Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 19 Oct 1922, p. 13

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1922. I IIALSEY IN ERROR flid Tîn1iqs Wrtes Prann -l1 Eary History ofDerlt School Straightens it Out ;TRAIGHTEN IT -OUT r0 the Editor: Dear \Bi:-The laie Prof, Hieley lu bis ltterestiuig Hiatory of lukle Counli'. mla.ed au opportiuity, au, unconsciouaiy pe a h1 attibut. 10 :be rt publie sbl o <, ortberu lleerfld, oofteai i. rt lu th counn ly, viieuho mme sal a M.60,"PatrIel D)oyle vas thorouighiy edtictted for the, prleatbood. and bia peu via a trenebsut one.- - Patrloli Doyle wan a gfted mun, Wvho vith th. rigbt environmelnt migbt have ef t bis mae ln the oid bjut he cerlsiniy vas net !.W,=:- ed for th prlesthood" as ha receivai ail bis aducatioti lu the -litle 109 tburchw' bult on "Oid man Toresa" fsrm November 1841 and used as a public sebool up tW the breaking Out af the Civii var, 1861. Page 474 va fi«d that Michael Tors settl.d ln DeerOb.idlu 1843 sud that h. conducted a 'reiay bouse-for Ira?- ers. Raliov,'aa 1840marked bis arrivai lu Derfieli and Lb. lad 1tha1 hWis' Iatcstrng buckz on the outalde" lunailier vorda aa traugar alwaya velcome," Il te tnlny foundalfon for Lbe story o! 'the relay bouse." 1 lnlecuriclas thora are is plenty ~,wbtcb la 10 ho axpeeted ln ail blstory. ýrh e<< ther day 1 vasncWied as ona of tbrea viluesses lu a case of sud- dan deatb happening on a atreeL car, sud Oor recollection of the circums- tancej diffarad materially. Professer Hasiey depelided for bis uaiono the vary old, sud mostly sec- uud-bsud Inormation.Rad ha lived tbrougb the pertod descrhbed thara vouid %tJ11 ha inaccuraclea. hecause lba vas luit a min. There la Do intentlon then of fioding finit; it a s 111e disappoinhunent be- mau" ho didn't &et lte story of the $eh" l hlcb vouid. or should ha lu- 'eretiog eadiug te many vbo are va U. Ns» ev York lav" »Mlle DorI B, Wcha. ,Publie a »eiprtcaM. se itrMe.. part-. jneslip. h.retasa lber maldem M" a sine be hole rogAu brought op to believe that the Catb- oiSecheurch la the fo. of the Public sehooL. It ta vortby of mention. 10. Ibît the ehiren of those early setlers vho bulIttheb. ttle log cburch sud achoel ame. vitb scrcely au exception, mest as devoted and incere Christiana 10- day as were thair faîbers lu tb. long ago. sud MtIJla aylog somtbing ai. the preieot lime. OLD TIMER. *OLD DIAMOND ROBBERY Chicago.,(Jet. if-Another hold diamout robary beld the attention of the police lodiy vhen four arm- ed bandits vaiked loto the store of . W. Lay. lu the heart of the business district, struck the proprio- Wor over the head vilS s revolver, and emeaped vlh $6,000 vorîli of levelry. Nature's Way- To Beauty BECAUSE of her rosy checks and satiny tikiil, a Bwornen attracts the admiration of ail men. Wlien the young woman peers ini her glass she inay sece piin- pics and blotches, and ahe immediately goes to the drug store for paint, powders and beauty vreams, whcn she ithould go there for a blood medi- cille and stornach alterativte known as 'Golden Medi- cal Diseovery.