Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 16 Nov 1922, p. 1

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ITVLIINDE-PENUE,^N9, IàLa»k t"P*s Big WekyWAUKEGAN WEÈLYSU, THUg)AY-, NOVMBERI16.19M2 1» Bh.4êC . Peleron. Uisetg'vtlJe-.-R - P. Scisasebele. Vsm.W«t-Jobm a t.« Waeish.,NanI Converse, Rd. flu~q~Barbis. Vmaou-W n rlIman,Willlard W. »utoi-BerardBiegele. 00«awuoMc leadiec. Homrs saaOtM,- PNECL, DEC. 18. "Oba Dalr IU& fi- D ennis joba 1 AOIÀ. IvirUs UmRm 'A. girs, us Oaaf. 'd RelIe. -oace . J. eracisieuger, Oea. W. Deed-OCtt* Trste. DnrIeld-T. EFheraR. W. Sam-ERBONUS 1W IIRIST AS 15 DIOPE Of V Statg. Now Ready to Sei Bonds M'èApplictions Out in 30 Days- Illnois veteraxis, lu becamo appar- cnt iodas', as prP-Arst1Omis for tise Wa suance af tise $66.000,000 bonds au- thisried ai Tuesdav's election vere -beint- rused aet pr w~ll viiprois- ahl i> reettetholnaijused_ campensa- tion îè a ,CisnitinapresSt- Pas'mont of tise bonue, accardlag ta thc measure authorlze 15YBs'tUicvoi- ens af tisastato by s majanits' estl,- mnate4 et 760,000, lelinbte banda ai a %pecWaI'Pmad. consmtiug ai Uic gai- cmor,.altiptenu-ar and adutant gemealTisdaboard bas completa charge ai tise general sciseme of pas'. mmta as velu as tise lasuance and sale a«tise bande. Mint Suit Banda Fit. s-apmeliminsns to-a as'paymlents, Me M*5,00,000 lu -bonda monsI ha la au"i bythem state anl marieteil. Tissa viw Iba mu isies'tram L"m "ae ai Uic bauds, in baud, genealMica viii be aunnicilta 4gteumalme' vietier a:- PlIcauts are legals' résidents, or.- noa. 1 1-v Tise nature eitishe proof nequinuul ta establsb realdeune muatialso le ixed and tis efrni of tise application blanka leclded upon. Tises blanisa, lit vas earned ai Sprngfield, mas' be available mu thints' daYs. An extensive carl index syssem, coverng tise service aof mosi of thc soldions, eailana and marines viso pas' ticîpatel un tise Worlvar bas al- reals' faon establiebed lu tise arsenal ai Sprisgffell. These carda are basaI on records ai tise van dapartineni ai :W#shbiston. Bonus Lmîl$00 Huiler tise stato bonus anlbanlzed Tisesilas, campeations t tise rate at 6~ 0 cents sa day and net taecaceaI $W lza Amtsoil i or ailt Yme service ai- ter APil , .1917. liemserasip ia sI&Vtnlta rins'or aavy training corps, bovever, due&motaicaunai as service, and persans visaopou1tM lees tian twa Manlisa lu tise United States militai-y fonces ancnae elWie. - AU applica- tionsfioncamlPennati miblftlied b«Otre Jans. 1, 1925. Asalgment ai * ans' oalma te compenstia. paatcd by tise act la nat permlisbla. il » a ettbevora 010» Sarphsan did, ses 1 rt*cf « ~ tsecthee aim 5.iiirsdaue.itistrovel la haidL gPMcidtilà U~mS trn-esly cii»;un11late ah moular mer Uiecorner, stoueetaitise ~iLtbs rmsteIe Dateld ciurcit. la visicisa rmoptablç e0ala. tisecamers de" -et tiai:»Wv lut hi istnclm a teriaioaithse SUO isUrm&s am a moi inaimiietel ciurcis iail beau pised by tse p"star, en*hissam 0 *ev. M.L U Tiomua. Tise =&t.e"latu Tlhogis