TUE ~WORK Deohy Says'Wanderer gffi of Many IieavyTasks. oyei tise trauSpa otyeterdar- -*ety dulibed "kigut$ et tise Ibo, lu halcyon days, vere a a sigisi aioug stretchea t dit-tOt-WaY5, tisrougisOt tise *Footue64, iappy-guotekf i rÊg inendianit rtenity,; iakelil tbats, unhoint unwaaled stublile bOgrd,il patcised trouera, noiulescipt tetrod sudtattered ove? boa, bt butet ail by tise Stisaie-t"t," atin-cmansdj bmiaidk,.tihWf iundie visicis pied te thse, end 0f a short isrt ei houlders. SpoDuty BRhodes! 1 kneW Xi oratlie mogned Douve? amor or leu retired vet- ftise roed, as lie gentl clobed parbund ediltIiteorliMer- Irlbho hadiheen g'wdiverstion vIile "beetifg o~-fe eblo to fleure, by te Coet" -& Seutisem 1 - latravelIngcomposte»n 01pt t tise lest tiree das ll'1,a tueus novice, -biss Itea ebobo conointed et a * 300miles, covired t ln- eurMg a perlod et four Yers, WÊed for reminlscences efthtie us -ehen "box cars vote box Lp mmn vas-e mcx," stirresi iy aeaprles of tise pasi vas vis- aifoua mDear Olt1 'Days. 1515 tisojee dent 01days aven ho mi" Se ais lutatadiy, W Usiehtght se tise train t001t eg1'O sud rusbled mie oa tunne lu tise mountelu Wsodayllgit again sioved lb the wOP 00cr Dutcis con- k, Il tillais »t.Tise old thor- rdtrailp isu iiaaad sud tisa ~, apered et- OiyI Md- o ynuetse.Mtrled and laa edifuS« t lite -nov iUft vas evea tan yesrs U4wb*t Ma"In denont t ~'<4 so' tnlnp vas O& be' AéModed a staS te Sgom a ir la tise flaIS -y. f bbo At.m004Cutowm wgy &y. lh ol km~evory rom. ýwaMdd.fAdomi O OLAR Do" «Min lasmeatlsy at R lnfereed Canete. "MmisM 1msaisfriand vite, "be'. whis ev'vboa» Ieoklug for, It cor- teinly la attractive." "Ieç't It a 'ceke,"" says Pa. Acros tise front Sa a 30foot porcis ail giased hi vitis square wIndows over ubicis arc arciscd trausema. Tisa viole tinig cm b.e pened Up for air or b. used aseanuextra ront tise yeer round Inaide tise vestibule la a ceat edosaI and lavatory. The living minm, 14 by 20 hi largo an&acomioîuoan sd tises-ela a Ilttle Illlrary or donvisicis eu b. used as an ovesfew iedroimnsdwviliatise door show» laetfsingle vldth. a dou- ble frencis deor could veli ha lnstalled sud a similar trench doos lu tise arcis- wey beiveen tise lving rootu and din- îng s'oom. Tis wèuild give a var spaclous effci, Iu tise dlulng ront la e couaervetory wlndov visicisevery feues- lover viii muets appreciata. Aa. Dnom asD Tise rofrlgerator la placed se tisai this lsMay b. pui ln fromein .oftt aide. Tiserala a a nolSrmai but con>- pate hatbem ons tise anit foot, sud tise outstandlng tecture efthtie entire bousla lsn oominemtisera boint tles edrfel bdroonsl PRu aas a Weil u ivo devuatei, sd e lile ueuig rom soff t ie petors mluka lag to a seruued i al g spercis, TWs sautas rooni, t ceuniscm ble ussO «a s deeihg romsarqoaly by tise fruau a6=4aset tisfei. 1%.5. l4the'r .. ,V 5.te à laSe . tW Ioun ls n the List that1 ua ~ r ed Nurse Who W*ohes Chikiren. $p>ttil#fld' Ii..