Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 7 Dec 1922, p. 1

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LIDMYVILLE INDE PENDENT j~ <>~~y p~j~jç Lke Cmoy-'sç Big Weekly' WAUKEGAN WEEK»LY SUN ui ,i am vY in.-MNWM A.Ç L UBE~tYVIL *. , HUSAY.t I qCM il 1, 922. OF~ COUNTY WERI INDucTm RONDÂY Imwewce mffly H#d as tm~e lm M Thie nav caty oficors ver. lu- - 1mbjut eflNo a odar vWu.sA- Propia»te eemonles, ville Ivd4 li lb. **am e nia vas aupomeo to umit lb.eniemiere 0f lb. Lako Ommy BarAssocation 1< partiel- 290..Whoalook the. Cath of noce UàtmC. Docker, Judg. cf lhe Pssbue ourL Jein EIL Bulloc, Clori 0f thc Probste Ceai. Mts Z IL mn.-assistant don .et -me immbst Court. auvin 4histrOmu sheriff. T. J. Stabi. chief deputy gheriff. BLMAbloÂiutrom, Lester Tiffany, WIllim Burke. of bilwiaukee Road, George DeisIel. Ourneo, Debert a. Wue, % Water Stak, Ares, rod Grabbe. deputy Shoriffs. Elmer Hudson, nigit turnkey ai thi.e outy Jal. Judge P. L. Persoas.vo 'suc- coodà ilusef as couuty judge. lmILEPoarsail, county troasurer. Le Roy W. Brucer, chie! deputy Km rs. aymond Lewis, doputy coenty treurer. T. Arthur flmpeon. couuîy super Intendant Of ý MA"nYoIJumTe RaCRIVED The remory for the alertE. gbse inuej, mil , oouutv indus wms bld ibs meralpg et 9.30 la lii. eomnty courtrocas, indue P k .PeSsensproslding. The. bar va baiet! ilt> b"siui flayers amns tbe boogexbelusme oref 4«» u"boom fCOithe t1l conu 000* Rami. f 09 1 bChIais, su ail b. *M e or190<cmi ..,ubsmums;mooan the, tAie Ceusja._Bar Association 10 Judas rMokorAnd another from hi. bar 10 jud.g. Peree The ceremSz , follovet! the open- lng of court hi Shr! AhIlstnOmX, tbis belng lis first offIci a c. joude Pensons deciaredt! tlthie occ&ssin maniot! a nov ePoch la lis progrosaOaIthie counti, vilci nov has reachet! a population sut- taient la maie necessarithie dl- vision oI the county court andthie peobato court. Jut!ge Decier sait! that dtig16 yoers be bas practiet! mv lin the local courts he tount! a spiri ai goodrellbelP tuat ho vouid not trade for anythîng lu the vont! and! fiat ho voit! not ,go ta àother commuity fer tvice as muci as he cotait earn bre If ho vere com- pellodt! osacrifice tilt frieudship. --lu- my liov position i siall not pntend ta knaê-ïr - blttL Pro- haie iav than 1 di& ~as a Iav;yer bar.- Judfgo Dacker sit!, Lev A. Hendee, re-eloctet! counnu cleni vas introducet! ant!he lu -turn introîlucet!d Cleriullock. Ho amit tti e iltedt! o Iode Mr, Bul- lock. vho bail senvet! for 20 yeare 5i bhie deiinty. adsut!tuing ail tilt lime bat! been a fathiful, canscIen- thoua, and! induatioius varier, bûlt tilt go long Ras ho'aspiret! forthie nov position ho vas giat! he adJai.- plisiot! bts objective. Cierk Buloci, la acceping the kat! vords ofthie procet!ing speait ers passe. an a bouquet la is as ,Itant, lrs. -Dunu, Sat! saidt! at ber vok vouldItlua largoxuseasente masure efficient service inthie nevlY croate. office. Jodge Persoas nteducet! Shotff AhIshram as a man vith a Strong ai-m and! a tiff back.'