LIU LAKE COIJN Carnivat and F-Dnon Park Ave. Tonight and Tom kY-VILLE INDEPEND:EN' rr~ Lake CMDENT LakeC Bg Weekly WAUKEGAN.WEL VOLUME X-X, MBER42. f. leWILL OU ZIom M sj WEJISAT 111M1E As aflswltWdlLose Long Accer -RgMt to Obtain Sewer F.M.i Postasur Passd Awa at His Home i U .rtU., A e ConnecUion. , pred a. Wl», eil keo n de- aS h mi fan WUh PUuDmiOUI Retuirnd Fru St. Lake': 'b Vendent ceident 0fVZitn, vas de-.. er a .... aida t 81.1 by th auprama court îoday su ~in LDcag@ A9moliay. UMMuI mda sy. latlgs et I§piUtfeld e vnlt of cartionari Strag to réviev tha action e! tha ap- ton i vOla. cout for tha second dis- lberyville people ver. ganuunely master, serving the lutereets of tCIetait triai, wrhlii revese heclicrcuit ahoee Wedslay morulug vlan the patrons iccorllng te the rUlesanda ireg- Couni caurt o! t«Ie county in WiI'a casa 10.4koffftomer po'xstu te J. I. Alli- uletiona laid lovu et Washinigton by semae againstthe imecty o! zion, lunvlxich, maà vas anaunced. While Mr. Aile- !the potoffica dapartmaent. manay the circuit court lied see a insu- ma"a bal been lu peor healtix for srnema Haevas tvays et a cliserfîxl nature, 8Cr daMU0, orderiug the City Ca con- tinie. licondition vas me regardadInlu ute ot hie poor healti, and vas h f nOCt WilI'e sePtlc itakit e a se10serions. Ha vas mien ta St. Lnia'e loyal te bis tienle te m degres. Li-t>hCh. sever. iotina l Chicage 'Puesliy, Oct. 3, atyville bas beau made better by hav- hava 'Phis refusai of the suprame court = to eatnat for stomicli trouble, but Ing men lie "Jake" Alean ae a citi- drove ta uiviev the astion o et ta l- ,as returnad thistahome haro lait'sen and ha vili b. sadly missed. pasn ,ellate court le a body blow nef Menday evang. WliInl Chicago le 1Mr. Allaman was hem lun Svltzerland scores hi to WIU. but le e narmber or. davaioped a bal casa of hr'ecbil i and vas h. sou ot Mr..and Mro. Fred te blt 2i rosileuea vliold olued wtli pueumonla, and becausaetfhie veale-;Alleman. lis ftherdlied ban. a yaar Clan1 hlm lu h.figlit habas hen rmmi- anal condition, conl net combat heor ocse go. He adaIben a raillent oe traîg Ing tu e b.parmîttexi le conct dsease, and ha passaI avay Wedaaa- ie village sinee 1907, coming lare uiteîî. -Itb he li.ewar. day momnlg about 1040 o'clDck. j frein Meroes. Ws. lu 1911 h. vu a ea An *11 sev»w« lie v hic i sevage "J"ie" Alaman vas kuovu hi eveny- marild te Mise Edua Kaddary, vho Thm fabo, 'iii. WUI and othan ntsrliy one lu Chia village aid coutedL'xx ià,wtli Cre. chldreu-Margaret, agsd oetfi 4WOW bialpioa was trnu up by the triemxli by h score. For six yeaane lie7; Lois. 5, and Woodrov, 4-urvive, vaut tIWý douxucllaiuthte instances o u vastouater boer rmnin u avof Ha also leavas tour brotixani-Frexi, et moue3 VUiva becausa Ix was al te ha 0of Postnster Ellsvorthx March lot ot 'recoins, Wasb.; Johna, ot Milvaukee; ftav ta. 011 ta h.elofmsntler service. hisa . .FiriC o h" haUCme fer a Peter, ef Clinton, Iove,.and Samuel. amdÈ Ta a.ver vms replacexi by a number 0f yeas - le vas employaI lxy 0f Calsmine, Wl.: Cvo