-1' -~ s Num 1- . i. ' "40 rGrmçore f bnênt of,two bighway ý budZR& n t ecoux .j«,VÈ ouaaf the fa _ü~ 04 o«tier8 Who 8 an'i)nTlor4t 1 ~M w4k1laare travfflg the i9nways aiong1 b w e The ='W m * iglt fo r ,.%triàlk- lu- go and the nlabine ilWel e1 aS,OO( pounds on- ütfomr0ar eoquipped with au appsatuewhieh tihma te wP*> itii lowd and .corinUg to the ers -tey, have-«>dmrate wrest a U taùcdrivera alg Ioýids abote tbe aiount p#emcr*)ed by the i'oess fait'for à Iýmg> timne tbat'the overloading Stwi<ks is the. ru*mation'ýbf the. coherete roads "a ~etlmii doie to stop the. Piactice im- e these fine new state roads will not last 'rement aIréady la iu progrees to bring ebout ent of a law whieh will further reduce the maxi- irriedy tiese tracks Jobn XM.Glenn, seue- fllùoiaMmiuftsturers Assoiation la heading int and eierybody wifl pprove this course ex- M ee an who are opearatixig the traztporta- d wIloml the tax-payer is furzusing a itice kpt, speelal track, commïoely cailed "State rig t. the movemeût Iaunched by Mr.ale=i sAe ays* i tii.th interstate commerce commission ~~ ~ oisn, smade yesterday by e; tryo hçIlioManufacturer$ atal"ush-leon in W*btù# ukIMhaaerted fro e m.ril-' ktoUbie, ooupled wltl$ thse: inbli*y of the êays to mzt thse 4emplnds, fbi i lii mpera- e*, eQof igisafirye wilo4e I cS01t ml1*evw it gasoO0,OOQ fo nwghwav.e Mx Puye itý te Wllfààw tii. ro teb îhe andM~iy.¶h êeGnev asorui that ta». I . I ze j m de il Oeodnyw fo r eefltUX6tgwt vae isftofy ab th,a of Kenoa1a a6 S'*anadtis L a kee G e v~ a wst F o ~teo n $ ey W toad em bil tw Th ae be Vol pano det"urand eon now touto $ilver Leake. o ru. Th crhe jsouney r oadjets Te 'etSly if goingthe Lake enev1time thot wha rie the Lake noiva bie,.dawhentFor Ourse astifc very eaafly take by the way r i l*k but . theopei agof w aiil- br fue t" ve fo beintire dista Lak t o«-Prtioof te tu n bie owit aw e the toncete $00fa~te hoiE heseLateZin, eeaather 1 o i rld a e s T h ef, " but , a t~ r a o n ' t ta i s Mf ils rie o' uk ". euthe If wifo-beate, »-bet.1 werau blIclry whippod ôen ythte jai Sy fiev.tr $2 o the efie s ce.'pl e18 ain sutais ofte ha iit a l questoth- pm ho shed i bis, wb. m e or, eeareri tlw' the d aaes n bis baf hrt ,wont teeL We ies of tif.thfrer usenuth=. of le 8usD edlIt ay otglway Ptol Offlceto,, ,Laf C t, i tweeocir baiviuga.rvsd tie aljry csud im t etci. qr ct bylao, sbed «snt otagi jbu et bey wer caadle b utl g6tiat na le are he: d caiaiela neodd s s atrÜl - na us bi i eeda th iab inwo lason e-, e ct .Usr lIugluse, m411l jury, provcdtis uslia- otkoey àsenth a mybote euoremntfo oQt=q Of tint -the foe tise biiCE sud 8=11 #~D,~sari ffiersinLae CQÙDV ro [:pdgment ln t ti ie parto h ul. ic semaPt- me t nz, bag eçhtied onticS14w nàllrM d il.pu i o tlise ai sp O noed m pub*A oMoýbtb* *y er cpal fdi '9-teab On yotra 