- Sheriff Ahi- airai. pledged hie full duhy ta lb, people of the- couny go tilt thi, enfarcerrient ofthie iav vuuibchoas tionougi Sand impartial as passible. Judge Beu H. Miler, presîdent oi lie Ban AssocdSiion. spoko 1,4bhbali of liai organisation. Ho urgedthi membens of!thie ban ta co-perahe ir every way possible ho maie thi vqrk ofthie cOunuy officers as pieas aut sat! efficient as possible. Hé aiea cangna.aht! hie members c the bar anathie peopleofo!the catit ey upon thie capable officer thie! have chose". At the conclusion of thie remai or judge Muer thie rouie of cou" vani vas akon un by Jut!ge DoCi er. Jut!ge Pensons' bouquet va taken ta thiecounhy patientsof!thi écusaÉ,y haspihal ethils suggestion. When Shein Eliner Green thi xnoratng turnot! aven thie eyac -office t10 ils successor, fibonlf At alnom, ho convoyet! Intothie du tory othle latter .87 prîsoner, The 4eputiýs v.ene sworu lu earl tlis moerutag by. Counhy 'Cleni He t!es. -01rdepuhle i iihbc s ppined tla tlieudI t tuno._ ri <Vos.tS*U.d on tmg. ~ SÀLIN QTY is (eTI'NWiRESULTS1 Sealsar en "Stuok Up"1 in> Ail Pa t tCounty and Waukeoan. Tii.MeIfflO U i glla"Red Cross Ciinltmu EWlal belng "stuek up" anl aver Ubertyville and Laie couny tii. i nfluai sise0f tthe amous led Cross etublea iii the Lake CouatY Tub.rculU oeis Wcoy started lu eat- nont Ibs mouas la al sections of the. ceanty snd viii b. continu*d un- tii Chlrsîma. Wth the. fonds frota the. -sale the. county octy vii l l- tise listaflgit against the groat White Plags vbcila the. last tire yors ha, tli ti Ito f 20 Lake Coun- ty re.ldonts. Boy Scouts'ami scores of mon and vomen. ropresontlug dIffrent socle- ties, commenced the animai drive la Waukagan and North Chicago,.vIle cammîllees lu otiior sections of the. îcounty vont la o oinluoarnasl Iu an effort laO put Laie Caty ovor t the top In the.annuel anîli-luborculo- 61W campalgn. Suay iunoaniy osery puipit la Waukogaa.ý Boy Scouts tld the church golng public mast vbat the. mission ofth Iii ittole d lCross stIckor vas, oxplalniug thatt he funds derlved rm foIts sale vauld b. oxpendod en- tgTdy vithin the. county lu an effort la stamp out tuberculosis. Thils unoru- Ing the. socetl, mallet! out 6.000 lot. tels tola LaiCounty people. Bac eu- evlopo coutaned train $100 ta, 1&0 v orth of stanips and Ibis msale isex pected tla ch it gfigures. '.W. T. Hardie, #recident, and Wil- fred Hall, secrtary of the county ao- oity report the ecmpalga voi organ- r lsd la overy seado f lbé -02Wl rd ped ict sbreskb% «oflait ~10 d Ogusmu ii a bg mq4ffit *8 d of W*04l the cs*paigE MU~tbe a -. LOOKS LIE A JOBI FOR A DERJRK 'j -,- \ N SARL TO ASK NMW EDIL ROM> BOND ISSUE Pt1SONel 0f $50,00OO0Ca. Pî ThatAUîontleedm to om-Retiring Sheriff pist éo~I a~sProram Important Data S iii tate Hé ald.Expenses dé Comptim 0ot the.8*,M Mues of In counootio I state bcad lissueard ~~tion c09<lutite of mapy.d ont la 1916. vin rou1o= - e4,, allerbDÉ leaIsué of atleait 16,000,- tyIadyb 00, Goy. Ida Smaf sudin la;an-it leIDfnSuIItg'Ia M -anlngthat h. expectod 10 lbs- thal obtalla inthé 40 tommend *uýcii an lsue la the next adnd et ai ti.goernor sald It vas noces- GemfUi* f *Ms to Set a biilfow the. bond lieue t# ers ga . ltw tbrougbtiithenext eitave mael= iPriant t er , In order la submit Il: at the. nexIthetate bw. gonerai lection In flovomber. 194. lautad « 1iu Bond lsues a=&yb.osubmltted onu for thce =!o« at goerai elections. em"M atyst" ié Aska Addtlansl ileage. W".Ufatii. benef* Not only comtpletion of the orig- M bufs tihe fond4rt j fusil 4,800-mile system viii b. urged snd lthe couati 1b üy the governor, but ho viii ao sermore te eh 1 reoommefld that the.ioglasattlre Pro- adtu! laiîre a deana vide for addional miléago. He iadoft900& said tha l te origlàas . ,u eree provlded,would flot bulid ait 0f the Theconnty i." p o roade vblcb vole pianod la 1916 ad uader the M uo bocauseo f the adivanced cost of ii.