LIERYV-ILLE IND EPENDEN s Big Weekly WAUKEGWEEKLY SUNl IotaS PLAN I of Amerloan ce avotera oai IWnolm te -.- w. djuaetic<peatif ~,a 4ome" op fûr a referen- am 10 fls wge oe f tiestate .ma~w5WrJ~ beenissuei b>' state ammand- er g WeaDepartment of tbe 414BhS. S~ spitCoWMantier Sehiel ~ Ofles aates bave Ss the propoaliln of a beaeata tisir service mon ZîiOg a reimt fitteen itatea bave *Mo me Paving a bonus ta nie am w 0gb in thse voiid ver. ~ier Scbla s aklngsap- pantit SeII te appropriats $55.- MOU M volai-ans of thie voriti wv'" upart:- ~IVAM atesapoint tise va>'for Ulbu la Use matter af pa>'lng a bom tp ber bernes ai tise vorld vu. tbii states have pased îUmIntm glving thissldiersadat- juoft offloomaUon lu actual cash. «E omyo! tiestates nie ques- MiWtutUp ta tise people lu 4,1115tas h iti hoita M Mvember 7, vissa volera ~wbelr$f ,00,000 Sppa pa ad atforsuisa »Wtz« epraned fohr s o &* state lu tise Union ta &Lvé 4b ssa vas Vermout. Comu- qe«4 W e 0a moathbvas ai- fegï& la& O aMaximum if t $110. ýV ekSNov Duilandsi gaesa ne ~sash bonus and thse Zkorwyag tood, cotilng sud uM@g s M aine, Nov Hansp- do" mi Wàohde Island i70 arepyln a et $100. Massachusetts de 10 a m=cui for 55511 . _ Conectict la 4*yuiaser wvies a ~ tAf tabud a home ui[^muiJ&lugiving $1à a maatb, a msâmmair$»0 and s maximum et çM; tul ls soldiers, luasaddition ta tgMis of $200 ln aeeredited 'Chie tu payifig $10 a mautti. vitli a masfWum ai$250. Michigansla pusy $16 a monts. Missouri lh psybag $10 a maitl vitis a maxi mmm 44 SM6. Washugtan la paylnl $15 a nantIs sa maximum Of Th5.lis state bias pait ta lus salime $12300.000 at an expense o! &Mtees bm1Ipercent for admin istzstofl- "Nov jersey la giving IaB soldier $10 a montis vitis a maximum o1 l10.. Wiscnsin ts paylng $10 a MontIs vitis smaximum o! $50 sud edueati>onal bonus of $50. North BalaIS la paylisg $25 a moutis and gontb Dm1015 $16 a moutis vitisM maximum of $400. *,Wyoming bas given nu cast bonus but bas alavwed tal exemP 'ion sud medical anti hospital sic suter legllatii'n passed inlu1920 Beselits have sinauntedtieta$15 year te sacis ai. severai tisaussu aoîiers. "Arizona la iseipiug ber soldles b>' su appropriations ta pravide farn homES ansita tend luousy ta pur Cliase ai faim ImPlements fini stock. Callfiala i giving lban for famaim]sd home aid vithis twent>', year mattlrlty, vacations traning anti spectal tax exemptlor "'['ers la no cash bonus lu Colc rada but a, !uid bas ieen apprc priatesi for jeans flt ta uxcesti $20 fali for vocatiana triaiung. A appropriation bas beau maCs i West Virginta for tise relief i ueedy veteralis. Thse same la tnt In Nebrais.. -Au n luluinais, tise question ai cash bonus viii be put up ta ti peuple lu a referendum lu Moi tans, lava anti Kansass. In tise states nie amount taelie paldth t aitiers viii range tram SOC ta 1À a day for eacis day at service. ",Nev Mexico bas apprapriateti fundtetbchoexisendet Inlucooperatic vitistise faderai goveruisent vis tise latter passes legîsiatioil ta gli Amercla veternzs a bonus. 1 vlew oi tise prafesiai vetoa ,nationsailagIsiatian aud tieseua port af thse veto b>'tise Senate, Ni maliels .Aegislationl lanow Ilu tactiva. 'Na delInite action isas beau ta su n lu Fiatbeyondtheis appal ment oa a committua ta coneid tisa matiez' andi repart ta tisa ats leglstuire nexit Aprît. A comm: slan lias been appintat In Penne: Tanla ta obtain informiations an t bonus. "Let us net havaeIlinois fal i (ilnd lu thse gioriaus record o! oth states. Let us ait vote tanrtise a Justeti compensation act Nove ber 7. 