-Quite e number ef -jo.nubijtla IMinis have, et lisat Pa }iI4IIy aoe4l tiseproblem 01eteffense OgaI.~Iqomuniable dioases. But ýtlxe large mjjoriiy et counties lu thse state are totaliy uoprepaxed. To pre- ~voUt w; te Combat disease tisa nUxut1 bie idèqlsete - uralng service. Wiserei1 tble-5 es bfen attaines tise resuits bate1 morn thqfi utlfied tieDse YtaOf pub- lie, tioa. Prmthse single ge0f a I arges' atttndance et pupis la thepui- 11< sehoala, co«unty nursesehave morel tisa» pe44 tiixay. Tise coolt of ed- ucatioi)ý pt pupil, la besesi fu thtie average, ê$ mane duritlh tise01100o ler Uis*ic, te Bny notiig of tisis vIJéfetsupon tise ChIliren ef a eommlty,' cause a teartul suUd un- uecomAlsy l.ssof trne,. Visici S c- isteet oablshcd age limitea shah attend neosM- a prescrlbed nuMisr-ot veeka dIilVng ech year., Wahave provicled (*1- classes lu home econout- te, maiai training, music. agricul- ture, and i many ther brancisabut va i,e engtas yei. Provides meens for i*otecting the heaitsofethtie ciild lu eider tisat it may realize te tise ful-, est onthtie oppertuflltieS afferded. Thse traîned nurse will eventuellY be an accepted meniber ofthtie teecis- In orsl ever)> well reguieted w ii l ttenly be tauglit by a Bdut nurse, but tise pupis,' comîng lu daliy contact vus and under scrutlfly et the nqrse, viii ha protected &gainât coin- mun1caisle and, therefere, prevautea diess Pup;ihs slioviig tise ligisi-e est symptoreeoftdisease viii bc iso-j latcd et once, thereby protectlng tise mess ot studants. fAESTATE CMP Spçek W. Rotarians in Con- v eannerna state --fôncefor mifs. Mo clu er Ssd xrea et J aWlst lihe state police as-ansd visy , a. ~ lstind.t tre la »legla s i Mot is-ns bdulhae Isan s onvlnc- weat~ vij~ ~ - uneror t'thé Illinois Cbsflluner wiOtasux rp»a*pia4*. coaanitleq te 15 puoe, I o et" d ulsa udmus-of t tis5Rotary club t lsi wibdinsjAk- leoutld lu lieekiy enunef- et- tisEWA Sleto rost qo " g W Ilt ai. w& pn e ntad -lb tat oie Yoris vbq have iaie tt ber Of yoas 23e 1h10 a- six muIse10 Cyerite troantieni - Ü. eU*ted tissalent Yser. one ltatiroght boy tiue ue 40IaUU#W dtisai liey ha *th tise Pa muci sureilifi tscv < beefflatise aet Il sud 8U sud au- Ùf& -7-thimidd> West hUa vlM haaete b. otispeer red ad= qulalifications ne&- ta fom n ltes- unteS-Is rdOd s ven utry taleeini a »tanber-. -P. j7isy as brea liUnes formne&, -Wien a&abte polnsala s"de lain v4igalon Hobes everyvisere advlae Young- pennusylvani e ho le alavryer, for ha VI prolucta and Oothr 0OMOaUct os- nera nefte otr te iset thi as-vy bhatudled'crfiUmnllAw. 1923e lRIlO cnt tiellbe4 In tise ofteu-ousy anyviereataipresant, especir ri suanexpert on ail phsaseetor is asd Cr" oggt CUffcmp, barvt tise e croIsé. ng "biUnl bagge" Ou Pi5ODing- general su ail areud ms la tak- Pol verx, smin"es and oi tblè&, sud trais, Manl gusrds have",siot anc i ngpolice datio.e..Ta sow boy rwglOti porosm Iso vnktisai lisafer ifflledoseauy suspects tisaihila lte tests vers hepao *Aest tht ef a la Znyeorlm e sud vWh"is nir tisensale. e"of e t obia7.M, e1l fritea ii taise.A.bobo viii Beidee tisas iardalilp, tisers are bust 4Ï gelout te rei nlariab-l ouiybus- eha h sdovu sud eut more sevene -eues that tax e mau' a rflatien»s, nu tai menolne aI17 eux and cWnt verk oui a muai."