k ~ LL uBEI 37. L E, L4U miso- ~T eCbfCatUn Tenper- »n wMilbc b0Id t theyMan Mide>, sept. U I neIIOThurs Cdgy MorlU »eesuicraýopens t 10:301 Nto Witnoss.&Mas Who Was (dayUitaavlng tu"a) ofd wm iogl. Peruu~-ntm1s. The aterncou 90sesli v,111 bc called at i:M .1%e0seebexIofth ateruoon Pictnd md aJsoL e a--"are 1bo. ýB B. Xdmonduitx fftor of urhQ abumed hie bore" -sud S»-., Prubati- Offi- whe *«Olped is *llcWdreu xguî Unit ltt. 10butbs vifand S) erei >'thoreUo bis father. aiter i *ucUer mcm- dist l*dieu at 5q cents a plate, follow- bors ot! e bis lsotPer 4 n * s u aedess viii b. given by ~trB"Oas a aà n W«tb a mog vl'Cliarle &Groger>', former prohibition 019455 temper=-est, W*bu cs4bt ta btro ics odmsca i b. sublected to a ctut rié Cai- r itrfmnisGodniseaa eno Ble, a truck l inonr t- Frida>' mornlng at 10:30 reports of WaitSwOit, MIpp tO. tbave, e fficers and 'superlutendents viliibo the vlcclxn e! mailelospoecuton continued Inthe afternoon Misa Julia IM«th- flI"MW*,ta Cu . .Deane, oditor bl the. Union Signal, Z&tm..y moefifg WE 1115cmule the ~officiai orgau of thse National .W. cs>lOd lfore JasifSiOulwlo the C. T. U. and Rev. Chartes A. Kette>', justice Iinedlfia*W dsssed It putuor 'ef thehostos. church, vili wh- nM-bs llOl1iib, hione sp>eak E leclon of officers will be beld OMO- at W9*00gn. asi ud -erai plday. An urgent Invitation la et- oher vitue5e *"b ad been caltait teuded te the piule tu ho preseut. to appear agaluat Peleo.failesi to________ make tbeir appearance. The .ustice.on top Of their ill mmn to appoar, bai recelvedt 110 $40MO R WARI) IN ptone commsuncations f rom a nmn- ber ci itmesses vbo hait toid 1km ftoing tibir S e at bitie>' cculd1 M PM C - mot undestand wtsy tiiey hait beeu MU I R O ZC S3 osW t, okur ewli as O. yk. 02K NO IA nothbng against Ediâ,*tisaI so far T ' R O À1U ila 15learneittha" the amre ln- lornmi vu.carriei to the staisrsAccpi M.iomr by soletlO o!tbs ies. -Boarti Of tf W Aflt omm ho Muth" be eieved t aRecommendatlon ol. State's ce g e làn± cf lilas Hlmirucls The $1,00 revard ifoeroitb>' Lase ona emepaud o mi HiMelm c eounty for 1the syrest ad cuvctisn TAOthst eblaitbo'te.s.», ':brpo EMIoI' màtoréo - ,N dtd- suw1fî1. bié ftit l14U#n*. irita voh5>50and4 )tM .4e 14e ~~~~~b 1t, ia Ja.lla~Wt5 _ JOH4N WIRTI Ser.tary Lake CounI>' Fair Ausocia. tiels, who H-oped Make Fair a Succoss. RE DESTROYS BIi 4RÀN 'BARN MFOEN ARMUVRý La rge Quantity of Grain and1 Hay Burned; Lightning Beieved Cause. On. of 1the big barns oun1the J. O«dsn Amoxur asiate veut of! Labo Forçat, tu $4bestyvlle 'townuhip, vas itetro>'bd Si>'firo ealY Ist Saisirda>', lheb ls omugmng a largo quanlt>' of gran and ha>'. The ire vas dlacovered &bout 1:81 a. m adit tla beeveMlbal lgiit- li va* the. cause. - Ï&b' bra usslocotadensi bAt l s a lb. Notiior Wbiou tfurçt I1NIY EPE'N.DENT '.s Big Weekly WUEZNWEL U er Wee4incam Cou"CobIWdU£ z ff U INOIS . URCAY. SFPTF IR.1 4, 1922. $1..50 A YM 0 Crowdfd Esi atd Wlt he crosBb2,i u haIit atias markeit the'fai pii o n sesiMon- day, seMt 4. , b.