Yog éy' Futue -As yosiwa"9hym boy -tsbudiff te sclIc doy &Y. Yo~ u ile 4i*t a P.g Off regre qu4a ,~4~IBdt*in a few yq e 4 MOm4 réady te Whatpe.r-iM aeyo à M&4içfor owWI rO 74wàm hefppsdbay te mabe ia ohatyou WilL - Ws u cmwid"d spm dwo ttfouDa- dm o ye a,. kaWdfor haL qod fotmi, y= $",mldee &at y= oucy is .-hfCjaingth* av s - thabit w. Trmch bu b denve by bav'mg tsbin âe. 4h W Lake Couet National Bank .LiDERTYVILLI, ILLINÔIS - -~PM Count The Cost If yen stili wash at home, the "*Okl Fasionsi Way,' have you ever seniauly considered dhe genuine economy of sending your clothes ta to the. careful workers oftdis laun- dry--mot oely ük satisfaction and clothea conservation, but in actual dollars auJ cents? DAÂMP W SH 251bs. for $1.25 251bs. for $2.50 ENTIRE FAMILY 'WASH- COMPLETSB 251bs. - for $4.50 The Reliable Laundry LAJJNDERERS DRY CLEANFJ5S AND) [YERS H figblad ai 1aun ibrtyvtlle - l L6t- L.ê.. '97 1D-R Mis. B. 1. Bmone ionr Friday. Harry Itobertsama Janeuville Wl.. l Mmra. 8.C. Kimba hi.ovwatrs sa Mfr. sud mss.C.1 kegan viitors Bu=& MMira Jmes IBAl Carroil vers luaOM elesa absr., or uine l4.f relatives au Cui Msses race 1Mt$ speut Saur-da ft Me &Bsd Mm .JOui irrere ucndayl Aikofer. - Mr, sud Mt& Hol I 'rd. lu., ver. guil relatives sanday.. Mfr. aud Mis. UL. Pre& *pent the v. ttivelainLibertyvidli Mmra.Peter Nove 9»n lut week visit Mmns.Abet McDeri ", E. Perey Gridiey Idbertyville- an Sun mailler. ira. Hi r - ~ qs~16. 1922. The a ipils ofthe* Qumte nCorners sChool flWd- !i'banket social et the ichool Priday evenIn, Nor'. I4tb. A -an 'P rso al prograni by the. sebool cblldren WHIi ai-so b.rendored. You geltfui! value on your dollar, qi E.p.cml Iutereu to.eLÀbertyville Pcoeevben 700 bave your vork dons hors.: Let us iengthen the life of yOCC bat- vaChcagco vis- 1Mr. a"Un i. 0. C. Brown aunounce battery. The. Unyersal Battery la the. bih of a Ut!. danghter. Mldred -ade for rugged service and long Hite. ad auly mvedto anne on Sijàday. Novuinber 2mt. Lubetyvifle Btttry Station. 46-lt wd iaiu UoVd a J. Sl --an frmily bave moved inta St veek. p>wm*d J. Dilua usatAken ta Wau-, the hous. recentiy vscted by Steven Mil vaâ among fth e en a Sudoid~ent admcleration at CudabY. On euit Ucol street M1r. the Vlctoey Uiné lbosPttal Tuesday anld Mrs. Sink xnoved froin the Lake ..dtcluoLZurich neshborbood. Legate ver. Wout- di « C Roe&-& sula vswrm.d them ln- No guass vork boe. Whou 700 se. W liloca. a aeb*s*stiu Ur blushes1 a load of coal on oue of Our vagon%, it soud MossHelen gave. 0Oagas., yIà1t d*k the grece- rau eaD net sared that the Dur- imo Mcmdy. accu pf bor vhba bds MI heurt ber chaner la gtting two tbousand *ounds be lave. laertyYf"rIlOWW and Vea- to the ton. Phton. 50. W. . F Trnr table~ CO. 4#-lt UboirtyvMle. 