Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 31 Aug 1922, p. 9

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LAKE COUNTY INDEMENENT Liake Count y's Big' Weekly a',éd..Gruau *t Ether WeekUesm a sity Co.bWo 'LINL là 1 WAUKÇEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XXX-NO. 34. w 8- pur. bred hie yusm teins..-1 hberlvie, m, for bout lyvil, for mathé b' L. 30rage, fer le, faer bust )r bout Ive rlyvflle, for lkegan for r Ca., Wau- r olver. Association, me>' tesas. etyvillie, fer serfield, for )>' Eév. IL. tram West eeold, for id. for bout M,. for best DBI1TUaRY 0f MRS. RUTH SItUA' Ruh Taylor Sites, bora linin- coînslfiro, Engisué, came la America wîith br parents ln 1852 ai lise ago af 5 ycarm. Site vas tâte yonagesl 0f- sec on ceIidren nd waa marriled la 161 la John Sica. Tu Iba union eîgbt chîldi-en a-pi-o bi-' Mande, te aidat cbtld, élod aI 20 yesru ai age; Josépiiné ai 10 yearu; Le*ia a, the age ai 16 >ers. The Ae childien stili living are lira. A. M. Yoaung, lira. Emor>' Cravea ai Oz- tond. Kansas; Julia, John and Fred oi Nea-pont. 11iï. Shea leaves faurteen grand- chisléreu snd fve great granéchildron. lu 1869 the>' prchased the home la which ebe passed a-a>. Bigit yes' ag lise>' celeirated thoeir golh7en vEdding auniveroar>'. *- AsiOl> tn Jeans biessed aeop, a-blwhcb noue evet- vakô to voop. A alm and undlturhod repose Uni-aiea b>'te least ut toes. Funeral Thurada>' a1 2 p. m., Stand- Red ime, ailthe. home. Rev. Hl. E. Gsuster viii afficiate. Burlal IiprIng Brook cometof>', exter'a Corners. HARO COAL STRIKE 'lO END? Wilkes Barre, Pa,, Aug. 30.-The anthracite st-lb mn>' coime taan end tuulghtb If ual sltled b>' alght- feu.I the net IWcty-taur houri viii s-i>' h-ibng abo)ut-pste, aecording fo liaiher J. J. Curran,waho goted amasn tte-mediary hlnIais eatttover.- lendtu LIBERTYVLLLETLAKIP COUNTY, ILIJNOIS, THXJRSDAYAlUtGUST 31, 1922. $1.50 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. _________________________________________________________ M _______________ n ei'wwi'uci¶ iu A!Yy l E11 tlll buU.CCJ WLII Poture-of New Irish Free State Commander-in-Chief. TuE PE1TYCASH ACCOUNT BEFUD- DLED; SECRETS IIID Even Auditir %Simms Cannot Explain tomu Brown Had in M«*tfCash. iUST 'GENeRAL THAT'S ALL As a resulit of a confoi-Once bs. lwe.en the Lake Count>' Hospital commttee sud Auditor Simma field 'f ucada>' aterM90a anovr sytem a! 1iookkeepIng laotebe lnstalled ln lbe lptke County bospîtal tunder DE., Smms' directiog nsud iu the futulre %,Ienever a solirisor ,WIsst 1 l-arn vhat bas been gaing o nt athe. ~t ay'of business transactions aiet 1i1 1i1,stutian, ho viii ho able oitafIué it out ver>' resdlly. lor M. i- îmma bas promiiOd lthe committee e lautaîl a systtCm vblab *e flot intricate. a-hlcb anybai>'eau tindrotané, aud a-blch vilii h mn- V.c t>' lu tbe extrnme. "T'he conference deveiaped some-tu- îcrestlug Information for tho Ha,- Intei comrittee aud ther supir- viâon vbwen, aler being questlanea iestive ta the $4100 Item of "Delly esili' and 86f00 Item of "general ex- - îî.