LBIBRY VILLE JVM<. THURSAYI NOVEMBER9, 1922. EARLY. large: W vouki consider I a gre&t lans, PU P ,OFE R Y boywldlo pterovu partie- tle'1ic nr friend-let the boys look ui their baaul ILY INSOU IIIRN girls and ikewise the girls tiseir cv IIGIW YSTheIE eY N O T ER (us. Trhis ploiung somehody elme thole PART 0F COUNTY co qu ... saomeonei CONDITION FOR FÀIL"M bles are ual very pleasant, as >ou l - Mr. aot0 a li sta.e ofinl due time. Wby Maintenance Commitee of spent w4 Grove Man Hauled First'ptePry esnlyadn go tv rmW ei ay wbat you bave ta say. Thanle yau. SUpeHs ae n mkSoeFo helig Th George Hertel fmlly vIs a hd 65 Miles of Road. atte. on a Whelbarrow ben reaidiug an the Mrs. Nikol frm-Sund& for seversi yeara. have moved tah A new cammittee an the Board afi r ThefoiovnginereUn abrylaMra. Adam Horcher foaim. We wlh Supervlears which bas been dolng Chica Thefoiowng nteesinggtoy a flth succeas Iu their new home. excellent work ibis year la thi Mr. rf be Aptakislc correspondenst: George Wel.mer oi Chicago vbo vas Maintenance Commttee which wa- cOMP W. wviii relate a conversation ove- vis tmng lt tbe J. N. Busch home for organized a year aga., The duty of da$y. ord by a man attending a sale near the pust tva veeks, returned ta file Iis conmllttee 1<, ta look after tht Mn o«m Grovo one day last weele: c'ty Wedneeday. maintenance af roads in thie caunty fewi ,LIM&. la about sa good as we have iià l ài long timie. Perhaps mrnie G. M. Weidner vas a business caller and direct the worle of the gradlag sels.l Çqpr resdera wauld like ta hear Il- lu Waukegan ane day fast veele. outfitB which now bave assumed En *»jprty Who told tis e Utile tory Of Emmna Sturmn vent ta Llhertyville qute an important factor ln roaid li bi bardalilps and trials of earler <aya Wednesday evenlng, returnlng Thurs- work ta the caunty. There ar-e tise1 e a elderly miai. o we vill wthhold day morning. Mies Martba, who hle about 7 different gradere In the gPital do llnMmiet. beu vieitiug at bier uncle Gieorge's, county and this cammitte directs Mr ne vaaol" o lte ardasipe lie returused withli er. the worleaitishe men wlio run tbem. Of E * had te endure lu hie eaier days. We sea by the papera tbat prabibi- The cammittea consistea o Super- hasE be instance lien lie bouglt bis tiret lion lias caused an Indiana amu ta vîsors Efinger of Wauleegan, Pad- Libe a* etore at WlseeUing, lie could not ae a lot of maney. as every time lie dock ai Wauconda and Jhu Kelly of ar hanse to hîul it home for love got drung lie goi married. Hie ha, Lake Forest.H lac., hlie orroved a vheel- more than one lsadihaiît. plu a i Ibis commie s ofrad- a rna aneiglibor, put thes tave Clarence Buschi and George r'urdY y ied akvle on'e d 5 ilges irad- Pae p ushed haineby delroee. He of Evert. and Fred Busch and l a y u ake Cund y ru g oftisrelor CU tel how 0vlong lit took limtastafriend ai Libertyville attazsded tise bg vas sela aasonaid ucinduthro the Cli -hlm 4estlnaLloci. He neat boulbt <dance ai iLong Grave Siturday nlgist. lots dayedai o tprtinf due ta tie ve ~àbi..t Duton <nov Sabolley Bru.. staYted ahreddingtler aivioprta their eup a" batlie h cment.mTa da. uet dth"afthlie lie cl r ~An illustration af thie meibod oaiMi si lad ta CATy tise table ail John Morcher. Cheeter and WeltOn road maintenance la e e n thie piju me. Wolf were sean ilu Wheeltag Saturday road runng from Hall Way weat Ni tebe lamn.Winhe ntght. ta Lake Zurichi, and also, eaet i etal toelis nastra oisatIon ie a Rptiat Weiduer la very 10v. lie Hali Way. This road la nov asl t" -hisais accomnhied hlm ta the wa brooglit home frai tlie boapital smootli as one would cane ta finO iMar 1 vwere the pa*era -*hicli vere ta one day last veee. lHe vas informed on a country hlgbvay. very ~e ta a