Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 23 Nov 1922, p. 11

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Shopping:Na Now la the t4me t*,do yoiit CIl$#t]2flg *0' png and avold ttii.a ai lriturslko el* the. AuxaEeii-co. Clultm4s CIb-m*é 0M solootionm iand depoeKsO y ct20 P« ilO and artleies U ebl o eUU aifo j The4re Are No Comparative Prices MWiu The Values Wiil Surprise Yon 50Bungalow Aprous one of the greateat vl Of a great ae d $yW0 1 meu's pretty bungiOW avrons, maile of g0od qual-1 0 0 ty gingliams ai about blai their actuel value. Bargins Galore For Thurs. Nova.. 23rd In Waukegan s Greateat Women's Sweaters Womeuks Wool Sweters, Tuxedo style. colore, tan, navy browu and black, aeiêCl W orComm»uity Sllp-ovr Sweaters WomeWs Wool BlipOver Sweaters in a v»&S aukortuient of colore, speclal for <IO=uinty Bargao4~~ Day ------------------- 13 Corsets One lot of Corsets made ot piuk Coutil, in black lace styles, special for Community Ba-gain Dy~. Brasiere Women'a Bmasleres ln front aud back book styles, lul or whi ,te, epe- 6j cWa for Communty Bargalu DaytUil Men's Lise Bocks Messa fine quality Lisle Bocks lu navy. gray aunt brown,. aires 9 1-1 to 12, special for Commuulty Bargln 9 ]My, pair---------------------19 Womeu'nlannel Govus WousnWsNgit Govus made o! beaiy welgt Oulug i'lannel. speclalir priced for Comnmuty Bmaga $ fl - ----------- 7----- Obilren's Hose Childrau'a Mrcerized Lisle Hoso lu black. brown and white, odd sires, spe- cil for Comxunily Sargain 1 Day-pair ----- ------------------- C P>ay uits cbIt utIA"aQ e -&w * tnd fluequalty ceict, for Co"ninty Bsrgaiu Dy Tes. Aprons Women'e faucy white Aprons made o! ludia I2nens, dimttes, etc.. lace,39 aud embroidorY .3.9.ed . BantaryNapkins Ferm'e brand,' the modernfjanitary Nap- ktn, apeoaUY pricei for Courx A 9 munlty Bargalu Day, dasen---49 Mluff Beds - Moake yourzueii a Muf!, large Sîze slIk lind, o",u*f Beswth.. igsataced peil' t -2 9e Bi1k Scarfs Oue lot Flber S511k iund. Iltualied WQQI Scarfe, specially pfilced for $ U Comm-,'lty Bargair~ Batiste Gowns Wome's ilesh color Batiste Jowns, very speclly prL ed for' Com 1 29* muuulty Day, each ---------29 Beaded Haud Bags Que lot -etf high grade beadefl Hand lags. greatiy ireduced Ilu PY$7 _#re at ,.--------- Children'a Dresses Cbldre's Dresses made oi fine quslity oiughams, sires 2 to 14 years. Very specally priceit for Communlty Bargalu DRY -----------------69 SU kanrd Wool Dresse Cliil*ren's Dresses made up lu Sis and Serges, ies 2 to 14 years, spectallY prlced for Com»Ianuty CA49k Bsalu nDay -------------- .U Cildren'a Bleepers Chldren's Tennis Faunnel leepers very speclally priceit69 et ---------------------------69 Cildren's Plues one lot af Chlldren's Lekther Purges, good selectloti of colore. epecla for Commufity Bargalil Day.