* buyatt the, - construction alace ithe val. 8ereun- e~ teen hundrod miles of the 4,800 La OM the piaaaod system have beeu con- etractfid, sy .S "We have used ail tho monoY, Nvrs from lceabe. teesnt a n 01 f tihé Outk i fl e tct ti'* fedorai approprlatonfito -ns 0fi larnmo Ch cosa. t adio 0tioil t onîàr lu keeziusrf4n vo baro»soit! 11A00A00 cf tii fanti" if,,& 000000bant! l"S& a Fwtfte h liienplare ,'t<1:r$ "fthat tPl;cOm 0Wioukbus bas1 la Wb lie At l ai Mort and ITiI Womsns Clubs arc la charge;aI et SOURLRM '.ij~ll [Âbertyvilie tiie Womsnsa Club andlJ>JR E O u e BcS hlre tteciya e OVER 67YEARS COUNTY COURT __amÂ2IJWJx ough canvasa of manufactuning plants, *the kqyA.,t*, busiessbues. u,.sdnosi aMis. James WiIbur, One of Two ZDon Assault Cases, Gift Is Accompaned by Fin 1>3 rO0. Cointy's Oldest Residents, Many Alleged Booze Vie- Letter from MeÎN Who la lIASSERV D ASPasses Away. . ag lations lnchided- Served Under Hlm. iug dadD Birifv s uinIpu'RV cuay ut nASsgvI Crimineal cases iL tie county coulrt Siioniff Ilimr J. oroon reCI!c ourt enfilsontr t he y a: colp0t rriLake of ta. otest Tan maiv ot o nxtMondlayi made a a dlilgiffulsurprise Saturday viion coury.fer the vay laitsboe ilMs- la Ta*>v DEPU.5. SIERIFF large snumbor of mattors, lacluditlie ho as itreentet! a fielue lSs 1 0f mgo mltet! vith Oulu AMao»U n,- FO AS?41YAR Pt thie ageotailsnety-sx years and aiiegod viol: tion: 0f the prohlbitgrY se hie deputtos for a numlber of clan. 10 inkiianse leove thORe mntha,4Mry iav Amang the cases are the oi years. - The glît vos accompanied This iornlug Mnr. Siiorlloff' tel.Àtô passet! away at 10 p. m. ThUrsday. iovlag: by the. foiiovlug loter: piionet! judge RýIL. weislu, Who -lse Vf4SU Herman iapng, Fox a*e, charget! We, who have sorved as depuities holitng cOrt lan Bevidoeo adrlsing forkeing PIIlE Fred Rudolpe Has Been Con1- aflor havlng dinet! viii the famliy. vith violation of the. prabibitory iav. those past liv yeare, and vire have butn tat zu<go Biirtleff 1s-se"d=u=l y ffl. Ré# -stable and Deputy Contin- Ôld age tidiy wonited Its naturel Henry Suhiing, of I4bOltilllo, trled ta heip yau ln dlschaging teoIll . He had a teinporat6roof 104 tlinae lu 1nli. couse n te ycls o huan. Fr cargd itha satuor oferts. 48duties of your office. 1vish ta f>tO- the atten4ag phystelan clieod iiiihies mo.e la Oan uously -i I tTm. -years 4rs. Wîuîur's brtdyshaeaccuser beingahie former sheflogre- olttaou thsv eml oken irpuptoas vwhlchlndtucate -dailen «bafro, ar>gi Whe - -"okw Ed Asah benuoted vithInlterosi iy the presgD hor. of lave and! respect. It carnies vlth pomui.'aIe upt~ao. ssutit ui ute aB dAhIsta -- -u lat- îbilig (e"e o trh.Jr.-andC-Ccive 496t»tIt happy mf"" S t e ai Jude Shuntleif ,-ý .' aelod t eei oo. t -- .- e County. Mrs. Wiibnr came lSr.. Fox Lake,'vlaion of proibi-and very heet visies rfrthe years ~~jil odn or V f set af Jphysiffon hasharo 'r and Alexander me tiip and a spJ arn. - seve ouiuo5y orubncoae thgoelsc= yeafre honietridelnu an nnO.rne adAexa1Wc ?pan!aepeinturu ta ibis salit!nothaig of hiftcondition and finooai. i Levdcniuulyfrmn eré antoftnobile. Cormiclu. charged viti bavlng bOaten cOmmunnt. viire vo fes1 thoe hdthoday's von. hcg o at.