SFavw rTobacc CHURCH SPUT * eraer ihe.A itrad liltUM' thi WiWd luud thu e r àii.Ani-teime. OAZtieleanel uIpua; .. 26 «t .elther for -or tgalflit itaudi for rlgbteouanea Dia tu the Chicago Trlbqùe »Pt4 wider the çation L4 the. ritteou aceorduib o ilIa hùwbd uippôrt abu ebe attackd by MYlit, 15 morely crrylxig to- % et èmMniet êxeiupMed ir twfdAt a gddoetw -by lp5ul an d other.r- ittbuwa. Zion Cty bu s fr the.v11 ýpmiUe of,-Mnoklng 5ut irealbg on, the, pat M, Betely ne u'wona,#18 aum, tak ue tdtSi c* ethe 1t» t et Stan: OW -.b~iu~h aye red tedagauetaic61d aid drap à là . Srtm#uJy u4qeu itWtb%@ md aleol. 3«loy uceout the WMl lraodlW&0 thutoheeaYu usi ~N9m - ~ 'wI30 have I~.t ~uruo~ ~ ih.A~.JO~ld.54.Uflfr ~? _ _ _ _ Satwris- . MoaraPut atards ai~ ii 0 uauti et mtta4areMrthe jougi c.a it kimoc 1 *whre * i~Jf Lsiattof Gréat Laies maea -ot e cm W tneiel 1 iethis parwùta on th* BStPfi Ma mm ,. PUmm ma r. uheela.»- R4»&orerths, vuqk.uI. bW lid mu%' cetuiyby Xe h" Ju.t reoentll rtu3 ir ~thC Zlagebe et £ erulee te Seuth tule II~ Ut~Udwit twoeuta4 the West ladies tbeowd4 M I t ila ieala~tiiur~~.. 0. -e. l ad i Rugectth he eut vte es auBi e uut yea. ma ahappy çot aw-read lls Abeantifijiwomau la a hlthy woxnau. If -bon'ii good,-hu cii lnaoyand, ler takju omi. U-ree ftyear t4emifliàve ee1Lwx1nd _&M ise r'in 1 te'g ';tiy o t tak18g, li .Jertvi 34rs tyou $ &t.sreirlifyOg feand il euetake ray et li *~ edee& thé -du]Jluster- 0it teiMà Tà Goldén Medical oDr.n io~UP the eBtOm&0b, and la éry 'e= oua in 1digentiob', whiJA it inereases the ~tta»4 18 a system lbui rthit-thouaaude in eveiz, ofthe.tTIioân have oe lUau&1No sthe eafl LL&I45M in tablet or-liquid tntà oi end l10a e ie pwftN&-wa1.i4s'Hotel nBiÈffo, '4 l. fr trial "eof tablets, and rýe foc fros bookit on .fe- H1; I 1 - 1 Lo'a 1in4w, *Oeof ttomt UAY SET t)iE P At htir 7 0#* et-, tbqà th uCP9~ .-~--. E. vmU -e. *.~ u- p'9*-'~ ~-. ~-u 'q eaeb aid a *NiBebte< 4ui~ t. t - - Figure that We Are Goi To 1Jelp E»rase Au Yôur Christmas Worries e A Practicol Plan -for 1'ou to Ray Your ChrUtmtu GIFTS NOW AND. PAYLTRJONURCU Tha ~e~inuCo. l pIng tO, b0lp yu k you our-Christmaas hôppiug wvries -tus year by inuutk8 i onxàa "C r IBT -tTBUMG CLJUB."'It'à i club just 1k. you'v. "*n±eto j>in sud mw T e x$ein CJo., as usual, bave auticipated your uilWis. J<>ln nox laai ei ýyourSelf of the uuel Christmas caires. Splendid assortmmnt of mechall41W, sial olf are. awaitlug .Yotir iseleetins, and stocks are also 'more comploe now, jhai tbey wiil be jud8 b~Lreth ~aul pu~.Joùinow-pay ltr PAYA' FER CENT Dmm And we wiIl hold the articles for you until called for. You have the privilege of making week-.. ly paytuents on your purchases or yon eau pay-it all at one time if you desire. The'objeet of. this Chrsitma~ i IýUYîng' Club igi tg help yQù make yu selections befoie stocks areiroken and to avoid the Wuul ÇhXprjqsrsh.- Xake- your s eleetions uow and pay later. Frac"icl Gft For Motber, Sister, Wlfe FursFircoa i&" CatjD.s.s c« ""eue, HajIIfrçif c 'Sîl't.PrW pe-" lIAb S Thms prou.fth feorI14 prepar. Western Verts, t pur &ti two col - by thal The owned lagea h to 2,00 follewit tbe we propert st'phel bea.k I1 nebago words Pecatoi propert vIltigel wblch cities -of iy béisS S20, .4- e- crab The prialle hoo of the. Broya tIon. sUl 1!th 't 1v $4 repre priati about ou It $a o' OPW4i towal pili ceuni the aum dld r Th, le lc the date, neari Thi cldeÉ payn aiter the ber SA t ~1