Ria I3ILDS Thrillng Sport Had in the Great Saoramento VaHey. EXPERT CALLERS' WORK B>' Joseph a. Ruclaed. For a mouli ve bil beOU drearn. Ing ef gease ans! fusil>' lie day ar- rIvas! vie aur dresa was te Cone troc. Our buutin.g part>' emsated o! four caugetalhen, aul et wiosit s-te splendid wlngcabtt Las! &perte- men af sterling esiUes. Aller a ver>' plagmasî automobIe rida tiiroughth* fertle salle>' a! tise Bg=elgto vsarrises! ai aur degtlaalia about nigiail, snd ver. mmtathle botltb>' aur guides, vbom 1tsnI! ltraduce as lmait ans! wililm, bath men beîug expert * goos a o-lera. Tie eventng la cItai aud a modes' ste aorth vins! la blawing adas w. walk about the. main etreets <s! tie tovn, for l la ear!y, ve cai boear geai. flylug oveniiesilte anS tram ti! Iaedlug graundls. Their calîs ta one sahisher as tise>'pans oser our beauls la mualc te aur esnae Wa are, of course, elateil te bess liaI the gesse are on bans! in count- les. numsbers ans! our imaginations are tralueil vlitb lie thaugisor at u iut o!the, mrrav, b ee vns! aur va>' 10 the Iolai asd turu lu ear!y, but net belone lie proprietorhads ev ara! reminders ta cail!us at 4:30 a. m. wthout lait. Il seamas! ta me Ibat 1 bat! bard!>' elaaeil my eyea, vien a igorous ' WViouding on tise deor waa heard, foi- loved b>' the.command, Get up, gen- tlemen, breakfast ress>la lu fiteen minutes." Our guidas vers waltiug for us a, lie breakfast table ans! asmonlubeil os ta get au esrly tart tb hie hunt- lng grounde, for gevera! miles mouat firet ba coSuelb>' autmobile anS ltena long walk seronsathe. p!augbed rloe fields ta lie spot vicre tb. geese bas! ted lise day belore. Da>ilghround un veli on aur wmy across the ica fields ans! viaI a daY l seul A brlak norti vins!vats blowiug and the as>' perfect!>'des-r. Off tetahie veuthie anow-capped laps of tle Sleli p rkled luilsh saoraing iuriight asud iltihutdocks of gees e ared lu liatr long V abapes on tisa' horizon. Nearer ail nearer 1h.>' came s-a we plonge on and ou througii tie nuaiy rce checkas as! glubble, tIngling vith excilemçat anS bal! frosen vtihohecols. We gag Our Firit Biant. Ou. of lie guides obeerved as Boul et brint dy>ing tovard us, ver>' 10w and bomewhat acattereil, and vu crouch close latiste ground, motion- las s aiS vîleyez fixes! upasathie geese. The guide catis Ab-unk! aund thse gese anaver sud goon lie>' pais direccly>'over us. Tii.>'look hîgi anS ve are asses!, "Ca ouya $reacis tiem?"'whereupon ve ase and firadi sto the dock as! one large brant crumples, lases ail iold andi witi u etk dangling dovuvard, c rashes ta lhe grouni. lHe la heu- ds'rhy pcked up sad consigueil ta tise muner pockets of s huntlng coal andsi agalu w. hurry on, inal>' arrivng atel b.sboatiug grotinds. Our guides, lise atterncon belon., is-silocaleS tuis spoh as being lu lie lina aI liglt la tiie leasing gr-ounds. W, imumedîs-tal>'colleet irusis ansi ulake oui blinda ai!luna nov. Is-kin.g great tare ta caver tbam danse!