UIRYVILE NDPENDENT LAK CONTYINDPENE!~ Lae Cu~t'sBig Weekly WAUKEGA&N WEEKLYSUN LM£COUfl NDE MDE i6.ekIiesianyCoaibQmWed %R. SCHNAEBELE M(D 47R oemSONALPR PR], Voi ERTY M RACE fM FiguresWJUSt Coinpued Show Bb that MWa 8- e-u Fignes ldiate tiet tirs valueso.rVal ceu la gShiirs !a>'cui ln t10 stalle. w1unnbago ceuni>'le tan 'fI alaiss fpersoinal prarr>'lu iii wâwtaIo £aceint>' per acre la $19.26. MIL *1 AOCOUt tire valuest e ..-Ma aoeprpu>'pen acre la uts.- Wlt Thm un ystire values aifpci'a0al gy poet'pracre lu tirese co»rtias: bl Feri 7m ; Bous, .$1f.56; steph- 90, enfoit.#14.2: 0gb, $11.16; Maon- 1 Vin; 1- . Accor'dntas tirshetables rnI, prepareti b>'tir. Ciicaei & Nor- upi weseram llroad campr>' taiex- gro Verts, ire average pensarial pnoperty Ido par acre af lands lu tire tw"rri3 Bel t-va coufties ai titi' ate rte,-rsed1 b>' lirairaliroad le 1 2.roi Tira amarrai af pèr-na irrtropenuV ime ovuod per ceJiitlIn 32 it' l vir. h lages having a population fr, i 1.00()1 it ta 2000 bas bei-cr rir-jrtI'ai. Thir'the follovîng firures gcire -uie ides ci a tie vealti r epirFon"n pesna1 dir praperty lu thase iiîr'- hrt Stephriisati counu>' $70;: Tha'yer. a $23;Diei 11 esorrl$ :tri Etmvwood, $110.'and Cn~ouiciU $310.* 'l .figures ishow linait i. Mi, 'Village e! Lena. SterrrnrOih uu -wa iread- Lts elIistviti eur paf.ce WI nabga erount>', second. ln aur- r n varda tlre villages o! Lt-na sud Pecatanicni have more persotral propant>' pen esapîta than tira veaitir> f villages ai Eimvood and Keiliwortir virici rean suburba o! Chicago. Fiigures bave beau eihedi Olu cilOl ai tire aile or near tie alla of itockior'd. luIn Rckiot', d lcir beadi ire IlIi, tire &Mount cr par- seSil poperirparcapita le 1504. freopo ras " . Tire ety itardt, AUMe itue a erhavte $192 Was.kegan b» s 815.Pearla tras pu, aigield bas $187. Elgin bas 1370, sud Lag&baiu ra$396. S201(SOflONION m de UNDR DISUSSION l CoMîY F d for lMemorlal Tabet pprpritedin Mis- witlerstanding, Beliet. e - i1 1ie leaiti of ire. 20,000 appra- C priatioti ot Lake Cati tovard tire A ïniemailstablet to bire ereced 111 I hrfonn ir te men ai Lake Couru>' vira arfed dïtn< thea vold varb -wu unden discussion WednesdaY aib a meeting. of'.fe finance comiitteel ai tira coant>' supervIsons atd 'rad f Brawn Wbitney, nepresenii L ira t VIctar>' Memoriai Hospial Associa-p tion. -"rensira sun' vm appropriatea i %, 1 ,bens Il#- 5n'bs criai vould <tOt -à h iti È__, suitu ihan irai vbicir nov appeamt ta be neededl, Il la saiS, and tire question viricir nov arisas la tira hi ire mono>' ls ut ail nsed for tire remorilaiit'bolegal>' aseti as t pari of ire building runti? i tla uriderstoad tirat tiha min- anial tablai la te ooal approximat- 1>' 84,00oai'$8,000, virmaie. IL vas r.preserted ai te ire th ie appro- priaitiv as made tiraitiahre vere about 4,00unaes ta liera fple ou Il sud traeevouid ceai about 85a naine. Oirer supervisera vans af tire OPWOni UAt the $tia 20,000 yogIS go toard ire construction othe tirb*- pitaI, vbicb la tu ire kuovis