---29 Chilrensa Mulin Uuderwaists lu ail sizes, Little Beauty Brand. specUaly prlced for CommunitY39 Bargaîn Day ---------- 9 Womnenis SnIkRose Wome's (ilove 514k Hose lu faucy pst- terne. higli poited heels, ies 9 to 10, very PecJUr Vicedfor '29 Commuinity Bargaa Dayý- Bilk a.nd Lisle Sport HEose Womeu's 5111 sud Lîiae Sport Hose, fuli fasloned, lu ail uew shades. sizes 8 1-2 to 10, special for Commuuty Bargain 15a> ----- ----$ .19 Children's Coats of." attractivelY Prio*d t- Nualin Petticoats Woùmen Muellu Petltîcotalu a good selection of styles, greatly 00 underpriced at eaeh-7--------tw Gowns- -and Chemise Que bg lot ai Muslil Gowon and Chemise, lcadd mbroidery t0 trmespeclally prIced at.. .00L Soap Speciai 10 bars Claissî Laundry Saap, 10 '3are Ivory Bosp, 3 tane Buurlte f Ciedisèr, »ail for .. SiIk Gloves Wohien'e heiavy weight Si1k (loves lu ail colore -soS sir-es, very69 speclliy pricedppair. -Crepe Kimonos. oue lot ai Womlen's Crepe Kimas, speclal for Commuult '.0 itargtin Day --------------$10 Woiren's Aproris one lot of shouider trap and biaud Api-ons mnade (, good qualitY Peleales. in ligt sud dak colora, soine AG. trimmed with riclt rackbai~- Kid Gloves Women's Kd Gioyes with Bruahei Wooi (;*untiet tope, ail izes aud colora speclal for CommunttY $29 DaanDay -------------- e29 -Mennefl's Talcum For Copiuuflty Bargali Day we are go- ugto offer Meunen's Borateit15 Wool GaUntiets Wonaen'is Heaihet mixture wool Gauntiet Gloves, speclally prIcedfor75 Sateen Bloomers Wome's Bloomers mae of fine qualt Sateen. ail colorad sizes, 010 attractiveiy priceit t ..---- Voile Blouses One lot of silghtly bolled Voile Blouse54 specilly priced for Commuuittl2 BraaDay, tach ------------29 1 bamois-suede Gauntlets oe.;l's Chamois Suede Gauntlet Gloyes lu llght and dark gray and mode, specli for Couimunlty $ Barglu Day - -------$1 9 toston Bags oMmine Cowhide Boston Baga lu black or lu'owfl., specially priced for the 98e Co mmunlty Bargain Day-----O C Obidren2s"-weater Chiten'. silpover sweaters tu red or binea, very speciaiiy priced for 98 Çotmunlty Bargain Day --- 8 . Vesees ad Collars gpeclally priced for CommuntY29 Bargalu Day ---------- 9 Boys, Berge Suits one lot or Boys' Serge and Wool Jersey Sult, sites 2 tW 8 YeOM. spcia for Communlty Bargalu Day-- $40198S Community Bargan Day Sale of Trim ed Hàa- $2.98 Worth Many Tign«est. Price Quoted Stunning new velvet 'Rats in snalj draped and off- the-face style&-Matron and Misses' a a in the season's most wanted colors. Special for Community Bargain Day Children 's Beaver Hats Chîldren's hi gh grade Be-aver Bats !u -black, uavy aud brown. sires 3 to 6 yeamsrspecally prtced for $1.98 Caiumuity Bargain Day--..- * Cbidren's Flannel Gowns Chldreu'e Niglt Gowns made of hsavy w ei5ht teufllg flanuci, 75 speclally priced at.-------------75 E$tk Pe ttic oatu Woitens Jersey Bilk Petticoats lu a large seleitipn of styles and $2I9 colors, sttractlvely prlced at-L.. 8 Childen's SBateen Bloomers Childrene Bloommrstride o! fine qualtty sateen, ail sires, -specially pricbd per pair-- ------------------ 4J dari ir, nome, are lace trlmmd, spectally peed -- $1t9 each - --4,------- 19 Cbldrens Peter Pan Kit lîppers with sud without feet, sîzes 1 ta & Speclai for Commuity Bargalu 89n Day --------------------------89 Philippine Gowns Wome's baud-maie Phli)plue Gowus. beautifully embroldered, t $01.89 eaci.....................-tpjLo Pelt Sport Rats A wouderful assemblage o!f Pit Sport Hats lu tan, red. tangerine anS browu, spectli.y priced for Conmuuty Bargatiu Day....