./LMM~TvU DIMEP9e. flIISY, DEfflfl Z, 992. The lmportinoe .of Your Faim "More tha affthe wealth of Ainerica is in the faims-r-a value equal ta t"t of al SrI railroads, mamfacrieis and industries." lhe above statement impresses us'md"e dma ever with the inpoftance of the faim and the importmnci of mipro'ýung die quai& of everyti~isem the farnL, Now dhat abe bu~y harvest days arterw you ame loimess makcing Plans for nuit spring's p1amugig. Your aim shoeM 6e to surpasa the remod made latseamon Oeway of doi biàis ustaànuprove the soil and use tested se& Thie f ameW' mterest and probleins are sur interests and problems. Let us help you with Yaur agricultural probletns as well as your finan cialpprobkms. Lake County National Bank LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Count The. Cost If you stffl wash at home. the "Old Fashioned Way," have you ever seriously considered thé genuine economy of sending your clothes to to the carefui workers of! dis laua- dry-not only in satisfaction and clothes coniservation. but'in actual dollars and cents? DÂMP WÂSH - 251bs. for $1.25 251bs. for $2.50 ~INIBEFÂMIIJY WASH COMPLEI'E 251bs. ' for $4.50 The, Reliable 'Laundry W ~SUUUR 't4-*'sSDU mW8 AVE COAL NOXW lh The TimeTé Order Y cme bhg in ym momme ud we cousiqiply YOD 1IAID WOOD CHUNKS MlAPLE BOARD ENDS 7sme fo r aise«orCook Stes EGG AND-NUT COKE Bust Sutitute For Bard a AIl)ÇKnds of Good Soft CÇaI ~Phone 47 LIBERTY VILLE ~ ~dA. Am i. 1. ula.u.g»mue reukt aveit à ~*a nuw b-odod 4 mevur " à*, J A New EDISON The Gif tShe Hasý Always Wanted! YOU are certain t oc»oase the right gifý îf it is a New Edison briaging the -worlers beautiful music inta the home, o ve mood of the col1ing yea-s The New Eclion Re-Creates-'the actual tones o! &moaus artiats as ne other phaogrfaph can. It is the perfect resuit of Mn. ElWoss $3,000,000 research. Surprise her with this attractive Baby Console model -on Chnstmas mornaig. Carne in and talk aven aur Budget Plan of piyment. DECKEFR -& NEV ILLE Telephone 55 L;cersvville. III. You Are Invited to Joie 0 This Club The strain of trying to accumulate enough nmy for Cbristmas in three or four weeks is as great on oýRscIf as on your purse. Prepare for next Christmas graclal by joining ane of oui Christmas Clubs now. Thesè have been successful in providing hundreda of people. whïo can spare only a sinail aumt weekly, witi sufficient funds for a really enjoyable Christmnas ceilt yerjoin 1oure of ýour Christmnas Clubs ad pay i neeI4 tà amnount that suts your purse-a f ew cents or a f ew do8layý Attdm end of 50weeks, you will be sunrised at thesiteof Our chieck to you. which will represent the accumuaiçsms of smal amounts you've neyer iise, plus interest at 3 per cent. Peter Boakieman and son, Fred. 4 1were in Chicago Friday. Mise Lois Whlpple af Evanatoa vis- SWilltanis. Short Items of Especial rInterest to Libertyville Peopce Mrs. Peter Mowers vas hostesa ta Uabout twenty-elght relativesetat big Misa Lilian Kiepper a a v.âltorl Hernai Englebreeht vent ta Roch- Takgvn inr ln Waukegsn 8atjerday arternoan. ester, Mion, BUn4Y ytUvlnz. ta Un- Mra. George Wehrenberg and son, I o, fogtte ac o ogvndergo an OpMrtign at the MayoBrOs. 