as a count>' memorWa building sud tirai thea Question aofviretirer tire ntiral saun voild ire apeni, on a tablit dld nt corne up. -j Tire iroapialfinance committea la hoklng tovard tire payment or t-ie court>' donation at an sarI>' date, as tire building las stegdilir nearin&g compltion. Tire count3 finance commuttes de- clded ta posipane action ou tire psyinent of tire appropriation ulrili sitar tire mattar la subrntted ta tira board asnavirale ai tire teceur- bar meeting. 1 SAYS DETOURS IN COUJNTY ARE BAD 'harles B. Russell, cr0tl>'urer- Intendant aifilgivayel. re -tveýd rPorta tirai mati>'oaitire r-ondelu tira counir, tint are nov b,-Inaised as dteurs because tire in'u rond., are bojkadsd for conainucti'mu vont ana ha pretir, bal condition. Tire detauns wvainot nai u ndIttirn ta irkndle ire begytraffie to wvic IL vas sudderilr, subJectod. LIBFRTY VILLE IPI ~I~Nl, I IIUIViUAI, NUVitJbIULIt y, i *'* 1- ~1 tEm TwàïDD ATOir ToSOR&J1 i Jk'fST BMSHMARRIED JULY ISthBOU I ~ ~~The i:any frlend: in Libertyville of II(E>T On Wednsday, November l6th, tMisarBuhndA .Wmbl ge Wolc, £At LPeter's churcil, j in e s Mar Bsh ud a. R Shnaeble >10, thre iarrlage of Miss Carletta came anrprttiised oula hung ha lidor, -a of o m rnkBlz couple had allp.9ed away te Woodatk ëMely etI Ubertyvllle. was slemu- A L FuÏtanwe mridnth cVT& o. Tre bride wau dressed In a beau- Xgand wre marrlTe lu thathrCi onue- Ol lte e«s, nit gown of beafed satin charmeuse. 1iMQwS1ay, pJuIy of8thTee. Fy Ctb<~O nI y ApRecords4 u oeawhite etnbroldered viway. parc o Wosto ! aS t e aris it S OW d egrrled a uhower boquet of white 'IgeegMn oneOw k-, M. er. Mug S nergymanad.h hnt TIW'rideuid wor mia Veona l,4 SIQ1 here wlth br aunt. Miss flfIlY Bus, The delge o!fbhn1ýr" Mgt, of Mellegry, niece of the bride, adfranme fyasbsbe o tt ou hth ld Nia thel Hmflion, niece of the a-1Cran erlaerabsbenfrsat ou oo. ir frmr aadrsad neinployed at« tie Ray FurnhtUxe e' d4 tirges atia -om Tefomrwsdrse na renldent of thre village for several dyl ielfac ttê Suiebinte satin. trlmmed wth ilsame b liffon of thre gane uhade andi she car- y..yeas, and e gaged lu the rmai es-ci!saeetfomt ailas. boqeltter whire a drsae a - tatsand314insurance business. BoUl olUiljon beoard, wbhl ular satin salin charmeuse. trimmed eybv alarcrle, a! fi-nludalng tb hargfntese te fia O tir pearlea and ilver. She carrled e atvl o y ageOnJou tu heSbUg th m 5 ,0tiens.d. T rcndar chrysanthemum. Bth wore s pes.n oagTuthemtimna e fici alwcoMMmeo acdreases of tulle to match ihelr sea.i te fofficia commuulf Litte Norman Molidor carrled the au__ be mal ad o e4 mad W Î ta 1 thre aitar, eacb lu ally placed I112 GAV E IV ES compens~aton. at Ion*M on a pilow of satin sd tulle. The IIL ULII4 41115 ompesa tlandti roco' attendants were HeBuan MOI- pcto ni h'fl [or, bAther of tira brida, aud Williau UfÂ(l(fU T1 efott oetl n '%INLKE, C4 UUiy1 application bmarks have eet ltzei, brother of thre groom. f pllcath o atlre. g oft-r. thecremanY elabrai dln IN'llausetsVaitfor