LIDIYVLE oe~e<r THJRSAY, QCTO&ER 5, 1922. Wise Spending 44 thse a omb- du de buea la in the UMber e0lt 'aimle mm ber wi Ray habdayr 0 do a kd vas 0 tva- Lake County National Bank LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS - You Can Build Now_ CHEAPER E Than You Will This Fail Don't Wait We are in good shape to take care of you Our Plan Serivce Is Ail You Desire Silo Time WilI Soon " Be Here. Get M= =Yours Now. We Sei Stave and Tle. VALDURA Libertyvillet S PERFECT Lumber AUL SUES ROOF PAMN Co. DORS C6aIud nl l mThIdqmedent ncue resu. . ie ma Wd M m ho cumlue4 d vu neTe« wus theCUL Short Items of Especial Intt Mrs. Agnes Speilman was a Wauke- gan vister Tuesday. Edward Boyse la ln Antigo, Wls., viitlng bls sister, Mrs. W. King. MMs M. B. Andrews la in Oak Park vilting her nephew, Verne Ray. J. J. FPeeser anddilug4ters of Oirnee visited Més. A. Taylorlfat gunday. Mrs. Van Plew and Mrs. A. Taylor visited relatives ln Waukegan Friday. Mrs. Shirly Thoniaa.>ent thie we* end ln Chicago,,wth 1fra. Nbicy U Clark. John Cooper of Orland, Ill., waa the week end guest o! hie brother, George H. Cooper.1 Lester B. Colby or Chicago spent Sanday with is Parents, Mr. sud Mrm. Byron Colby. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Dymond were in Chicago Sunday visilng Dr. and Mrs. Hotejikins. 'Ihe MisseslRena Miler, Ada Helier2 aud Ma*olyn Zook vere Chicago vis- ihors Saturday. Mms. Nelson Mowens of Hlghland Park. spent Friday at the home o! Mr. rnd Mrs-Peter Moyens. Miss Grace Ulfens of Highlan&Park waB a gUeBt at the Charles Riepper home Thnrsday evenlng. Misa Dorothy Suydam was ln Mil- wsukee Sunday vislting her slter, Mrs. Blanche Petrie, and famlly. Abert MeDermott, of Waukegan, is viitlng et the home of hie grandpar- enta, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mowers. Mm. E. G. Becker and Marahail WyUie o! Chicago were guests Suuday et tre home o! Mia. Carrie Sebrueder. To suelyse the charme o! tlowers la like dissectiug mual-it la one uf thos things vbici It la fan better te enJoy Ith"w tt empt tu understand. Your favorite flowerat the Libetyviile Flowen & Vegetable Co. 40-lt The W. C. T. U. wl meet next Tues- day a! lennoon et the home o! Mis. Robent 1UIi. A good attendance la de- sired. Mns. J. Bl. McGullun left on Seturday for Pbiladelphia, te ape.d sâme weeks velth her son, ttaph )McGuffiuasd fasuily. R. Perey Gridiey uf Chicagosu Miss Elien Poster o! Evenston, vr hene last Sunday visitiug Mrs. Haniet Gridley. Mrs. Sumner C. Kimbal as hostes., 1 to the Youiii Jstr«%s' Uub Rýt her fâmeTuesday. I Pérsona Robent McCormick snd DelMàr Bock:. were Chicago business callera on Fri ,erest to Libertyville Peop e yofls ek 1Mra. Samuel Hancock sud chldren of Indian Hill were here Tueaday vis- The Rey. Chester HIIwillE pr2alil tiug et the W. W. Carrull home. at the Finit pnesgit45iaf chur _h next Sunday morning. Octoben lth. 1 Charley Smale and Mn. sud Mr,. 1Raymond Nutt leoft last Tuesday for a Eldon Kitzaon yeturned home Sun. week'a automobile trip lu Michigan. day nlght, after spsndflg two -Or '19 lu citizen%, mlitary traianing SL Camup Inlu bertyvllle when enyune men- Perry. 0h10, and Cux Custer, Mich. tiofla creamy sodas, delicious candy. or a good cigar, the next step lo te- John Newbore, obio uxderwent an wards the C. Gotti & Co. Confectlouery openation for capture last Thursday et Store. 40-1 t the Alice Home hosPital lu Lake Foi'. est la. eported as gttlng aloug fine. Fred Smth, the barber, is acceler-a -I ing bis movem"nts mince t.he arrivai o lu IÀbertyvSefle sn euyone men- a 03tpotid libIf, boru to Mrs. Smithi tions creansy eodàM dillciouu candy, Wednesay, Oct. 4th. The new ho:. or a good clgar, tIs e eitel) la to- will answer to the naine of Fred lt_ wards the C. 4lotl & Co. Confectionery Junior. Store. 