sisters-Mre, 'Phi moderm one.. Viiand is neigli Paul raliroal as a elagnupli Maggie Rodgers, o! Madison, Wis., and 1k. lions oonaxhmned te the circuit court operatat. Mca. lKate Iàeser. of Oraugavilla 111. cou» o! 1. e outy sud a maudeuue "Jake" vas latenaely intanate lIn Funienal services vill ha haîxi naxt Brma -w» ordoeda, dlractlug h. Cy te anytiug ha unletoi. and made.a! Moeday and th. remains will ha takan quaisl Voeiit Wl» sud h others to, con- splendid record lu Cth. sale of LibertY hi Monroe Wis., fon bus-il. 'Ple Inde- ha w nect with tue 00w semai for Bouf- boudsanmd othar govanumneut von dur- Vendant joins vith tua many frIands Cu va7raO s ' ppaelb ih ng h. var. For lisa efforts lu Chia di- of the .tamuly la ezpresug elucere he Th ciw "'apeldb terectianli e vas cOmnlâmdâi b! Wasli- synmxmhy for Mim.Alaman and theaMd City of Ziosi sud tiei. aete Ington officiais. Ha im IL0di i oalpot- 11h, eunestu hair bereavemamit. aj murt reversoil the action 61 tue _____________________________ &,ocalcourt. Tiieattorneys fi WliI j~ foar a vnt ot certianno eI H DC IV I'ffJIU CIThv ta* ule suprome court coulI: A R dft1 i U1JYIIJI WIVI L AYYû1II jus zl= t te sret *»M orVoiv a h. DAILS AUTR EAT- TO BE M MOtor." ________RU!~4fj1i~Pq ui~oa FDini làE v -'iMfial M NSAVI3S LinI Mm .MÎry Guen Ataoked by Inhirlatd AniMiWhieh Brole Thru Fence 'Irmanislnder tue boots of an lu- turtate4 cov, lira. ma"y(taurin. whe mikea bar lame vitix ler brother, Je" Raking, at Wadevortii, vas sUv- afeinmdoutât by PRsinges og, vhlci attaefl tue cov, and eter a terçltlc baiLl beveen the Ive animais tha cov vas tercel 10 ratreat. Mca. Gierln u sPiluIg uta along tue road noir bar brtuer's hoe.. T~ecvbroie Ibrougli a gaie lu e fece et an adJoiuiug Pasture. S1. vas not avare thal th. cov vas Clisrglnt upon hen otil the aimalý struci anI inocied bler n v. Thli cow thon tramp'i.l upon the vomin sertously injuring Ian. ler tac, aise vas bsdly lacerated. 'Ple Rahllmg dog vas attractal by tha cmmOtion sud atiacie tue cew, vhich tuhey gave OP lis altaci upon the, tromow and tarte batllng tue de .Aler a'terrffc fight lbe loi forcel the cow te retreal thriaugl the Mr. Reliln& enivaxi ter and help. ad lita ulster home,. A Wuiegan pîy- sician vas cillaI. Ha tound hat no boun«bal beau broien lut Mrs. Guar- ila alilfi suffarlng consfdeaally train the affecte of han unusual expanieuca, CONTRACTORS ARE fifl1N CEMET;. 7%0li tact that varionus pailg con- tractera vi» aaevogking lu aie SxmnlYhava beau able hi gel amal eruountP Of camlent and ther pav. ing matexies luing th, lait tan ' baa esnbte thain te resume OPantions On e moderate ecalc and If iiey ase abl t continue re calylng ebipmnte hay willlb lei te complete muci more o! thi remI voila CIls air tien It was believed vould ha possible. 