el With hP19psed $ - ~7- -> .~' - v f e- <-~- -- ~ -~Ž s4~ ~ - -4- 0.ïooo'Addition to. Coûrt: Htouse., to Double -Capc Unit, Just - ike PreseiMtOne WI Be Added Tol -the West End Vote On PlanàIN ovembr 7th,ý The. 8%AOO ,dd.tmte thet .Lac oo.axty uoun "boueu upéq , w£04g a poposalmtlu orthe 2@6014 ut a bond »uie for Çà«amant vini b. »W tdNovember 7. lute be tontrueted ta the West. eft ii Pist*trctnwùure udtboe exotlr vl1M bq e duDllcte of tba , e.iaI iinlMlxt,.'Thais ii double the. cm- peclty ot thé proiecft BsUn015I -vi* irla badir evOW"! Tba ex -tagor Of th* O' tftbuigg w0viib. pýAalahed te. nA*tc i vtb thi.ead- -4Wi Md théa appescrance of the. *wà" li W 4a u b* g~ffl e*- lb. errwes ntii.e emfflng eAt e!t ti remodeiled btdiea mboy.*bm lhare teddfttm viii _: i -«W aid structure. 'The.ieotioa lu-t 1ha ylmhtet lb. £rMW late b. titi pom , ?. .10V lb#. coumty ou'i, mm, it mW Oevvfg 1 loet. twenty 7Z A teeu levy of tet- QcUntau, h , go -#valuttion "I meet tuis au- -. 0fécot Il deolue4 by A. sondos. outy iUl% Who i $ilOvt pte e &tttai ThVe -1014 Mus vidiiprovui &WUt te peI4ei. pl fa bs veduoed- $,M a eyear, Wb" , tbe o eui*1U viii liii. =»,a cetii. TflImaws lndet&d; 'leb 10114kg emmUtteet c vwii îqmrrtaor W. IZ Obee, of Uigblend ffl) As balpax4recoonmeaded tbe - Dm PIAU 1 b@.oeui t li tb - eet theb - tecg i8tie - - adam bcause they- OMt Uksia rgiert for I1AMM Wor nr ter ms «ei ew uv IdIag Ut M=7ryaet au efftdiom.. ,'Ve d- *ien MiPrevue nfl4ent toog lot saveri décades, adi If ithe* b.,pef atety re r Touner aidui- doré, t euine the. reaponbiltiy et profldlg taunds for a nov buld- buig If 107 W désiré, menubers of e6 boarddeclavad. M <ha paftiet <Mia tbr- e oiaty dopartmptg tst tsVataterner. pelied ta bave eliea nostle et? t»e cm boum, b. - mi rmit mmuungte eppe'oxaeley, *$Lm, op ous4tlruithé émneua b b.peui ad fie prinaiw 1te b. appulet e« tla PeiOMWl lrnprRyfflnt. it vi tbxbs bmmarn bat lie omm&tvr*bu *» *t9= n lremVlya, âaw op*q 0&e -e <ipart or the -OO ,yýTW Présent owese la the. hOri ou e m'in b"y crowded It ta misal yte fpile zesa 4* , odlm Ad Diee *ount; et -%& a idUi-0mlta leset i; u e.oi elt h as b M 81;7 eOMunste store y@,- ~-N~la . eatoms of tien, lla ýN4J-1 UUWel . li b. 'sUrtLd it voeid)». mxI talpopoeuubhte sira tiieae recorda s 4t& WoUid b. feohiiardy teai IUvmsla *ttmopte Ing 'e aave theue record*. If de- stroyed the, recordas-voul bua s irrewabàe ici$$-aad oeairity te' t e Ccty. The. &ddftonuviiiprovideIliving quartera for the lanitor vho vold Ilion b. lAutheebuildig 4iymad blet. I"l ,.reagwmt lacreastai tho .afety of the.records eltiier througb ttenipted 1hef!t or. Are- * The Bem DM&onprovideslot ir. errangeme.t et- tii. bvadiar à& aucita momer Uitthe i. ncipe1 9moe. ifeh tii. Ji!eat nmber et ladlvlduala reayred, te kitl vini h s m the. naIn 1w., Tiiee .1 IU sb. beau e1ectrlu poi... cllÉblne w¶ule la noir heiieo<ry. "m ie pigesiýmtt by rikà#c Bom toeu be gr. - rmnnd m4oogR -fcea for. aperý. intenant Of Scùou, auperfilen det a b*hivy%. oeuâteasivyor. saerid. jaltnler' asrtm eot .onau larpe uuaamiped canner offce,,and storege vaulta for. 014record&. Flt'irI lor. Odiea for the ScuntY recor&0er, maanre, coety cîevk a auj circuit doner . eW teba'. a pdivi.e oie, viets anad cienical seemod oS*: Circit court, room aud. judgea chaaber. tate's mter ney'a eRre, board of superviapra rectam md amnittae. romsan ad tv Thir4 loeor: Probate court roota ami udWs harnier%.Mat&&e'a tu.' iU71, »oiço. bord ofsupervisera reeeamal cumuttea. reema, mal t*e tury .0oms. Third Soor: irobate -court roma &* Jdji -- - ljespoohat* lrk Ïroon, t- torsdrmiterr?. 