LmffERYvw u rED~EmMKjT.MMY, DECEMER 7,1922. ________________________________________________ ii u!> tracher under whom he. oserve>! as T EL na je rirst deount lr. ris rne e 'I¶ 1IU~ j~suiu Wotrnes Nk. l'ears§aii'g fints euy MfTRESfT IAINQ QOfficers Whono vday %anty r. lne a e OCOIEE rniUîhi postio vithout oppopitiofl. M 9~1482 rIuvT icolneir New Ternis TRI3EI> MUD I3RER 1' 'edthi psitio nd eShina I but jiever however, a severe fight. 'y TaA.iiec.snow coUring hs sth terni, Cut ug P.L. Pei-sons hb ng now served 12 yaB CoutyJugu- (c-Ic tedWas Praotically Foreed Into lThe uffic- ot Sherliff iled by-Mr.n ~~rsfrom TreasurersaRc rbt ug-atnDee nxyce eUto llrmI n ftoeofcsl Re- PoaeJdg-ae ekr n ~cetdPublic Life as ResitII .ht h£incunbautlcanflOt suc- ords Reveai Big Showing Qfice and offieer). Daîn-ee. ihiMe!elf. 1r hsrmtu for OffIoe. Treasurer - Ira Pearsail (succeeds Roy I igDéd i, Eed rner J. Green> who bas URCigpsBrchr) Lve for adventure madie Elmr .1 :,eriff >uring the pas> fouIr 4ônyCekL .Hne r4 ce) Greens a siserlff. In fact It force>! him ,ir;; antd abo beidth ie office of FOR ia YAR Cunt Clek-L.A. Hnde (re&cctd).te take the position. Wisen a mern, belit rany years lrior te his ................ Probate Clerk-'John R. culc (el re- boy hae want gunaing for a mIur>! 'rer H >'>1>'Cs5r El51c J. tlniffin.. Mr. .....1,4199 office and ficr.and cisase> hlm n p a trse.' Ther" lie -(re ç'ewas Siserifithe' past fou 1è 0kept bibm Until gshentChas, Webb 're <riffin wag Stttilff tise previ ... ..... .....18420.1 Sheriff-Edward Ahlstrom (stieceeý ,s Eliner.J. and! a posses surrmdO>! the trée. The 0>1 tour years an>! Green watt %ber- Green): murderer wiii carry to hie grave ', 1f! foir ypftrs prf-ceediitg tisat terni. S 0@2 9bilit front reWns gun. In ail Mtr. reeild ti!the.office for ...0....... .......... # 315.nU Spe tendent of Schools-T. A. Simpseon Sberiff Green retired f ront of'ice fght yearr white Mr. Griffiti bard PC iMonday. àfter a0rving ase sherif and l',h office for tweive yens-s. DUiifg Âppomteded) 1 underaherifi oenthnuouIittitne 1910, 'io of Griffins terrn-Greeni wa# ...........Deputiez pone although hie serval! about 14 Yeara 'rst >1 zuty and Griffin was fOrees 10~............. -Deputy Treaurer-Roy Bracher. prier te that tiue as a deputy. firsi deputy dus-lu tise laut tern, 923054801 F»~t3)<~flLOnhf T Jne 40, 1880 tisO moat dastard- 71e ciîd net serve as filet deputY »àTIRS&T FRO BAN$ O Fin Deuty herff -. J Stal. y murder eover oornmltted tln Lake bitring Gifflns firat term as Sioriff. IITK US FN BANONN ifDeut robt Jek M. Roan - n. County stirre>! the enttne commun- 1. 1;pertntedaiut of Schols. T. A. CONT MN~ epty obteCer-Ms.Road unl tY. Shuhol SwM ta>!>! bis wife, an zo1w as enternu bis 5th term 19*...........ODeputy County Clerk--J. B ope.art <couple liviIn the nortbwesterq 'ver tli,' tpa aent. ... ... ....art8.1 1ofsc ' Waukegsii, ere beatan te ............... 