Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 14 Sep 1922, p. 11

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'Suzanne to Average in State ls Shiown te 1378 Whereas In Lake ~County It Runs 1.919. OTHERS FAR ABOVE US *y lntrnatlpnal Nfevu ei'vle Oprlngleld. 1ill-4n a rePrt p- pereel by the d4*ietmttcf e= call , theIi percentages et squllw Iaseàasi valuatifsa spent fer carrent eipd*5 o sch"z l eyeVcountyiltheia &Le la ibown. The porcelulages deesne t ,ï 1nninde the amnentsaffpeuain ev l~grenades a4bulWIngs Or pagmet On Lbonds or laterft eatou ode.The aver- age lu 1.78 per cent fer the aclicl Year 1920-It. Tbltry-s oqu.tlapeld a higlier percenlegeIUf.he1r val«utius bau e the a&erage for the vIiole ateansd sxty-slx par cent apent les. The percentages fer eacli county folloveL- Adama., 1.41* Alexander, 2.10, Bond. 1.47; Bonne 1.42; Brown. 1.42; Bureau. 1.49; Cahbenu. 109; Carreil. 170; as. 1.25; Chanpalgn. 1.40, Christ"e. 1.54; Clark,2.09; Clay, 1.89; CIiton, 1.13; Colas. 2.47; Cook, 1.96, C vteord. 2.11; Cumlerlanud, 1.85; DelCall. 1.71; De Wtt, 1.71, Deug las. 1.62; DuPage. 2.24; Edgar. 1.1; Etivards. 1.76; Eflngliam, 1.20; Py ette. 1.32; Ford. 1.30; Frankln2.6 F1ulton, 1.73; Galltin. 1.90; Greene ~J45 suGOrnd.1.26. S2.09; lienderson. 1.05; Henuy '15;Iroquois, 1.20; Jackson, 2.39; Jaeper,.1162; Jefferson, .29; Jersey. 16; Jo Daviesa. 1.34; Jebuson. 1.45; Kno, 2.22; Kankakee. 1.56; Kendal 1.17, Knox, 1.46; LAKE,. 1.19; LA Salle. 1.63; Lavrence. 2.05; Lee. 1.16; IÀYingstoul 1.22; Logan, 1.31; McDon- ougli. 1.32; McHeny. 1.62; McLean, 1.39; Macon. 2.00: Macoupin. 2.03; Madison,. 1.90; Marlon. 2.33; Marshall, 1.16; Wagon. 1.62. Masse. 1.91; Man- miii. 1.08; Mercer. 1.07; Monrd. 1.08; Montgomery, 1.79; Morgan, 1.21; Moultie. 1.54. Ogler. 1.30; Peorle. 1.83; Ferry. 2.69; ]iat., 1.811; Pke. 1.5; Pope, 1.61; Pu. asaki, 2.71; Putnaem, 1.96; Randolph, 1.50; Rlchland. 1.97; Rock Island 2.50; Et. Clair, 1.88; saline. 2.55; Sa& gmrnas 1.73; Schuyier. 1.37; Scott 143; Shelliy. L13; Dtark. 1.14; Stepheenson. 1.50; Tasewell. 1.80; Union. 2.16; Vermlllen, 1.63; Wabaab 172; Warren. 1.25; Washington, 1.04: Wayen. 1.64; Whit.e, 202; Whiemlde 167; WiII, 2.26; Willlamson. 2.44; Wln sebago, 1.93; and Woodford. 1.36. 'he average cot forecd pupil en rlIed In Illinois ichoolsla $1920, ae cordlng te the figures complled liy t!q department. An addtlonal ceto $8.03 for eaci pull la apent for nsv P«~ pr upQin thelb 7for e buLdng, miu et a Olnilar ns. ln?.-aue TO MISSUIT Spd'ngle&d, Ill., Sept. 12.-Clrcult la e tbLs e he omotion et ceensel fr -Gev. 5gaul -dLient. 00r. Storlalg Iusalb.hchu s uite epaint tlum be dWiomesd. l4 s-l tbat the attiey genara bas au- tbirty te lias gsncb action agausat them sa former state treasurers sud *rdersd the ttrIal 0 els uitS le procedt. 