#Mannujsi Lake Ce.t tf.l çloed 52 Ljt yviiile la'! Frida>', rht a tottt iÙiovd. thaii si-i'îmateci at 25,000 b>' m*en w asi at thu gate. «l'The ÎliW02 -iay the open- lng dy LOj'm 1>' yAI Ihiat lime 12 lu eetnat,'t?*t tlw-îe wure [people on thse gtoundg, siout 500 more thm *êM 'Othere gik"s Day. prida>' the e0 a aoiii 2,000. M0n p 1fglolnB ir îýthouglit tleaIb îiiG 'ov O1 ion as lhlgh as W. 1. WOOOIN 25,00. bult tbek ver' .a nurmber oà Preeient Lake Count>' Fair Ausocia- hetpcr ticlieaS 104p'rl'P'tickets tion, the Ouidin HurN.tisseer. that vouI& 8aW5>thtie throng aI least 200 peope & d"4e, alding another 1.o000ti t e taitotal- Fair FhqintIsI Succesa. Tht heWr *l h afi..cilSILVER JUBILE suecese vpIr prued bý SeCretafl' Johin Wlislutiday. H' belleves T EC L R A F &k buIsi4,re mol. ani! OB EL B À E lu tie the! Ma y !t ho soE PTke ba..t tkere viibe a reasonable SUn 51111S PT I cosinocteit vt"25 fair tri- Qfiial ca-- paick>' ae i#"ted ihat Ibis far St. John's Luttieran Church bas boau tb.1ýs0t successf ut that W"u oisr liÈ1i-a the. county. The. OrgiiiIzed in LtbertyiIIo crcva W M aliseal the waY tbrtil, tbpW),s .'ie Oceed-25 Yoars Ago Ing>' go4 s, IP ulîrs'. stock unds feutuire tul><Wl y e av- Twenty-flve years agu a nanier of tbst$Yç~P hown aI the fairLutheran oenlxod the local St. Ila tbe b" U1~a.and tisacoi- joWas E ufnes iltherMa cuhur- oouloui.- f.i4emost part, vere i susse l ime b.ortm e dservicesl *" dn hwe beit in vartou u m butA. mbi 22 l1. = 1»'one of thie 0M s tisoft ofJoa umo% r, dom4 probahi>' eut t. loy. leuutw*s 55* asea&r a té_s22b FLAG DECORAM1NS BOUG»ft BT LIBERTYVILE CITEN The decorat ons used on Milwaukee Avenue last woekduring the fair have beeùi purcbased b>' diluons of the vil- lage, anid wIll be avallabîd for future occasions when necessary te "*dol!Up A commtttee cornposed of Ray A.- drews, J. N. Blernard and Frank Ken- nedy solIitled the amount nocessary to purchase the flage and bunting, anud the followlng contributed: 1 5.910 EAC H-Paul Ray', J. N. Bernard Docker & N'evilleo, C. 13011 & Co.. Wil- sou & Ohm, F. B. Normnan. Titus Bre. Leo, Pleper, The Independent, Liber- tyvile Battery Station. Y. Jochhbilm, Wm., Walyond, G. T. Luoe & Son, Earl H. Côrlett, Fred Croker. Chester Wtt- cor, E. T. Langworthy, Feuld's Ml!lng VCo., Dr. C. R. Gallqway. Lake Coiiht> Register. Max Rohmer. Triggu & John- son, Schaflck Hldw Co.. H. B. Eger, Ray Smith, Firat NatýOnal Bank, Dr. J. L. Taylor, Paul Mac<3nffin, A .B. Morse & Ce.. I.&ke Cont>' National Bank, Ree Motor CO..,Iàbertyflle Loin- ber Co.., W.P. Fransen, Jr., Mr. C. spring. milnois Bell fe%phone CO-, Lake Cpty Farm Bûrean, Lefell Drug Company>. 