0 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 0 o FOR ALL THE NEfW$ 0F LAI<1 o OOUNTV, SUBSCRISE FOR TI e INDÊPENDENT-41.60 A VEAI .oo 0 0 e0 0 0 O00 0 04 MANY MURORS SJIY PIKEWi" STRAN( AT M fRCASE I <iiVEN iSANITY Whe te enrewa c lu i TEST; TO ELOIN nie circuit court Saturda>' moxung for nie ;purpse orc trying the case of Stan Shsockley,. ailegeil murderer pi Welt Known Cattie Buyer Su- C. P. Buras. of lencas a large fers Complete Lapse of upuaber of thom ste#x>e before jta, dgeUdardg ta offer excuses ta Memoi'y About Business ha rlleved from jury service. "Prumsing buelasas," "noisodtitado Ans unusuali>' pathetie ice vwas the chories," "viliho out of thse enacted Saturda>' là nie OOUslt li>. andl anis rocuou vers offer- visea John A. (Pie>'> Stran vi esi. The jurais veeaIl excused k lis a lmer sud cattle bayer, af. tinti) Wednisday moaineur.Wa.sworth, vas given a anit>' tot, ____________the hearlng develapiug nie tact thet helibuss silfoeresi aImoit a complte r!IT ieC mental breakdown. adlaI unalile MRS N SE T NOd, ta reinember yblng petluting ta bu business, le hhoeslUctèd for jS any y>'ars pu au extensie male. IN Tf ff AT S ]S Mr. trang le isa faclng bank- ]U N IE r ptcy processilugs. and is liabili- L/5UW~ D I~(Jfj5 ties are estimatesi st betvsen FAUR U DI $65.000 andi $75,000. viie bis visi- ble assets apparenti>' amaunt ta nothing, according ta Att>'. C. T. Hainesville Coupl, Mss. Rose Hei'decler. visa appearedinlutise count>' court lu connection viti tise Peterson and Elmer Ham- carse. mond Face Waupon Pen. Stran's ind bas . gauM r Illppinfor about a year. Hee raid Tise cutain was rung dovu on tise cou rt tisaiise vas isurt about anather ans ai those îîttut marital six veeks aga wissn *n automobile traties Strd>.struel hlm. M s.Ba. . Hlamental condition apparenti>' wMrs Rom Xamondwife ofbas bxLd mub eltado vlti bis Ciasa- William Peterati. of Rainçvme. cial clrcumstancem during tise past aud Elmer Haminond, of nie Mmne ear or tva a abce aa fot mem cty. ver. e.tod «Baturda>' aiter- ta b. able ta tell visaoves hlm aouiln Ratine, Wls., andi bath en- moue>' or tva vsam tbe vas lu- tred.dpsaa gult'a a tatutor' debted, nor tise amounts of tisa charge before .Iudge Burgess in transactions. He imagines bLmsélf Municpal Curt. eaitis>'asd does flot betieve bis Hammaseteopod titis te vifs af liabitîties amount ta mare niais Petirson, a var bride ofai hlm. 5tise $25.000. charge of tise Lake count>' courts lhu te eaigwscn so.Tise alloge< crime wax comn- tiqui4 unîiliaiternoon ta, permit mitteti thrso viola ago sud Shoriff Amiant States Attorney' S. H. limer Greenah«bas bon earchiag for Block, viso ln on the Voliva case, ta' nie pair uinces ilis. Thi Wlmeon- enter a recommendation, It vwu in courts wIul charge tise couple statesi that Mr. 'Sraug voulti b. * ith statutor>' offenses tada'. vitis talon ta tise ispilal at D1ge fat *Petordoa appearing as camplaintng treatment. vltflm. wbich yull mea Waupon Mr. Straghbu alvays teen volt la 24 haurs i a t&t tate If nie lled. Me vw u i uW ad bai s o bargos are wvutUO. o1 le towthe e t-ft_________ aRacine tbat ah. bai l bt ber bué band becau»e be vas cruel ta o erT.LO O *the Racine dltcli telsà. EHam-D R aO l back ta River Rouge., Micis.. lie, court learnesi. but tise>'baiad osi their va>' in Wiscansn, vanderingý &round tisere almast peaultesa up rK I U 9 to tise time ai :her a isu i IP _IeFCi. 