- shavu durlng the past year ln Duc Broyna.administrationad vhieh vas a part o! the anditoras repart on lbtha spitai, lMr. liims t admtl:ed tiaï, ho vas unablo ta give the couuatte a defkliled stateint as t.vitat thoee tva itema* covered. lu otbei Worés. lMr. $Iimm ex- planeé , laI la the petl>' Cash Mu& general expns. ho b.d nt bd«n *-furhishhd BILLS in order ta checkt over' tie ariausiItem&. And ttse the coemlitt.e, despite the tact thâ4 the>' callod Mr. Simms er. oNDe- cilhi>'tao xplain these two bg Items ver. unabie ta gel an>' fui-her In- formation .xcepting thai Brown bacl S haitgod up $4.00 la 'petty cash"si sund $6500 undor "generai capens.*» M.r. Simi adritted tint the pett>' raeth. genorai exponse. 'te.. vas sot iipectift. For instance, there vouin ho itemof a! -t, labor, car tare, fruit. etc.. but in nu cas. vould il Le- indicalod who theii.n.>' vwaL paid te snd thora weuld b. n bis aj back up te differeut Items. G.ukdnlCheck tote. Accordiugly, viien te>'diucavered lie>' could bot che« .te var$edu lemmna i. ernttc. tedd IML isae tbat thxIrA>' Wa loéii. wq4«n,,a pia, t. arrao a system whviréhy an>' aupeirvtir fould Cel down îd the bottom af an>' mono>' expended. et th. Count>' bopital. . Mir. Shnutaassured îbem tisa voulé b. doeanLd accurdîngi>'lla these tturo- Wheu the, aystern la su o peratbon titrecords vii abo'w taI ifthte Hlosptal coammitlee boas bught a harso it viliishov liatIt it sga home IhAt vas Porchaaed; If au sutomobile vas beu.ght lb. recarda viii shov Il vas an automobilead not s Mavlng machine; If a pair oi pigs area dded ln the baspital hara ilteY vilha aSpeCifiCaiiy menUiou.d and nabody cou a&&y that goals or 9omethlntg elge vas boughl itas New Alil csfuSes. llY Intruduicing Iis change tbe Ilasilal cammttee teelsa a Laottgu eî ery Membèr of thebcdrd ii h saîiAied la 1h knowiedge that ever>' tbîng viii be accounled for and tbe records vil not anl>' ho acc:sslblî lu eveot supervisai- but when ho gaePs 10 look t thons ho viii ho able lu unéci-tand lu detail a-bat ta tilant. The change vhereby a nov systont le ta ho Instliid at the hospitai in the mater of keeping records la the -direct rogut or Auditor Simma recorn- nending t1h51 islachange ho brougit about. Mr. Siminalu is repor coveriug the haspîlsi durlug the past 4 yesr, Plsinliy says that th. systen folowed durlug the flac Brovwn e. gime vas tocItricate aud vas evos difficut for au experiencod suditou lu fathcim. After Two Weeks' IdIeness, Trafflo Starts as Resuit of Settlement M ado. FULL SCHEOULE FOR NIGHT Follavlng the agreement i-esche-I bef-veon the E., J. & E. sud rond non trsfflc on lie lino reumed Tunda> nlght and tie Si-st train sont out a! Joliet for Wauitogii îiartod aI 8 o'clock. Mucb voi-k îlonLg the line prevontedl rapié prog- roeu ut the train whlch a-as number 1l. Il arnived lu Waukegan aI 6:30 thia morning and vas s train aI average length. It vas predicted that tise tuit shedule, opei-ative hetore lb. englue crevas quît ta-o wveks ago lu aym- patîiy vlth the shapment. viii ho sporatîve vithin 24 boums. Tho usual nuntr of traîna hetveen Wauiegan aud Joliet la about six a da>'. Utten spociala are i-un and becauseo0f tise long tiîup the feeling la thal the carnier of speciia for nome tirne a-lU ho groater tisa evor hefore. Il l in-ecalied 1h51 il vas the 'J' on vblch lte movement a-hIdhInlter becaino quit. genoral over lh. coun- tr>' atarted-tie