- This tonic and 'Y blood alterative k -- - ~beautifies it, in- creases the blood stîpply and the circulation, and pimples and eruptions '%-aish quiekly. Beauty is but skin deep and good blood is. beneath both. For your blood to be good, your- stom-. ai must be ini good condition, your liver active. This "Discovery" of Dr. Pierce'is puts YOU* in fine condi- tion, with ail the otgans active. Aàk your nearest druggist -for Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, i tablet or liquid form, 'or send IQ.éents for a- trial S.package of tablets *to Dr. Piercue's Invalids '-jiotel ini Buffâlo, N. Y. Many thousand gratefuIl letters are r&eived by Dr. Pierce. Read thîs: Daxvlk,fl." think Dr. Pierce's Goldau Neidoal Discove~ la the bst medicine I have ever used or heexi of. I vus in a an suhighly nervous caiditioa. I bad lout iiterest in almot evér7- thing-jist dxagged on in a listless sort o way. A fcw doses of thse 'Di300ey' gave me a 'brlghter view of lile sud I liegn to gain strength."-Xxa Viola French, 115 X. Collett SL 131G Auction Sale, CUT PRICE SHOE STrORE The entire 510.1 cf the. Cut Price Shos Stoe, conalstlug of reliabla aboes and rvibbers for muan, voteeansd chldren, viii be sold btse ebighe3t hidders vithout reserve, as tb. ewaer la compelled fo discontinue business. Sle B.giri* SaturdaY, Oiét. 2 1 At 1M30asd 7 p. m., coninuing eacb afternoon and Saturday evening untîl ail la aold, * This la au up-ý,tqe'e stock villi a large assorimant of goo4, ies sud styl es. ~ sure ef your aises or brinS stick measur*ý1 lenmitifr ebfl1d4ali shoes. Anticipaite yur fititre meedsansd maltetise or tblo--yeur great opportunlty t0 save moey. ilPstafru Over Norths Shore Electrio R. R Depot 206 wsubingtou Street. Waukegan, lilîneis L. J. SLOCUlf, Auctioneor. W. P.; HIGLEY, Proprietor POLlcI ' , UAD AS MURDER HUNT LAOiS Watch and Purse of $iain Rec- tor Found in Hands of WicIow in Sensational Mystery. GRILL RECTOR'S BROTHER Ncw Brunswick, N. J., Oct. 18-- Evidenca strongiy ludicaled thsaï Dr. Edwaed Wheear ar ll ansd Mrs. ]Mea- nor Miiie vers shala il lh@ spot vbaer their bodies vere bound vas reveuied today wbensoit tabla from the spot vas eubmtted ho ebehmicai analyste. Tha soi vs analyzed by De. John P. Audesn a chemist. MIl report ta pro=cutIL AM. Beel. man loday shova4 ltat the airtil vas esked vlth bleod, ,notigh te warrant tb. conclusion 1ha1 lhe crime vue commillad wvera lb. bodies ver. fouud. New Brunsviek# N. J., (ct. ISr- A cordon e! Nev Jersey eaite police today surroouded thse bomenet fMn, Etivard BAL , idov of tha ractor of tis a fshionable Protestant Epte- tcopal Charda of Bt. Joblt l. Jvan- 3geist, vbo, vitb bi* beautiful choir ,leader, Mrs. James Mille, vas mIt tdarad ounlb.e,'nigt of Beptember 14. Mr*. il ansd ber eccentrlc hrothar, "Wiiie" Stevens. both of v hom ver. queslioued et great lenglh on usday, live lu lb. Mali residance. T'h. drasthe measure. talai tat vatcis members of tha Maall amily Indicated that lhe autisorities believe tbat tbey viii prove Important fac. l ors lu aoling the myatery. The violent outhurat 0f tctvlty on the part of Somerset and Midi- dlesex County asuthoritles ou 'ues- diy. givlug tise to belle! ltat ar- restamlgbt ho expected bouriy, bad abated today sud it vas admitteti that lise offciaisdidot kuov vhau fan arresl migist ha expectad". JIlte. Mail vas iuformed that ase vouid ho quastloe agsain today and that she wouid ho compeiliet account for every minute of bar Uima belveen 8 