« endurance W tise- utinot. lu soe Madte tise force,.a Dever Dutcih said »sn totvua turougisout tise nation tise lne stated tisai polie swotid be of t thinga. Buisequent Investigation restaurants sud hoes havaes»em eat aid lu curbfig ciu l lIni fada ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~enee noa h a oretrTsanch ~-' < ~td be' isuugimen They vould prett tise MAItti stniota, fntha e vos-Sect.e ob soaklng verk that severai mon haYe and tise oulakis-is of tisagreet cits, fl Conditions on tise radre piti- ug ih extrmeaîl'dUlfofr a crIi- -lÀ fui In pctsuf thy Smtarvedrstute tisent, ve.1 94oS-esd a cth ise loy etlanoutimobsrdiUo Oê O>tS < O Tisevould probaly be seven etR di litë portonslisa n oha, u 00000000900&evots0to0000uol0ettise leigsiatura < enpotflas sutiset l, s nth a bo 0vte frstate, police. Tisaitfrei, ntdl out e liots etisi realirbobo» s o Dy A. K. WIS 0o teedits-Io qtsvid ru» a numiser a lire ,,e..aeaeoflltUesia» leT0se»plice vossid es teed lie-moved at'thâ e&OI -etu eirmntS ch d.etisn cUyés-aX4 tse Aogust 29, 1922L * fr05» tieir station, as tisey rs-c hses'P th"O UM 0 tra10 =4OnI Of i W. Sandimn te J. B. Collinsansd otates, se tisat tise would not bocome e Maihted Zar« ds attis1loca police or- vito, N part 1043Sasd 4 block '-K," ton familier vils-tisa Populace sud ul- j! dt thug- att eof tovua or reset îarti»gton, WD q425. eble te shoew fiiors thêt, k îgmu. Wm. Ousderman and vite te Ailce Tc give an Idesetfvisat tiscy big OrUlie 1,5W. Agalasl Thom stab1, lot 6 beai 2 l,.eSul blsl., lute tise staeacottrs a a as-Barti Mia sate, upcials Txas hveWuiegsn, W» $10, tqp -s. f010 et tise oeetroo lu nostisern New Ma"sttes epecifly «u hae acab oli andcimdtsu ite te J. Yerk, visera tiser MadIe $30,000 Inlu drutio e&lova eder visicis a 5mm5 ttuSiL 1 yessndsud ie, lot 2 Sochvestu stOPPlng liquor cOOsutig oves-tise bor- *Uerre fW - " oua t lvam Mt sNor*s-iide Étub., Waulisgan, wl> der front Canada anusaly. Tis apolhcel Mu r«a4 claie gangs If feund g0lty $8000. torce paya fer tsel t Iiree tines oves- of YagmWaa. Tis 9 punemnt ba" JgpesoMonsciselandsud sband Inluaeyear, hae 1Med- ma4e.m~y~,~-*t~athe . J. Truby and vite, tract ef Tise Cismba* aOuannse13 laki- peilu,'aneuurnofuAnY aills, jan on N aide Balidêre St. juat Ing a great figioe-ts ni- tb su -gStior sd gnts f et erah wtWilASo tation, w» $10.000o. to gettisa police ho bold. Tissy viii 4 Xadcg rgaj»Uu a usne his Ciepis le& Trust Ce. to Mes-y epeud 412,00 u hier poMtPai te Ï ou n agumàt evad *.ZiWl,, lot «8 blocS Il Kelog,$ thent. A.bureau tUti la'iocatad ett boost.tiai vs-ouscauses la thee tb Ut=p arbs- iise 850., Sprngfield now bas a chOcS on eVor voIpstdetaauyovsyIX': . g HL 