Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 7 Sep 1922, p. 5

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7192Z_ çaco la afw y aiol vu rouewhom &eus- ami ofwb IhIom's fi" o diuesviltaise itiyooo0nhEwabh ka"frm th*f du*w mm6* v bsIàUw fit". id wïi ca eu" . h.m.dfr ef 0" Pd by m"mio. I.' 13 THRIFT Vhievoryooepumtis.4, wbalho parent, t.adt- or «owa omdmfêtrthe " fhabk aM " ewquar-*b st *0aUIL k nl mua prop emé hm oe W. édwaokm . eur evey viut, whether ià Le fer Us. purpeeof deposiliaz a large sas or a mus ot.. Lake County National Bank LIIERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS W e cal for your farnily laundrY-dreses, waists, blouses m nichies. à"itsunderwear, lingerie, stockinga. rmpmfers, knickers, towels. children's thinga, ffable and bed linens-every- thàigthat eeds waaing. Wereieve you of the annoyance and expense of ha'vang a laidress about the house-save you ail éhe fusa and stearn and bather of wash day. 3 We do ail of your washing, with fresh. rainaoft water ~'adx mild. wite saa of tested purity; we risse, bhi.. staycli amiday your clothes. 4 Mien we Iron your flat work. without frictian or wear, upson aur iamproved flat work inerx and we 'là»"" ymSr wewn apparel an aur woderful steamheated presses, with tesaine price and exactimg care your favorite laundreas would tuse. W ~uymr bMud com@Woe- lmu, g wody te me o« woar Tt ias boier w8y of wumâ-llýe Cod s la cems Pet pIIq..(sirts osira>. Evesm weei. you ai assured a sanitary service wbose hig stand- aid ever vawes. Fros iody-w4 md a roreseaivepmWo.. " W IPukau ioiy Mime IDWIPàk178-lSorbmtyvle 67-R u You Can Buld Noiw E CHEAPER ThanYou Wiil This Fali * Don't Wait We are li good shape to take car. of youi OurPlanSerivceII *L IAR You De ie $1.Time Will Soon Be Here. Get. Yoàr Now. We SefliStave and Tklt FEU=A - ~~nrr LUbertyvMfe Lruber Co. SCRFD5S AILLSmZ DOORS O.~o Ad. 1b'~'- ~ romb&tan v Ue bkiuhipoumin 60 coi Ag m", M NME UT IVR QtJICK REPAIR SERVICE Prompt Road Work Forc Magnets Re-Chared Librtvie ut R Pmlu £hs.,Dsad P1QlI~ZOZ ne handy desert. Xc. oream ~n- le MALSE FORTUNES A false sense of wealth cornes with f ree apending, for a persan - _PMR Y. feels richeat while engaged in the very act of rnaking himacief poarer. Whnever you are teriptio to $,Md unnecessarnly, put that arnîount into an mi- terest-bearmng account litre. Then a feeing of wealth wiII even- tually be justified by the substantial surn ta, your credit.7 andPers.nal Waat te teks a trip ta taie lake Whatevr ma% of Isttery la ln your ad reglon? 0.11 Saov, phase 306. A nev car, you cma b. Ste0* bof siiful re, ta kigs seedbusaiyour service. Taxi- pair vans tram un. W. represent anis h sai caa aaweedday or ntght. SStt of the. al4«t SMd lait. manuffactur- sot egoa starage battasies. E. M. Wols- du, lames Vsu Plew asd famlly of Chl±- kopfLibetryville Dattéry Station. it pe cage spent taie week end witai taiea trmer's mothier, Mna. . A. Van Plew. Z. P. Gidiai' Md hiily of Chicagoa&I wai aeres usda? l$tlgfriends and a Notling endures but personal quali- relatives. Thsy loft ibis veai for Los Uis. 'Tour appearance la au Indeation Angeles. C.ljlf., btliey yl make et yotr chareacter. Let us belp 700 ta their hom;e. - -tai, Sais «ad retain a volt groomed &P- i pearaneis at our shop. Bradt0rdsBau, Taie baady dest. 1Ic0 creain an- M ber Saiap. ? elt swers taie disert 'qusstia for famsiî mu( or friendu. C. off.