o'clock on the nigisi of Baptember 14 sud the eariy boues of Sapiasuher 15. Tha meet saugational devalopsuent o! the vhole mystery vas the ne- ported dlscovery tisat the valcs aud purs. of Dr. Mallara nov lu pos- session of the vtdov. Wbau tise body vas found lb.evaethsud purse togethar vils ait tb. mouay vere maissing, iudicating that rohbery badl bean the motive arn lb. crime. Later it vas reporledtatt he vatch iiad beau located Inlua Philadelphie. pava shop. ut vas ieaned taday tout a "sîrange voman vbho con! ronteii Mxs. Hall at the Middiesax County Court House duriug the examination e! the murdered clergymau's vldow was the vite o! Maltisev Ruiles, Hungarian careaier ef the Phillipa farta, This vitness bad tbld the County Authenitias that she sav a vemnit alklng ,user the farm, ou tb. afternoon 0f, the day Dr. Hall sud Mar. Mille vira shot le deatb. Prosdcutor Beakmau refused ta say whethar Mes. Zulies hiad Identifiait Mca. Mail as the voman aise hati allen. T'he eguaral ballet vas that she bati failedta l do su. Miss Florence Nforth., veiunteer counsel foc Charlotte Mille. said &hbo vouid tomn ovar ta, Presecutor Beek- man tha lettees v4tiau by Dr. Hall ta Mrs. Mille. Prosecutor Beelman said that ha knev uohiung of the existence of thesa lattera unW hiisey vere publiasatdInlue. 2evNec ok City newspaper. Addisons Clark iuabuand et hics. Mijnuie Ciirlte, friadof Mre. Mille aud vbo vas menUionati hy Mm.. Mille lu ber lett.esta Dr. H-ll Iuanatia atatement ubebaif of bus vif. that sh. never hid any ser, ions dîsagneemant vlth Mrs. Miii bacause of the clergymau's &llen thons ta lbe latter. MmMs.nWls' ta>meu"in lbler let tara thil Mre. ISUêhad -gürer ple, cake sudfOyverstetaDr. gl vare branded as "absolutaiy unîrise" She saidti ha1 Dr. Mall sud Mrs Mille vere sevar alone logether dur Ing tb.e.uaiut. M s. Clarke vae net a member e tbe choir o! the churci o! Si. Jobli aithougs Mrm Mille' lattera indlae thal she vas. Investigators vent ho LaVaiet, ta cun dovu a report tbat liene. Stevens, brother o! Mms. Hall, bau placeti a nev speedometer upon hi automobile lb. day hafora lise mus dec and, Ibat fi registeroti 120 Mlle theb day afler lb. mîsrder., Stevens, said ha vas on a Ilahin the b.night o! th.e murder . an, abowed Ihat ha vas able ta provld viloasses lu prove bis statemeut EX-MAYOR ADDINGTONt OF LAKE FOREST DIES, Chicago, Oc t. li.-Keene H. Add- Ington, former mayor o! Lake For- est, di.d loday. FIVE ARE -KILLEO Chicago, Oct. 18-.Pive persona, oe 4 vomau, vare kile In lutnsi-auooo. biue crashs.near bars lodmy. 1 ÀObicago. Mlivukee And st. Paul passenger traian Mab.d mb a taxi- 0Mb nees' (Uleuie*, Ill., killng Ibres. 'l' caeffy v as killed oulright. Tvo » sengersWert hurnad tWdeath lu Poexplosion thst ýllowed tlP crash. Ibe ie et t.vicime tare net A Baltimore & Ohio -ts'i reck- cd a isoor trunk near Blue Island, Ut., ktllhhng Christ Gohart sud Ira Fer- ry. Gary, loti, Ont. 18 -Mes. E. E. Evans, vif. 09 a promlitent phsysicenx bore, sud ber daugister, Annelle, 18, vers kIei ansd bar son, Ximo d~ ~nIdlqlsswaa*pok 1 a. re eoh PinhlsonS an AdelinaDvorak. 18, sa. Illary Jenuerjahm, S30 Lu, il 'lersas Thiasen, 20.' llacin,. Ilerbert "fMer, 242,'awato sas. Wls. Eusa Sporer, 20, aime. Frank SuPanicb, 21., 1lI Wis. Della Anderson, 22, same. Gaotge E. ..Thompeon, h-gai ige, Waukegan. flttle LU Powell, legal aga, Nortil rH-reY N. 1Xuckelean. 