--pie prffl-agent stu* b y renîaining niarried for as long at i One of Mr. Wflson's friends says that "Tuniulty is a 'd ssu The Tnmulty and the shouting dies. ~It je to be hoped that "the neit wiar" in Ruippe eau delayed long enough for ail the premiers, ehaâncellors Sex-emperors to write theifiemoirs of the last wièr. ~vThe strikes, it lasaiÈd, cost the public t-wo billion dol- -lars; the soldier' bonus is estimated to cost us seven bil- lions; and the Deniocrats say the new tariff wW eost an- other thiree billions. At this rate it won't he long until our national anthem isl "Our Country, ?tis of thee, sweet land of penury.", The hunting season lias started its dcath toll-and youth proves the first victini. Because of the great numn- ber of lakes in this county and theýentîciDg*hunting spot8, *'we must expect more or less accidents but the one which ,tarts the season OUÜOIIT to cause hunters generally to realize the uccessity of being careful. CARE may sav'e à life or two; thus, CARE is worth while. 'Why not a Lake County >txist for the new position as judge of the state supreme conrtl Under the new code, if the new constitution is àdopted, ajudge will be taken ft»m Lakie, Kankakee, Will sudl DuPage counties. OI these counties, Lake- is the largest ini rea and population -thereore what county has a ;,etter dlaimOn the posi- lint &nd, Judge Bdwards, recogrized as a jurist of ibility and experience coud f111 the bls. Lake eounty jWoiticians better get busy-first in gets the best chance in the running. For, rernember that Oscar Nelson -waà thze first inaü up for the republican nonation for state jrmaurer-and he got it without opposition, an almnost un- heard of thing. It znay be the saie on the supremle 3udg-' bp.Well, Judge, wthat about i3 513 TIII3 MORE. STKFE, Ail> OADS FOR LÂ COUNTY *OMM C m ta t Take Up Matter Si of ceuim 16 More ues of Con#ote. U6EIMMEMITE ACTION 1) tadta teylit daietr ont va& at m"uta la"oViuM 0 th t5ZtUxt >A arlit te t o emdorapii go a1dor ro&"t ltaedearto r io 1, Wodl Fprte cS0of. A- M te »eoW. rso. aWilUnanS Of tu& itgM it hansMieulhromnfluet vr amuedbté S ondithe oard. woo. 10,000 e W ot,sÀ-n tkQa IL ud wn- &" y. ri i~IaAt, ast if lad-napèsuhhle t la ii.Yo lAe O *ae toC10,0wotare votu- M4ts a tr thcf c r " oda, lâtova la imossiblesta * flte edina Ml!s arUme"o, tli hne hat t thi.e eait in 'Aealgaate itte aid * ou d la STpervle aW. . trttoua09 vau t j ontue locautinosW Wfli ht ooerilouù0th mem- baseu~1tho Ro u li ru= tcom- 1te s0«hrlasE.fRuss», couy :elta la Dow MighA lls .rh tbégge rotedW vIp M e M u.a ocat4" il1-2 rous l a' pDa*, thoc etemta th e ut e 28 of Cuatw t bfvi fpls zeut sud 1 omtbory umad hvdS lih te. avi i*k . à. b% n ay.lli h' ori ate rte G. S ui -S 3 RNUe3R ks~~~~ 1y iitl Aft. LUfiON TUINS DO"N 6iItÀT'L'KS RI3OlUTiox% State Or anlzaUon Considerèd it EitatoeIaI to the QoverfnmnL DELEÈATES A*FI ELECTED A reBolutiofl pre:eiited bY the au kegan delegatin ta tihe state *conve-- ilon of the -Ainerican Leglon at Rock Isand orgig that the, atate Leg1oni épeat Laies to lis pre-ve. statua, -as mcuk the. prcoetioui of restorlias tumed down. e reatat Slven vas tb4t Bach