engin, mon refu4eil 10 go ta their ponsabecause tliey claimed tho>' vers "1afri-aléorthe state Iroops" tationed at the 'J' properI>' in Joliet. The "J" officiais snd others însisted tliu-Position mêrmly aai&asympathelIc usure Il aid tb, atrlling shopmen. SIIEIFF PADJOCKS 2 BLIND P16iS gyerff Gr-en today placed pad- leb'on lbhealeged bind-pigs a« Stanley Moran and Stmnley Dzlorla, 1208 Lincoltt utreet, North Chicago, and John Mxadrus place on Uiav- enth street. The. places vere loeé on an intermediaté injunotion grant.J od by the Clrcmt court ta, State'a At- torney Smth.' thonS ff lmer Green Iis aller- noon oilaluod thse name af lie uva- or ai the RBoa truc. viloit - hu taund abindanod un Milvaukee ave- nue, elghblmiles narf-b ai bore esny lods>'. The auner la M. A.. Babî- glau, 740 Norh Wellu aItreet, (Oti' paga. Thte t-unk vas aotiou freai hlm asat ulpîtI. Zion police lttda>' ieprted tla Biex lft QGrcen that aitruckt b"ékTi te Scott & WrtgLt, ZMon, hb ,ulhb S d« WOtt à aaiv." cd -la,* lUSBAND; OTJE WOMA9" OBOURTE Mrs. M'Evoy Says Hu8band Is Attracted to French Wom- an, Breaks'Up Home. CHILD DYING-BANGS PHONE "Whou 1 calleéw>' bUabAd Up On the telephone tva montha ago and tld hlm. that aur littho son. 4 years old, was proabhi>'dylu of coua- nlunsansd urged ho sbouted aven ttEelephOli ame "Ta hell wlth the baby and y&h and the home and the furnace. DDn't t alk Io me- good-byo' and vitb 1h51 ha slammed up th. reciter and bas beon unwilllug ta tallitat me ince. Ho bas abused me shameýily 'aud neglected bis chillrea andé baualo provlded for us ta an>' oxtent." , This a-as the answvof aMlra. J. P. McEva>', vifeo f a prominelit C-hica- go feature vriter wba, @ho declares, la maklng $700 a veek and a-ha un- der thse court order inla aie caunty la paytng ber $66 a voit for ber keep and thaf of ber tva chilérea. Changing aise lu a tonnal state- ment made Ioda>' la the Sun that ber hushand Ifa *running ai-aund vitb othpr vomen" lu Chicago ad that thal la tise rosi roaon for ilis »para- lIon f rom bis fwmil>, lira. McEvuy Insiste that the chargea mnade b>' ber hushand lu the divorce vhicit ho led lu thé Lako Count>' court are eaLtirely flse. Borne tîme aga. lira. McEvay. a-itou ber buaband deserted ber, flied a separate maintenance bllln the La" oCuunty Circuit court. The court aa-arded ber $66 a vee n- der a tvznparary action and Mclivoy answered b>' flling bla divorce action ln the local Circuit Court ln whlcbl he cbarged bis vite vltb "runuing ai-ané vth other men."» Detala of that action came out last week and nov Dire. licEvoy as- vers ber huiband lu the broad state- meut luna-hieh she declai-e ho bas treated ber ehansefull>'. Sho sald lu- day: "H-e deaertod me and - su> famil>' and bai rejectod us since, ilyeorsi ga lait May. M. ba«. bea u Living la LtteBohilia" ai 15Easl 0hio streel, -Chicagô Mdu iara c ianilady. l'un vaMoa a'sumolat Ulrw.Airiet ~. é it isla h* viiora I ecaige e lth bavLng Inobenup _qar bisproesson uçta ailewiag me nov but 8S" a veektelukeep uq w>' homne sud suffort aur tvo dhtfdreg, Borne lIme all ie, 1ont la Chicago la tee hlm sund fourndi hm eating breakfast vilb Ibis lira. Aldrich. 