1219~22. i atitud beal radi, tW&b i ha"e n of SIml ulider *0e r. Claite anthorismil cf ralig beai a" Oa. onstiuttoui ike au lU s f rom the M' tony iim l beli 1TIffl put STin i kKIo one scbool celebrate the aMme bltth- lu tnoyyu.9O i h eeI* hande w dey. M e .11,41.-A a-- 1 _trit J AnTs mur itwaeerroADe Oct ÂI1 t~UN~ w rofute el h mm A"'cI e s Y-- refrehmnts IE~E3 ilkIl improvng tbeirfarrn buildings, e Y U U l sait is. Lft. MiterFdthence byauWo~oe, the pronounced shlnglng and erectng a heu bouse. yyuJ ),L4> itedhoe .duula. II ~ aaI.~~K4 Carolmne Busch wuCalled home from ES UA lnMilke. rvîg entertaONlng an n o MAY MMs .LIvnaetetiiga A. . isehe la -ber work, laII Thuray evening te !surt froma Milwaukee. )i.Mi Mm A- takecareohandmother, who i' on the y _____e SretMré" Melvin Davis of raXslake, M ya ale n rdsi arrngonAuus Heh LdedinCon- ,T r im, T20 yGalion Asf Hoie IBW y istorae BeYoung. y. S. Genesae LStr et Mhai Nort When Drive r R~TOfsd Ms .Piisndlr. ttoe were ty Jail on Complaint of ]Babtis Widnser of Buffao otig 20Galons o Choie By la ted Yo sug.ec, Tom PStolons ad c. DiWilliam Smith. wstalien tt hosPital lît w'ýMoon' From His Aut.Hsoy eteba td easi e $5,00t 0 avedL$10,000.i safStoeH- WCr. rhC eg iite. lait erfield, - ie eunderwsru n hOp ration. Nh'h it tells about ai t thegreat men ad l8500an i000 Meleinlie, 14À ofyhearom aidtalsyona 0f ofNorh aicao, hnathaAutt l Hut lkel ofg mevn 4yerodsn fFakFearing rhtAgust U ,. h. h sês$1,0 damnage fo o- story that tells about when these tai- D3avs lies lu lied at bis born-le' W r vdour rebosltf tistild would carry out an ai Ou r boys bavre safely laid away their sal ordABuefralgdI r e eeby n bndfeet Soe fWaukegan.ites Who 1w »g Interna ljurles as a rosait 0f bie- TbW'5d57 ad diti moine ork in thern leged trastitbevul 'tRY uehl wlhte vl rngfrhsaee Corald A Brunenfoolegglngn-onr e were bysdlo ere n difeetd. res Ota f tinad idfS int trn dova by a man Whtoval driv Nrwg Smith, bis son, ouit of i.lie way, :gaini sa nan the weddiiig bells ring was In flower, may face a fourth It tells boy cousntries were ruled, and I German marks for lavesUuobg ing n autiiobil whte talàluid' The. pritnary room in decrating their Willlonu Smith. a neighluor. caused frJh.H J1gtteuulsre hrefrvoaig h iurlw oe eadmn tews ne.0110eadwo bv itg lan adhtomoile avhDuc»nae. according te the states attorney. estlng things about presidents and the agait hove as the exaage., It l fersdtha tii by o vit vho we absent luit week HuLhl, who recea±ly wsgiven i~R~t il~ Stanley buzzed hl the sponge squad 1kixigs. fel l overand lover tbat crumb ock tsseiIGnjurieass the tst b he co0tv curt M.ad Mms.Erben ih,âlar cuuabti,,h junir s, t be fsteImierty».. 'h tocatRvasellot emrnea 1aisltBatesa i tarPmayed.cc ,u.dw hodaho ab ta t rlng Ma o!vic ut nveuo eItif WilistuillMer, 7VIÎitr Lindatrom, vas arralgnod (iWerisiesly, Oct ttb, 1nid Msrte Riebm motored -J Lbery-Inbislisestu i brownt earponed.i HWB l{ail lad Beshlrny kt prvle ville Saturday On squad in. ytesrateo s Nothebavlng aa WenyuRaymoBshel yu a e to bisels: tod hp" toy h 'Vie mam under armai; in George Forman Hanisen, Howard Foote gand befdre Justice M. A. U'rsntz. of ua nrte.N hvgay1We o.plybealyuaet bnde oetdy t9po r Whio