mSb turued ta the home ai thre brid e"s IN 4WORLDB WJR ut d by te bs oar n ù 'eakfat was rved. Ater tie break- Iappcatinai loherasil2 St h e y w en t ta M c H e n ry . w h e rrt -R ll o f H n o 'M i* ài n a -d A d ju- ota nt Gn e iey irad id their photographil made tI î iolO opL o iak.a emeaitr nner. Sh -GreatSacrifice. apîcaton ndteaappIJt. Tire weddlng was aut ail day alfair wsta ubrMae rra. N cam arc d-as'very enjoyably spe-t by Il onI utle but clutters upt o d o aw o e i r n e t r e U d i r gh'i o s e l n L a k e c o u l t y w h o mi a d e f t e p a i n t . W Mi upefl aciJc u iecause isiprythlng wtthIln pur IW. uuddr , ti e hm b the mlir r.J - ddi i cf their country numbered 112. ac- ptr okbtI ae vaIs ofd tir . ro andi J Bil the lb r , c> - ording to hie records utider c ni The postal card siate brot ~~pilation hy thre rol of honor cent- optirnIsti stltetM ,sand isters of bathi parties. mittee, which lagetlg9 ireIala hstates tirat application of ail persona wha aervad duurigIbie lssued on or before otihe -orid war. loeeIlablid Superviser W. O. Samston, chair- lonwr.itla ber slsve ýLLEiED iASPIPE d o.anisena0nes t e Incri a utNov. 26. Th.e o n tir e fto no r ati a ei I c ri be m-,dec ded upon but s m ant nlboral rasol e Ule namearisenth iat-vîli requne Z oia tire 112 h e asa, as v elf as 3 ,524 tatl<iot. M n s aireraE iroD bore arm nd recelved ainRequineefit hn orabdorere froir tire var- Tire statement setg (iRAND JURYIFRlDAY 04iite eWhebou Thel f- tos iwrtn cm ault Tua. "(sJNSposte "CIJS pril '0, 1917, a Alei tssnbusco Bnlgtl, TRri'~ "' "JJû~ai.ir Àeu" pwtl0l Ol'gIXuiEtIlo! orthe'() h "e$x d~I~ITA. 5JJU~J35 cnnu ny oisns iraha~I'4honorable. 'avad preilminary bearltrg Yrldayî1 ofJ .I W jWLt Vo isme relative 0 sgra i» Âa pute &M ner'nlng before Justice Hervari' k JCTtI- VU A J lV.FaAL14ibs Ocutty la urged ta end tala tved9) rboues r son on a chrge of assa lit vitir a a m the r>911 ' B W ~ ~oll . -- e at onc06 > t sal> vapram vs sisedO AI ifeard Svaln. of Ciicabo, vhoa fjp mmmv Je ILSni &8500 bands, tire amount balug e- K '*narrowly tchdbisett tstl~1<4 eSUetr o!vi ea ta lly tiatre r bmr uced froam tire 014bond' tbroulil by tire blades et a propeller On- tire mairers c e t abmbla e aifamr, Iotbx~o ire tgreemeai vîit States a n Jailed by Govt. g 2 epln 4Wds0t i! aislsudfrLclaBi, tir ae. irsês UsUel b ley AX V. Smthr. Tire maite Ogen mStiraega, vas <smbsatl ai d letoe trs ecebel tem a tis Wr Rtuningto igh c"y fromthe tire ctomyMeasriaiirs- Ralph Brown and John and fljed carle vtir OmnsirSe Mons Tire esi a i rand JurY. land Park Home. plaLlieryhdvs akn.miertie r anelTabot.ndsiirerareue vl»Uigl a Rosenbitschirwam reted tva accident. lHa la ta 9o vwrli ly iabre ie mrcnLelnpabl -8 lete ae i euL weaire ago on a ccmplaini sîgneti brother ta Davenrot l. nt!ie Judge P. IL.Persoaslest Fmlday Or- Superviser compilatiorn St or WllaAcbek !Lbetvl , lie aiss tî uGr!.1ttenleîaeovmd.drd apa sme frtraama u dlgeiylutrecmliiOf f A tteofciiW byia Schadtrai tofra derdfli