>' vith brusi anS le mais. tbem as- ushural as possible. Use Newepsper Dcoye. MesnwiIle aur guidas are setting newapaper decoya dstant about 7Q yards tn front o! lie blaS sand di- rect!y lu te li !of a! dgil. Comman * nevapaptr la used ansu preasi along- ida cldsao! dIrn l alcia manuer tiat tise geesa, vian answerlug thie calîsaIf ie guides. are Immediatal>' nîtraclad b>'thie paper dacoya. However. the guidas depend en-, tiraI>' open thair abîlit>' la cal! thei geese viîhiiu aootiag distance. 1 Aller a faw minutes al la read>' anS we bIde ourslves lu the blinde Ionthie geese are nov passing oser a urhbasalnuanlensa nmbera Our guidascall, fireI on. and lieu k~the other uttera lhe cal! Aii-Untl ,'~\Ai-unis! anS tha geasea asawer lu retu'ru. We marval aithle-va>' lie lead-dtulons lhe dock lu aur dîrec-ý tion. Tien tii.> close thelr vîngis AnS enautloual> saili tovurdthie de- coys. But lia>' are frigilaneil sud keep on anud &fter a ew moments we discovar ra are about 600 yards t-j lie lefI ouI of lie lia, of light. Oui guides proceesi ho nov set out eoma moe nevapapar decayis bnck ofthte iiinî about 200 yardsansd ln lina vi itte e Scos'nlufront sud l seemad thlIt hea Une o! dlghh vas almoait Immediately 'cianges! lu our laven. A cal! tramt Ernest tutresss- large dock of gra>' geese our wa>' sud 'u lie>'corne., tw caullousl>' lie>'il>', ratlng eaIhe lie slgsti'-la=,m.unt the. leader dîscovens thei licoys sud bringa tie dock tovard the blind. Tii.>'psas direct!>' ever unansd ao- the guides' igus!. "At 'eus!" va is and pIck aur 'hîrds. At lthefanal shah a gray' goosa closes bis 'sings masd p!ungas dovuVard, !sudlug nr lts blinS. Tbe geese tarIta clîmb bul tie>' are lu cas>' range, anS rive more fai!t Coh, graund. -' We enja>' aursatsss ta thse ulmas' aud let me adds!tiat se hegit of geese ans-werlug lie calla of tie Aildeasome ior ate, tbeïn outkalsaI ---- deco>'ng whien suspvicions are aros-e Ou uî*~Y"eo, e, flg0" muer, thoal>' us oetotrmlsed ouZI eyes end «" b« 4 «rpear1us. ah b4,àtavint been tllirq) before but et p resUtli te «eIls eIt th hiddun geese bolow thens snd éthé>' coammence ta waver over tbe'deeyi. >Pe-o*tdee use tii ees MUi and lmmedlately they turu toward our blInd. Thluklng that they poss- b!>' mislit veer clé we are to16 ta shoot, but the, bîrda are higb ana nofl corne down. On they fly a buadred yards or ao and w. are dia- appolnted but auddenly on.ftsl, theu a asecond goose auccumbo, a l1111e fartiier ou th. third aets bis 'elugaand- aaUS te the, ground ana final!>' the.fouifli bItd makesa a mad drop te the. grouud. The>' were bit bard when passing ovEr ua but, as- the. guides explalned, the birda nere COMIiug ta us Sud bard tae1111. hence the distance travelled before they fell. W. caretully made fnote wbere theY tll!no aauflot ta loge them. Guides Nbw Cali Swant. A dock of ulue white Swan ap- peared lu the. Southi snd our guides tell tel us lie>' wifl oeilthem aver but flot to shoot, as tise> are pro- tocted. Cali for cal!, the sawans Su- swer aud a tbo.pure-white blrds paon over us w. e au but look et tbem In ail thelr beauty anud admire their beautiful plumage. Trul>' tbey are a wanderful aigbt. A lou. boulier la alghtad and tbe guides commence ta work on hlm, but h. la exceedingy wary. Three or tour tImea ho clrclgd the. blinda. anawerlng the, cals wth mach anxlety. PFimll!