&ce ~36-t' Ms. .Jamnes Doyle vas a Chiceago ex( ,vitor Thursday. Miss ilrence B HbM aofWasske- gan yvitaiSMr. ud )9-- Ed McCor- on Sanday, Sept. 3. Mns. S. A. Van mîcis Tueidai. hou Plev a"d son, Ja.mes, andS fanilly vis-a iteiS taie Almond brother. nartai 0* Liii Mr. and Mir. IL. a sbop and thair we ertyvillo. Other visîtore at thie Aimond daueiter. Fraees.tgc& san automobile att homne tbut day vere Mr. and Mms.Mr- trip ta yrankfort, 3Iaima, and spent nesL Maore,&Mdfamlly af GraYulnki. Snndai aniSLaýbOr 3XY with relstives ,s&E-e Abbott and fauailY. of Cli- lu thse Hoosiar gstâe tii cag, maklng a total of tweflty-two ta WîtvSm so MeYi nyu parfaire of taie opitality et taie AI- Wlaeema i styhluyr mouds. car, yau cma be ocosildet of siillful re- C pir vork htrm us.W reprissent ona lent Bruce Dusenberry of Janeiville, W15. of taie oldot sanISlrgat manufactur- 1 wai a guet at tbelhinme of ail sistar. ersai storago baifaslls. E. M. Wols-fa Mns. Olin Moore, over Sunday. kopf. lbetrywOvIU itsStation. hSu Flawers--propiieti ai fragrance, jay, Mii Harriet C.GM>llayreturned lait beauty and sang. Mldst yaur bloom 1 SundaY tram a ,tnip 10 Eses Park andti there l a as lunevery leaf. bearluga a taier Colorado pointe of Interest. af message af salaco or of loy. Cali taie W.adM IG .Gil.yrtr a IAbetyvlleIMoer - VgetbleCo. home Tueaday frai a two weeks' trip Pel -Tlihe W. C. T. U. wilî meet atftthe tairaugai Yellowstonea National Park. bel ot homeoaf Mns. Robert LWI on Tues.'rThe> aso vîsited Sait Lake City', Den-1 day attersoon. September Itai. i. ver and otiuer weston places. a urgently requoited that aIl membP-'~ Let us show you lsov many teatures ily aie preselit at tiais mem ing and friend.e taie Ree Mtor Company has ta aller.1 1 a lnite.. Wby den>'yaisnrelf taie pleasores of la Are you lnterested in Pargolas, Laut motarlng vaien yaU eau get ý car ofMi tica and' athar out-door addtlans a taie 1 sucs gaad construction and mechanical J heaut>' af your property. i is easy 'excellence ,as 1110 Hupisnbiiý. 36-lt ai ta mare taise thlngs if you thave the Mrn. Alice Swift Davi, passed away materiai an baud ta wark wit. W. F.' at ber home on Neyhorry avenue last Frsnzen, Jr. Telephane 50. 36-lt Suuday evening. after a long ilness of i Mm-. Dr. Hl. Louse Cater 0" Los An- cancer, at tise a"isof 69 years, 10 golea. Calîtornia, Is bei-e visiting lier monthsiand 17 days. Baihe was bain lu parents, Mr. and Mi-. John Caler, an Cicintli, Çhia. an dhsad been a moi-i Milwaukese avenue, norta of theaiel- dent af LtbetyViii for the pat lan-- luge. tees yos. Bie lesvea ta mouru ber lagjas aone siter, lins. LauraDye, vain Arthur Medealf of Joiet was a gueet lives ons Flrst street, sud one brother, at taie Chailes Kaiser home last Sun- George avUt visa b" made tails homefi day. - vitis l#se iSeeaed for a numbar oaif yesns. Fun-ervim wlCs ere hald an t Floyers-praphets of fragrance, jo>. wednesdy ay ing at St, Lawi-enc's s beauty and sang.o.Mîdst >-ur bloom Eplacopal ciurei taie esrvice belng t tIsera la a soul lunaen>' leat. hearlua a read by thoe R«. Hi ii. But-l at message of salace ai- of jay. CalI taie Lakeside ceesetery. A casuplete obitu- LUbertyvMie lower &Vegetable Go. !ai-y in b. pinted nextweeki. Mr. andS lrs. Fred Bye of Tise Narth Shor Lina handled taie- seont several days thl is ekvitai Mr-. cx.owduun tiat u.,ans oft ti-Mipr- and Mmra Charles Lng. tatiau ta thfairi. ln goad shape. On TIs snanl issi-af ai t.etesManday an.d TanniSay taie companY AMdBoeiey atah M. E. clsurcinllbe. car trains. A vatthnusati oned béld Tburedy aterfloo nMd evenlnn. aetaheMilwaukee -Tenue croSsslg ta 8spoebt Pataz aiechii-c. ~ direct automobile'tftMlc c=Ming thie Mr. and lins. S. Huddie andi lte tnick8 daughten, Miii.louais.. sntored ta Mirand Mye. 1HenrySegert L N1L L S Thie handy dessent. lce! A UC TION E ER svems thse deeert question for f siili or ftiends. C. Gtti & Ca. 38lt 1 h ave ea, in tis business for Mnm. J. D. Mashall andi daugaitor. more tisaf 20 years, and ulve *et- Ruths. retui-ned ta Shah- haone la Bv- asiton Sonda, altter a months visit .i vW"a MraUmahlli mathser. Ms. ]EL Gridey. o! lobe Street. PJ40NE 3394J LIBERTYVILI.K AUTOL SERVICE. to the Fair GXound-s Gets.-You There ' Il In shape to enjoy-. the day ilà walking from one exhibit to Iithe cthers Phone us at v~ lu J% Your4umIber adW -l-ddm requiremnusma ~be fl h your flnancWi advomtsge. lui other wSod.w. wili Save Yelu on theseprie«. Eivey die affords wl TAIBLE antae that tbe 0ur if otw4 DAM, Very Good Quality and. Width, per yard.- Very Gooe Qualty and Width, pet yard Pure Linen Table Damask, per yard - Colored Pure Linen Lunch Sets, $8.00, $10.00 Muslin Nainsook Long Cloth PWlow Tubig, 42,i, 45 in. and 50> inches. 1>11kw Cases, Extra Value, - - Sheets, Spreads and Blankets and W. W. CARROLL & SONS' COMP '<t ver thie desert question for fsmiY1 friands. C. <lottS & Co. 3E-lt' Whuie M*.rgh&l Dessin Limberry bas son kept oR thes jimp a gresler part taie weçk, arrits have been prac- oliy nl. Bunday night one joung au boomm. rather boiatierS$, alter Il"glng froely lu "*forty rod moas- Ina"and the. msxshal-wui OOMPellOd )Disae him lnthe. village aaboase. bons thse yeung in vawusilowed ta )ber up and rofleet on au ,miscon- ,jet it la reported tisat one a taie licorns t the faifr ground.s uton tietvo ta taie 'whte mule exhbit and 3a conioquence aie wuirelleved of t star and tired off taie grundi. Loet in showyou boy masy Soaturea lee Matai rCompany bas ta affor. bhy denry ySrsolf taie'1--su Of a torlsg vises y Mgst a car af ,h zood eoestru: su d mecbaflical eMllece as taie Xipmblle. 36-lt Ail taie atore, ban"na dmot of thie ter places of business lu taie vlllW ava cloaed &tasnueves7 dey tala ,ok in1 order toa show ait eaiplOYeata ttend theebig fair. Miss Aillgda weakley visiteil relu.. 'e in Kenaiba a few day. int veet. Mi"a Ljihhsa Kahaut sud Wrancis, ovies of Napervile spent thie week ad et taeieona. Kohout home. Mr. andS Mna . W. Franxen enter- du.4 several out af to'wn guests laut unday anS Mondai'. Nothing endures but personai quali- es. Yatar appearance Indication fyoflr character. Let Usi help You ta ln and retaîn a weli groomed a:- *aranoe at Our shop. BradfOrd's Bar- er Bhop. ? 36lit Mr,. and Mn,. George Morris enter- ained their son, Paul Morris, and fea- yo., Waukegan Manday. Mi-. and Mns. J. P. May entertained ast Sunday Mi-' john May, Mr-. and vi-s. George B,. Winter and son George rrMiss Irene May and Cari Oteon, ai )fEvanston. Are you lnterested lu Pargolas. Lat- JCa and other out-door addtlons ta taie sauty ai your praperty, It la easy ýomake these tlilngs if you have taie material on band ta vark wit. W. F. Franzen, Jr. Telephane 50. 36-lt CARD OF THANKS We wlsh ta express Our thanks tO te mauy klnd nelgaibors and friend3 fr theîr sympathY shovn ue during le Ilnund deatai ai aur beloved ister, Mns. Alice StIft DaVin; aise for bis beautiful floral offeringO. MRS. L. A. DYE. MR. G. M. SWIFT~ SNOW'y N Q( ne Chas. ,DrPructo Insurance of ail kida Phone 154-M LEUf TUE ..EEIi-ONLY $Irl5

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