tire.caUntrY asaint viricir irerefMed, gtso tefort e w aPUoy t tchlaen tire theadfd itirat es Paudurug tire Wrid Svalu recelved a fracture o$eoiftounrZMon yonng men, charged is record lunaefr egivs oatlt' tasc pie vir sthe ver.argunsva, oi a y ilno « czr-loftileg sud cuis about tire body vitir iaviug attackad Attorney' John te tirhnmeo!evryesevie in1*4 O o t ber '. iver oue> matins l Wauola inarBreci or" HIUSon s e0 klu intire mlsiap. He ws carrylng R. Bise ad Matin Rauscir analu tire couniy, beiug aded by 0ireed tira 'hmgltI- ga ite h lg h e nir da.r f e t ions obj cto P a Oire , is a rents, pasmangera tirnougi tie air uas n ught saveral veeka ago Wvuir en tay supervisera or tire varto io vn w hlrm. sitar tirat dat U umfo oebr r n Mttaldn. M gln d PMmm. Ti r a W ALIS aent, m ener, m aklng ant Or ter prile ug ere returulrg ta tire hom es f ontm s d ire iras askad tire Sun to a om enint v " o >=$di e 6a Aftr srikng im osnbuch ied Mr ad Ms. homs W A RSO tg tire accident. Befare maLklirgOne a meeting ai Qrace Mlsiouary ehurcir. a final âaPpal ta ail perse- ata Hae taed on g101 scrrech art ljuedseloalreide. Tire paresnts bave Juzt re- tish wa nkg ata outhBêie but tre blav as iret! nir e ceiou lve adfii ri antria rstip r a g a Tire four men ta ire placed und, niurnn luevery naiemc iainuetres0v head ~ ~ o sutaiheln ga ied plans ta ba he fan tir hal eta iemcievrstr i<-arat aeoflu aiRhl$ylbeoemok 0Tieliea au- <rinetailast 100 C butaterbser w ur d p ir e d cattie pda ste h m f r t e 11 -peliar sucked hlm tnto hf sud struck Bro wn, s d John ad Lloyd Crar- n t; ire com pletad vithaut tire Cc tire vor k of ai p YIff wUf pucaelciléefc in te tire ground. trea. Thain bonde were fixed ai ojiaratton o! everyoue in thse counîr,. Me>' b gr"'l ls fRon uc Screir utieCui a Wen tire draft veut inta ffct An ambulance vas cmie fon$2.000 aach sd tire capas are ne- _____important_ lrid. Tireckmouie>' va s n aldsdduring tire van young AllinSon ne' *aukagan and hiraS dasl tn>' tunnabie Nov. 23, ahiviricirtim aidt>ha aim r paynet on a cheCck vas tapped by iuaad ta taira upl earmanagaeinai (3cr-eter___________andfcnti nuy dies . t1 tire defendarit. Tirer toipain met »iauy, ciasalug iimBeaf as a"cu eaevt ie m a î!ti. Ha la îWINîey wîîî enter' tif O .i acnosu ieagmnt foi- scieic, pSojjector".avuaex-sedricenh eu9u. tiAtont ey. Biadreir plea har e foror went in Wc tirre and the rjir. sud Hie loaltiva refusai ta serve aUounn tr v.W . -IF, -53tîai'dcie. t.a- - - - --rei viii atari virai' t£a xiltirai t h n d1 O Nw e - k o k e n t , a d t e r b > ' t i r e t h e b o n n e.5g ~ ____________hir was ireed AlilusOn vent ta O peleaitr street, racelvlng severe n u a whereho bs ben evr Itcutsand brurses. uj e rmid h a ny. r '>fte1 IE O S N Tiraalleged attack taak place on a P Pu ar Yo ng man an h e èinfeed of a change or libel in tira lu a niadirause for tirnea yeans, ai- L P R ERS (iOIN(l BACK mrvled tsad iris l SEWERS TIIURSDAY localeçrt Bhuhsnw h hremd fTE traire l ir n> ak IOiIY-by Mrs. Eliabthr