* r* Dean of the lst is Fred ihndaiph Thie ovent.w asnàtefi by the prose. up r D. Heims, o a Gole. Ave. i future boids somohhiug goot! for Judge Weish lustnucted thiecircuit tng ir 10 l t tt f Highland Park Mr. Rudolpi fias lins. Wihbur vas a voman of roman- Lnciu ue ll, R'lph Brovw nd o t.cir utbeliovos It biaelm sArvet! contluusly as dopuhy shoriff aile memory aud -foved ho relate tlre, John and Lloyd Cnabtrt!e. chargot! Your elncere Ionds, court tF Te o 1u1naoI t iii th e sesfor Lake cotsnty for the 155h Iorty-oue years. havIng mnute details of the daliy erents oI vih pummellilng Athy. Jolùi R, Bille Elvin 3. pif lu, Waukegan, o!JdR cunef.dlow te exuen been under a numbor aI ahenlffs dur- the Clvil War which stantet somne six abl Martin Rousch, ln hlon. A. C. Boi-y, Waukogan, o ugSufef onyJt o Igta ieHeasbeatai-yasatthle Wlburs shantedt! t a lWtr Kranse, Stanley Irol Frank Fred RudOipi, Highland Park, tcauntheJuIl fer lar figure in ail terme af court during bisse the vay tovards tehgetGanhar, Josephi iol,, PIilip Pink, Dennîs Llmbory i, etvle the mare tluan tva score yoars ho bas type ef cIi alnvli hrcei-Nricîaa es olnGs Homer Co<>he, Waucont!a, ~ IIJ.AlAIi for of iiý sorvot!. Hie vIde acquainhanco ah es Laie couni ic h lhr eîs aloa.Wesh Gray, Qurnoe. 'prisouera as volJ Hghland! Park andthinotghot tDeer- helpet! o much ta mie vhat 1h le. ________ -Hub" Dooliîhhe, Wilson. ugu« IUNIAPR prlsonoia fiit! made iim an extremly populan r m Wllbun vas thievt IteTeprlre wia u feiotof the Th-'ii.ienae aiaeamsP. Wilbur,wv i d lnrp eerd oi helte UIS luC T D ýth . t! nuty to serve papors and subpoe- 11ahe a e o!42. O Lii~~I .s,4 is a jaurney ta Fiorîda wione Mn. monhecmp nse. lre. Wibur vas bpru at Edmans- 5554iL4i ant! Mra. Green plan toaspont! the - R .gôvermnlt 1-> n lu addition to ain. beon a t!ep- tn, Nov York, on August 30, 1826. tinter. Thoe heriff vas visîbiy S .P U eR authonitils,;- tisierlff for ailthiese years. lMr. The Wlbun tamiiy setled lu 1855 afecedwhnth gftws e1Ivd Rudoiph ils boon a canstahie ah near Grange Hall, Warren. Lake coa, AN 5 ER11 hlRona red tramhie sin ofienhI e p- Highilaund Pari for lie sanme nurnier tyIllinois,sat! tot!ay thi.original A UJIV r. ne revithesoae offvichieho ns-- of years. Hie terma as conshable rus holdings o! the Wllur faml are ho- A 1t~ ies presentet! hirm vîu a -massive Suit for that Amount .1tose for threo more years. lgoeae! a"ado ibr~V IiMaeonlc ring, sestvith a diaman!. Bogtb aêt of Two > Anoher t!epuhy, A. C. Berry, aiea Swayer. BT, tby s KlIIêd stops out.,igu been a t!eputy aherlll lu 90BhiYWlbK Iaillmoot for tvonty-tour yeare. Same Of the ho Waukegau aut! llived ou NniorthnesnW nto a-ERIE ID M N ber. o! years ut thieir records do not James L. Svayer sudthie former Cty page After Denttit Worked inictonThateIAluts ae en naHI- ont tre Is>tea)UE?,Mr.wodmaebut -II1 for $10.000 oach wveu lvea todai compare vîithahse of M. Rudaipi, Ciammiseloner, James L. Swayer, ahet l sMOD~i IITUii ON MSi> ven Joseph Gq&man 4iOO a pohl. Sor Mr Berry. vhose home Mrs. Wilbun paseo!d..5oni ln uli roae ortailg Doae oiaL aaa. Jh ndfo ~A mi. J r -appointmeuh ai an admnistrator layon of a $1,5 Mrs. Wiluur leaves eurvivlug her, JohniAneersthe vont Id IAIDS AS IERIE lu the eshatos of ihie Otw onsfl, pravîdo ppi l suIC ad a son. Henry Wlbur, f nunban, enhlstry, aetîu kgnla I Cies e r t ai, Jrviaver Zîn f vq e MEDICSRETURN ., a ndughter, Min. Jam eslaiesierelsn:d hii erG reenp.uOu Duringthie iucumbency or Shoniff