll 1:3 o'clock Sundsy maris- comploe, vîististe exception, a! a Of tise B. P. . E. lodge lu tise Lake hsg vison ho vas takreu ta thse l. anaîl sinip ou Subisb toulevard, anS (.L ouaoty tai, them organisatian hav'- Chris Page 36, of Lake street. vair by Monday next ail pipes wiii bc laid. log been deslguated t bave ful saiy arrested aitil1:20 Sunday marnusg. Tise road-buildeni began tise pour- aven tise activties an Tisunsdai', liep- lee as eleased. Ige h ot n ftesrPO tember 7 visicis, tise KIkipromise, V. A. Yange. 36, o! Janesville. WIs.,dlngtissetiond t tisle 30tact o vîi b tise gayest a! ail tise (Iys vas arrestad Saturdsy nîgisî, but gst rosid, sdtt eto iS 0fe durng tise exposition, ot Suuday marnung, psyiug a il740 vide f ram 29tis treet ta Caledaiia Tise Elks' receutly orgasslzed band fiue. aveuue. Fram 2Suistaieet Up te Sts viii probably give coucertisaitishe Ail ot therns vra bookad an strtet. tise rnd viniho76b etvie tain-on otiser dates, but ou tisein avisciarges of dîsorderîy conduct. and t nom tisSu ou taShuilais boule- vanS it viii ho 52ftest vide, leavlug a 12-foot parkway an sach aide be- - ~ ~ tween Sîtis anS S6tis street. _____________ Tisecontractons hope te ave tise ______ M a m-à% la W l W à Il, àn road completed by Octaben lotis. jJ[~TflCIIICAGO NEWS -Thse Ciicago'-Elerated saOusIatlon la'cld one o! tise larget pieutes Set- srday iald ah Fosu park fur saine tIsa. Tise compay lstaiied thres radia outfill for a concert wiieisas enjnyed Sbise empioyes SturdkLy e'venlug. A tsmprary aliIng vau erected aloirg tise bluff ta keep tise youngsten f nom fa.lliig davn tise cuitfs. Tisy wsre aceoinpanled b> a in baud visicisfurnisised micb durnsg tise attennoon snd eveuing. Tisaeevere about tiirty-elx car loads nt eniployes visa attendeS tise eale- iratlmi. 'AÀuer> elaborate effair vas is prognesa durbng tise entine ie tisa i' ee aitishe park.- Tise Amcrbcan Leglon o! Chicago held aiienie Sunday ai tise sains park. bicis vas almst as largeiy attendeS. as tise ans on S&turdai'. SThons -vii la aspeeilimeeting of tisa Library bqoskd tisis evennt.aM the' Lhbsary rooms. All meaubers are rc-questeet tae neeCffUt 4 Mis i ii bc n ver> .Inprtant Dmeeting. - _ John Strobbiseto! Foiiteet-nti s;pent tie week-end e atn luabb. -'ItseLadbOsW anxl*ry Sf thtS Uliaa v. of atise Amnei>blJ4iOs oi aaF o. aI- ueysale ntth kW P osition aitishe Lakre Counti' haie bank. a! er enjaylug a tva veekis' vacation. r. an d Mis. J. Lester Kiema o! Steenti stsreet aper-thtie day at ltosud lake yesterday. John Hayes of,9outis Park avenue vas a visitar bu Miivauh-- yeser- day. Miss Beulais Keitis of Morraw ave- nuseibas resusseS ber position utise Browns Portable Conveylug MacéIzuu- eny costpassy afier a tva veeks' va- cation. Mr. aud Mis. Leslie G. Hatois o! Broadvay.vîslieot at Gages laite ye. H. E. Rambesu af Rascine calleil on tnIends lu tiesetciytoday. j W. . McKi.nsey o! tise McXiinsey- Harrlngton campai' bas rèturnedr tfrainPiper Ciy. Ill., after spendiag tise pasit ew days witls relativ-es an 1 fienda tisere.. P. W. Cook o! Sitteents' riceet îi.visitor lp chict. ý-3d Tise Presisytenlan Ladie,' '.