6 Bth states will pusi tise charges, l.ati learnedbt h i._neso William Sohreck, Lîbertyville, 9tise Wsconsin lavs viii send the >fpair ta prison immediatel>'if tise Gets Warrant-for Arrest 2charges are praven true. whlcis viii of A. Rosenberg. force Lake count>' ta prasecute after tise>' are released f rom Waupan A searcis lu tva counties la ieing workhouse. 'nnducted by Siserif Rimer Green Tise matier vas one ai tise mast today for Albert Rasenuhi, said te )fcomical tradgies ever enacted is tiehe b aio Barriugtan, vis a i chargeti a unt>'. b>. William Schreck, vha lives near ýdPeterson sud Hammond varklet Iiiert>'vitie, vitis assualing hlm Au tise same faim near llaiuesvllle. witis a gas pipe Tuesday attex-noon at a Hammauti prepared a mtai speesi- Wauoonda. ster under tise eyes o! tise iusband. A warrant ciarglng assanit viti ýh borravied a tank ful of gasolile, s deadi>' veapois waa issueti late Pstale Petersa's overcoat. took bis Wednesday aiternoan b>' Justice lier d.tabacco and finla is ha ifs visen vey Couisan st tise arder o! StateAI obu decided ta leave. Peterson torney A. V. Smith. a chargeti. Rosenhusis struck Scireck, sa he id Peterson stated at tise time tisat told, visen bu was sta.ding near thei is bc ante is ite eback regardîes Rosenisisautomobile car lu Wauî ra ai ber action but that lie wauld couda trying t0 coleet a billtt m maka Hammoud "psy." ise had coming. Rosenhusis varne r- Tise etopers vere arrested vhile hii ita step away or bu voutti kill id living on an abandanei ferrm near lmn, Sehreck itld. Witlitliat he .s Burllngtan, Wis. drev a gas pipe fram heneath. tis cushi ons13aiftise front seat and st,.,,ck tchreck river tise ieati,_mo. al 70 of ie ha a- o su lu of 'p- rt- der lis. 3se- ther iti- he R, 0< AUTOISTS RUNS ' ' PAST S1?REET CAR; B IITS SIMALL BOY Angus James, 18 yuars ntt, Miii- hum, vwas arestet iun Waukegan lais Monda>' afttonoon mter is automobile bat ru tovuVictor tAquilîno, six >'ar oId soisai Mr. anti Mr. Michael Aqîliino, 344 Nantis Buttrlck street. Thé'~ acci- dent occurret ai Washington aut Buttricl aeuta. James, accompanieti yhI ss fathar ant moibeIr, vas drivlng veat Ini Washingtan stneet on is way lov- art isoma. ,Ut Buttick treat tiesa sraet car stoppadti ta nloat passengaers James ran pasa tisa croawatksu crasiset mia tisa yaungatar. knack- ing hlm davis ant iinflicting painfut niai-les. James vas placet unter arresi b>' Policeman Kennedy. anti w as remavedto tahie police station .hiere ha vas rlaaset lu bonda of $FO00 si gnet b>' James A. Reavea. Dr. Fi-amant C. Kuigisi vas calted ta attend tise Injureti boy. Tise lads Injuries prohahi>' vili noi prove serioas anesas l develope tisai ha vas hurt Intarnati>'. Jamea blames tise brakea on bis ,car for thse ac9idaut. ils says tise>' Irefusedtotataku boit lu tima ta hait itise machina hfare tise boy vas Pru davis. The isearlng vas déeor- - et pentlng tise auteamu aof the boys econdition. mentant>' atunning isim is,u declareti te Justice Coulson. Rosenhusis mgtie a gat-avay be- fora officars coulti arrive ta Efrnesi hlm. Scisrsck isad sait thesalaleget crin- mnal came cattie. Part ai tisebli bat beau paît vih a cheack. Tise pa>'ment