4-lt àr-týýM% eibdervent 14 sr& la dolli hp isbarbon nbp e u for a 't minor teictory Me- abopos o ntb Mlwsnkeè avenue. by oiiarsm 4 l o uptal s e ,.Tfsdiq pauting tp it4rIor a"d puttug luaa àd Vers Decker vis- oDX e ste iig rd'uaoo, icage lati eek. mi"s BYel3-* .qma4ter-mi weîs. dered the lat6at electrie cUlppers. srs'ad Ad ke ". ma 4w a"sudMitchell Chas. 3, Ketri. a former rw5dept of Wm dA 1efrCole stUMd etaiWadsworth Lgribe4i. vas her. tram Waukegau racMOU lCcao- Fr.day niOt,, .Monday to steud the public besrfu on the. DMUidtkee aveane *&vint Pr- ph Dada cg GQw- M r. W dMr& Curtis Wenban and jec. j, U C W . C. i. j «n n. vlsltiug lira. Rose <l&ugter. MIUis MiUe, ver. bere Fr1- day tzom iLA»FOut. gUe«ts o-'Lib- Mis .LacWarren vil! o*iduct a han-' >w Morrs o rtyile r dicrAf Idlm, co.sst o f cetVa par *baskotry v0rk, every Tuesday after- oiets of Làbertyvilie 1 r. and li. .4M Wilsn, vite>re- n»On, trom 1 until 4 o'clock. at Loveirs 1 ie uth 119IMM et On Wright Drug Store-, aloo eveniug csek . S5c C. rotne ud ou r ti expoct te imvs next week. to a leso.Tele9bioie No. 6. 4-lt rock end vltiirela- "EîkbBon.' ofWaukeganý bave do- ». Mr. a rsud Mis. sraer of Chicago nated a Cuibransen Player Piano. to ýeowa n aik-vislted at the h«» Of he .fO, mers b. used et tlibig bI izar , ta Le given ting bar &Ughter, paets, 1fr. sud lire. C. H. KJse2r. by St. Josex>'s Cathollc churcb. Mear molt. Momiay and u1155d57. It at the Town Hall November 22, 23, in CntOnt Addington. Wlm bere Monclay 24 and 25th. o 0Chcago vas nlgLt trom Ltg MoInes. l0a Vaviting Mfr. and Mi->. D' A. Scott were ini iday, viaiting- hie Dr.- J. I, Taylor. ?beY vere ýchI)o. Waukegan on bus'ness on Wedneaday. let Grisey. mates ln the Hawkeyo state. dises..,l ltheNimle aondwcron s! mv ar thetub o aurcyce. o lko d iestc .luai n aad e w b-.Jath tubnorvbi.a a Wauke.a >e noraLfl gmugadaus en, fLYnes .Js calle on waWadesda lavo.ded. Dr. J. H., iedit, Chu-o- acor, Llbertyvtile. 46lt No guet. wotr lier.When you tee Mrs. Leo Dîury, 1fr.john Whitney 5a15>o a ! o n ou. ts fur wagons, id lis. C Wbi.neîverevleor ayu can i-est usred tbat the pir- mia.keC.oWneyhurvs lmchazer le gettiltg Ivo tboutsnd Dounds dgwakeeon Turaay.ta the ton. Phone 50. W. F. Franzen, Your vrhlskers mi-y be long anld' lbertlrvtlle. 46-lt ack-your 1hsjr lnok ilke a mt.o, but jMr.. C. sprlng *ud ber grandson, e' make yenu Lke k movie star at Bidon Kltciien.t.I lt bonda.y on an radfard'a Barber Sbap. Be. a»§ far L automoba. trip to BaIlle Ci-w-k, Milh eat $have, or fine cigars. 