-I so- ety htldil avery succes.-fîi cb rrcul séesl ontise Lily' Hall rc klaw 'ie VlWesley. 1 uld -111 à1 a tust- WAUKEOAN fiETS STAR MEUT Of 66Y9 SECRUTARIES' Tise State Y. M. C. A. riaff has selecte d Watikegan as tise meeting place.fothtiSei tate eouferEntewhisci vii b;.1 islS iero Septomber 6 ta 8, acconding taD informations recelvad ta- day by SeCrtary E. Ri. Gobreclit. Wiiletier, viii be ouly a Saon or so fieS men la attesidauce, tise eau- ference luan tImportant ans . - t us kuovu in "y"? cimcisg as tise "iietting Up"1. qon!Oebc. ail viicis plans fr tise eiiil ette are maSe for tise, year by tisefSelS mens. Dacs «mOer% lnbis1776. Mate -.rilloig r-t-o tise otiltrrin fon Il i.. 'isof tise <orps, b' rû;ilet' o! tembier- 5, 1776. "A tureen Cortý fnced twlivîwhie, roundsu&i'-t, ssItaslsîses nnllo!i l iii h tu-sround tise ciii!, aklnis 'turnesi, :iicl. isnrttons ta .i suit I' e.fsirinuw; viIste e nstandS a---------- -.- -et Tris. words are -spokea-aus t anmi lent Word. axe ,D«« a* true. Lenine ban bougbt à farDs. r c hlm rigbL Ears art worn wltb faliat 3. * * 4, If we tratEurope go badly Bsue Mnay fot Invite ne a br aet war. * * 0 Taik about cb.oeuithe. lesser o! Lwo evils, a -OtorttiaMmshan ta cboose between the. gafovýiand uflectric chair. lt's cheaper t. a"o. la b'4b 50- siety than it in th pgY reut. If the world's a 'stage.,s ulroasd crogsings are exut. in lialng up cagofflO fo r 14 tbey thlnk nl MoI*X'k b 90B a3 a ibance 10 betonie P»O"Ut. Wonder wbat a galfW 'i" - recreation? Tise woost vîlîban la tise sticks gum under tbs Mats. Chicago crook vise beat a have been a senior'lu tiseb iscisool p.aslang is exai. " lis Ail boys are borZLburetor)', I arr nauraiiy liste ta w»%i' eos * a ' Houdjul got out of a lock. i -<ie nder water. Masybe b. coul .- capec frointno-button undenvear isan uppar bn-th. Siump l a bInbUisg l -r~id ai bobSer sbolis. It May' b,~r i aid taslîronedl.e Strange ting about tisa, nin wso broke bis leg dabcleg-se- isrha would have twisted bis bsrk mdcita. Nov cames tise baneat mio anrd tise harvest moonshIine. If a speeden knev lho vas airgtri Jail lie wouidn't drieno fast. #* e0' Tuimes are betten.. Pwgnpkln pi, cr11 bie back soon. "Easy coins, eazy gdoesrît ap- pli' to relatbves ou a vWst- Our Ides o! being ont of rrrrk ii Isbais uncis tnying tg prove Siierasan did't Say' van vas iat, lit i Nothing makes a gronci sradder than bsviag isothlng ta kick shout. Wian tise Nantis Pale explo)irr r- tonthay van't mid coal sirîkpa. Msny anunap"esie oat bso a batik bock il ie pocket. We shall be reminded scion tisains- ture ha. tise Inase lea! 0ystenr. A masn neyer bass hi»narra until hoe needs Ih. If tisase uni any coal lu tise cellar tisaeev-iii ho oom far planty of o!mne brew. Tisero Is a dîfference halvas, be- ing mutaid ud mibelug. Tise man vîtis plenti of lisard coal la Sitting soit. -0- A Detroit minssile treated hlm like a dog. He clalma aira alwayî fed the esaufinal. -0- Wisene a mais lis dpenbo upon wiere ho