ou tisaciseckt vas stoppeti, anti Scisreck bati gona ta ses vis> tisis lad happenat. It vas lu quas- tioulin& Raaenbtirg abqut his busi- ness proceducetatai buaims lia vas assuatteti. FIND TRACE 0F MISSING Y0UTH Trace o! Etimunti Dreyer, 14 vean; att, a! Zîon s Ong tram hie bote Rince last TiunadaT, vas abtainet ly theu Waukagau police tta>' vlan Rob- .ar Dat>'ofi336 Cary avenue lu onm. sdthé tiA fflera tisai bu isatidrivai tise Mon youtis ta Gaga's Lake Tisuns ta>'. Hesexprasasethetsaopinion tisa tise youngster isat accuptati smploy meut tisere as sevunat cottages ar( heing conatructet. Tisa police vi, falinw up tise clev. Auis njunctian vas issuet Tisursdai agaInat lIa> W . Braciser,, couisi treasurer iu tise circuit court, upo. tise putitian ai tise Thomas Asdnawi Corporation, visa chargei tisaitise] bati lies excesslvel>' assesset ant tisaitishe treasurer vas 8uaking ti tcatieci mucis targen taxes tisan UM valus a! thissufactor>' varrants. Ti injunctian la -'oI>' a temporar> an, s anti viIlho angued tia a ubsequen 1 data. 9 ýe il ,THURSDAY. NOMBERZ21922. SMRS. STATE CALLS ATI DUNLAP 1INTI!TOE herhom noth- SPECIFICATIONS violes ago, ince Notices are Sent to AUl Con-IL ti u. I ua trctos in the State; Ap- Ï ffleed, he u raly-ply to Roads. wIbJIa Ï; *a saa frOm Springfield, Ill., Oct. 27.--Tise berne sd found b>' Mr. gtate dopartment of public vorks DwiIp afoe' ain ieiples s ad buildings has ent a letter ta ail road contractors lu tise state t csiliug attention ta tise new rOad specificatlons ta be used on the FILE state blghvay system In bids re- ceived on after the aset of this lu SUITS rnton T~ete s tres lu an' roaa i n tise VO IV outer edges, nd therefore te nev speIlfications eail for a tiiickness of nîne luches at tise edge of thse At Least l i the Statemnent roads tapering ta six incises ln the He Ir, ali *iave Made ceds miam," the dep*rtment lt Thli Week. ter states. 'tbat tise nev cross sec- tion vill requlre 195 1-2 cubie yards Wilbur Gimî7)"r'Ollva I ta t be iess o! concrets a mile af pavement oed for $S00é,# by Thomas H. than tise standard seven-lnch design Neson, Zion pAtp, if statemients heretofore ussd. credited ta bm .kIndianapolis, lui., "Tise departmieut believes tisere- are te be creffl4 Dispatches fram fore tisat thse new cross section tbatal;cty asîFfftpMat on tise acca- will provide-a--pzvement visicis net slon of ?(slMcm&viît tisere nie oui>' la btter able ta support trucks Middle of thq *k a rund up loaded late eiegs.l limt but viii vitueises viscu t inten.dsta use aiea reduce the coit per mile. lin thse oriminal 1 suit he has "«At ftrst sigbt, It migist seem tisat brought ag&Wet Voliva. and vilicis the cast af shaplng tbe subgrade ta la on trial a Wanlegan at tise accomnmodate tise nov cross section prisent tile. ha 4eclared opeuh>' would be troublesaine. A littie con- that as nman s the present trial sîderatian. hovever. viii IndIcate la Ovor b. inte,4a to file tva suise that thse extra coît would bu ver>' for U$,MO eiBh, against tise Mon amiati, as subgradlng machines mal' orSit. sut>' be adapted te eut tise suis The ells (d nt sa>' on grade te tise nev faim. %v" cs ,ho 1tht1ds ta brlng "Contracteasare earuestly re- these ijti. tg juttg fgtram state- quested ta consider thls nev cross moints crudaeil W Nelson framn tiare section carefun>'. Iu ordsr that vs ta trne t a'Upn ~sthat ho