46-lt They expeet te retuin boni. Friday. Ready-Made or -Made-To- Measure We have a Iimited supply of Ready- Made Overcoats, and Cloth for Made- To-Measure Ove icoats, at the above narned price. Corne in and see thern*- RAY N. SMITH' LIBERTYVILLE ILLINOIS --1,,~,fmmranm - - x- %É lqe%.y xflaa.M PhonCe Hgb tii 6UU f a-a t t O..lmtu i 7 -a ~The NEW EDISONi4 YoU Can Build Now *Lno CHEAPERUpright Th=n You Will This Fal _ Model Dort' Wai --aCostasonly Weare in oodishffl to taSie o f you $100 Our -Plan Serivce I. AUl You Desire Silo Titue WM',1"n e Be Here. Gt 'Vours Now. We Seli Stave and Tkie VALURA LUbrtyville - ~uzcr Lumnber AUL SmZ c 1 CuAdA&s;@IneTije 1udepa mslm et.ruttwa.Cve àIL. à 'n i iq upd y im ewluçed ud wm neesmiss6h.çgd iL AN unequaled pomoq bi ~~ value ia offered in the L<Wm5o Upright Model cf the fab»ue New disoii-- you mayb& tlùbeautiful méhogany f£niJm cabinet ithis perfect reedigas- -sm RE-CREATING the world's beat music, at the moder*teý pnce of $lot In producinatbis graceful model. eqipped ta give bours of enioyment to the moat crit1cal music-Iover, Mr. Edsoou L3 brought a rejearkable phonograph withln reach cf ail. May we demonstrate the cleLightftl qualities of the London Upeigbt? DEOKER & NE VILLE Toe.htke 55 L 1 BERTY V 1L Lî, I I L L. Want to, case a trip ta the lake '-w-Ion? Call Snow, ph'one SU. A nw hlgh apeed bus at yaur servIce. Tai- cab cmii. aneverd day or night. 8331 Dr.- Ward's Pîoductsli FOM Uatarti O Ruue, COdau Fever Tablets, Menthe Causpho Ontmet AUGUST RADLOFF FLhoue 150-R -:- Libertyvilf PH ONE 306 Blossoma areclthescon lighta Tha. cheer up gloomy 4 dsys and nighi. DO you know of a sou] aick shut.in tl'at needetrhe Cbeering frien>! ýWI oi the fiowers, of a hilrthdlay that needs ri- mem# anc. of a niother- in Whom nemoreî aie -Caps, 50e t Mitttent Linen s- French Lace Bertha j baUI 1!W.W. CAR It's AGood' Habit Succeas cornes to han wbo savei, for ready money, tâne and agan, is the connecting ink between a mani and bis oppoGrtilfty. l4iere is no dat' bcttecî'.Tn >- DYto begli to save your money. Walk in our front daor now and eflau iiixmcua A True Stateinen Tu MY Farmer -Customers The Bonl Mffldug Machine, milig over 2,000 cm binLW County, in a "tifactory manne, Lasneyer uis &&d muother iimM g mach in the SRate dM hIois, mai place, to my knowledge. W. do D motsrp our cepsm #s and ha neyes spaied a cow in six y«ar mue. BERT FINSTRAD, O-UR WANT ADS GEl SURE QUIC K'REPAIR SERVY Prompt Road Work Weldig *ad 1 Libertyville Auto lepaîr Charles M. Bernard PM~ Chas. D Pirocti Insurance of ail kinds Phone 154-M BE I. 'Collins' & Doane Co*, Monuent ard M .soew Do5wn BDy The Electric Station Phone 200-J Libertyville, Jin01e to $I.:O Wopl -Gloves 8, 25c to $2.50.,, Silk an Ribb ed lHoie, $.00 Seamed IIote, $1.$01 s8.MO A. KMto 8M0 P. M. ,ROLL & SONS* COM? 29 librtywiI L Mad te V. IL «tr te 2 Aie 9 lalto i46.ý 41 0. i 'bu. 34 la OCIck iw- Le L