citizen oi Uncle SauVa of the accident ta is eau in a mild The county hae been divided ioto El lr. to lie issued. Tlié friends way. liai darlng ta tell hlm the trule dîfferent districts and a differeai SUD binthelr aitis said ie vas tise ies tfacts, as hie was n'ai strong euough ta equlpment is worklng In ecd sec vers E ta the day. as hie ves the onlly 'beer t. tien et ibis lime. They are assigned âIn thie country capable et leading John SBorahofen, Joe Hertel, Ernil a certain terrltory ard caver su W Èýou teacai teer." and ta prove It Geost and Ed Scbiey were Wheellng much mleage. As a reault tbey the tieteer., The anmal jumpe callers Saturday evenlng. have been able to Improve the roads an e aglit tout tence, and tise en- Alexander Bunton and Miss Alice materially. la mauy cases the), >t~efor au Amsei-cn citizen folleW- a Sat rday evenlng at Wheellng. bave found that farmers have en- ne er bt tesliodou t e Bb cley bas ten o! the fineet croacbed uponthrova amh eand aidcie as iortlwii.l granted potkers imaginable, wlilch wIllIlbe thal their fences rua way ont luto g cçweted riglt o franchise. ready for batcherlng Iu the nean fu. the highway. la videntag the raid t*tî ld aI elow leatili mUrve aid veil tare. ta the proper width. 65 [eet the Itis, , .1, nelther childisb nor foailsh. On-s day lest week wblle shreddlng warleman have been ordered ta pay vor wa liesA Oa old bis oav ith the besi corn ai bis home Alphonse Weldner. no attention to the tendes 'but re- sti- maxie oie folks. And as an added a young mai of Buffalo Grove, met store the ligbvay tolits original tiO lpiahmeiit, he can alng a song lun vlih a smi ileortufle. lie gat hia vidth. Wil djieenit langiuages.. 1ibond cauglit In Use shsedder, puiliisg lu rnany places they have fud ta emy nof our friende kuovs a botter1 ont ail the fingere and makIig il nec- where the welI coastructt'd culverts on i=btis, do't leie, but' essry ta amputais the hond. lie vas were se placed vlth retereace de eo s kliow about vilii h printed ruslied ta, the hospitai at Palatine, tise highvay iliat there vas bardly STise Independent. vlere ho vas atteuded by Dr. Stark. roam ion ane car ta crase. The f Attisis vning lie la gettîng along as road men have lmproved the ap- <li7 TNANEWS FROM APTAKISIC vail« an ble expected. The young proach ta the clverts In such a I AIM maii andt riand, Biass lerisel, mans bas oun sympatliy. way that nav lu masi cases tbey ago ~f~*aavWzted at the John Linl Tise farmens aofithe present day are are able ta permit tva carn aPaso- rcon 8ude.becoilug su imah ctifled ilsat unlesa g.E àeoUa Burns oi Giencas vlited bie you ara one wltli a trav lu bie mouili The cammittee has had a persanal circ Woulâ41r, m Mary Schiey Suanely. saytag by goeli. yots woldnt know pride lu maletag the vorl af tis lire. Charies Kiepper of Lib- lha vas a foriner. commttee effective thie yean. and ýIslteilins. Mary Schisy ilutlire. John Ca-guilhas amployed a people vlio have accasion ta drive girl ta tske ciarge ai ber home and aven the caunty necagulua the fact o érm ciMtren, as business makea H noces- tisat by tise operation af titis main- a and friande funWin ary ta Se avay nearly every day. tenance outfit much af the hlglivay mu, ~ited aetisae Scley Shone et Pibe base bail pannant for thi esea-Il Lake Couuty le belug kept I e &adomeoe«collant alnging son, ve thlukgara ta the Âptaklic good passable condition and makes se b h cana aite-liitS. niasasthey van e*ery gaina sslyed good connacttag links vill the liard SPI taillii is earletas a year. ruade of L.ka County. Sta « r hie nev home. Clarence Basch vas a cller lu Ev- MILWAIUIEE ROAD AL.8O. bal «M acbley bu, campleted hie sala tt four nlghtm last vole. Surely a Thie maintenance cammlttees ap- ant -trsnlaits and nov le gret ditraction. 