MM 004MRoe ÇYC 1 t YCESM 19. 1922. __________________________________________________________Oum 1.4 l ufebtgin MiL ats ae drlv flio W" rffl Wine ia11 o!A kg Peoptu ad àahe- booter 5SlihAIY5TO IE -f141Y5 sWITlI IIIDSON IN STEEL* CIIAR4IED EfIIT MILE RAU3 AT RUSSEL TO WIN WITt LUTRCIYi SUN* FUATURE; TIIRILLS BUT NO SPILLS Overseer Voliva Says He Wili THE FINISH. . Isus visn tbey succeeaed ln pues Ereot Indestructible and Driva' (car) Tisai. and hea attling for tihe ioad. "Prickly" Biibards. . AiNtS (Hudson) 48.32IGuinta stopped on tise gaszvison Badail (Fonty-Ford) 48.86 tisere *os danger of tise beovier car B>' E. Wý Crot Patrons aithtie Russell, (111) track passlng and malntained tise dira>' Zion, Il.;-*Tise folileW tbat tertàenlat Sunda>' vItnoaaed a close race pace. ount ta lick me bas «i t to Set 'SI> srI>'betveen the rehuilt Ford andth ie Engne téouble caused tise Nelson las the mornln, SalAVOUVU. ,M he Hndson. et vwu a race. Andi the cor to drop freinitise race ln tihe reveaied i nel bis p tel 103A0 Ford won. Joe.Quinte of Hammond, 37tb bap after Laines bhtashlueti É mm af ", t= ale.r- Indiens., pilotedth e yeflo and black Into the race by passlng Badail and 1 = wub vtroulIDposte. no that Lt wM w itis Lainea h ie heavier cor, snd out andi Bodal droppilsa steadily 1 fillsP e teO destro> tie.. Tise dashing acensa the line vinner by bock, Laines andi Guinta fougbt thse l Wartia viii h argeti vitis electric five guod lengtbe. remoluder e!tishe distance among l ttp a0ta if anybody> tries to deface Se»¶n machines etarteti lntthe bal! themscives. Laines appearing ln tise wthe y w ie lf behoInstanti>' electro- cetury grInti, dropplng out one by race u tii thse 46th lap. eot.." o»as au eugaebegan ta halk and' Crowd BaiesHudson. Thse preaent bulletin boards, ove? eueffe indter tise strain o!a.3 ie crowd backed the Hudson wbici tier. in a suit pendeng, a 1S1fr a minute pace. Tise numer adiinti- Cor over tise robuit Ford, believIng pMrr>' ijunction bavnna been sueti edtut Ive, thon four ana final y tisat Uic amalier engue vould nfot by Jutige Mwiarda aet the roqueet of tis tisa tiree cmr, driven b>' QuInta, bat tise flfty miles trader thse tonr. States Attorney Simiths, are boult of Lgines andi Badll, thse latter ln a refilc strain, but their gosevas Wood, andi Independen a bave repeat- reisuit Overlaus ti l a Pontene.c vrong. Guinta begon toYlftg viti A: .41>' trled to baun snd chop tie. dOvu englue visicis finiseot over a lap tise second place car, allowing et 10 £1I 'My next bulletin boards vii be of behinti tlle leaders. !pas anti gaip a letb e iin tepping den oltilled. steel"~ Voliva saiti, "andt ie>' An &vetae of ovor a mile aouot andi passiez thse Hudson as che. WMiii h isrgeti vils electrielty, so miute wv a atalned tisnougisout thongis et vere standing stili, Mter o tbat If anybody> tries tb lte" etiserace b>' airont evory. car en- tise 46tis Quinta fisbiet abeati andi irst vus htie. viii ho iustantl2 elecrocut- teaet. Their trial tests ver ail finisiseti iti tise Hudson stendily h' e& Tier. viii ho a «un concealed et volt hlov tise 60 mark and CaLri gaining on tise straigistaways, but euehs egnboarti and ef a fellol whist- wotibury, ln bis Fouty.Ford, mode.losing on tise turne. a les Wtll go off!" tise dint circuit lu 52.04.5. visiceh la'Tisa neoreat to a spill came in 1154 Trlumphal Arches Next beliavod to, be tise record on tihe thc 43rd ap vison Laines and Quinta tise Voiva alaco announcedt ist ha lu- track. o vft ere running neck anti neck, botb and tends tu make tise cily o!fZMon a Woobury took Uhe leaotinlutis 11'aitemptoti la dotge oaisole and cone colo beaut>' spot. "I viii erect Ivo tnl- mile race caryinlutise aternoon, back loto tise conter of tise track. of? phal arches et tise otrance 10 tthe keoping a terrnel pace ovor five (3oed triving helped avoiti a crosh be clty.'