ia~vmuW~EM)Kt.THeLDTI OCTOBR 5.,1922. WAMD TO WÀTR t, FOR FAKE MONI3Y Gang of Counterfeiters with $1 0,000.000 Believed ta Be in Iinois. Âcuviieof a $*îo0,WO ocounter- teMtag gang, whlch bas dt*trhbUtd tint amunt orcomnterfet hit llBoLg the mm= rnseaboutd, boC5O iiown hmretod& a wthe i.tsmdngOf Warn- feu o b~s~la WalùkeSfl sudSthe efri *tsby C&p T. lhom"S 1. PottinBIof thle secret service la Wno and the dlapatCliing Of George H. Harris to Spring- Âooe15to CapL. Porter, titis gang Ianiben oporatlng la the eutI fe X~My the, wth hoadqarters thonght tObein New York. Ho slid tht, plut wbere the counter! ot uSmey was maeowualocated ln the nicqutaxa noarPoughkeepflle, N. Y., batmt it wuVa totally detroYed by tii. gag when they le! t to make theÉr tour O dstribution. Tih. method emploYed ila b OPerate twinLi tour ho=rsin one locallty Md thm dlmaapr. Sma1l parchases ait mMfad nthe blls, mostiY M1 donomIa.ios teudered in otyment- ]Mye &adS$20 bills are slo given out by the. gang o! about ton melo- bers, vin travel in automobile$. Tre isp dat.ching of Operative Har- rie te fpnlgfld follaved a repot t4 tta huait there had recetTed one oftebogue notes. IRUINE NABS 12 "M1OON" MIERCIIANTs S~ee SuadSweeps tram "Ox Lak toHihwood for Saturdey Eve. îce Tnîp. BULLETIN It developu that John KOpc, or Koprilel, 46, of 539 Mrket street, in in a senious condition at the Vlotohy Mamoril ho.piti from a betlng ho roceIv.d f rom the. hsnds of the. apono squad whlle h. was rflstin0 errest. 1Me in suffring f nem ioIbleouwflfracture, aAd la unconsclous du g rooter Part Of F. LSmIOW MANUFACTURR OF EIL-AUGRAMfl C.etoeY Wwk of Evum7 OIRREONDM SOLKRED lis S" LGmeoee5Lt WAUKEGAI<, HIWNO EIJ-ANAN W. COLBY mescoat Home, on Cook Avenue Tolephose 163-J IMMHTTVUILE. ILLIANOIS LYELL H. MORRIS Re.Phono 136-11 OffIce Phono 18 DR. 0. F. BUrTERFIE) VrgTZURI' l1SURUGEON AssIstant State Vterine&rlaii ,I4BERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS DR, J. L. TAYLOR office ln Mràt ,waxlongt b,..-coms mg Mor:-1 te 3:30 and 7 te 8 P. iM. Re*4demie on Broadway'. opposite Park LIBEUTYVILLE, LLINois FRED O.RABBE AUCTIONEERING PARX AND STOCK SALES A srCILT 547 NORTH CXNYST. WAMRY.MI, IOIS PHONE 2441 Revota.Chars..on SBada*"eCage MARTIN C. DECKER Attorney-5t-Law 315 Washngtonl Street WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS Oftice Phono 848 He. Phone 1100-W ARLINGTON *HOTEL Good Meals 50c WAUKEGAN, ILL lie tle. Acordlng to the &tory' the raiders tell, iKoopItsaeied thém with s deluge 0f courue Ian- j qie. Constable Brune attempted oe handcuff hlm, when ho @truck etwteyofirun antahtewibh ia club ai the oflr nan atemt hl&club Enragod, the alioed bootlegger, do. for Constable Petîtlair who ws forced te defend himaif with hie club. Kopec hmd te ho Inocketi unconsclouis beforc hi would sub- mil te arrest, the efficers tell. A cenference of physicians was hold Baturda>' afternoon at the hospital le cieterrnlne the exact calent oftIhe injUrie*. in a sveeplng raid that censumobl tise greater part of Salurda>' nlght lte apongo squaS apeti from Fox Lake, at the Constructional