1'. ,.,,, '~ ENIOI&EÈD FRIDÀYI 1BY COURT WRI1 t Ors rants Temporary ~ niCol. Smith Seeks Permanent Injunction. À~ A low te, the paint and roMl- orin Cifoy Jude Clre baelfZon Cit> vaCarei »dwarels, cf the circuit court, enStates Attorney A. V. Smithi ed that an injuotion lie granted prvn hp, turther erectIng of okrste thoae already con. «Utdtorn down, and that street 40miontrations lie abolished ta pre- vont possile bloodshed. -Judgs Edwards granted a tempo- rary wrl of Injonction prevonting egber luidtpendents or Voivites Croan recting any more signa. bel s ides are sirucit equally ;JW the bil, Prosecttor Smith. tek- ýÎ%bis action ilireulithe' state *if. Ilinois, nanes as the deefudants »W hefolioWina ionlaets powertul in th$e Voliva regime: i,,'Wilhur Glenn Voliva. the city of û4 mayor, . W Mrd Clendenin, I *4 chiot of police, Theodore Eimaeed liy Thomas H. Nelson, eentrie leader of the Meibodiat Bilan, follovas Robert OBrien, P. . Johnson. Robert Murdock. Ford isai, W. B. scisoîz, Charles Pe- K. W. G. Fion, P. E. Flton, W. Rtockefeller, H. W. Judd, Hiarold iter. James Ft'nn. Lester Swauk, G.']Bcyer, J. P. Obercior!, T. H. MccCara Warren, George Morri;jsCharles Cispin and titi Belova. ail promineot Lui Wt religions war that the inde- «Mests hava been vaglng vîi te Z4otits for ilie pai iwo veoka. ie liiichargea that becanseofe i. retblus differences, poltical ý, l'ligiauas trife lis eheon ram- ku Tbat large signa have beon èçffl throughi the citY vibese nu- he IL la to "Create and cause mouof a!law sud peace, rnota, obbe disturbances. s"d diarospect xt ousttuted aut.horties." It' sels forth thut lare la a Vo- -fa faction alan directly lu front r the GraesMJsonary churcli, et OhWh 1ev. Thomas Nelson la the wne, thut carrnes tbis tirade, 4U'rsan oomlug in home ta hold àe » ai lithe Invitation o! iV porch-olimbere. election »Pff, sibd tsliy shoo t itllutors, 064 îlot expe t any courtasy t rom bo, A e40>5e.siaca goaut-house 4UM» boas nO ightitn 1 .Ïubbat The van la red- 'it-wfll be 'waged every My e mlS .very traltor goos iglfacins Mie diorcli îïa 'oh 80, 18 cfMie tre. NoEsiuthe v othaans alltur hiedet o!M 24.ebnnow spiritua leiaderu - ye iuiionary oircli - Cse ere msried." stat obargea liat the algne t~uained liy the municipa or Mion 0111, sud that numwber of scial police or Ir protection. - an elova propriy. a ,ier o ia nle.deunt faction: i~DlT~itN-READ I bata laI ue cotrot e I lisumefre rspoi&lE lapeetbarbaraousne" * tirade against ithe Volir; -- ettu lapaitei on tht'id( 19%m helonging to Chantei lutiepndoit, tbe skI Kaluert-Voliva,- ardu, traitai ~~~dpltth~sngun carrier trau oàadeecrOhei areof etisroi mttg are. Mie state pointe out a11ie e ot val¶0iflam e I e a ,ilmis ad camse blooddbesi. 'Phe fauote tepeple ta riol. sud hi eoe. ee iut ta the lav. Il la aie cbp»dV iat thie sign reter Iot M rWkge7 an sd hnlngtem luta con '1 "eWs inorTMat furthisa-pcayas, 3eM h il,111. tisat Mils honorsbIl etlrt shall issue lis Ismecoas direct pd to the sheriff of the coimiy sui Ïbe m al.of Illinois, commanin 'bu -tDz*ltvi iummarlly ta abat 1*uId -public aid common uni pubIb heuaaobrea udescibed. and fo ',tbt parpoae te tako possession0 iUxe seuil lns andl rorove lb temporary -and Mie permne :dwtcool or bonda. the stal - ,PENZmi < M~ED ROMJA[ (Sainu ts.PpensioFox Lake msor, tmsper, vus>hua hu servis a 20-du @$4$Mntelulb coUtty jil for viol #d ftt e proittltay la, vas r lgi Ir onda biaivug eerved lte fu ttm&nee uso palti a fine o! $100 ar Q" atitis ninlsthlb.