* Tise arches, h. ssid, woniti miles. Terne 4:30 fiat. At tise turis bofore tise stands. Witis tiss excep- lm bo supportât] vîtis .0- mouths piliers- on tise slxtis bp, Wondbury fana MWv t1On. et WOe a gond day for thsetl aomiewhisataler tise ortier of ancient tiseir favorite gli vay tw QGultal driveiv and a poor one for tisefo Roman architeeturt, eu bis yellov streakod Ferd. Neson one or Ivo medica in theo stands ce Tise people wiii know. as tise>' enter in bis Lozier clseod ln u sd- a51lo gfrtue tiseso gâtes, tisai "Voiva bossitishe Wootibury hforo tise sixtis îap bie;t Bain tisa nigist hofore put the sold lovi, chat Indepentiente bave notlilfg beau completoti, tise record boîtier trstk in excellent shape. Tiere vas roi te gay' abmg thte tovo. Voliva boasses dropping siovi>' te aismi tiird. but oee hadSpot on tise circuit visics. vae i, Voliva rnus t, and boa going t0 Star Goes To Pit. job the third qua.rter tomn, isld seme for moka a beautiful tît>' out of IL", At the end o! tiesa sveutis, Guintalcors baCk. QUbnta'aStyle bogan to ow IlAredy w hve tise f in-4t paveti vas ieadilfg b>' a bai! bap, NelsnSowr n ebthe auding manner l wodlut ehoat, saiti the Overseer loading Woodbur>' snd tise remaindor lu visicis hO ol tise bond. e of filon. "andi vo intendte w oa is of tise field wvitie adal closed in Crowd la Slow. Ipr s beautiful littbe cil>' Port o! tise ai fourtis position as tise>' passeti tisa The alovrest tblug about lthe rme- beautlfying plan la a nov Concrets stands. Woodbury vent to tise pit.lng progrem vos tise spectatora. e taberoae 10 sat seveýâdl tunsan for repairaeanti reentoredth ie race Tisaeever. about 350 people lu ii partoue, sud wvis a choir galle?>' tisaIfOve laps bhinti visn tise leaders j tisa stands, gate crusiers ant i pt Cia viii set M80 elgers. Tisero vii be vere runnlng tiseir 12 vlth Notion,imon Inclutoti, and &bouet twlce tisat four towers, with a st of ciimes i n Badaie ant i suintofgtlng for tise number loanlng on the fonce at tise tise tovera. Isaïe. Laines via provlug a poon oppouite aide of tise thck !rom tise Tise tabernacle will ho a ilgistiousO fourth vhile George Lyons ilubiie'stands. Tise deadiseada soya a fair t0 tise nation-a beacom liglit t sl Baby Roi. as nearioy ot of tisa race, but tild uneotse. the finish. thse Word, te aunounco tiste p oplo race anti dld go ot la tise lotis up. Promotar Kaiser, o! Kenosha, mode tsaI filon es a City' 0fr refuge for Ood'a WoodbuOI7s machine toppeti aitishe a fair do>' but diti not cover hie PMO aît mile on tise 1Mltiap andi ne- expenses. as et vas hlevoti preylofle Tise conftWat for tise excavaitio for aseinedt ier. Ilirougisout tise remain- 10 tthé card. He me>' try to pull tlit mammouth building vili probaderstinof the grinti. A busted valve anotiser monoes of races tier. next ho lt ibis veek. Architecte bave vagiven as tisa cuse for is Spnlng vison tise vatiser lu 1h18 Pant home vonking on tbe plana for motha