dnivlmm va extrelgely bad the sealed receptable consisteil ai tise aid valias dtficuitise »d heiwcis follovlng: vas tllad taovetrtlbag wvus mcm- AÀenal ble. tise if t ta lins. LU C. bers and frisais o! tisa chureis, vith Bale by ber ohm ofai18»2; a rail con- "Dm 15 Ict staadhag.tamnng thre »munef ai umembera ar Tise service vas -ayeued-by the tise cisur; a raU coitaling thse De5rtsd,@SIda dbigh asboOl banid usies oai aciaarof the. ciurch PlAYIOg "Ames'ieA" aa d a MWsg sluto achool; a bidture of theolad cisurcis fi tis. oBy Mad GMrl Souts. , Colar wvicis toad fmcm 1876 ta 1922. anda boeara itk Iii.NAtiOsS OM«OO Ut bistoor aitisichurcis. One ei tise flapi an OisuUl" mula " u i ta Uiteroting points l ic e rvice vas e&sUb 1dbe issubm5fiW platiail ibeth~e mtlng ta thse cisurcset a check and lista-aIlum W» biMkel vus four $100 hy tise president ai the Chrls- atadng cisdren, a&hl%$asau "dl tia. Elideavor Sactety, Misa Âenes coam aid iflfimiC - omaoiiOi.Peteraam nlathse mare of Uic yoim» a«v. I,*nsu trea4 sculptures, peoçle, ft eaUic e t ond mi p the Ti 3=ev = ",. lidad laie cuty bas evers' Hoerbeut M. Moore aferedtise PraYer rason ta ho proud aoft"s»mc&ad a&d vas fallOlel fiKm U. LC. Hale, isalilme strueture. Itla sbtg bullt visa rema ie balai 1 e! ti orm c whi iitaepiesse i a&M ad vll e maod- ame Its iouadlaNg la 1514.m- .Holaeram la ever' ePec. isecmri ,"us el amvvtMg g91er Oftise desimod bf IOIL Rsla Cs0S erisial mrtér menseta tise mai# uadchdai icitise Ugrepe 04 iemaeubu;vti he se Putai r nlataioispagt las tise oéni3'- tie mia dmmoutie8w abWm 0» oct~ the rua a0 arqets Of thse eatIre servic el nuIe Mins boephine Loek0U*3 a1 COUNTY LEAtMUI30113 W"KEN' VOTI3IS TO 81BIM EIINION Qetegatee tram Waukegan1 Namied ta Represent Local Organiation. The Lake Couaty Lau iWmf Votera Win .rpr b e t thse three day convention of the Ilinois Lague a1 Women Votera at thse Con- grese hatel in chicago Novm*aer 14. 15 and 16 by the faflowing d-ilogatcs: From Waukegan: Kra. Il. C. Volts, prosident; Mis. James Broad, recffd- lng secretary: Mns. Grant licArtisur. corresponding becretary; Mrs. H. C. Wellis, Mr. Er E. Bines. liraIF.G. Fluer, lira.,Wm. P. Weiss. and Mrs. Fred Gni:s Pim North Chicago: Mrs. B. V.,ÂI- len, directar; Unr. W. A. Sichuman. From LibertyviUeý lira. Mrtimer Miler, vice prosident. 1 Film Deenilid: lira J. A. Richeît, Jr., director. Front Lake Forest: lirs. leorge A. Sevetns, lira. Walter R Bridgeman. and lira. Adele Chatileid Taylor. i From Higl)and Park., ira. Harry Paul, treasulur, lirs. 9. P. KuoY. Fromn Ravinla: lirE. George W. Con, director, anidlira. Oliver B. 