-coatia amena tug te $M INWNNMDENT-TbO bat sud oui tIAL sevpaper ka Lake County. Il HOWPEÂCE CAN PREVAIL IN ZIOX The' Daily Sun does not now, neyer lias carried a brief for Overseer Voliva or for Zion Qity, but in view of the many entanglements and critical situations which haedeveloped in Zion wc feel that, the Overseer and lis popeare' cutitlcd to some cmisîsideratioti which the' do îîot receive at th~e hands of thoir enemies and even the geîiera1 public not so classed. We have feit for a long time' that Zion is entitled to liv(' its own life providing it (tocs not "step on the tos' of outsiders. We have feit that the presence of the sign-boards in Zion were flot conducive to general harmony but at the saine time the.y are ereeted on prop- erty owned by Voliva or Zion and therefore if the op- ponents of the Christian Catholie churcli do not like those sigils there is nothing that forces thein to, continue residents of Zion City. It is their eontinuous opposition to Voliva that resuilted in the sigits becoming so numer- nU c From. what we hear and eelî'all, 'the anti-Voliva people were the first ones in the community to erect a large sign board portraying their troubles and opinions to thue world an& then subsequently Voliva beat them. to it by erecting a great many more signs than they had for, by controlling most of the vacant land Voliva had most ample space where as the anti-Voliva people were restricted. But the point is this: Zion C.ity was established under certain ruies and reguilations; everything went along in harmony for years. Finally dissension came and since then it is kept up continuously. Hlowcver, take for example the Romaii Catholi In- ,stitution at Area; take for example a community whieh a thousand Republicans might establish on a thousand acre tract of land. Would outsiders assume to step inside of those A boundamies and tell them, or if it chance to be a Masonie institution covering thousands of acres, what SHOULDes and should NOT be done? t0 There is nobody so presîîniptuous to suggest that h Methodists sliould have a riglit to,,go into the Roman f Catholie grounds and dictate what the management ofn that institution should or should not do. Neit)ier would the I4oman Catholie expeet to go into i a Methodist institution and lîpset the mules and regu-0 lations in effeet there. Take the concrete case of a Republican community. Supposing a tliousand men established a big Republican conimunity, arranged a lot of ules and regulations and éverytbing went along for several yeams in harnony.E Then ail of a sudden about 25 of thue ipex deeided they wanted to be Democrats and imnediate1y endeavomed to upset the ules of the 975 Republieans.,- Wouldi the Ropublicans tolerate such intermecl Would tbey no think that the original plans sol~er~t That really is the situation M*Ïlon. op ~Dowue4 established Zion everybody was FOR the things which 1 lie promoted. That is how they Ieased their land, that1 is how they invested their money and that is how the town was SUJPOSED to go on. Thon came the ,dissàtis- faction and disaffectionis With the resultant controversies. lIt is our belief that if those who control Zion now and wlio contmollçd it froin the start, desime to keep out sinokers, drug stores, theatreB, etc., that IS tlieir privi- lege just as mucli as it would be the privilege of the Roman Catholies to prevent those things operating out at Area or