rettreanent. o! tisecocuntry la btter andth ie pasil. Bati an5d Qunta fouhit a pocb numbehr paulng tise tumatiies c0u- "Theémev tabernacle wiilho plaly gan vitis Nelon over tventy miles sequentl> gaiainKg.Tise races for aeM-21 ntb.e main t'orofare, as peo vitS Gulutala eduag b>'to ssgiullaisOt ecoui«h tilllIfor =Yom5n anti, Pbe daine Érongis tise cli>"" id Dm4511tralling sut coe=n191=onvitsfuture cardes, aboilt puoe ver>' Veliva. tise turne, The Nelsonm car faiet attractive to W».keganMdanti ae - 10 go lace on tise.tuh ns ulethse 1CouRt>'notof fans. ot poee:. i~*portaefûinMZms Cit>' ]» lev tiraw tienivas fUr bttetinvse.te in* ts oprr'InjonctionissuM i ng up tise vording vhicis ho teaireasssigboarda bue previouel>' shoot. b>' Circul<e IdUe U@vrti retraiuiag to, place on thee uigu boards anti vii ITise nimonal of cow»s necestated Îlm frein 4mtier vork lu onnetiUM proeeti vritis bis plans ci maklmg consldenable carpenier vork andtchat toise 11, à d OOMii>'tise net fev ochers la. t>.e cIl>'. pet fev daya anti even since ch. tom- 'i daeu va>-.ev Sitpaltions of «v- A capenter wvi s a orking on tiss.polar>' uDetioI vas lasueti. -i 4glar tea" st acute angles. sIgnboartie vas ssked b>' a rePorter. Fr0. Zion cornes tise report la a r. It denelope tisat Volliai' car- if ho vas flot afraiti in vlwvof thse Positive va> tisat Voliva bau openi>' pentera this week ftimishets carpen, unction tintise Circuit Court, chat defetidtise Circuit court InJunctu IoN IC ter work on a bai!t osen or tise sign h. voulti ho arratei antiplacet la &ancortlg 1113hi01MvStatleesuted hbOarule acing BSeidan Boa ut utjai. He saiti ho dit not fearetlsund ai che time che injouction vabeln« i mor1k of the blackamlth &hop lu filon vouldnt mmnd t If ho vai placsd lu panneti heo .1tisaitishe court bat no Oit>' jai becauso e hiougisi ie vas lu thse Inriadîction over hM eroctien o! tise Tise. slgnboaMds ver. under course igisi. signe on bis propert>'. of consruction vison tiselujuactios Moved the Birdu Tise «encrai presumption boeoant et tc vas rentai andi up te tise prosol it ldevelops tisat a numbor of chose ZMon ta tisat ho viiicontinue vits hia là t«Me tiser. bas boon no prlutlng put nov algnboerdu ver. removedti fm plans and viliibave bis aigu puintetsai spon tisani as 701. other sections of thse cRt> te tis part- go aisesd anti place tise vortlng uPon t WhLtiservolna viii proceeoth ii icular point on Sheridan RoA becauuo, tise boards as soon as tise campenter t is plane of paintlng slogans etc. anti et la sali, Volîva desieto1 have more work la entirel>' finiiset and tise backw attacklng iis enomies upon btiscords people ose wviat ho hadt tese> anti grounti o! painttng boas dniot suffîciont-w romains te ho seeu. Accorting t0 r.- figureti that theo Sheritian Roui pose- iy to permit t. Ovrsoor Voiva o!fZMon dos I -not propose to 'violattise totm- s porar>' injunctIon lIsanctiagainat t h is erection o! slgnboartis but i entende insteadti taprocooti itis oafighin lutise courts antibe 1 insistea tIho vill Come out b 't, ~ on top vltisout an>' question. * j>HlinsLiMsta tisat hoevWi figt, 1 ~ » ,~the e ,,,uOon lessIlv and IRvii1 go, V , Qflot steapt t10 îéve'atI 061, La Confident t viil ot ho long t botore tie rite la knccketi ont.0 have turned to Su oa hc sebiaf Sutda>' wbicis aiet s i.If aisoat vitis nov signboarda iso One Eleven gctoutlngtla nkeou «But my personai opinion la 19 ~t la wntten 'on.1 C i arettes .I guarantea i w"I corne out on top when thse thlng lo al over. "This attompt te, prevent f ne 1 ILi~~ ,5fspeech la nothbng but a lowdcwn 1 aJi m editforplec o f polities. "FrCkeec h la flot desd yet ln LkeCounty. 