$1600 Women's 511k Hose Womeu'a 511k ,Sport IHose lu gray, browu. uavy, flesh, perwîukle sud lark. drap stltch sud dock patterns, speclal for CommtrnltY Bargalu 89e Day - - - - - - - - - - -- u Middy Blouses Fine quallty. Wooi Middy Blouses lu Misses' ires, colora red, green sud blue. Specially prieed $9 at------------------------- $ 9 Flakes at S pkgs--------- P. & G. BOAP Community Bargaiu Day we will offer th aosP. and G. Lauudry 39 Soap at 1.0 banr----------------39 Infents' Dresses Infants fine qualtty White Dresses, laces and embroideiT. trlimeu. ,ery specîaliY prlced for CoUMnniy $1 9 Day-------------$14 Commnuiity Bargain Day S ale of High Grade Fuijr >Coats At Unusual Low Priffl' These Fur Coats are the greatest w..e 4ve ever offer- ed'and the savings are worthy of your ijispection. Make your sclection.s now-a deposit of 20 pei eent of the price will hiold the garment until called for.- wetre,40lu. length $ 7 coat, reduced teo----------$17 $198 Natural Oppossum, 40-l. length cotreduced $ 7 ta ---------------------- $ 7 $380 Natural Raccoon, flue North- western 40-lu. length coat, 27 reduces to-------- $ 7 $98 Blue Coney Coat, chld'a 7 .garment, reduced ta . e $56 'White Coney Coat with blue Coney. collar sud cuts,- child's gar- ment, reduceit 49.'i to-------------------- $ 9a $159 Civt Cat 40-lu. Coat, $ 1 r'educed t10---------------ÇL1 ln. Coat, RoOK 5dble- coilar06 0 and cutis. ri4ààd ta----PC9 $298 HudsoitSWs, dyed Muskrat, 40- mnc leagtiiCoat trtmmed With eqUir* ueeaeolbtnnal kunk, i $249 reducedte-------- 4l $398 Taupe lutriA 40 lu Q 298 iength Coat, reduced to--- 2 $149 Blue Coniey 40- lu Coat, $119 reduced ta --------Ç 1 $198 Natural mueilrat 40-la. Caat. cuffs, iteduced tea------$ 7 $159 Naturel Muskrat 40-lu. lengili cotreducesd ------ $-- 119 to ----- ------------- Beautiful Cloth Coats Most unusual values atj $247.5 $29-50-$590 S These high grade Coats and Wraps preent the xnost favored styles of the season iii long Uine, blouse back and draped niodels., Many of these Coats are -handsomely lined with silk and some are lavishly trimned wit.h fur. The naterials: -Bolivia, «Yalania, Ormaudale, Marvella, Nornandy, Manish Cloths, Polo Cloths, Panyelaine. chidrenWs warm winter Cosa made o! g1ood quallty materlale and fuily lined. peil priceS 0 -t------- ---- $3.i98 ,Kiddy Cars Klddy Cars made especlalY strong wth spiral prlng shock absorbera, specal for Commnuity Bargalu 9. Dey--------------------------9 e Extra Sise Bilk Petticoato Extra ise Ai k l'etttcoats made of fine quaiuy Mesalines aud ~ O Taffetas, ail colore, each --S Extra Bise Bateen Petticoats Women's extra sire Peticoats made o! fine quaUty Sateen,------ $lfl attractiTely prlced at ------ ;7 Women's Union Buits Oue lot of Women's Fleece LinfiS Union, Suite lu long, short, aud siseveles styles, speciai for Commumity 50 BranDay, each ------------5 e Woiuen'a Union SuiW. Women's fleece huneS Union Sute ln short ad long eleeves, baud top lyies, ail sites, pecially prlced $100 at------------------------W *l Shirts or Drawers Chldre's hevy fleece ShIrts or Draw- ers in whte ad ecru, all ises, specliLly Mhldren's Unibn Èuits Chllre'a fises liued Suite lu ail aises, 4waroièuil Chudren' Pam m a0favy welght tennis flanuel, good selectIon Of colora, spec-Iaiy priced 9 ai --------- Cbildren's Bloomer Drosses Cdldretes serpentine CrePe Bloomer Dresses, sises 2 to 6 years, ýPe=claliF pilced for the COiMuiitY 8 Bargein Day St -------------- C Rompe= and, Play Bulta one lot o! Chldreu'5 Romperl and plaT sutams2ta 8 YOMr, specwa for Community Bargei Day at-U4fl. BOYS' Serge SuitS Boys wool sorte bltdt&, Bad BOPkli make, speclaly priced for CommunltY BargaiJ ay...