1 pleaded vlth ber a&"l sluéber la let hlm corne hanktot me ladw>' chîtéren and sho tolé me If ho aver left ber sud came back ta bisava. wIf, aud cnudsren ibm vould die. AUl 9my pleadinga vers lu vain and there- tare 1 hié la returu noms v>thout bim.1 Bangs Up Reclver. "One da> m>' little sou lied a con- vulsion,, lie ductor tlé mo I btter cal my itusband. i élé so. 1 laId hlin lie baby vas dylug and b. bel- ter corne homo. that lie fui-nana vas ont and a-e wvonver>' coalésnouée* ed nmre assistance. He repllod "la bell atb 'thei baby aud yau. the home and the furnace; dan't taIktot me- good-byé" sud vltb h5ho ba hng up the recelvor. "Ho la out witb this Mns. Aldricha a1 varions imes et banquets, etc, sud he manltalus Iis expensîve aparîment and also mainlains a ver>' elahorate coupe la vici ho lxa uteto seen rdlug a-IithIèr and vilh other vomen. "Hé basof ton loftIuns aitb practio- al>' notbtng tola 110on hefore Ibis temporar>' arrangemeat vas made b>' the Lake Uuunty court- "He throv me ont a u uaa bile One limé a monî0i bfreto n>' baby a-as bai-nsud 1hei1 liter i1itad ta go througb a er»ausa peration vicitreaulted La lb. doathh aitis chilé. I bellove If 1 bad nul befn thi-wou ot or thte car tbhessby voulé have lived. "Mr licEva>' bis tlé me that it i ever came noir bis studio ha will thraa- me out sud,-accariélgi1 Ihave been afrald 10 goi thora. He mat.. the charges agalut me thi an endeav' or lu caver up is mlaéolngs. I bave been a good. falîbtul and loyal *tIfe to hlm aud have trled tl akal bi home happy al the lime. If It vas ual for these athor vomen lu Chica- go a-ha attnacted hlm 1 amn ure ho would ho borne nov vltbh ha family vbere ho ought lu h." TALCOTT DID JtJM! INTÔ LAXE; FIN8 BODY TODAY Tut h a-sa lbe min a-ho leaped Laboe Mle=ln la lis dati fi-op Mnexcursion uloanlr iii o bqestacrtalusé traim ad 54 tIa b is peokot Mms Olii' I - blui 4p, 4olg» a oleed~.4bave broaili At nie-* gkm tue'nleht thln2t ,this a Im«o ti idernu appeir, but sfis trbmo Lion Trotsit>' Rui.usées. '. wul a-a latona ab* Palace la Imbrsd. KI.OF MI (RACE KNlAPPI3N STILL I1UTING lUER Ask Nçwepapor to Obtain In- formato About Missing Cashier. MIJRDER RUMuOR UNSOLVED "W vad-qlve iuvthiug lu the varié jeattt eout whether Grace la ail,." é m*t is. lRay' Mu- otk r. ato tssternooa te aose' r»ropait.r ierriOt t1>,Mm a Knsppea bad lq mo iruered, be« tirogt beéug cul. ThM. "me relteti vas rocelvié ai "ioke" lSoi"'$ rotaurant. aSere li anaPpon via a aishiier thb. veok 1hi1she disap- lira. Bhunaker's husbaUd 13 lbh brother of Mmn. Kuan&, viioso fatiter la Eider NVan Bueo humak- eT. o0e of Oveeser Voliva'n Mis eloosi-les- Bits loftIa photogi-aph of àfrl. Kuappon and that of ber daughttor, aged tea-a aklug ihat Il ho pub- liaheé in a Chicago nevapaper a-i th. request that au>y laiormatIOti &bout lira. Enappenho ent la ber. Effort made by members of the ftam Il>' la oloteMr. Kuappetn Ibrougi the Waukegau, Zion, Chicago. South Chicago and Gary police saédolmoe- tive bueraus hal e faiiod. Tiie huaband lýi belug aougixt on al waarant issueil Jul>' 26 beotoe justice . C. Cou sou, out a carge of embezzlomeut of $700 f1-arn1 M- son Ca., vashînq machine rePresl- ative, viho bas tieadquaiters aetlthe North Shiore Fia ru e ,campan>. Ca. in aI i-rytodav seeklng - Intorma- lion a -1, [.,i.bis form« e o- re»atative. "if vo oui>'kn.w Croco la ailve a-e wauld ho sat-ilid," lra. Site maker declred, ' tecause shte al- uyt bas been able tu tait, are of beiself." Kuappen sud iii vite bsd man>' Matrimonial ditmclitles. ABSOLVE BIS1IOP IN AUTO DEATII Mmrslanmes Inrckof aiWnliuiop Sai-bar, visa as kîllué b>' auau- toml$e givleu hi-Loonard ElshaP. 