0q»i1,A00wutbe 1 ,dvmSnd regItry üow tai 1 t 1m plant t aiDinesi4lL, bas tao*m id the value 0f a, bone» tien to la'a~n lohave plantvu as ttet lut Octobor by 1a0 ,af athe oon$ o f 1l1te sut la an»es *a )M)& a (5 immaus sin e .breed. y-. » W. -0po theUtiveritt' or 11l1nis 10.the rsao c Ide*. .relÔoftý ut0f ftes ro ords haý",e*a b. oair>, e4 b>' 4af>'iio5 a"0oopethauoo a klgeeoand Çooid eafontl bave 111w testInS doaa. rPM. 'Tapu'5 plIA,. &fic»lu boina Put -te pito lieual ïwigt-e pUIo Ko Plant, le to give mns» dablma achance tu ost&bllsh rerdean814d f4 out abt anknl*arae vortb keeplng l late hreedins. bard. The plt bua a capaclty o1!dx t>' covnand511toda>'thore 1. l8 i eune empty tachlon In the born. As, faot some 6 wls taken out anolfer tae er place. DaI'>' fmrmeru fm *-twenty-throe diffrent onties in the. tate have cowg at the Plant; Iv. soutilern, fdm cou- tral, and thliteei, northern coun- t»8 ara reprmee -tc. Rlglid RI* Of 8anit8tion. Dmueaesane prevested frai» apa'eadlng b>' kpeopt each cAr ln a zeparate et&% çqqulpped lh-i dlvIdal drlnklin CUP, currY épi and foed box. 1Ti. cuva muet bo teted for tWbêf'O%B sud lnu=ed for. s:toliast $M00boet- tii.>' [bfflghtto the- Plant. IDIpOise are paid b>'the ovner. 00 le chargad wth the,.Coed, labor, barn. rett, etc.,t, hmmthi. 1The - Rau. for Recorda. 0»«$ Sof tetAieaMW$cuvat5 have a good cace of aungiD; the rase forroobrdaof 1,000 pounda ot butter drme the, P14t'sri Jtat year are. Wtohom - Parms. MirO- ra. fleuri. W. Rie>, Diois; .John ;î: ifi.Lombard; R. W. twar. tvo cove, liobres; Goorgs, M9f. r on ua; Harry' Wood, a8a va bouiare L.Wright, Mato"*; L. Rant àr: 'vo coi, Frat- rie Visa; ,.x. ýCwlar à"Levin*. U, IL -white.O . oH; . YLv9mé Guree;4loog . ?oxBYcaiv; jý ,Ntrfleferand J*I S Omair, 44x Ad 4'Ocr Laraon, of flgh, faPuibk wvho test Frida>' ver. made - alaian automo0bile -rash suit la thie cIrcuit court, tha oeom- plIa bhlng A. J. 'lbeYet, agsi for the Norti hobc» une t *tlai Park, tried thesaime tacticam&fld the>' filid suit in the. couaty tcort illanst Aý . G.mopheracfl sskin.i $tfOl damnages, The coutY oot suit clafti ibat MoPiierus vau r«o=UlIO1 for a crash betVàel hlm sMd the driver of the LAUI aca brothers car, at lit.Johm'a Avs-. and L.Inoi atreet, HIghlaixilPark, Nov. §. 1921. tever la s11111 the lareM sfur nom00. ne chargea thelr m4ine ran to hlm wbIle ho vu a ud- luS the. croulng at Laurel Aveý Rushand Park, Eyard Prida>' on the couriiouss stopb. * 8ctoii.d oit a âne faru st» of Righl"*d Park and I; brought U71, 26EQQO the bidditg beng aplited. The Puichaseil 1u Dr. O. Ul itelli and II; wusuod t e ultte a aut * xodlng botveorc llianm.KWarren V«*Wr ienzoy M roie. The. proeorty comslts 'of 40 acres sathva!o4 o RIàiiu ?