>'ou the lait cIrcle ab ho veered away toward the euit,1 coud stand IL n» longer and tu-o loada e t btfrai. my gun aerved ta iilng.Up 1dm. BDreadlng ils winga. ho salled tseward the, grouud, a buit mlle it aeeined, and faally careeued ,oer and oser lu bis--ma&-,fa!]. i muade a caretu! note of ubere h. bail fallen and wlth a auppl>' ot abelis, atarted aller hlm. Waklag tiroigh' a ploweil rice.field ln bard work but the. excitement ci capturIng my boukier made tibis effortadem sea"y. Wheu about 80 yards away, thse goase aaw me and started ta run seroas the field, taldlg hmiel ilu filght b>' hia remaliug good seing. ao 1 qulckly« dropped ta the. grouud withaut shoot- lug until h. fiulahed bia ruu. Net eelug me, the, bird p!ayed posauns hidlng belslnd a amnaIt patch of tub- b!., whch enab!ad me te oreep *long uuuotlced and later viien iie ralsect bis boad sad drew hia body ta flli length 1 Vas In range and a abat euded hia zoos. des. A beauty ble WUs. wegblug eight pouada. and Qulle a Joadlta carry back ta the blinil. Sight Goesa* Far Away. Away te thaeasat, just below thse sua, 1ecauld se thousansudofagesei headeil aur wîy, liying agaluat the cold, stroag nurlh wind uow blowlug. Monasht l inlularge docks, anc above lieeciller. Paering over thse top of tie .blind I aaw tiiey were gray' gesse and brant, wîti a 5001< or two of scow geese miuglad in. "Tiare they came!" "Wbere?" asked the. boys. 'luit under lhe sun, dlyiug 10w," 1 repieil. »"Rîght you are," ubauteil Ernest, tb. guide. "Boyp, keep dowu 1h55 lime," sud ve sud. lu a ev moments Ibe>' ver.- upen un,.countlesbanda of aeeia, lu fro01, lu back, oser us sud nome at- tempting le aligbt ameug th. de- andl soon a flack wheeled about, set their wlngs and sail for lie decoys. The> cerne on rapidl>', calimg Ah- unkt! sud Iwisting their necka, look- lng for unseen danger. At the commnm-d, 'Punch 'arn!" tram Williamn, lbe guide, re lIred itot the flock, each man plcklug bis bird and the crash of abat rattliug against tbeir teatiiers '«as plain!>' beard. Faur gnose crumples sud i, the, grouud near lie decoys. oe saUslu oite lough sud lwa ring- lipped geese drapped into lie rice checks. We went out sud gathered Up the dead burds sud cripples sud placea them alagalde tha blinda, breas bown, andi carefully covered them Vil h dry grass le prevent them tramn bcbg seen., Bag a Couple of Speckle-raat. Two speole-ajreasted gease came aur way about 40 yards bigis sd apparent!>' tise>' ad beard tbe receuît canonnade for lb,>' made up. theur 'minda net ho deca>'. Calliug tlsem proyad ta no aval! se ve look a loug siot sud we were lucky ta bave them bth atit a n ouhefirat îwo abats. W. are etartled b>'te lietmillar Ah-unir! at gease soenviere lu the vicluit>', their cal belng hearS very plain!>'. Quickly we drop ta aur knusansd Emret piscoyers seven geese drop- piug into the decoys unberaldEd. Tbey baSl separs-tes! tram a hlock paaiug oser and returneil te deca>' sud. beiug in a lien. iti lie sun, we could nuot ses- tber. Silence >re- valleil sud gnose taîk fdl!ed lie air. The>' craneil their uecks lu aur dIrec- tion and carefull>' clrcled th. blus]. Once, llce, -lie>' made lie circuit sud lien, scetiug danger, climbusi bilb Out o! gun range anS ms-de off lu Ds-nUlt ot other gesse beasied tayard nov i.edipggratins!. 