la charged John Scroader. Iefeld. wlio placet] hlm inder a Miss Etta Soualnger, whc, was place to go they follow him and re- have aine players. and tbey sadbuth loy mark vas estal>b*O o! 1<>: Lako 8~~300 peace bond. operatod on for aadctse tpottteste office that lhey good players. Yeu must have a catcher Heavy offerluga of Gaums ýrl eai< vii_ Mnî h »ng myfon caCIl uia no The il tgrade boud a 100 per cent Huetil. accordiag te aèlgh bois, ietting on s a vil o t as her my o him carrylag 20 gallons of and a vitcher, fîrst baseiais, second in the Paris and Lsf hosan wilatu Monad Ipetielln de elamat4 50 b e-n a ttln .-queerly ad made frinds wotuld k. toe5»e. cholce "moon" from the car 1to aLIand third basemen. right, left and cen - oeused the Ne w York rate aa elebycnin.h Frank ravinRs nmPno petafwdy vi dLeas ebsbs ra-bouse. Stanley vas bedt.ajsteter flelder an-d short stop9. Yeu connot te 43/4cents per 100, a uiew Jr. &"d Ma vIle sud daugl« u deluit veek vlth biseabâter, lira. Art 1]y exclted over the faut that bis AndrovWeldnsr aiChicago, in bis shap vhere lhe gave a $2,000 bond for play basebal vithout another team to mark. Germaitprlutlng pfsn ymg son vers driving home tavard vois. brother. lierman Huebi, recently Younger dffl a "t.s itOf lBuffalo bis release. play witii yau. Brave achooil bas about are trnlng %st paper maksaet Gaymak aou oclck Suda -_______ as sent ta thé hoaplital forint. Grever vru operaitedon lest Tueeday. 'lhree cases are before the appel- ane-third of a teain and balf of then rate of more thi n1,000,00,O e-glg ut West 0 th. Ga 0 ae.7"at at Elgin. Augt Huebi aima We vish hlm aeape.dy recovery. ate court nov for Bis3hap. In One In- do net knov vbat a ballin. 'Wbens day. saghouthe4iOvffotthe Conseil O00 0 O00 t as cbarged vlth baving thret- Caroline Bn .Amh MS Bunton, Fre sanc evsfnd30 dgvn thri igm nh w en The rna.lrlty af WaukegsidtWi lia U"7ig tea Moit a pass5ils car. ouestBRY t ai e ot - lfr o f h v eaxis la han Ue otrd sentence of aine menthe la Jal. In bave an uunpire ta setlle quarrels. He vho lnvestedl in Gormns U ahn ii4dbift a to WATE MY SC L bend a shoo seed viai b inelb uc i Mgw ilrmtrd aitlie. vili bave about tva years te ner usually gets kiliêd or voundet]. Base-, bonght theti hen the di"testacheibna tkl te et t dsbomerfuien atna ernon ov, and a safe full af nuisi change 1<> bal la aur national gante. rate vas îrom aonebalf ! bWk nth enn. te uo-0- . pour in the coffera of the county, i me*Ma o ppcen!t.olthluar G.M.Wedne w- t "-Chcag Sn-the declsian gaes agalast blm In the » **on.cent eacb. Thtis vus>obu aigu urnme a numbor ai cars vons pilor Wlladewnbssodbs aatdavsafiaroon viatheuuiotor bue inenat igher court. udrprta hyfI loy* eplogie ou ndibyleom t H~Yon amssteeWaukegan to* E R IE D * Wiela.Wlth the added charge againat hlm. 1 U B R C O L *-g aoe.Tbe marksvme» oit alsoat ta get tbe car back on th. pave tblngs vîli taire a serlous aspect for u u a-obok n e~pO mal veu ufnui cme riiasfrm bisviiai a- ** * ** ** * Max MillersandfmllyofbLibertyville, teNrb hcgaIi ay Ltkdes-e*** ***** li safety depoai vaulta taiW vere beeiNfrthat they vouIf lady tue wMwe ututcm rvn M pepefo ho iit t eecaltersai tii. Miller horne ad serts hlm. 0 h