1ev - Ubranl ail Ive jury rooffl. iintu" lae l. la" are a k men. s u veinait'.telatOnmtit fleor. a niuv rqwo« sawMyay frm grenat te titrdbem vW»'ecito alavate. Aà,ehéliumpluet fur amure- Miler gred*, eteillas te, ài vea Cuti. A, péluv* fia ytm at ventiifeau i* atOme. Thie appralunate etiiiete liicluiles aeati*misuaoury, carpeatry. misi Ing,rMifn& l " las., bartwae hlglag lteima.lUt- leum. tdev sabde1, vmxi- ldox% vant «aguun, eem sM oflice rnitibre. elevato LAXU ëOUki<iý lae lv Palng k rent for offla.,et tofPthe ea Aler, a »M « et i. yem fer lie natt fue et RChas ud ta oxt*Wa la X»ê CW tut iiiif t , 'rL remI thoria âe A annt o es n alem vi Vma -e Pt *the books !à the Court 'BUeM ad a pat scalleroa ft etée oms. The veit lJe aCaenty 1hIeWg omçà % e se Lied -vItk- Aie. andi mklng Il neceamay. If - neaddition la ma" tte Rut reat sapa lm »à aiSliae Coutrt doa*sm b - la .Vamit te eouromiea aCl i e ue dos lMd preaurvea lthe mpn% 'VTeeunottr C a M'. ym vilb. div-lded *n th» sl Pi*Ic'1 -am" Coumt' Jila, vii buo bltged le -uaseome ro.r f« boutigCourt am té Probat. 0CIO* iiiie blige le, bav ie oECRC&vUitoe*0b- o thé othr es'R. mrs ait in neceuamry 10 pe. tonu deve. T». aia e01lcà ia- te thýbe.pin hgr@&W ~dse) lbp" Ment of taxes AMI& twomuaetlibe buslnese on ooe.- ekfapm for the, clorts te ivf*1k la ie htt (ymk' a -to4 er's alite i O4diU*Wi Thora are ebeul.10j vO books aMd roo5 i ui t about Oè,.blw"uutaid il eoset7 teý pla a bout -t2f# béois -j4 the âo0o,&ad viesevel, me a - ip *ed Ir uaiiy la Lar la .t fthie -bOjikB vIii b. pt .I lt E- iais go t vii b. toes Im e v ma-et cf tent raebod> itta the nazI fa Yera, et as%"expets tîiife Blgbt te Tee TIeOUamd Dob- -The Recorder, nev iipa ulaveu treQuently elgit abahuchas etva la .oeaeik 41obtgiemu. 'or tveaty..peepls al eMq op a& vul badeW-0t 1a- otbars aanaigrU tbu ethfh~ auiu 'l.' (ouaty baaW 'bo le.WyJe yu.rs ter builda nm feul fivarions PerPouesgo liAIt - ladt viii lAt b.,'-as Much u'f b".' pane«. quel oi' te item.c 5I-lIe v15 - reonut tQ as m»Wci fe ruit eew 'bàlegpald. TU <aoomed -a4ptb l-miiite. cf brAt am L ita'eset are*.Li ~r tlao'gbeut ed iioor 'etet .lg .u "le Strqv j-f-vn in ta . ý W Je fôte pait iiel e Mg-use ot cal5ut<siea ~IftaUMM *o v o mstlu0 1h~ Mued pý wos of theaglb cut ~fm I4aAmie imanteNad 0& "Uala vins. ont MOUR&IJa lmdidlw«futtlnne. ua a Vl*ee inih rChina flprtl. 1%étanue f oliue.-wta Specimen Btàio Shan ti. theîte of ficois conuma 4 sb of $56AOOO<Xý"D su Issu.boi = baoaul à~ aikiibp 1S~¼pin 4 »am wu tlilb to# *of auAc pro I4,~m utofcoepm aor b pflaoftheO fISu b NO ' sat. u l fet vt lii. Gomyl? Specimen Ballôt Lake Oouaty. lUjuob tuu"dy, Novmber 7th, -19W2 the 02lb. .iS-Mtber -and I7.d.e" Pohbt Lawa b. iodithd'goa ê eritlà* e Uact, Bab gent b"fouIm.of *ab") sd LM ne SPON8I I w k- I (I -~ r I k Specimnen Btýüot Lake. O<biaty, iUioý Tuesdy, Noember 7th4 12»U . ý ý1 , i k' .r kil FOI Rondsaid &~dIUoumaI Tax ,~ lE - ÂGAoeST -~sx ~'t-~ *-"~ r ~...L ~ sahng t * et berIat" m.itofgar Sa.iliow.b. tbut ylto tytim. lu Ambe Ana vat ou vtbe m" etgIy tu bal bIL bt y "eM Roeitt, be Aa'. ellm uAna rfort Ag thle do amel. tmii. caVfuofc brew ber In0 MetA.., w AbS thIn b.e I be chicago. -we need MId. "Yen doent bar.; tblng over 1 beom va 70 yubave ne nettlsI, ent. A»a ber, lier à imeebiort » ie Id t tBoe e *TU trmt a rlit r ,I$ t lut yeToi k *o lti Pe"-yb ODOnu