Stands-. -O- A vise minunover trias ta Un- icramisie an egg or Sidthse meanlng o! tise feminine '"because." Wben tise scisool kids' vacation end. inatier's bagina. DRUBA TWICE HERO AT BATHIINf BEUC Puils TWO Swimmers from Water, George Mitchell and Miss Gertrude Simonson. ADMINISTERED FIRSI AID PelibiDruba.Ilite guard and poitc'* in ahhie beach, saveri ico people tram drovnlug yesiarday aftenisois. Geoge Mitchell, 626 Trenu 515ee, wio gave is age aa 21, cas pulle« fram tise vater bi' Bruira as be vai going unden tise ester tocristi ir4:- time, sud Gertrude SinsoaIS023, Sbly George sineat, Chicago, a 16-Year-01d divan. InjureS ber -neck talis 4ti* tram tise lover. Druha liaîi te varI over her ton mare bhanf an iseur -be- fore ise vas sal t ta -urssta ber home. Mitchell, visa was r.-oirrrssisg vIls- a parti' o! trîensuda. 5cr id ta craa.! ta tise goverisment pie, tramn the divlng board. He ga ot thlu aejiont distance to tise pier whe lire vas no. ticed ta sbnk beucîtîr tise vat?. Comlng otahie surtace hae let OUt cries o!fiselp ita is i ends atbibInois a! tisein espauded. Ils utra urnieu te the eiepless svlmmner and pulied hlmn trramthe vater as lire wàà gui*# davu -tise tiird urne. Ha vonked aven hlm on thse beaclr, glvbug flne aid.- TiseSmmonson girl hact Sean dIýi'Si I Snring tise afiernoOn fr00 tise tover. ishe vas coissdered an expert uvilb- mer, -but !eloivisg a dive sheO *n~e ta) the surface iu a bîcîplesa cOpýdi I Hovi-rd Berge, o! Helmholtz avensue, dove la anS braugit iere ta tise- piot. Sbs sasupiaed uSai she ihitr ber head nd ueck lu divbg. -uSi vu ss àeô-nisclous visen brotghi mantt ibe vaier, ;nd muSa' vas t fonee % o 9rb ven .her tismnetban ýiu'ààrbýau.> lecause bo*UV> HL NAME soc. 'I TO IIOLD AÀ1116 PICNIC -SEPT. 4Tli Elaborate Preparations tinder Way for Affae to Be HeId at Foss Park. MANY CHICAGO0 VISITORS Th ise Rbhtle. Edward Y. Robais, IDD., spiitual dîrecton of thse diocesan.Union of tise Rai> MNie~ clety. thl a veek unnonuced tis* -sq gram for tise meeting visicis luaIi. Ili iseid ai Fois Park, North ChiscaÉ.'i Labor Day. Sopteemtber 4. ln ebbtee-f tian vîtis Uic picpl. sessiOR 09, tse~ ArchldiecesanTubIt. The pragrai for tise day: Address by spiritual dînetr ton 1v. Josephs Laueriann. Addresa by Max Przybarskl, canhty cisirman. ,- Address by Jam"s éOBrien. Adcress by bilait 11<v. M. F. Hbaft, D. L). spiritual dbrecbo- Addrass by Ri&h*, Rev. Mantigisar ioraas P. Boisa, D> .. dt"etor -'of Ilis rother Work Address iy Rev. Da&a yre i recto, o! organisation.1 Addness by John H-. Maney. presi- dent Archdlocesais Union. Riai call ot socleties o! Lýake coun- t, - Cesieral discuai-su,,. ienewal o! Huly Naine pledges sud uromiises. A hal! a dozen Chicago branche, air-eady have campieted plans ta inake tise trip ta tise park Iuapecal cars. Others are developing details of tiseir whcai. ile atîlI otisan branches are iîlklng about orgsizlng motor partibas ta Norths Chicago. Alrcady tise laterest and enuhusiasin aroused by tise plculc-meeting exceedsi tisat generatad by any praviaug 1-olyl 'ainie