eenenpiîserle, 6prlue ansi ie a ldrci I ailb tiei a t tae pay "Deacca Pub "ýat Th [Dorea. Society ai the Preabyter- J. N. Bwab's Sonday. o h eete upaerle,1 a au n iearc fflerai f h autaistis reteso Roeclis. -Ian churchi vi serve a chicken dinner * w~-nere awardet] a hall holiday Friday on the lnveetment. It l l hlm raislng thoîr banda, but Tmitnt Athur Behm of Wsukegan, vas try- t the Commuity Boule on Plday If you have a groucb againet some for beag neither tardy nor absent dur- ta dix the exact amusi o f uler the Influence of Îlquor pais! no hng ont bis luck ia aelang automobiles, evenlig, October 13, beginlng at 5:30. one, gai bim or bar ta go out autoin *V OL O iag the montb of September. Investinents but it i 11111111 attention ta tbp.m and drave ang ha ibis aeighhorhood Friday. Miss Eiferda Knaak who la attend- with yauanid take thons over the rongli Mr. and Mre, . WP3. Bergherm vlslted tlvely that hit omns e M loq ahis a falrlygoDvspeed.In he sada ead erg ewnoîWuegn ang the Chicago Unversity, soent the round about traita oLiberlyvie. enough -V*** **th*ne George Bergbat-n fauily Suaday. thonsanda of dollars. Thora e i father's machine and assltlng la' vlsiting reatives lire Suaday. ekeda e e i. Tijursda aflernoon wus seynt in the Indicationi tbs± thonse lavss1011toma1 Misa FloreaceuGielthee cfrnent. Mthe Hn rnS lu o nteWines- A faint tiakie af vedding bells a re eLyHryHioiu tudy of trees by the agriculture clans. ove!' get their money baok. As Tuftnutts ar vent by Il sti'ick Maplence una wih ira.f Wiam dayth enMoans lbo W e-heard ila sfer aortherby direction County Supt, T. A. Simpson vieited Picturea wpere taken and leaves, bark. One Walkegan min, sa9Bom (W thebo an hrld hm eoneId.aiiuoet, na wt r.WI mýIyatmo.Tley seem ta haillfroua somewhere on Ou!'achoal Thursday, Sept, 28th. ecI uvioeeteWrescul cesestet acan a ifll thon boy saw d hurlai hmta rukoins-. ov!.1 Mr. andi Mis. Aex Wlllan moved Second sireet inLhbeityville. Wi the On Friday, September 29, we gave a identifled. have investesi betveers M e body TuÇtnutt topped bia car. it vas Misi Ethel Jackson speat Sundy linto their nev lfat an Saturday. boys are ready. fareweil psrty ai achool for the Vasey A paînful accident occured ta Fd- $10,000 i marks. HlEuej lummdlately senibat the boy vas vhith Mmn. Spencer Wells af Lake Villa. 1Mr. Hummel cf Long Lake bas moi children, wbo are nov attending the ward Sandman Wednesday irben a lu the luvestienlaooqwdky soelously lanrmd and lhe asa taken t h coynth a esibis farnlly tritethe Vaut fLat vacated Agnin the Boa uine te threating tu Vasey achool. We eacb braught our blaze fanned la bis face, vhite tartlng Be made purchaises vhouma~ the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h ofiea r caee h rse iciait"aeem t .pckers, i orby Alex Wuilmanni-take off the ,aik train, vonder if tbey ahane af good things ta est and feasted, a firein tanegn.sllgaon n eteot t»t Injuries aud later took hlm to bis facu a tie te qutenuinerous, in Miss Margaret Plagge la attending mens itiis tue, i lys ae utl5ocok has.fc . t) nuieraus. the National Kinsingarten College i Jonnl -areandi m- Mi.Leydeun viil ds5o'l o-. ]Reports front rayslake are titthe Everyne in e lp1l h1 a ndChîcago. Jh