the 3Masons from. allowing things tliat TiIEY oppoe fom pertin wihin IIEM bundrie ofa partculr intittion Voivaand is eopl ma hae is lations Ud who- FORMERLY embraced those faiths 1(i sliould, ihfstead 'of eideavoring tçu h-ire og sinfthet sý communiity, locate elsewlieme foi' there i1g -âmple'UË ,in thus country. It must be said in defereuce to Voliva that lie at no aim hrelas tied to come to Waukegaln or othèr cities of oe Lake County and dictate what should or should not be r, doue here. Aslie lias fequently said lhe does not came Lto mix witli outside people 's mnatters and affairs and 9does notcame to have thein mix witli RIS affairs IN' ý- Zion City. If they were to memely leave him, and his . people alone and not ,p.û.tgonize them lie and hià people >- declare they Wil1 geton in perfectliarmony. s Ater ail, isn't that something quite on a parallel - with the situation i.n other religious commufities as wel '.s Zion City, sucli as the Mormons an~d others maintained lin their pamticulam sections of the countrYî - Amef't the id Voliva people entitled to a square deal as Well as anyone 19 cisc in this countmy of ours, and the riglit to live Within i, ules they have formnaily adopted? ®r Why not, so long as they don't interfere with others of a-and, they've proved they will he peacable if others leave thein alone. a- te Si. Louis Peut Dispatch; Dalls, Tex.,. Ai £L.Â, News; Alanta, Georgia, C0outlOn; PICK UP M YNVPalmer scboel, Daveupeml, Ieva, De- MIAN gESÀQES troit. Mlch., Nova; Gonemal Electric MAN 1IL3A?3C., Scheectedy, N. Y.; Gimbel Bo. Milwauitee; Drake Motel, Westiug- house, and Union Stock Yards, Chbca- L ON itS VIRILESSgo. Tht' youth shows coneldorabîs L ONHISWRELES itili wtb ail kIlnds ef electnical and mechanical devices, sud wbsn Il t- comes te variometes, varo couplera, y ZMon, III.: Andnev Sttoni. a 16-year- rotary avîtches. condensera enil la. od ZMon youtli las been vsry auccosa- avîtches, lie la as faillar witb them o-. fui vlth 4 vimelesasappunatua vblch au mot cf us are vltb varinos iinds il ho censtructsd bluseif. Located In of meats and vegotablea. d the Ze Morne, the big 350 roorn bote! t- Sultanha a vine out the vindow aud hie ge messages from muny distant pointa. He bisa plckod updispaiclisa The INDEPENDENT la reail by ly trum Lýouhaville Times andi Lousvilel morepeoopl than aiy othei: paper In Cooier-Jounnai, Louisville, Ky.; the LoirsCouniy. »I AT STATE'S AITORNEY SITIJ Jecl ares "War" on State; gays He'i I "Lick'the Stuf- f in" Out of Preseoutor. Tliat vas the re'ply of Wilbur Glenn Voliva last Sunday to a tsm- porary Injonction grauted hy Judge Claire C. Edwards In the circuit court at Wauk.egan la8t Frlday pro- hlbl.ting the conetruotion of suY more ulgnboards lu Zion by sither indopendenata or the oi orseer. "The bigrihoards viili e thero n58xt Sun- day,. Voliva declared heore an au- dience of 3,000. "lThut luunction means exactly wliutlit saya," declsred State's At- tiDrnqy AX V. Smith today. "No new signa shail lit'constructed. lu De- ceinher te matter o! a Permanent tnanctlon wll be argued to doter- mine 1rhetiter or coi thoee already sreoted sba.I b-! torm dowu. Now le a good tirne for hoth aides to quit their acrapping as tlie InJune- MJon la dlrected against thsm. Any violation of the Injonction tîirough construction of atiditlonal sigu- boarde will lie igorougiy lirosecut. omable odda Aa4 ooltn10t tid Wiiar. tie ,Bonl Dliaii'is peln±ed out sMd the DidePO1le5lU