Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 30 Nov 1922, p. 9

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Lake £or<'BgWel £1r~~ âa du W.*usk omm y ml WAUKEGAN WEEKLY S$UN - a $1 .50 PER YEA!~. IN AUVAiW'U VIELAXE R TY LINW,~JDY »QV]2BER 30, 1922. t ,~-,fé I ~ Ç9UPN I Ibait.. it yrr t ,.Qar!u %frl j seruel nEisc*U e OUâAd eàl - lo .Vgldr,)nldmOB z* Frauls- 'JO*es, JTon A. Clb. lerr. UÀtai. A1'.i <ert 000. teter. W'mIor, m edmc ienelit Or.CAfred * pave, Dr Jn P * Estima t at C. vbêe . iti C. lien . ViorB l>tslisn '.e V enon 1%, :n. Fea ýemi5. Arthur u -LdPOis4, Faut giiiei.Jo-hn A. .4 RÀDIN6i BUU1Ik DERE Ro», FAY- î46 STAITs O imSWTiI BImmi Inc b>, . 1<OWC# nos!nme ofai Ue, recéioe's oice forthe week endleg Nffober 25, ai ,chýte1 uygb>ges33. kumlèr of trust 4. bf4ages 27. Totalfisumber aofl*tpMmi ded s a -a i h Wny the "FM$ 8WMI Be Mad io ator Rde froin Mich- This Yeur; Wortc on Biidge '1a" Cte to C"90agowit Goes Sowly.Thieves in Taxi. IETOUR IS' SUGIGESTEO POUICE ACTION IS ASKED M.J. mintera or lion. a Dpastor Darrow and Jacqbson. local. vou- cusduets services at Michigan troctors, hav'e siarted gradinu vitis Cit4 la&, eery Ruuday< basjust il steam s aoyaI on tisa Selsides-e I cover.d t, hai rode hie mua' mleu 2 rod prepatatory ta îayissg cancrete vilio - edeset r8rn paffelm. IThelr contracent end eelicoos asiIna l«eeesthé- West cli>' limito t i - a. lm prseitMaiaéat t- izcisin u i uler usafft. shutdlobby17sud Sg a i. The other Traul ifl 4v ed t P ul th a piÏe<u ap o bock aav. l cantimoa herX lie' ama orlog, tUepp uot rombeblmi a, ires andt< but lasamucis ai lhe bridge aver ouflfou pipa. ivih i Sd boom j» Deaplalusariver jut it et stoien. 'Ph. moment tIse>' gati mia Iiiîva"see avenue it.nthase vWho th* cabth Iey çpianged haite and sauglit1 sotah ta go te orys Luise and Mo-lu ailié ways te gaitek their ail- 'Her vantedo Setter iii go ot ouoinc. ý1 Grand avenue ta «urne. su ad t= Thi scuised i intera w become lIt ust he'ond the bridge. isVUseleecand urahing su excuse lie Work on thse B*lvidede ront lgtdat ltd tise police de- la p n rogresing alovî>. 10111iGIes rrve bave been dug for one aboutmets a eui haan oorad ve ua for oaa pler. Tise bride -Mta otA lm ion he> vers distributihig re- b. a modem three-apan oncret lIO"j tracts. one of tise sit cases brkidge af tise Suite Division Ofi ___ od ut d »ct reeasu> 1iulowaya design- uis of m ancriialistig turs. oBus bridge and rondi are Sbeing A h a eCiao codn ffltfrot mneyderived f ront tise ta Usoerva>'te mensicago, ao rin 00,0.0 BndIsue otd fr henervous. Tise>'learised ihatlie vau sae in 1918. " f ioa ZimandA bld hlm tbOe>Yhad vistted- libers as vell as Waukefl IBIIÇ HflJIE TO and Iusoha. il lias Iince.been learned tisit lie> vere la lion îS itII TBYve , aeu ' Ir- veicised tsstwv~U1T>uIq lit Chicago tihe mea goiti itseh iL . Iit cm mibotel.WIesa h. arivedtlu ie*ha>' a au vIr Tise cargentry dtylslmOf a erla0d reoelsed b>' th. Zion police frona N&.1 and 2. mannal training clans, b Buiuvu or Micigan Ci'. sty- Waskegsu higli achool, Lsted vansu mg two vmen It question er. Manda>', Nov. 27, ta consirsiat A a v4"s on the.charge of perpet3.tUt model bungalow vilici la ta lie ful' a $IMC ro>Ser>. eonspleied for the exhibt «7 .Tie Waukegaa police receiveti no0- spne t&ilce of tse affar-lut Isi lalgisd . Tise pupila iaklng pattern suaking ver. ase t takeep a vatali for. the instrusction i1111make sud Instal tva alieged i hitvea. Use plumibng 1[mture.