'paratus vorleed aseonouMilvaukee aroune tie dfrybarne John Banisoffen, Jr., 13 Use happy raid villisurprlsing reoulin, for. ~aerpa hh nicla it1ovnar af a uev "Baby Lincoln" (a that road hetveen Yorkc House He la a gaad cartaker ut mUA Ford coupe) which lie parcbased of cliurcb uortlivest ai Wauleegan lair -v«y partictulan af thier valfae. Fiaile Kennedy. Max hMiler of! I$er- ta the Wisconsinn hue, bas neyer MW&Chsving fain palatinei vas ýtyville. mIsa pui-obased a Baby Lincoîn been in such fiue shape. It vas egler ai sh. LPatta Shine tourin.g air of Frank. acraped la a thoraugli manner and Heek. a ai &malsted vilth te Say, thora tva Ford coupes are Just grave] vas ueed tae511IIn the bail varleon lis faM. . about as classy as you could wieli tor spots. At the Wisconsin lineone pUrdy a! Bverett, a frleud aid economical ciear tbi-ough. Yau stiiles cernent î-aad tatu Kenasha, wacis vs vistar t the N. can afard ta raune, even if yoa re theretore that route te Kenosha Umloh bomea SUndaY. net a close relative ot John Dr. nav that Zion L closed. la nat a ?.U orrespondent vas requested ta * itay Buschi vas a caler lu Arlugion bad one ta take. The tretch eouth ths±m:LIsten. girls anid boys H.lghta Wedueeday and ti Highland ai York< asecrhta Giaud 'inleude and Use commuilty ai ParleTisureday. Avenue, torrnerly the beat hy tair, ls Mmv. Paul Frohnauer ot Cîsicag9, nov by tai- the varst an Mlwaukee who lied been spendlag several*days Road between bers and Kenosha. It vithliher mother, Mrs. Mary Lellearn has heen allowed ta 511 vwitb ruts, il G W er returned ta the city Friday. has nt been scrrped but iastead Mise Bertha Frilîman vent ta the lias sncb o. lgh raol la the center . elSrice"1'cty Frlda3. moriig. - that t Is hard ta drive an as ram- iClarence Basch, AI Bunton and Oea. çared ta that portion ta the aorth. Staatin Puudy vere n Evereti and Lberty To much cantnot be said ilais ________________ville Friday nighî. o! the work ofuthiis cornnitee thia LIBERTYV1LLEI on ouateJr., l' 5H11 e- year sud the experîmentislavoile *plolCd by W. Herriclk. He bas. bee jn îg out saiisfactori]y. nisla dmit- G AG ornlng tisere about a year aid ay 1 ted hi' the coamlittee that wih worl,whenIt became necessari' ota ieir experience ai this year gi-ad- fi rat Va be called bacle. vblch denotes the mantenance plan they can mc- is varle l salisfactori' and is appre- rampllsb a great deal more niext ciated. vear by starting la earller and tale- To.never Idle your fne avay, lngt advaniage ai their experience To alvays soeethat yoiu are dolg aofibis year. ________yoars, day mter day, lsa matto gaod andtrle, And bringa reaults, vhlcb in after *- yers youvuîîlnever rue. P RA IRIE VIEW T he Mr. Andrev Marlon af Highand tathen. ta Lake Zurich Sundai' ta attend Suis- Fed ralFranle Hareusiergcr a! Deertîeld vas day tichoal hers. a cller at the J. N. Buschi home last Mr. and lira W. Loclehead vere ai Monday night. Des Plaines Suuday. Mi-. Wm. Stan- Ê lec rieMrs. Mary Schley called on ber cli!! accompanied thern. Biil Gceet vas a caller ai Sher a triiv ta Clilton. Iowa Suuday. moi-ville Fiidai' nuglt. Percy andi Lloyd Maether called an V acuum Fi-anle Horc'her hmd the cr sbred- Grandins, Hans and Mr. and Mns. F. dere Friday and Saturday. Haeft of Llee Zurich Sunday. Jin Matousele vas a IlLberty ville W. J. Sauen vas a business visiter visitai- Mondai' rnrnnIng la Chilcago Friday. C leaner _ _ _ Mrs. H. Schneider and son sPent laSt Satarday aiternoon vlth Bath Wolf. Every dy is gF. sA. E. tWalf and Bath jolned a wor yo. (ÏIINiV lIE IlW T athering at Graudma Woî 's Sna wok ot you. OUNaa REwSD ENTpd There vere fifteen ai sapper. Grand- doathe rna had a birthdy surprise SaturdaY. DIE FO LOW