1 quaiÂx m »Bc £ONSTTfIJT--Th ÜOà anlc kyx a' *f rom ,latangib-.provety 9 f .ir xth go O ppato ln glveu pover 'la i*podng tax sredte artaIoshaac i o to, provide for snch dediietioma m sud- set-offsas may be n«emury ..t o SSetthe nï ~ at~i ¶ ~~avold double taxat*oji. Adglnc ,ýkECT1ôN DECEMBER 12 *thein"ometax Pu tbty sae *in0 b &wutW8 P Ili., oct .-- tialn on Wbloh t nb'* beniê." by raifyng theo new cousti' Tiie bulletin dWucubei th» moe- PIW~ of the. tte oni De<!mber 12 meut ioi'iu et ii. 14 _ cuing WIl I peuple 'viiplaca thomnelvos df the ecovUU»,=anti tu' r4çtes ~ ' ,aamuch better position tu verk at lgn*tb, awa aIiDOr f t ý'ettWr goverumental problams.Y varlouu section% o het .3wbait Pt Citien' Association cf i ci- là*. lW- ri 10llii- ta hiiof k~ f. today lssued a bulletn strong-, 0001rOountyln thie 'Gnfrrai AJçom --' ' r' i'%* urging the adoption of the new by, Ilt dodlares tbth, "the. iqe % t 0W0 i? ~~as4clav. houa. 1al = liOa Infot uwiffr 'hO t' <i. t3 "Whle ln our opinion.» the bul- t» people et Cook Counaty; -but 19 >J. rozi 'lt3~ Î letSu says, %bc re w oenat ticj elt pOOY Ï r0ie8a ble uarsnty te- ter.a 'Wa.a~o. d i» =10M ba hve been irnpro'red '11idsMM tbaxe pe or fthe. rut. of 'gt ite netith du ,respecte, va are aware t tma ud ht tbsy vlU noyer be subjeted t' 71 t tidd O Udgq a e. docment linneasarty 'there.- tuthe, doinatm o f one great ràbohfo r<îuL11.hob suIît of compreise anet 'l'a aictf'!' t cdatinuesa: "RsrlY ln pur ulïw i n deint ati twq tUl1y convInueti that it offers thoe ôrta 'te làing about the calling biittb3'i-Ap.itidi.tbi4i ,Veos>l- enormously importtt net, of a oonf 0 entoi oborain aae - et' hlm edIeat tji ifne *~mn.Certain lements n&tural)y of the. etru«g apDrehemn-atfit wag birod, dlsapWonted because thie noû- dovotAton thuas âbleot andi au it vù, aise rotedi t il V&tjion dd flot adopt idoas upon fmr ba9k as, 1914 vo publScly toak ptobatIoa affluer to q144b ý-,,wâui tiey laid tress, but thethue position tisat as, Oook CeiutY 6#0na0A8ý,f that afol'lb th ý,fatre to acoétt"euh suggestions aireaiy contafned amost halU the héroaàf$r, the arna ts -..tua 'ýJ& not an adequate reanom for. m. population ofý tho state, and woulti the ony ola h?6~tO d ;oýttllsgthue enire vork iaccoiWbfa- undoubtedly bave a maJorty of the bY thé rgular audtin onntte.. Md be tie Convention dUrin«g a p.- aalo'Ppulaton vîtn a lfav 'Tecpiilty treasn2.r a' aùthor ,r1od of tvo and ant-hal year." yemr, It could Weili afford te au-11e8 t 0 i4 sufl1nt andilhM It vas a state-wide 0o*lnittee cept a limitation ln ane bouse p- I mse0t ti arn xea adt 'f-titis asocation, beatied iii vidd that Chicago ah the aff e reih* lek antbocrize e odftrwv 'kýorge ja Coe, with ton ye urs ie wa8 girn full pwej rora0=1 ft bille ilôwd ei t ibis ment.9 _fl adYoeted tlhe callng of a cou- slf govermaet. -1i» .0 "Xoution 10 redrat lb. constitution. Toii mprovemeonta matie iiy tii@ The boadjionrned mlieo. 