itedsma>' coaperate sas lereofore In to a dea$* for- tatements ap- building the besecand most durable pearins 0M S0l of Votlva's iguL- roads vitis nie least expense tatise boatd&. Th , )*Unis.It isassumeli stats of Ilinois." vwil! be b= ou beissifof him- Sslf aasd i ýe 06utoum Chuei~ U K 3 P Of vbih ie% fleldButt sa~P sud, md m bers of the au concil agirega' ISl84 FIIO lng 'eversi hundreds *of, tisoMnsdi NÀ M $1.5OAYEAR reg] num Ste' and t ni ton ter] L Di ni@ ph abs sth, Cie cil di D. « i of dolam Saatemt ver was Vgl,ývasusert niat nie flhig o! suds Impassile suite is Niluasis methsatiD of Vgning notarlet>' sud seollng to Rcank Grobelch and Wife of L an voiiia. Waukegan, SOMn Night EN» IIER ALTII WEEK Complainte Zio madeL ta tise &>I'>111URAUPE ion police tast Prita ia'agisi of a big Wl TII truck tisat vas heisg driven lunSiser- WITH ATTE ANCE idan roati sa as ta endanger "tise ftEJEf 5()()lives o! autolsa travelling an tise fOUV R 4 iswiglva>'. Lieutenant BenjamIn Pisis- er vas se;t out ta hunt up nie _____ truck aud bufounti Frank Grohelcis, Programs in Many Villages of an express mais, living at 516 Mai- County Proved ReMark- Repbi truk anti vas ba.cang ut; i able Success. up ounie lderwalk vissunie offlper1 came alauz. He tutoohlm ta lise po- Thse iast meeting ô£thftie Lake lice station, sud aisa founti Tony1 Caunlty Health Weak program, un- Grobelcis. alsa of Waukegan, slttlngi der direction ai T. A. Slmmpsan. on a box Insida tise truck. Tony. cou nty superintendeut ai scisools, wiho tld tisa police tisai hc vas at Dr. S. Etîner E. Thsomaa anti A. J. cousin of tise driver, vas sa Intox-t Marktay, of tlis tate b oardi aiicatet that ha bat ta ha caried1 bealtis; the Lake Count>' DetaiSlsoito tise police stationaStis manis ciet>'. andth ie Chilti Welfars De- w @eioced up, a..t Mca.. Grahelcis,t partment ai tihe Unitedi Statua, vilii ife ai tise driver, refuseti ta goi be >61di touîgbt, tise meetings up ta home aisd aise preferred ta ce bock- ý tiis allai-ncona aving" beei attundeti etiup vitis issiiushanti. Tisair tva 1by more tissu 4,000 persans, sud far ebiltirSi vers sent borne la Wau- mare auccessfuat tiais isat heu an- kegais. Grobeicis teatîfiedti tisabh ticipatet. isati iad a isard day movIng, anti le1 A meeting is bielg heldti iis ait- vas as lis va>' home vispu ar- arnoon at Ares, wiitiste above reateti. nametimais pariipatlng. in addi-. >1tid'i have a drap." the vît- tion ta Dr. E. E. Grahamn, oa! ake usas tolti Justice Scbamafssaa. Forest, representlng nie dental Sa. "Hov Il la >'au coutdn't drive >'or 1 aity'. Ih l expecleti that nie meet- fruck straigisi?" qusi-rlotitise lus- Iug toulgisi St Lake Blu. wvli briug tics. tisa total atteistaica ohe eek e- "t Is>'>' bil d ilk ta îdrink. ans- rfore tise 4,f 00 mark. w &. Mur varet Grabaicis. ramy wili speak tonIgit lI addition "Mitti do't maka peuple atitisai ta lise coutl anti state oicmi. va>"" saidthtie Justice. A apeciltmeeting vas issî ti t Tony Grobelcis tastIiedti tisIha tisa O'Neill theatre, Lake Forest o a stnt aveu InduigatiInun aytiig as Thuratia> morning for nie purpos strong as tisa driver. "f oisiy iati af givln.g tise scisaot chIlsren Ini milit milk-ant-vaiar tb drink." ha tisai city an OPP(irtunit>' ta tisar stat ta tisa court. "t neyer drink tise heallis tatks. At ailthtie met- liquor. 