- MaP Bungalow Âprnaw Women'm Bungalow Aprons, niadeOf good quaity Perciale# uIn 9laMrgKuk4k of lisht and dark 9 colora --------- -- - Lingerie Blouses white Voile aud Battis Bloqees, lace sud embroidery tiuMe6d. TUZ6110. Peter Pan, hlgh, low and neck - styles, euh ------------------87 Sa kBlouses S11k Crepe de Chine, Georgette, Poufle aud etrlped broadoloth Blouses, ge"t for Commuity BS.rgaln ffl M ., 1 Day ------------- Baple Blouses Blightly imperfect eainple lOuses Ma«. et 9*4" Womens Suit s Reduced- Fine Twîll, Tricotines and Tweeds. $19-00 $29-00 $390 The season's handsome styles are included, the most popular fabries in medium and long straight line coats in plain and fancy taiored inodels, made of fine TIwillS, Tri-- cotines and Tweeds. Ail sizes, very speciaily reduced for Coinmunity Day. one lot of Infants' Kuit Cape, verY spe- clly prtced for comm1nulty 19e Bargain Day ------------ Infants' Bonnets Infants' Silk Bonnets lu several pretty styles, vite sud colore. VerY spectaliY pries for Comuinty 98e B a rg a n D a y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-fl Infants' Knit Sacques oue lot ai Infants' lInit Sacue, spe- clly priced for Community R Bargain Day------------------98 Infants' Bibs Infants' Bibe sud Eatlug Aprous, s05- ciaiiy prtced for CommunitY 49 Bargalu Day at -------- 9 1Musln Gowns Woiten's Nlght Gownermade ofi90041 quaiitY muslil,, lace and rlbbon lrlinuied. peclal f r C ouu ntY 7 9 e BFargaili Day ----------------- Wome'e 11kSweaters lu TuzedO stYl,1 speclglly prited for Com- »« muuhty Bargain Day----Fqq Dliity Blouses Women'e Dimlty and Vôo IeBOue. trlntmed wtth lace amS flue tut4, s. Ot vith glnuimam collars snd cafft4 e, ,eS for Commtty Bargalu $1.29 Day ---- ---- Jersey Bloomers Wamen'e beaTy weght, au Jerse? -Bloomers Iu a good selection Of dsrk c'l- ars, specially pried $498,. pair,-------- q * New Canteen Bfgs A large SelectoOf ni ew stl autff Baga lu a good selectiOn O! leatliers. speclally prlced at--. Dressed DoUs Cu)iuilflltl' BargalU Day w. WIU ei*U - onle lot o! beautiful dresasitW U curly hair, sud e that aiss. - at each----------------------- - Stylih Winter Coats Gtýeaty Under-Prlced st $10-00 $15-00 $20-00 At thefe three prices we are showing somne bandsome Coats in sport and dresoy models, some have plaid backs, iwhile others are full lined. In faét, you have a wonder- fu assemblage to select froni. The materials are Polo Cloth, Velours, 'Herringbone, Bolivia and Plush. Silk & Wool Dresses Way Below Their Regular Price $1-O-100 $15.00 $ 20-00 - These groups of dresses offer a large selectionl of styUish new garments for every occasion. The înaterials are Tricotine, Canton (repe, Crepe de Chine, Serge anîd Poiret TwillIs in ail the wauted colors. Ail sizpa. for .Woxnen and Misses.

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