N(i Mr. an i-ms. G. P. Long and son, The machlineDIS OL O IG ss iinm Stacliff, visited vlth relatives In Prairie Viev sud liait day with one. I1 isasummI.yl 1-ousedeanris UFLIU IOUi Mi- and Mrs. H. Daîre, Mr. aid Mr. G. Siaery and Mrs. Brocleman vislted Sold o Mothy Pymets iliam Creia,70yeae ad. at lmurtStîndai' vith Mrs. H. ýen mupper wus very god, and i Oped the ladlek wiIl bave antber hojjýjst 0dwibte ý un ali FIRED FROM JAIL I.anM . Carl Lee of Wi.tsekaý t Sunde.y and ModaY wlth M r. Area Man Thien Must Return Mre. Mack Mason. r. ani Mrs. Math Herschbergeri te Serve Remaining Forty- mded the Long Grove churcb lest f ive Days. lay. ra. F. Priess spent Tbursday in, Otto Metzier, of A.rea. who lias cago on business. 'been in the caunty Joli aervlng time r. and Mrs. H. Faelz entertalned for violation of the prohlbitory law, apany frorn out ot town aver Sun- taday wss released on request or r. ,State'm Attorney Smith, until Januari' rae. William Stancliff le spending a 2, wlien he will be compelled ta rdays at D)esPlaines visiting witli return and serve the remalning Part lavée. of his sentence, 46<da»e. Prest F'rey and LeRay Knigge are Metuler today pald his fine of ilng their mille to lelgbt,,n ince $600 and $46 costa before lie vas >mIllk train bas gone ta, the hbs permitted to returu to Met home. ral dr.. Hlead h'r Hia-rolease for tva monthi -vas gr aMursi. le and the j. wair ain< upon his affdavit that lhe is Suday iieMa. the. Sellofisu a large amount of llvestock on ineSunay;aJs Mr. H SelerOfbis farux and there la noue toa t- srtyville. tend to It but hlm vufe. Ini the HALF AY SHOOL OTES meentime lo ie li be required ta HALFDAY CHOL NOES arrange hlm farci vore and disposa Willam Miler, Mary Bock, Noannoa bis liveetock or get momeone ta on. KLarennette StanclIff, Rabertitake care af ItL ote, Edwi Foots. Katbryn Back_______ ?oedt Foote rere absent all 1ast 1* Martisa Jensen started ta echool laEt*AREA îmnday. Mr. Simpson vlsited aur echool on *********** tesday. Mir. and Mns. Oscar Bel] of Highland New wter fountains have beeisln- Park spent tihe veee end wîtti the lit- li1ed lns bath rooIns. teres parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. 6lia4- lday, niglit the children ln the pi-i de. ary raom gave a play and It vas J. W. Chandler was a Chicago visitor ry mucli enjoyed by Il. Monday. Ethel Giessen bad a birtbday party iday ln bonor of ber sl.tb anni- Mr. and Mrs John Roder of Chicaga ýay. spent the wecle end vilti Mr. and Mrm IHerman Kablapsk and fsxnlly. -J. H. Aynzley. Mrs. Geolrge Ross andl Il li AIl <sonAyueley. and Mrs. J. H. AYnsley RLL K OWN R AD -were Barrington visitais Saturdlay. DMr.. A. R. Rader and Mis. George Ros ere in Chicago Tuesday. BUILDER DnIS DEAD r.te t wn naned hi ss WiîlliamnWalters, vha vas vaîllweek end. iwn in Lake County, havlng C. G. Smali and . T. Mitchell at- rled as superintendent aOflOn îended a stag jerty at the L. J. Wertz- ruction for the Convay Coustruc- 1er borne lu Libertyville Frlday eve- on company ln the building of nîng. rukegan road, froin Sbe-rervllle Mr. and Mrs. William Williams nd n SGrand Ave., and visa also varked daisglter motored ta Gien Ellyn lest jotiser local Jolis, died very sud- Sunday. enly Priday night at bis home lu Mr. and Mre. E. E. Rader and 9son nnetka. and Mnr.and Mrs. A. IL Rader were Mr. Wsiters vas a member or the Waukegan visitais Saturday. r f Walters & Windes, vhicli Don't frget ta attend the bazaar lconsiderable road building work nd chicken supper ta b-s given by tise ,titis county a number of years Ladies' Aid Tliursday eveniug. Nov- go, and aima varked for the Eclipse emben lOth. astrtsctlali ca.Mr. and lra. Frank Mitchell and Hie vas praminent ln Masanle Mr*. and lirs. John Gosaviller