Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 31 Aug 1922, p. 5

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- YtAt1~31.192 Sehool Ap-mn mmd.if' 60 News '.figureçwlzm wvatsk à* lphm l the Khw IYOL Mmy ku.o f vae wIh. e udm. rsib tu*tboek kbhmâedWfrom beeaUpIe of uthes mad y pracie. It t, THRIFT Whatever y.r poisu, wLhoe pn.ut, t.aô- Md Mkireidir visite &èbockk tw-« !mui propos. toward sucoess. W. sizal ime your every viit, wkher it Le fir the. purpmoef depeding a large mm or a mlone. Lake County Natio nal Bank LIDERTYVILLE, ILLINOIl We cail for your f amly laundry-clràesse. wastsAiIouseâ, £ jhssWts udewer lingerie. soceking, roinPers. knickers. towels. children's things. table and beçi inens-every- thing that needs wasiiing. 2 Werelieve you of the annoyance andexpense of havîng a Iimdress about the bouse-save you ail the fusa# --" steam and bottier of wash day. 3 We do ail of your washing, with fresh. rainsaft ae and nild, white soa of tested puity; we rime, blue stardi aMi dry your clothes. 4 [Le we iron your flat work, withoutfrittion or wear, i<qan our'improved flat work ironer, andi we IRON" lm Wmm apparel on aur woderful steamheated presses, with the saine price and exacting cure your favorite laundress would use. W. r*mu ye ml.v w «Wde- D.aidy w.bod medoro- Doyàg ready t.e e wer. Tw7t ith. eubr ivoobwag-t6le .Eveq wek, Yeu ar aued a sanitary eieSw6o.e hih stand- ard gever varies. mm me da7-'-wel $Mrd a roeuratwe promply. The Roai. LanPdL FLou IEu~.dFnL 78-l1~ny4e67-R' You Ca BuildNow Than You WilI This Fali Don't Wait We are in good shape to of rou Our Plan Serive b AUl You D«ifre .SUo Time Will Soon. Be Here. Get Yrs Now. We Seil Stave and Tile. VALDRA Libervlie RI -,nna Lunber AuL Smf 800F ~MET Co. DOOU 1 Loc* andPersénal Sliot ItmuOen f £sp."cihterest tw LibertyvIIl People Mirs. M.LRILhuier vilted friends lu er! flad-Thureda.' IMn. Charle sn«egon vas a Wau- egan viitar Tbursday., MIss Doro*thiIson of Waukegan opent Sudayin l bertyville.- Mr, 0. C. flubbard w#ssa Lakne Villa business caller on'ThllradaY. Bane, Bundai'. Autait 3th, 10 Mr. sud Mns. Roy Grimues, a dfflbter. wednesd5ylovoning -wig M. m Mn. C. . lilveil la mlglsd Park. .Betty likes Tom ver veIl .The vai' for ui- ta get ber-seud flbwers toi ad hlm la is suit. aooueyan" by Wa otter. We canno a furahemlatter, but ve CWN furnla the fbovers. Lb sty-vlbePloyai & Vonëe Co -it Herman Kruegen af Long Grave W«a abusinessvitar la LbertyflBe lm usday. Ezuasi Mooreud fainl' of Grays- lae vlzlted lira. fush Van Plew on Biuday.1 SMiss istella Langwothy vas the uet of friends lu Chicago over the week end. Yan bave neyer tUanaythiug bel- ter. Cur ice crem ahannI lbsd sxootb. LeNtus eurva you,. O tt& Co. it Mni. Charles EnisÎe sd daugbîer Plos-nce wore Obleago business cal- ers ou Thursday. .. B. Morse snd !aiuly retue-ned the latter part of luat Wçek Kothteir out- lng lu the vhlda0ai JIonin. Bulld y We can sup, ber aJalect6 tituber tisaI ~~'llW g.. omlt «tlfon. Oui, prices amr ngit on U#IMng Inatenial. W. P. PrausnJr -35-lt Harri' Kaiser am isSu'have mov- od thefr housalod gonds ta Jollet. vbere lMr. Kaiser 15 i#oyed. 1 Mir. sudXMn. 