1 Among Cie varions jobs whleh have racaived a emal supply ot -camant and areabale te nesuma o> ertions are tie tollowiug: Lke Vila hi Antiocli roaid Liase Villa veettowrd Fax Latte Highland Park tel Deertleld road. RoaidsouCt fLilas Zurich. Ncixaeoft tsea Joliehave recelved oufflillet osmeul hipermit opera tfroa on a large acle-juet suffi. Cient le brlug lth. Jobse dosai tc oepw.tou. Thle lb.rtY Conetxuctfon camps IW wW* bo hldo the. Grand avenu( - omilgalba recoivol nom.e man' bItM M*au mucix as 1.5l anm oouseqnonUYtly bisjob 'le proceelmît withr slovly. m R m rWfil, MeroO. r in CN n City Jali, Bacsuke Dog. Ye'vae ewd h.e ry about h. man Who aie so many "hiot doge" that hé barkel. Farhapa ycu'va doxiltel h,- but Wlaukgaplias In i, .,Lt laiving axample of its troîlfulness. James Cavtorl, a coloraI mnu wlie vas airetaI ai tle Johuns- Man ville plant on a charge et boot- legging, amd vho vas final $100 and coeu, vas unable Ca pay and must servaeout hifssentence lunClip cty jafi. 'He lias beau tIare nearly [Inca veeks. 1 But Cwo mails a day aneseaaved le the prisoucre. PFor breakfast they have lilogna sund bi'aad. For variety, bread aid bolagua le serv- aI ton tha aflairlom meail. A tev daye mgo h. attention of Che desIe sergeant il CIe police station vas attrsclsd ly [ha sound or barkiug lu the ceîl. Ha coull'l imagine boy -a ceg get lule [he coit Finetty- e ienvetlgaaed sud touud hat Crawford was dol ng the barking. "jas' kaffit p l," Crawford salI. "Ils dawg for lrakfst and davg for lmnnil-lordY. ah djout liopeseahi ou't torn loto s devg. Ms-I goodes, bau. vIat ah wouldn't ive tonrame ulce frled chlxiken. Melibe Ctib &m liesifor Christmasi tiey'I serve clîlcien or tunkey." Crawford stePped suddeuly in lis speech te bark a fev imes. '"lis oeefethCe qiereat c%ses i ever ancouitenad," AsiC. Chef Tyrrell aasaerted loday. "Thie man actually seem8 ta imagine tint le lR a dog" 60OLD DPOSITS FOUNDAT JOLIET r- Joliet, III.-Dlacovary of goîd de- r peeittaon tue ta=-moetBradford PGreen -six miles vest of .Joliet. was d muade p Iilic today by J. V. Prnac -man, lots chamist, wlois l ownex et tbs'miueral sud liemical nigila eon thi.propenty, vhioli .cemprise6 i about sevanty acres. lu Byve tes piCsetready dug he assaye show h frein $3 hi $31ot gotd per net toc It of concentratas. KINO'F JDE EDWARDS DIES' John B. Foote, of 415 S. Maple avenue, I Oak Park, Tbursday atter- noon at hiei home. He vas reputed to ha extremelY wealthy. Besides hi s vife he là sur-vived bY Judge Clarie C. Edwards, Rucseil Ndwardu, Mns. H. C. Coulson, and Mis, Cyrus Wright, vlio are cousIfli to hlm. - .1 lui jIMajI 3mr Atty. Beaubien Entera Case for Lake gIuff DisdttAgainst Principa. Indications hatth. Lake Bluff achool district No. 85 vii figlt bit- eriy the sit otf . F. Mitchiell, ouataI principal oethat achoul, vho chargea ht the beard et liractors ove bAu $2,560 back salas-y. A. F. Beaubfn u eay enteraI is appearanca in tua case Ca repre.eBC tua school district. S.fl*itioflai char-ges yul b. mil. vheu Chia case gueaiCa trial. It la raprel pChat 'P. Arthur Simpsont 000511 superinteudeat o! sciioels vilI be caillIedtte . ituese stand in de- fenie o!' h.e chool boas-I. Il UIi be claiined that Mitchell vas In- efficient. Reports ae-e hat vlen Bupt. Simpson conducted an e- mnation oeth, 28 pupils in the achusol, vhite Mitchell vas tue prin- cipal, only six orthem pasad. Mitchell changes hat tua boardI antarel an agreement vith imhllin- Ing hi m tor .uotusn:terni but ht 'befora tha end o! h., Braitenu they liraI anoth en principal. lia statas lu hie bill hat h. retulned Ca h. sebeol Ithe lowing fali aid 'rçported-ftin luCy bet tuat tue bois-I. told hlm tlay 'dtd't vaut hlm. Ra lo eulug for llegel bremdli of cah- cacl. 