event. Lake County Shows InterestO Reports fromin ako couuty Moly Naine men. under whose auspices tise meeting vili Se held. are tiat Chica- gos eatiaasm la being feit lu tisat section. Nearhy 'branches viii turn oui practlcaiiy 100 per cent strong, and it la beliavéd that tieseno ili be a dol- agatiais on haad froin every pariais lu Lake ecaunty. As for tise pieute, bers are tome o! tise attractions: Tug of war beiveen Cook county sud Lake caujitY. Ba8ebali gane lunvisicis St. Wances- satsnJuniors viii meat saine atier Cil- caga tain. An> tesa avenaging 19- 20 years la welcorns ta engage St. Wcncesiaus lu ths conteat. For fur- tiser Information caîl or write tic RoI> Naine offilce. Music b>' twenty-five place navalk Ganses and atheitie contesta. Swings. tennis courts and amuse- ment devices. SPECIAL THURSDAY. AUGUST 24 Innes Dry Goods Co 60x80 Single Plaid Blanets .... $1.00"' Men's Master Mechanic Socks; black or cordovan; 7 pr .....$1.0 Percales-light or dark; our reg- ular 22c quality; 6 yards ....$1.00 Dress Ginghams; 5 yds....... $1.00 Dress Ginghams, 32 inches wide; 4 yds ................... $1,00 Imported and Tissue Gingham; 2 1-2 yds................ $1.00 Pink Crepe; 5 yds........... $1.00 Côlored Tennis Flannel; 7 yds. . . $1.00- Extra heavy White Shakers; 6... $1.00 Ladies' Camisoles, .......... $1.0d Ladies' Coverali Aprons, choice . $1.00 Ladies' Crepe Bloomers; 2 for . . $1.00 Ladies' Pink Nainsook Gowns; 2 for.....................$1.00 Ladies' Si&'Ilose; 2 for . -. .ý.... $1.00 Boys' Wash Suits; each ...... $1.00) Dollar Day SPECIALS --~* T T - Women 's $7.00 and 18.00 black kid anS patent leatier Pumps anS Oxfords; H. Hos- $1.95 - Wornen's $7,00 patent leitiser straP SlIpper- S r1-45 $1.50 Children's J3are-Foot Sandals $1.00 Misses' and Children'a White Slippers $1.25 Boys' Brown. Outing Slhoes $2.95 $7.50 Women 'a whtta paplin biaek trin Sport Oxfords; Ail $3.95 ,Womcen's Broken Linies -Broken of White Cauivas Line o! W'romen'a black kid Slippers with Iligli Slipper.s;hlgh or law ou Low Heels iseeLi-- E xceptional Valties $3.4 $1.00 a Pair Woîen's $81.00 ta $12.00 brown oc biark tîsiglis ieels) Boots- $4.95 Wonieîî's $î.00 (,,(lf Oxfords Meii's $7.50 braonrab! oxforsi- $4.95 Men's wite or Palm Beachi Canvas Oxfords - &tb à ff 1 lot o! Mlaaes brava cal! Lace Shoee 'vlth $2.45 Boys' tan trîmmed firat grade Tennifs soe- on tirk~ Women 's $4.50 visite p*ýllii uns- on twa-stnSp Slip- $2.85 Men's $3.50 bnaW7 elkskti Work ýihises - $2.45 Wonîen's $7.00 browIs kid two-1stnaP slipporsi- $2.85 Men'a $8.50 Gai! Oxfords vitis nizis ber soile- $5.75 Women 's brown. grey sud biunk ninedeSlilpper- OC) Qr $4.95 .4à bZ i________a Thé Shoeman M2 N. Geneic St. W yllie Phone 790 Thiese arc oiilv a few of the nianvs valuies 1 have to offer-Ladics'Hioleproof SilkIlicytt' and $1,.50; for this sole. Tradlelhere where you get your dot- lar's wotlt-v vSioan Serviee, then youiwl be convinced. A4just-' mlents ehleerfîllv nufdt'. 8SIIOE R PA TRI NG A SPECJALTY. 1

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