1Z DYmond speut we"esdyiniW fwth Me. sud BuIld youravOM gara e can sup- ply you vith olaagMl ned tir lient- ber sud selected f itmber tbat wull give comiltes Isfntiou. Our prIces are igbt on. ffiig ruaterlal. W. F. Franzen, Jr. 1-lt Mr. sud Mrs. Watel Jelli' sud sou, Harold, a! Cbica4o, lslterelatives lu Lihertyvllle aver tbA:,Waek ýýnd. Misses Ada and Dàrotley MaLsuh- lin hav ereturned ta tbeir home lu Chf- dago. al ter vlstlng Libertyville rela- tives for séversi days. Miess iian Kohout, who ls emploi'- ed lu Napervillle.ament aven SUndaY wltlt ber parents. Mr. sud Mre. JosePh Kohout, at o! te-vu. T. A. Simpson sud f smily of WaUke- gau sud Lester B. Colby sud famlly of Chicago wvere SUuday guesîs o! Mr. sud Mno. Ruben Thomas. Thé Ladies Aid Socety of the M. B. cburch wil bold their sunual Ba"Sr ou Thunsday a! ternoon sud eveulng, September 21, at the M. B. cbu'cb. Mns. Alinn Delthoru sud Mmr. A. Tay-, lor vlslted Mrs. John Abart et HanbY's Flatform on Tuesdai'. Mns. Âbrt la seniougli' U ,suffering'-Iom s stroke of paeyis. il w ul This la the age of mctorIugr- Wh Mr sud Mn. A. lii are in Cluclu; wslk liten you can get a car off sucb al ho hswel,,hrM.Ha sterling menti snd satisfaction as the ni,01 bsweweeM.Ha Huptuahile. Ree Motar Co. 36 is latteudIiig a convention off jewelers. f( 1~ai Mne. Arhur Whtney la entertaîning Mr. sud lins Le.Roy, and famx- ber uepheiw. Ford McDonald, of Me- y of Ares, speut Mondai' at the home b Her. thîs week. o Mr. sud Mrs. C. A. XnIzg'. e Lambert Keller of Chicago. vislted cdMrs A. C. itèe aud childi ' n returu- Weduesday o! last, week at the borne home f rom a weokh visit weh rel- l o! Mns. Mary Batier. ore tives at Jefferson, Win. a Mns. J. B. MacGuffin bas erturued You get full value ounyer dlla ta Lihertyville. afier spendlug a month when you have your -work done hert. with frieudis iu Chicago. Let us leugthen the lite c ot rba- tery. We charge aU oLak- et o batter- For cakesIe crealu sud puddings. les. (live us a trUaL Lleriyville Bat- Bàrlersa Superflue 3lavors are sîmpîy tee-y Station. 35-lt delicions. At ail grocery stores. Mns. Wm. WyUe a1 Chicago waSein Chirpratiela scentficmet LibertYville WednesdaY vlsiting Mes. Chioprcte I s ciutile uehod Fred Scbroeder. o! adjuuting the cause of disaue -wth- ont drugs or Instruments, basedon a' Mlisa Katbryn srbcur aofIRochester, correct knawîedge o! anatami'. sud es- Ne-w Yark, B llabtiug t the G. C. peclaly the uçrvous systenn. J. H. Gridleyhmne. Ileli. Clrvratl. Pon 26 ~ Jae Haillon, of Chicago, was here1 You bave neyer tasted anyttelug bat- Monday i iatlng bis brather, John Han ter. Our le creatu la e-ch snd smootb. Ion, manager of thé A. & P. geocery Let us ese-ve yon. C. <btti & Co. Il store. The Misses Helen sud Kate Caroî You get ful value onu oui, dollar sand Mr. sud Mns. Forest Slnitb ei when you bave your 'work doue here. "i Iors in Lakne Forest 8unday. Let us lengthen tho lite o! your bat- jtery. We charge XII laines of botter- Mr. and Mns. Merle Young are vis- tles. <ilve"us a tripL. Ubertyvîlle Bat- ing for twa weeksa t Ocoonowoc. er' Station. 