Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 14 Sep 1922, p. 5

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14, 1fl.' ad be 10 b. Can Build Now IEAPER mYou Will This Fal E>on't. W-ait' "àa shape to talc. car. of Syou ir Plan Serivce BAiYou Desire,. WHI Soon BeHee GJet v. We Seli Stave and Tile. Libertyville Lumber Co. Dc*ORS --. . ~ .ttiatIIiIIIiIImuniIIi You Ec 1 * Thau~ Olu YomsNow. VROMAM Local aM Per4nalj - ...'.,. ~ <$he~I~s f EpecW lIiterest to PI~V8 eople UmissManie Andrews vas a Wauka-l Mn vistor i4«14y. Les ADSE«Athens. Wln., ta vIsiting lis Waents, Mr. andi Mre. Dlos Amas. Don't forget osu candy booth at the l. B. Baa on Tliu.nsdY, Sept. 21. lias Pbora Churehl o! chicego vis ed aven the w-ak end l Ubertyville. Carl iCnlgge of Chicago spant Satur- la aIt tse home ef lits brother, Cland Kngge. fryoudw fui" kStimOU *0 .fyImmb.e grthi of eàm imd by rat**. It LT 7fRJFT WW ateeryue u mw e, Vwhdho prml, tié- «oru1deiy*e ifwoethe dm ftl WW amdUabfrqd ti»hthbk It Wi W. j a umme p ur y viit, wheâier it b. foi 6.ppu.of-ýdhpoiting a lauge um or a Lake County Natial B"n - LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS We cdj for your f amily laundry-dreess waists. blosesl middics, shirts. undewear, lingezi, stockimgs, rampera. knickers, towcls, chilrens things. table and bcd inns-c-very- thmng that nee" washing. 2werelieve you of the annoyance and expense of 1ing a laundreasaboutthe bohuse --save You al the fusa and steain and bother of wash day. 3 We do al of your washing, with frcaIb, rainsof t water " and ild white soa of testedr tY; we risse, bluc *~rch and dry your clofthes. A Ilen we iran your flat work. without friction or wcar, Suponi our improved flat work ironer, and wce "IRQW' 7.rr wearing apparel on our woderfu! stcamheated presses, with thc sane pri Ce and exacting care your favorite laundress would mie. WVe returu your hidi. coipete- BeautifmflywasW ed dirned- Everythumg ready to use or wear. Tryt-ihis licter way of washng-the cost is 18 cents per poumd. (shirts extra1. Eveny week, you ar assured a aanitary service whose high stand-. ard neyer varies. Phione today-we'fl seuil a reresentative promptly. The Roliable Laundry LAUNERERS DRY CLEANER AND DYERS Hi 1 mlPark anduLibertyvilie Phone Hgéiani!Park !!7-Llbertyvile 67-R ,.iisseU Byers rdturned lundayf a tvo veeks' viiit wth lii PtOnait )DIxon, flb lira. J. B. MacOiffn left T»Meid fôr 0gle county, Wts.. for a voit wth relatives. AiU home matie. TuIs talnte WOdneî- day booth, a"sd lera you wll find no- tions as veil. It Mfr. andi Mie.Goffl H.Cooper andi Utile grsndl.augbter spent Tuesday aft- erppon lu Wakeian Mms. Tony Mors andi dsnglâter, Miss Helen. andi Mise Ester Speilm4a vere Waukegan vistors Tueday. -Be sure to visit the. Thursday booth of fancy wok of ail kln4s t the M. ZE. Bazaar Tbrsday, Sept. 21. Friday's btioth is le-ire you look for your dust caVs. aprons, brotima. duet pans. etc;, at the M. E. Ba-agr. it James Chrlety and Howard .Oleson. of Minnleapolis. Mlnn.. are spendina tuas weak at the Charles Kaiser home. Barker's Superflne 2lavors. non. alcohollc, give baklng the real taste titat satisties. At il grotery stores. Mrs. Atha Kintier andi chiltiren, of Tamplco, Mexico, are haie vlslting Mra. A Inier', parente, Mr. anti lrs. Charlea We better & CtO creaz Mr. Mr. a] speni on W ,Mi an ha, hie. 'i aniS. ra.Julia Price andi daughter, Miss i. sent sevaral days lust tweak Sa camping party at Delevan Lake. Doain. >pleaaing drinks. you can linti no er stopplng plac~e thanl the C. Gotl o. confectlonery Store. Quaity m our specialty. 