- ait W ai , and bq4ui5( Iime an. sd te am"e uottkvUi, a DeatBod la Cool eOualp# "MeParchàa.r UIlla InChi *840, r CÀÈODJUAT ioiemire ws ut a« a 1I*ke ftrest Swgbr. "Itylleo frienca over Sun- bmore Of AZUgtelo6 la w Pl t IM. Joh1n1101%COU j3~tutaznan et Roud Ik toled ortvcfian ee fo pu>7 ~ Mx Amas and aon. ViCtor à 'itlng relaitlvOB at Gi'at Tbje'h# the.spot. £)riveaasy 1h5 dy»sa»d feling frai om OU ilres ueo edinks. C. G(M"*Vo. Xrif , s Kaluier aud dauhtier, Doria., * 4& IL fA. lrotIis mecesd te .Waag4 i1mrday aftor*QÊM. ue,.* »aiar mcmen owpotls on UaD~ikelcfbatteries. W. Ar re o- p tr o ~yyour tru,,blos, gtntu yenfuR8asf~tInregardissa of- ie inae u b4téinl your car. Lo5't>- vis. Bwttuy O tatIon. *lt lest dfl au Intthe count>'. Mat- qiterado (WM ldance Of thi e seffl) on Set 0. ýPd»es for bot and MOUtO=n- l'eu =àet a lt George Kieppar cf near Prairie Vlevr haa bcegi ý*e O. A. Nevonie roui- douce on Fark avenu., luit oai cf1Mui- vautée. aVee. The.deal vu zsuds b>' À44 Aun,% thi real estate broker. BIInr.n~tAtkmamallitIcflsure v ur edroo: n.It vinSue tahp. Ita optll forquallt>'a"Opa- Mesoa . noxet b. reatrai5ed frais buynq ii.~t.W. P. Transes, Luni- ber.Phon 50.39-11 Thé, Prislsterfau Sunday SchdOl viln hold eU W Al DRY'exervises Sundar lauoiu<& lbatai10:3$0. ,It ta'the atm etto*q» nhay chool (o have ev- or>' %sozor pkoient on that day, vitix at last mes c hoir parents as thei The N. IL Wou Is ELH.Curlett. War- ren, NiçbolafAumes and ReuWells 0f Liber4tyvlll%; IL3.EH.Wells, Jr., tanl- a1> ei LaIit Mt, sMd Oiearry Rosn uleo! «Areser. oatertalned Suandateth bcne of Mr. and Mrn. A foi iis4vro make s vosderftil 5111 Thor.lu gis etbt# about hfiw erg 09 t e5lOYatee OVQS% f ev curr smsgeatd &rr al00tly ricelwed ti'vlloteWe A egetblaCa. 39-lt a ilguest Of elsc», 'ut a w arty elyust faIl&""saverlng 0ftithe autunu seflon ver. usad. The girls sao b.d îeveral delnt>' gae.books for souvenirs. Th .Souvenir Dqace ai Ray' Drus. Pavi nlast Saturogy a>' aneli attend- ed b>' Libewtyvilie young peuple. The. lait dance of the. seasca vil e hoOe masquerado Sept. 501h. Prisesfor tic butl and most comicai costumes; alao for the best Z.gp a Dlamond rings are not as aatlsfyng itua mas uas a 10vamoke rings, p.lfed rout o! a good Clgar. You vili flnd citai' aatls.actloa ta our clgsr case. Corneintand tavoat1gate. Dratimord's Barber Shop. 39-lt Ir Libertr*l'le mejabers- uftheIiRoyal -mb llchtsons ara planning lu o &lu Waukegm w vth their fanmes, Trlday *nlght vhere they *111be entertalned b>' the Waukegan Chapier-at the nov Masonle Temple. SI U Duis et Itai village lIoie presldlng officer of the. Waukegan chapier. The, Camp-PTira Girls, acocnaplnid b>' Guardian Mrs. Edytho Smith andi berasistant,Mm.Ira. Lna Corlett, vent -on a hike lait Saturda>'. The>' valked L north b oie Dulkley road, oust lu the KSt. Mary road, veut te the. bridge q IfRocklaiui road, vhere i e>' n»oyedcl te package supper. TiseDo>' Scouts, ust- dder Stoutmaster Forest Smith, spent Ithe same afternoon ai theïr cabin In Oie Casey voodu. Ly Ycii cati have perfect halth through 0Chiropractie. 