1 ar n g e r o J4 ato b. ln thia count>' for a o 1 erect a 100 cf these signboards befors 1 get thraugh with thom. ..l know I can do itl lgally and I don't propose to lot anybody prevant me tram carring out <f rny plansa!aong thîs line. «However, ln the meantime, pendîng a decîsion b>' the isigier courts ntunaliy I wiil obe>' the Injunction Se fer as putting up addltIonal publicit>' on My boards. "The. neamon I do hia ie lu- william Hem>' Harrison. ton, latteni>' Casa antiBoustin, Doue. las anti Divis. Casm anti Wste, 5ew. c arti and Sumner lu the sénate, dis, tinction anti leadership peeseti frona tise Whilte House to tise capitoL Il was an Ignoble penIoti lu our politicu wbon boh parties wome dotigngtise Inrepressile lise of slave'>, and thse smalien tise candidate for preeltent tise botter cisance ho bat to dotige theo question. Iu thse heetis o? a piorclng nortisvout wlind, tise ol'l farines' preslIoent-eiect baý-eisea7td aud disdatntng tise protec' tion -o! an overcoat, rode borseback te 1isi,> apItol. Aller utidreasla a g-sat _. - ., ne' .. a ulias baW'i aM04I tors, he inslsteti, thougis iatt-frduWn on romouuting bis horne anti leotinfi the Inaugural parade. Ne sooner tvas tise brut Whsig profil. dent lanlise cisair hisan thse clalimfl~o factions and lise clamer' for patronage assailet i hm. *Claybat declinet cabinet honora--anti libers-ta ch. confident expectatIon of playing thse eses' anti more powerfo ul ole t the power behindth ie tisron. The i.. porions manner of tise Great Coin, monos' vounding tise presidential pnido, ho vas requeutedte m naisehie Ceilsent tise White Houi as fdre- quent and lncnepiiu s u he'Ç<on- venlenti>'could. TisereUýon hl»atotal abaence bocame eeubarnsdanjgiy con. aplenOUs. Tise one. dean mandate of th ise lec tien of'1840 was ho hum oit tise De. cratesuad gîve tise Jobas1tiste Whigs. Straigishvay a hungry borde f011 upon Harrisand tiliteral>' devouroti hlm. lu a montis tisa di>' ho vas doati o? pneumonie, tise firut presidout te die ln office trougisolt thse more tissu 50 years o!flts existence. Tis briefest of adminiutrations te a pathetie little ahor>' o? a simple, loncI>'olti man, luneti froin lii.furme te ise tise sport or poitics. .kllg ln body>'and isarnieti ln mmd, he was witisout tise cane anti companlonshlv of bis good.wlfe, Anna Symnies Har- rison, daughtrr of a New Jersey colo- nel in tise Revolton wiso became (mle otise Pionoeer Soltlers o? 0h10. Broken b>' lis, ard 1011 o? a frontier kmhosioltiandi aors'owb fotas' lcong cg elaiit of hon tein eUldr«r, chIa vie cf ows pieldt m 1went motiser of anMother, eafl.iwva =kl 1readti> e staS. up bhondtinties m b es or thse, Wite Housevisen thée nove of her bubant'a deatiscae» toiber. 1~ Solution Diogra. end «urne position Fi» MIdate.Chats¶ on Our Preisidents Sy JAilliMORGAN f copirsuli, 192. bv Jaw., MorgL,, PRFJU99WT FOR A IIONTH 1778-Fo*ruWl 9, blrth of Wil- itg. Hmnry Harrison at s.rkql.>', V8. 1791-IEnt.i the army. U101.14,.OrmOf 0fteritorY -osul f Tlppecano. B81O1I-nm4ffl0of congre. of Ohio sonate. 11115,1-44 41Statu e nztOr. louew4oàbwto Colombin. 