12 The principal ailvantagea ettore-I new constitution dscused.i.n1 the ~.Yt4e coOsttltton, aordlug ta buiietla. IPCude the. fol.wilng: T the bulletin are. "Ceak CountY ln gh'eui addition-à tâhc93,o la given complets povers court, u thue mventh juidicial is, E KT b local soif govrnmenh, subtan- tict. ecauLmlzug the countes cf :C IO i1e -1ý lyý a requeted by the, Cty, 0ûý. lAtb Wlhl. Dupâm .antI Nn- = etI. That bodiy liauat*oried kahte, vifi 'est' t#»ee ttigs, CTON»oi 'el a charter COuvenuS t 10e- more than ive eofv*tom Suauco mm ê -the City Cimiteri fbeoAtg 'fxMn t»' aUna oguMt?. &SiuOtgfld, OL ~Q~4.-E~q et naôe1 ovirt "The jumdiis ytem qf du mit&e S mith filed a gi t io dem i viiiPdlc aulin , W reorgaaajspjant ,etiedigtiua0i. ofIerrer lind-e etia"miI court, t. f le rovisi lan lm mamade for "T» e telaturs la oàmored te 4ay ln e i e'r. i.aon o(». '>oapldatibu. ef taxng bédose. tee=ans.'and reeom t»bq oen- cicit ,out of La» keons~ iuLv e1-3j 0 lC>U RT- MACiRI -N I lt i tefoumq* tg iirougbouh tXe, re'êm i'tbo "W" l ~aw o'bw ui ift3WGTINNED. - OnM Of thestaSe, '.fntudlag <i~<6ut, ' by the ndustilal oia.ul.so w0st v1eily important geabs oe'090 nmgi" atuP»Mcdure la botter llnMsgabh Igoy a g4e 9fWau 'qby ith» ne* draft la the 00u- Umu>~a4d.e 0eolahlvby'retuire- k.. WPSprv$kfeW8 >la of ethle 000k Oputy l vJpl vt presnt thie peialesîé»and *8 friul*eml . t~u*.TUs mtger vIT 1».d it okroratiou' bise mthodt tion oiwlneg tgSmih lg bgo under té t h& nevili qe. d ib7 thue explosion *et'a sen d- court, 'tle.- £ti' "%*lgll ma.Ia ' roide lhiaIunes white dcoing carpnter voe* tet l4inmv ruâqie o ia'b lie glblp.rto serve fo, 8&Oder in Guirieeon Apiti 0. ingPtactiée antiprocédufI ja as jutonmepitithei. ls a mai mmi 12. thteourta of l. st ate. '-Èhj» ber leom thbn Ivoire lu oieIloea ________ ed reorgéalsation vlU ielp hte .-7q%1logisaturs nMay maie pro- CovnettSulas up - cii suit anti _,10 pu t y$im tor the ban <ot money on ffulyviliu crime ecdheiioph. "egiptaive .aplportlo=eu etaIeetabllihment olih lue e '~I i"1L4'ItO el tated lohervals là aâsureti. grade croalng.- Detroit Motor Ne. "no.AmuUelarge gan fo Cim -11M eoblîgauenon f puliiefc OMO________ *ethet sate -ta the bald*enat are more deflate! uet fortL T.e OSurat ote luuow a cksd"A 40 ovaer on f th ait f r v9Dwaus itt .o1oul d in te mve" adyla .' 