0f Zion Cil>', onei- erstore.. mol -ier death b>' accidenhîhi>' hing struot b>' the Bi-.haP aula, acMod- lu>g la hf-i fdinSa of ltcth omr' Ina>' >'otei-day st!enOan. Afn l- veafigatian by Stîres AUllaYILa'A V. Smith viii not bh astqd. Coro ner J. L. Tayiloi. o!flb$4>Vylie, saites, Blshoe bele rti-outafbiais.. Acordlng la the t eatiMOhYiy Mio duced, lie victim wass crosslngIthe road ulien thue automobile craeheé mInt ber. She dýi o rly 'aft.J- a-ad l inte Victl'>'Me-norlal lieu pitai. . WSvtii aire paces' anretéite Manda>' nwb - bile poqing tirougit De.sel, n-»ir Utibada Pari, ut the itoet,8sl4 aoim n bsa-.ataau lie htaid telie IOdAho bu*hel ie iove ia pMeaM*s. the 4Jg .Iba no ie juwaa ~po1. des md donlMM 8100. Automoble bandits early toda>' von trailed for severai miles b>' Sheriff E2mer Green sate t.'ad atteMPt- ëd to bis- a big automuobleo truck aon Milwaaukee avenue, but the>' man- ..ged to elude thé offîcera bicause af tho fanI lthaI they bilda gued start betere tbe afficer a-as uotlle4. The truck, a big Bo, vas itipped ot practicall>' evei-ythlng af value Ibat a-as rensavabie, and thon drag- ged from a paint about fiye miles ram a-bei-e the>' strippod lt, lu Wis- consin, sud abandoued on lbe Mil- yaukee rosé about elgbl mlles uarth ai Waukegan. Sheriff Green trsiied the ro'bbors for aeveral miles Int Wisconsin, tho> having daubled bnck la escape dotectian. The sharf lst thlb.trait becauso the>' had tra l&ng a starI. Atter stripping the machine snd draggiug ta a point Ibis aide o! the state line. tbe robbera atlempted bo dosîro>' tbe machine b>' burulng Il. but the>' vere apparentiy unabie lu gel the lire weli atarted hefore the>' ver- dniven avay. Shenlff Green titis aflernoon aa trying 10 localethe ovuers ut the truck, having t"ilegrapbed the anu- ber lu the mecrotar>'ofet atle. FORD MOTOR, GOÇ IN LAST YEAR -MADE 58 MILLION Nov Yort, Aug. 29-Thé fiuancial atatement a! the Ford Mata-or cm- pan>', as filed with the Massanhe- sella oûom.inlseiouer of corporations aud raverlng the year ended April 30, 1922. vas puhlîs.hed la lie fiuan- ciel district Ioday. Made Over ffl,000,000. The &taternent. whinh la lu the. orut ofaf sgenerai balance shoot, aboya a profit sud le surplus of $240,471,736 on Ihat date agilfsat $182.877.696 on April 30, 1921. sud $165,679,132 on lte sarne date in 1920. Ca»h on baud and debta recelva- blé totaled $148,C15,3314 againel $88,- 848,157. t Accaunts sud notes payable vue. 1i-educed tramt $41,86,141 ait lie close of the fiscal year etuded Apnll 20, 1921, ta$11,089,894 on 18he 5ame date this y05i-. CONSTBLES WILL COLLECT TAXES Caunt> treturei-, lia>'W. Bs-suber, expecîs Alanafljlout a numier 0f constables biov la tocolloct della- qiseul- taxes on persaiui prapety Ail lise, vtai-o ecalleé upon 4 ho requi-fi l a py lie Constabe fee. ici ta most cases Ï amaunt ta as