35-lt Wlscouln. Wauttt laie a tulp t- lira. Leo Drury eetrned Sullday! regIes? Csiî Ouavw, pMSe U& 'AÂ ew froue a few day' visit with relatives 1hlgh speed bus at your service. Taxi- at Grayslake. cab oeils ansrwered day or nigt 33tf it la much easier to lbe crnecal tha. w h air euftand shave.BdfOeod'LINCOLN LUSK ford'dg Barber Shop. *'lt A CTON Glenn C. Hubbard made a piesure > trip ta Wbeeing, oni Wednesdsy even-1 have been ini this business for lng off Ibis week. M lirs. Samnuel Mole bias returued ta ,IOee than 20 years, and give net- lier bore e i ugtan. Kentuckyi'. s f1- lction. er a vislt here wth Mns. UL. Goldng PfN 34 LBRYIL and other frlensd. IOE38J LB TY LL -SNOWS AUTO SERVICE to thé Fair Grounds Gets You There In shape to enjoy the day wyalking from one exhibit to the- other. Phone us at' SNU'SAUTO LIVyERYl .QOI REPAI SERVICE prmmaWork. ForM ffets Re-uvd Liherj~Iii An& airSi Miss Marion Vicher la spendlng a vacation of twa veeks !roin ber em. ployment at the offices of the North bhore Uine ln Eighwod. She la viult- ig ber parents lu Jeffer-son, WWs Warren <lrummltt. usember of the iàbstyvllls village board, ia taking a to weeks' vacation from bis was'k rith Marshal l Peld & Co., Chicago. Iivelyn Wells and June Rutherford underwent opérations at the VlctorY Memorlal Hospital lu Wankegal uat Monday, for the remaval of tonsils. Mn. Roger Kilby snd thret chlldren and Mrs. A. Doiýn6 of Evaustan spent over Sunday at the home of the form- tr'a parents, Mr. and Mns. S. P. Evîl- Bzar. Betty likes Tom very well. The way for hlm 1.0 get ber--eeud fnoyers ta aid hlm lu his suit, acdompaxlld by a letter. We cannot turnlsh the letter. but we CAN furnlsh the fk-vers. Llb- rtyville Flower & Vegetable Co. Il Ben J. Simen and family expect te eave the latter part of tbis week tor atu-o weeks' vacation ln nortbern Wis- consin, spendlug the time at the home of his brother, Walter Simen. Xuséefln yewrS-ejoying a three weeks 'vacation f rom bis duties at the Carson, Plerle & Scott store lu Chi- cago. He left last Saturday for Dlxou wbere he la vlsltlug bis parents. W. J. Allen aud Mns. Ray P. Lee. of Waukegan, wlth their, guesta, the Misses Carrne and Hazel Allen and Muster Kermit Allen of Buffalo. New York, vere Llbertyvllle vigltors Tues- day aud cailed s' tbe ludepeunlent offile. SNO0W'S TE AMWO& A&ny farmer who use this, bank will find uo, pIedged to work for a býett.r oyo- tem of marketing; badfor every souud meouret will heip bim Lo gs moner for bie labor., Teil us mn what way you thinkr we xight be help- fui to YOU right uow.- Chas,. D Procýo Insurance of ail iu -Phone 154-M LI~Y PHONE 306 LOCAL DAY RATFES S@c Fr Orne or Fow ur aseutul hé d.0 i4ef oe In flWeoesd plafta of .v- osy hhud. l he foyer f m ai td l! Or; hmroat no a ugeua lmt M l a the spiriloa w*ellness, lfo hYar aul et une fsmlly-the famlly cf cbetitiu-nd-be bappi. you ig Ùa<.vi~g in othewSod.,we wmilsave7mo on theserkces Evoy~prceadventaçe that~ the afford*S wb. _ifyu j"*I At About" HaIf I SiIk Petticoats, extra size - i Each - Jersey Si11k Petticoats Each - Fine, White Satine Petticoats Eaçh - - - W.W.CARROLL & SONS' CQhWI1 Pha..P - 111DL il

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