Iron Woi-lor'a club, le Higliveed, vhere tour men fell tolethoin ciutches. The total catch fer the niglit centaineid tvelve mon, Vite are being holS on booze chargea, anti efgit ailegoti gamblers teken et lte corner o! Sheridan rosa anti Browning avenue aI 2 oclock Sunda>' moi-bing. The. aquad started at Fex Lake, pldking up Richard Hedberg, the leasing Ilgitof the club, anti bring- ing hlm to Shorif Green's cosm- polian mansion te i-eut vlth 14 pinte etfvitiske>' ltaIare saiS le belong te hlm. Ho stilI reclines vith (Green. AnS Francels Kopec anavered the caIl ofthlie iquti. ler pince on Marketlfstreol baS been naldeti Fr1 day evening, lte day betore the vee-endi rush, bat ase escapeti. Her husitanti. John, accompanloti berto the bastibo, te psy te penalty for seven , lleged drinks betore seven alleged drunkarda vho lte aquad clalmed vere In lte bouse at the time, Frances dou'l mimd t; she's homo again. eut on bond. '1'ien there vas S. Abaula. vit, cenducts a "Coffoe Stop" aI Brown. Iing avenue and Sheridan oati. Wii Ilte minions et vi-tue avept dcvi oneig iveon gamli.cada h ond ongh men dIve lin cardSaitentua table, mono>' and ail. rthe>' poste 1 f0oi- bonda betore Justie J. V I . . rISrhrpT tu aq LIVE lzis onu gS i5 care.Tiei0 a.-York. hich are. yte tthree Inclies erean earag vaost ton deys aiteati. I.______oanornge___ he place ylelded on. guny sac kvii ryfo r !a rnecln naII or olti docks o! carda, the &Ponge h 111ae4ueou n htY glude tlobTh avTon', am n ft227 REE PUBLIC * MADDEN SCHOOL --Tbeplant eurs et levtoOf57),200T Lbaala *r* Joh*T* * *am A ,Toe et. srenuerthiati bain '. Christ George, Frank Hansen, Ad-n sOWt ~* -** unu>' lopea of lte aothern spi-uce Ulex, Catie Trous, anti H. Abr-ahams. IR RE Obotlmisanlnwldiýesl. Thboathere vere tour 'culiurd" (B>' Maris ehScitwadt>bI i osIat bvsidauS a non aken at the Manavillo plant fP N T ~ Ensily Saiivaiitpupil oethie eighthtb rom lte cler oethlie nflera lla à wltb eidencesof et quer about thom. OPEN IN ITAE grade; Beae iller, tit grade, anS somelîmos catIeS "yeilow veed" andi lie Sqtsad reporteS. Tva oft îim Helen Schu-aMit anti Marie Nauman palS a fine et $50 anti ceaI betoretth5h grade, have receivednserteet Justice Cou2190on, vhile te Ivo othors Twenty are EStablished Dur- monarks 5Anspllieg for the paml veek. are rosting villi Sherif Green. ing the Last Three Years; M. anS lira. M. Tai-c anti famil>' ai-e The. names o!fte mon vere John o, orrovlng oer lte deatit et Mm-. Tay'lor, Jimn Clark, Tom McKee, andi Plan ls Growing. Yarc'a brother, John Adams, vito hanaC Jakourmna-. ieA ieJi vei> o irro ae bonu sickvlth iteart trouble for threo Pourmenare lacin te jil -ent ne libarls hae benveels In Chicago. fi vas impossible bsr HlgbVoS. The>' are William etabllsitod ln Illinoisa duisg the tor- Mr. anS lir. Yarc te attend lte LleW1elIi'n, Josepht Fagin, Con Court- lasi liiree Years, saordnlg 1tiste funeraI. 'Pi ne>', and Mlle Radmoi. The>' wi report et the librar>' extenaeon dl- Wo have recel vedt Ient>' neo ks lote tace charges o! volating the liquer vis"iofet tilihifis eatli r<- f tior rlIbrar>'. The pupils are *=r-Po lAva. State' Ateorney' SmIth tati- 'Ph.