i. Pavael.vsaitiry Oô A E man wvirauvas et ta faderai gi- WAT S IS ANDIS r~ WaukgaI vO s3i eviappvas 00in son fon refusai ta serve. Market Streeters Entertained ~<jjJ mtlthe ere inan sii at ourng art byDryfane Judgo Hurle>'inlu sPerler court, NaalSttin mpoys av - 11'IVULPartyliii JjUChcage, Thurday Yohaea Been orkig 5 Dys a WICKE S CAN INAgent'Her r, a'.' cOI u notr Naa-tto mlye aeAet ee hearng viricir bad beau brouzr I PYTVrtain hem reloase fain tire alyluin. Witt Not Been Woking 5 ays a W CKEENS ASE INThe irearing iras iasted for titres oect Week Over a Year. Market sineet loveraS 01 biDd on COrRT LAIVSIIT ogcntsebya8gh Wee Ovr aYea. SCRE IINDSTO ine vaicired ThursaaY vt-hlirme- wdayelzcotat-er. b>' a dUgIr- M Se hats s ottle aftýsrbttie, - tanrvilo eod.ira ban moier uil Cîilanarpiye ! ranaalm S ECRET' kJbaren sar arrai, 1000 '1lusaiCase of Arthur W. Wilkinson la Insane. Sire vas nained con-au ilna ajrii i irfl rsîa J>~uIJ~ Anti volaîaad vina trIOI lfreo vna rnmore'aasat v ran a'yP luien, gu a aJ meYOflciMngae'irDBE4 1Lna il udbung lta the seei' ileD 5ID M nd' Against Johnl Wiî,IOlksnAp- ahe vas adjudged insne atter avele inuouncegax re Jolatmade ritha-e u n to treaan opeaied. to Supremne Court. iearng lu conutycourt ibore. lg by*fot g lnn lug D ecem rer 1 tire "six day v R b e t E . O' B rie n, H as i Fadhrv s patteanfndtrents . al ir tIf e n t ati n ir 11 1 5 el a ed 10 tre c veok" vin hb e atrod. The 'fve ReW ur LDkI -idyagents sud Cflalsile oua ie S te Ct iica sl oetrvtnres. An 'hait Manavr,44 day veel' bas beau lu force irere Investigation in Prepara. A. Brune sud iis coterie apiaslird Watts Watt l in at :re ntenns, ioesin d a «u rI aplu- aiwotithe tue > eluçe Joua 15, 1921. Tire restera- suad play4.d lu tirs efforts ortibreea appeal frui tire circuit couet a onf n.Pvl' m ii aa-vrn siln o! ie 1fui1921.khertatioli- 1 days ef raldlug virile -tire>'gleefuli>'Lake couniy vas laken ta threhi l tir ctad. ago ualet, tabou as a futirn Indication Orf- - îossed lira beverago lu-o tISere aos.; cornt todar, by Benjamin H. Watt q, butr.fomrn ry hgu. ne ol esi ' e kan ei a retunn ta rmai ilmes. Re-opeulug ai tire ivestgaton , Titis ls tire iangeet potrlg spnee Harold Watts. George f. W 'tti. Ebuin a lmn sarltedet at ir13 e siu aioclr 2 The tact tirai tirer have beau, joetire cause ai deatir af Charles tiraitirhe dry agents bayeatent-ralned Rrrby Rirdolpirai nd %r. Frank Toi-:Egi aalu, eid iraiM na.hat igii y vofklug but five daeys a veek liras R. Wlckeus, viroso body vas iouud ai since tva gavemninnt men poured yan litthie carre of Arturr W. s,i'l- Povlliras necovnd cmlti' Bot yeug pêp decreased tire Income ai tire civil- ficaalng lu Lako Miciigan in CirI- scores of irarreii of booze taker iinson agalusi John Wlllrlnern, er iudge Hunier, ield Witi r Mm. Po-el Bo &on as tire pl Ian employas ansd tire> lok-frvard cago sevenal veeks age probabir, lu al sections o!flire comit>' davu a], ths belng a malier wvIne iralq sud rdered ber freed frointirhe or OIbart