______ 'Ple bungalow iËll b. vired cool- -peeyb>'baye la tise manuel NOWORD YETON triigdepahimefli. N Thle bols ýous.etICtng the bunga. IlX-. are Wm.*Hait, suparintendent, itgglllaobu.foemn;SidneY 'THIEBONUJS liI41NI. Kaplan. Rotbétt Uoingm and EdvIn ___ Wuhleavsf.. e5>PELev A. Hendee. Cossai>' des-lias as yet received nmouf thse Ma ROADSCt~f8E.lii- pon vhlch applications for thse «a AtLEND&L.E SÈASON bonus are ta.ibemalle, No-eof thse othera autloirsed ta recelvé the hasbksuch &asthe commander ai Football lia isefllktased lat Allen. mdm einVtrse dAs. Fart a Bhool b1 Et. rond -M- iq ainrca Lean, Velmersu Wo! misslonera. iulidlngbi e ew ttra- nom arSand ois-AiieraWa etk« aod Lae '#ùuhit.*b 'i: s Xicsded tisé farm 5000aub ItiolSI J tpslatan- has u00ia Able ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b tagahoteapI>'.otees tii» hav i en o upédbOldtie M bave recelved Wuath i>i soitaOfes U s40#Coaci ' . Armitagte lart««" for 90 U& '1W0 e pound tesas u_àd :vaai e t iM tr« I.V R t I tise seabon nov. 1'shave O i-î «46e gara bileA for Usthe ai A STOU'àCA À M ETmOAI. etrang,R.. Strang. Wesey IL Stupey. Waier Frask T Totterdais. George Tweed. Rober George v Van Fleet. Charles Il w Wallrer, 3dM Wolf e Lawrenlce R. Weoh, Charte. Wneeler, Leltay IL WVlider, Chartes Franisi Y4&e Fred H.L Gimer ai Ubertyvile ««0vehW firver 10 Wwuissgm , luta agh Mdn paried la GeMess bMeft opposit- lise Blusoffie. AtM9:25P. M. b» saested tl ack sou utsd rais mia lis p&uh ofafbSstreet cear la Chamge«'t maýtas-nsuGeorge Kennedy. _Ont af tisa becS vieelsand éigatti vas bsoss n efron »& t a&eva" op=#n Tise mit w'as emoved"ta Use Wilson eh Obagrage. -No onetvas hurt. Luisgcltteritstaeas jbroses th* Ilisi 0ofday on ail thépals -lia,-. lés aw*~ Ev sd ght orqgt is im. MeW h ç t& aide LAiglas avnas-'ocaiPal- Sm Plae, o i4.Si Betha EueA -~adhixband botasli e~baos. on east aide lu1ti., v0* or tadiotted alite Theatre ted icetflat f la- corporation wvus capital stock of IN NOHTH CHIOAGO-Frsuk M. W'est bougisi lb. fernlns PraperýY 01 nortbeast cerner Bste and Stanley' treela for ladicatiA 84.M0. ubigam lioutht tise- 'ater place- on north aidé e Bmtoa avenue, betweens Gurney and Gien" aveues for nOm inal cansidhiatioss. IN -LAKE 1*UBTWoeneYle' baslsî ht Iot" i ~ao u iranerti nlAke Viet è* nn aauiaal caujiderainansld gve lieUs trust des,& for $6,00.r A4oipis «terser and vife bougisi thse Urnest R. Oieiser place on sauth- West corner Gleaviev midloih"a aýMuea for .O0. . JanK. BIGla bought 433 feet front- age on west aide Shseridan Roaa, Ra- viala. fiea'Chas. A. Wlghtinufor fldicated $21,000. 