agl b ___ eo a n- Ms LsHsnvste eolMn be'scodiio e eron adj h.boy tovard mking tilove'enetenorations l is. R. R. Knaak vas bostE esathie ploymeat sgency ai Lake Forest, lie day aiternoon, Octoher 2nd. bysi. ciidni entvroverand in t for the achool rmont. sewlng club on Wednesday afternoon. goes ta bis place of business eveny l.at Friday vo vent te the wooda a Beau. Totntvas immedh.telj _______ _Mra. F. C. Bocker organixe<l a Junior mororgni backhm l h ocigfrabhoutanid stndied oak trees. piseesi unden arreat and faces the choir on Satunday aiternoon. Tbey vith is Ford. lu vas a grenu temptation not toastudy charge of drlvin a car white un-er the * * *** **t-vi meet regularly every t3atunday ikB nero a ae hickory nuts. lislssace ai liquèr. afternooan liheospital lait veek nid uporatesi an Liste May Huson, Ruth Huson, Alice litr et he lme f th crah * MADD N SC OOL Dr. L S. Carroll, ai Sprnagfield vas for appendicitioa nd a complication of Rusell, Earl Hironims, Clifford "waibwhlm and te m i e rashd M DD N S O L the guest of bisneice Mrs. J. A. Wood- disesaaea We vlnhh lieraaspeedy Wilonand Walter Vasey have their inssida third chld laexpectedlithe m**** * * ran, lat eek. ncvr.nmso h oo alfrg famlly very shontly. *yMri E. Schadt.ins. Ira Gardinen entertained h ilvr.nrre;o the hre olfrgo 'lh facl that Tufnti vould not Bylmta vi.Missoaary sSociety ai the Preshytrian AI Butoa, Sr_, va a business cahier deporiment. stop bis car createsi Indignation aiuon Allieit Sclivandt, Jr., nid Roy1 Chorch on TbUrsday afetrnoon at the at k B. Anderscn's mest Tbursday Lloyd Fisher bad the misfontune ai sit. auatlots vlio hari t Oppasitea aiat Darling motared ta Chicago, Sunday. hoeobr oerlraL.CHl.moag.iaving bis car hurn up vhite lie vas on Daid. ýFora tme l; ooke raherIn ono ofMro.Hol's 7 brthay.bis vay te Ares Suaday night. DaIs Frs ueh looesi aeR in ho.oro. Mis. ole'sa77 ictbday Macui Hortai vas employed by eai;ln for Tufauti bt levs o .O urgnndîîf She Io the oldest andi only survivlng L. B. Anderson luit veek filling silo. Mis Evaline ibronlsmus underweat fluséaly placosi undon arnest sud the Waukegan, vsited Mr. adlira. A bortmebecftelur. ry-ola- FdCrgivntb WnCcgSe.29 Sebvandi, Wedneeday evening. mbr f th chr la si -wo ad-Lnoperation ai the Westside boapital, Miss Irede L. Sclivnidt enrolled ai Besîdes the regular praomam the devo- _brd evnatu attent]d > aTe nd odplaaoayaben maSter e Wood- Bloadanid Bond.,TeRn os it eoi en t' -** * * ** *lis. MacDoaald's business collage ai ionals vers ledt by JosephieWadmere hs ek amy bc open for * GR AY SLA E LieryvibeMonsyOct2,man. lire. C. E. Becker sang a suto, Mr. and lira. MaiLas Wickenshehm, traffic in another ve G A S KEWe finishet] aur tests ltest wee andi Mca. Coldnlng gave a meailng. lira. Bunton. Allen ouad AlexanderMr. * ** ** * Mc * IMm. George Pettis liai as bier Sun- ansi lir. N. F. Bosch, Clarance and Fred Jacobsen, wba la employesi at S*r.