3.00 EACH-B. H. Mller, C. O. Carl- son. jim Wetinore, Le* Flagg. Lange & Nicholas. LibertYvillo DeDartmont Store. A. I-ue, M. Pester, & Son, Den- nie, Llmborry, Dr. F. EL Martin. $2-90--Cbarles Hoskina. P-00 EACH-Jobn COl&--JOiinvLef- ter, A. PL Scisanebele, C. K. Hnutten. R. Duddles, Jack Bradtord. J. Tré>- tow, Henry' Smith. Bort Wlian! Hu- bert Dowden. A. W. Lindrots. Blets Pool Hall. $1Goo--Chartes Jordan. I RÀIS ACCNT 1101131 Joseph Wozniak of1 and Compimion "m With Vla Owner of a hoboj t 1r day and burglar D.-e lug 101the Police. bli Jekyli-Mr. Hyde extet4e Wozniak. viso vas è« auto wltb Walter Senti Suporlor et., Chlcaeo battle wlth detectfves f tisa place. Worniak. 23. says Wozniak Ilotel ut E'ok ta 24. A loaded riort set of burglara' t4olwj cigarets andt a siher vlslch hait boon tolaz from tho salosin of M 2531 N. .Cicero av, the asite. - Sergta. Curran andi Shakespeare av. stat10k I mon ville tii.>voe e'a auto et Churchili ut. &W av. at i1 a. m. Tise tvM voe&boston undtoverpç roued to10mako uny i Ibe ,cos. Wosniak le not a un the 'courts. %Ho*» Judge Claire C. Bd Lake o loty chOuR oeuà te angvet a cii*kge cfI ted thë, prohubtir>'lm Lake h11el : WILvJ4 jý*bor D&Y b>'- Sla*'s b Snsitii>sdry sequa&. an a Oik" ww wm- M u &ooo4lUwý th $O* O omuo" noi ** 6X* *dUWtntou b> e *ib*m e to1bIrlrurot sise ~ ~ IM riama e a e sy kaO tho>' bdoit m p.tuar c-splaint, Afbr hegrbg uâathe iiievfosali end! no#a e tis kfSe of wbtnasme tno,esor avaisis* Felatiie luette. dlusaieet h case andinlter «nid te the Sun liat ho beilovoi tIhero va« nu foundatlcu forthse caue. Assodit vist ie thougU istarted l1isa ase" salet hum Rals nMid lie couts! net udneuanit Ilso it w va rlflaed lu tho minde Of a couple e! nelighbors vtls vbom 1e luit iad nmre trouble. Hge ainmd tuat ho bai bçen écèzgtrocS ssrietohibusiess and uw s th ie reitlo! lie unjusmti- doit publicfly 111. bas comaneta hm e haelstanuber of, is Cuetùmem'. Aecorinllinl vie-w o! tise sommai>' aton tabou by lie juotkSice tgl eay te sueo IiS 5.Mell spormity =us ben, mlui.» d lSaaoughout the .nUre procoeodina John bMaiole of Libertyvlle,,vise 'va stuma liy a ho. sud bloos! po- ;te the reoport .frm 1the Lukoe Counli Giemral hoogtat, vioreo ae labeing cdut -er.Me. condtion Satur4sl - nméeovecuâaunsi opettiland I ,w«u feared t bat lthe sWin mlht ,prove ftal.ý Maitote vas rusieit te tho hospîtal seOrsi 1d&YS-80 Miefrnhie LlbortY' ville home, aller the. infection set FmEELECrU ON CHRISIA SCIENC AT - ilGIILAN PARU FirsI Chsre o! chritScienblist, oc 'Highlandt Park, aisunces a free lec. ure ou Christian Sétence by Dr. John ,M Tutt. C. S. B., e! Kansas ClbY, Me. member of tise Board o! Loctureshil -o!f The Mother Churcis The Flni Church of Christ, Scentisl, Inuheston, Mans., on Tuesita> evening, Sept. lm2 aut elgOI o'cloek, lu tbe chisrch edtflo ou Raiel Ave. The public Io coritial: Invited te attend. ELDN KICHUNW Ue1LEUT. A "RFEMATCH IN 0111 Fusion KItchen, vho ham been attend ing a mlitai>' tr&tuiix& Ichoot, luen atCusmp PerrM 0ul,I#t vhlcisplac4 he. lu a nm s) b!