14 udwt Ra aas tlilie- ttiegeneral aoUUObly as - ~ ~ ~ ~ J. À. Milles, lot $1 iSt Adds. te kuoho u is hcw h9,%l ý# à talai'!tiseL W-W- ,v]ise 'Waaiingto Park,, Wouksegmn, WI)quosteu. Whiutbey r 199 19 I tle t M flt sUcoeed lu e»rel- $10. able vote, ha talla, tisels- couitt or Ua Uln& bobos fer "ted cas-ia* on tisa Augul 30, lm .cluot la notfifed seolilat' isay can atiienetOf thiis argumenut alona. N. P. Dosigo Jr. Mvite to W. B. swing bis opinion. They bold tise fedora administration Topail, lot 80 Boumet AdO. Wauise- rsponIWhloa, La a4ar" meaur o fr gg,- w» D .n ï na nalnmupiormns t ireaZurioh Creemes-y Co. to Lyae BIBI.L-1 "ilere's a landof eut enr" they Zurich 115Ce., cepsmany propos-l 1 *aY. "Yen, a isumen bing muat et Luxe SuIs - 1-,~W>Lstamp $0.- wde hog ttai ta, o00 re0' ad vfs-o YraTY TFAIR Au sloy cal or trey dog l terbeveW)$947.50. oce tisaityou as-e.-.E lia ,iiee i e~ By REV. SE'Ti 14 8A1JGHIM Nov pePle ralis isai egnga J. Senbs-pand lfë e<t al. rto . al»luy VacAttej I ble sebol chul- ticn er thanso iv Or Ihff irse Buis. on Laie CatisettllteW»$600. e ietieCuiLu etot ie Me10men veuid men. if tises-o e W. W. Warluor and vite te J. X .fauhexhtairie Cidad t tis r îé 011Mi upi tsea ioes invarg orde8 Rosenberg et ai,, lot 27 WApinen'a erial ma"ta, tbo, W**aag an ly of teninis-ad'th er e c»tio Buis.on t2*5. Cathisne, Wl"6$00. Vacation Bible.0scisoel iislest 5111fr et is unon tia noPloyed pas-- W. W. Bisaset al. teCty et mers- Blce Itix,59* l1cilt te s-ecis manat reuidents voculd have lais Wauisega stp tt-lgis pat loi 30 semaeofthtis cshdin ib reeived "RsucOOf et g n oios.Tise city Scool Bec- Sali. Woukesaf,W» 9L a frai or- second "eriselaOur local MiAJRiboud b. tisanktul tiat thilre X. J. CarmaS sud vite te Ateiiu e r eualn htts aie bobos In time visait os-k 19 Demnmark andsi vIe, uet 1 blok 4exbitdre an IbmOticisi 1 fise plen-Ifu - - Grand Vev BSuison tLire CVteienty. .C. AX nome fume bWeoneMon- Out.ak Sadt for 1922 W» $PM0. suvie. day ntorniug et 9 OMO& .We venft Tise agouloifor »*2 la untevoraiie, W, B.]Mineurand l b ai m O&Uarticles t ts Woovesi a Ps-ta esipuclahifor thlie vnter. wltis se IL CnIbbs lots 1 sud 4 Elneas-'Ac**eto e blrought; in. lis-q atetia Vii niey aejaea sd MSilsmaitdow» ua SuS otiocis ,WD $100, t-ip $1. ho velu takeu of tAnd nlrote4» sud vilstisah bas-veut sera"o a Jubla 0. Vidvar te B. H. Dove0 , Its O*e . 1-àyousrnnson eoaaimUm njobse narly avo, Il Viii loU t hLotu sBuis, on Grass s. yoer article. pot'50 long bera salirai undréd -W» $1 .gt= $. ________ thousend bobosvil agahi bave t W.E.Toa"sud vite,10 Tiss. Pi-5b lnLM t «lW --v INDE- ~tthe os» s- oukti ' 01»8$lotaUnob at Sua. PNET catileonla Assoatio te Onte of Out- et te Comsli(uwla siaccute u Opea'ation. lPrep.red Si mei. afto4sae aaiDS of rtoUhurC Tise Ferudale Cov'Testng assoia- X ton in Humboldt couitty. Osilfonsa, la the lergeet cov-testlng asoeitwn hi the United States. : In tise organisa- tiai' 100 membena, owulug frein 2 