munli as th. lix. Truasurer Bianher expecta ta nIari te saile a! delinquont roui eutile tlrldg proablv uia f ti evd-1 MARITAL TANGLE MURDER Tho Mia-aube avenue pavlng Pi-- ject vhirh vaasuapposed ta causa Up Tuesés>' evoning betare lie lBoard or Local Improveuicuts. ln LàberI>- ville vas agala pastpanod nIl n ext Mouds>' nighî becauseofaitIeo lad liaI Ibore voie ual enaugi presont for a quorum. Thie malter a-aiLn, formail>' diousged. An eofot pi-i- ail>' vili be mude to gel f-be avai-a of praperty abLttlag an lie avenue lu psy. lie frail ountutiheoctOrla Ihat part of lue ImprOvemeul vitict lieSte Hliubva>'dopartmonl dues nul psy for. FOR 52 YEARS ON JOB HOLTS SERVANT 15 OEAD rulieraI srragementsaire b.lng mide I"d>'foi- Buvard Nove, 78., for litt'lo yeas empioyod b>' the1 George Hot alls mli> SttAl&e Foi-est.1 'wtso dled MondsY. Ôn lite fifieli annivei.Oary o! bIs ser-vice Mr. Hotlls pieeeated ir a a-lth omse. Heo via kuovu as "Lake Pr9-1.taMuet an>' public henolil. lu sucli a t Ibere iÏ no Queslion ai ta wtf~ tho rebate goeseon lie Stato's con- ut bonded prohibition, as lbe courtM hsve ala-aya held that apoclal taxé-' liost bonds are nu a, libhocousidfed as a portion of lie Indeblodneu tu - hoe figured lu the à per cent 11.110 lion. Movever. specl taxallos banda are reported as hein& itot - 1a bandie. Most bond hannes dO cars ta oeli Ihîn. The conlructoe- Wsd for, bis vont in bonde. 4 Iherefor, mueIt now wa-at the~~ ket tar i-eisbonds la hoaro lià bis bld. Hovover, a geaéi bas bien found foi- lb. specli lion banda. The Board a-cie unaimatll> poaed ta lhe apresé 0of tit ment biketh le proporl>' nut lng on Miwaukee avenue,., lu is Qpplln il burél>' seemed taoa~ toi- tbeiest aetlit, village ta p~ Milaaukeo - avenue pay for ti pavement vhen Milwauke* avoibaý vas expectlug ths Stato ta pa>' p-.- proI-axttel> t'vo-iftha of Il tu affl, tiqa. Tbis assistance Vanilnu glvin la other stretteIa thle aulside of poasibi>' Basf Park mave.-~ nue. At lie f-imeeta lte éI>*édi" lu retalilie rail, lia Board d ietio~ Improvoinna vag$trimelu I*YIs'Or a! abanduning the aimeamolit prootêe-, lng and stsrt$ng apecls.l taxa*«4t placlng lie tax on Mlwaukee WI*' exelualvul>'. Hovver, afler c o erlng lte posulît>'liaI the ~a migil spené their mono>' bofort Jli# gai around tlu Lbortyvle, astndiW~ b>' Liber-I>vUlI vouté b. -loftI00t,,.S asa Iougilh e la proceed vlhb 8ii4 recast roll. The Board prababi>' vIl nov Mlvaukee avenue fronlage 0%&. thatfo toi-elentaire ImXoeiikt5 the Stat. aboulé bapp te kMff portioncOf lbe rosé,tihe la s rebate.. fonet, 4 *14vl If- Ul te par. Ts r dur eveulAs ih)~O' lae :Cfle o au' 4iolo M f.- General Richard MI1Icaby, anovu belav bai h-een named auccessor to Michael Colline, the Irish Free State commander ln chlet. Above Ji sboya George Gavin Duffy. sec- ond "che.for commander, vha Ï111 b& a chie! aide ta liulcahy. Mulcahy massacé troupe ait aroosé Dubin today te tope wlth demon- atralUo n nconneetlan vitit Collas' funeraI. and preveat s a&tý&0t loo the cil>'b>' frraaaWqs . dblI a 'ci. - TRAIS RESUME ON THIE EJ. &E4 NUABI3R Il ARRIVESI lie, for ej r, Dois-ft«&é ""ena for 1WaukogSa. iculture. for trl14for Lme, fotr My1 a Ropalr & i bom. -me Ares. eard of Sup- roués. Must 