oute in to thie prcposadl change asS anvili ut ot reaoked fon sevenal dàys, lire sever ai Washingtou and Gan- beeu peuding in tir- local courts î-' asyium. latair,. agreomble Ciristmias iresont. sud tirore are no nov devlaPmauis, esses sreets. Tire nurar of blg I eariy 20 years sud lii' alvi-. rtî -1Tira babeas corpus case vaSsstarted I"Tire>'cau't s npui Ta make tira change possible, irow- accondhng ta tire Rev. Robert B.'ibaule lu tir e set tva veesaliras'ho land on "woi" iii krrr ' thireanmanthe ago Ptnd bIna. loavel marned tirai sil a ven, it wviiilha necessar>' ta r-e- O'Bren, ludopendent Zioti pastor, made confiscation onoef tire i Watts Island lu Plotrukee TA ke., was nelaisad ta han attorney,. Miss deciered.» "We vi lease a iev of tire employas, vire ls acting as tepreseutatlveofO!' pragramns af tiresquad. Tire LMa- Tire suit involves aqîrattre- ýr'gi't ia Campbrell, 151 Nortir Clark' ei., tram nov but let thon. Station officiais do rat figure tirat tire American Protective Associuatlin. vec booze vas destroyed vi thre snd tub nfrontirhe goverurrr njt a' Chicago. ThaIllness ai Jodge Hum- we wlll seize upaï the tris whli lie a itardrhip jas tire>'Thre motter In bein< itaudiedIns kémosene route. meauden andi, swamp landit en. ey madeafilImpossible ta iold tire t>' taaloPe again figure tirai uha Industries I n Wau- Chicago for Rev. O'Brien sud vilii Most of tire vinea tira scou- -calities tioa corupticated for anvon,>iteariug until tis vaak. MiesaCamP- Nazt ime va vent ean sd Nontir Chicago Wi-r1 irehopreseuted te tire Stal's Âta-filscated Tirursda>' came fr e i ierbut aPridihaiw.rrr' r el oeasllo iiifrra aar for i'eairOUs able ta absor tiese employas vitir- uer's office iu Cookc counir, as soafi raid ou tire CasPOetia place tirat ared aruanterthoitn thase 'iu Lakp client aud vas aldad matanialîr, b>' drudgoifrtia' 1out au>' difficulir for coma of tire as al ire 'details hava beenan g- tellbefare tiradry agents day hire- courn-i,. 1Att>'. C. T. HerdeokeT-iut-Wauke- veU mcv wIlf ZOv 40 factories ar encounterng canld- rsued, ieh aif ore yestErday. But nov tint Lake courrîr l'as gan.Yon t. tensile dîfficuit>' lu gettiluamais.lu "We are noi going to aoir it M At ttitmeliraitirhe boase vau ieard tira las! ciatiter lu ils fa'eo, 1Tire county curjeors"u, îa ir al> U tact ira naval station irsa valleS lira probe bo reapeued, unili va paumeSouitaitlire main corner of mule casa, someirady mirai keeD tl- kogan shrow tiraiaithtire tin ira. ta» e*6 "'B for tire Improvmunt lu geusmal cou- bave ail tr vdnatriv e h uiesdsrc epegtrrlcmMrunlty lu tire courts, se th- Povell vas adJudged Insane shire"mas said ira the tditions before aarounclug tir e craUe sire te make re u'cas a airons tram ail aver tavaicir tire pertor- Watts hravedcddtafdousuerigfalip,'ilcrbda-550 a lui vomkng boaurs.ona," ire Rev. Mr, OBnlen stated. 1mance. iWoVs Watts' lagal>'. iacted lirer mentali>'. go" ;p ICU A Triý9'. UBEMM£ MOVÇM. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23,1922.