àr' Big Weekly WAUKECZAN WEEKLY SUN CohW~Jn~iIrWhIIat wUFrd* and Imm J. .DWrlitnom Ue , vie ,eesat o<4wtie Iluixlm e.cresia mdfer là mnn 100 ifmete4 vith4~D .~~~t.ssaiaaosI1atet Md- ldàbi rrm aotai, ville s.t.d at a em1og w»oe" vii a -1ev fl8fithe m fbi ite(bi M82Btt.39 iNorth tei tnt Nomoci. deati vas a <ruai elwck te the «tiré cmnaueti as '¶i, U' ut asm*eo» orlie 0but X1om'imbuscf0tt. ctly.ame n»u uaally' pop«W ad mai le trimes. lir. Burkinha.baesaplylng ocar" foolu vbm vtb a ilgt luacliso1 wu assied mai loeba Juat finiabsi ma« ugmvho enmidovu ta bus obsirms u admi vlan <es rEmdt. bis &" .ourlas the ý;W«hobai aaatleoed viag ? bulatahe reglobithi bs kear se #»b. bai a»ur*ly bn au ' feotY aMI lie gave it Do furtiie U MWa wta vs bo- A Mair$a- is W=ub «dmawvas30 isarsoui lat. . Ie vasezoUMatUl Md e Wfancbrw liaSU*smls a&Lus POOMM vii Xs e a t O iialsi Msao WM ilshByt t b*01809 MoMtprt me Km vu t ud C ab.sai ~Uaeu. . W DaB a mL.-M Mcvas iffl 4 hasa= Ave*in tas je aliW b te f>a3r bi boo. Mss Mda HifflBu mm- 1198i lietast tbé ira gMfet 1T5 tuia. 01«eM07 . bisor nXmtwm obm obSoJo tli Jeqetthie Cliltian o 1er Uvn, s. Murret Ul. fni,315 JuRa. -ft..Water B.... fomas P.'. Ulvari W., Ai George L. DorMe.L 3*0uiM ua Mauasvassali Mon- day mwalag At b=lueisuiteconception *burch for-L'is J. Durtin. vbcee deti ocourrei 3 Fm" nglTh ie ImervIces nithe churci were huR *t 9 Wolock and verreryiagely attmei& Mm.a p ail a rwers: frsuk Gel- dn, R« Kelly, RasaIok4l- Joh ?iiy -laes M m miFra iL Noise * TII churh vasfilad i vibir"- tives ad Mndsauni seldons'bas tuer. bees a longer praceaaIob or esite. as the one vlcb maie up the cotege fiat veadadItls n'Sy 10 13t. mary e# etmery The. tribufts.of lovera sent ta Mme home vas a vonderful displai o!fie bitasp Ila vllci4 Mr. Durtin Msd hW b aily vas eul. lt la or infet te note 1the act 4<bat, cut eit he unmusuallarge ain- 07 of tm ciumabora te Km. 'MryDrtin. iis abokiaglyud. 4m ai ith o r eca au vas .Ite r fre e t ete cimoe. 4IRÀYSLAKE TIES WALLOP J. PAULE Peter Novhcuse, e&i;r of lie G rsysiae oTimes, taies a lap 8f J06 Paule, at preseant reldixln atle -te counti Jail for providing "mcon"; - in is issue Ist eek. Newheus welcomes t-he act ti&ýt thos ii le a cleny ai negroas t-bre undefzthe proet plans, sud not a gang of. ~ second tory men andi porch ckb-u ers that bave been bsrborod thrs liefore." Tiis le wbat Nevhoumo han te ay - 5 e tiesymfat ho la <oflag 10 ..e la PnÎtbLdko place te su e- socahifon of nograos. This la no Paillde nthe bih . of 1aite humt l* do t it ate to y s h&bte._ itv ;botaipl rt>,t ho Wiaau L.L ýie ôt La Mboyloe1 eonnty, bas lee appolnted by G0v. smafl te tbe tate court 0ofcalma to &»acled Jaige »onH. Milr Wc Lgb-flle. uticle tnexpirai l*èsb le a former memb2r of th1e 0crv.Bm% -slI ars miuseda ca for a' qecll *tlipDec 12hIn tbaim ltijudmw dibtrict' b 1111 tie va.uomn th le etreuit bench eamqd by lb