1 got tisa milk anti vater luigestisa Jotiy Jester, visa demon- outInlutise country'. stratet the funri> site o! training Ollcen Fisheor toidth ie court tisai for goot isesitis Tony Grabeicis vas so drunk tisai Tisa Lake Suiff meeting touigst lie isatita ho Ilfiti bailY >' onta etlerminates the week's pragram. tise truck. Wisnansaketi viat hlm y________ naine vas ho tld tis- oficar Ihat AUfl It vas 1. 2. VI" andth iat bis ati- ALLENDAI4E fÀND des vs"Uinied Stateas af Amer- Ica." Heis amneiq tsi-sidotlars uiruac~u . anticaste, andtihie driver ai tise ftIW MI RI truck vas fluet $115.0antiCosas y- amounting lInil ta $7140. Bath TEAMS N TuE men iaidt tieir fiues. LY lleýdle 0lihtta a deatls ION IBOUSE3 IS ýy 14 ta 14 tie Saturda>' aisruaan at m, tise Lake Villa acisoal vih tise lie- »BY PR T3 nasisa Ilatgers, a pavýerfut gid DAMONIA M W' team tram tisa Batiger'itato. td Alieudate, Outweigheti anti a trige Tise residence o fa man nameti Nel- ta auiptayad, aulgutiseth ne vialtors ail son ai 1701 Herman avenus, ZMon, le af tis ay>. Coaach Armitage's caugisi fire this morniag anti abouti lé youugsters scoredt their taucbdavns $500 damage vas douecisfore h Ire 18 saryI>'lutise first hlaI, but theo departmeut vas able I put oui tise t Batigers cama hack strong An tise ibtaze, viicisstaitet lu au uppor second perlot andi Inottedth ne caunt. room amoisg some aid rage. .l n.STEWART 91135à'. IwAS MIfLLBURN'MAN A, H. Stewart, for msny years a Mient of Milibursi. and visa bas a tuber ai relatives la that commun- FI la dead Bt nie home o l ofM»n, [bsrn Stewart, lu Chicago. lir. tevart vas more than 70 Years aid id lu recenit years made bis home Istlssonln Chicago. lHevas well o hu lunevicinit>' af Milîburu. The fanerai vas bei Tzzsday aiter- >on at the Etiibabur cl umad lu- ýment vas made la Millburu conte' ARE Cg.iUILD FUROUT NUMBIRS ME TIIA-ÀN 100 ýctors Dentlets and Phar- macÙi sin Banquet and Blow-out Frlday Nlght Gien ]Moa sCountry club vas nie m"e or a notable gathering ffida>' igt vissanie doctors. denntisand harxiactats Of- Lake couat>',andi boUt 40 gusts frÙm KMnOIIA, be- ies a aunibe- of aatiaiially Iuovu poakers. dlaed and made plas for ho organisation of a Permanent sa- letI', Imoawns nie tale Caunt> sud. Tisepurposeo cftne ol*an- cation la to promotse inlteresto ad velfare Of tise tisroe proie&- ans a& ta obtala botter co-Pera- tn andi more haraffy. Poliovins thé dtânlet as vcl Lare tuUM 100 uVers morved. Adl riies voeemade by IL EL R Oobser, e . ~,prest4ebt ebeot luols Otate, [eimiigoume. Dma x. O«MiP. 1) 1). S, ocx-ial hicablogo, B Kr. Light icretary of the Cis~g Dr. ]ILE. Grsaaz6 scretar>' of UL --cousais> Dental Society. W. enwPoe. Ch& âû 01aitne 2«4a0 Dragglst Associan. and Dr . e ILAmbras., mbcMa7r ithse U&e Cauaty Modical Society, vire a charge of the pmogisai QUITS WEDNESDÂY AFTER 38 VEARS Policeman Patsick Salmn, on nie iVaukugan farce for 38 yoare, turueti ln bLis star Tuesia>' nglu Handeti lu bis regiguatloneta tise councîl Monda>' ulgis, effective Nov. 1, and it vas acceptati. Policeman Salmons ti bis resignatian ibankedth ie adi- mîni8tration anti thosun preceedlng lise prasent ana, andi miatedti ta tise action vas belng taken b>' bim becansa tise hurdens of tisa position vere begininng ta bear upen hlm tao iseavil>' an accouai af his yeara, sud ha aiaofuît tisaitishe position requlred nio services an a >'.unger, mani. - u Olicer Salmon bas beau a ver>' efficient policeman, He bas a pleas- lIsg disposition andti iera la hatd>' a mais. voman o& ebilt Iin Wauke- gais visadosnet knov hlm. He vas practically kinti ta ciiltren. anti tisousauts aifalostsû$vere re- stai-ad tathissu-parants tisrougis bis efforts. Tisa passing uf "Pat- Sainmon tise "Corner' vitI ha notiteti, aa heaai- vays bat a kint word anti a gooti "Irisis" stalle for everyboi>. PETIT JURY FOR OCT. 30 CALLEI) Tisa tait far tise petit jui'y lu tise circuit court ta came InCet. 