7 Juftes Joues annoonoced le veuld huer argummen odmrers anid ,=erIie4 inlu CarlioRf hera a cimiel echt tbes)uM neit unît,. o Fridi' Spt 22. ALer- ney Veiner Sdbroeder. rePreseltlng rGev. SaWl. sad lie w6old. Ie plt*d- Ings lbe latter par ft tlia veek bnjd ndlcated tholie vmM ld li Ove demurrera. Judgs Jobes heid fia- at thle attorney genemi ied lthe rglt te bilta'OUR vltiaoUt *0 -santion Or = 1rofletthe gowss'or ageinat e foertraganrer cbarged vith hail ore te prepeiiy accenut for publ 4 funde. snd second ltai lthe gsuit Ivae proper tthg Dont lrouglit l9 tthe nains et Uas maudtlr of publie Atterusys for Audrew Russell, for- nmer lstte treasutrer, ani for the goretles ot the former treaeurers. already have filet tiemurrerS siiack- lng the legal sofficiency et the I.bill. PARTITION SUIT î OVER fiaRMiE Mis. Agnel' m. lMerlin todayfIlet a partition soit lu the circuit canat agaluat Wlliam . Martin, for di- stacu ot & place of prepei'ly lu Higblleut Park. Tbls propety le a ivo tr buildingDn-o ccuple as a garage liy Frauk J. Carlson andi Stanley Ceok. The ciauplainuM eut detendaul But I4cw About the Other Gep? Surgeons have discovered tbat If a part or a Umeve ledary go tht a gap la left, thi e p raulie filel! bu s plece cf serve ishen fhem nome cuber part corfias body' sud the funtien et th sb ervs tlereby be reatou'ed. A gep er ume UthIb-eluches bu liee OgWIn leis vaY. L4~ Busanuxe LonSIsu. verbes vn suanxs cnsmp. ver. ~ ner aoa Dinello, self confeaisti layèr Of lus tvo littie daughters. Florenceanad Helen vas ln St. Margaret'a 1hoaPItal here today fallowig au attempt to endi his ovu lite. He elasbPti bis titroat f rom ear to ear vlth a raser. Sbortly befare hi atsmpt te lUI! himsif, Dm0110 ?evèaled that le murdereti bis danghters liecause lie thouglit tliey lied to hlm. 111 Tissetiboule moner". hbe sald. "took Florence te the ebicken lieuS aud questlaflet bar. 1 thonglit abe lie. 1 got mai. 1 klIli er vltb baux- mer". Helen. 13, tvo years elider th*n Florence, ecreameti. so Dinello kllled AVERTI3D NÀRROWLY Cromwell, lut S ept. 13-Wreck or Baltimuore and Olulo train No. 2, C.hi- cage beund tram New York, near biers vas unlraculonmly avertedt t- day bI able liandling of the drs- &bleti locomotive vhen a main dri- viug rot an the engins broke loose sud tors off the engîne remervoir andi drve vlisel on ane aide of the locomotive. The track v as toriinp for an eîghili of a rpille. Noeeof the coscliea left the track ant noue vers lu- jurati. An investigation was Il prog- rasa te deteranîne wietbsr an St- t epmahteebtio vihe, gtinDur4bài tempt had been matie ta vwreck t1e tran. iROWIM KITRI ýImprovemîent lu- the condtion e o Mur. 'W'rimu G. Hg'dltig. vIfe Of thue pregideut hbu been sSobase te terecast lier cordplete rowysri tr the. dMsse that carrled ber lmest te Gzatb'sdoo'r, ber piiysielau mail!. 'The Principal tsar entertainati hi the totrs IodaY was that un-~ foreeeen comPlicatiOns mlglit arise to retain lier teadi laProvement. SWISU EXECT OREUIC KINO. Lucerne, 8 it.s ept. 13-lt Ila e- ported fhem Athens tbat ing Cen- stentine Of GreeeC5. viii SOOfcin here During the paedodfethi e el Constaninle llved ln Siseall SvIesa ailereuts eorformer premier VeniselosIliving lni Great Brl&Il aui continental iluroPe are openhi de' ring durmes the t@UlilSsp t SiPo0uI1ill5 2'5815 bo<ho mMThen le tbre thebodlies âes i RO A LW i aan Vf Boues Dmnt <boyahkrs 'u b lir).ber zerinr lafhxeM1à il! the Missanri River. Washington, Sept. 1.-MalidiOus b e er v A t t n o " a r o w . 'te s ru cio n o f a se c tio n oft rt a ck b y H rd t oE tL c a p e M o s q k ti O e S BONUS BILL. lB Up meane of a bîgli explosive caussd the 80nmou ar colfl 11 Waablugtn. S"çi.13.