1>' oxhlbitars for beat dM. a a-on la be boit éliis>'a le,- for beal for sa- a-itt muet 15, lm2. br Ca., Rouind d on or sf101 o conslqereé. brtyvlli, for or girl udet r best di&PMi> a, fer Grsiid 1, for Grand tor- boal dis- brlyTIll, fer ierotyffllO, for lonitogan, for larévar Ce.. y Libgi-tYvl ,tlle Lumbet' vnli Nursery,' ros, for bý D.Ot«Uild, for raulesso tor roorbout 1 1 FARMR BINDS ALLEfiED BURfiLAR; CALLS SIEifff AISt Foremnan Takes Law in 0s wn Hands Until Of- ficers Arrve.j I4AD' HtS HANOS FULLI 4ugu.t Foreman. faniner at the Wto lin^o. Ivo and a hait uiles wiot of. Sheridan road. tod.y, le crdied king of the Burgiar Catch- era' association of Lake county. He caught "Jim" Mitchell, ingli.1iand- ed. Iu hi. home &t 2 ociock Tuer- day morning by ropIng sud bind- ingx hlm band snd foot. after whiich ho steppcd on the prisonersa cheal lu triumaph and tld his vite to cal Sherif f E1meT Green St Wau- kegan. Tbe Wherif arrlve4 ln d. tinte and Mr-. Porem&fl laid thé hmam package ail vrapged up. re&dy for transportation tothe . oMnty Jail. where Mtcheill oda>' 15 gazlag lu- to the. future vth viattul eYes. Fnreman board Mitchell prOviDg around the kîtchen just au the farmer irae trylng tla Slltcil Li houra sleep beore the chantid4ers lu bis barayard proclalmedte lime for "pttmping" the Jersey cavas. Me taund Mitthell. storing away the last o! a v.edge ot custard pie. As the paotry started down Mtoh.ll'$ throat tho farmer Pouu.ded UPOU hlm. the pie ahuttlng off the prowler'a wiud as ho choked on the cisatard. The raDe flulshed the joh. ghert ireen vii sak that M itchllt bc givea a sanIt>' test. TRUCK TIlE VES FIRE 1MACHINE; TIIEN ESCAPE Sheift Green CaIted to Mil- waukee Ave., Finds Wreck of Big RMc WAS TRAILED MANY MILES MILWAUKEE AVE. PAVIN4i TO BE PA BY PROP. 0WNENSý Libertyvilie Board Likely te Carry Improvemnt by SpecialTaxation. DUE TO COURT RULbIt Tast Fr1,15> the court sustainod ie- objections fild ta the recait asMogS' ment rollinluLibertyvîllo seat.Û No. 15, the saine belng the proceXL- ing for the assessment for the. Pave-« ment uofnMilwaukee avenue., Th. ground on wisich the objection vaU sustained vas tiiat the bonded capai> 11>' of the village Gi.d not equal the aitiounit of the public heneflt la sait assesiiment. w hile the Suprerne court bas hit that the arnount of public benetit la net tu be flgured in the arnounit at indebteduess prohlblted under -1the constitutional limaitation, Il bas aise held that wheu bonds are issued loir the purpose of paylng public benelit. or an obligation asaumned by a Si%. eral promise of the village, tffèn t,,,- obligation la voit( and la prohibitit by the couttutionail imitation. Tht., llimrtatoin la that no village canubo.w came indehted loir maretut"6 « cent of ils taxable value on the hasts of the, Ilatpreceding year'saslaiS' ment. The ordinanco ln question provl0cd for the lasuance of bonds snd the. quesiori vas a claie question sa.Le wbelher the, obligation came vltbiia. the constîtutionai prohibition histori' the hondsa von actuailly attempteil ta h. issued. The Court thought l lit~ wrnsld hecome such an ol4p#dst_ The Court aiso exp$iassed Z4 doubl as ta &Ooeqeusliona et ossg>. neering ralsed on the objectionbaMg haaied hia opinion on the fact tistq, lte village could- ual hecorno ladebted- ta pay the public benefit. brider the titates proceduri for building roas sInside a ViLlage, ltJa Stato signa a contract for the, coq- struction of their entimated cuit 0f 8- foot and tbe mouey A.palé cirot ta the contractaer. rhe StslO'a cottrlb- i ien la thonL rebateil ta Dublic bénslilt andcltbers la nu decision sa ta1 wiother this rabat.