etb of litige Em- eyraves ot-geIie»o. The cir- cuit la compousi oof Rock liland. Whiteidee. ercer and Henry coun- via% g 013 YI3AR lver Rloha*on, 20, Dius Almost nstanty from Ac- cidentaid opsohag f Gun. Eebardoot4 la t rt »MfttY muni ma=tfflta1b e sate. The youb. bola .tie 20 year l mom et Gorge WI*ebamfl, useraistore keegar at Roundilà», mt bus on the VuoBliver user McHRew. UOqioI, Mdaayategnoon.Ha dia sa5üt lAstat. iRi*aNsa bai go"e viii red <bab»wo Mi auot#e Rouai LAie 1 eOth te f#w river be4*epela Mo eM 94087 cout!. ln soag tireugi gi cwbrui b. tlWed, ful. A"i ln * ~ ~ ~ w zàib.<n a 4shsg4 R.bedte issU> - glm m -»,»«suf so eciu.t bappiâs'aou Tbe bodior, tbhe oWvaausecam- peawd isi ound LA"islte Mom- 4ay eveanta tSte beau.of tis parents. Aithugi. W.tenU Mbo ansla muet udSotàaate. it la regraéa ananul fiat Umee bave mot ben »»rm ceodet of tikWs mi.- erjeg t*0.lu"rgombsr -f.1 D ib bave besia eper*ttaig ou practia- uni ever i e a atremalabia cesti or adiiatg ana. The large nuber of laatera out1 bila ftails eanaeily fie ft fiat gae la unuuUly plsatiful fil iL Reus. wthe isavi auaior jua, lthe quail areUmre mnounusha ats. Supervlaor Fred Klrcliner, or Cuba to>vsip. réported Tussmy tht lier0 le a jarge dock of prairie cbtckens On bis ta=Re. odlmSevered tilsu MondaY. These ane belleved te b fie onUI dock cf prairie clilkena IU tbe coutY. IHe declarsi tiat If anyoao *à4ea an, effort to shoot anY of tiem he vould prOSecute the hunLtere to the liait- ofthe Ian' URECMRS More Than 900 Cases on Cafl for Osliior Terrni; Noyer Before Eqaule. eo9bes -cf the circuit court nus iàte busiet place In t-be countyTiiursay sud Prtday, vhien hundreds.et mota ver.Ilied li thfe "15btminute" rush >t-o-get- servicel snd aisO ta b&ve 'fies caes put- an fie Otoberdeuket, vilcih bt-he n'ai. tae5 turgaem laln ie - Mtory Of lie: local',ont Thers are i=rethan 900 cases, ont the dooket antb ilrcuit court' wIii hc koit huar pmt*«caiy. every day a! the term. hi u.adtion t-c fie lars numter of casanl an sud, - bancery cases lir. viii e a large- number of crimmine case nimba illn'ii cme blora lie grand jury, as taWss 4iirney . à-V. SmIth has Wba eatiro! caes for grand jury lpvesltlgatIon. Msnay of bthmseare jh - qeCourt nmaier.s ad niii l aI' s~of Instances thers *Ililh tb ctnsas Clr. nlo th le o0150111f dui t- - ftcare la the babilof waltzs uenthelslutf aninw tola * lb _Wthe wvkof. g- ewttg ét suliposuas, ItsAhmeune, aid ûtes. papeza te 1>eeOdiex igtre, coujeaisi'l#~0U- Shah aimmer ForMerC nPhysloW I" By Abvt .jackso f tde Poor Farm. Suit for $2,0.000manaes-gaiant Dr. A. E. Browtncsner coacti phyalclan, vas f1104 Thuraisy la the circuIt court. by Alsrt C. Jackson., lnmate of the couut-y poor Tuu y ils attonloy. U Biner WllllsOa, fie p 1a 1n tl1ff claiig tisaf the defendant s t r u Ck tWid c th ervîm ae mistreat- ai bina nIle be vas a patient at fie oaunt-y bosptal, sud tiat fie Injurie bave resulted In parue- neatly lnc&pseettatng hlm, as vl as ha-fing cosapetied i hm te became ai objeut of cheirty. jackson vas balcn on te li cunt-y boiptial Dec. 