40-lt i The h.lgh cust o! chea.9 couatructioi Mn. and Mns. Ropard Wilcox 0f t -It liesnflot lu the lumber, but lu tise Paul, Minu., agent meeral dasea!t te way the lumber la used. The lumberi Chester Wilcox hom lait week. . we seil la marked wîtb our personaij Wilcox vas formeorI Misas Er responsibllity. W. F. Frauzen. 40-t1 Price o! this vIlaXe.,, you live in one of the richest agri- cutural districts in the United States. Every year the soil yields enormous weaith whiich is out in circulation through the farmer. the retailer and the manufacturer. This weaith you hein to spend, for no matter what Your work, Part cf it eventuaily gets into yailr bands. You have the reqponsbiiitY Of spending it. Whether it is for izood or i] depend enirelY umon vou. Saving is the firsi essential ofWisee speldlflg. That you may spend wisely, sove frst. We shaR be glad to carr yoer c- couni ait "bs urong bank. Rita Helen, the six veeke' oid infant of Mn. sud Mnm.Abert McDermott,1 o! Waukegau, la lmprovlng aftsî- an 1.1-1 nese o! Ivo veeka. A trained nurse bas been lu attendance. The baby la a granddaughter of )Mn. snd Mms.Ppter Mrs .Charles Johnson o! Chicago sud Myno ietvl Miss Elle Schroedan o! Hall Day vis- lied Saturdày aflernoon at the Peter A miacellanes s huwer wes gh en Moyens home, lait Saturday eveniug lu bonor o! Miss Hacel May Browning. t Use hume or Mr. sud Mns. Walter T. MailotI sud Mrs. Robent Plotz. Miss Browning wili sons Waiter. W0iLliam. sud Byron,.'I become the bride o! Clyde W. Brown, Kenosha, caled on Libertys 11e fieuds lhe weddiug tu teke place next week ami relatives ou Suuday. Miss Browning received mauy beauti- Mr. anS Mî-s. J. S. Evilaizur of Hart- fui and useful gl!ta ase welt as Use best ford City. luS., are vlitiug et the wishes of lier many fiends. Refresh- home o! the formers brother, S.P. ments vere servvi-d. and everyouu en- .~-xstzr sd fally- -joyed a pleuanst evenint9. Mr. ud Ms. J 1. ey sd dagh- Quicker Etarts anti better liguts un- I.,s spent Tueeýday aflernoon sud ove- dei, ail atmoahnscîdtus r s uing lu Evanston with Mn. Mays par- eured wîth the Universel Batteny. Wr- ente, Mn. aud Mrs. John May. repair ail makes of batteries anS can iguarautee fuil satisfaction. LibentY- P. J. Wright and family sud Miss ville Battery Station. 40 It Olge Huas went îo stoveunee lest Sun- Mn. George Coope-r renived e tale- day su spul he eeket he omegramn on Monday eveuing, statiug that of Mr. sud Mrs. Francie Steele. hier nephew, Donald McAtee, biad been Tbers i.s pieuty o! Joy lu this olS kilied that day, lu an airpsue accident wonîd to fi up every cup. provided but It gave nu particulars. The youug you ksep your pueket8 veil filleS wlth man vas about 18 years 015, and the good cigars. You cen get e good shave youugest son of John and Lele Davis and a good amoke here. Bredforda McAtee, o! Waco, Texas. He leavea Barber Shop. 40-lt tvu brothera, Reid sud James. sud a sister, Doroth.. ail residents o! Waco. Waut to tako sa trip lu the lako The family wsne former residentta o! negion?.Cal ;3ow, phone 30(L A a»w Libertyville sud have~ mauy frieude higi speed bus t your service. 'axi- and relatives alîo wîll eympbathize cab celle auawered day or ulghh. 331f with them lu iheir sorrow. QUICK REPAIR SERVICE Prompt Road Work Welding and Brazing Libertyville Auto Repair Sbop Charles M. Bernard' PHONE 202 Collins & Doane Co. Monuments and Mausoleuma Down By The Electric Station Phone 200.1J Libertyville, Illinois day frntm Boulder, Colo., where he ac- companled Mns. Collns sud-Miss Vin. ginla about two weeks agu. Mrs. Col- lins sud daughten yl emain lu Colo- rado foi the winter. The Parnt-Teachers' Association meeting wiilbeeheld Friday afternoon, Octohen 13th, at 3:30, at the Libenty- ville gramman achool. Mra. Maude D). Relaman, R. N., chaîrman of nurses ut the State Huard o! 