~tessucompetini nie SakSteeftfIi Ri-fle - andi Piste Caih, helit tor tii auspcetso! th, War Depurtupeit. E Idon boîte lh :Tank o!rn'tetC .'.V - se - - peofvsra, sekIU 1h52 »b. Bi te JobS *vwoscits, bue 01cfReno- hisa- Simonoits la theo man vlio bold Aniersou tisaI a reUatie et hie bas! 101 imsatniend ln a car ini icb lie vas rliltlnghas t 11a mc- tor cop toiteatb. Thiasvas a fs-w ittys afler PeteruOn vue kilteit. An- dersen wviote 10 Proeecntor Smith about wbatýISinoowltaliai t 1015hlm. Tii. state's attorney' put, Dtetve James MeQueeney ou the clue, vho cause itîhe arSst o!f5&U four men lu 111e muritor car, vhicis vas itiven b>' John Bartole. BarIole anSd1the otson Iwo men vero f reedofith e murder charge but Potz vas seutene- edit bc hohangeit.- The recommendition of the. stl'Q attorney' vas approvei t>11hennitr andi the matter referrei tote ie di- clan>' commttoe. LIBERTYVIUiL WOMEN MEV1N. MdUCIIPUBLICITY, Mies Hffin BIbie.',daugiserof iMr. and MM. RePis W. BuikIe>', o f Llbertyvifle, receliroitconaliterable psilictty t the cosint>' fair Ibis r v'eeki, ber plure beug is±d In ga Cegmevapaper Tinruits>'alt y rno Bifl<5. icing bar mlkhsg s Ibrovu Oisacow owevuitb>' Sanilel ýIninlt at Hawthorne tarin, LibertY- 'pIIe. LI Miss Bslktey's fatiser la One. Of r. oý owners o! lb. Sciiank's hbs7-d et vare Comupany' aiI Lbestyrtloe. 0111 or vomen froni libotyllle vho ver. inelude ith 1e plaItme -ver. >tlooiy'Casey holding ln ber isendb an anigol food Cake; Mns. Auigus M. Loveli d»ilayMai a ptteh-vronl quilt; Mn. Liuns M. Corloît,'viii 'f a >izO 0 loàf isu,bra u nit Mr. Vole -Rous..graiblut s ai"of maLrvelIOsi NQ RABIES IN PASEUR TEST Examlnation of th heait O! a dog blonglng te George Trout, oe! Fis mont township, vhlch vras billed 0 after itliehaittelln Raymond, Poter- son, =e*4 on o! Mr. unit-Mn. Charles d. Poenron, resilng nortis o! Liberty- w vilte, faiteS teo'1W un>' alise c0 erables, !lieviuig un exinlnèatlo Ig thie Pasteur lulhtito, (3 ' g. CI The bio a s. senàt t. tltitute e b>' Dr. J. L. Taylor o!LierteI. se The boy vas billon moeràs!#Fe%- b the iog. Um. sbutute are bssat w. grua e. #tirI, ad hO biMiaf vuetotal!i 4ïàileyîo. Absot o- bobe Of iist sud4çaavers bot. Mms Esthier Thomas, 86, Who Had Peen AitIng, Was Vie. tirfi ef Excessive Heat. Mns. iither Thomas, 65 yoan 011,. vîdov of WIIlam Thomas, rouidenl ot Libenlyvilie for 42 yeans, 4105 Sept. 26111, aI her homo on Petoilon rosit. noutis o! 1h15village, foliovlngaui exbenitedit hness, iior death bel«a haslenedIt.i a ubolleveit, b>'the ox- cessive beat o! tait vook. .Mrs. Thomas wr , stb~ large famil>' unit mio! mof Cliii' dieu are realdonîs o! lis couat>. The sons unit iasigltors are: Reu- heu Thomas ef Milwaukee avoine, neurth o! Libentyvillo; Johin, reftitu near Resiben