'Brown. The 'delegateB- af thse Lake County League o! Woxnen Votera wlil 'have a table aMtise banquet t be Siven on Wed.nesday »ight la bonor ai the BOofo!the N tJOnALeague. The ,the arra8pc lts'f tfe banut: o Oo*qeraieis* M&a.Sair E. More;, inïelý, Wï,tWà P. Blair, Charles W. Dbciatser, - Jgir,..Lewis Cochran,, Uditt Rk*îfq1l«T.McCar. mick. Jaiâes W, Morîtsq4n, 1,. Hamii- ton MoCormicks . "1I. Otan.. Jr., Pot- ter Pabmer, Jomephi .g1su1oùand John V. FarveiL . .The pridents of tise Çoluity tMàgue have been lnvtdt a #tsiastesses. Comnplete retUrns from the Tentii Congressional district give Cari R. Chindisiore, ropubllcan, à6 total vote oi 49,394, Weld*ipe,. demacrat, get- timg 81,284, Scenlan. soeiallat, 17,796 and Dasma, fBriier-*bor, 4î9. Mr. Chindblom ù"ail te~n rec- ord la congrus, auid, tendeil atrictly to bàilgeio. bU 6bcotituenU thereiore being amiaustu ratura him. *' lad! Unes Says t fa EdvaNm' isI~ gaside tise terdiOtthse Nelson- Voliva afl y commeuls sons." S The editônli apparetP.and ln as býtýe9j ýOà But vison ~'Ju4. 8~ê ge iseJr'erC. di te~ u a could fot Uflderssid t jury had mr- rivd a tai ~IsoiPerbapa Judge e wad 14hwbt did flot cane teostate.» "01l oUtt Vla l a 'religious radi- cal, and lOt p ,oa vo cannai befle n e r alipSu ofaiis beach- lng or tua lia braad of religion are oppcds4-tèbm and vould 'do- pose bk* o n ut et the country by hc o ucu- To tisaijury VOV* Wa U 10 , no matter vhat he dio«- . lmatdo. This va thse Oftc=uil ort tlve good mon and ta-uc tb>végt their spleen on & UM 'tbeyOM0. »t agn i-evtis. V~9i sbasa la corne, they gloated S tlmpy sirduis.Tbsmuai have becsm Ifl01 vissa Uicjuge, bp "M4 tiir verdict, pro- fleUqUl~ag 'qlor ases. J» e seedouit i cre r W. Sde rmq sd vittiai Boà~: u.Chum 8 <r*asaMri- C..*qeo i t iefr £eiIoS ad e 'oeLud? evC.L.t Thsoma», aiO Oeotus inlge am coin.te thse Decriield eharcis. rSme'5C1, viat a 9MsxWar voulu bave beauMM40 ci lau' a"d court la tisai IowSag t A"d Wis"ivoudaut M ÀTIONVS t a aneil ta VoITa? Thara, VOOM b ard been eter a IL%,or VACCNATIN 'Sa iae Ad lmprisoamett, msud M ALSÀ S IE t-ise gge beenblmk e te ait M LEfiAL AYS TUE b18 religionamovemeut vaud have U. S. _S . C M 4=brokeu up,, ad tlw d Pbghsaises Ould have acolpllisàei * *. vhat they desired. »ut a good IUdge saved thse day. Impartan Rultng.Made ,Today Whoh Affects Many Cities, VILLA<IERS FI4IIT 'lnCluding Zian. Zin it, hee acintin a a- PRAIRIE FIRI3 TO bave beau coud ceted agaiust this stopM U ln mecical science will itos a thîs - ate SAVE W. RIAR R telegram ta the Sun witb keen Inter- est: ___ 'Washington, Nov. 13-Tbs asupremeAnelISnta court of the United States t9day up- Appai1M Sen 'r aumegan blà the rýaIldity ot leglslgtion com- Fire Departmen.t when Vil- peling vacination for schaol chul- laeIMnce. dren. aeI e Sd The ai the court makea valîd ~,efocsbiail ~ ~ A Dan l~ l city ordinanges whlch coofpýeî the vac- WffttisOP fHarbor SaïjMi&y .acausea cination of cimdren agaluat disease the residents to fear ths.t thie entire ad a achool entraace reqUirement. City migisi be wiped Out If thse Thse decision waP banded dawn ln flimes were flot cisecke&. the Case ai Rasalyn Zucht of San An. Villagers turned outi md fought tonlo, *Taxas, high schooi girl wba tise fames by seeking ta beat them, had Oued the bealtis authorlties of loto subjer lion but tise torrmfe wind thet ciy