1 Martin L. Aheru bought thse Sha- ha :"1 acres in SE 1-4 Sec. .tDeor- 11,014, jst vest of City lilite. keco- veyed h t. Chicago Titie & Trust CO; as trustes, vhe subdivlded Intor * Adalph, Glerson and wti bougisi the Ernt R. Geiser 'bIce on aantb- avenausfor $8,0000. June K. Klein besught 4U3 fa fronsagon veet sida Sheridan Rbad, avosfrUa Chas. A. WigbtmAifl -Martial.. Alier bought thse gBie hsa Il8 *cres la SE 1-4 Sec. 22, flé* Iteld, jui ést of cit>' limita anA té. nase»d A itta Clicago Titi, & të Ca. au tfufees. wvisubdivlàd d l54 ,Çj>w Ilcgitig 2It Ii UIILD TWP-lWaie. MalflslA 11M acres lu Secs.1-2 é hudjééte $24.000 anA gave bacS ,gua 1 49" fr 818,0000. INl VERZqON-Ev erettL.M1su boagisi a# acrea In Secs.,2U and t trait Austiu W. Tripp for $1&.00 -i gave baoS irusat ed for 80.- IN4 WINTHROP IIARBOR-'Mpt as-ch Auto Lacis Co. vas adInAgbd bakirup inl District court ai il'. S. IN WEST ANTIOCH-ltounsi'W Cas" bouhisipart aitishe Âlfred U Cae propent>' lu Sec, 1l on Ca» Lai. fan indicateti $2600. -, IN! QXANT-Jýeutle R. WMI*1s boitgit 4 iota la Ostranders a**i4. -Walioala subdsn. on Fox 'Leisis't r86e. 8 far leanie Raaeberg f«i rdîcated $7000..5 jauawes wjaaumA S WOMAN ADM Weailgtan. Nov, il-Tise ota Nsaa>'Jordisa, _yaug,,i 12maier, anti ber iree -chuli ta tise United stetesin durei ai> b> tise immigrai reen ai tIs e paniment of 1U4 Xmss Varia iinet ho ooe ta tau le Ilad, isavu iki ds a lletd Soe i ai âO iet- New Yaris bu4ted f uaduitsuce ai bise Yoff Ili vessas. An immetilte, vau mawe»'telegrapiste thed usotcilaotand th* MNUIS ,bout *b errued. pat.a* , l itm elsauf hoph rui .6 e Il d l m]J4 51é~s at b n hs1en5 .aami Oi>. t am, rau. Miie landaus 1.44 tisaas 1- I., Lés et ru lis su r Proteat F rTr~atmenV~ '-.5' Pair Nabbed'at M 9adf Altged te a i e HELD UNDER HEAVY Oê Arrested oiù charges Of burbÊaMt4 a freight car on the Chie&a& Çit Weitera railroad at Highland PA1rWý. two Young Tuen ver, 'locked tp iLa4 the coufty jail today la def&Ùit <>t beiag able ta f uniah ball. itusseU'neaderachott, la chsrgt«d vita havlng bnrglsrfse the tregh car andl steeiing $60 vorth eit, e- bacco. on the nlgbt a1 NOV. 3S& RàYý lOLaxcgliala charged îluth eiyt*1 Uý ctneided vespo ni54alt#, te commiit barglar7 beIg held. Wus1 aa- «comkplice. . 1ey ver. srlgae4 befO .Jus- tin iA.]EL Smih. - 10gWi ,vau, heW under $1.0*0 boed ai1a* sbhott- vas placed uxder160 'l'h.charges ver.e ersýed 1 Mobrt AX Schlultz, a rWii t& t-' tive. Th!e tva prisoners vr.bxg Wadkega ealodai sMd 1ei k the catar JWIL. Ther ýâpetik,ý,, be , i.b fu Iaht6,I - vW eofvA QRAYSLAKEBay 1 URERsUSIC în TOLEAUIJL0Of1L WAS Su ffiTU RE as vaap»eiai 13MTBALL SQUAD VYIOTERAY Pi' 4 Grayslake.Beýy Leade Univers- Dragnet Thrown - Out by the.STAT ity Of Mtin*Oi rdd«s Local Police Aft.r-Cat fro in'1!on. Mlwaïkee. Y T E L N 'APPWMTE0 LAST NIGT NO TRACE 0F S.U6ECT -W tSB-A dragnet vas tisra'wu la*> .