'l, 1920. and t-nu dayz later Dac Brown staad 1dm, op, itbmugh -bhovas -»amet teW vesi to do o,aid punched hMa ntbe rtb.s. tomacl and ellese, tajurn hm te udi su exteut fiat he ýbas beea permnaneatly Wnured. t-he bill Rescharges thaf Dr. Blrown at thse Urne decbars: "Get- 'out 'of lier.; filsla oily % plac e be sIck peope filai." jackeen staie that slaSe that lime he baa ssu em 'xpelled tO- speni aR isi.meuisy and fiat of relatives and fMuninlansuefrt- to cure hliseif traintue Inuma he recelved aithé. andse,.Ôf Dos Brovn, and esft mai17 du aoolit nd bie uais beosniagextaiaets he vas compelîsi -ta go 10tbuhe poorbatme - _ ML CONTENTI WITI PEN LiF Igpats Pott, elayer of Williama Fpan, Winthnop Harbior mIMOr cycle policeman, sud vbo la sonvng a f litenOteiin Jolu.alet penitenifaryi la contenfet vit-h prison liTe and 1 feels ceuldent t-at be vIE bu par- donsi. la a. fen y.aes.Attorney Les- ter Willliaa, vho dci entisihlm. states mitr :vlitlag hlm soveral ' POts la mliiirefîcont- about t5ib- lug. lBren to Wllilams, fie man vho ,eaved i bl from the gallons luaa iranatlb leabaeaGor. Lu e SMi. l aiete dran lb. muniorer et Pots la mu5 sioes in te fc- wd- beoajWb tt vert,, 11 Mltdo k ii t sspy lb% r- fflbôa , b.. p3patd la Wog- ëm InU là, thé cty tow THRSDAX ,SEPTEMBER28.1922. IIig Her Back Do6r Oieanj -if' Wo*t cOL Sbreilflg Park Ave. la UhsiW6j4llaý vascompiesi Ut- and . Uthte contr heti.c- i fta iple tln fe 40 falot of ba nes Of the abo. bnthat a oolwiefsdRoekiani Nem iili tonoete f1. etin istance lie- w.,Wmuko Ave. &" tAre&. trom the. end cf the cernent road. at Telegrpi romt. wM lie paved i ueail. Tiie ork ef tustsing culvertes bbeaucom»loted «s far as itendout, andthelb.r«a4baa been plowed up and gradins etarfod. RI4lIT Of WAY ON- BELVIDMI ROAÀD ODFANE Cotat WiII ge à-- Soon for Six MiI&k ec of Road. A few days ago, Oe stat. de- partaient sent ta Cbaiiet Russeil. counfy superintendent of btgiïaya lst of the rlght of wq sSe"d on the Lake County M on f Bei vidonsrenmail inthe WuOransd Volo state bond road etun. ,/ Mr. Russell turued tié, la(orlnation orer toi tic town ofllil4x"a& It nu learnei Tuesday that aU t"nlbt ef n'ai bas been obtaieiino tit tiers aqi.vlano bar to caitor b4s and h"a already been awaUd fer 'thé oue.t portion o! the Befflere roïi parlng. '- The etate also ls-se»Sag rlgbf af way in Mctienry and'- reports are that t-hie le belng obtnet la flns shape. Ib lo expected tliâitite cou- tract for ros.dbuildlng inlatfe tvo [countlea nullbe let eabtaneouaiy or as one contract. ¶%. Iibe a atretch of about o IL Supt. Russell tlaiuk5'- 1;viii ho sprlng before any act4 e oyk oi 1pavtngtfis route la wt&tffl. BRING SUITQ Mesa. Rebecca H. H t 1gb land-Park, Thursday ba t suit il tie circuit court on a 1 note bWblb she di=sah.