to 1W0 cowa, finlised tise vork lest jear, and tise association iested 4,M60 cows, aceordlng te e report compllod liy tisa western office ofthtie dalry divialc4Ai Unied States Dépattmeù flle.Agricu- eot onlÉ la this thse Isut cou-test' lug association, but Iltel on.et tfi. I Mlent te continue lat ssccaauii ppre- tien. ut vos started 12 yearafpLM, ad nov isa asuccesaful lireede-as Ias socretaty andi manager. Tise hlstoty et-tilla association Ive ample evidence efthtie value ot cee- testlng associations lunulevclopiiig tise dalty lndustry. The report shows tisaI 4,014 .cows lnlashed tise year's verk vith an average lactation penld ef utue and eue-huit montiss and vlssun average isutterfat production etf354,0 pounda par cow. There are but Loy associaiens. dalry speclallist ftise deartment say. tissu equnl tilla aver- age production. and none tisat cau Bp- proachIs ilIn number et cowsansd ýisaIght: et prodution, Seventeait Sertis Initise associationi avernged frein 400 te 495.76 pounds ef buttarfat pet cow; 19 avereged ftem 350 te 400 pounds; 38 nveraed_<rom MO0 te 8M)0pounds; 23 averaged <romn 250 te 300 pounda, and 6 averagosi f romn 213 te 2510 poufiîs. It la Inter- eating te note tisatisae six low harda had beau on test fer tise firatime andi tisa ovuais ied net ised a chonce to eull out and bteed up thisaI stock. qrTiseisigis cowetftisa association pro- daced 72895 pouna etffat; 17 covo lu the association producad over. 600 pounda et fat; 98 ovar 800 pounds;*62M 4%W.rment O A aessAre t f t valu in DeVeloplasDasy la*aety. as- 400 Pound.. sud U41 «vn3M ruads. Thea iajorh th e ecWvala eo association are grideasd tIs rgel Production la direety treaelilu 0tise Mbidm areput*sed tb&J mve beon uaed by tise momabors cf 15< uodathe< sud te tise rainhg eofbit n tamlIm godcova feund by tUN Ti 1990, 581 cSwi la this amoaetlo aiised tiseyoar'as-rk vils sunive pg Production tof 251 Pound$ ef fat eag year, the report sahov e ieava gpo f 4»014 coe" -*,as Md4 pounda,i Morsure of tbs-e o unda et ftIpa co. Based on tisa numbor ef cou fnlsing lustyear'a vers, tuladito ace Meant a total eof88,102pou$o Lfiai, wislçb. etaiheb'Drim t TO70 ai per Pouind, tise avetvgo palO HumisoI uts- deirymnen lun192, amouts t SALT 0F GREAT IMPORTAN<C Foquipd by AIl1 Animaiss ad Vo Sisoulit De Qîvufi aasOasaaOeor 'rwo £very Day. Saian esaulred. by a&U animais. M lair cow requls-esasuounce os- me 4"s. Bshe abould ho glven ail.il 6sods, but alsouisinot b. es-ced taise mmuer t bissa 155vata.1. iti tloretore, te gitsoniy eua inalqil* M23 osbie feed, and te placees-o la beas in tise yard vhete 9 a» 1105 ifet viii. ONE AOVANTAQE OF UAIRYII AfUr - anner Hl#se 'd Ailt- HiaeuGM andso lit! Hie.Produce iHo MI1Hi lia ctoinary. eueof et iagreaf adrantages dais-iOn& oves- steer fedlugiz la e>ta a fme- isu ted nlbist = &M~ solO iMisps-ednua he BIiss u 1 j* tlnel' ltfor producing $#w pL tise sane Slnd, vbule visa» 1 atee- la solO a e noanimai os- r clii».must Je