'Ph. case Probebly will coma up far trial et the tarminatien et i number et criminel suite vhil are ou tha cal fan Oct. 23. RESOlRT ]K1EEPER, FJNED $50g,15 APPEAUINfiCASE Asking Relief of the Supremne court; Others Iterested in Ruling. Springfild, Ili., Oct. 17.-Tiare wae ý sulmitted totei Supreme court today en brietesud vithout onal argument the appeat casaetfPter Becla trex Cie Ceunty cort of Latte couuty lu whlci lia vas couvicted of salliug lu- toxlcaling lîquor ai hie Place lun(ras Latte and i fed $500 and coite. 'Pile casa e s aad te hava beau ap- pealed te Cihs Supreme court ou lugal fesues ouly. if the ligien court nuIse agafuat tid defendant h le probable hat b li lIlrafse otiar pofnts lui ai the praseut tims ha e I elyiug upon the pointe raisad ly lie counsel. Becausaet the points ralsad the case le of Intareel te many lu Laie couty for is sid te b. sis-' Ilar te ether casai ihat are pendtfng et lia present CIme. 'rhe fine admCin- itai-ad vas on.eorthile heavleel as- sessd agala8l allegedl lquer vielaient lu Lke county lu a long Imle. 11 Pl Crii ber Ilba pas, Chu Fnid ln on T livi lilal vI li as gra W. Ion as it plil In ee vI ris m Cri te L e diT $1.5OA YEAR1 NT LIBMTYVRiLLELAKE CMUNT LOS, TI-IRSAY, OCEOBER 19, 1922. UN ~Pro- Tii. tank Eil * , 1141. f lie .1011 'outo that OU& LIED ro SFRIUNDS DUEII epted for Cattie, Say, Frien Failed to C Them. at ther a daeply pithietto te the ptcy preceedinge tated John "PlkeY" lg, Ca en et Widavorth MAny sud ouneofthîe cuovu taetofwestern Lake ty, la assertion of mauy, Dbelixg '. ho have test ey Ch - 1 llege<lfailura. rang's about pressing nrieus s -oey due hlm for parc stock le said te tbeau Of the thinga Ih4at ie him .thxe Wall. lu lii unal lie aree sid taelie es of notes turncd ea ru t . t of stock. Ralliai Presia aeso! liesp notes ,1g. ca-Imi em along Indeli- y. Fnly'they liscane eut- le natUrupinMade Strang short uds and' Ia Chisexeigancy he tte othèr tMndesuad bornoywed y la eIMoaltivarying tnom i hundrels té tour or fiye thons- dollars. bis n.I&tbouIy but unhueinees8 mansudi otâdncting lis affie Id have b« ana endiug. Foi Ce ime put thosilncaItlmately ac ited W ih M havaelanovu thal wus IX soin ftnancisi sImlie .qnelt~ I~~ ere not surpriseÉ i crloaUaddovu on lin *1.4a g loute have bls adgod aluàCine hbp t- >q-ahb.le t nir er aateXthUX ofthe moue! the: at 1ev nMW* moeay Ch. ci s ii rosai*eucnnt ha datei wd v" thé uassois hava b.. DIuds tat f Sockeyt, iam Calli caorl Octriai Oct r23, ounIlirea charges ef havim tled the ltey. Thomas H. Naisci ton efthCle Gnaoa Miesionaxý arcb. Prosecuter A. V. Bruit la ypostad the cnmminal trial ci the circuit coul, lu vhich th Be o! Overseer Voliva vas thii thie liai. Tha ohar'ges gainet Overser V lare tht lie attackel theareg àrity efthCe inarriage o!f11ev. Mi fson. cilied huxu foul-mauthexi, .d-j.mlng hlallienekite, aud Ch: refai-red toe ePastOn's chur< s "(bat Houe." 