- muat iehta pqm'< lie benelil or abould lie d1v1qi amoag lte pruport>' ovaexa aud,,tnu ,#Ollç bsneft.lai case of a dkvii.1ea betwea Property ovuiers snd mi »M hi ter. Irould lhe a abortage WV 's'Iilh bands migt have- ta, be' tW. oued. eud If tie>' coutld not b.. baud the. luprovemont couilé»e« »utin. l.The abave procéderea, igiuatçs witb the Departp*lea Hlgbvays, Dlviloiiof Publie' au the tatemeat Ihat il la:: b>' the.Atturney C(enaral. lT k uestion vas before lte Colmtycomt on the éirst rull but at tuat lta. the Court été neot hem greatl>' kt*i presacé with 1he oblecoln.u 1 There are tva metitoda e f pro. cedure for pltlng la local impraoe monta one by speclal asseasmeMt~ which th. assesaimmnt ila divi4tt tveeu the. publie generaly andilot local proporty avuera vrho are 69' clally beaelited. and lhe otiteb*y apeclal taxation lu vbich te lirai usines the clasa af pruporty w"lh muet bear the lax. I it el ifl#4 cuatomar>' for the cauntcil 10ta~ the spreading oa!titis tax en lte* property frontlug on the llnpmeo,o. ment and that ont>'. vitb no parti=e ta ho raiaod b>' generai taxation,. The Board bai beon. dosirau t*rf tthe tart of puttln4 the pavUit- ln b>' speclat taxation on the friçL ageof ailwisaukeo avenue vsîna-4 Whon Wlialm Hughes <beba-i re- lurned 10 Portland, Micb.. tram Aas- kia he founé 1ha1 bis aife,"ué 6- vriced hlmu and maried hus bhler. David Hughes. William Illed viti hbem for several weoilandué len abat bis brother lu dei h sné killl.d hlm- self atter faillug la kilt lira. Hugihe. sué bar dsughtoi-. MEN ACC£EPT LWArliIi Waukegan LUne and Main Une Employes Agroe te Stick for Former Pay.> NO CUT IN PAY NOW AI a speclal meeting helé- toda>' b>' the employez of the Waukegan and main linesos f lb. Chicaga, North Siare & Ma-aukee electric iaiiroad, tbe employes agreed ta, accepttheb.campauy's aller af Ilîs saine vage for vhich lie>' verà workIug betore the sînilte agita- tion a-as alartod. This meaus Ihe>' viii reeçtve no cut lu gsy. Wieu the company musde an offer ofa! swago eut te mon rofusod ta accept IL. Haveer, 1h.>' dié nul go t en tiike a-heu the Chicago employés a-eut out. Recognizlng lte falthfuliiess ol 11>0 employés the campan>' came hidi aith su aller ot ieavlut the vage anale *bers it vas, sud aI lite meeting toda>' noon at Santisa hall, Htgh- yod, Ibis oSfer a-as accepled. An- alher meeting wIII beh.eld aI the same place*tonigbt b>' the emplayes w'ho a-ork ln thn daytlrne, but te sérance 'dope' lais hat the>' alst vii accept the aller, as the nighi meu weret hé uMost Insistent aud thereforo the day mon a-hi nat. urali>' follov thoir declalon. 'The aid gesle whicbh bas heen accePted la 73 cents au hour un lthe main liné, aud 56 cents on tbe WaukfflU Ues.. M1IL. AVE. PAVINEl

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