>'comtprIS <iss i ' ity em- iclua te rendi en. Théelitrarians bave O mates. numixVllage ibrai-tes. sevOfl tovf r angeOS Ibm li order. 60 the PUptIa -s _____si ibalsaSue en>ç~a are permitted to lake the books eut onid lic librai-les supporteS b>' taration it or an emdovment." saddeS the ri- Durng lthe putl eek te tolioving'tr *ae~4~Port,. viidacoveredth ie peuled frein fre aei- S hd .Aten îstols nid:ttln ÇjJ' an. 1, 1919, tn Dec. 31, 1921, antiDr cwndAtnVctradDd DAJIA itSm s u awon oaiiUed by Anna May'APerceHenry' Ecysea. ~ 23aispnlneudof. Ile report bas mal lMr. anSdlira. H. Mlder, former rosi- F OR UIlUlitK beon publshed hy auhou-ty ofthlie dents o! olir diasrict, viteS Mi-. anti Itt fllnotE. lira. H. Halarna Wedneatlay. _____ "rTe Increese ite crl4i-*lln Della Scisi-ck antimidi-ev Skvar- Rev.C. . M rsol's tt f troveling librariesaant Iindividu- kovaki vore pertoct Suring the mentis Rev C.S. a"f Atorney al loas," the report said, -la mong et sommer school anti recoived ilîver Says He's Ready for N. titan 186 per coul, lu 1917-1919 stars on tielriecerds. Chicago Deacons. the nuanier ef roquosta vas 4,326; Atti- a veel's vacation spont at toi- 1919-1921, te roens n'nm-the home et ber parente. Min Aima Reverberallons A ie $1000boe 14,679; 36,004 volumes w' eSelivanSI eft Sept. 30 for San Diego, tiaiagesui agtula t>' Ma01"0ln aneS Suring 1917-18, vitile the Californie., viere se viii apend tise deaeag e Wategain, Allen Hon-innumber for 1919-1921 totalled 118" te vh h er sstler, lira lIair>' rv. Chailes ai-lIe>'. trusteof ette 4.Fit Needa of Cemmunît>'. 1)011. Northt Chicago Prebytertan churci, t. -m e are no ixeS coilections This week we have learnedt ltI v Eider Thomas McKnney, Dr. A. ot books. Eacit traveling lirai-y live tante *You-nlghled sates," E. Budtie. doacen anti Chailes A. l nîvda a MaSo up to The tolloving ler vas vitîten b>'ySez ed Bilanchsardtltessrer, wer-e eau-S ndvda la nex ed lust Monda>'tte cirri-tt court vhon fI it e needs of the commttntty oi- a Mmer of- thlie tiftI grade language te 1ev. C. S. laiself, Ilrougis the pet-son te ihmitn it la sent. clasa, anti ve have onlei'ed i e much nmre alockmen call il suittiovor, but bis attorney, usi-. ivsvs Titeie are 25,000 books avallable ve thougbt te readera et The Inde- in Utaht it js Most commonl>' kuovnu a gie rv yJu itn-K.dvi-s, tefor traveling libraries and individu- pendent iould like to eni-dSIL: eeewed t-' te case Nevember 20 ai a spe- ai boans." LbOtvIl, rTe weeCsaeems Iapractîcable o! clal cail et the ceurt for allegeti The report ativised aganst te M erlt o: Sept. 28, 19 2 2. Çadtation Dîgglng eut cone about damages to is eacitei- li Fois- ermslion ofetvillage libras-ies anti "M- der ttie boy: l.1fedi 40a ce n utigwt asyh ruai-y, 1920.,viten he vas lireS" recommended enia eof a coonty Il- urt. iIqie elI teeS il $44> an aest cigr vlth ea stho as pste su areatti ito hobrai-y sysltè-u. "The lai-gesI c5x ever>' day and nov itlaisMy pet l~ ta0n0 iaii eatin asl oran apeted teete lhehsvie psosile