1A"9 deatIL wth a place of wood. The>* ********** cl. uses laitte "Niggsel S miths. He at- * A G T C TOA ........871"OUI COUNTY OU Stemplet s lnzdea podea bheaded ! TOTA............ISherif Webb. You Green tockn the hue an>! cri but hoe went out* àa jouer County 'reaaurer ROYi New scounty officiaLs Monday eiiter upon new duties. atone. Ont ln thse country, ns""r Ion't fonget thea doapes et Wads - B ace teipe>! fnom oalce on Mon- Oter i Spantings Corner, lie ighted Sntt, worth on rday evening, Dacember 9. "àY an>! turne> tise keym over teO0 e county officiais icnev> the work taîcy have been wiso faite>! te hait. Green pulle>! his good muni.. Everybody corna and! N lma Pearsail bis succassor. h ha ba> un g u~on for some vas gun and fine>!. BSmil altiPad te a have a gond Urne. Dancing froni 9 te 1. th mlmtaros.w g ht enaarby tree ln tae sltdow of wh eh Marthe, Van HaeCka. Editar etbab arecord ln i.5.i jTews oHhe aiha>!been idtuLg.an>! cIib t>'i» shtcoe!Wenua lsa euaThaee Aday, therefore wsimportant t ft taxpay(crs Green kept hlm tseed Untit the p e'îk~gpas-ty giv loid ensd i th ea Csty ln tise mater of tumi gand al]i county offieiais for the reason that it marked arrive>! Tise ciavernens ut Graee so iankive G aswre pgiaed n>!thees- sointereat andfurlusaka oitit.a îw"g" nwscrilenLk oîîs please>! Sienif Watb lie sctuaiiy ;,rad. Gcookiere nd cocond ere iv to thethaipaeyeros Lake t*lnt":a ne rforce>!a ewreanodtonLrun for shery*shi8taItteri sheifguesta'- f >re Mrs an coco Ftore erand It >evelops tisat, ln tise four years,, redGent u 1 gssvreMs.LFload (slie(.iiiy of tat ~ o ue~t olTiers Nid a h ail atointed hlm assaaisaitiff. He djgT r tn adMr.T ad tisaI Mr. Braciser bas been treasuier epciviniview ofthe faet t big omajorit.Il hgher dn ad rs T adfieC ise bas îurned over su thse (Ceiuttl et-tIlcreate hto rht Judgc ani i>Pohatc 1r -,ii sa ovci> n! etnc> "and son, JOhn. Attbi afn 0f L.ka abut tor ' . tu prison ïor lite. He was pardona> lma in case tisatcaine from 'inttre.1 I Tlie U' 1>01 h otnyhc rase pitatr32yas rcr o lnt i ha xn, ion ast week. pal> by tise J>nks on countY lundi")litOloftecuiylîdr'ce oitatr1 aas eodfo1egh ~ a and '«be tw \\11ýl(ýil \va rvies ary to (.ea e litst s b(_ service in tisa p nitentiary t Jolet - e u.ar u t an>! -tise twohe txe ntailofharge e l<iei sî,esîyt rau '~~ >"Durng fh s Ibrea termes as sheriff g..Utes. Colletyhtetis a aesiit fisragLaitecasit, itlî th(- increased population the W'îrk Of 1t11Vreen hin>! ed -theasuimona' in the ,>e Misses Xirgin*a Van litteci> in ltY"wiet is euto h e ojIý rs hadause! iaproprtin \ i'e <'as o."i:n(e Lan Stuait. trIed bere ..u,, ,,,IgareL Nelientgen of Chicago lwin h Lisetutid esDut ethnew o LUcurshd sucdapopriti"hy <mIdrand acquitta>!. a, e y enjoyable Veek end aithtie ira.