motored -dces. ta Chicago Sunday. Mr. and lira. AI Foecli are tlie praud Amount of Sait lae ". s parents af a baby boy, born TuesdaY. Ocean vater cantlis an average Mrand Ml.LAule Roder entertain- 1 8.7 pr cnt f sit.If ll he ed heiollowlng ai a iamlly dinner 8.77pancen aisait IfailUicSunday: lMr. a"d lrs. E. G. Nickoley, aitine matten of the mca was put to of uIMertyville; i..ais and Wrassk Nlck- "tiser h wauid make a block of sait oe, ofa!KwUwlood Tars: Mr. and Mrs. aeasurlng 4,800,000 cishle mile&. liB. E. Roder a"d sans, Mir. and Mns. A. prad out it vould cover the United PL Roder, lir. ast Mrm. George Sith, item ta a deptli af one mile and a Miss NeUfs imlth, andi Benj. Méyers, .it. aof Dwfit Kuaa. I began excemmive use ai tataxica*lng WIFE CHARGES GLASS WITH DRUNKENNESS HabituaI drankeunei ss lcliarged againât John Glass, vealiby clubmsi and publlslier's represeutatîve lu thse Wrigley building. iu a bill far divorce flled lu the Superior cout. Chics-go by Eeith LU Glass. Mr. and lira. Gluss. hetare tlir 'separatian May 15, thls yean, llvadil ighland Park in the smmmer aid s-t Chicagaolioteis or lnthtsaSouth lu the viter. Mrs. GluaslIsas tisat han iusbandi liqsores Sn aiter tIlsr nmarile vlich tonplace ai Detroit. Jan, 10, j»32. ]dru. Glass vasactive la tise maklng ai surgical dreasings dur$M the war. leiug mssaclated vitlI&Us. Belmoni Tiffany ai New York ta fiat vark. Later mie wvas letdor of surgical dressings ion Use central dl- vision o! tie Red Crose. xouoxoxox5xCexoxoCS o THE btIDEPENDENT là ho 0 X mocI WMOWI rcsd neseepae c Lake Oeifty. uexexexxe xxxxeNl I It Is Not Too Late to Bgn Remember that your newsdealer "bas a supply of reprints of The Chicago Daily News' great mystery story, "The Green Archer," whîch contains the story fçom the f irst chapter to date. -- '4Àrnan and girl. therefore- can i sili read the story from t'he beginîng, atid enter.the race for the $1,000 cash prize given to the woman or girl who, after reading ail the story except the last cliapter, shall then mail to The Chicago Daily News "the most complete and correct solution in aIl its details of the entire mystery lu 'The Green Archer,' as it shall later be the final chapter of the story, to be publshed Wednesday, December 13." There are one hundred and slxty cash prizes in aIl, totaling $3,000. Get your story "Reprint" f rom your newsdealer without delay (they cost nothlng), or mail a postal card request for one to THE CHICAGO DAILY NEWS 15 North Wells Street, Chicago, Illinous H. W. SMITH, Local Dealer Ai~TIO MEN Part of I Buy the best! More ;Columbia Batteries are used in the United States than ail other inakes com- blned, becuse- Columblas have been manufactured on a large scale considerably langer thaus auy other dry battery O They have ower 30 years of battery manufac- turing skili and improved eqssîpment behind thein Every improvemeent of any account bas been developed in the Columbia iaboratoriem The Columbia "Hot Shot" was the fi-st suc- cesiful asscmbly of dry celis in onc package And again Columnbia bas dermonartratcd its leadership throullh the developmenst of tise new Steel Case "Hot Shot" Batteri' Whorevcr a dry battery is rieeded, Columbia will'lways givc the best scrw..- For sale rigiht %sear you by HgrdwarelStoresil Impleient Stores Garages tGeneral Stores pEectricians Look for the name Columbia CDeu la But -Hel usvement l. av Sti a W" la ria in eschoft «t, M The rtat lacfuah fisetîwne ocMiss "lae S Palh infie Lah a betit' Mr an Miser a Mn. ai aulas, Mele u.î. Mrsan ah.eIf Mr an I'. a tIselifte. Mis I ver. l Gike,u M l.s.1 ta n tdon tor_. jasi nul tebe M. îr - Mach mole ng ple a-e w Ray 1 -tion in and ls aud hbs M iîS Mrn géayr;'a Douglas etroke orsi «Id Mn a sarl "XIl Ior Miller, JL