'Health, will speak ou "Cars o! the Child.Y To anaiyze the charma of flowera is like muic-it la une o:' tiiose things which Itle t ar hetter to enjoy than to attempt tu understand. Yonn favorite flowenat the Lbertyvilip i-'ower & Vegetabie Co. 40-lt Mns. Mary McConmlck, Mrs. C. F'. Grcenwood sud Mra. Nelle Kimbati. wî-nt to Chicago Wednesday to attend the Grand Chapter off the Order o! the- Eastern Star, heldinl ?edinah Temple. as representetivea of the LIbertyvitir- Chapten. Miss Helen Batty, Miss Moues Peu- suit, o! Chicago, a" Mark Eliaworth t wene inembers o1 & party which apeut1 lest Sanday smong thse famous saud1 dunes lu nothern Idiana.t Thene la plenty of loy lu this old1 world tu f111 tep every cup, providedj you keep youn pockets weli f illed with good cîgana. You can get a good ahave, and a good imoke bei-e. Iiradford'a Barber Shop. 40 it Mr sund Mrs. Raymond Ketchum have returned frum tehir wedding trip tu tue eaaîteru states, snd are visiting Libertyvîlie relatives for a time beture golug tu their newhome iu Hghland Park. A careful boyer n kowa L ial aue Is neyer establabed by price, thlat ilai the rtsuit, ou the cuntrary. of patient building up, throiigh houest construc- tion sud mechanical perfection of th,- car. The Hupusobile la sucti a ce:. Ree Motor Co. 40 it Mr. and Mrm Jack Bradword and daughter. Dorothy, vent to Chicago Suuday, viiere they met Mn. llradford't; muther, Mis. B. S. Bradford, o! Up- land,.lad., wbo came on to Liberty% il!, for a visit with ber son sud feînili A careful buyen kuova that value i., neyer establlshed by price, that Ci v the resuit, on the contrary, o! patient buildin.g up, tbrongh houest construc- tion asnd mechauical perfection o! the- car. The Hupuiobile ls sucha car. Rae Motar Co. 40-Ilt -I L'. Your Business Office The old desk in the corner of the livin- room. cranuned or scattered wth naners, is flot sufficient these davs for the business man on the farm. Iincreasing numbers of farmers are using this bank as their official business office. Here they tran- sact their important sales and nur- chases. Flere they find solution for a wvide variety of farming prob- lems. TIiiaServce we cor- dlaly exteMi te yo. Chas. D Proctor Insurance of ail kinds Phone 154-M LIBERTYWIL * The * Columlà* Records, Are Here,. Hear The4 rAt The Some of the New Recore *Î A-3633---"ATTA Bgy" -Sang by Nora »3ajes. 1-72-14N Rdl' TIME '<OU SAID G6OD.8'ei-.Fox Trot. ÏM9 *by Paul Specht and hie Hotel Aster Orchestra. - A 3862-"GEORGETTE"-Fox Trot. Played by Ted Lewis and bM bu *A-3660-IITHE SNEAKI-Fox Trot. Played by Eddie Mikna Orce" A-3'-ý-"SUSIE"-Fox Trot. Played by Knickerbocker Orehestm. A-3676----"HOT LIPS" -Fox Trot. Playeil by Ted Lewis and hbs fi t(*X Ng. HANDKERCH IEI A Large and Beautiful Assortment for Ladies, Ghidren, Men a at 5 cents at 10 cents at 15 cents at 25 Pure Linen Handkerchiefs at 25 cents a.t 75 cents nut 50 cents at 35 cau $Im W. W. CARROLL &, SONS' COMPAN Plkowé29 Ueryllai LINCOLN ILUSK AUCTIONEER 1 have been in this business for more than 20 years, and giVe Bat isf action. PHONE 338-J LIBERTYVILLE S NOW'S PHONE 306 Blossome are the beacon lghts That cheer up gloomy ~ s- days and nights. DO You know ofBa ouI ID 8ick shut lu' tlat needs the chpering friend- M, -rhip of the fiowers, of a,. birthday that needa re- membrauce, of a mother '1 -aW hom :emnria are _ m---- 1 today ducka b birds la smli ahoot kaW"e canlues s lovi iat the mtmned lkesea- mmbes an In- &a are MM" r Count The Cost If you stili wash at home. the -Oki Fashioned Way" have you ever seriously considered the gemmie econosny of sending your clothes lu to the careful workers of this latin- dry-flot only 'in satisfaction and clothes conservation, but in actual dollars and cents?Ž DÂMP WASH - 251bs. for $1.25 8EM-FINISHIED 2511,s. for $2.50 ENIR FAMIIY WÂSH COMPLETE 251bs. - for $4.50 The Refiable Laundry LAUNDRES, DRY CUfLE AM N DYER HWglad Park andu Lihertyvife Phone HIhIad Parks 178--ibertyvufe 67-R Beginning Oct. I st, our Stores willbe Closed on Sunday L. A. Murrie R. J. Lyons AýREA, ILLINOIS ------------