01i cours, w, are distippolnlted at fnot sttlag a shOt t ne fine a dlock of 1geesle, 0o turnes! oui, attention te l ing sacTera! tora places lua0Our bllud. '411 morulug long ths e em Came and sonme fiocka loft thelr tell et tdes-l brds. other docks proveil ton fwi!y tor pur guldeg te caiL].au0 ts lu Inte atteranon 8valot oU u lna L nd plokes! up lie remsaigdeail 1geose scattered *oser aur seephi tgrounds. dlvided tbe bida sud places )thora lu Our iilating strpe..1begasve Ma lot oailiard vaUog brosth the esaf t recfields ve iollowed thesilouglu 3ta the, ms-lu ilgiva>'wbere Our Lité- mobile ras parkaS. lRermouri amue à bld us goodbya sund we are profus i wlth tiauka ford<beir exooSI Wol i Soon aflervard v. ara lsoâwbvarà à bounuS vtis a lmit 0f olght <gnese ascii sud on rouitdig a tou.g'ja lt b. roas! ve coulil aS. tii. u,= W beind the lotI>' Sierras abil > eut 9 caught the. tain t cackle cif braut and rt lite -launîar Ai-unkl! of le -gray it gow « auhhir way ta iep e eatS kTQ reé- snd nevi>'plantmê grei ~I3RETTOLD BY Po liceman" Parry Discovers Hdw to Make Pair of Shoes Weair Ferever. IS RIDICIJLOUSLY SIMPLE lustead oft trowlug your nid ana ffllsardeil 8h10a et the cat, or dump- ]29 them lu the. ab cau, SuaI iieed a word or Ira af sound s-dvlce, PolIcemnan. Isaac Parry, a City'Cfý ZIon caP, bas luvented a prepa. ration for ishvlng aoles, Il>'untlç a formula accldeutul!y dl, ered b>' hlm, yau eau maire our ahega woar 8o long tint You'll hâte taaee thein around. Iu tact, you c4u aavp them for your great grandchIildren, or if your lite should be spared go that, You coulil lise as long as Methu- sclah. your shoes would atil stand b>' yoir. The cap bit on the. Idea. luaa nove! Va>'. He £&W thét tiese oles of bis tact rere beginulug ta aprout tbrougb tbe leatiier. This meant, a five dollar bill, or more, for every- body> knows that a cap, untortuaately bas big leet. Iugenul>' waa tise word andl Parry ast dowfl sad thougit. H. arase with an Idea that mlght deplete tbe sale of alsoen lu tia United States te auch an extent as te shut up the fs-ctloes for yeara. Ber. la the formula: Juit get a dlme'a worth ot aawduat and a dime'a worth, oÇ glue. ,Apply the. glu, lu !lqulid form, ta "the sales ot your ahoco, tien appl>' a Ilber-i soating of s-wdust. After the.glue dries and you wear your aboesas wille, the compoundl becemea as bard an leahher, aud aa pliable as cork. It wjl!bu 11k. walklng on rubber galesansd your shoe-goles >pt can't wear ont. Alter thus ap- plication beglua ta show signa of waar, mast appl>' anotier eoLt, ana tiieré you are. Ws-terproof glue wili .keep tb. aawdusý rtramdisiategratIng se ther. you are-a million dollar secret for the prlcq. of ibis neya- paper! Then, if you lîke. tbere'a a chance tea tart up &a new buainess. lSet up a hune af "soul-savlng stores" 11k. Woalyorth dld wlth hMa cale- brated Ten Cent, Stores, and