îï, wiibapi cs ut altse Cuàvi5§ynot la' handlî'dproperly by one offiivii. Th"s tnîc lie :-ated thse office with lmer .,stCtCbni". raurthntrouglihe u rceàth aw t(>ehne - smde ad Lake nty îuîdei' J_ Grif lunwho als&retire>! as uiter- ,ssoie o tise district isavng coin- 41 rauetia I i ctis ereolpceâa te t(<lag' is a n~ t <11sheriff fthtis sanie tue. De- .. i ýs, ur' Thanksgiing dinner Vere t a t'. sotidecof. etfe in Mr.the ncw era means a stride forward. GnIOle aise serve>! tirea ternis as ... -...>t.>rs. Novak and Mr. and Mi. BIsce'sfice a utie ais. dur siseriff. and! was a batitf under Sien- . ... .oias, Mr. sud Ms-s T \(huder- ingtcherpst our eas.encae> U This paper desires to congratulate the ncwv county if Webbh 36 Yeats ago. Ha was lirte . ... &ai îamily dine>! 'wLt Mrs. Et?- comparative foures y htears. frilsan tos bwo have bk i e-eletet'dto offive atected! shin u1898. Hae'oas sisen- 1 ný tsiOrtyitld. Mn. and Ms-s. L.9 scomravet Mr.ure iictsa ooficaiatice(5< i Iff ln1916 wisen William Orpat wad >i. ou _in>!famiiy ase dine>! vith rata- abowed tisat lntihie totai of tour and n t mail the success possible ini their endea' or. trie>!bise for tise mundar of Marion L..s ut (;range Hlait stus-r.eroht M.bacasol fc dws i bn.iseLake Forette'cime-e s. cher Mack spent bis vacation witis coy t s rBaer as crdoik'ctu éanteofc fshrf c fiiistp notoIîl tudent. asho as faunit poison">! n L- iwi ra. EizabethsMack, in tcoty n rs-en an>!dun>!erinte' lht in the person of Edward Ahlstrom. an oVerSIeaS the wooda near tise scioot. Orpet ti a the four n tItart a an>! e)àrtvanntnisge rin zk ci-it a .toqted' atter ana of tise r r' ls' priiteaisî. r. MLu is or y e oisnirman ho ptuaiyaoghsfr"n~ nlieetiyunusu5.5traisa ver bai>!iitutisepart _.g., toienan of tise br«!ger aredneasoâ wre, Mn. 01ourset tth as concliîsi\t clv roved by the sniendid %vote given hini of tise cju..e. di.covered his s oot baclY swotli tBonship colect86ionsdi t core ts a te,. ma i. 'Dur-n,4 ha s36 Yeats sservice aàa - .,.sii ,xamnnauion àsttL.e Wauite- toWushîi' coltecttoitt dsd not corne .s~at the prinia ries.bailiff, deputy and! ahisltMn. OU ..S.Gsîa l eeua> iaSic> Ifinuiùthtie treasurera office >uru*,..fin neYe. .a opeidt na - u.,Li t develop!. ue boo Mn. as oîiu~gia Urne.Mr. Allsti-om is a husky chap, mwell liked, verY 'guis un a ,r..oaran>! neyer hail a ......,or la III 'ltistise quissa.1 affabe an lia cver earark hichinuîl ho xpeeed :il de..iety., DeptySiar!!GriffUs has becornfe t a waekis vsat t ut 4amîunt PofZ.0ltlaî leei.afbl n ia %ey amr Wihwu cepetdMs. B. I. Mss-ais retus-netiTueisday 'wlli t»> Ulagr titan any connîy ephi to make hi an efficient sheriff of this -coinlty. Not only a tfa,...'er a.en b-fis retirarnant ..t a8ide ut <gO« Colnty.Tiis rjuil lias li size .lîseist-ally, but bhe *a-eniy1 sges stht'eSiserff green wilU go fuite thitai5 .t. n!Ms atr le fCn 0-Itnatt enedit on M. Braher's sinst ap ln.Y. asiate iuueàs vils ieison, Guendon aar. a .n M tie nr Witi M Cn. ient> in once.. -esiy giny rnstteri to, handie this iti 1otatitt nillR. ula. osa. ~ ara Wlk * ileuat ofte coiitiittousdises vih<'<'It >,Iiîîs'f nd.