MEAETO li4EIT ta àt 580* bai mter ,* Mt or frm thelr As mttim g4te v i. iüw*# i4 eeeu up v1th bei» owidby al'yIs ' lbe Aeomwwve la4 *oqmt aime50 oaetmil va;h Au -À»Iiepeodat gji1*t 3m sudtbe imiquaSea. ý* » km vert te elV«k v - àêls be Sup99tte0ftt %0 I b" The Iiswr~h k a mwet .e tv wei 0 0*00iagspt e~a mi%,t imovfoi 4W w*é 14. a w«t lmk ,x -a- t. - miruS Wm v ah~u-.1 ir Pto GacPMUue. i;' Ç1~i t TW7 wuatl" : e . tee 1~Wi% 4~~1~< ~ à ýmASoeg te àarc hM4 ý*' StUO I hilb. uutll 1eBo 1< UiU* mies tt. *mi « a <o bm t.o niaqom v ý et am i #À 0g« boi «~ la.A * U«O!OU byI, Ihi*bM te ff .~ hlave Yoe fieW the "Sm ." a fow*I.4aýýjelpe tiox of styles a=4 dîù. iAUn ia- dtezwa& 8$one are *bmtd with fur, wbfle ot0 r eB lined, others. are b.alelned. T-~ IWe Materil, A e Polo Cloth, 'elouiR, Kx*nbe rfliva sb, Nei~ mr ,tela).4 a, *, d tbmse aaings an =Maeuawed ny.- Mbe Ia"r ia g& se inetioe I*dfw lei TriçU ~ Dvt~ -~ ~ ~~L4t~y Values iji - IF Wat~'a IJV~aîea1 Il~ ~It~ I lost m*0 la tffl *t M a, dlisélection of styles for ome t4o von t~p imo ,is tao I ýrsey vs - Y ;U5m -Wmri faiw * m* * di is mmise ige wm~t ïmll - l au-t t rosiee *.' a mi com lI9 =00II ~tv~Uft$~Isj5p *3~jb.~s~.di Nfe~ veuli; h lb. sai4~ <lie ~Bj b. lb. ev 4. ~ fool thew~d aboe tDme~*or*yeatrytaMme ~t¶3eeIbut4I ti~nghateb aokan tha ~ubs4h. ishuu-m«t tehDe in l £ o 'unaa rWJ fo t*i, Màt.he elleate ad oew&~ a so is ymsud 'whMthWeMêksehe dgg'm - do'w p*. Tis avoiteparoeytm Pr. flpfil a i Ws.atôgetb eo re au d witbout sa e. .<aleoho f(t je safe to tae. Try it ci. In tmet or liudd for u.&giwo, lia ic fr tialpac)sisgeaoth $ablets t. Dr. Piereé'ss lf&ldsotu iBffalO, N. Z f Ber~ it uv "xplt am t.e M Iëuli rgm.ed by &nt SHiEIn ,j b lr m.Dekm M., bI 1>1. tomdetes t1 m M i tmrid xben mue b tipi <la tub *101 sm aw mar4 arui evilli 7W té Mr. appear county K"o A LEAVE ,George v1fýor of amn ri t ?auWRI*0*% pup »& Umi srei laits. ebeuile am-eamibar., ln tan. rai. bru. &XaY. te $1OO' $.98 ,Rn' $298 t~ -i n le ' 2 f the AnRwersary Sale azid it w be to l 'hese it oe re f«e Wakegau's ýiýWa O1.oDe iiÏ"aM D' StamâpB g en llio-p I!. Ilmaia; elu0mm o1ww - mmml S, 2 $lit W0oeua pai an mcd4 brameeres tu .front ùbaft boo1; . , %Ua »tes.-Reguw 7 *"w9ý 0ê* h o .t Cfrse Lsunèry 'Sap l ida .wl*e r bis xl- 31c eo«W a gu t e "d «M.,IseI .. t.......... ..... YONLY - I mi eo11~ .~<. wc TIa asmibse aroti-siat lesSereS forFrMm~ l~%' aL ...Â=t~.4O a tor Breakfast c4maý Gla oY eUa Ooats -ta Mme. lW»am oul .. ... ........0 j afMdrcns Fr An 14 MQ. »eVUCbclieUs m OM teeau u Mmit4. 'e.s*0v*0a" M"m ugI * 1oem à ' t ua. m M> ar èp1 *D0 1t51.iý l Wgfrimlý ait uls s'eva to r pslifr rd uril womesis L~PI~5OWI~ ~em~s 'Wèaiuma SsiI mulot Natihilooli Oui <~pwna t. 8» - Y117 op~bI'* I~~pj$emi 4n v..*~ i 114 u I .3 't ~w, i, la & o 4 1:1