statid on thedr board that çugee V. Dobe-Wa kuthe penltentlflri for saylng lje tiieuVoliva. -They slgaed tbe=lelves lte Am6rLàl Proteotive AssocIaton. Volivu im- MedlatelY called op the Ziofi Bulldý log luduitry and oreoted a bulletin board rlght opposite. He referred te hie oppdnent's hourd a- being illie thomnelves, *"badly cracked", and se the Public 11U Otao u. Vollvu ordered mure boarda, und a0 the war went on. Thon -miscreanta started to hurn and mutilate, Vollva7s boarda. lelally, the Independenta went to Staten.Attomuei A. V. Smith sud saked fo an Junctiou re- stralnhng Volva fSro reotIng ani, more bulletin boards. ThO Inhlînc- tion waa petitiotied bY Rev. Nelson, 11ev. Rob't O'Brien. snd 22 othema VoliTa.'. repry te the inJunction wuaa R " -! WbnIndePendents ponred out 5,000 gallons Of 0OU, threw rocks tlirough a poUiceman's wdlîdow, hurned down a woOdeu tank usew an urtesien veil, hurned and. mutli lated bulletin boards, why dtdn'i States Atterney Smith say: 'Thal lawlessnem an lasot te stop!'? Tht time lia corne for the judgea ol tbis county to give these scoundrelE te undertand tlisy can't commil crimes and go unpunlshed! On( Suniday, old Tom Nelson publili ordered them tohuMM th»ee uIletit boards, and vIxen tliey were ai, reeted they weme flot to 4aIk. an( .k-- -.- w t' î rn -k n fl' r'rr.wi r M PANS, SIN OF TRIS DISTRICT ArE ed gai] ter pas nai for foi tis: f ii dui we r.( ut mi m t', de mel 't th, it By EDGAR W. CROFT humu tlier again. wi MIon, ni.: With bis text -Why "If Mie police ln WaUlcegn-it th do Mie beathen rage, and thîe people Tom Tyrell had tb deal w1th the icI iagine a vain thing? He that sanle People that Chiot Beckter bas w( itteth lu the heavcus shaîl luug a elvih ievud ra1bs th Lord shaîl have them lu dan-. club over theîr hesada' bw Ion." (Psam 1, verses 1 aud 4). "Colonel Smith, wbnt rîght lave roliva took up the mater of the you ta taeMite shoos and socke j bullegn boards and the injuiictloii eut of Mr. Hals ameuili' Wby 1 ooncernIng the bocards serveil ou didn't yen lot Mr. Hall file tie0 hrn by order of States Atte!ney bibI?' >on't you ltnow thai people A.V. Smith. ame saying that il looks like a "A man who 'eau maee te pe.o- onsplraey, it looks like colIuaIon? ple laughlel a publie lienefactor." You thouglit that by making this eaid Voliva as he addressed .f,060 a double-barreled affair yoii Would psioaoe at Shiloli Tabernacle. cîty preveut Mie Independents fram of Zion, ou Sunday. "The public <othaiig daiwn the bulletin hourds, s had many a laugli over these dld you? Wby dldî't you tom Mthe E bulletin bourda, and if I coîîidn't matter over ta a lawyer te file a iglit aud laugl and lie a geuthir bill? If they are a violation et the' rnan, 1 arouldu't ftght t sîail." Vo- lav, If boundarleaJ have bisen Over- iva hadl announceld that lie would stêpped, ail You have ta do la te apeuis on "Bulletin hourds, or saY the Word, sud if my lawyer says traitora. thieves a.nd thugsa szzied 80,-elOwn Miey coinh ti over Mie moegh et bell!" aud lie «No States ,Attorney can taire i opeeied up by reviewing the' hls- Mies. bulletin hourds down, sud l'Il el tory of the CristiançatholiC Aps-louve Iltat any lawyer ln theIl toile Cci l n ZIou-how Dr.cotry! Write tc lte 111111018Logis- 01 DD,* - entered tbe Golden Guis, future, sud aak them if they ever ti Djitftis, June 1888, witsout a heai'd of Volivu i !lIend ln titis country te greet hlm; "EMefraiu rom lerectins signe! Re- 110v le lster