- gau 1 orits W. Boehtm. 1awlà se eprei by prapsrtY at fhi ooluosfcorer 01 O*, Hlgblsf i e bm r, ýbAt minceutien bss"0U 0. P. MRd $10M Dkieoorsfor roh of D. P. Mtheltor%% nte&cr t th1e aeiol, TIId USfed Suit for $300damasues gmhmt fOk. directore Of mc~eoIdltrit es,<8 vwhi*tela t Lai BIf~alsgnabreaciorf con. tat, oliovims i" iM i i erad hl vbiclab. vus prvti fa teaebtag the suberol turing »1-22. Nitebl. vie nov la mif0 o l kca' Mi aeo.ii. tanght la fie LaeBluff cl ansd 8i9o serrai sas prlactpal dortag fibe sea o f 192021. Marly -la the pnlng the dlWscfr# etend lanto a cctract viii 111104 taJedeclarsi, t Uec lie follovlsk la. Eiveter. before fie fat »msnlosith ii.iiet.or ad hirei anathar tsaclior If a ssii. That fan Mitchell zituffl ta I*ie Bluff aid abauncet fitat be' wuasready te benlais fales. Tii. directors, are aid t-o iavo t-ni hieu tiey bad made other arrnge- meut-s snd veudnaf nëesibâs me- vice.Mitewne»nv la ung ot 4mai5g1 for iieged bresci of con- IJINDRIDS AlTENI> IOME COMIiDAY 03ORPIINMiE Exercises by the 300 Children of Lake Bluff Demcnness Home lnteresting. The Har-vest Home Festival of the Deaconess Orphauage s t Lako Bluff lust Frlday vas very larzely attendeti.j This vas thec lin sonnai e eot ai the arphanage. One af the. principal features af tie day wva u susses by Dy. E. S. Tittie aof eIl B>rt Mletb-i odiet Eplacopal churcb, ri tn who toli aofltas vcrk and purpose of tie orphauage. There are at present 300 clildren lu thc home. and tisse app«e naia the prograrn la specil exercises. The homo e nas u hravaopen t-o tic visitons sudlthe borne 1f. o!fieme youngstera le unususliluIt-erssting. inspection>of t-he borne shons fiat tbe chilidren rscotvo every possible car and attention for tir comifot aid Many aifjthe guestebrougifamne- t-bing te rlpMD uply bis neede o!flte An sicolleut lunchoon vas serrai at 12:30 c'clcIs. LIBEUM VLE AND> CONTRACTOR SUDI Frances Towner. by FrederlCk C- Towner, bro't suit Thuroday fer $1.0 damnages againat he village of Lâb. OrtyvillIe and the IlUpse Constraq Si tien C0Wplay for sileged Injuries abs recelved vhea aie vas burled tirougi the vlfldsbld of ber auto- mobile vhen tIfbutento ba iittiLi it le alagsed that the acetlant oocurred su the resUlt ofcurais,. neta on the part of the. contructisu company, hIlci It la charged, en t a dltch offl la , NorthB inerll Ave, and West Park Ave.. vithout propayly marking il as a place of dagffr. 