Illet!d w0 h i t h uiWilliamnRier V *i~vt ;fM C NC A ElulluossdThcnsn re officera vere collet!taies homoe Himen Green ha hat! sevenai impar- Hayart aI Wankegau at St. Mary's le no ieavy on -4 FR N O CL VE neral Services ah the home ofai et ica & Lierhy shreets Wedues- aut cases vhici aositsup l Circuit crossiug nemi- Libertyvilloe n eve hcg y- James L. Swayer, 723 Noti Cauuhy day nigit ho pacify hin mter a trip Court ant! aven vluich ho hat!djuris. Hai'arh's automobile vas struci iy neet! aI otiier SI Dr. John . oley, cty heaith offi- treet. Waukegau, last Mout!ay. In- ta a dentistes office. Ho bat! met diction as Shein. a Chicaigo, Mlvaukee & St. Paul Imperative. cndu Coroner 'John L. Taylor, ermeut vas In Warren cemehery baît! a hoot extractet ad!thie Pain Possibly thie most Important Of hrain-. S@Dt. 2. oprhn ofîer tyil returnoti Ssturnt!Y _________ as eo excruclahIng Il hemporariIY ail vasthie trial thie yean af unr- 'rie pehîhlon shaheb hak hie ap- hae beau mnapped s ri tadai conveonial taiderauget!hie mmnd. Ho vreut ounn a nrSinal.Besdes thaitiere vas palInmeut ot anadnirha le iemi atni ,Quincy. Ili., vierothie Illinois sec- J. N. Donnant!, Charles Bornant! ant! rampago and!hil s saer deivn oheIgaaPi evenonhcta ît I cina a tns hie S.counhy l i c, tian ofthie Ameican.coloege of Su1r-Clay Harrot! drove ho Chicago Wod- hat! become Insane, calot!thie police. Sien! iff mosi badt! o carry throiigi Paul naliroad and! asieulte huis iib ,geans hboit hein meeting on icepi- nest!.ay attennoon ho*atent! n get-ho- Ho vas eniduet! hi four policemen, a hanglag. These ver. penhap thie eates be esimnatet! ah $10.000 eaci, nunlben aofiioruh tale. gethenmeeting aI auto accessorles vih boit! hlm until lie arrivai oft hireMost Important casqa aven Indicating that enia Ifon thiat cnlg Dain )f Dr. Fredenlck Besley, fonmeriy ar manufacturersansdt!dealens, 4eld t! hthe Shonif Green. b hich hg proe!o!as Sionlit but amou* inlu aci case wili ho flle!. pervie viti t Wansegan, vas one of the principal Mdinai Temple.' A lange stock of Dr. F. L. Gourley vas suinmoned t!urng lie present te-m and the one Thd Ivo boys aud Rayant venu Wheatou mdà speakers, alking ofIthie ospital articles oaI nterest ho tiheaootire sut! be succeedet! la alloriatlng An- 8 years ag thie Sein!haît! a ni- killet! outigit wben a train le Wayne ta5lihkb4 sfrom a surgeons point oI vlev. 'rie lntustny vas on tispiay, ad a fine dersan's pain. When he calimed dtlv -ben af murdor trials. ,ailegedt! h ave cnashe4 ia uap- ý The bond 1u90lý 'r hurst!ay meetl~ ing o hie cila as concert onthie fremous opa liqMedi- the saoie-f too inhlmbaci la i It 1h as wviiilm lnGrima vas arts automobile. 'rie boys vene de oetin l: nbnoadcastedt! trPugihi e c,%ntywhynaiTemplewvas enjayeui. SA banquet homo, viti a varnag ho steer demi-Shrt! tilt the. imous Orpet trial not Identîfiot! unhîl everl ioets tndon Vit* rradia,thie fi-st effort, it la boilt! as s orvtahie asembiet! visitons, of dentists in the futur, or to have took place and aetia ii n ao.l.uet~- " tiai han over been madet!, toln=at-:sd tih'e etng vabi of mutuel profiltiMs furniture Inmunot! for limage Green vas acting masfret deputi The parentsofIthie boys rad ush ~im« cast medîdal cnenIns o bohidealers ad manuacturers. agalnasîbreakage. Sein!, at vire points on Green 56ay . ioo - - ter t $1.50 Aý Yi ;a===

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