came te, Western trrain fin printnthMe Wankega il SPrlnga, Citicago, aud in 1898-99 Ma In- o nuoid,! Suppose Mt h t lie bega ta assit a site for a city, Waukeagau Sun- printe erntblng th t4 os a Obumch home for the mimers ta Dca <Se &Mt lie, sud Mie of Mie churcli le had founded. Mô«"i 50 tatIS 5 1fatesAttor. Dreaad as a tramp, lie came out D"sud s"Y 'vs O&Wt stand Zfor fia 10 the site ishre the city of Zion Trhel'Oll. be bloodàhdl' no« standls and ate biea lunch ho- *rTe Oclebiisheelideosiveldl neath, a tres. Il" tsiked ta the HM"»maile a greast m4stakel lri frmiera, and declded that Ibis vos bet a dOlIars vorth of doughiute ~t alto for a -City. me aite. wusl'IIlick Mie atnun tout of hlm. ru, thonccIlpied by 44 lariers, and seevbether free speeh and lres hy tbe -assistance of a Novr York PrOU là dead. He bai declsred wur lirm ho obtained anl option ~ou ÉLme, and the Suigh. e a bu.egun j eloven square nils. ou Decem- ru l'i flIg1ttlt thMe lustr ber Set 1199,.rna<n vose unrolled ditcLs 1 ask for n-o quarter, sud0 aid meenhers ef the churcli selected rtgiTS »noue. l'Il fttglit Miecase1 sites for their liumes. The land 'with a battery of talent. sucbi as1 vas not to- ho aold lu perpetutr I noor hbllefore!" but vas tleho e eased villi Certain VOUva canard snome amusementt rentrictions ini the busBes. Eig wIben hoe atated thât lie vould givo tliousand pereona vore soon on thievOT-Rob't B. O'Brien, Metitodist site, sud ors loig 44 Industries aud Pastor, Ilve dollt- cash If he'd standt inisttutios wer emblobek inront of the Sun office sud loi Tnei n ca e rsth e ainanc e d. Mit e People look aet h u for h it a and Mie mental and physlcaloleapse______ et Dr. Dov e oted lu bis home ut St. Kilda, Melbourne, Deceullber Il Tsrq ay z 29th, 1905, Voliva recelved a lengthy cabluagram from Dr. Dovie AEDF 5LKÀI' ait Jamaica, ordering hlm tel pro- ceed ut once teZMon City sud tata B Il MO N charge.'- For fou- yeats,t"oliva hadl booen iu Autralla. and yet ho vas wvy~-u chosenti t corne ton Miousand tuiles D A I It sud taire command. On Fobruary D A .I oÊ Ilili, 1906, is valked ita the cf- lice of the Administration Buiilding,- ý,4.y,,Qt Zion, ad-lthe iaut Miun&he Four-month«old Ch ild Though-t -,did vas itecut dovu.the occisis- t nDeirm Cn Itou!a payroll, $7."00 a year. 'ila«--s )H ýW fc o« made some bitter enemies. H-e nexi vufsions. eut dowu the fiuancis.i deparimeni __ $90,000, aud mado s-il more eus- 1mies. He nmade an offer ta the Kdward P'. KiCenan, Jr.. fcur- investoTs to try and sa'ee innu- Month-old son c! Mr. sud 11Irs. Ed. cia situation, bot Il- vas rejooted. yr einn t12 ot hr Iu.e,- le biO5doiemilio do- dan roati , was foond deaillunlied lare sud bou&U Mie Zion eate. by hie mother . FrIday moi-ning ai vblc badgalon tta he bnda8:15 O'ciOck vhen elle went upsiairs of a recelver, fore $950,000.-, tei wake sud feOd hlm. 1 The' diagruntlid elipmouii yho The cbild voke bis tather about 'cursed Zicu a&d Voliva as won as 5:30 o'clock Priday mrnoning willi hIs their lbig salaries voe euct lu or- cries. lie vont te bis lied sud dem te itry suad suve the s ituation, sool had htm aslocep, net thiking were the founders o! the indePen- that anytblng mîght lie wrong vîth dent party. The Ohurcli that MiOy the child. Au heur later the moili- blPed te huld, tbsy nov turued or vas awakened by the' balies8 4ffainat and ftenght. Votive, ataod cries and as lulled hlm te aleeti. bis greund and teught bacit sud . Mr. Keirnun, wbo la auperinton- lihas foughtlit bs vay aguinst conaid- dent ut the Gie Pflog'er Tanuery, hacit. declded that Mie vouid fight lot for Mie office sud the moiber. Voliva witb bulletin boards. 