*anid lir Gev. Huffmssî motomet] day guesti. M. and lira, S. Smithb and Donald aise lMr. asidlir@. Rsy Bosch Frank H-enkels. hait purchasei a nov Mis. Williamns, who bas reesidaitet Chicgo Wednesdsy ta visit relatives faiuy ot Baringon andi Mr. and mis'.anid Shirley and James Matousek veeo rd coupe. Lise Wray borne for samne ime. leIt an vIs> liveoan Lawrence avenue. ýJûeepli Mulligan andi ebldrea of Art- callers ai J. N. Busc's Thuroday Mrs. F. Henkel and daugbtorii, Mra. SatuorrDnverwColb î been perfect out ai fif ty-hlve bave' ,inglon Heiglits.evening. LboaBrewer and Mma. F. Daniber. vere lira. Md Wagner spent Stra ihbenpretfrthe menti. Firet Mra. Bergman of Chicago.,e-as the Wxn.Waclisning ai Palatine, was a WMr. an ] M rs aDeyedntetay. relatives In Chicago. grade,Maiane Kristian,Clarence Schreck; gueat ai ber ister, lins. George Goud- caller eere test Thursday. Mdr.unany fim ',Leu ewentain S Mir. ad Mis. GO!, Thamas bave M-t scoat rade, nthaVictor Frannman, ie pat le s tarues f rani Canada. vhene lhey alta'Victr;tird grade, Josephi b incutter: P. A. Porter, of Nov Yank City. gmv"idendgo R. H . le Hei fafon ite c.go ven$Ean qcversi veeka with relatives. Clifford Hayer, Ratrv Haiamon foucul, stent Saturday ah the F. H. Nieyeegm "bdaniosek"lepeers The Henkel chilsiren are the' prond ,,,tgobornndy;rehomheb.o. anens af a pony outflt wblcb they e aby girl bai corne ta glasiden the grde, John EkerTbornas 1tt'brandy:and home.heyboo- home of M. ansi Mmr. Clarence Rtta Mar7 VIezin; fiftli grade, John Haisins, Mn. ansiMcm. S. A. Haole and daugb- Fred Busch ami Bertha Miller epent pui-chasod firn Iheir cousin, Alice Gai- lirs. Godfrey bas been serloualy 111 Marie Naumann, Hf Ion Schwnidt, ter leit an Trueday by auto fan Wau- Sniya .F.Bsî'.*laglior. - I A rc sY uC nA f r ai lier home an Hnviey treet. Annie Vlezin, Sophia Skvankovski; coada, leaviag thene on Wednesday forandA BotoN. J., Jc'. Nr. onaia newatch at the Hanveshd Mr. andi lis. Bamilton ai Aniloch sixtb gade,RBoise Mier; seventh ...... home .In Lexington. .Ky. Buonad- lirtnwreLbrt ue. Loo eve t rvas tlky vfrnh ,,peut lait veek at the Sthcklea home., grade, uenahe Ptaizynski. Mis. Rase Sherman and ber mother. 1vilecnea ida. BSaund tonvn ithe Qaneen oateeah Gnd elaoke, fo un_________ Th'e Eplocapal G'ild w-ýreene,t'n -eot ad ee sudMo y Mis. E. Rasch ansi ber couvae:s, frian villercilonslimae.ya b.M otpoua ns etlolgyul mi si/the home ai Mis. chas. Bdward~ e r araIn ise]Mody ovacaîîed onHighland Park rein- ltlrhm.x lady. Wedneaday. Matt Yarc vent 'ta, the Victony tlvvea on 'ruesday. Tliey as long skirts are gnilng - a ~ ap Dr. Palmer ai Wauikogan vas sar- Memaial liospital ta get J1oe Zewe, vhO The Ladies Aid of St. Paul's Evangi- ground. IVa. tmure than that mirbe *112h.p ortingtfacof feolona.l caller hens Monday. vas in the haspital ttree days on lic 1 choncb, vil bold their annual ha- anid everythbng. William Fisher le canfînes L isaachi usanto a horse injuriag bis legz and zï ai the Cammuniily Bouse on Weti Carence Bosch atlondd a danice at I L M OT S CH O OL 2h .W tro o lino by ilness. hp. Mr. Zevc itaait ying aI Mr. Yan's needay evening. October 25. They will Long Grave Saturday night, John 2h .W tro o Uns. WInkle entertaînesi bis sîvt. place uintil hoe gels vEI. servei tce Cream, Cake ansi Coff e. Boraboien anid lady friend alea vere * *1 asud huabansi of Waukesba. Wte.. a ' Lena and John Victar dug fifty bushel1 Mise Eva Ender, vho la lsking train there. Condie Hagblani, Ediltor. 