~ -1 thé ~ cf is Ilher-Wa-segan Police ut 4:00 l0" trua t nisé Car cmus c- 5ss aetlna double tsaabm Mhlanatan~ tboeheui vson hi» va>' lu tIis irt*'Wi 1S tt son aI geurd. MeXitllan, acordiai PorA car. A desrption et M~u al to variotta coachliet athse Big Te*. vas given as Wel1 a uti vas tiesenmessatioftise 1922 fçOt- marksa on thse car. No trcs tts due te tise llWf a ut bailueuý.man or thse car vas ftonA ler. lsy Tise électot10 place aitishe thse police. Rockford, -- sunal ootalldinnes- tenderedth ie Tise man la saxight la coannetian sulfesed anU tenil ismx b> Use Clatpalg ROtarY club. vus tlie kîlling of Mr. and MrjI. Jéhu e sfflgeo r ouind I it oiwm*t W. W. Melîvain af llighlaid Par-k, Friedel af Milwaukee vilo ver. 5111- i64 square jteelqatta- 6* 14 veu meng tisa 20 men &aasdeA e&i b> a moter car. Tise slayer tison body' te save 5efuts.-enlai tiei litrslafootball. McMIllen Io chargeAd a iavng avappet Oars then ta"esIra tw.- ao received i. leitelr. asu uhita mais. lits escape. vitl, vhere it vasiseiiae Coachs Bob Zuppse ai tise Univen-_Tise Waulcegea police sey thvise s recover. ]But aielaavieS su>y' élevéea. coagratulated MoMilUeIt Dnt coulA ual have pàsaedti lrouigi long axfernag sa- t~a and. otaers of tUs. bansuponilicir 5aUtiegaa as Use>' iad ever>' lacas. osgais, have lnst brltgp r4cehpt of tse letton. Direcior 0f lau roati front ithe nons garuded ver>' liou. iblasS * Atietlns George Hut deivereti a carefulîs'. The, in s uglit.b>' tiesetaind ru >'t. e b-les, e- _I#gI o thie eam th-wnkinu theminfor Milvaukee police. ta Con udStelois, tu, il &abs vis covr - lier verk turing tise season anA-tise Police se>'. lie la 84 yesrs aId. toucblng upan protesalonel football. *- for vsici saéreraI Illinois plus-uss TENNWF LNPaia.-Central flîluobla le ai 'voe.barne t its seabon. TERvus 2PLN Wihsix tciea ari new. 33 Meba ilite 12eteautabsôved MO VIE CAREERCAMrelieve ]P$nsa vater' fasmlt -their Io>'atyad ',s¶lpreclatlon ai - Nv.28 P of.tss.oai ailer Cetr*lal lhisl 'Zuppke'a vas-k la' mmralI ler Mrbita aandi prove a£ greal benàet te-ow . Wne o u-csetb> at-JaSa P. Tiernas ioda>' lelep.honed hia - * »AVe -Wilson. hio led lise Illini scn WtM- iei eimr li trausi ai m rt"sais- 0î.ead q e Ms Bace rnme. - - - - unet, multsattolrto- icOépi vcew - a5,iimm,~- ______________ a coairct ta appuar lu movîng pio- bis lite on lisé tr;e« t e BÀNDWIL tais.*eet ai Pesa, b>' Artld*.e1* lNB NDW U u s.. , te'egti rts, he o las oag s ouaiepris iscalspus-t&ased lat edrou sf4 4or gave thlise Il. btaiements tisai a few minutes reicody. No 40 d~rIE lA PEDTON l lteadtielalive vttiMrm.AAgustai bus hein sasigned far isi, sot,-b .t ÏM ,WAiIERT ON TeRAIeit iret vile, -vida ubora ise 'he ha. bacudespoisent for »-f« apas-atI>' bai iseen reconalled. da",. TIIURSDAY NIGIIT km" WMY.légl statu,"eTieago . A splendid va>' ta vud xpi placed a sestilng af Pt>'ssanth r. Tisaniseglvlg Day la auggrested front Ta T FAVORS BUBSIDY egsa la a Sé e. il& U th.~ ZIba4ô. Ths ismoua Zian Bandi, auran- WSShIiion, Nov. 28-Tise Irai lest at basa tiasahu coutbroal I bernnqabout 50 pioneé JO ta give a voteaos tise admnstrations aip ani- lissa tus-ned autI a flto t hUg lmri esrt et SilaisTabernacle.,.14>' bil. taken la tise Hanse'th t. a y >'cicse wvich is issheé 4o, dR boelnnng at 8 p. ms. 'Thssnsda>' tersooa sioved 132 la 93 la favor at reSA>' for fn>'ag l lai l0k. eý 9vun.'lsSsAhvn on tise merolsantlmarine.