1 - . .1for prealdent 83,=4plinaugurated nMath prujO.aged M8.Apris 44 In the WhIt. Housê, aped 68. LLTHOUG# Wlulam Henry Hue- hrIsm IWq ulcted to the preul- Cey as tt0b bIflcandidate, in eia Z;oitcfaed. parading ca.. gos, he iïïà bSn to one of -the St fammen-W V irginla," in a manor vase on the *ipk8 of the aritocrati nos. As if u0f Benjamin Hall wn, Slgnft < th.e Deciaration, wlth ýblond of ÎVonotas In his velia Id &% a deoadant of a.Cromwelliax ,onol whognel the deotit warrant a kin& se president bau bad a iger. more&lotOrlc lineoge. nu ablity Willam Henry Harriec 41 below tbe standard of bis prede- nmrs. Hne a eiocted not because ewaa a p«$ Utateaman or a great dier, bot beaume be was thorougbl ýreaentatV0 9fthe new West, wjb raS ftatters d e Me inthe White HOUSO r thse liret lim a man creoted In Ite At Hrrba 8Inauguration the reldency an eclipse and ma beld fJr 2D years by secondary haraterg, Who relgned, but did n<l ule. With Cm o0f tbe eminence o ay and Webter, Caihoun and Be,ý Biack-3 IÏ 15 17 18 21-22 Kis 23: Whte--11 29 30 32 Kus 4 13 20 24 Whsite 10 gMay u"t vin. FOR ORPJAM Tise Tag Day holti la Wauken on Tuestia> for tise benefit of tI Lak. Bluff Orpsamng resuftieti lise reling ot 204 for chia vart Inoutution, accS'dlng te aunI nouncomont matie toto>'.mu Francoes Bray' M Inucharge -Of tI taggef aandila dtiervbc go! m9 credit for tise lndefatigabie maWlx 31. ln visic s aie vorkoti and direcie 4. tise others tiroghout tise ta>. St vas ou handtra nm cari>' untJIlela MANU MARBLE i- ceneterY Woe OfE Desciptisu CORRESPONDENCESOCiý 116 South Gisems. L WAUKEM", ilmmGI ELHANAN W. C=18 Offlee ot Home, on Co*, Aa'w Telephone 10-t .. Soluti o. 191, 19end 193, s itlu: inm CHE CER BO 72 e.2711il182*196,28 3Issue - 20M OÀ» 27 28* 21 31 I 26 2162 37 Condtd by WILUAU J. WO@O 12 a- il 16 8 4* 1 6 8 3 3 12 18 15* 26 22 16 12 710 AU m18 c ia uon uld enddsut 123 1 11* 22*26 1246 1017 tWilliam J. Wood, 804 Clark ave., 26 3 19 23 8 110 26 81 ete I I egan.Iý~ -White wins g ___________________ Solution te Problem No. 308. By W. J. Wood. ___Black-1136 7 810 19 21. Games No. 194, 195, 196. Thse follow- White 13 15 20 26 28 30 31 32. ing tbree gomes by W. J. Wood shows White' te play and win. how thse play rune Into thse same posi- 20 16- 3 12 27 24 15 18 il 7 tien, aflowing White te wtn by the 8 Il 31 27 7 10 24 15 18 23 same stroke: ' 15 8' 10 15 16 11 10 19 28 24 9 14 5 9 6 13 811l il161 22 17 22 18 18 14 31 26 26 22 Solution to Problem No. 309. Bs' 11 16 9 13 10 17 17 21 8 11W.J. Wood. 24 19 18 9 21 14 25 22 22 18 Black-13 16 2022 23 K24. 16 20 13 22 13 17 4 8 2 _61 White-5 610 12 30 2KIl. 26 22 25 18 29 25 22 17 28 241 Black to play and wn and "8formaPosition on d8gram. ý23 27 6 2 18 23 2 7 24 28 il 16 9 13 16 20 8 il 4 8 . 3 271 2 19 24 7 il 24 19 22 18 18 14 3126 26 2224 27 7 16 19 Il116 28 32 9 14 13 22 10 17 17 21 89 ____ 22 17 18 9 U114 25 22 22 18 659 51 , 13 1711l16 2 6 -Y, -k*** 2622 25 18 29 25 22 17 28 24* andi 3-8 forme position on diograin. LAKE ZURICH t il116 811 6 13 10 17 11 16 .24 19 28 24 25 18 21 14 22 18 C *t * * * e *9 14 9 13 16 20 13 17 8 il Mrs. W. A. Laun attended the fu 22 17 22 18 29 25 31 26 26 22 oeral of îIarvey Woodmian In Chicago la 9 122 4 8 17 21 2 6 Monda>'. Mr.W ladmanwll be remem- 26 22 18 9 18 14 25 22 2217bred b> the old reaidenta of Lake and38 forma Position On dagraln. Zurc,1sh spent the sommer vara- r tiens here for mon>' years. * C4W U C. Mr. and Prs. G. W. Spunner left last * Monday for a week's auto trip tbrough M.and Ms Fred Hoeft left Tues- o oday te apend a montis at terr *iQU1Q U ci ln Butternut. Wisconsin- a PA r. and Mrs. John liose and cli M vo dren of Area, vere guesta o! Mr. and aU U Prs. C. Weaver SundaY. > Arthsur Blanchard bas returned te le 1 hie home ln Waukegau, a! ter bein. it em.loyed in Lake Zurich tise Pust [y monthe. 