37-lt r. anti Mn. B. J. OtlaughUin andi and Mim Roger KlIby of Evanston, kThureday at the Byllalzor*bôme Wright Court s. .& Biseli and Mi"s Ratel Cool> ava returne t tetheir homne ln Seat- Waali.. miter a vlafl here vitIfthelr tMrs. Sarahi Mamon. Tuusdy'a boih ah lisM. M. Biamar Sept. 21 le whéia, your irening buards, boîtiers. tovele'ati othar titinga te iitebd w-Mb are founti. . l H. H. Pike, of Litahlieiti. lich.. anti lira. ichardison. of MarsalalIltovl, lova, visiteti Mn. anti-lira. Chare Trenner over the week end. Want to talte a trip t0 the lake regioti' Cali Snow, phone l306. ,. 0ev high al)eed'bs tJa lonr ser-vie. Taxi- cab enali apRwuered day or night. 9tf Tht-ne tu a sensu- oi comfont ln the - nuwlcdgc of car dcpendahiiity. The' iupmohllcansera qulckiY te the riightesi iurnnof the vheel. 1h le Of nuggcd construction. despite le beau- ty. Rer- Motet Co. il Mn. and Mnl. S. D. Zook have retur- eti home toni athrcu months- trip throFugh the waat. Thair tiaughler, Mine Maubolyn. Who bas heen ln Cali- foruta the Past year. accompanie t hem home. E E = = E i = i i U8 Mr. antilis.Mm @% MisMarguerite Boahener. 4ert. âobier and chu- dren, o! W&uOariiàs tted relatives ln Libertyvlle lrfdiveing. Mines Bsie I4orrls iderwent an op- aration for asaeOtl* at the Lake Connty Genes -htl .* Tuesday. Her condition ta "4»~4 " atisfactory. lins. Victor XeinUV of Lake Hopat- cong, N. j., arrivod Sahurday 10 visit Mr. and " liJi. IoCID Lusk. liba Kaiser vagmimm AMBulda Br'ome, a former lberty'lMis gi. All sa, S" bI6 pi& blueing, starçh w-as aprosis anti alop00neetion lMoi* day viii ha foeonothe booth retira- aenting that dayst -theM. E. Bamear Thursday, Sept . Il lir. 1ar l . !Wcosnat lira M&rnes fiifl 0 Wisnnsiand-h w-a ca#ll keti 3btinn etoftheirh meothrdira, -miss. t» omas.hav teirS tura tie& b oa. Mtilar-Iat OU, swccthcart of yonns--apprectatu Msaexpression of w-tilfowers. Tbey brlng hock te dayX O! golden drama. w-len ail w-as 7 Libertyville 11mw-ar & Vegoisble d 37-lt Mn. andtMl. el f Phiiadelphla, Pa, who w-re cal ere on account o ftha deatb et lira,. Kiehi's fathar, Robent Liii., ra pendng several days wibli her mnother, lirs. Maria LUI. 1The dance*s St Ray BEres.pavillon at Disaonti Laise hava heen attracting large crovtis ail summnen. Next Satut'- tiay's prize dance w-lU be the best yel. No needti l baise next Thursday. but viait lte Satuna>booth at thce M. E. Bazànr Thurada>', Sept. 21. Ail homne- matie caisa, pies, donghnuis. cookies, etc., ln abondamle. i Miss Elisabetis Nagel aud Charlîpa Cavan w-are mAffied Saturday mornlng. Sept. fthia.n Chidago. They returnati te Llhertyvoe g aturday evcning 10 visit tlte bvlde9$parts. Mnanti lre. Arna Nagel, of Park Ave., anti ieft the sae eventng on thair honcymnoon. -William IL. Stoneiey icît Wetinesday Inornbng for NeW Tank, vhare ha w-il1 Wiat bis onwh»asrecently locatati the tisantrôpolis..Ocetoher 23rd Mn. Stoneley cpects tas sal for an extenti edtM ap tjorough the northern part oi Balit,0bjW& anti Wales. Chlrracmtlc 4amotsnrates its efft ctancy as a drngleas haalth agent That le w-ly s4jubtine»Usbanefit you y: n rail '1treai3nnt mnetboda" have faied. Dr. J. H. Heslin. <(»Mopnactor. 