"I1NUMhyï, -IBRSO.1922. Y14p74%p0~*~ sias1922-23, 6* 15, 1922. .Wtémlb. immmi . aot L.. b..Jfw Y« *a .thethai" bmhmidDtuat yom,,.aRlo coimoe. Leke Couut National-Bank LIBlRTTVILLE, ILLINOISN GounT ihe Coat. FaèW~M dWa.' baie yau ever senouuly cSsiued the genuine etoêmiy of çcnding yaur clotst to ffe ar"fuwSo4enof, âislaufr 'e * à musfd"bon and ckotbcm acvaiaa. but iài atuai &o&mrsMac cnts? DAMP WÂSH 251bo. for $1.25 251ba. for $2.50 ENTIBÈI TÂMILY WÂ8H- COOMPLVTI 251be. for $4.50 STORý1M'SASH SINVE COAL 140W IbTih. Tise To Qrder, -. frcm k b .à uin e m 1Mdwe çcm iIY« MIP 80 NDS EGG A M COE ewo Fw EfW dC0u "AU Kinds of, Good Soft Coal' ibdyville-, Lumber lot Poo4177.- LIBERTYVLe =d.miMAdLl~Th rema0NUL GyIbedm à I. m wu the<CUL v---. Il r Waat ta a tnp ta th. lake 4 i Short hea ofLPecia Int««ct toi Lalrtyvil e ople 8 Mrs.-À. LU Webb sud familY motGred Mlir. and Mes. ;Zok ak -a i udfsmly,j ta Chicago TbursdaY. Mis M. Seller ad Ahbby Oratz vere in Chicago Ojuiday visting Mr. snd -Lee Brown ai W&UconcW wv5ll Lu- Mmy. A. r* su-afAU111. orymMondai. W. L cUina ialtodrelatves e at'i gvea servm ce t ioag thaIlre Wyca.ano avn s id rltie i t umakes af batteries. Letuse Syamreovr mdY.amneyaun battryaa yt i i Get your Tbankagtvlg l- esalthLie glad yen sav, us. lgaititn station foro lochboim Bakry. Al~n i. . 48-lt youncouvonlece. lbertyvle Battery t station. 48-ltb Mes, tee Warrenvas te guoot of! mA .Topt h ube Waukegan fiond WdUeoa&Yai ater- i.A.A.hOuU v»h5bes nomn. vlating hft itoià. Mi. C. M. puller, the paat fov v*oklof t Manday fort Mes. MulNet#e X- "M nsm JosiaRockfard. M . Crossutirozfl Mu5eBrta 1 Thurs&Y. U Mm Henry Baker #4 îI MeÉ ailt Thunsdta l. ere Wauk«mgs 511o905saturday ait- Your bain cnt La an Index 10 yoa . sta- lion in Uta-boet usde lu itghit. 'wItb gsshbr and br.0'tenover GwonKeStmfclit, et l Day, attend- 100h uit igit. r dfoi'ssaor led ta business jmOtteinluLibartyvifle ndo lp.And, he u , a i t-s ne, Fniay. tua eas4y ta select ihat how ofai$=l5ns for Citi".LJMX ek TSII 48-lt IWe gi'r, a servteo to4?0100 the life o! ait make Of tes. Let us ex- Mms.WIUl nai ofClareetitmvllle, amine youn bow&Oidygn vili ha bo1% avam bhe .gueut, o!lins. C. Iglad you sav us. l*sltlon station for Spnlg. - your canvenienco. UozeryvoelaBattery O tation. -48-lt tion aithesacontinental National Bank ISMis oi asrbslknaio i"- ulta ÔO wuamOug the ln Chiîcago.1 Chicago passengora Ist 1"nday aller- lins. Charles Baux et Chicago apant sa,'orl days last week vitit Liberty- The Ladies' Aid Society oi tisa M. E. ville friands. churcit viiibolS tbolr net mexeting on Tuesday aiternoon, De. 5, ait thse home Take a bitaet soma Iinto your home Iof hi" j. S. Hyati. titraugh the many atti sdttvo fans anai potted planta va oSfer for four selea- Coke producas a longer flame tisai ian. Tlsey aller a silven IluluS fer thse ordinary coal. li' * isgbter flamp ë oldeet- days of vInter. Libentyvble proVes that I containa more heat-giv Flower Vegetable Ca. 48-If 1,lng carbon and leus hydrogan gas and t t. oxYgan giss, wicit bave no heat units. 4ILLU Grace Ulfans ws u nHighland w. F. Frauzan. Lun*àr and Coal. Tel- Park Wedueeday evenIng vialtlng Misai e9soue 60. 8 Mes.m William O'Neill sud bittle son dauthta:. Mrs Orvale Jarrett, lns Area of Lake Foreit vlzlted findB in Lii,- Thursday. ertyvlie lt ODira. Charles Whitney vas hostes Mes. J. P. May sud Uitile daugister.! to the Euchro Club Weduesday sItar- Barbais, visitaS Frlday ln Evanston; faon. wtth Mn,. George B. Wluten. Mes. CharlesIopper vas hn Wau- Mr .aud Mms.Arthur Meyers andSlUt- kegan, FriSai vluitlug Mrs. Fred il. son vent ta Chicago Sundity sud Sobley. spent thse day witit fricnds. Mes. B. J.men ag5 daugister, Mis Chiropractie aucceeda lu rostoring Bdiib, leit WadueodaCy for iLucol, III., itoaltit vherè ail otber methods bave ta spend Thankaglvlng vit thtie ior» tallaS. Your succeas sud bappflet sin er'. parent. nsd li, Mathias lite ail depend upSot yuheaib. Ravae StoIli tihe CiinPruOor give ,ou a spinal anu-____________ alysis. Dr. J. IL.esaoU. Cbinpractar. ____________ lTebephone 26. 