- - qletahear. asil hua Seen braugusi «alesiurg.-No cses, w1ê*, > 'i» ta & higi stansdardi at pro, GREIK&S KILt.. TATE8MEN iseldAut Lombes-A col>" n4T gitiene>', sud Il oaa nov b. salA ta Landau. Nov. 28-l padfuuegvnai houl ier.l1u ranS vithSeome af tise beatbandasaetlise fBritIsgovernmenlts varntng. vin b. neaumeti as 'itthé stals. Amonu tise sgtlsr au4th ié «uteis Stfll5senlttie eauted practiO0et 0 f alnutU eloue. h' * elecîlons, conslstlng af marche., five former aslnlalers of Use aId Cou-fat"Mlnk,'w** iauida:M >'eui no -Overtures, seranadea. etc., Usera viii astine regimei filovlng Ussis- un- iuthie aQrbztmuvacationps logé lie ahin lterprétation t aiGlmore's tance le detis b>' acous-I-mrtial ous'a l biait nuplaunai USA, Triomphale, vritenS>' tise afas thiéUetrousS iait httise>' aticonUjibte bas-A Ril. anA tise vas-flu.tia*.* blaldinanter for bis ovn and; .Tisate4> 15$ (lk defeai b> tise Turks lx t*bd roasainsuasseai ve a descriptive sélection reprwsats tisé AsW ineor. clefAuunes-u and lian<ltsls seigo et bMoacandsuAil laa misshll-- vilSal Use thirîf avr. Tiso AMIEN!> IMIGIRATION LAW»ý.«*> XvneB'pu-islga~ ~,~s ytr l~t5W&Mlingt0n, Nov. 2-"IMM1>Ilcari for Wc9i5rfdz reerst sla nlilsA Fr(sua tise itnigr&ton %0 as ýO- JV'3iM .uare Ce r itihe Gsau sd 'U of tise Mlgisi>'Pa~ hi, &b>' tle d aision te tif ssis-ty elecînbonative>'foras-oBstgo t Ansstes P. 3. NloWlomr I tuôt-As-malsn. Qrêfk, Srisu sud Deunlicr 1, ivua issIttodneeb>'1 solo for double B 431 551Ph655, oiSh e eugees explfled f-esA"luCampaisy. 9, played i b'r t>' Devis; els0 bauné Minor and PTase: b>'titi TursaI& ,4 libter gond bandnmabsus, luétndlssg provitied b>'le Joint reeolttlon ofter- gn-w alauâbm a cisracteritio ie catitled,. -'In ed la the*sute tais>'b>' enator la-v srI'sao115 tise Mlv, a* Ès".isBMoOrai, o a sachseetts. accidents negulted l ise"desili Anothasood utureWin lainUse secouA victisa basiis<$X An2 tr olta nnylb o oswpiokred cmmothW ie M. & el.c"0"1sub>' MeSsor auiephaus SENTFIGI-TO K. IL K#<, Saelul. a fumr.Wvus ptOAil a.qulati.e na, h&l anPxiau u'll n Waré-uts.Nov. 28 -Auter todu> b s>' c'vu Và OU:-. ai cite. «Éouaeta Pas-ga," a truc 51cr>'. Me*agealitheKu Klux la ana . Ciharles UmLa 5 Wti tý Tb* Pbha tleanlir l> vee tamatiela tise House, 151 afternooucaib'a elv sséub tie ulen, nAai ato vl . isa prsetsvaHaes ein"o- rec a tloerah. 1 t' tl -6»M4 tnb' t anndi&Ur- ot , MISséohou rI. trode Hw.D OMO- r1 ta Wj 1>» fol tb. pentrmamc, a Usaivadour iven tosot iseEj ront edlgill-t- W Çàga OujathUs muet* vithOut feu"-signeti comsmunications -Ibrosuh tise iocifod-4lgbiRa*kfM4 af eoneacar. mail fa re ps-eaig N th* e. ,., ~~Daves lad thsé flegisai lt tise a7P ~0te é.g' 4 Ru BI~Ku ox KIaMla isout i iua;ma sta k. tpeUIS 515 1Ç5.WId. Usé lait campalga sud btttrl eri a-hat eua par ' uuoaMuIrs-tspeeetis ulsd tise Organslation a In S5 Iý Mo 3Igh>qalld'Inav Odj, psoboeoa* Révu *i*ti< xxx.- NMENT évuits Canadian irthp.lac,.1 Imm Mffl"« au s 1.50 PER YEAR. IN ADVANM *WR--

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