'olive vas Indicted by e speeti and Jury called hy Judga R. 1 els.) tollowiug invealigudton Ilu arges.thal a previoua grand lW. Icix exonenaled the avecaser. wv .cked" iy fotou or fiye jurors t gbtrg Ce Voll',a's coug1regation. >tlisr cases on the trial call ai foltows: Sam Rose, cliarged vi Ch lancer hsing cîarged Chat he was Ir ated In Cie x-ebbing -ot e bar Antlocli. toscoe Smith, chargal vith .tutory offense, Ch. compliul aiess being hie torm'Or vite. Dominic Petraccia, cbirged vil sue ta grill Peter Carney, an mgg .aieut a&Russell. Samuel Shiockley, obarged vil anelaughter, wlie shot and i li ravtord P. Burns, of Glanc. Frnk Caftney. of Lake Bit iarged wiihassault vRi lute kilI lis nelgher, Peter kdîii Jelu Papas, ot ChICACO, 61111M lh drivlng an automobile lu .kless manne . sud causing Ric rd Harron's stick ta' ha broe Lan accident et C.,ka Forest. [RL DIES M3TER' PARALYTIC STR4» Geraldine Krueger, 14, et Dîsmo ake. deughter ot Fred Kruag, .d 'Puesday morniu.g ut 5:M 1odeI mmu what le tiorxglit te have be lilood dlot on the. main, by pl [ans vlie attendad .heT. Smturday sic ladiaa paraly ttie, aud lied beanu nScnscix anr sinde. 'Puesday moraiug ah. 'W lcered lu a dylita'condition ne lied, luit os sd. Ph. fueral services. ve.hall tl iiursdey) morniug et 10 ecloci termeul vas in Che Northi Sh( alaney, veet of Northl Chicago. MIS. LINCOLN LUSK DIED . SECOND PROGRAII 0F THE MI FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13th, LIBERTY VILLE MUSICAL4 AFrER A LONG MJ.ESS SOCIETY LAST MONDAY 3 The funaral of Mrs. Lincolni Lusk The second program of the Lberty- vas beld at her late residence lait Bat- ville Musical Society vas given iu the D urday afternoon. the services being lirat Mehodist churcix Monday eva- II couducted by. the Bey. C. J. Dlckay, ulug. The program vwas davoted te pastor of thé Pirst Metliodist churcli. Créoeoand Spanlsh-American music. Interment vas at Lakeside cemetery. The conimittee, CG. C. Gridlay, and th, Seve'aI The folowlng vas rend by Rey DickeY Misses Hapke and Miss ?rances Biah- sumei 1The following vas raid by the 1ev.; op, daserva mucli credit for dolng go Mr. Dickey: 1wall this somevhît difficuit tak. mei Sarahi Gould, the dauglitar of Joua- Our very own vonderful orchestra Teb than and Theresa Goutd, vas boni in o.pened the prograin ith ..Boiero" iThba, Fremout. Lakre county, minois,ÂAugust (Moskevakis> whlcli they Iltrprted ounyi 26, 1867. ini e dellghttul manner. tn Ih Deceinhar 31, 1890, sellevas unlted ln Miss Blsliop sang a Creole 'ýSwing weia marriage with Lincoln Lusk. Tliey liv- Song" witli beautiflx toue. Charlei ed in Fremont util about 20 years age Miss Ifilde Hepka. violiniet, wit.h tendent when tbey came ta Libertyville and as-, Miss Mîyma Hapkeaet the