for the village," il coni- toîlova me al-ound viten 1 valk ite scentiste, thetefore, sec the onU' i-e- an" son, lit eneiiter wteaui sun f tendeS - b onby a very amiati sum.lte garden anti sornaîmes l cernes lie! ln acquainting mockmen vilS lise lay sosi. th - fS otec n rear ltebouse. annearance anti caracter of tise plant At>. Orvis refuseS 10 Sîs-ulge te i ate es> ytn ot ~~l ~maba pi-sen vht-ehoatse! is îlelin a mantier reachithelit deal. Be-.tehen il b bhungi-> an dtlen I teeS IL. avay from infenton .àeas. vies.. bereaoutovasl'f ighclng, causeeor te larger ceunt>yapr Yeaboi-Say I ias awa>'tending le a________ paeaor." wvit ireatened te ntre- pri-tion, a larger collection o! bookasIcllllttle -ti and iton l'camle home O P DUT N Suce is fiel teute face et H. J. oeuld ho porhased. Becau&e ot Il vas late andthlit aS wras ungrY. 1 COST' 0F RK POUT N Braasacit.Sunda>' achool superinten- thbe tramneS lbrai51, tera ivoulS ted l anS il sut-el>'vas glad that 1 vas Sent. if tey ever met on theo str-eut. bo a boter selection et books anS bacl. I stieid mosl o! My' spùre Urne Recorda s ali>'Kept Wili Show Breeder unlose the latter retract a state- unnocossar>' duplication could lie vtit ltse tuaS. if H-ie Profit la a Fair One, ment lie vas allegedt t have mnade avoidet.'Te central lUtrai-y could "Hloping taI I amtinet rak.lsg lte or tihe Reversa. concei-ning Ro. Mai-oit. be ravti upen for special boks. toati be ni>' pet insad of >'eura, Il vas generally helleved te Books could ho sent b>' parcel pot o'ura inul>', Before Itlalmpossible te Seterinine case vas 'deati" but AMl>'. Ovso uo a0nt hevr'S D.WLS" profit or bIs, lb la necessi-> le know declared Ioda>': "Rev. Mars01! yl etoitetai-mer." b oto rdcto.Ivsiain eitre in due time bente case* * * ** ** * * of farm costs ofpo-k, made b>Ithe cone-s up frtoiail."'--* LON University' ot Minnesota, gave the fol- rTe suit chtarges asUegeti libel. *LONo c H - slantier, taise impnsonmntt anS A N T 1 loving resOlts for 100 poiinda o! consimeyto Itimiate.* * * ** * * ** ** * t * * * * * * * * * salable itog: da bomn6. conspîat>' e lntildate * * * * ** * ** * * Tbore wcre tventy-one »uplls Ver- Feeti, 64 pound:liomn . t *** *** ** Miss BeaIrice Dsitty lotI Wednoaday etlin attendanCe lent vool, heurs; labor, herse, .9 heur; cash oe- * ~ ~ ~ t s ei-aine lier sceool dtiles at Indian- 'Te elgitîligra5dOi-5 are ver>' hum>'pense, 7.4 cents; goneral expents,. 128 [J G AT[JC K apolis, Imd., aller ependlflg smretime viitthe, rn els'f0> av rl- nt nerest,. 66 cent. * a th bene t br mthe. llasDot te onbiîte pine end taaiak. Tise onî>' Iteme et test thal are net -t f * ** ** *' t> matie the t-ip teite Hoosîer capital Thse firal andi second grades have aerouated for ai-e mbltei- andi equlp- B>' Alitent Deliayer b>' automobile. ftishen their santi table, ment. For Isogs fatlenot Ln te fall Emil Van Haecle itas purchaseti a Dr. Boche bas pureliaseti a new Oak1- The elgitît grade la vorkingi aI Item anti aoît ln the eai-l>' vInter. titis ne velectrit vasising machine for ume landi Six. 1923 Sport suotel. civio htte>' al