37-1t, thse kntWah basehail tmlatSo!dy A gaiew wM seiedffl for-that date wtt ltho faài Lubertyville taam. but rein preventeti the'conteat. aLnd a sure defeat for oui neighliors neaa he Wis con!31n boundary. Mir. and Mrs. L.ester B. Coiby and chiltiren of Chicago spent Sgnday wlth tMr. anti lra. Byron Coll>Y and the J. p. May famlly. lire. Colby anti the tw-o chiltiren will cave Sept. 30 for Houston. Texas, b spend tie vinter w-t hber parents., Pr. anti lre. O. . Gambittli a tnd rreaivs Chbiropîractie îfet-rsnrates ils ecli r lency air adruel.iîaltli agent. Tha- ie why adjusitauint benefit yhu whi-n aIl 'trcatnetlt ni-.tloula" bave faiiç-d. Dr. J. H. Heslin. Chiropractor. , :17- )IMiBsStelia L.aîî4worthy and Nîrrur Prancia Vananîu(it rGrayslake. ici t Sunday for )eK alb. where they wil resume their sIrr- at the DeX-alb Normal tichoon Boys' Shoes The kmnd that wear aid give satisf ",,OU. W. have a great mm tm e tSOl bwm #our Boys' 5kou: ex- dusivelvut If von are tm re Of â ktv a Pair Md iii 'e b. convinued that thev are the eet ;;àd d,..est, qualtv cou- sidereil, that mouev Win bau. RAY'N. SMITHl 526 M«RT1IM WAUKEE AVE. LIBERTT VILL QUICK'REPAIRSERVfICE Priompt Roadi Work Ford Magnets Re-Charged oas.M. BrilPHONE lez eMbt Tnesday la Chicago.' Mis. Marvyvlc Pataneozi anti Mr. Ha r- ry Taylor sment !?ontin aCi.cago. - The Misses Mauda anti Graca Butter- 11ltd have resumeti their duties at the Mr. andi lrs. F. P. Dymonti va1rlte guensaof <qLns Mortil at Blue Islandi over the w-aek andi. Sheldon Sahool Offices in Chicagti aft, an spending a monthse vacation at their home la Liberty-ville. For pleasing drinks. you can flid n better stopping place than tbe C. Gotti & Co. coafectionery Store. Quallty crem oui spectalty. 37-lt Mr. andi Mr;. Fred ('hapman of Wu kagan, vIsited ti athe horne of Iha bat- tee's iother, lirs. ROse Aikofer. last Hlave a dateu shatre. Ail men hate ares, but few have the gif t of penetra- tion. A man o fthe voriti muet sean, to that lie vlsieflta be. Pom your ap- pearance saka, visit Bradjotd'e Barber Sbop. 27.11 The Woiunne Mislonary socitity .1 the M. Ir, clirch viii hoidth le reguiar meettnk Tiauos<lay atternoon ah the home of lins Francis Tripp. A gooti attandanc1 la desirati lir. Augusta Loveil anti dauglitan, Mina Florence, Ilaft lait Sunday for Mennmnne. Wls. Flore*a w-ii atttenad the gchool o! Domeetlc Art ln thq~WWa cousin city thia v-Inter. Mrs. Lovll w-IIl -e'it relatives there for a few tisys. Thnowlaa e Cr epofndabrin.the Hupolleg oarwers qully. Tehe aligble tunsowterswhcl. to theo ru.geto truofth. espte It bau-f ty. Ree Motor C'o. 37 it The Ladies 'Aid ni the M. E. church wil holti their bazaar Thursday afler- timon andi evening. Set. 21. A gond dlsplay o feverything needati In a home. The diuferent boothe vill rep- Irasent the tisys of the. week, as Mon- day, wasb day: Tuesday, ironlng etc. WedneBday, candy and notions; Thura- Idey. fancy goods; Fritay, sewlng. anti Saturday. bakint,. LINCOLN LUSKý AUCTION EER 1 have bien in thia business for more than 20 years, and gve sast- isfaction. - PHONE 338-J LIBERTYVILLE Thne Value of Prestige This bank hae always realized that pres- tige could not be bough±.4 non procured ex- cept by honorable servÇice. heprestige wc cnjoy today, arisft aur good reputation, and is a hmDs asset to those maintairiing checking ac- counts here. Where Do You- Bank? Cha. DProcb,'ô, Iniurance of al kînds Phione 154-M LJI? s No.W' Youiluberandbuîldîng mat% requiremènts can be filliedher your financial advantage. In other words, we will save you m 9n theseprices. affords will b. yo4Vs if yo' tr4e wl - I., _____ TABLE Very Good Quality and Widll Very Gooe Quaity and Widtl Pure Lmnen Table Damel Colored Pure Linen Muslin Nainsook Lo Plw Tubin, 42 inu., Pill ow Cases, Extra Yh Sheets, Spreads and Blankqts 1 DAM) th,- per yard~ bs pet yard rYa4 - s - $&009 $10-00 and ýd 50 inches. W. W. GARROLL & SONS' COMPA Plione:19 Lihstyvil lM ,iI.ý .5 tadidiwU moî ad avo»T.bMWlthe CUoL 1 1, 'q ti k tg s eti tg

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