30, vWas issuit Tisurada> b>' Circuit Cterk Brockvay, as foltava: LU J. Siacum, Nsvpoort., Chas. Braniky. Antiocli. Leslie Crandaîl. Antiocli, Frauk Gerretsan. rOat. Barue>' Norton, Grant. S. B. Sanistabte. Lake Villa. Jack Casismare, Avais. Peter W. Nevisause, Avon. Javeti Balrstav. Waukegan. Wmn. Poster. Waukegan. G. A. Graybs, Waukegan. James Mînague, Wukegan. Chas. Rnmarke. Shields. Antres Scisaffer. Shields. R d. Wsshburn, Siesad. John iryer. Llioerlyvitle. Mar'tin Wagnser, Fremonl. Pied Thoxmas, Waucaisda. George Posas, 2115. t Danie1 Sturm,.lta. Il W m . W a ve t z a i - . M i . . ý1 Fred 'Mau, W. Derfieti. rH. Laisr Deerfilit. 1E, p. Rle>', Deesielsd. TOW gdResident of tioken Last nM' Eartyoi John 0. Lee' 73 yeat aurday m rnn -U 51 bore, 646 Svr t ~ tiv in g a stro k e o f , 111 , le suif ered luit a . îaring for bed I'riday sIW rendered uncofls0lous by snd neyer regatno4 hie' physician vas su-mrncsd Bt>' after thse stroko but'] absolutely nflOhope - About three yearm agp, ployed et bis trade of Mir. Lee sustained a bail 1ng thse back of bis hb tron bar. Far viols bd dsmpalred of but ha . coverod. Hia hetltb boy had been these ante hiffl and be vas obliged to'j trade. 0f late ho had ployed at the Cycl"nê 1 pan>'. He had &aPORW'e ativeýfl ,e u'holly eni his sndden demse. Mr. Lee as bora at flhlnols, but veut ta Weg than tventy yssrs AU hie ldov le aves t1 chidren: Mrs. 3srno. Rock City, 'Hl.' mm. t snd Pied Qf lova lm* Chicaga. ala twa bÏ69 of Libertyville and BSM t'on, S. . Mr. Lieevwu a UAeMbqO sorde fr eronly, hb & the Lèbortyville l4g take hiem *embent11iv 96 wuait ~ardent an oris b"4 4" lu.Th r1W ta tetvD Tise l!owiag ##s Mr.Dtly John <teins.>' aee v eaiher 18 184. five chadreo4 four et Mun. j'orais lagos Le". et Obicso.. &me la yias ite vite <lied, sud Moui raarniesi ta Mn.m ar ber <laugister. Eus- taveil hlm as bar e~ ne elsO teav5igl il tva brothera ville, anti Uradlpy Le 1 Dakota. 1 lind lnlatl.e O4* John G- Lieà v a ,i:zi Inte nie Meibodist1 a! Liisrtyvwfe b>' tie lé Macou Fin.Ho. me'41* vush tise Iethoi»t eý* lu Waukegu er suu Ho vas saiSrmonse vasth nie t =ot mbatq legan, soute 20 YOM#,~ vu. a praspinnt. knew hlm sud ylb bath liemeamti lat WBaI a brief t luisshoiePsus Saturi>'marnl=g. As su IIiuSiatimlet iti Street v8s ovorbetiti141 knev s ms- vlO "Mtl bis va>' ta dos aÇ as John Lee;" a"i 54s -if >'au hio" anyeh 4 againat John lmie hi la nat telling thse 11 veli a>'of hlm vbat Brutus: "us lite;vasgeoutte. Iql Sa mtx'd in hlm, thuA, standapUN ' Anti a>'to SU the voAI A MAN". DIES ATi Louis Prank., U., a Grayâlake, 4da190 o'clacl at ^tise LaI Hospital, tise duatt isemorrages, baaDtt> lieve. pliai Octabir 14, a vas thauglit ta be ho ni an u uectIm neyer rsgained caoli bis deatb- Hora tasurvive& b>' (ui daughter. ne va la the cintral paft E havlng lUved ther $ ai years. 14 LIBERTYVU.M 44. cI .1' i~ .e,~ l'~ I. Im $1.50 A WAR 1