bancause they barred her made this very diffilcuit. The ama- framf sohool following hon refusai tu, tour fire figbters vere ÛK;dtcappedi anismit ta vaccination. by tise fact that WinthroD. Harbon 1The case attnacted nation.wide at- bas no vaten supply. tention. In the afiernoon with the lire StIlI The girl challongeil the validity af hurnIng witb undlm"nlhei gerce- the clty ordlnancb and canniod ber ap*- neusauan ppeal for assistance vas Peal thie sUPremeO court.- The case «'nt ta tise Waukegan flre. depant- W"s eomed oi Importance ta tisau. mont. sands of communittes whlch haV4 Oblef Sans OParrell, $OOWIPanled sIilar ordinances. hy COMmis8ianer Peter UM-Dermott, The supreme court denieil ber claima drove ta Wlntbrap Barbor ta look for damages and doclareil tJe ordin- ovor the situation. A' glance ance legal. sisowod tbem that witbout vator the local department cauld ual rander anY materlal assistance. Tbe beavy and continueil down- BOf ulLOS3R.S IN Pour o ain onramWhe h tire and thse village was saved from T19tS LAWSUIT apo1 ilheyIda is sue fi uced n Leonda ,,JURY VERDICT IM -Bracber fled an ýappea ln Cheiseu C N E N TO prome court lu tbe l-xflght whiehclD N ATO a number 09 Highland Park tax. __ Payera have foughit tisrougis the A Jury ln te cOunty court laie local court. Speclal Counsel Arthur Thursday afternoon retunned, a ver- Bulkley anouneed that nlgbt tisat dict awardlng damnages to tise tbree the objectorse4probably viii alan iles Towuline Road proDerty nwaera an Oppeal ln the Supreme court ln wbose land la being damaked by a day or two. The cause for ibis tl'n St. Paul Railroad company. double appeal la the decision aof; William Thomas WaS awarded County Judge P. n. Persoas. ho In $676 an acre for the land taken, and tise suminler eld a part orfthe Ob- $200 for tise lad nottske. Jactions vaild and aisa sustained Henry Elfering was avarded $12, the couniy tresaurer ln a naumbers cRr0 for land taken. He recetvod Of Polis.- Witb -eacis viulng only noting for tise land fnot taisen. a partial victcry the matter nov, O3bn Exon roceived $385 ,ln a Lgoeat thie Supreme court eitior lump Oum for aIl tise land taken, ta -wi or loaAl. and $171 for land flot tuisen IAILUD 60 DAYS igra lvpcls !puor ai ariset strelTisaraas'pledadgullty to via-v I~*a i iitof theiav, and o vua " 8Usd 10 gd itenceil ta 00 dais (tiste eOaty Jail, bY JU1e P r . srons. Rerisifbsad, John I Kopin $ade 'Ot Opu» ndr il*111 I Wisen thse dry squad raldeil tieïr ' place thsy ioumid a lare stli adMi alarge quaistty af mooisinïe, Ih ebarget ACCI IN ML Mife Buffe Peneetes His RatThlgh; Leap from ifa ndSwims Ashore. 1 Accidentallysb iot lnuicheleg by avo hantera, Jay (Graham. oai lglealde, on, itse famous Grahsam Brothers viahave van voulil champioueshlpm lu tmap ahooting, had a narrov os- cape A aai o n ehan'a an ad despite tise fact thai a =oe pene- trated khm nght tisigis,ho leaped freon bis boat amdsinaamta ahan. e, epîg under Lis. J"v va5 ve. -f thc lime la oruer ta eacape any moee ballets tisatimghit have beau filed la bis dl~ roctbon. 