1to mae yotue r he reci nvhlite oUnldSttsock t, conkm etê. .Eveylng-M thoa«ed y ao d Javy in t veraU Ud Wt ri e..At EAiE8 "'00dKX*0 BadvwUUtýk re«eu o W u tkt Sm Eecltalo my 1,604 NIi *'eo 1). Am5'1,500 eg 1~.Na 5 10 NwAmy_1o vegtaboit ai1ee iaiha Bahea orth *0 $PO" 4sp ca 1. . . ........ sa Xarl ut uo Kobba ,Oomm rliEmleuO otr.Ploq t W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~im P2 ZOR ÂTGEBI!,IaiforI 'leatl Putiq *Li. Ab -I w 11. S~2*v~ 5o% ai Aiz~.L85 11. S- Oar4eqa Shoos, wpaclaL.-4c.9S IL S- Narlbhig ~ Artisan S'.., N~àat~.S.9I, Peflesaaa ~ea,'iesbh ole.~..J.5O îer BEIUTS te. ic Chambra>' Sits M*. 8 KhakSm ,.......85 3elim~<. .W. i ts 150 Flamel 8hr ............ - 225 Nqwo. A.3,~L. G WooI Am m .. Sh .........345 Oversiz Vid AxM'Sirts 8.â5 ;uleuMnezoo, au si.om- 3.98 Eomiu4 Aria> oft .. ., ~1ç ntniSh. - - --- -. 2.2b Ailtaise; RbcahnoiOottou ii dterwest 2M RedolmaIIOwolliivi IS&ti Nrw ovWi drvs 10 spoi av'Sit&lrvr eb.0I19i Teels9 for------* evgi ]ayPus Cot& wo.ltrmy Orercoaha. INew leathier rmy 1er- Axus' Raulnc".tia, Yom dy 1v efA Jurkîns .. la ~ litspeclal .. -- eU gfOr . ithe <*4VedipBoCks, GlovesTM*$k, Rand Rap> OUM"aesArmfy on; Sroews, Lé~iussTowels, etc. st very attactve pÏims. ~a~ji.gaiArmyaid avy tr V~~~- ' ;ilblW I ev bat. ~lON 1$ net. â-.--iidi e 'tke subttute, " 1 be -q Xtbe interw ef ts rnpcaui ti u, OglMW te hiielf' gi Î4 te> Manager W'ïrud Wimi bHijofrd ad ii lud.4 dom. orf lie -a#h,-Ili wlt .the atoclbiodem ~aat tuat s uvyasi mul clili hareholdeïla haWo.bon nuseear>y' hocarry ouI evea ogI~u- hua - rucram far the.in"~ çtuUu4 .. "The msaumenh. 1no- ovma ~ ~ 8qae rn tieff t6 believe t» #>Ousociduaiders visilth' Per- thtei.duvlccua circie of fais. viht 's tainof untold rosIlbio Scompelllnt (qi-her pri at 'm Era$ i'alec -in o t - - fbx e ý_ tii. batEér TeNTYP1111 uý 'oe'théêh ,'. botuiit b q >'aoe$ frôla a ~.«keu#.lbut te>tdi hhd t o ver. reoofl klle md * alu fttî' paffl al)woua là due coflonaett uiia *'rs4 au:eéeuatmd '102. unrallvim ulnlngMa# . t Bmelarao ho alonîka. T~~»acullg ~~ motiqu. Ibo viiem dihnau 1tr #tatitudo-uow qdeOriz '1h0 er nad Ô& id et. Ce-operatiola' tic.' Cey - ta. tir awhte-4backmry. Uieefncacr. mw P rOoe ux larY of * biatehe.bird y "oIeaned up threé newly bhaîcbed »egs - stronled a iak* a&" iv imoa; rlpedoVfa avng or a young mocklng bird; lnhed on 1h00 fregh wren eggb-afler wblcb St vws bed. time-a-nd preyer&-IBoaa o 1poodenee Punta lorda SeraW. Acta Hava> v. n lct l/J lJkJe beau, mats eau flIId their wa-,~ borne ftrofli dieance. Tbey evident. ly l upresiin by touch, aiglit f. i'ell - tu a i-,-' ,. muata"t neai or tlieu voiT efft a PxauK o 2c -.5 7hese 4eedms Are- For- Wau*egon 'spi Real BiMgain Day, FR ID A Y_4 ONL -No aI o C. . D.OrdersWkInd