88, Millwau- klee, Wn.. Margaret 1. Ingreliai, 38, saune. Cbarles A. Bc'aix, jM, tailwaukea,I Win. 3elma A. Zielke, 2j, New Lendon, Hiermxus P. Nellot, 62, Racine, Kazthrloa M. Joiobmls560, sarne. Georm attM*l , MlS*#ukae, %vin, EIl z.Phlillp, i1$. now Leiaud lhbeet,'-21. 'POnd du Lac, Win. Minnia Hall , g agne. John T. Maxwelt n.l Milwauukee, WIa. Evelyn l-chmutb, 10, sanme. Clifford S. Longfellfow, Chicago, 24. Ma> belle M. Kamp, ama. 21. Wlburt M. Jobalo, Milwaukee, Wl... 29., JaBsai A. NybtU. Ml2Beatuois. Mino., 25. MichaqI E. JaCobe, Kenoahia, 4(L Ada V. Harklnq;ýý-àMe. 49. Joefth Jaklimial, Knor iChicago, 21. Josephine Dzlenffiewlel, anie, 21. Wm. M. Garland. Waukegan, Icgal age. Éeusae rdriçk, maie 2r 1.irthur Fotb, , opubag28 Victoria M. Xatovle, m amne, 27. Mmli 0. Richter, Mgwaukee, 44. Gottiielu Nenvirtb, Ubeboygan, 21. Emiiy Evelirvein, urnle 18. Waukegan's Foremost store KEENE ADDINGTON DÉES AFTER A 3. WEEKS IUNS Was Mayor of Lake Forest for Two Terms; Acheved Mamy Reforms. NER VOUS BREAKDOWN Keene H. Addington, former may- or of Laka Purest died Weduea. day at Presbyteria hospital, Cl-i cage, alLer a tbrea weeka liMusas. Mayor Addlugton servedl two terme es ehaa o!f tae La. Forest mu' suipltyad achieved considerahie riputatlon. for varions reforme lie instit0ted,.11e bailbeen' eil kuown ais an attornuey for mauoy years, ha- lng co-edilor or the appelal. court reports of IllInois. Â nervous - hreakdoiht caused death, accorll1ig te Dr. G. Hef rrick t d Dr. M. 5evau. vbo attended uns at lte hosapîl. Mr. Addlogtou vau borns arch 3, 1874, lut Baltimore.. He came to Chicago ln 1890 sud lu 1896 vas idmitted 10 the bar. SInc" 1900 be bad been asociated villi Clyde Joaes lu adlting lav books, iucluding, the sixty volumes of lh. =peiale court reporta, eight- vol. Âieof mnuotaled tatutes o! Il- 1h01. sud ton volumes of notes on Illinuoisreporte. lr. Adilngtou at çarious tliime vas preaident of the lUiversity Motor IAverY Compnay, vice preal- dent o! tbe Bprague C4aing Me- chinery compauY, secretarY of thu@ Benjamin Electrlc cMPeUY of lu1- noie and treasUrer o ef . enJAMIn Eiectrju' Manufactunhng Company, Ltd. of Canada. Ha vas a meçober of tlb. Uni- versity club. Chicago Atbletic asso- ciation.thee liamilton club- sud lb. iOnvent!Ila club. LEMiON DMÀNDS BONUS FORVET News O lutat"oct. 18.-wil.b a L~vE LIFI~ mighty roAar of accamtuio~n wbL~ mhattered the last abred of âbF regardIng Its stand on the soi0D 1JQIt* ob f Deeriew i bonus, the Anscrican Legion 14 5~- al convention bers weut on record si<.t Case Rather %hn î usanimou8ly todais as demandlog Leave Country. that tWe ilgbt for -adjusted comn- pensation" for the coiuntry*s ex-ser vice nien-be carried on untiliColi- HAS CKANIED HIS MIND gres enacta it 1lotooiaw. .August Huel o f feerlieti ba ALLEGED KIDNAPPER decided ho won't go Into euh *He CONFESSES TO CRIM ES ba de ldei lie ln net- seing te give p alfthat i itfs'labor bas bout. L He- hs decided lhe wil Indianapolis, Imd.. Oct. 3.8. - fighist Lout ln the. 1ahb eOimtY William Melton, 21, ImId for kid- courts. natpln.g eight - year - oid Phyllis Huebi soina tire a» o odieatod PrOeC. ,todaY confessed a number