1Graisamas leg vas penetrateil by a irife bullet, fireil from a gauinlathe :. ande a- i' naof tva automoisillats visho toala ilaitetnmeonoy dis evhlch Graisam vas maing. As bis bsoat vas surrounded is tis effoy, Grahabm belleved tise huMssoM l tire 1holeaPed tis ot T»a finis vclimd aid Owsstore M. Oesufcmdr PAIAIOUR JAILD WiM am Peterson af Haines- ville Forgives Spouse WhaEloped. True move fbas tilumpised, William Petorson of Haineavllle, visose vufe, -Rasa, elope oue monts aga tadas' vithlmer Haumaond, tise starbioarder and false fina, bas hie ovu as waiofsalviug tise eternal tri- angle. The vay taeaslve lme ior- giveneas, Poterson opine. He bas forgiven Rose. - But ho folletes lu punisisment for love ttiste. Ham- maul lo doing sixis' laye î; the coun- is' jail et Racine, sol bas beau finol $100. That; la visatie hlmsont-iivel -3ifaiL conthlm= r . è rso'n bas retunel ta ber bushand aud ihes' are living happils', accordlng ta lest reports. A monts aga taday qoalIdeuts af Baîneeville saa automobile streak-l Ing Its vas' pasi the tavu woU ai breakueck speol. Despmte the Ilignss ai davu village gossipa recogulze the couple,.lira. Peterson, vIsa a iev minutes previoasîs' ad beau frymng bacon sud eggs ion bor buafand, sud Bammoul. Peterson vas natif bad. HIe- invesilgated and iouad tisai lu addition te hie wvue, bie wintor aven- ceai, an louer tube. a Jack ,and a tank ful1 ci gasoilue, were misainge He callel upon libenift Rimrn Green te aid lu retrtvmig bis vl!c and caping Bammaul. The aere lIi soon bal tise pair lu custols' ai Racine. "'inglad ta get Rase hack," sail Petereon, "but tisat Bammaul cen- tais' bal his uerve-borrowluins' manes'. uelug my tobacco aul -elap- Ing wltb y ins ie; aloi that nigii?" GURNEE GIRL 1$' IIONORED IN ýSCIIOOL Miss Estber Bonles', daughter.of R. B. Ijenley afi Gurnoe. Illinois. aad a graluate of the Warren inwnàip blgb seol la 1921, bas been electel ta membeobip ln the Mad'igal club, tIhe glils musIcal orgaflizailaa ai Earlbam cofiego. Compeiion for memhersip le open tea al] gile In tise Insituion and abe bas basa honoraI by her electian. tisec The club maies geveraf -p si seasoands la veIl knovn tisrougbosit easiera Idans. Miss Henles' lala ber Presisman yoar ai Flarîbain college. UNDI3R CO¶UST A petition ia out asising tisai a pri- raie roadway leadIng ta anth ahore or PFountsLake, and a hearing las badl Vrisay aiternoon' The roadvay la ibroug the WWimnfarqsusid ht -basbeau ucd as am etraàme* te lake>.subdIvision. Thse caner seeha préveaut thse ro" lfrcm being couvert- od Iito a public hlghvay. Re bîas Der- mtt'ed the cottagera ta, use thise- ,ate roU lbut dom . u a nt ta have 1h opene4 uas apublic islghvay. CharitsIL. Mussel, ccànty superin- 1ugsdetf silWys. *» 90116dlitat Estate Constatsof 153 Acres WItha ttloh Groud County Hoffte. Infleld H. gScsori l4aspgr- chaseed from Benjaain W. Ldrd thse lis acmeestate Iocatatscmivy