Thomas, William, viso eckeusvoelter of- Ares; Mis. Ag"e Sturn, of' Gianaita, Mmmn.; Mis%. MiUT MelvIlie. o! Fairchild, Wls.; . tse Mises Jessie and Alice Thomias, at *home. ,B Mns. Thomas came te Ibis count n42 years ugo froni Walea, unit -lia t- resd 11chr. ever since. , Toierai Saturds>' mornlng at 10 oWêlock, standiardt bfe; luntoremeut in -Libertyville cometer>'. hTIIOMPN BUS MUORE RESIDENCU; lQUITS LIBERTYVIWL in John R. Thompton, miflonairE restaurant men, has purchasei th41 estate o! E. S. Moore, president o tho Diamonsd Match Company', oi Green lia>' roai, jnet north io! Lai Frost, It bocame kuevu yosterday rThe. ceusîderatlon vas reported 8501 00. Mr. Thomp.on viti more trou hies Ldbortyville lai-m. Mr. Moov bas chaisgod bis rosidencd-to Ne' Ig York. The estabe la one of!Ii e- showv places o!f1the North Shoe. Sd Tise Tiiompson place 19 Libenti r- ville, net fan from Insulîs Isa oeeo ,e tise show places o! tbat sectionsont] ty' o! the village. The Moore place i of lias mast bouight lu liaI large estat il JUSt Souitii etthe Nerthwestern vh dudt at Laite Bluff, on tho eu ne 'sido of111e road. On. sees 12It i s.i fiue shape comlng nerth as lb set Dy off ou a 1111 mon>' roits fionsth Street. i labolt>' a ii»WW tise intenie beat'x mWu a"I0c ble, for the d45211E of- one et Ue pie.boue on elhuit.et The buot -of uar. wes gIR ntise stock. ami ever>' faillit>' POÇWUible10 ip. the. caretakers ivoer..bi08i M i the peuwilstattI ere lu reeiich the. aàeclatimn'sfinaneste The pconce vere lao efloolie. NO 9 treat tonnes vere reponisi. A tire 0 *Us Stolen from -the automoilet i@1ev. a xman's pocket vas piced Of as $Ï; andi a few emalt articles 'voee 3 tabou fromorne o!r1the tandsbut i ostaldeofe!tbese miabr theflu thero va. nothlug Ihat vosilitmar the vcrk o! tihe police. Comgiderln.g --&t tho> vers protectlng a Cil'ty st averaged a Cil>' o!5,000 Population eacii day, the record hug Sp by theib police la cousldered unusual. « t Theusanits of dollars cisangbii bandasiturlug tbe fair. It la con- sorrativel>' estimateit b>' 1110elut close toncb villi the fuir that at leasI #75,000 changoit bestsdurlug tise fair, malng a 'tal o! $15,000) a day. It vas record brealug fairt aHith21e va> tbrougli.andit 1110e att itqb. srire .ntluste» ene.iuIK ta for tise lime accorddithtie enter- prise. VAMPIRE TRUI DRISR W6IT Crashed Into Hmrs and Bug- gy of Richard Taulu and Then Beat à.Retret. The police of Wontkgan are Con- itucting a sua-cii for tiie*driver of a vampire motortruýkwlslch ciasheit ito th1e herse asu ilg of Riebird Tanin o! Libertyvillé, Sa ay ight ais ten-thirty 'oclock s n en irovo 4 a> itiiout 'eeking, to auqrtala Ii 11e mosinl of damae done. Thse accident occuret1 at l done Street re ans! Boule>' Plac - - Le Mr. Tanin wlo heu *PeOMt ho day f lu Wankogan w as z ruitahome. >n At Besle>' plar e h 4Out tot oe allow the blg m Si~ceast b. ounit 