lue. imenîi hocaamial Item, vîit is Delco llgitling plant. Misa Frances Qulnlau et Chicago and riSa> lteetidiOngav ala',jn- ea asimple mattor ta Setermîne Augusl Dare anS famal>' ef Lake Foi-- lra. 0. L. HIaye visiteS Salut-Sa>'y li ilwTite hreOBears," anti aIse ieti tptkpoutoot'mp X est anti lasr>' MacI et Keneaha visiteS lira. H. F. Beehe. whatiheeme enof asti preauctgon Il vas lte Mack taml>' Salurda>' evenlng anti Mrm. ERimer Heel et Gui-nec vIsIIOSJua fine.pîyîng local values te ieaonao Sonda>'. Salurda>' vîit ber tiaugiter, Mrs. Wns. Suntite, Oc t ti, titere will he ne feed anti lahor requiroti. Onia lit. licCliesue> la paintingi the build- Ry'rer. . service aItue citurtit, as tise minister pense covers genei-Ib lahor isot di- ingis on bais tai-n, anti las consti-ucted Born, te Mi-. anti tiis. Tr-acy Davis, wîlî pt-cti at Barigtoii, retti> connecteS iti hog feedîngi fi-ont andi sleeping perches on his rosi- FriSa>'ofet I eek, a son. hrwilbevngsricsa clence. Mm., Jes. James entei-Ialned coin- t'bcorcee l ho evelng servIcs aINE HL RFO CLT them vero ihreo pupils absent dur- pan>' trom, Chicago the pasî veek 15e cOîct.c'cyoisterSni>,cr ITE HLE O OT ing te past veol . Alfred tiSîckles anti daugitber. Misa menciuOtlI The Durbin Brothera, vitit thei- big Lena, tiansatteti business tn aWtuke- open Shed A. Not Desîrable as Feed itcblng machine, ara tling te second gan 'runada>'. la Ulilized Mostly te Combat slougb on te tarm et J. DoMeyer. Mrs. Walter Taylor et Waukeg4la15ColS Weather. Peuple viteai-e accustemed te travel visitîng at the home etflier parents. on Belvidere ondOa, are nev comiiplleil Neil SIilis bas returtieti tiom h' An open shted la net desirable for le go aioued b>' Guraee on acceunl o!fituotang anS ftsiting trip ln NoitbernA te constructîin ork on lie nov Wisconsii. _-1witrsee frhecl.Ifhy Sunti>', ct 8u, yu ho e?-bave te use teeS mai01>' te combat pridogie seros coslSaieseatheir anS athert.8ti, wlconditionsmo , 'rges.TritenatiilI ho cloueS for toi-once S"""di-, anti Rov. Munitord ~vc ti enîandooter condi>'btes- several veela- pastorof'lte Methodisl cisurcit, vilfwihcni eoecm ybte Tracher: "Witat are the meunîsins ho ava>' attending tlIe annuel contK,- £hU *say quarters, the>' wIli ho alunIed and in eastera UniteS States?" once at Pintceton, 111. 'lier. vIl be handicapped, te saay.netiilg O eh oi PpiIl: "'AppliIcatioi." (Meanlng ne chai-ch service, but lpvortls League of~ the profite being takeliasis lu teeS- MAppalacieln.) anti Sanda>' Schol ausussual- 10<. Dk1?UD , HOLD-'UP akga len at adywth Mr. M EN, PTIN TIWO The b tet tet Wede'axei0vt tulaties nud O F THI~M TO i r iank Dillén loftIFrlday for a Mi-. and Mn,. Chtarles Alvers attend- Clarence Webb Turns Tables Milwaukeelt Mr.JonL on Bandit and Administers Mr-. andiMnr. Le MMdendort are Sever Beain. NortheD Wisconsinl. They ld I early Wth his fati' striklng out wtn Moiay mOi-xilng* the force et batterlng rama, Clarence Mr. and lins. A. B. Johnson receiveti Webb, Porter St., Waukegan. put îvo a telegram Wedameday morning of the husky hold-up mon te i-eut, cauatig serions