î g. 'oînv W b'ict' , »as Wilke s~~mo sien s nterest on couuty fuhc ith er* -'"-iý,lt ohiief n t h uatt.Webliv es lua ow Ie tayO As, MsAI bas beeu befora tise pub" 1h .1 !~ ,iîer>,o,<, in fact that hewl'ic ~ prove himself tè aeaIae hg;L i ýc b ies ers i l f ntraitu~ ~a iiist effivient officer. SCb.casoo r -à-aw.utn fil- I . e e sîiî ..theeUnsea.o byt <ialatebtiks n III the lu office of robate .1iji 1MartnLC. Deke.,"nd 1fr . .2,wî <loni>meys ahicis Mr. jirciser Of'Y idgc .;C. I)cunuekcr bas turn- n>!l. ~h usltnM;ts¶ ct'y in Chaner" dnil City Attornîey 1 , ni.tored te Wa-, n.a S..sday Interes on Funde tif North Uîia"o nd has becît \'-ey lîruil ent i1 te j NDULiiLU MONAY -j asratres-aso0t..r OLum Insasîgatioi of hisesreports show tt eîsaîmsts wpotînuOtu..loaataamuda tisai itauer as Ms. Biaciser it.- " tOtl1li 10.iiiiYyas sue hs e oiio!M tuw- oa J udà eurtIlintlisterent frntishe vsrIouq Ilh, fl(,\, k' ia 1<.ime l is expel-ietlf'O in judicial j ç(ont flue>!tram Page one) 1s.o..nttImkrec pntts w n banat u taise<'onui lie 10-insui î.' 'd Mats rof Chancî'rv 0. $t42.fl of ibis ameubith ie itlt<l'<ti tli2l i h tîg eal S.wll. i-" . ii,~wstii his s,er.Dorothiln leE.asctu. d.sri.uî,n !uun tsafor yar undlu ut > levciali atters tiakrs him cp q'iyîuali- sL4.., e"s' A.aptoieipr. wtt a andws,. .. k . .-future,'atr.i 5 w 1922 ................. ied t14, i tt1 $his îîew position to earl'v Otit the,-<iiti> S Abs L .ketemaned 192 ................171118ilOf he ffiice with eredit te hiniseif «and the c<snty. it. h,ýre nma, ais. ise soute deàuLt aI* P*R*A*1*R*1*E*V*1*E.W 10..................... 1.hIl. îî M ekcm letcn a0"' hch j~tise -conty. 1919 ................ ...... S7 4is gwiîertaily iithat M.Dcr let(nwsoe he 'jýeMille. _ogh ou u o -_8_74_4__ ilmeet with general approvl land tîtat ho wil m ir eicOme,-- .>!"atnion addrs...'Ileguts et thul~e u... S.'.'» TOTAL ..............II 73.4y13.IWWlî dintisstatin.tc tsa. a isedattenonewta. 35. t.o .Ls- . Fred Tonw .in- a.ssdttei New» flule Was Operative ta. aegooI nisus poitio. fa .s, . .x.thren ais a.. àâS'a..&.. ,.....s. s -s. C .b5is,35 Il 10- recalled tistai A 1w yea rsAiLt.t5VL5 tii. L.rae Con p.bo, tî %-", ttas!Mr s . asA. ts.C.Mist back. tOiiowlag several critical sit. In the newiy created office of prohate clerk .Iuhfl iaurt LtDrco k te ounti Lis - .