1 bt opo'at Sunda>' mornlng at 10 o1lock Heury t18 15* 14 10 17 10 23 14* 272 4 iWevtheae adbiHeg w u totou d ln il 1 7 4 o 5 1 23 0 7hunting accident Sunday, Oct. 1, and - igirua-criticol condition et tis, ie le. le Proislem No. 310. B>' W. J. Wood. Miss Rose Sigwalt vas a Sundo>' vis Id l____________ iter vith frieuds isere. Public announcement vas mode last -etweko the marriage of Robert C of Kainer and Miss Dorotimea Hertel, th u-inorniage taklng place on Jone 24tb - - ~ 1The bridegroom le a son Of Ms'. as - Prs. Proderlck C. Riner, oi/Barrln Umm 0a siton, and tise bride la thse daugistera Dr. and Prs. Louis L. Hertel ot Lakg la m Murich. Tise veddlng took Place et th' FiM tCongregaUione lchitrcis oner0 Waasington and .Lslaand Bvds. chi % nous cago. 1The ceremon> Wua PertOrmIË SU m b>' 1ev. Gilbert Wilone. petor of th& cirarcis. Mr. and PMr-. lisse.Dean _________________ Palatine, vere vitss. PMr. sud Mn B15 7-4 6 9. ainer wiii maire tiselr homieln Ch WMite-12 13 20 KX3U.caetivcer Black tua>' a Mi Witec otisivin-e 1* a, tISA ai '55 Why tonie value is greatei in thisyeast Yeast Foam Tablets are made entirlyod purç whole yeint -~_ _'7 ~qource of theiss.u kigv~~ The ananp«tanic properties of yeast that they wilaid asslil*lo omnts anietsonsequerit popularity every- andwtheiti formation Oifl* where, have offered opportunities heakhydsue, and thattrah hs ,whlch patent mediciSe makerS and processe you wlU experl'ea e ether have been quick to capitali ze.gmig and generaflY upbuildlng die= Th a. Mdnr e nuaLM ao,.Êa là Vt min preparations reveals nanY Prod- ucts which oontain preciaus litle yeast and insignftcantquantitiesof vitaniin. Rememb e fe facts It je of utmost importanlce ta you ta ne- meinber that Yeast Foaim Tablets ane mnade enirely ai pure whale yuet- that their vitamin content ie pravedby actual test to be bath Meghand unilorma -that they are endoreed by leading medical scientist -and that they are made by yeast experte, the world'o largest- manufacturers of dry yeast. By virtue of these f acts you are deflnltely assured that Yeast Foam Tablets have an exceeclingly high tonc value - and that le what yau reaily want. Yumaytakethemwith- the positive knowledge Ta eas aimTat Fowhick pe are recoenSded foS kmsà& tamin deficiency aî known as "rua dowv n oidtim The. name, Yeast Faim Tablets, in Yomr protectim I. h ylrtaranuçdO Ipuityand& Vminvlamt ~ potency. AskfotIils* by its MlnameThm té nothing juet *du same or lusw ood"G'et ahb , f rom yoilr druggiet tody. Nontlsestem Yetu# Co. * Chicago M em ci thse hbski aeg ymia, Ya.a Foan adtiMagieYffl Yeast Foam*t LYELL H. l9Mft Attornty.aiLaw, LIBERTYIL,1 *Res. Phone 136-M OMMic - DR.0. F. BUflT a-VETE11INÂRY 51311 Assistant State Vetenis st UABERTYVtiLEla U >- DR. J. L. TAYLI ipOflias In VIral National BaÙ 1, Hopra-1 tb 30 sMd 1t 3, Resideace on Broadwvay'. a LIBERTYVUJTILLIU1. to MARTINH C DEOI ryAttoray."tLàw )L4 315 Wshington 8M nd WAUKEGAN, In"I Office Phonoe ,48 les th. ad AUCTION gf Lo! AUA -S Ak LING lu 0', z Zan t» mer ip, 10