3 h . p. Stover--- couple ai days lant. veek. o potatoes ha five heurs Turdy. lng at the St. Joseph'a liospilal ia Chi- Occssionahly yeu meet tbom vbo Misa Condie anid Elsie Hagblom viaited Paul Naumann visitet] ai the home, cage, vas the guest of lier grandmioth- tbink tbey are a my~stery Wken they at the borne ai ber isten. lins. Davidi 3h .Wotîgo of a Emil oamn4trdy t r. c. C. . Ender, an Saturday. are only a mistake. Lnndman.3h.p otig n .i. * ** ** * Nauannhucssy.Miss Elsie Lberty, af LosÂngeles. P R A IR IE V IE W * la spending sevenal days wvlhlbes: anal. Alice end Alexander Bunton enter- Elsie liagbloam bouglit us a fLig anid Mca. Mahias Haronherger. She i o tainet] a number of thein f-iends Fridsy ve ail appreciate lb very muets. Â 1 M g eo E u p Mrs. Emma Knidlfrwiee ofaS.hE. 0 eveninlgoaie was hasiplyi ida Webhad n surprise party an Irene A a n t lis.Ema neie, ueaiS.E.~ N O R T H P R A IR IE il laEurope. gnn o iaBeckman in houai ai lien thirteenth Inedler of Knedlen Bras. Fleur Mill at lire. Sar..b Adams le spendIng the Mrso]MaMxMhe eecaerbrtdyTedyOt. PrarieVie, pnee] vayWedeady ®~ ®® ~ ® ~ ~® ®~ eek wvîbblber daughler. lins. Fred bers Monday eveniflg. 'Mr. anid lins. ,lî Hagie bave - Isorniag aiter an exteodes i tiesa. No Kirnhark. of Ravenevoat]. frossaral arnangemenis bave bien ad:. Oi coloent ssSp. 61Mie. Sullivan, mother of lire. James EnilI Geest %zas ,umevliat underr the retucned home '" ,w'~eek'g viit c a c adw ae C i A. G Mlhe a nWsukegaa vn itb an eniolîment ai twenty-.three RyaD, uassedsiawai' on Weeseday, aI ete suve ihaeeeatckvtîrltvsl aîeroM business bavera daya lait veek. pupiîs, Oui teachen is Ester Molock., the age of 76. Surfal at Oltumwa, la. af lumbago. Oufagplcaevchadeect Mc. Hutchings and dauglteraiAnea, Thre are tva p il nntefict .~de PtrPo0 et aRieHl. lbiCaeceBelibt aen i st- down va;s;put p a fev days sage. Pbone 39 namey EvretpuÎnîs I.t -and la attend the fanerai af bis aval, lirs. nit in aider to getthi-ougli aiE. Gees's spet Thursday with relatives bere. GrameEetnatt id tOSTheodon,4Peîny. vho vas buniesian lait veek, the cana came in tee fait. Mai-y Hacenhergen brou ghltsapeamut lins. A. G. Maelhen apent une day 'ucy feiol.-buacli that abe raised ha bier golden.i Gi-as. S~nuy ateuno.Jues Will and] Jita Buntan vene We counted ahout ixteen peants La a last veek vitlblier aister and f amiy 1IThe seventlianid eighth grades bave Mc.IeicaWrnrl iligbr iiasa-.F Bshsli ek bush. at Grayalake.fiset making the cavera fan their Mistor, Mie. Cumminge. ai Gardoner. civiebook0.Mca. Robent L Joavsan bas eiuna Chai. Scley vonket] for E. Geesi Mca. Da"id Hornbenger visitesi at A. G. Maetben vas ln Chicago an viheodor.ie l.nDurituloPrin cdrs the-hW. ofMr.San Mh, Viesr business. We have completet] ou!' plate for oui esirom lier four veeka vîsi ai ler lat vee vnloding ars. te hom.aiaM. nidMca. dysit ogeometry books. homo in Fenabiook, Ky. Fred Weidnroif aiChicago, spent Sun- Honenberg. F. W. Churchill, 8acc.tary end Ma»nages. Henry Buhroder vas la Chicago aon Dr. C. J. lJava .undiMr. ansi lis. F. alay ai home. A commtte met at the borne of Mrs. business Moday. At pruent vo are ail tryinir ta con- . Meyer, caliesi on M.anid M ns. G.