of ta Btate'a Attoruey A. V. gmlill crimes 'wbieh have baffied local of Leke county utat ýe wo<iIt pre- authorIties but denied the kldnap- fer exile In 1$oint tria! on a ping charge. He vas identifted by, charge that ho tbretewed t10 lU Lafayette clerks as having hrougbt a neighbor's boy 'who wouMuVt jet thé. littie girl there reprementing her bis dog alone. But bo bas thougba to them as bis aiter. He hlaRaid l over at iength and Change,4hl* to be wanted for robbery and mind. fogey."I can't give up sy faim.Al «Y ______________bune, My teamlng l'usie," Huebi ibn the Death of HuxiCys Son. sad today. "I vUii stand triai Bat- urday." Ille hove loust Our utile mon, Our loy Se. Iostad of heing o ou er and life. yOu m110 know hlm vreu snd way to another home to4ay, tlb. klnow hbo c bis niother'o heart and date cet by Mr. Smith for the mine îîera wrepiiid up In hlm, wiii éenning of thie exil. Afgat euderatand bow grent le our affliction. iluebi sud bis vif. eeeCarYing Bo enid many hopes anld plana,,scadiy on ln the Sam eoid vay. enQugb yet neot nItogetbar bitteri yl'His bome la about ail a mnu Fr sasthlb.îits eiowvwu$Or fl -bas when ho la gettlng along lun ut joy, sa lem<Our recflaction et him y m,"lr. Huebi sald. an enduring cOonoltion. It, Io a heavy peymnt, but 1 iiouil boy the four ienre of iimangein et hue anme price. Rian Net Work's Servant. -.H. Huxley tn Herhert Spencer. Work won made for mn enad rn mani fory:wrk. Work le MAn'a servant, Kec Voir gt Drntg. both ln ils results, W the worker aud. Tua lîglu f itigltecurni'ioiet he worid. Man la 001 work'5servant, uTe tit o f t,î-;leousieked "bulcave as un aioiost universel pei'verslOft but the .-îtu obis ne de hlm ,hnll*Oila0hl. - Wa Wukeganis Foremost Store We Announce A Merchandising Triumph 0f The Utmost Importance To Every Man, Woman and Child It Is' Our Fait C halile nge Sale NoW In Progress lU Is The Greatest -Sale Event OI.0 The Year and It Deserves To Be For years this famous semi-annual event at the Globe has been the suprerne value giving demonstratiôn of the season and this year it is bigger, better, more important than-ý ever before. It is a sale "of a great store full of high grade, seasonable merchandise so obviouisly underpriced thbat there will neyer be a- question of Our value giving supremacy. For -Months We Have Been Se 419 Merchandise Closer -ThanEr-Bfe -In the face of,-an,,advancing nmarket we've been doing our best to 'keep ti~ ries down to the lowest Possible level. Now we go further and 'give you ini this Challeýgethe =etetvalues Ibat cmn be offercd anywhere. Prices are adenang because manufacturing coets are going higher every day. We prepared-for thi# sale at the old prlees 'and the has'gaiîîs offered represent weefrs of, effort - by our entire bU-oyàg utuf,'If. you wint to sav'--Imd 'who doesnt -here's the biggest opportwiity you'll see for zmths b orne.M The values are so grietý .e can not duplicate the merchandise at the sale prices. I'>s aul on. ale cnlywle lots Iast aîîd w'e nnst rcser'i- right to limit quantities. The; Cf_-hallénge Sale Is AUlTp It is a challengê.-o boipetition, a challgnge to high prices, a challenge to yen to *Pwil tbo Ue - y ýw4ee.,Vîst1 store and ace for yourself. m=

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