piano, play- ed utha tsbll.hed tiseir home. ad "La Gitans" (Fritz Kreisler) anid Up and t] Atter a long and peinful Illness, dur-1 "Zapiataedoe' (Sarasate). lier parf ormx-lias bea' Iug whicli she made the mont patient auce vas aimant Impeccable front a 'The P rau dheroic struggle for lita. aarly on taclinIcal standpoiut. lier interprata- compani 3Friday monfting, October 13, she enter- tlou. lurthenihore. vas musicallY art- and Inj ted her eternal rési Shte ln eurylved hy istlc, aven ;uasslonae at tintes. la about h er eorrowing husband, two brothars,! ihe quartette, Mrs. Davis, Mnx. fHutll, kely b 9Aberttand Justin Gould, and by Mrs. Mr. Gridley and Mma. Sayre, ail tavor- veather rArmilda Kaiser, vbom site rearad sinc liten o fthe Libantyville public, vitli rond co rshe vas threé %ears 014. 'Phase ha- Mis. Sayreaiat the piano, sang «'La Contrict raavad friands have the sympatliy o! Paloma" and "in 014 Madrid." finish t]i *the anti ra con Unity. Mre. Lusk had William Beller. pianist, of Chicago, Cook c -ona sistan, Miss Isabel Gould. vho dled played "Etudo" (Arensky); " ha lias( August 3, 1887--35 years ago. Ansaican" (Carpeuter): "Tvelfthta ceatmp Friad aterfrind epate:Rhapsedy" (Liszt). To say that titis Sipt. Who liatli not lest a friand? fine verk vas vali played la buttoa- erg 'Plira e n unon ier 0fheats, press the tact mildly. For it vas mucli working a Thee la o unin moreof tartnt a.It vas et a glorioua tiOcli, th 6- Phat finde not heean end- molor xi n taitm !aprt ~of Lake WLiv i ril v orld ourefinlst. jtoua rarely heard. Iun espouse ta an geig 8s Livng r diug nua erablat. urgent raquait for more, Mn. Beller Deerfiell Mis. Lusi Inad neyer beau etroug. gave the beautiful Barceaus of Cho- r 1Previous Coalier lant illneas, elle had pins vitli vouderfuli affect. IR cundangona two major opérations, but Mr. Saller, vixo is a pi»Il of RudolphImm110 It Whoa bora ail chaarfully and patlautly. Reautara, and u.w studying vtth a- We had thie grivilage of seaing lier ou Kruetzer, ef Bush Couierrato"', May ld saveral ocsions timing ber lait III- lie sure of a varu velcome should ha m nue We found ber ever' h. semne, ctre to coma again, IL alvays pleasd, sivays of a a quiet, uncomplaining spirit.Bihe la pro- 'e nouueed by thoe a iknov hera a 4I1 Me Y~~~ gdvoiagood vife snd iglZbr. ffljm~UU I S D praciteld hrar tierdsasnd vasu 0 sS tem, amd tiey aiU SIUfI K I tII Co3a I-le t tiiler they beçt a verthY 1i*LWD ~ Jcar 1 Ifriand, 'Pltittle girl 'ishosum hlatoc Sta lier heftt and lavel as ler 0w#~U fi'fhUI bu ctxld, bhs dee3copail Ita a bucltItlWli h>M a u" ifeéyoum VewaâteaMd l4tii. t* l et ta. suhe f» k, tbu 1wbuit lxlm Ifa mH~Ia 4 . ad -g.s SmIt vor *W &ISItièt tu of Fou n nCounty. Ibis retring, Modelât vouma" i hulko-,i baix. AtboaugixMms Luai buh Psud George Kizlaan, 714 HM a treet, ,trw f ram the stage of litiflit iU tata Waukegawover eft the larget mçqon-tje that counry trainv0111. bourae &M absiine sail» aven sls.d by the probi- Mm» vhumi DO traveler r&tUute,.till ft,billon form In lUm! hoounty.apn*ud bk