keep a staff of men and a supvty of glue anud andust, and save aoles whlitb tey walt. And., the.remarkable part af It aIl la that Parry lan't a Yankee, ie's au Australlan. TEÀClI tIILDREN THE TRADES 15 PLEA OU DAVIS Columbus, Ohio, Bept. 20-Mare chisdren saoulil bu educated',otahIe varinus trades sud leas ta lie '*white colisr" occupations, Sacretar>' ar Labor, James J. Davis today tala delegates to tha AmErican lusur- suce Union lu session hare. Tbe farmer and lthe industrWa warker make Up 90 per cent of our population,.wite!, nly 10 per cent are lu prafessloual hIfe, saniSSecre- tar>' Davis. "Yet moat of aur cdu- cational syshem la equspped la turu out boys andl girls fdîteS soieîy tor tha socalted *'itle colla? occupa- tion. Educaing 100 par cent of oui childran for lesa Iban 10 Dar cent o! aur jobs la utter folly, anS ultimatel>' vîi laid ta social poltîcal ans! aconomie chaos. Sacreasr>'Davis said lte ultimata outcame oithle system. If continueS vithoul relarus or arndment woula be lie cresîlon of a nstien viser. very man sud voman weuld bava hook lcaruiug sud nouee le arn- lus o!f.the banda, vblch b. deciared la "eoav'alaita national prospers t> andi Procress". Curlous Chinée 'Cop>' Book" A curlaus kinil ai capy' beok la uses! b>' Chines, el&,Me& rThé ideoMtpua are go campicatad liat a younigteîr cannaI copy them frehband, but must begio b>' tradlng them from a miode!, as Arnarican cbtîdren trace maps. An ordinar>' eàpY book suci as laurnes! In lie levier grades bas no sisace fer the chlldren ta wIte. Tii. pagea ar entirel>' coveras! Tti c0>'. Elgit ebaracters sic gençrally ahavu oise oaa page, each lu a sljèare, sudeascii made about tan limes tie ise ai ordinar>' writlug. Ovar tuls cap>' la places! trsclng pa- per and!tha characher ta drawu as ac. truIe!>'ns possible. 1 Tic books are wrtten !u blacks sud correcteS lun5'ad toitby tbe setiUlm-a tei's Lost Ofb" Tb e G!ssgow Fre-nl 'intis au ta. d05ÊfMe<' compi"tètien conce gOur gr,4TsrAdm' Il sc.ntht, as» sul inAdùm ta sve beau bora flJ y" fa fg, ail beh us!rugal>' lali away len shillinugsa sweek, be Wosld sir e hle praud possesor ofai £10, Mo0 r s.2i ,00. The point oaI-lhe G!agww 'asswurd stor>', how.vcr, la ut Msýrv mloiiAd&lsaould hievad. b«t bs1U'tt. tâwcompn1falwogoem * tbst he!mad uâcoin- >gt ha vould bave put iMa ne>' oUt ahcoumpound Inlter- Ut,-f , d hl& Wath lods>' would 100,00,O o0e,~Q,<000 00,O , ,), m>.oio. ,00~0,00,0#jsMùch l la ulu- ahI>' s large Oumu Id 'ente r t4c*n w. " ands wer and! plow lie pacte t10"n,. matjou eO t *e l b > r a de>or l.a erepthe estedopViie, It lato - UA>rIftD MUREI ils MEETINQ LQN6 FELT N13ED h War and Sact of Fuel Proved Stimulant te In- ventiveness. tNEW TYPE BOILER RESIJLT Tke war and the icarclîy of fuel aud th:, preut blghly efficient gas- dreil bolIer for beatIug, especlaîl>' rea- id.enc.s, la a caurete effeet. A gand many guch blIers have beau Inatalleil in private bouses lu. the terrîtor; of lhe tPuble Service campan>' during the lait two or tire. years. Tii. average residence plant hurm- lng coi!ael da shoWs au efficleecy ln excees oi 30 per cent., meaulug that 70 