No 4Sampsv G",.nonThis Great, Day. Waunan' lhglt'voigut union Sultu  AUseouidnt cf vomea'*h pure vIti baud top an. caff.es, voraffl âW aaterun *ailaimas and FRIDA Y ( SA47. OnIy- Speclal Mt 69C inga. Speol ah' - I -- Woimie sVests Co,sPeuicoats, ree- racial floah, had,4Lad battuce top. Sp.e- unl S1cial for FnhId&j ah cWomns admiiiMIa..muslun r e tie t Uaii pttcots"dcitts»i About bail ptrie., ah- awu d " isMeautration Of the faâmoum - urnluam's Sclo. 'rollt Chlireit'i WIuWter e.Itï nloa lequùt ite aicihbana ad ax Interntational ropUtatlos for Jsais suit& l it 9'4liselsa UV te 12. »d ~flmaia re unuemw"r fthe icbeet or thoi kind. Aboli t i.t h 69C WUsI4pa40o~aaet (kt A' &zànpe Burnhass i Forr i.Cleahou" alum USzper hl hte. el ~~FE _qor Fndi' ni eoffr the. ex- ~ 'a~s" t B ruloohSiubrteCleanser ln the $12.99, Prida>' a For FrldY>'oaS>' iamou P. & reduced hot0e 9 <~hliin' aMgabloomers ila aies 8 t»h. ta'Sa hack, wvite and lemi.Vo7scai 39 priceti for 39ea a Infan uiierWp*atm of -an ex-. cellent,'qualit>'. Ve>' plail> pricetI for F '25c Chldm*n'u ingbam dresses ln prett>' *hllum and, oloinfgs, la aises 3 le 14, ver>' mu« .'9 rfedg*te7 C fRIDAY ,ONLY- With O ilot u oIr po o aor ote la tans anti hravna È o ir<ar ut~oird uSlnai vitiaslfa o a About Hai Prie AI K=idoCars> satu OU iSfor 82- spritgblock aWoruýe. 95C Spucitifor rlda> ah Aà' uspdîmnof ow*1 's pur>- rdas, i= l Iea t à o edév to79c. Cee. ralAprons, Wonuai corerali i l us. speca > méï M.' fe. XoeuiI. ehome la &Il aim, ragu- -.J lar tic values la blaci, hiove gi-e>' And DAY. pFia>'r g ah 5 PAIES $1.00 Chidren's *lie CiUrulri bbeti hasela AU aises, la hi-ove, blak andI ville. Bal u-egoUllyah 25c. Frlday At 9 PAIRM10 AU »ti4 -l a lla*,i,bte andi brev0apfalaS for39 Wo ss ats An asoyui t omsn'd rvit bats tu alul pobki.4fhet-be. «0« iand, lie ppulr sailor brima, la bluck, bro 'a, naVY ua"t PoMI red Ponge Blogses Womma's 1ponteso-and yr o i1l bleut a - iround. -tuxodomAd «IY" neqia Inahuwked, trilld.Andii to$.8 P a i $2,49 Womoma ewiite rolles anidainmit>', blomusim, some ar»'talléea, ohiiere are lins tucked adlate trimmiei, PFia>' ah 87C Corsets Wornen'a corseutu lubocdo anti pIla i »atepus, fSuondastbac lace, %l i ie.o 15; FIe'ah VOLUM couany a'$300,( 7ther.P te sot &ontu didats *f tair off the r pi ftxaffi locb bot go mmc "ashe o fio lf h probub-n dr mail orIe ant hmte Ii. 11R Firt 1 Men A cou court fc S Informa IL V. 8 bcon anu b>' an I coqeý dt boosel since la Chani vorhi la lutin serure'ý of tien the cot muade V Village DUK Paul regime belng 1 Irne. I A' V. i hlm Ir vlth c "Dut ah Fox junetia court t atate 1 Thie pl no the him ta Spa ai pili anti 71. ~4p