ilinel of lMr. Johason's brotit- lbem te take te their heelSAin or. Fred. lThe>' leftt mmediately tor anythlng but a dignified manuer. Ihat cil>'. Mr-. Wehb baS attendeS a diace Mr. and lira. Walter Ctinn attended anti baS telds one eut Of lovate funeral aervl ofetL. È-. Scotford fi-endB thal If Ihe>' voulti vltai tho North MIore ceneery near until he vont home and gel hie Waukegan. automobile ho would drive theul to Rev. andt Lira. 0. E. Pollock of Pala- their beomes.liocaelo6ytclerete As ho passod Aah and Poi-etoi , came .&O aaslvebr oftheII treets on bis va>' homo tvo men tîlet grtnd&aUdaes Far Moeil- steppeS ouI et the shadova. tegadSJte.EgrMpl "Hantis up", oeaof them ordered. hre The nex1 aecondi ho slaggored back The housebMd.turflIttre of Mr. andI from a smaahing blew on the mouth. Mm-. Pauil Guentier. tSr., vas taken te As ho sank to the groundti he Chicago Tuea4aj', vhere Mr. anS Mrs. other bandit ruBheS toward te in. Onenîber expect te make thieir future tended vlctim. rTe next moment home. ho vas sent aplnnlng alter bis cern- Mrs. Garaka o! Chict, spent the pandon. Botht crookz acrambledti ft teek wiit Antloch r-flatves anS their foot anti aprang at Webb. fri-fnds. Wllhout a aeconds hesitallon the L. K. Scot!oi'd ieS at hisomurmer Waukegan mnan's liste began 1 Il >' hume ai Lake Catherine Saturday In a meat disconcertIng ma n rn orning- fleath Vas taused by lîeart Crack! Crack! te>' landeS on the disease. Puneral services were con- java of the hold-up mon. The ban- ducteti Monda>' atteriioofl on the lawn Ldits tolk qulte a beatlng before at the Lake Catheorine borne andi aI the 1 te> decitiod lhey vere ne match Northi Sore cemetory. Mir. Scotsford t or the man vho could il 11e Jacks la surviveS b>' bis vIte and three cihl- 9Dempsey, Sutident>' they docded dren-lirn. Deve>', of Okanagan, that lhey venît lok for an eaaler Waah.; John Scotted, of Cleveland, )"Victim" anti beat a hasly retreal. 0h1i, andti ionse C. Sco-ford of Chi- *Mi. Webb calmi>' proceedeti home cageý. 3 ent bis automobile and returned 10 Miss Leenella Taylor ais a Wauke- 1bis triende dwS ovu ev.gavitewensa 1 I"1baS Ivent>' Sllari-n my jiecket anite ey Neva yW. k no e anti1 I ilîlhave l," h o lISbis besney as ede ay.nM'ueno à triends. »'Let those crèoola vork t)r, nti lirsa. .W.Wîinrhe forr thedr mono>' the marne va>'ve for heirmony th sae wa 1 returned homo !rom tbitri tp to New OPEN I i the Oharles Wrighat plnelm OPEN 816 L£ke, a tract et. 42 1-2 wrla tliey plan to subdivISe hi, SUBD1ISION inoriler tt ais as y ter rtreage two larga *9 AT (MEiIS LAKElaouas, one çevering Na i*A the other IVO acresvfb 1 Lagoans are Being Dug ta leu w dc u fi w Give Lots of Frantage eut im. hriiire t. on the Water. at -,or<ontii. projeot> lugonis vIK "mo i:. be demand fior Summner mronttbU26-1oot ss 3on the amali labea in the weist le briligd at Mnet tï * t of ,ae oounty lbs boni marnk ter ogsad1164 tibl yesr. 'Ile otis bave been prpoos. 