'I5y who huel propared lbreakftast, me- got an nid Bull Durham b ourd that tomneel te flndilie baby doel. Sh-e 1lisd falion dowu someviiore west bail helai'dne notes while she bait cf Zion sud set lh uP on tht' imailicou ndovustairs und thought Mthe .streol cf Zion. A mnnvas sent cthuId w55assoti wben she found 'te the' BullDurhamn Ce-, gIvIng tho-thlm, lying lu thebeled. ;the' uumhe-of the bourd. They weme about te atari legal pi'oceed- legs te rocover the hourd, but fi- ! nll dcIedta drop the matier. ,i7,uuVI¶U PERTY "I tInktheBull DuorhamnCe. do- :niated it," saldt Voiva. DI3AL CONSUMMAÀTED ' Next, sîder Stuimai ersnt in word to heladquurtera Miat ie 1usd Cmade a discoVei7! The Misses Mary T. andl Clama >1 Volts-a statqd 1hat heo sut a A. Codaby Tbursday transfermeil to 1choque for $40 nsd lthe mari duly Albert B. DieIr. Jr., propemty ou aurmiveel in t1m H vus given Laurel Ave., West aide of Green 1room sudbd l i juZLnmre, bu Bay Roud, Lake Forest, the con- ftilly "3lIat ddnt vntsideratin - heing $75,000. This la hi rud*didtel etrtadeeid@ tbt ho ddtwn one of Mie fmeut roldential prep- igo bacir hoe, taid stay Miere. Thoe rties iu that City. The deul vas 1Eider persuadeS volia to relent, uegetlaied hy John Griffith, et Laite suad s e hogaýé ltie Eider $100 t F'orest. Tii le the thîrd large puy for the friaiglit car thivt brooght doul Mm. Griffith ho clossd vithin Rsv, Neiaon's furulture 1tuZMon. Then Ivo veeks lu Lakes Forest. Thbe lie gave him an allowance, of $190 *ou othema hoing Mis traieter ofthMe a month. ,-Finaly,,I1lied t10CaliMoore pmoPerty t10 John R. Tliompson, Fhlm op and oxpel hlm," uId Volts-a. Chicago Rtestaurent V=a, a $250,000 deai. sud Mie property purchiaaed 1G?IUg buc* tu the Bulletin, Board tha, other day by Gosueral George The ilndePendents, a tev years Martin, the Priceshelng 155,000. -e Now Brought to Great Lakes Insteati of Belng Turned Out Elsewhere. Thbe uavy departanent hasnolia.g- Sis plans lu the discliarging ot iloris w'hon ttiey complets their m of elstment, and durlng the et few 'weeke, ail monI tram Ihla aval district have been sent te reut Lattes naval training station >discliarge. The lat large con- ngent came lni Tlureeiay Mud con- ted of 90 men. TbeY cMne lu mor Cal lfonis and lied been On uty ln' the Pacifi fleet and the reaterfi naval stationa. Theue will ecelve tbeir diacharge ln about a reek. The resson rf'r changln tlie Plan, bldh fornierly -as to let the men i vlierevr tlih.1PPEUIbedto ho ,the lime thefr term of enlirt-ý nent êxpIred. I itueff ound that mny of these met never retumned athe'lr former, native etatea. Un- er the new Plan the mnen usually pturc to their former IocalitJes. bts la on. or the argumenta for e necesslty Of keeplng Great ,aes station open. If this l0 doue twll mean that the thousane of nen front the 12th naval district il] le re'tîrned litre. whpreas Il, he case of the men belug dis- îarged elsewhere tliey probably ould lie ahorbed ln some other ûcallty and ilie population would j a l thîtts district. IBJECTIONS ARE TO THIfNIiS 6OUT;" 9 NOT TIIINiS "6IN"e Miu ear of tu *tàx aï'f At t* aost *harsht0i1qtaepAt k t i.Q nt ttong 81w sigte, ptoluath- sttto n ge qulto deof attt tiop b e, iveraQuitomby ldetermin'.e lng the methad of taxation. If thore la a général Iscolas 1w isrovlded the hlîhest rate canuot .1,e more than three times te lowest!ts and proper deductignh may bhafu'. ed for taxes paJd' on property ftrçwý whlch. tie Income la derived, tbas Uibre would flot be double taxation. 