PuschsedL CMW FRESHENI4G IN FAI Lau-guetMilk Production Wlll Ca WiuanPu-icue Are H40"ea andt L-abos-Cheapat The covsa tifrasaeit h1e WM produce moes-oMilsduo«Sn Yser tissu these tisaIfrab-n l sprntg, ;and the las-geai miS pro til viii cente visa» lie lPris" nuis and butterttamatse tisa ialsu lObes tise cheapest. flhlities s$.owis Go. Says Flâts*at Wauke9an Are Icelfût Purpose. ttilty Inveators' Nowsainunliicur- eut. Issue bas great pritlse for Well- egan saa site for tise huge power lejnt, to lie evected by tise Public ti6Ice compaUY r 04et tise hmi'bor, and. lncldentsliy metIOn4s Aê li ttit 'the Company Dla"a bre&Uuhi îospi on Sept. lat for titis euorfluà 'ec-larlng tisaitishe site la one ci ti 'few availdble lefit on Laee$ Miclil ,su> thse magazine maya. 0rouOd for thse nov Wauk$gan aee- :t* gen erating station Ofthtie Public aqrIcCmpany Of Nortisernu Illinois. eotgned te be uUittey ous, Oftise lattent la tise ved, vii hacssiln oi Sept. i. Thsis novws UMid public by tise Company cointeldanti eush annunceint Of tise Letti ile Conltracta for thse firai big 20,0W kilo- watt <approxlm&tély 27,000 hero- power) tux-bo-generator and con- donnera wviîchis viicomprise the lirai unit Tisai expansion of thse genettng plant la anicliated lmmsdlterY la aec In tise building plans, vhiil provide for eeection at once of lions- lng facliltea for two nuits, tise sec- lu capacli-y. Tise ulimate expansion of thse plant la predictedet not leas tissu 250,000 kilowatts (M.5000 bsorne, pover). Ceai of thse fiat unit wiii tise building, and qxciusivp of the ground, viii be approyimaâtely $2.000, 00 . Tise ultimate invostment mai rach $22,000.000. Coïncident vustiste company's an- nouneement tisat it vould Dtoteed at once lu providînu nortiser litants weuh a greât maurce et eleetrica supply. Waukegnsnd viclnlty has taiten on near-boom, appeerauce as ai] Industriel conter. Baverai industnls bave niready ennosineitplans fte largeplintsand Industrielsites ha"~ bec n a"pped up by many aths Thse district vlth tIme Mlîcisgan a li front yard, la net oniy a natursJ gm«o Industriel center, but grovidol living conditions for vorisers unaur poaita la the. country. Plant Site ,,Xtraerdlnary. T»Iseste et tise nev Public serviel oomnpany plant la extraordiuargtu gmatuh as It la one et tise Mon i ini alp.lag locations, for great oee geukeratlag planta left on thi la tise Cisicago district. Thi la located at thse Indiuma li lino andI h la neuvrtsY tisat1 ovped jçlntly liitise Public Smr emyau snd tise CommSoaeait. 1Oopony. IDtom Wi vh e. studlstise sitationfrein&s héàr tisaeI ey tffltsauffl oea tiss Ioos tious-',00 > Nae e Nons abrs sud th en thi5sfr 0.utsabo-laso pidas te, n iaIt unavailal Spower Plant allas la viev of tila situation, It ilaio kt #OWtiait in jua Tory short Ui tbe Wdkumgeorttags tatl90wj »et euhl e tmlabM« gr poolu- et power in lnduairy lahit Ivkftal but tisat a veritablo "riv«et ofe»er wili e dlrected Chlcagoard te SI Wsy IUs insatiable appetite for aie letricity. kt .Tise -river" threuh viics th » #eatflow of -eiefetcty teO bicel g. uIUtake Ismm sixedy beau providi m liii tise Public Serlyco Compan. 