\ John Bagie. Tbucsday ovenîng ta lisi que te wr n "inerwriin" ad oppngal Gln lly, n Sndy. Art Rsopp lias nesigned bis job ait Tthnga on ar basai Rev. C. A. Kolen attended the c qu-er lb. varsnt ller *nIt g"niMrp.n S FeaEusontuda. A. J. R spp's. Anwmnbstkntetig o u aar con-cexofc taesUndtxedciasntaMc.cFaupt Mis Esivard BDasch ada Mis. Ciyde Aiswplacebaiosters advectising the baiser vone aberce oftii. Uîtondfer agelial fan ciitidiem isoon. Pice of Center Point, lova, ai-e spenil- bisdlac. Potheuprae hlreSECURITY TITLE & TRUST luti vaak. Mmi Koton accompimed even cbidren made a home rua on ing sevevral veeka au lb. bornes af The Misses Doîothy entd Celpatine md yteuprgaecisrn tareTurda.the hononraolai perfact atteadance lira. Roas Sherman ansi Esvardsc i.th Poncli veco visitons ai tri o ea. Piloter The upper grade folks are tnskiag ABSTRACTS '0F TMUL - TIL h Tunaa.nid sixteen proved tt bc unlike Bah.o. o' Shermerville. home last week. raffla mats uaing brava on green calla. lira. W. Lockbead and Miss Cana Ruthi ia tht ir atten pis. M5. ara eripseiavya veres la lb.nthecity Moaday. Up ishMerif berr d anglielia acai Mia. Mary Sdhley wettttae j'hlad The Evereti scbool speil os Friday Cptl 12.O0 sohoens erwuacolr The upper grsdes expect ta tair e teham on bernday evenu. OcarecPark, Monday monning, theace ta sfiterreurs, Octobor 13. W. urge ggod > 2K .O JonYn iEoei a nirtre. mîudy souri. Behaon________,OcoerCiag.ttnace AUE hibre ondy hswe 8, at the age ai 74 yeurs-. Mca. Wacn-Cbcg.atudne Mondy. Tis eek antire prevenîhon veek. lng basi bei-a lri faling health fan sev- Win. Kaesier returnet] lait Ttieaday 1Gov. Smllnt s*ndelianday, Octoo-,oa en.Hcdiibe isXsa.AZOCESR LN WESCHOOL * _____-____ frek in aoS beis o ier spent sevoas repreelitiida. BHe urged thai Beechamn, andS on James WacnBing. acs-JAZOC ETAP NSB W CH L week vib bs bate, Eril. al promnises bc carefully examînet], fine cornpanied the iom-ina ta CbaptiX>, FOR CONDEMNED SLAYER Mn. and Mi. Davis apent, Saiorday bazarda nomovet] and] rubbisb dispaset] Md., vhone lte funerai and Iintermoat * * * * * * * * * * * * _---_-M------------ aud Sunday ia Chicago. aio. yilLtake place on Wedaesday. San Quentin, Cal.,eOt. 6-1: aAtut_____oto_______ivePu C. Miler and] son ai Wheelia , ere 1Vicai Melville hsq returnedto th le 1________________ b0 lsi reu« lilbot thee ot if atvnayfie ph- enieas at the Gilman home 'l1ueday Waukegan township bigh school, beinig *o***f ***a a man condemned ta bang. Milguel past vook.N 0 T 1C E afitennoon. absent a week as hae bat] bis tenis anid AD àtrye1I Manriquez yl bang taday for the Margaret ansi Florence Moocato en- ~ox Sudayvil hoabh da laîleasioid reave. * A PT AK IS IC *moner ! ta Cinse.Be ikei lnei acioc Tusda. W veeNgasiCHAPEL'S EW ANC PAIL 5N I NO OFOM fi PoN respond- Iry ac Waltan. etenn a I1, id hiait bek id at ZMon e la watt -Hauting asi a ihre- mai an is the Young la a pan andi lo and oul oi the fish mail. -edom, but, r stoye andi Dal. ly one, of self ID ibm SUan Ni&, other flah ,on People. ponds before ced, about the MiOU o go ta te h, ibeyre ii door, andi keeim the fise divoe vs Rlehar« vorce. George D. mica ou an ;.Izabt.h M. MAZY Fkr, an ai Mary inlîtient ef tumsen, ask- rriluge. ores wols dyear rvice UFYILL ae M -4 4