1 viiidenionstrate hov Id tls vondortullhesllng s.e.cati b. m muade lu hring yon. b*cà. te bealth and & strength. Dr. J. l. Rstn, Chiroprac- INTO fL 'V3L bpftaeaalaSiFr1.>'atternoos. a i on Adamis v6Ubi shakobauds ithu i taberosia. Skil 1 ba o6 vt» himifel!toep-bsifor Oie faci r lu wrOUsgtn>e. Ees qbor ua hela IOqoL mre ta move a tmb. bauldr.h 'netju va4 r tvs = 9vngan incident Obthe Dooper 'Obiden.'10.2 .retu a -fart», on Mlvaxum e1-0.4.noril or tn- oit. ueruasorricqs 'v*r b« il au n a i IROnhwV*q a&tlerb= .<~hlsgu Medag vii. ho ae huloI fuIe the, '- - , .. libel of a y4" uleli. sed aarrov t JOLI3lNU ON fara, W bilpu ana altuo a~yaon the Dooper f&oý -nd whitel. I3RS u z w i -brponfug the 9plves Ot théeumt- 10qrwivth an- eeuffliheebl, the* Dll - ' I onl. the latter sllpo&eap os Il1 bit» :011914 sept. 34-Morethan 4410te fla!!aantt»ti. -Is ellos 1h.( *pmla-s lu Jouet penteuAlla> ren sio'. cutter. levusw u rlaI vltb *bio Sabooi or cilegeu iamt,gresl forceilte tihe" lyvhiow 12 anordgta 0Oie asv. Trsnk . Ote cutter, fortmuo& lylie tels 101 Brune, eb"wn ofe theeltutýiliu. oauit uhe g ix'.ore probabl «ffluena%* ,eksouI *bout UW,0 *I" bave beau .wfJa-, lmte"4::tb bok *cthtosletits"oaethe m"eilugye0 hv *lbrga7>"Iwad ls er u.Ormuo. -boas atcped. lit s . blde. 1 [""t -l &.bàe t telb. tiser ' iilansd art» es l~v Rv IoUsé- L i »Sh-ýetmesud hala la boil bo4lable Tu*fflw oa tor suwrvAa4* 'au 'mSes g iVOfe a datuffla ruept of lthe WOik of UMia Ma luiS cf ibis o~r Mdthe lest tW néca"M' =54 n'uy t -t2ae vpq To ydta -la bme dou4 *th om eswa the m4 tue P5 et 0fCOMMImn,4 Nim»or f dIN Borne vii, 82. Itunhor ut e* e 4oa 6. No Iutia om f 4ot3, 1 00 - ondMQHsital. 1Q. TO ]ta ! tMlida uprvao3. 1 Ton lo totOaid .- nbw To prIn Hoe homsUote dr iha vireno!t o otal nbr cmm4. Nuero of hume corne lM.urn Surer. dCurtr o Permitte< tu> romain in ovn home, Percent cf commit, 144. Ninaber of hoame visita, 816. Niuuber of porions lutorvleved, 524. Nuaibor ot nov peUllon»,14. Nun*er cf adoption1, t Ropeit for J4ul>', 19=2 Nevcw esreel udrfns moutb -6; lneludlng 8 boys. 1 gil. Casesono probation, 2. Cases reporting az court 3. Mothera pensions, 6. Total cases. 36; tncluding 65 chll- dr«n. 'Md of cases:- Dellmquency-Boya 8; girls t. - Depen.laaOy-Boyis 36; girls 21. Total 6. Sourceo!fcaue: Applled for assistance. i. poucoe court 5. V'byslca exam"taion - Sýoya 1; girls 2. 'PoWa, 8. »lsopooq flon of cases. Te PrfOaie home. 1. - Te instmtton.0. To Deteutlon Home, 3. Rsturned te, <n homte. lu. Permitted 10 recniIu n ea home, 6. Speclidata: Mental examlInations, 2. Persons lntervieved. 