3*iva±e riglp-t-ay teu be« np ebased, varyljig i vdts from S5 3 10ftet frein tise-site ofthtie go euratlng station wsentis l akeBu visere connections vii lie made vi " es'edy «eltsg Public Serviceling .ÂA Ue of steel tevers viii ma eStti course. ltedlatig freu tise plu w te nearlir large pover usom wviiir ».3,M0 volt licesand 33,090 volt Ire xaission lina. vM extend fttr = .v~, çarrylng enes'gy tg mmrs: ~ eot mgtoâ5rs,1*41, suie c tocage daman« begina te lie feit fh nexpected tn udd Unes bavlÉg k1ta as lblgisau 120,000 volts. Plant Plans laflposlng. Tise firat Section e1thtie plant liea iigisgrade, concrete, nte",a Wbrick structure et beautiful, Orci 'tural deaign, oçcupying 2%5 tes as0 test. ia location la nttise ne: ouat Corner of wm)mcgan on iâm Xne w aiv s*'tise Sets" Tis gnou a «ptuprlsb87 ncre, ln tise conte îm vbic1ila a neturai lise l>fIlieu in oonsttntly ted frein 1*5e Mici "goTsu prevides cendensing vAtsar- Itetrequiite, of an electrie plant- »Odntimu quantills. It la neta liSeus bM»eettis"aWlu, ebv2« 1 uecoUsiti etexpansive laie enu baleis aved on Wcostrtt work a'ose te pay tise con t 10 onmPei fer thsaetire açreage. .. Tiseplat site la ramarkablo, Onulieaus, of Its nnlhulted vi supply tisatviiipermait etfiUs ex lon to aiinost any aise that sale elactricity demanit, but aise becs ortliaamolbinty Wtu se " as 09 Igvery railroad radiatlng - hrm 1 Uat gage in tapped" sy tise "boit i çup vighisextands te tise coupe tbo 1property, linsuring easy déltim-i ie fuel. Thse tisird requilteof A, ý th cesaful pover plant la tisai t sIsa lactod as, neer "tise Conter. et Iod"o-tho place 0f deinand teor produc--as is possible. Wltis only tis eatuaiuisegen distnit LLsuppîy but aise tise CutICagomui elsglaeersgay ne more advautagg melocation coulit have beeu toud. Tveniy-etght carloade ofgr ,Re..ntiy Olacevèred tesocoldo A k Fowlisla Chsly and QulcICIYî (Prepaef e'tset*st4b oi 7XotinliasbugiM se mucieb ± ft0tl0fl lu gettlng rld of clC S 90 »&=di luorid, used by PoulOP* ,talts in tise United StetOS DP" ii Yduii ,e, lnctudng te7= tisiciso ergfrein Sodiu m haobtalasd LU two *M kPo lu ommercial, And are la tise dry LIste, tise &rM being dry powder *bd tise»Mlt Ciserntcally pure =meýilàla0e-Uct Tt laeflot gse easllappfled y tise du* lng metisod as tise More flnely po*w' derod commercialfori, snd furtisr- mmr, t cogts more.Tise commfI'CAl grade slboniMcoutain 0te 98 yercent sodium fluorid. This materlal la tise sodium sait Ot tise cisemical element knowiVBi ftu0rlU. sud benco la a compound very ulMWla to ordlnary table sait. whlch la4kMOIM ehemlcally au sodium cilorid. 