-The "* dermilmeit ot a passenge!' train on Sa n omateos areSouth tees l Fue er I NoweP Pý( ever Leel. Vlctirns. tler benne in he terni gr theie nternational rallwaY DusaICEl- tmonthwetlced ib Sauthta 81« Duoresodn fler I te ame- Tbe elt-fambhioiied MMsnwliesought upn bflhi enate anid house c on- do. Nov York, on Aaugust 17, re- htlewrchdnabtu5s5e cas apnete may teto as neyrlb.& gsnm nkwltb l dl nov las terriau. as laid liefere the bouge sulting lu the luary af 21 Passen- wIth ihelr bodies covered vith %sud collpé ec t e bas ute iseenfiewhl cealigl r glte vy sudCmeans cosluni t e gers. acconding ta an ffcal report 1r.e or four loches deep, hoehast incometa o llce bas otehiIappres wiley viu be livsw& n e c'te uan by the Interstate commerce commis-onliy beiuug left out, vbicb llieY Covet Mme sud address.-PuOch LendM n. h gazoline. bl P si b ee l ien tioday. w a it tntkra.f muw ILLINOIS STATE SPR1NGFEDILLINO r AUI nPCA ATTRACTIONS DAY AND NIGHT REDCE) ATS ONaLLiu AD~- SULT YOUR TICKET AGENT. AEUO RAE. W IGDY ST SEPT. 16 and SATO, SEPT" 23, AUOLV IGY spee&SAm 2:1 Fae-........-.-- Mgonday, September 18 i mlle Ronnling .......... $200 % mile Iunulng .--.....- 200 à =ile Rnnlng ....... - ' 200 u il Unin .....-.. - 200 Tuesday, Beptember 19 2:14 Trot (Stake> ------ $1,500 2:20 zymeldTrot (Stake) 800 2:05 Face <Stuka> ... .... 1.500 2: 16 Face (Stake) ........$1,6"0 2:09 Pace (The Ili. Stake) 3.000 2:05 Trot................. 1.500 2 year old Trot (Stake) - 400 7-e -ii Rnin 200 2:12 Face- ....... ......$ 0 2 .1 7 Trot... 1,000 2 :09 Trot (The Gev. Stake) 3.000 2:20 3 year old Pacb<Stake) 800 1 and 1-16 Mle Runnlug .. 300 2:12 Trot ..-.----1004 FREZ P ace jwj%ý 1-500 1 milseÉun3ls.~.~- # % mue -n-- . ......-. -- ÀmeMuuu 0 78ml unig....... 1% mile Rianning (Derby) - 300 %mlRubs zu i-m,. This Ie The Supreme Dres Event 0f [ne Season If yu snt h sue o Cloheaant wha ovman doesn't-herG'5 the biggest opportUnitY WaukegMu lias seen lu a long, long lIme. We've been selling aPParel Onfyuwn osv nCohe-n hta edoser margin tItan ever liefore. We ve G been dolng our liesttho keep rohail Pirices dvuad fl'r gl by Nw e o toih e r uandgîe o e U1 S Egreatest values tiatnt eau i fered anyvhere.Wergldwcndoo cifryoanhoe0Ul A Gigantic New Yorli PurchaSe In A Sensational Sale! FALL in Rlchest Sîliàsand Wëolenïs At About. Wholesale Prices No need telling you the Meails of this purchase. It was a windf ail for us and it ie a windf al for you. An overwhelming array of Fail Frocks in the snappiest exclusive modes for tIase discriminating women who appreciate the dietinctivenese of being firet with the New Fashions The Styles- Display every glorious new mode for the Autumn seauon, expressing the graceful Unes of the new silhouette in various smart ways but mostly in fascinatiflg draperies The Materials Include AÂref Satin Crepes, Canton (repes, Crepe Faite, Georgettes, Crepe Re- INavy* nee, Satin Faced, Canton, Crepe Loraine, -Charmeuse, Poiret IBro'wnl Ige.TWiJls,and Tricotines. These four great groupe: I l k M5 Dresses I 35o Dremes tey AL Ali E M I 1000' DRESS.ES -at-s "j' 1< Valueo$4Values to $50 ý & Woouffl Imm%% W-«% I& a M'em 1 i»M M 250 Dresses -9- vaine# -»,$u - 1

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