- out. .len. m É (.. UAi@5 U hOU'B8~'i@5lt, is R ullock wbo fhastserved as l)eputy ('stflt (ier o aeile iapaaedohlvi- rs.a. . s iason la spendju tisaWins- Bo~,1 Suervions asie~ geat maîiy years assumes the, taitk(if directing th e 10Caseti qa . hers>ays-. .Ite.' .11 -tt.ssda.ln WAa.A.' pi' i Coul'1rusu IM1 lE CHANGE* Mma W. J. Sentir was a u.an.a v a:ff ~ evrtie - r.Bulloak hia made gaM.,a *Ue oenan1.. t v5QtLs>ws. -ff.rsof *bis dprmftgo >robte lcrs wrg e 01~o>~ ... ....~t.. - 'csa. ,.i..'. ,>"--, 1t,-4: fficieiitOffi~Who Retire After Yearsol Soe àertif E. J. Green and Deputy Sheriff E. J. 0* Both of Whom Have Served a Domn Yem B ol As Sheiif and as First Depit y, ta>! pm; tks s be iM 1u e d jury r tise le.4 Gady WU M"> ul àII MIe tu *1 .Ila tieCeunI'. baisa. Mr ourppý«avoeen et an>! Il shWItveg :W ha 'ti l.t payera have rafe in tMS - iUUpedt visu eras. 5 boli nev mule *f85> i'urs aMo airop ttAt 0rPUtt1*1 bhepochatis or tite Tb@i> amUli-as sown yens- DYV ye5i ltistbove "ototal figures "P t -Wt oets latevet pal>! bi'tise béisphaandth>Ie.surlus aven ai. '1'b.srae affecting tis tunsutt aerniolln~frtrmtise batiCoe in te ewoantivas put Us offset, foi Jawln'Vueaaur.r Watusta ad-5 »dsnUU I - obained th@Iseeor drnts t#è atratioms orMn Iltrwlsr A49l. mcl3mougt. à* hoas . pepu trabo= e ttà .ý aoing tisat h.olias CU& 4>m'.e',ata oMreslisa ai' satîsu soiy ma effcient.nianner antil U ita te ta* payera bave procure>! a It.t,.tta'sai from t lula "0as>*Ut Pis orcunaofrte accounta. VS.N. IORE LIE Twe damxaesusaie vre tua>! Mon- dey in circuit court against lhe t bU-ugo. Norti ShBore & Milwaukee maitro es> cpan.soute pasqiieti. of Highliand! Park, 'fila>! sut for tond0 onriaitegeipermanent ln- -jui:a ha receive>!' visotihie truck vas struçis liia Nlorth Sisore trate at wSioflinat t- ott crniîs Hlishwood' Sept. 28..ci! tbla i'asr. Tise otiser sui t lfo $1.0m" fi 5v ponte xn>! Johin Pasquisi, for etatageit ailege> t a Sa- ebeau sus ti1 ~ttoi-ut8O m tiseintrucks vas 4c- moitais.>!. lailed wîrk which he had charge of in ('oflnty. Clei-k te p. ovie two a>!!ioaidCo .~,or Lu Arma Mondai' Rt.rnoon. Bendee's <office. Mr. Bulloek's -famniliarity witb the ..LO.,111,. F8015103*i<se ... ae n m.rset probate eIex'k work at once places; hint in a position .to Ot It-cb ore ldùe ark d1i,& I 0 Tskai>' t g Gwitsve. SOran!, r-.arry on this -new offiqe'very efficieiitly and withoilt speCtive!Y tiy thse couty Iudgo n Man n . H., Wiliams sptnt at veymuch need of delvIng into the details neeszliry cquàL&ue.amieon the tr io nev s.m, ter maehsofc fiin.offloas s' ne C:cs;ted and! tiey vAte Mai 1_ Emmsa Dyar roturne>! from Can- » makebis ofice eficiet. * Onmlly iY lie>! tOUay' hi'Mêssr, ada ami ait.apen>!this nte: uttishan _e.r an>! Bulock.. mo.llîac. M.:$. Iiny Bs-Ookmai. To the office of ecopnty judge and superintendent 0f 1 Lntheptimanies vison tise si10 Ms. IFr.' Davis ipet thlie 'osaIteau> schoos Jude Pe s u ad T.A Simnpson were re-electttd t'on