'Junior, spent Monday ln Chicago vs et aqwoth n riay veiC. 49-r, liter, Mir. Raymond Ketébun. Mr. and Mia. George Wolfe, who P. T. Hidleon and A.C.umrta Mr. ani Mr«.REort Plots enterlain- have been residing at the Porteous were Waukegan vlastors on TusdYe. the foUovtag Sgsta Thankogivli! home, have moved to Waukegan. evening. day: Mr ,and M .Clydé W. BrOwn, Mis ans Wlppe a Evnatn vs IJ. P. Browning and asud two grand-1 Paul Kohout of Notre Dame tUnlver- iss uthai iiidorlohy ais 1aisnS, Mr. asUdMs GeeStedman; ity, ment Tbinksgilng wth bis par- Thuniday. anid -Wilp und Edwird Schwartz, the enta, Mr. aM m i.Joseph Kohout. Mi" Frances Kiepper vas a Chi-ltera Mr. and Mr&. Leo Drury and Mr. and cago visiti on Saturday atternoon and, The local Boy Seocts »ied them- Mrs. Walter Whltney ware ln Clelago Sundayisilves but heu&rissi ftan ln re- Tuosday t*p#tèd tlabig tttk show. pairlng their-dabiS 1*= Y' Woodi. Jo. Alkofer snd Mi»s Edna Blere jat nlght tam bout a t1* ln the' a- Jaem idver, of Lake Villa, wrias vlaitedi rlands la Gurnem ltest undiY 1.uamt i vra bouM in paylng frat Palm Beach, FUa, that ho la an- 5.teiiiOaii gaines, mter vsi uSU"bit tihe hay." joylng bis star ln ihe Lunihino etate. Mi. Agnes Sgeflma ansd Mra. Annsa They retwrned home eail' Sunday. aMi" etelloi .agwortisy <of DeKaib. Deltisra rare Waukegarisitois ane P, T. Hldi A. L .1 OartGUYsuenithe bmTankssiviag holudan wlth day lait w.mk. WilimsE. IL. «er 1sad 'o. J b er parents, Mr. and'Mso. E. T. Lang- Fanor M tilat boras. cali W. P r am ohm sttended tl b~ivigban. woIthy. zen. We handie the lest 00.1 obtaln- qUOt givOa 8Y t iÏledgàFeOderation Want ta taaa a trip ta the. lae able under the preseat conditions oi ai MusicIens ln WaflkegSU. on Ttiesday ree<>.-? Cali Sisar, pha. O êA30 À » the coal market' Place your order evening. T4M report la tisat they aie 1>gb aueed bus &t your service. Taxi- naw. W. F. FranzAn. Puons 50. 49-lt en much thàt they won't vaUt any- cab cellesaveredsdi or xight. sat ttng more ta at 'titi liext Thanks- Montgomery LeGoit ipf Chicago vas givins. Mr. and iMn. Walier Whiney, of a gueet at tise Charles Kiejiper home, Manhattan, KMase.are visiing t the Thankaglvlng day. The W. C. T. U. wrt meist ai the home af thm formera niaiser. Mrs. M. E. cburcb Tiieiday atiernitoa, De- iabeth Whitney, snd other relatives. Mr. andI Ms. Fred Smth, Mrs. Nell'- cember 12tb. Mm ia.bbOtts, COWitY, Tbey will retura to tisait Kansas home Doebler and Wiliiam X ~.,motoi ed t,> .dmj>1, ofLake Vos-mt4 vIl be prea- Sunday. Hghland Park Suriday. ent and gîve a repart af tbe National1 Mis AientMefennotio! aukganConvention. recently hald ln Philadel- 1 For coal thai burns. cali W. P. Pran- Mr.Alberait se omotof ..akensj phia, and ai ber visit te, Washiington,!I zen. We basidie the hest ,coal obtain- aud Mrs.at telhoer Muùears, sun ay. D. C. -F.veryone la fvlted ta attend aNc under thse present conditions ai ilM eerNbes jna. tis rmeeting. the coal market. Place your order nov. W. F. Franzen. Phonie 50. 