action would 'bo dltaicnla oa g9vernnitnt Policy. il vas present- ed by Delegate Willtd Mail Whio served ou ten state reeotOtiOn.5tom- mittee. Jack liit alto of Wiukegaa, aerved on thle creilentiais and memnor- 1a. eonuuntte Mionite Itameflet Laie Porent was ectea district coenm=teémgfl Lt vas foaüd tb&t thi ae e tti la $71,ow i nstead of a reported $45,- riattOil et fonds. The moa10y vaS spent for mmlatuaceef unexptoye md diatiid ex-serviCeu a uChti- q*go. Toake uap the deftit stale Oificens vill servefor a. yeaz vithoUt mlary. Titis v * ;mi.26.00. butta 1 bos w5le raseA 600 a year. It ,~ axetAtins v. iiive out. the reficIt. A budget aYatm viialsc lie vorked out ta prevent a recanfeno of fur- ther overdratta. Déleg&tmehoffl eftr the.national> Conveutica frôm .nke<51 vetWls- fred Hall snd Jack IHuI. BLUF "0ANMi Tii. hoard or Supervisors today voted teaapp-rpiatO $5,00-' tovarul the support AU tbeI^xe k.Bluff Or- pliosagefor hue Coming y-ar.A report vasusbnutted ta the. board bY Misa LUCY- J. Jud»% t uPenlut' tndent cf thteouphmnae, Shoving that fiheincome vus #5,95Q- tes" durlng té past year than the Me- repia. ftii. $6ý000pprolated by the. lesard' vii«,lotî nu 50 twi ho metilu»Moe Other JUUU--Tlun riporti aboved that $9 eLuidren vert cared for. VlmJulng tuse.Mu the. rate of $n0 tua &IIa wmnouit: coat $84a te proidesfor theu.. The total mmet f$3,» uV%14pull*y relativs or tit ebidr«an, i.alun balance of 46,M 0 uPg& .Tii. board asevawuuked te psY PM à.eatl the comtatye7M towsr tbe,-s1lp port or cilret tia 'resent tbtre' hy tho couat?. SUAT lftil.ELARDS. San Fracis,. ept 22,-Tht gisat Unied ues army drli 4 whièhbeoenti, eompl&eA a. fr55.- çeAftlstblfllght. arnived t Crift Plaid ler tcday f rosa lm.Ausel« st 10,46 a. nm. Tht dfr5ube lotiRom. id tnar Lo Angelesat 1 s. um. his mrornlng and crulatd up the. coathUe te"mIey ryBa, mfzlk4ng cros- thie coutry fraiS itben. ta Bun FrancoS. A squadroa et plants f rom Ça'lsa$. IField went dlown thue peninuula te Meet adescortte I. ig gas bag te 1herljandingfield. ~- eet~fd~ 'icachîne 'i loeat~hvbenct t' .11. ~pe dovu. ugaun, n:' tirat 'anA ueeon dibOl ~ ". unib of luI. mU 1h01. 1,1 I ,~ n. Victori Meuiorlab' du;îicn 11W VOd tfdent. a O~sriM f9- Q 1~ i -' Tliursday, Friâay, Saturdy S - e Exhilýaratinge New, Expressive- of w--btf thé emy orWgnal andcharminew style ~Ietiib làunehed, i new FU 1 pprl l bsstore. To wo- men everywhere qui vive with interest lu the Mode for Fal, we codially extend an ivitafloit to visiturto-wdE- position. N TheRomance of Fali Fashion -9-Modes Athril With Old World Charmn ! ~ A thrill with the gîft of rieli color, 'wth the zest of new, exqui- sitely achieved fabrics, with styles whose inspiration lias been thoe J most beautiful ones of foreigu lands ever rauded ini song or .story - the richi robe of the oriental-tha t of the- Russisu- bizarre modes froni Persi-the native dress o! the A&nùamiteý, seen at the -Paris races. Truly Fali Modes surpass any, o! previous years and here aeelaborate- displays ini: 9'j many nov ailka are berce acti Mre ereated eapeclly for the atylea of FaU 1922. Ai2lofg tiieml -Fne Brocaded Velvet mo- tifsa appllqued ou i alk chif- fon or cepe; $11.60 anA $12.98 yard. -I-nchi Imported Chiffon e 'etetnlublacki nd'colora3. ail s11k qualiy, $4.95 yard. -40-Inch Plain and Satin Cantons la black aird colora et $4 iit coi %4.95 ynrd. -oiaaaCrepe b- and wool-J-inblack, uavy anid rown, 33.1M yvid. Wooiens BuppleMPI abrien BSgpl. abil ef 4"117 iyabed WoolenB nt'fve*ers more cbaro IPr:Pa1ut 4.15 yardom 8lseb Lmpon$4-UB7_14. mm la ntve~leets and j plaida. 