1pais hl. bot, cbang- jIng i course liBries o!flthe nu truck drOve Ji.'s Mt e intto the re herse drawu rig. k 'W The. occupai t o! thq buggy vas .e hurled vlolentlî 10 ,2. pavement viiero bie receivcd numersus brulsos. y. The. frlghtuned herse -tisaheit màd11> f ip 1the streel. At .Jackson street th lho vas stoppai! b>'Policeman John Es Iahllng vilo dashedIt btise street e agid nlsked hîs 111e lu- the attompt. W. The buggy vas daüageit ver>' badl- St ]y. Taulu told the Waukogan police Ji that 1the driver e!o ,truok sit not ite éven besitate. If a thlg ,ho ln- Ils creasei bis speod efr tise accident aud madeelbis esoap ohnm.June. 1 WIê e- Plot-r, 15v. . O~Boei~s.'s er>'Od tis à1mrch5 vhlch baupeatom,1 aOu lsr*~ a i dau.organisei d-' ed snndsy 8ciscg and!replai serie.s In bieth Ui ing.esne En- llish uertca refat«teded b>'uav-- Aàu> Lais ocety lu consatl> et vork for charitabsle Institutions, mm- I sions ansi lhe home chuics. A Yonj People's Society' boldt o gniai' 50- moutil>' meetingS, vwibiesineatiessal wrnk, and la a assueber of the. Walher IAen, an international Lothoran Y. P. basgne, Forth lie SuriJubiles. vilaIste i. observes! nat B unitaY, Sept. 17111, tho Ladies' Society' isu huit the. churcis covered it ia mev roof, lie scisool u>ema ropsireit bud repsintoit, uni th1e interler o! lie ciinrch redecoratet. Tise annivierun>' isato ho obeervoiytw' v drine services, 111e sermona o! vblcb are te ho preicies!by Ivo former Pas- tors of bise chuncli. Iu the uorng aI bai! past ton Rer. M. Saner, o!f rI- lion. Win. vilI peach ith 1e Gr>, Ivo Ibore viii b.ervin luh1e En- slse, lungoage vith sermon b>' 1ev. Votbort, o! Racine. Theo ster congre- gaoisaI ElaiHighlanid Park. Glence andi Wsnkegsn have been Invited le attend. AI noon tue ladies et lise cissrcis vîli serve hotInneheen. SIX A*RESTED FOR DRIVIN AUTOS WITHOVr LICENSES G. W. Tlbbonii, ulabe automobile lu-ý veatlgator. vas lu LdbertyrhUle isrlmgý the fair last ek. ansi on Thursita>' f 11.d information In Justice Hubbard'a court againit ITé folloving: P. Engoîn, Vole; W. P. Woltou, Waukegan; J. Spratt. Chics-go; W. Woeivsrd. Waukegau; A. Cacrei, An- bloch. ansi H. Bockmau. Wankegau. The>' are ail ciirged ithb4iving autbomobiles minus the site Ilous. for 1912. AIl thse defeuitunts are le appear bêforu Justice Hubbard for trial Ft- day morming. Tise stale la maktong a close Investigationl o! ail infractions to! th1e auto iave, ansi especlally for cars vîtheut licelise, FRANK KENNEY SOLD 7 FORD CAMS AT TME FAIR Frank Kennedy, 1the hustllng rms- agur o! thuelbertyvllo irancb e! Wil- son & Ohm, vas ou tise job aI 1the fair tlasI vsek. unit sotS seven bords, ai follovs: Wm. McEngry, coupe; Fan Kleppor, tcoupe; O. R. Molidor, truck; Vers 1O'Neil, coupeý Chili Jensen, lournu tcar; A. llochtor, leuiÎng car, ail o! Luis -ertyvilie; unit a coupe 10 P. P. 8m >mer, o! DesPtlainos. The itemansi fot boPrdls contitueg sinabateit, and Il Io thopoi thle factorise aIDetroitli tin Lcaso opDerations nt Saburita>,. as hme tbeen annoonced b>' Heur>' Word., on oc coutn t !tise 11gb prieo! cont MItumth .Md a s » a .