48-11; Mm .W. ILA eyt o Dwnr The Wor1Id's Baet of Mr. suddlins. C. A. Muas. 'ne iL .Was. Tool siMs aa oM U - hW= were Wankssan Re-Created0 oni 1 Tata sa bit of suminern aieyogi basse Ibifouithtie mini attaactve faons andI pottad plants Us o..er iur four solea- tion. Tisey offînàa sisver ciliS for teThe coldest days o! vmntar. Libartyvllle Flairer & Vegetabie Cg. 48-lt Pak, *all bryl ativesNEW EDISON fflday. Miss Zelda Bock of!. HighlIand Parki W ilICone To Your was tihe guest of Libentyvible fiends Thunjdai.1 Ilonie On Budget Mes. J. J. licCormsck Vwu taeguest ai Mrn.sd lira. 3uât.ne Sullivan ati Te r ms!- Long lake Wednesday. Yaun 1151v cnt la an index to yaur mIn- lion tinlife-beMt us do iL nlght; i, Cor n .gasheas hone sud tits. your -se nover' A dTI j oots just it . *Da4ford rasar, M Tl t Over nover slips. And, by thse vay, it's nat too etziy to édelet tJmbuofa!ciazF for CistMmsJack UBrssord. 48-lt Ur. ad rs:MKL hUff fDeaeild i f I ~ j ve»ois 5s MMa ugisais as. t e of iMii. :ý sud is. A. IIIU. i 77WseRe.* all St bP Mr..-sud Mim. BsymcllI Ketchum PIS* LISOYVIt-E bave îdot'odfrOm ltiasui Fair tot Wintêr bliFootwea r Prepare now for the cold weater wile aur stock is cokwte- MesLow Amrcis, One-Buckle Arctics, FOur-BuccA*mdioeaMd Bay ' dYoutbsFow-r-UcklArctica Womcu'm Oie muid Four-Buekie Arctims McnWs. Womeds -sud dI&dWns Rubberu Men's and Women's Felt Shoos and Sliper. Fit Quality Faotwear at Moderato prc. Woe i dRedo. S. & EL rem Staups.e RAY N. SMITHil UMMUE egint tetaxe awtphoto the. Ake 4 1glo syed bs at, yo ervic. TAx»- a1h opeilssuietd aiyuror nlgb. 3Tm! cbms sMi.W . F. Fy rane nig ter- j Mr. sd avrs oWt P. tovugei eterl-i Bunday. Cet your 'I'anksgiving Dies at the rochbelm Bakery. Ail kinds. 48-lt Mir. and Mes. George Larsan of Chi- cia wereSunday guests of Mr. and Srp. Reuben B. Thommena.. atit of Lb- Styvilla. Mrs. Louis Larson and twa childran of Appletonl, Wi., e herm ibis wek to eat ThankW~vilgg dInuen at the homo of the iormen's motber. mmes.C Svring. ' Ciroprudtiosucceada la restorng, isealth vbbve aU ailier meiboda have falled. Yeur sumcel B hapIbfb5 l l te ChuorItorgive you &spil au-5f &Iysis. Dr. 3J . H Beta.Chiraunsutor. Telepboea». 48-lt MvT. and Mis. Austin 8cbfliabslé. a- nouncamont of whose -riage JuIY 1mb,ul a aodstock. vas srudelast voek, have goue ta o, hakesping lu thse Slvlsizav fiat oh t ight Court. ne- ceutly vaeatad hi Mn. sud Mrs. B. M. Wilson. Rev. loai c: Monssu sud Mra. ,Mor- gan of Chicago carne Weduasds for a viol t of tva day. viitt I1ibartyville friands. They stoppodai t te home of Mn. sud Mms W. G. Weflz. Mev. Mon- gan la ploasedviitt bis mmrk as paitai of the Savanth Ps'aabytanisfl churcli, located at 8624 South Saugamon -9t. Troop. Boy Scouts. of the Seventh 1« Presbyterian cburcb, Chicago. came ta Libertyville Wednesday afternoof 4 and agent the nlght at the Boy Scou c,.bin ln Caera Woods. The boys arec in charge of Edward Holloway. Scout, Master, sud Edviard Harrison. Asst. Scout Master. The Rev. E. C. Morgan, ormerly o! Libertyville. is pastor of li s chu reh. and accompanied theboys on the Jaunt. ilDr. Wud's Products( FOR TUAT- COUGJOR COJJ)$ Foyer Tabold &auho Cammli. Olao Phome 1 5-R - - =iotv T hatcie, .mp glooey deys and nlghts. .700 k o a neto~ pooda ta àslgfrid- ship of the loer0,aià Wb &ay htas e t hoM & esaa' ~musk I I ~uu uk~t~ttu~ This Bank is Thankful For the Bountiful Harvest of Good WiMý Reaped from the Many Friendly Associatïoss With Those Whoin Itis. Priviliged to Serve. SPECIAL- For Saturday Only Ail Wool Army Shhis,spca Thermos Botties, speclalý SweatersPart WooI, S"eia up Leather Jeikin up frein Socks, 2 pairs for Army Breches, $1.60 Blaiiet@s up frotu The "'Bt Y*Qe YOU CmnfiSd Libetyvile rffly & e j - f Caps, 50c to $1.50. WooI Glo Mitttens, 25c to $2,50.S&ilu Linen Ribbed $se,$iO French Seamect' Hose $11 Lace Bertha Hours 8-.00A. -M.to,8.00 P. M. W. W. CARROLL & SONS' COMPA î~uc~i s 111 .111- 11111- ha 1--- ,71 f- Mr=