Young 'He, wilipePatuata la thlavorld la Ceunlt' ourt Ml at su'mi e'e- à» '- eraveet Mflrltamdgrasihus iulfls*htit eaade pI.orf"guity te t» . ham i"atj ta the. poour, the i. otile &ffl d lof bavluga asiin luba ptssl*sU lam, serneewng, golng s.bt9ausa Md angtel Judge Persoasassaesel a fiaés ai8M $07 y g of Mercy bndînt Up the vouIs Qf d cocsi vbbvaspaid by KIrbbm lan. 4 hnmsnfty. -.'Phe raid onu tdluans plae ao]i8od &tuu of Mma. Lusi had livaI a Hila more hai oniy a fev da»' bere. The. radlisg bMIve », 56 yeas-not a long lita. But Ilfa 10 crev Mshed a one humdrol gallon ffit in»bl ,g not maasura<t by years. Our Lord vas togethar vitix a still of smiller Clît youth Rl crucifiad et 33, and yet the. Influence pacity. 'bey aise seised ulnety-glne crashi. 0y f His'tlfe bas chuegd the vagbi Lit a gallons et maili vhich was deutnoyéd. Ileb> th in measured by vIxat goés into It end Marly stilla hava been seised by ffl- wvas n &I vhet comaes out of It andul dea. This caca vorklng out of the. state's mUeor- riailx l 900d voman voGve many EoarlQt naq's office, but noue vixicli aver colme scious rd stranda et eufferinz inCa Cthe texture pired in iseza teKlislsa. tle h« of berIlife a se m.forth lu. he un- State-s Attorney jfltliilait SaturdaY covery ro dimineid baauty o! quiet and chaerftil issued Idbs court catI o! people's eues5 ia ,g patience. We are told lu the Word of which hava beau set fan November ure * r. God that "the Captain ot aur salvation 6 at 10 o'ciock lu .County court. luIn 'Phe a vas Made perfect tbrough sutfering. thbis tUst of casas, eractically ail of the mi ýa Stfariug beld doua lis ratlning voila whicli ara for allegad boose viola- ing ta eh In her' and preaîrad lier ta enter hat tiens.. tha state has included practlc- croasixi great compauy hat lias coma up out qlly. ail criminel action that ara ready thunde lai of great tribulation. Andi va say of lier, for trial. Ast axtnamaly busy tima, le hurled K. wsbat vas said by oui Lord et anothar antîcipatett If ail the letendanis stand chine8, ,te votnan, longago: "Sha kath done ry vixat ahsite xl ___________nemg se "'Phare la a vorld aboyave'ew.w op a-. Where *arting la unï1won, C .=T S E« 4D cml . A long atennity et love. tr. Fonmed for th. good atone; nT And taltl baliolde Clie dytug blieaf'L' Ij ay. Trnsatd ahat ixippiar aphere. IS IJEAU AT ÀAKU U Sl ,nkTrs sarbystar déclines, Chartes P. Wastertleld, ged 76, tor' I Till1 mil are passed saai, mauy years e residant of Waukegmn. a As morning hlgb and hîglier abines dled lait 'Puasday mornlug lu Ange. [ng To pure and pertect di.y, MI., at thie home of lits dauglitar, 1Non, sinks those stars lu empty nlght, vhere lie lied eez 111 sinca last Ch But bide thainielvas lu heaveu's ovu May. Mn. Westerdaeld vas veli ad tiglit" -James Montgomeny. kuovo in this commuuitY and for Mca. Lusk vas a mainier et the Mys- tour years vas county surveyer. Forth Ch tic Woriers o! Grayslake. and of he Durlng the test flye yaars ha lad Mi led Royal Neiglibors et Libertyvula , Camp madea lits lime In Faînida but