per cent of lie heat values lu coa! are wastedin taradiation, flue losses, Lprfect combustlQn and lu cther wWý 5 as-fired bller oft t.gI*eat type 80 per fent or mère ai the heat nits lu gags detue! are diverteil ta tbe use- fol wOork of heallng. Of course the very tangible lasses repleseutedin l damage to tie houa. sud Its oStents, b>' asies. dirt and soot IncIdent lin theuse af coal andi the. labor af haudling a coaa! Brod plant are elliinatesi wii, gai la useil. It la almpl>' a Matter of turutug a valve. U d p z ri h si a f( Y, y 8, b n oi ti a b h a: E d d CI 9 01 ci d 'nb TRKcITY IN9 Nos.~ A Large Number of These Houses&>Were in Waukegan afid Adjacent Territory. BUSINESS SHOWS GROWTH Betweeýs Januar>' lot. 1922 ami Beptembar Mthle Public Service Company and lndepeudfiut contrac- tors togetier wired 1912 bouses si tbe Compauy' .ýterrItory. or nearly four limes as man>' ai ceeetitutedi the total durng tMe Bas perlai1 ln 1921. Tie i, giumulas-gel>' ex- ceesi those for tie drst elgit mouths of the. boum year 'aof 1920. The figures aforesaid coupleil with tlsr fact that the wark lu a large pro- portion af the. bousesavia paid for lu casb, rather than ou terms of easy finstalîrnents, furnishea tests- mou>' tbs- a large change bas laken place lu the industrial and commer- cial situation.1 A large abare of these bouses wlred are Iu Waukegs-n and the herritary adjacent. Tii. constant grsslh o! business In the uorth zone 0' cithe Public Service Camps-ny las, ecesaitated the. construction of an addition-i transmisuion Une which la now baiug lest-lled s-long the it et va>' ai lie Cilcaga & Nos bv:estaru Rail- way, Niles Center Brandi, tram Ciurch Street, wVs t o! Evanston ta <dAe Bluff. The cispacit>' of Ibis lin, wil! bu approximatel>'15000 K. v. a. Il mll lie passible b>' meaus af sectionalizing avîtchas tu parallel tuis line and transformer bauk with a switcb line sud trans- former iauk between Evanston andi Lake Bluff, permitting oi flexible contraI sud impioved service. At I Lake Bluff the lice vil! b, brought Into a steel out dooi sylîci lover whiclcb a nw heing installed. 'Thle uew lina vilI ha in service wltiu 6Qdays. BLIMP HOPS OFF TODAY Slan Antonio, Taxas. Sept, 20.- The. C-2 big rmy ssirshllswll iop ioff tram Brooks fielid at mldulgbt 1tonigbt in ber crocs continenit trip. lier cext stop viii Le MarIa, Texas, ou tise Maxican barder, a distance of approximstely 45fi Mlles air hune. 4 KILED; 50 CAPTURED. - Belfast, Sept. 20-Two Fiee Blutera and! two Irregulars were killed s-nd 50 Irragulara were caplurcd ln a inItie near Dundrum IodaY. Sean Meyls-nd. regarded as the, hast Of the Irregulara' cmilitary leaders, has kbeeun1 eptured by Free Staters. HELO 1#4 HEAVY SOM& New Yarks, Sept. 20-Charres! witii a dariug 1tempt ta hold up a ausat ln lbe fashlonable Ilotel Com»more, CuarIes E. Willilams, Who sagç he a- rIvas! here yesterday tr. iLouteoille, K>'.. waa bel lnlu$11.000 bail! oda>'b>' Maglarate Nolan lu Vorkville court. UEN REEO SCORES HANDIN&G Washington, Sept. 20-DeclarIug 11151 lie "Goddes aIfJustîcit shouls! be strippesi Irom avary Capit4l4 thse nationad 1h. figure et Mut aubali- tntel!." Benater Jim Reed. D»Mocrat oi MiIssouri, delivered a fier>' attack Ibis afternoon upon Presiloliard. thui for isi action ln vetaing te lbon- as. Reesi chargesi lhe adminialration *tntended la abandon ils soldier ha- rues.' 