'flhe 10 &pped up as faut tm 41f- tbM 1111490001111~ dons bave bemken 4 son MI& pd5teaOt' D* vus aeene toissy>'tint At- tgomtme meyB M. C. Decb$r and ILR. ~ neti ppe aIdf dy of Waa*egan ha" PurchaBOd other u91-1 FREEB-1This SOC Il Johnson'8- Floor Floor Wax-itts know johnson's Varnish, too. Varnish la just as as our Wax. Tu this statement w rur- FREE OFFER! Jolinson-s 'Fleor V Take coupon below to yetr nlsh is fine for, t1140 mearest dealer in paints and chairs, fUraiture, WCÇi get a haif-pint of Johnson'a work, trim, oilcloth àý Floor Varnish free, or use linoleum. It will reim coupon as a 5c credt on i a larger can of Johuson'a enate the whole htç* Floor Varniah., of your home. Made to Walk On Johnson's Floor Varnia is very easy to, and has good. body. It dries dust- two hours, and bard over rxlght--ý beautiful, high glos which wifll not ntJ scratch white-has great elastcity-is vé pale in color--and absolutely waterproof. Sol anid Reomme.nded by He B. EgR* sssm C 0e ÇouD)on FREF ý-- ;MR. DALER- Please give me a 50c can of Jobnson's FlootVX EEE-or apply this coupon as a 5Oc credit OU& San of Johnson'a Floor Varniah - NAME ....................-------dal ADDRESS............................ *-(Fr-oeIiU 9l"n n oite dulte-0e a xgM M M M M 'goama mii>', aU i. labo 1.001. ip A, V. rau w memeat i unis a i~'* a YUAR. 'e.. Ive ide làs of Of e a. 1 4 4 fi SNEEZE WEED KILLS SHEEP Plant Seema Impracticable of Eradi- cation and Stoclcmen Are Warned1 to Avold It. (Prevamd bY the United 8t,.t« *,-tnient A Plant poisonone to abeep on the ranges, and for whlcb no practicai method has been discovered elther for eradlcation or for cor eto the rcsultlng dlsease, ta deaciibed in a recent bul- letin e! the United States Departinent et Agriculture. The weoe la mort trou- blesome In Utah, C3ol<rado, Arizoa and New Mexico and i- the eaatern bal! of southero California, as well as In scattered ares& In eastern and west- ern Nevada, aoutheastern Oregon, southenateru Idaho and northwesterfl Wyoming. It waa firat s!orted to the depart- ment in 190M thal a mystorlous dis- esse, characterlzed b>' vomlting, wast- Ing away, and death, was attacking aheep In Utah. The disease waa et first attributedti t Zygadenus (dett eamas>, but several years inter de- partment botantats observoti that aneeze weed wsumuali>' found on rangea occupied b>' the affecteti aheep. Suhaequent experlmnents côvering fIve yoara faatened responaîbillt>' upon the inoeze weed. No effective reineS> bas been found, and aheep whieh do flot die reaIs ymptoma as longRS~ two or three years. The weed la a strong perennial, growlng te a helght cf one to three ifeet, wltli one or soveral atems. rTe plant, when young, la oflen halr>' or woolly, particularl>' the atome. Th.r May be one or several flower lied, A UCTI COMPLUTE DISPERSAL SALE 35 Grade Hoiste»in At Publie Auction, on the premises, known es Spinney Run Farm, Belvidere Road and Milwaukeé Avenue, starting at 1:00 p. m. MONDAY October 9, 1922 15 Springers, 10 Milkersàý 10 Young Heifers Rea of Sale-We are Making Rom for Herd Pure Bred Ayrshires. TERMS 0F SALE -Credit of 6momths wllbI given on .good bankable notes, besriu 6% neu A. L. FARWELL, Prop FRED GRABBE, Auctlon«r. JOHN ROUSE, CIÏ