camne No. 387, vlio hle charge etthe grava, te his daughter's home et Ango iff. Mrs. Johr Vaudecapoot sang. when lia bacaune 111 lait spIclug. nt liea le also eurvived hy the foi- un. lowing children: is. John Lanx. Two HAZE BRWNIG BIDE0F rs. F.W.lioard, of Waukege.n, 000, h [C- CLYDE BROWN THURDAY Wlter may, hotli et indiaxuaPulis. -Bareir :en.end Mrs. Wm. B. Brougliten. of am of The marriage ef Miss Hazel Birovn- Bervyn. The tuneril vas hll odiY hy Jud ing and Clyde Bronvas solemnized l('Phu.rsday). court. Tliursday evening. Oct. 12, at 7:10 Defi o'clock, the ceremouy being Pexfornxed fTfI >E1 taret hy the Rev. Mr. Betty. In St. Liv- iAUDAIE VI L the ci re~rncesH Episcopal dhurci. ringtoi The bridesmaid vis Miss Estlier anjU!YYITAD d1 Hlodge snd Eldon L. Kitchen attaudad F 1lILLINAIftE privati the brldegroom as hast man, Only tie thea nd immediate family and a faw friands thtg o ix ix e tc ate the c eei, were present. Haigp h ilo h )cI. Thle eut ef towu guesta vare Mms. Deleven Sith, Lake Forest million- vithl en James Flannegan and son ot Chicago; aire and publisher et the Indien-vcp liy- Mns. Swartz sud niece, Mies Dorothy apoil ewsov, vas belld Menday afier- Wui Berger of Chicago, Mca. Warren LOcla- noon lu the cauuty court lieora thaci 'tic vood ef Chicago and T. W. Lockvood Judge Persans. Witxiesse vere mer2 os o! Denver, Col. placed ou the stand ta testify ae dent. wee Atter the ceremouy Mn. sud Mis. J. te the ganuinanesef the -111, whi ch in la: lu P. Browning* hlae recantion and dispoies et proparty emouuitlug Ce on hit dance la houer ofthCle Young Couple at a million sud e third dollars, prac- turued thie thePanish HlIuse. Quita a numixer Of tlcuily ail of whlcligoga d chei- a tai athir friande vare preseut and oiaxad ahi. aud ather public iustitiEin. intere tore inteuding best vishes ou hie happy Thle vitI o! Mn. Smth vas admittaxi toa e, occasion. n1 record Monlay attennoonm quite SINfl up À» )AD WOI min Famfne Ends.' mkboue of the cament maI hi b. broiM'0W~ la gattIng moor, ens as beau thecORe lu- es E. linssaîl, couatr - o! higlivays, todar 41 th. camant situititl i. theC von on a ur1~ an rasumel. , lrel C. Nelson Ceag ry bas anouliceedn t siglit hi rua 20 dsAM, ias losng as ibis og be ahI. ta oit 1.0 rvlll put a stop toj mnslruction Till10 ton Nelso e1ghp~ lie SIX mit.stsétci * muuty tint t aU8 only e Mlle o tiielà ilet. Ru sel anmauted *1 R. Wade comp*iip]b betveen Laie V14 ý tha Marrici Co., voVkb eVilla, anl K~at*xI1t' aila on Ch.etgi* Il job. p as xteudm#iWO orulngforsthieoo lle " te OuZ Itm t mai saeê, sr!utiUUlU5t., yatl g ' h ,9 ICKthe Fhsibu.- si w«eTWÔ LAWoot* e $ccdet Îpgb,*, ner Waukqoi lan Made 0 dam*8a l8# ty court bF B, 1 iglu, 5*the "gg bert!chuaw igo Hlasela theo10 rendauts lale sargea gis on Oit CwàMDYn7 P filmer FuIiêüMý. ate dotectiv- Orne 3cmian, sud thoe Company. Euuiok taise lmpnlsonnez pret>ldant et tue ikagan le reuc casa bacuse Bail zion City Md lW #,Re stsisk' Iltt ige quatitias W s Oilati<M &bO1d ,d boner, fii 8. rw moul sac la ested lu tb* m He inw*. *