118. Home visita, b9. Report for August, 1922 *Nev cases recelve<j durIng monA -14; tnctuàdi.ng 16 hoys, 12 girls *Ca"e on probation, Il. Case, on probation reportlngaait court, .6 Mothex'a pensions, 7. Total cases, 37; Incltudlag IlchIltiren. Kiud ut caes. Dellaquèey-Boys. 8:, girls. 4. Depeudency--Boyar 37; girls, 82. Total, 81. source of cases: Âpplied fgr assIstance, 7. Police court 4. Humane Society, 2. Visltlng nurse, 1L Physicel -xeainatluns--Boyo. 1; girls, 2; total, 3. * DispoqliUon of cases: To ùabtllutlons: boys, 1; girls. (1. to Oounty Hospital, 1. :1'o i létentlebRomé. 0. Returned lu own home, 10. t Permltted te remain ln riva homne, 13. Speclal data:- Work secured for 3. Iluivisita, Ill. Persons Intervlewed, 121. One unmarrlIed muther and bah! care4 for. These. reports are gent te tiil State Department of PubliecWl àtare ever>' quarter. and a almilsr r'report goeo lu the Chlld Weifarýe Department. vhlch keep a persnae 1check on al the. cases. Police Savç . Ufe ot John Pros- ICI Patient t the Naval Hoapital. ahock gvilm u114erging treatmenl. la thé,. Great Laites Naval Train- Ing station hospîtal vau priventel trouin flimiting8tulcl4e b>' hanglng la a oel ur th», gl v l al.atWau- kegan -early StIün morun; vhou ho vaseut clovn b>' a police officor. Prostl -had removed bis boit, 1placod it about bis neck and tlad 1the. lacs. end t10 0 fl*0fthe bar@ thal toritthe ceilllngof hua oeil. àTo roach thia bar ho had dlimbo 1upon the upper b.tih s"yen test L boys the fluor. Thon he'. leaul FauXW vrs vho vawuavlu oS aIg ut iMargeant heard bts grosu sMd strulet and rasbed . lattQ-he ".1 Beulahýied the boit snd Foa fou! to tb. flor -«baud»$, A .IL thonWUvas ot t* &. uaVm 2 theSS Sr.5. te AV". Dancing Days Are Hee! WH ffise crisp FeR au sebs your-blood a-timgle wlSci gokklden ternst>eckc" you to a dwS ce the porc. and fie fira muId chdiU offl evecmmp sugstamusement iioorem-them yoWDNieboy the musas of thse New E&mso Re-Cranhons. MW mfremti b«M huet iecho diOUes Boa way migW ite osaI>.Re-Creeteinu yur owm home played by WOrM faMeU& orchestras as 4mW 'à a if yeU cSudsee t& lUMoIcaMd* M seives. AM mi i Re-Creatcus play mea*l twice as long as tise averafe record--hear thcM t"Y. SM EM<W IELUMAF DM0151<EL-M TI0 RoW Meon ffWlb 'ixls mthhwym 'Fo Trdt. MSsy hWit e P ae#." ai Lw*es.8et Aegnoi -If s lIai qy way, PriS>' Baby." Foc Trot DECKER, & NE VILLE Chfanged Hands Lake 'County Tire Shop Callin and see us adbe co.nyinced that our-work and pnces are right. Ica-Pt = ,P nay ropatrwork on tires or tu e aery repairing, re- chàrgig, or get oir price.on a new battery. Mso Auto Accessories. Our Motto Best and Cheapest At the OId Stend, Ammîu Building ColiQis & Doane, Co. Monuments and Mauýo1eumà Down By Il,.EWet& im to Phono 200-J Libatyi b Iih BeginiOct. let, Our' Stores -I -I CýionJ &on*'Suuclay L. A ~Shrrie R- J. Lyois, 1--: f- a It