sas ca-le>! to f111 tisera>n%'e 'oih reative ;uR Cicao. Mn. Day 9 atehlst dg Peros T. A. 5cinc ad tdin Ofie t. watt a content on for went t" Chicago BaIns-day nigisi.an>! andon thevsteaLade rough thereflielYh. candi, at' s Seing NMOarc a Osk , Pv. an>! Mn,. Ioten spant Tu.esitay amongthe oterscf Lke Conty.Chas. E. jack end> Jamtes G. We4cil avopitsg 'oltisMr. an>! Mma Mac MuAon., nooposition 1 teJoia Roui- Prairie Viewsw Sait O as In the office of county treastirer the votera of Lake FO Probita i lent bovoo is Cointy bave seen fit to eleat raPeral woha % ho S1 ere!a feua Wa recaive>! our wnitUsI papars front Served as deputy county treasurer tinder Mr. Bracher. ( outu t (ictifon Mani'y ' n t'ut Mondai'. Mutr. Pearaili'8popilarity in the cotlty W. . t c rlY pest nt hasee[no 5peCial eater ps.'.' ac'so"lan>! ta atteniting tise Grid. - dl ien f tia Cort Hua..Mn. Thot, 'ho were absent for tisa 'ovei tttestçd by his splendid vote as <btained at the pTimarv au tise esult of tlse congested éon Ipi' scisool again. and bis expeienee during thé past four yefirs ag de"tîV 8tllock'il i rectlh Probe mat 'w:ne Edwu 7010 ose n et Foote, 'Ç- couutv treasurer makes it very ha.rdy for him to go affne sera bAs issit a de i'am lrecSait. V Li n>!ats-rman>! he ofie cf! treaffurer te, carry on tlîis responsibilitY fra' s aht),uli Connu'1 desk. I ceava>! oun go'>! stazii,* tat with credif and with a degrçe cf efff<iency whicb wII i'>"idme Nut!p" wll b> fonad Iite ee paýr1q1 and iv thrn ver' outty Cort reiota viso Ju'ig' IW. have not bieen out to work ou profierly proteet the' tax p n v he vr esis sto sn th ie 8111> o"' ras "'.dy for sont-'tîse. conveniellce that miay .anise in" that office. erviSOr rrom visen lispQ urvis- Our ne'o teatlhar'5nDame ta mise orF are nai cing tistai iné- or in anoy. Couny CerkIlenee as e-élcte wihoutopp- fct.any ai han place In tise court W Inie It is avlug ho' lunches a-an buwhe 4P ronti'a avallabît" vi> T'Ueday. Rutshamn san>! Cln>!rela sition and that shows he is regarded as meust efficient, probste maliens coma np for bear vw'- «-A oing thse 0a"oin'. 'oila and he untu tnge Is is in lsiw of tise co- a.siahwasisert. state and lias filled the office with credit to, hiniseif and. ge'sted r<onditton that CitunI y OTIC '! f-r-et tise d!ane. ai. vV.' iraara yi'siouii't tokig forw"'" rorth onPdn>ay evenligaDnme' to tise tlIme uen tise novCou-i Go -d mus c. iivonyb-îdy r,ni' s'il th vtHa use anitionwIl bpecmplota>!. l-<me. Danc ug 'tom 9 to 1. Taken as a whole, therefore, fthc personnel of the THEIR TERtIO ____________ newofiers and the re-elected offkcers 'who tssuîme office lu In he ca'e cfri iilge Pensons h"'o"ý"' new îîi'e eo- arks his cnt ancé Inm ie 4ttî 1 t<day is one whicb will refleef credif on the entii' ecouinfv Irm. Ha e his>! doppostioni se- andonhevtr as