44.b5 yard, taches vM. BoliSAcolon tau wiii plaid back. $6.96 yd. -"-Luxurîous'Furs -GracêfM Wrapsn -Charmi*ng Fr0cks -Dressy, Tailleurs. ~-Equsie ootwear -Clever NewFbie 1pur Coats, Wraps and Capes of the finest peltry enter tic Faebion Pageant here.. They are absolutely perfect in -workmanship, gracefully built on the new lines, perfeetiy blended and moderately priced-$49.50 to Wraps which featuire the straight-line, silhouette, beautiful fabries and gorgeous embroideries aud fur trimmings have been launehed for Pull 1922. The Russian side-closing, striking girdies, Maildatili alee ves andIlo*~ blous- ed effects are other style notes in the openig.displays here-$25 to .$155. The -Cld-World ihnfuence bas gone ità ganrnt in Froek affairs. lere are Frocks with Russian, Persian, Ygyptian, Classie (3reek or Roman styla- detafi. Waistlines vary'froni the v#ery low one o! Russian origin,.to. the Prime, tight basque etfects.- Draped bips and the circular, Jemiy skirt are recent stylo otes.- $Z. The Mgodes sud'Mauner'o! Suits! Tfow important they are to Milady of tba Fýàl1,wb h càos4 ~Suif te Wearinto the fixat bri*k laf-b)[owil dayl Costume Tailleurs in mat~s a li Russe, or pnuanat1 boxed styles are latin- itely inareêl 1ev'e'È jà«trimnmng--4M5 to $79.75. list&-a League of Qae >ôtions. PRussian, E1gyptia, Perian', in- flunce bi ~peadtoý s i ]ail auMillluer-y. uEah bat in the Openmng Display ffi distinctive l nniro timig-Ste 3 Sx VôMdesàn aquisite foot*eer ixia wide etleetion ;o! leathers awkait-you? iii4>etioti. Shqes thât rumbine "barefoot eomtort'> iith the lateast totwear style.-$5 t 125 pair. vool vetai Of Cântonm Box Red and CObluene Green. -12.88 yard. o e O hJW th 44ncflMrrelle, a em- lsi è " M tifui. pile ro Ing prbýPd ut $5.95. Accessories Tc Comploe The Costume Of àa lm u Im portance lni the llsplay 0 evwthlag. for fli are the. acrea.orieo te Comple. Ml- lady'& vardrobe. Veillas and vefr-vlth desigus la eoutraatlag colora are amn- many comblnations. Veila prie- ed Xrom 59e ta $1.50 yard. Purseaund Buga of fine pin seal In nov ahadea are arrangeA la a apeclal dsplay; 15 ta $35. N4ew <antoaîlt es et entA. "dat& La cojblmatien reors, b.aUt«Wply embwodeneid uiat- tl58tyOliýitebtil; $6.99 ta $4.90 a pair. 2 I etestrîmmed viii fine fel- et or importsd Irishi lace. are a"en ai $6.50.-77 N Moreoyer. t hbd thcrm mm rivaIs la point -if staffsamrtt idthfle tallo, et flueinan t. make ti brdwnm dem *progralgnt thie wi.y frc toeezthat 1 wUni and lhe giemas bu as re UTILI' uhlIhIwlIIl W HO Word of a Once a sy frioged V tbe leadfi votabulau, Revint viien lMI vadt g a 0f its ada eamona.- tered w 1 0f cou dams, ci or ptniiup posesial don, s0, dreus or Thue big hlhts ari nlng mcd 1