1%9 plainti char#"a that ber fae &ad »« W" g aeveely eut by broken glass *heu the vas burled tirugh the Wtmdbfle4i TO BUT-CI3INT TO FINIS RNOUDS Road and Blse* mlt Decide On This hiEfflr te Fin»JIWhlb. "à. e .97 M Sviii go lctbe efe usrket to buy i»east and M, MMrn mesey for t l'aan e O rf ta ,<et $mre c0t1.othe M4jm»*o4b "b in th4 qsunty nOv unir OOastiUeli comjtlet'Bd liefo- Ia« tor wut 'as&W noilaeMTbu Mi. At a * ckt ot oatd a bridge coin»tt la h, . Course of, O 'r~ wcoulit ou îo à* ttue ob lIou t aê at Ar e tg e a »*to"lâ t a rn x ' b o s i -u , m « - "dfor Mse«Cs LaU t 0f gettm sons.' mo e ip lb. Garont aenus tLG* 'itý Adeý be bs elob (son meVill- aîýe wm il»o 1e aile te tr up &agaL. Tie - tvo optimor f onaree'lô tveea Yole Mai Weacadanuricloee up toiay, mai aaoitah reai blgbway belvmees Vlo ansut e The boardofceneviw ceived the saal rtqM%1 Braeher. emeomu er*i te aggvegate su * In. 4t84.<4. Thi epMort $ foilowlng igumue.WhlW* cabsh on band Sspit ,'I includes therspctve office, and Money IlelO alltriuted: General bax.--- Inatitute. fund - Treas., tes si epese- Ca. bad fond - State gid road f nd.., Bond Issue fond-. Buildig fo- Non-aigambo od k 8eëcn4,4on tssée roW fond Rtefund road f uni sis 740.5, Aa , l"a 1ev The. imrlasa et ___ uroew ooS amre iNebosrnai*5*d, cuatttee i b - I a Wan île.. k Frank Cordes of Long Grovethe" « orgat sues Henry W. Gordles for 9 V-t 0 th. $10000 DaMages. axe 8. F. Gres » Oyen 01 tbls Wlhut iouit tihe Most sumattenAl Hnone mu oven flIet!laila iscounty le that 0f the. W8akq monday recordai la fie ctrcuit court Isai la regis visen F=ankCordes, tiirough ieets ier1sfcorps,=ah torney, Henny S. Wllcox. 154.. an- r ndF dolhp treet. Chicago, lied cbaragis luRtee.ng fiat bis brother, Henry W. Cordes.,ersntgt forcefily asaaulted bis vile durI4 epésnt__ t bis absence. Auguet 28, 1921.'sf bol- homo in Long Orove sud dobauclasi ber. destroylng bis boue and. forqers hroablng np bis bappiness. lauhbis tèe pet-tion Cordes as $10.000 darnages.tu (lm ils "Wlth fonce and arm,"- chargea thlb. X pet-ltion. "Henry W. Cordes ll-trettand 9» anti -aUlt-ei Sita Cordes, lie Viteltm., Dt O! Frank Cordes, 'ané tien U«â florse115*A. e, dehauchai hon. vbsrsby the Vpiltifi from fiat- day bac liai a&bd lisesde- privei o! t-le oomor% feo*ehl sud aid ai hie n'lge wvlch i.t 0 Dt- t have bai andio-er snliât-hv liai and vaulti have hartulabie doroos- tic affaira." I The Cordes brtiers mgrrled sis- tees. and Fraabnk odue. iii>nt-Il ne- The villag cent-ly liveci. at LeMg ' one, Mnov lonulaies >t nesldlng ln ArilSntc e Hghtm. Tieq aat Tuestispu 1petIlion etat-es 111sf rank sud lMan ýGuy Moruli Cordes vere manisi Fel. 17. 1909,! tic.s H«,«« aud fiat t-hey have oe chili, oget of aasuaIt V 6, andti tbat tIl t-be rouent- allge A. Ji. 1I0eçe wiakeineas cf bis brother, .t-bey ves fe complaiti Iliving et the&f home at Long Grore 't> paudma etmtether lna pouce aud barmnony, *bd tag te lie e 1eplaIntiff vas sujoilast-he love iMonreiu suad assistance, !llo-ship and com,-dmba'hé panflansIip o! bis vifs. sfiwe »$i~, mauei alnaf Rai Bros. pavil- tu gMAI<(î, %Ion, Dlamon diLake» Sot M30.Prims lilsts4 1for the beat sud ucat ioc ouii »,5- lafç4. tumes. 3-t ter iS* 5è - r - s VOWME JcxX.-4M~ 39. ~,'. I *, - Lake A9 it$ 4 larC n5 Time ~EL~O9~?~ c aLU; la L49 2i) r 1.49 Txlgel