weii. If is fo be hoped thaf n»ch~ tion uRse rat opposer. neitiser oire of those officiais wilJ le able fo carry ont the dutios vwas 'he oppo'ti aItise primiarieb. of bis offie to the déirree of efficiency which is bis o! course, a cni'ttV tPaaurpr n ambition as he steps into place sa. iseear uetq- s ri W'a At Prices You Can Afford Ti I112 h. p. Wothlnitton 2 h. P. WatIloo Boy 3 h .P. Stover - 3 h. p. Worthin.gton - e Ail Magneto Equippel Schanck Hardware Csi Phone 39 [IWSIIRIFIS WÀR ISDEMAXJ JIONORI3D AT BIG ON PRQMOIU Other Newly Ftpitp-d Officers Chamber of Cn.lmeroi Also Were Gppcqi,; of Honor nish inforrv"ntinn ot ait the Affair. by Vitil[pn'te Ck Ab u l5 tinte ,md 't' ." t erm ting War against Pro-'totfl t Ille' Couti y ci "n'>i ntgbtital tok UIhaae ! i mmc ~ ~ ~ ~~ " rt 0fSeif 5i n Ansrmgan IbraUgsts isr's ho as induci d c' office on Dan. mrerçe On lfô't""tlOlt fUs 4tb. jtisa National Vlr5'a"s crt Whiititae>innc ' s's given by wasannoutce>! Moday Il 'tjee>!,. utMn. Ait"0fltise otier Tise dtcii rewIv edcciv> ! ot"î"r0s wèea alothrOtgis ais reDresenutln u ets f isonor i"'-v ft W a'c li n u tise Taxas OU ffeldu ,s*à lireside>!as ioasto'eef"" atn>! seneel'- tlance eomInttlaa WUI mn '>1 u iiisandlitg t,,, 'r n hin cainpalgn lu evary otyt wait known hiîttrous wv. 1tny. Tisey fla" o Tables were seltfro- about 200 but' touring tisat SeCtIOti tOC 'n nl' 150 attante . T ho. lkelee Girls'n, îel"U b a n* rîtrish>! tse uqirtelirr'gotttisa Prevant tisai saling aloq evt-ning assiste!b%,tirbers -of atisecnti ie af 'oral jazz rciert s " P ru leni en- Inlfom il ,On t1sir B t tptainment uns r,lte tie featsrit of maenvs'Itave 'ft lie evenli, AfOcte le as.lie>ip .-csemnes Of MSaESleS to* lielsie! their diine, t'le n<twiy 400a>!. îisrouh lte 111 ruestq were called en for siso-t ta"Is. Chambrsf(omp8' Amrng ,thseorisiia'>t s"eakPe'S -!» charnesil f» 4,- 'ovrp Rev. H. EL. Gv1ste-'*,who p 'o- ;; atias'qa 'nonc>! tisa tnv'a"t*'1 gri l ened'e- io~u1rt o tion, F'aher J. B . ('emnt. lt A. r-nie mat bas no UitI t Smith, Stites -"tr' -P Jti>'aof 'i committea. r"a ttin C. Denke- Duke Nolait. E3- 'Thse s visa hae b u e State Rep.esenttlv>'5 Wrn. P.lit lia wined1ý , M Wveiss antd W. F.Piece andIl-, f.(, ~of jatl.aîAXasO** 'e! tisougi thotise boaheri a i- s!'--e"'t'pîLns te 3bpssntePfiêP iu insr bu ntend,">! sttcI5'1,_y ae&ILO aid an i tPl, b c iep >,',.ts of liseur a ti evenine ' 'he local huirai8 *1 aef f Ai]sIt-ain lIs a-tinsili îs..e a to m tte flu P rît>! i' a go'> star be receiveit au a î,,tî.ýatîou on tiatai eait f .o-n lits fiMntii. an>!den-veoe Stai aisci racalve! oue fronthtisa pi-" sçcurce, ti.sa nsfa tntprissent- to hem durng tisa aveilîns. unîbogtLe'Jl Tie INDEPENDENT a o-ad biv "orth on'Vri4d.fa van_ p uiutepeOpte tita u) Otthe.pal-riniGouai10 olti-O. F._,kt connU ' havo ; dtixm il