'Marrled people with Incomes of a'ro on. tbousand dollars would ha"e au exemption of 11000.00 and of SOMl for eacb depen'lent child inde? t*e age of sixteen Years. Mr. CIS&P eaid that the changes authorti*sd were flot for the purpose of raiging more taxes but to equalize tiiem SM reduce the burden of taxation. Coptes of the proposed Constitution ou be obtained of Mr. Clarke at hie office and withln a few days trami the County Clerk. JUMD Off 0F FRIYING Po~ E. W. Croft, ZMon Correspo)nd- ent, Noted for Veraolt, Vouches for Story Za 'i em ci Io an hi h- r. bX pi eC Elam L. Clarke Says Nobody Complaîns of Text of Pro- posed Constitution. Elani L. Clarke Monday addressed p th Waukegun Kiwanis Club ai Mie Vs lulvaion Anmy Motel on the propos- Il ed uev constitution Of the. Bats of il Ilinois. Mr. Clarke tonched brletly ft on the changez mails Lu the Consti-V ution sud culled the sattention of the ri nembenrofet he proposition ibatlIt vos r ua a perfect document, baIt vlethar f it vas botter than Mie aId Conatîtu- tion of 1870 anil asteiltho members to censider Il vith thul Iboughttlu mnl. The speaker stateil that alI of th. apparent objections ta Mie propos"i Constitution verehy ltoe .*ho teit that somothing abaeauloft autaid sot because tMies -as somethinsin whlch Miey dlel not lite, and that fi zoomai! to ho a case of "As long s rou dldn't put In Mie proposition I raitel, I woî'l vote for li"Tlhe speaker cullel attention ta the change i h iell of nigita hvich Mis reudlng of selectioni of any version oftheb Olil aid New TestamentsIn het Public ichoola, vithout conmaent, May b. penmitteil Y hyMe Board of Ilduca- tien on ichool Directora. Under a decision oft he Suprento Court coietruciing the constitution et 1870 the Bible vos iths ouly boot that coulil net ho moud In the Public Schools. If objection vas made te the readlug of I. The change in Mie sec- tion louves it discretîonary viii the ichool authorlies. The Constitu- tion of 1870 provideil lbat ail persona shoulil le balluhîs hy suMfilent sure- tis excepi for capital offenses vibere the proot vas evident or Mis prsum- pion great, This ullovol every oe to get hal oxcopi In capital cassa, and permîtteil the profosalonai crim- inel te gos. oui en bail-aid continus ugalu, bc coulel ho agaîn haîll, ~d lie ai liberty 10 prey on the puhi . i Under the nsw provision that "Ex- cepalva bail ahaill ot he requireil" bail îpay pe re u#ed Id mach persoa aid Society proz*cted. The speedlng op o! Crimînt> trui,.. sud the great annoyance te the vit- ussses fnom troquent ailendance ai Court la aibi hby the change hlasc- tien 8 which provîdea that the pros- scion may lie hy information filsed hy the State's Attorney on goed cause abown exceptIn capital eus and by Section 6 wblch proridea, that the de- fendant may valve a trial hy Jury exceptInlucapital cases. LEGIBLATIVE CHANGE The change In the leglalative arti- cle relatlng ýo nepresentation In the General Asaembly vas explainoil by Mm, Clarke te ho puttsmned aomevhai atter the Re-presentation lu Congrea vibore thons are ivo senatera from each Biais liever susU and the ns- preseutatîvea are apportioned accord- ing t0 population . By ths Nov Cen- istllution Cook Ceunly vilI alvaya