e iveen Laie1k e nét sUand h~ Park, an tise 014 Mill R" ôttee- quarter ci a Mlile vest of thse TeWe grapb isoa, ai a 4onsidefatoXR of $2,0.Tise property la #Iear, and la ImProvred vlhý a isigrade can- try hoMe 01 16 raooffl and 4 baLtha, steamiscbat and aUilmodem coeikve- ibuildings are brick pisi co- crete c4natraoisp. sUvy .a 9sÈve. 4'pr s.Lé tise butMtigai 99 Dsmlbq 0fd*, *e t a serna-m t its- tesaibasbeauli Lake couty lu, mem. ime. One Dmsws Fine of $50 -for Killing TwM Hungéian Pheasanti. Violations ar tise game lavi are becoMing 4ulte commaon lu Laie counts',and leputs' gamevaudous are kopi isuBy. Baverai ai-resandu convictions occur veoily. A.' Dlots ai Aras vas arreatel b> Deputy Game Warden Heurs' i;ro oi Waukegan. He vas charged tf bavlng abat tva Bungarian pèhee.e anis. He vas.arraîguel before Jus- tice- Lyla Morris af LlbertyvIle, Whos fined him $50and CO*l.. John Dôyle oif Cbi«oA aSaw& Ho vas araîgnel befone Poilic Magistrate Walter Taylor oai Wan- kegan on a charge aifisuntlng vush- oui a liease aj,. vas duel $25 mai Caste. Another case vas lue to ha mriel befOro Justice Morris ai Libearty'- ville Tiesilas afiernoon. Itlilatise case af Francaisco Calzovara oi Area viso la chargel vitb buntlng wvî thouta prop%, liconse. Hie licenaisas lsean takan away fi nai sm. Calsvana. I ta cisanged, la not an Amnoican citb zezn and lanat entitîel ta a licouso. The depuis' vardens la ual finI sa many cases vsere huniers shoot oui af heurs. LAKI FOREST PAiR Mr. and Mmp. Hrmn Feby Celebrate Th* G.,Oaden WeddlngAnnfrersry. lin. andlMWiRa.Bman Fabry or Lake-Forest, celobree their golden weddlng aiiniversaary an Aturlay. Nov. 1l. ThseCocuple vere attonilel by nîne chitîren and isy ients'- eigisi gramtl-children. Mr. Fabry, vbo la 79, vas vaund- ed in thc alege af Metz Itfty yoarsm a - The marriage follovol tise clame ai tise ranco-Prusalan var, and ton yeara later thse coupla came ta Amonica rm m iein uatj.vqGer- mans'. Mn. and lins. Fabry are ainong Uiche et knovu ai tise aId actilers of Lake Forest. Practicals' fisc eu- tire tavu partîlpate ln he h~golden weldmng celebrailon. Niegro Bluff$si RomdoIt a. to 119 Tgs.he le," &. uiedoor iilp Iu., te MiQtvaie Whisky Md à a lieto me's go isad tbe . Km-o OZW M5ld a vl4u gofugride fer A mtltd as batt-eg bad a vickd*-0 dutonride or a siephen u i fa, minis.,aq Incel a sevens* placeil unIes rue iy Saturdas' sireet bArber aisop, =ide b> B"«W1 "q wmtise Biso! t.9c; iateîy. ' . To th iloal alleo mintel tisaI ho Nacanaba'anbo ns' han upon bbsros have hlm. Trika s ba ta Waukobau fut in the Wâblcswtcw* M REwanada e~ plorel lna & arttld e lot - Tise 10051 vcsjsl* ber- ed '% i rd"iands 4p Mavinan, ior YOM s'&oç b' rqip years agent outGitUt laterestod.laluhe*r$xiSI faon gîvea a promou vice of thse campais StartIng talas' Seo on the Wsca&n* rouI ad tiisa le V yeam ix-a. 4 E b' oies s. ~l~se4 r enarnel,. yul vaine 4$ ~ ~8c ~msumla titis' ipi t

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