'RXFUSES RESFONSIBILIT., Kemal. Ps-s-a,tisa Turisai eadexr bis deollueul lu acceot reapquelbilî:ly fer iermtitting Grevk shitis te enter tie barbon 51 Smrnna . ta remeve retugac, but hau rc-larred.lie ques- tion t6 bis goverunnnt. sais! a dis- tc Ci 1 the State Dflepîrtment today' jfroSi1esar Admira! l to.hie Amer. lIesu 111h CoinInis-Boler 51t Gonstav, Ir"a Nature Fakot. The folîavlg lelegram, wnlhas su Is'lab realras sent b>'ai Western TI. 1O.uqfrom a oýtlylstg dIstrict ta bis ê nt: ,Moi>)r ust pisseta urx rite lu epecln of towu, BW Y o cntalaL g'four eeen au 0 q yp>'oudr.one ai wËià wuva ac4~s pe%;culiar canasseav wcAt4 Aftbuab ma' t 0052Cam e wwafy ma»uO Igot a5 en, tlime are dggseg ah..' a«ov« s ubaMd ar in -4 4 hacked orew «ar boyna goveful re oeae en 2m TIéUeaorce ef Treubl.. Natnlnson> Weald be a great des «Mser if aie would lIke bis foîki sud b. eoca sme. ao>hilng to admire lu ber folks. 1gaUtitul Tribut* te NolIsera, A Matier vus glvea te Mia er«%s oneI!. hlm ta the l1uo55~f'I imoEt*tY, for Il la ln her love that we flusi eter, uity-Louis M. Noîlsîn. A Thought fer tiesey>. Kno'w thyseit-but keep Il te leu.b golf. ht le Pacsllar. 'Newffppe, uys ame feus>',Wbem *ver the>' meet dur 'Alwgya *14 Wb* do yen know,? ne .ethft »Y% 'HNU. lng', aud then the P&Per l0eBaU mnornlog lg fihîrd witb news.'-PS* land <Irenanlan.- I ~ - 'The Hoover is guaïÏnfet4i to proloitg the life et rugit. Phone'400 today for'dent- snstration ini your bome- there are no 0obligatiei - -- -- Convenient ternis. ý7iw HO OVER utoSwer IT DIATS..M. AS IT AS IT CLEANS Su to S ep r To elean rugs thoroughly, and thus préserve their beauty and prolong their life, you must use The Hoover, becaus" The Hoover combines the three essentials- of efficient cleaning-BEA TING, SWEEPING and AIR Sue- TION. Let us show you in your own home how The Hoover lifts the rug from the floor, flutters it on a cushion of air, dislodging every partiele of destructive, imbedded grit; how it briskly sweep s up ail stubborn, clinging litter, and how it completely removes ail dirt 'with its powerful current of air. - (Tird -Floor) Electrie Genuine New ,Thor Electric Washig rMaddne SNo. 25 Galvanized SSWI*nginzg Wringer The Thor washes ail clothes ini muè,h the sanie way as yen wo'uld -weh your delicate CIepe"e--Cbine piec-es. From the datutiest fabric t te the hea- 'viest blankets; it washes them Jil reaUly cean and without the wear o! rubbing. Have a Thor de your next, washing. Uuy NowIiofltMd shoidd iot bc without a"&Tho'9lectric Washlng Machine. Pa oII~ hi Munl anouzt $ 1 0 ycura -for yowr iext là" InYour Honie te tu mftii 1~ The Thor and the Hoover C* .,»e Used With the Delco Ughting-"4 cap"ainGelTkAmuut, daring 11rr And foti.' aommudr of the tmIuA"Lfytte oadrle. wll Wed Ps.D&Ug eab«t.nghter of the. Zrench emub5Mitary t. tdgatnWaab a ta u. 1912 IIOIJSES V E WIRED'FOR ELEC- I&md