- tiélo th5 be Umc tomber ta 1USd of tis*lving. > qtl FumM die .doVl 1210 V It"10 "a livdli m o t ink5? Tie roy IQ ! lQk Wtts45M a lu o c 'I s f f i I i [i ppaerd > ise Poae <I>Las >f he sttieti re4lngaawU5 )t an agei td*l4a f 152ot>.l 'h. aiticle veut oeusa ttK 110v-21e mesi bridegrocetouse b 1oo de, sales b>' fort>' rotes la bsruae. ror ount>' clerkb b>' Alrla Watt, a Jcâ kluii*A. oI Oue41'ete ma n.,mV deoessee" bounai9"w t10 11ç "Te'todthte, trathiWatM>MY tbwgrand jur Mes-ing hl= b>' tort>' votes, bUt tise>Y musiSIadgein clies! a gussu iien tisey pi i 1 e p4S ym o? wau decessed," Mr. Watt rema.rkod. Woodt~ioi K 'I bave vritten bise uitton cf tue M., as * v Pontace Leader unit bae Ifnie& me omit"10 hlm tiaI 115. Mark Twaten e Venvavrs-Ixe= of my sieath ilu ccus MIY IerUyexM lalhntses! k bO terated. I have InterneS hlS tbet HSiOrt 0010ISo-b&V1t b If h. vîll proituce auitýier. oeo4eg5t la ta elw V",'1 man of my age tliat 1Iviflop hlm ril'bewllitit 2)As,« on is back for the prile. cf apeck wtm 12 0AMi tu*&àaI of reit appleu, ans Ilrudo lb. 100' He craited inlute he a 1i explbseit, betore itq saýcel i>i hmlb ÂA'I! ui'>ov bride. I m The boantiful eessateofo!Richard 61 5 Hagan. censlutlng of 120 acres o!fu-. SImproveit landit aIIle corner of Tel.-'e«.,- graph rOasi andS Dearpatlt aveulie, Tii. reunest ofe 1tk vhich bas lent itorman for a grent Io htI e& many> yearu, hau juil been sou te Wm. 'e itI .g Herbert * JJohnson eo! Glence. Tiseo! lime te cma$isq Seul vas negottated, b>' B. J. Motahnb. gvea pover Sheltds.tovnsbip, vho ropnisenleit nliUtsi'otclaibt, Hagan boIrsre nsidlog lu Cbl anmd Californuia. trv The uale rosurrecîs 111e propent>'and i raW* Mr.. Johnsonut18 reo lbve re. piste Ifs vonkt 112 solS Il le CliffonitLoo11ard Copsrn- cut f tien compan>' vho Itslasait vill! b.' - 155 55401x5 glu conutincton of a manson ou Il t I Ylelmt thtimgb ho near futn9, im Ttla sestimated Ihat the propeit>' la vontb $100,000, 'Tbe sale Price vasAUO B1 TI nel ditscloeed. The ostabo adjoins th1e MolleS> FO Piarmi, J. Ogiton Anisse estate. Lasi iatnritay tu 5* conrtJ. N. Ber C DAN IS N s andi Heur>'o PU tho>'alleue hlat lýW* DEÀD ai RONOUTon J e4sen'u Studo=4 The case la set ferr111* Dan Monile0n, TO vuars niiild Idmornimt. st bis home ab Ronitoot. Suuiday, a,vlvlng bis vifo b>' Inn moutisa WAMTSTO ans! six days. lira. Morn-hon diosi Jo!>' 4. Ho vaslise latiser of Mis, PEOPIE C. J. Menter, nt Waukoga.n, and J1 3ohn, Dan, ibserii andi Maitarot, ait One 0f one valUsà 'of ondu nt.wmutis eia 8a0 lea s '. mn. standard hue, from St, Je. r"4si t 'sops'. ciirebLI4 boty7ille. Bureitd ot~ft*l lu St Pstnlck's ceineten>', F dt 1 --'l 1 ,