2Inaà*- log for sodium fluorld. therefore, t l10 important that the name. "fiuorld," ba carefuliy stateil te the drugglat. BIf tise proper metisoda are fOlOwed *remarkable contrel la olitaiiiCd. Oua 1thorougis application of sodium inotte ete aul fovîs wlll dotroy completelx *ail thse lice present. Tttg aessial isowever, te sec ttiet treatment là -thorougis. and tisat avor fowl la tfeat- ;ed. Tt msy lie appied lu twe LotUs a--s a dy-du-i-an« -a a p. --l-tu juf fet om tise action of sodium fiaorld ff la comparstlvely slow; lie%-ef emg- n lned tise nut day afttr treating. or. o sveu tvo or three days jeter, a Loy r lice may lhe found, but tise Mât5t$ persiste, and attes' foulr or live dars aSU lices "sppffr. ItkMilo, ico, ail lics e erglng frem aggon the fsetbIFeq LI r bot resgui»Au11 mesit et thea r- mUteti5.i iulg ieoplaced on Orneron part% or the tiNfsted fowla. 0 spociailte have tound visatther MU lthse Vacis matbod te b.e etlroy 'e eectie againat limAnsd te baye th* ro advkt*te of csm ftrsuds- ralata. Tisématerlainlaplaeela in Soppo vassal os a table.. tise fmwl Id se balO by tise wlnp or leps in ose bau&, r, visSe vilsthse o~ieband a smIli it plnsu «ciseiical la placed smoeg «M y- peatbers nuit t. t*0e"in lOtUt tu Vay: One pindi os tIseRai, 0e0 M O tb nuck, iv . os thse b ai, os ens &I but uns elabythea vent, orne I a*te ltan. e n s luftistgbsad 6M MA, tsred os tise undeld ocuu" ho *Mg qp5lld. Maëb p"êcheau ho 4lW W gbutsd omvisat by puildfth un e et !hhe tonobing plantsor 4rn& ,aul omre te 0» aboiq ârells t contact v aeho a a=ptastc 0"pe tse 5kml hovever, Poison. O soBD tiai bout for 1 aboutit 1H benlyrlati -tisonrinai allen bai Ltes or la prefers tise wve queaty. fifglr nai attention,. of tise Po a"d tram bsody. IL brmnisla serve 10 ap Infect tins 10 l 1id ts de aà« c baw occi tien ilae Par- lis be *et ~'os *M4e ais and drie Stavyela. quippia ImmI DuastlsgWItb i w" FIhserl-en ai- feetiva y te nid Peuls-y et Une, tisunil sd *nasmong the fautiset as tise materil l re&saed. X la IÛ- vsie ul whs duting te SolO bise eblekeus evora large sbslla peu, a w lx- i uytise, aMount, f meltiw erdlenihy toMtla -ecovered. nie usateilimay b. appUod vit a shakos-, but ibis hithosi«-lies*~ vataaheu, ceompezed vith the pluis hMo.Tise matas-lilale e" huti* et ffoaes ils ouabaud vhlif tise teatisefsaneepaned vIlSlte other. AÀ second pes-son1a nesid0 t. boXO AU4 d tuh1e fovi L f a iuelsod the uMount e odiu"= lsi 1 ugud moi b. reducesi by eddig eMM hluely powdas-ad usaltai quit s a 90 dnat or gour. lewbs mioulO lie tur*s luto, tisaopen au tanI as diufd-te ps-avent peqslbla luusr front breets- lingt h e dust . Fonryou-g CisC » Uma young turksansd lndeed aIL e"ilY batoltsifoula lte dustlng iutisoÎ-l' recommendod s-aises-tisai' t -diag This apPlIas aise 1é BicS foula Tise comme» obJectIons te digopl peultry terid tisentce$ heiane s, ves-corneliy tisa spechaUsteb,7 , 2 te sodium Sues-id solut lm~ es-aite dipplng mthod l% &mg, ietc isMe Seul-ud l# uteups u~ lu tise: NqefIh A a~~r~ne Ui deY la protes-tedgoefoule vlm 4" gulcisiy. Wlndy wuessa *elUlb# voldesi t, 'w Sspons eatale visaeI tuent mW= l nef."v n'ad. os 351 ;e