have uinoteon Senalorsand the territ' ony oui aide of Cook County tlirty sight; vhilo the houseof repreasula- tivea vii lie apportionedin the itato on tlie hasiae!ofthe rots for Oovonnor, This viii proteci Mie devi Biais againat a posible Conirol of both lieuses of the' General Ausemhly ly Cookt Couuty In tlie near future. Tht' speaker thon motk up the Reven- ue article. wbicli vasibis main mou- son for the cailiug ofthlie convention, sud explaîneil loy the Goueral As- sembly vas Permtiaite oauthorize ether rneilods of taxation iban the 1pi-osent ont' o! tex hy valuation sud said that lh was hopeil that taxatbo-. 1weuli lia more neamly equal. Ih vas 1explaîneil ihat a lange amount et pro- .Periy new escapes taxation whicb Ev 9. W. CEOFT Zon, III.. Oct. 7. -Isaac Wallon - las nothing n Edwin Poiersan, aIE inia boy. With lifte andl huit bae'. mlîlel forth te tht' pond ut ZMOn lîty and ho didut have te watt îng until lie had n bite. Huhlg in bis lino qulckiy ie fouud a tbree- id-a-half pound bîlackr bas on bis àook. Hortylng berne, lb. Youîg .sherman pus thbo s ln a P&n rady fer the cookotove, andIo l and beoll, tibis hus leaped out of the au. puloli epp.tMe Sihmade one more airuggle for freedoni, but, non vas slzzllng on lis store and iade a good evenln 1ea. Tisba lack bass 1ih nly on. Of 5(1,000 that sporta himiel ID uthie miniature lake at Mion. SUDN Si&, uckers, bull hoeai ad othen liii pronouncsd oncloan hy ZMan people. s-ors cleaneil out of ltae pond hetoSe ho haisevers introducel, aboUt lice ysa*-augo. Nov the ZMon isherman doean't bava 10 go ta lte WlWcnsin vooda o te al, Mierre riglt thon. near bis ovi door, »id -unning arteblan water keeius the lali fine andl bealtbY. 5DIVORCES TO BE (iIRANTBD Joilge Claire C. Bilvarda fdY hi circuit court heard Ove dIverce cases: Viole Erais Woods Ys. Richara Woodi, acling for a divorce. LOI* Braeaw vs. George D. Bradiiaw. osinx s divorce on an InJumotion Wlbtur "Sali,Vit. Elzabeth M. Saier, mal, ndivorce. Frank P'Itgerald vs. Mary TitI- geralil, othervhsekuovu au Mary Uherack, ueling fur ainulîmeit of mai-risse. Henry Numiivii. Numsi, at- lng annulîmeut et marlage. The court Indicateel decrees woli lie granted. Goodyear service LIBERTY VILL GARACeý hIone 202' Attachmnents are given by as Free to each Poechvoe of a . FEDERA ELECMRC VACUUM whic is deliveed ona Payment of $1.50 down Balance in Monthly Parts Public Serice Go. of Northem lilei *".( t-be Wray VÀdy for Vms. Bd relatives Mrn. ane! Irnuei f mc ec'vemul v A baby home etf1N lira. GO at bon hY Mri. an( ipeit leat The Ep mi at/tii. Wednos IOr. Pali tenmonal Williaix hi-me hy and huait coupleol *PR lira, Et mailler c ]Prairie V ioriig fimeraisa 'k A. G. h buines speut Thi )Mst vesi at Grays, A. G. business. Henry 11ev. c fereuce * aborche lu ht wet vere sbc John 1 bere Mo Wm. I from Mc weeks w Mr. ai aad Son C. Mil gallera i 'o afteno Grace c m. Ha aty mcli donatiot r T,7 ý 1, Melvin 1 murt w Davis lies ng Interna lng m idoi ing an auti ic*ted coni It la feal camb toLÛ of which Ju The i" ai lte boY' i. 4" dhi, ymig son evcej Odw holu bwgk ,an *boit ime akft to g4 metwheî Sevral, hlm raisins iiudr the -~ Attention ut afairly that Melvli hie father' p*ing lit As Tufti the boy ai Wben lhe S bedy TuÇtr lumediste sari0tily I the officel t»Ie njuriE Reports boy's coud bail thie a 11e seen. 01eed un cbaige ofq "with hi was bis 'w iansald a t family ve The fac stop bis ci %be aut9ls Devis. 'Fi thmetei miatter en