49-lt abMr. and MrB. P. R. Tripi> lefi Tue%- The fourth annual bazaar of the[ day for Fairoaks, A4abamý, viner, they îLutiïeran cb<rch viilb.ohelS Dec. 14,1 The PLrcnt Teacher Association i vii n-aso~oi1w-ss.i.~ifliit inluil hrche parlor. Baie viii Open meeting viii ho helS ai the Granimar 14ee Amea, *bo bas been vlitng for at 12 o'clock. AU1 donations of fancv sciloF'rlday evenlng. December 8tis. 1 r u il, ~.,.ssîî" Oi.s)ost. buSlebogtThe bus.nosmeeting wil b e beiSat De los Aines, bas r-turned ta his home, in Dec. 13. if possible. Lunch will he; 8 o'clock, and Dr. Murray of Evanstauu in Atbea. WIs. sel-ve(l, conisting ai chop suey, baked vvII speak. Llghi refreshinents wiil beans, sandwiches, donghnuts, appue te sersed. Consut the Chiropractor if you are and piunpkin pie, cake and cafie slck h vii ay lu. uue<aiL A wndow garden can hu a source of your alimenta may lbe i.A. oi erlu2 pesr,,andi pride ta the bousewif e. force. If su, ChirraCsLC veriebrai ad-' arwn thlnsta ike winter ap- justments willundoubtsd.y belpi î o igtb J. HHeaInCbiaprc~o - 9 pear lesa bieak Let ns belli You make J.H - nCiorco. 4-t1your selectian'of apprapriate Plants. M.and Mra. Edward Needisainorh Libertyvilie Flover and Vegetable Co. G v home ai the latters pa.esul.s, Mr. and(__________________ Mra. Charles Johnson. There viii be a special metin a ning ai 7:15, at the home o the ScoutO W S Smehn Mahier, 319 McKnley avenue. U e u John Larsert, rei.ding on Lake sireet i tis avillage. unders ens. ausuperation for appendicitis ai t h L -ke CoutYF r hrsmas Genaral hospîtal Mondai mining. Ur.Fo Ch st a Larsen le guiting alang fiue. Mr. and Mis. 0. "P. E,'itslzor enter- tained tise ioliowing u,utivea .ast Sun- day: Mr&. James Gannon. Mu. L' E VER YTHIN.G John WVynn and d,.uAter, Beoss,*allai' O N ~ ' O E Evansion.à Marlon Janes, living an the Dr. Ames aim nrh fthe vidage, lef i Monuay D adsPo u t for Chandler, Arizona, to anen, thse D .W r' rd vnter. Marion bas been a uitile u On-A CICHO m C. O0 . Carlson der thse weaýher toi, suwse ijuse. td FRM TCUHO WI expecs ibhe salubrluuis cin î.e of the MSaIOnmnCl!ad - dry state ta iestore hlm ta fui vigor. Md dOnmn OdM ,Wfl ,* lie wll remain until n.xt A"rit. Foirer Tablets, Muto- Man taIras is farnîly ta -show; CAiMPhoO « eu vhen h;8 famlys large it lattes some "dougl.' We set hlm ws8e, veil bave yout knov. NOW ha entertains vii AUGU T R DL F a Radio. Utuertyv 'le Battury Station. Plioe 150-R -:-Lihurt7vdl Suplies andI onifits. 49-l - Tti.eber up g1oey Walrond's 541 N. MULWAUKUtIAVE. [flefter lot us Mhstawftr..tzqpwiom îwus and ake * t-sné Mm <a nw o0". Libertyville -Auto Repair 1 aoIL mm oru Caps, 50c to $1.50, wooI GIovosis Mitttens, 25c t 2 .Siikad E Linen Ribbed Hose $ 1.00' French Seamed,,:Hose, $1.50 È Lace Bertha - - - $ Hours 8:.00 A. M. to 8:00 P. M. EW. W. CARROLL-& SONS' COMPA1N 1=Ephone 29 Lilaertyrille, IiL Sec Next, Week's- Paper for Luce & Son s Big Sale of Holiday Goods.... SOMETHING NEP lin Store" Maànment From today until January 1 st, we wiIl pv you 2 cents on every dollar cash you spm< at duis Store. This wil save you mnoney. Also give the children spending money.. il-